over 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

Hey guys! Some of you have voiced some feedback about feeling a little missed sometimes when it comes to us making or posting updates on sites like Twitter. Since we understand that some of you guys prefer to only use the forums we’re going to maintain this sticky thread here as a master list of all of the recent tweets so that you can see when we make them and what was said.

I will try to catch all of them as it will sometimes include tweets from accounts like: WarcraftDevs and Watcher himself or any other dev that posts something I think might be relevant to include in here.


over 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

any new about Coldlight Surfrunner pet from Island Expeditions?is the last pet i miss and yet 0% of player base received it,also 2nd time murloc appear on Whispering Reef,feedback will be appreciated!!

There are different Murloc tribes in Azeroth, and so far, the kind of Murlocs that could drop Coldlight Surfrunner have not appeared on Island Expeditions.

over 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

Regarding being able to transmog fist weapons to one -handed weapons, will we be able to transmog one-handed weapons to fist weapons also?

Yes. In Tides of Vengeance, fist weapons can appear to be maces, one-hand axes, or one-hand swords, and maces, one-hand axes, or one-hand swords can be made to look like fist weapons.

over 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

That’s a mistake right? That’s not intended, is it?

  • Vanish no longer procs Subterfuge

This was not intended, no. We’re working on a hotfix for it.

over 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

@ WarcraftDevs Can’t see the 7th Legion Scouting Map at the vendor but ma guildies bought it earlier. Did I miss something?

This item (and the Horde equivalent) was temporarily removed due to some issues - it’ll be back soon!

over 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

I am wondering if there a reason why the amount of AP needed to level my HoA did not decrease this week like it has every other week.

The intent of increasing Azerite Knowledge was to provide assistance to catch up and unlock Season 1 Azerite powers. It’s now at a level that does so, and will resume increasing when Season 2 Azerite items begin appearing on January 22.

over 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

We have reverted yesterday’s change to require Profession skill for using high iLvl crafted items. This will be a requirement on future items, but for now you should be able to again wear the crafted gear you’ve been using.

over 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

the PvP title
NAME the Elite CLASS, added in 8.1 will this title only last for the season, or is a title for keeps, once its earned for said character/characters of said class?

Elite titles are only active during the season in which they are earned.

over 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

can we get some sort of acknowledgement on the changes that happened to the qing system? really frustrating sitting incredibly long q’s, its really obvious that something was put in place to prevent you from playing against the same team. my question is why?

We’ve noticed this increase in queue times as well, particularly for highly-rated players. We’re currently investigating to find a fix, but this was not intended.

over 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

Weekly for 4 mythic dungeons only gives a normal cache now?? Used to say heroic historically, was this intended or should I wait to turn in?

It’s still a Heroic piece - this is just a tooltip issue (which we’re working to fix).

about 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

Our Tides of Vengeance Update Notes now include all of the content available with this, the start of Season 2 and the new raid:

about 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

Please look at tuning on Stormwall Blockade.

It appears that a PTR tuning hotfix for the Stormwall Blockade encounter didn’t make it to the live servers. We’ll be applying that hotfix, and we’re also reducing health and damage of several portions of the encounter, shortly.

about 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

Did bursting get changed again?

In a hotfix on December 14, Bursting went from 10% to 14% of maximum health per stack (over 4 seconds). A bugfix late in Legion had removed occasional extra Bursting ticks, but made the affix something you could almost ignore. This change restores it to its original lethality.

about 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

Hello! I just found out that there was a PvP Illusion reward for reaching 2100 rating in Season 1. Will the Dreadflame Illusion also be available as a reward in Season 2?

Yep! The Dreadflame Illusion is still available in Season 2 by reaching 2100 rating.

about 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

Head over to our hotfixes blog post to see today’s hotfixes affecting Mythic Keystone Dungeons, Invisibility Potions, and Azerite Traits in PvP:

about 6 years ago - Ythisens - Direct link

The 50% buff to traits in pvp, does that effect already decreased traits? I.e ret avengers might trait was recently nerfed, has it now been reduced further?

The change made today overrides any earlier PvP-specific balance changes made to those Azerite Traits. For example, if a trait’s effect was previously reduced by 55% in PvP, it is now only reduced by 50%.

about 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

Aloha! We don’t want anyone who wishes to know what the developers are posting on Twitter to miss a single update.

So we’ll put them here as quickly as we can. Here’s the WarcraftDevs twitter feed:


about 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link
about 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

March 5, 2019 -
We’ve just updated our hotfixes blog post, including a significant change to the Twin-Pipe Buster Cannon:

about 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link
about 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

March 13, 2019 -

Yes. With the introduction of stat templates in Legion, xp-off players couldn’t get a significant advantage over xp-on players, so we combined the brackets for low level battlegrounds. Now that we’ve removed stat templates, we’ve returned xp-off players to their own bracket.

D T @NeroosED

@WarcraftDevs Have xpon and xpoff characters been separated again in BG’s?

about 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link
about 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link
about 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link
about 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link
almost 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link
almost 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link
almost 6 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link
over 5 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link