about 2 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

In this thread, please post your feedback on the revamped Warlock talent tree, once you’ve had a chance to test Warlocks in the Alpha.

Thank you.

about 2 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

These trees were built to emphasize the strong thematic and rotational gameplay that is already present with each specialization.

That said, we are making a few changes to address the pain points we’ve experienced while playing and concerns that have been brought up by the community. You can read more about these changes below and our thoughts regarding why the change was made.

  • Core Changes
    • Spell Lock in the talent tree
      • With Dragonflight, we’ve removed Spell Lock from Felhunters and Spell Lock is now available for Warlocks to learn themselves. With this change, we are aiming to allow for more pet diversity in content where Felhunters feel required like dungeons and PvP.
    • Dark Soul is not in the talent tree for Dragonflight intentionally. There are a few reasons for this:
      • All Warlock specs have access to a powerful summon cooldown that interacts with the rest of their spells where Dark Soul increases a stat by a large amount. We prefer to keep the interactive spell.
      • With cooldown stacking, a high percentage of overall damage is boiled down to the cooldown window. While this can be useful for bursting, but damage output outside of this window tends to be lackluster.
      • Across the classes there are new active spells which we are both excited about and equally cautious of causing keybinding issues by adding. Finding times to pull back on active spells is something we’re on the lookout for.
    • Shadow Bolt and Incinerate base damage has been increased
      • We’ve increased the damage of Shadow Bolt and Incinerate significantly and lowered modifiers from various talents. Our goal is for these spells to feel more powerful without having to ramp to see benefits from casting it.
    • Shadowflame
      • Shadowflame is returning; however, we don’t want a short-ranged cone spell to be a rotational for a caster, so we’ve removed the damage from the ability.
    • Affliction
      • Vile Taint revamp
        • Vile Taint has been reworked – Unleashes a vile explosion at the target location, dealing X Shadow damage over 10 seconds to 8 enemies within 10 yards and applies Agony and Curse of Exhaustion to them.
        • With this change, we aim to allow Affliction to ramp up faster in dungeon gameplay especially in combination with talents like Agonizing Corruption and Sow the Seeds.
      • Deathbolt is now a base talent
        • Through Deathbolt and its modifying talents we aim to give Affliction an interesting alternative to Malefic Rapture when the situation calls for single target damage.
    • Destruction
      • An Alternative to Havoc
        • We are exploring an alternative to Havoc called Mayhem. It’s a passive that gives your single target spells a chance to deal 60% of its damage to a random nearby target. The goal with this talent is to give a more passive two-target option for players who would like to opt out of Havoc gameplay. For tuning, we intend for active Havoc gameplay to be rewarded over playing with Mayhem.
  • Along with these changes you’ll see both new spells and some old friends returning. Soul Rot and Decimating Bolt will be coming with us from the Shadowlands, Dimensional Rift returns from Legion, and many more.
  • While the core rotations of each specialization will remain familiar, these talents offer new options that will allow you to modify your gameplay and choose what’s important to you.

Welcome back to Azeroth, Warlocks. We look forward to hearing tales of the chaos you’ll rain down across the Dragon Isles. Be sure to let us know your thoughts, our Eye of Kilrogg will be actively watching your discussions.

about 2 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

From today’s Alpha update notes:

  • Soul Conduit refund chance reduced to 10% at max rank (was 15%).
  • Destruction
    • Backdraft now affects Soul Fire.
about 2 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

Greetings Warlocks,

Our Eye of Kilrogg has been watching the community discussions unfold over the past two weeks and we have several changes that we’re summoning into this week’s Alpha update, based on the feedback we’ve observed. There’s a lot to cover with Core and each Specialization tree receiving significant changes, so grab your Healthstones and let’s dive into our grimoire of updates:

Core Tree

We took another look at the Core tree and came to the same consensus that a lot of the community shared: while it was cool to get access to buttons previously unavailable or completely new, it created a lot of button bloat and added some additional mechanical complexity to each rotation. In lieu of this, we’ve cut out a lot of the throughput centric talents (Devastating Bolt, each of the Pacts, etc.) and introduced (or re-introduced) some utility talents in their place. Here are some examples of spells you can expect to see:

