about 2 years
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Dragonflight patch 10.0.5 is now live. Please read on for a list of known issues that we’re working on, and further information about this update.
Updated February 22
- Druid
- Players logging into 10.0.5 as Balance specialization may be unable to use or select some of their Talents in the UI. Logging out and back in will resolve this issue.
- Rogue
- Some Rogue talents cannot be untalented from the UI without untalenting the entire Class tree. Players can also make a new Loadout to avoid this issue for now.
Companion Pets
- A bug has caused Ichabod to become completely unavailable.
- An error will occur when players leave a Trial of Style before it begins.
- Items converted by the Revival Catalyst may unintentionally retain their ability to be converted.
- The upgrade preview for War Mode or Storm items may display a higher item level and stats than the player will actually receive.
- New legacy Legendary items rewarded from quests or drops, such as the Warglaives of Azzinoth or Shadowmourne, have a higher item level than Legendary items that dropped prior to 10.0.5.
- Developers’ notes: our goal in fixing this is to raise the item level of existing Legendary items that dropped before 10.0.5.
The Skinning item Elusive Creature Bait is temporarily disabled for a bug investigation and fix.
- Attempting to apply a weapon illusion sometimes doesn’t work.
- Corsage type wrist appearances do not properly display in the Transmog catalog panel.
User Interface
- An error is preventing the removal of a recruited friend in the Recruit-A-Friend window.
- Dragonflight class set bonuses are disabled but will appear active in the tooltip while inside the Mage Tower challenge.
- While the Trading Post is not active yet, the Traveler’s Log tab will appear in the Adventure Guide with an incorrect tooltip.
For those just returning or who otherwise need to be caught up we have guides for both new and returning players.
As with any update, it is important to make sure that if you use addons that they have been updated.
Helpful links for various tech issues: