almost 4 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

We’ve identified a number of items that were disproportionately powerful for their item level, especially going into Shadowlands, where reaching max level should come with new, more powerful items to wear. So we’re making the following adjustments with patch 9.0.2:

  • The Heart of Azeroth’s secondary stats have been reduced by 20%.
  • The power of several legacy trinkets has been reduced in all content. The effectiveness of the following trinkets have been reduced by 15%:
    • Dead-Eye Spyglass
    • Harlan’s Loaded Dice
    • Lustrous Golden Plumage
    • Peerless Alchemist Stone
    • Tiny Electromental in a Jar
    • Torment in a Jar
    • Vial of Animated Blood
    • Writhing Segment of Drest’agath
  • The effectiveness of the following trinkets have been reduced by 25%:
    • Azshara’s Font of Power
    • Corrupted Gladiator’s Badge
    • Corrupted Gladiator’s Insignia
    • Galecaller’s Boon
    • Manifesto of Madness
    • Vita-Charged Titanshard
  • The effectiveness of the following trinkets have been reduced by 40%:
    • Ashvane’s Razor Coral
    • Highborne Compendium of Storms

These changes are testable in the Shadowlands Beta over the next week, and again, will be effective in the live game with patch 9.0.2 (tomorrow in this region).