  • Soul Armor – When your health drops below 35%, the percentage of damage shared via your Soul Link is increased by an additional 5%.
  • Demonic Resilience – Reduces the chance you will be critically struck by 4%. All damage your primary demon takes is reduced by 15%.
  • Abyss Walker – Using Demonic Circle: Teleport or your Demonic Gateway reduces all damage you take by 4% for 10 sec.
  • Fel Synergy – Soul Leech also heals you for 25% and your pet for 50% of the absorption it grants.
    • Soul Link has been divided into two parts: Fel Synergy and itself (the damage reduction portion). The reason for this change is Soul Link offers too much value for a single talent node. That said, Fel Synergy and Soul Link are very close to one another, and neither are multi-rank.

Additionally, the following abilities are now implemented and testable:

  • Summon Soulkeeper (was Summon Jailer) – You gain Tormented Souls periodically and as you slay enemies. Consume all Tormented Souls to summon a Soulkeeper that periodically blasts nearby enemies. The Soulkeeper’s lasts 2 seconds per Tormented Soul consumed.
  • Inquisitor’s Gaze – Summons an Inquisitor’s Eye that periodically blasts your enemies.

We’ve also rearranged some talents, such as moving Accrued Vitality and making Demonic Circle much more accessible.

By removing excess throughput from the Core tree, we have more freedom to funnel it into the specialization trees and focus on amplifying each specialization’s rotation.

Affliction Tree

Our primary goals with this pass of Affliction are to remove a lot of the button bloat introduced during the first pass, remove excess rotational maintenance, and focus on Affliction’s single target toolkit. With these goals in mind, we’ve removed: Deathbolt, Death Dealer, Pact of the Nathrezim, and Malefic Wrath.

With space being a bit freed up, we have some new talents and changes that we’re excited to get feedback on:

  • Creeping Death no longer decreases the duration of your damage over time effects.
  • Malefic Affliction – Malefic Rapture causes your active Unstable Affliction to deal 5/10% additional damage, up to 15/30%, for the rest of its duration.
  • Doom Blossom (a choice against Dread Touch) – If Corruption damages a target affected by your Unstable Affliction, it has a 10% chance per stack of Malefic Affliction to deal Shadow damage to nearby enemies.
  • Dread Touch (a choice against Doom Blossom) – If Malefic Affliction exceeds 3 stacks, the target instead takes 20% additional damage from your damage over time effects for 6 seconds.
  • Soul-Eater’s Gluttony – Whenever Unstable Affliction deals damage, the cooldown of Soul Rot is reduced by 0.5/1.0 second.
  • Grim Reach (a choice against Wilfred’s Sigil of Superior Summoning) – When Darkglare deals damage, it deals 50% of that damage to all enemies affected by your damage over time effects.

We’ve also rearranged several talents on the left side of the tree. We will continue to watch for feedback and will be tuning as we continue to test.

Demonology Tree

Overall, we’re happy with the community’s reception of the Demonology tree but have some changes and iterations we’d like to make.

  • Demonic Consumption has been removed and replaced with Reign of Tyranny.
  • Reign of Tyranny – Active Wild Imps grant 1 stack of Demonic Servitude. Active greater demons grant 2 stacks of Demonic Servitude. Demonic Tyrant deals 3% additional damage for each stack of Demonic Servitude active at the time of his summon.
    • Demonic Consumption was largely invisible in terms of how much power your Tyrant was getting and encouraged utilizing defensive cooldowns offensively for maximum throughput. With Reign of Tyranny, we’re trying something that is more visible to players and with better, controllable scaling.
  • Guillotine (was Hold This For Me) is now playable and available for testing.
    • Your Felguard hurls his axe towards the target location, erupting when it lands and dealing Shadowflame damage every 1 second for 8 seconds to nearby enemies. While unarmed, your Felguard’s basic attacks deal damage to all nearby enemies and attacks 50% faster.
  • Ner’zhul’s Volition has been updated.
    • When Nether Portal summons a demon, it has a 2/4% chance per Soul Shard spent to summon an additional demon.

