over 3 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

Soon after the Castle Nathria raid went live for Normal and Heroic difficulties this week, we discovered a bug that was causing an unintended additional amount of loot to drop. Due to this bug, bosses have been dropping an average of 5 items for a 20-player raid group, when an average of 3 items is intended.

Throughout the design and testing of Shadowlands, we’ve had a consistent goal of bringing a similarity to the rate of loot acquisition that players experience in each of the main endgame activities: Raiding, Mythic Keystone Dungeons, and PvP. This bug, if left unaddressed, would prioritize Normal and Heroic raiding over similar-difficulty dungeons and PvP progression.

We’re developing a fix for the issue, which we will implement with scheduled weekly maintenance (Tuesday, December 15 in this region). Neither the bug nor the fix will affect Conduits and Legendary Memories, as their drop chances are determined separately.

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