Destruction Tree

Like Demonology, we’re happy with how the Destruction tree has been received. We’ve implemented many tuning changes for Destruction, and a few changes to spells based on feedback:

  • Backdraft now affects Soul Fire.
  • Dimensional Rift is now in the Destruction tree as a choice against Chaos Incarnate.
  • Combusting Engine has been removed and replaced with Explosive Potential.
  • Explosive Potential – Reduces the cooldown of Conflagrate by 2 seconds.
  • Chaos Shards has been removed and replaced with Scalding Flames.
  • Scalding Flames – Increases the damage of Immolate by 13/25%.
    • We’re removing Chaos Shards to ensure that Destruction’s Soul Shard generation is at a healthy cadence rather than overflowing.

That’s it for now! Thank you for all the feedback and discussions. We’ll Demonic Circle: Teleport back here when we have further updates to share.

about 2 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

Here are the development notes for Warlocks in today’s update:

  • Class Talents
    • New
      • Abyss Walker – Using Demonic Circle: Teleport or your Demonic Gateway reduces all damage you take by 4% for 10 seconds.
      • Gorefiend’s Resolve – Targets resurrected with Soulstone resurrect with 40% additional health and 30% additional mana.
      • Fel Synergy – Soul Leech also heals you for 25% and your pet for 50% of the absorption it grants.
      • Resolute Barrier – Attacks received that deal at least 5% of your health decrease Unending Resolve’s cooldown by 10 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 20 seconds.
      • Soul Armor – When your health drops below 35%, the percentage of damage shared via your Soul Link is increased by an additional 5%.
      • Demonic Resilience – Reduces the chance you will be critically struck by 4%. All damage your primary demon takes is reduced by 15%.
      • Summon Soulkeeper (was Summon Jailer) – Summons a Soulkeeper that periodically blasts nearby enemies.
      • Inquisitor’s Gaze– Summons an Inquisitor’s Eye that attacks your enemies.
    • Removed
      • Pact of the Annihilan
      • Pact of the Eredar
      • Pact of the Imp Mother
      • Decimating Bolt
      • Dimensional Rift
    • Changes
      • Rearranged various talents and created new pathways and choices.
      • Claw of Endereth is now a 1-point talent.
  • Affliction
    • New
      • Malefic Affliction – Malefic Rapture causes your active Unstable Affliction to deal 10% additional damage, up to 30%, for the rest of its duration.
      • Doom Blossom – If Corruption damages a target affected by your Unstable Affliction, it has a 10% chance per stack of Malefic Affliction to deal Shadow damage to nearby enemies.
      • Dread Touch – If Malefic Affliction exceeds 3 stacks, the target instead takes 20% additional damage from your damage over time effects for 6 seconds.
      • Grim Reach – When Darkglare deals damage, it deals 50% of that damage to all enemies affected by your damage over time effects.
      • Soul-Eater’s Gluttony – Whenever Unstable Affliction deals damage, the cooldown of Soul Rot is reduced by 0.5 seconds.
    • Removed
      • Malefic Wrath
      • Deathbolt
      • Death Dealer
      • Pact of the Nathrezim
      • Deliberate Malice
    • Changes
      • Rearranged various talents and created new pathways and choices.
      • Sacrolash’s Dark Strike now extends Curses by 0.5/1 second (was 1/2 seconds).
      • Creeping Death no longer decreases the duration of Agony, Corruption, Unstable Affliction, or Siphon Life.
      • Soul Flame’s icon has been changed.
      • Vile Taint’s cooldown is now 30 seconds (was 20 seconds).
      • Calamitous Crescendo is now a 2-point talent.
  • Destruction
    • Infernal Brand – Your Infernal’s melee attacks cause its target to take 3%/6% increased damage from its Immolation, stacking up to 15 times (was 15%/30%).
    • Rolling Havoc – Now stacks up to 5 times (was 10) and lasts 5 seconds (was 8 seconds).
    • Backdraft – Now affects Soul Fire.
    • Chaos Bolt – Damage reduced by 30%.
    • Incinerate – Damage reduced by 30%.
    • Dimensional Rift – Damage reduced by 30%.
    • Immolate – Damage reduced by 17%.
    • Rain of Fire – Damage reduced by 17%.
    • Shadowburn - Damage reduced by 50%.
    • Conflagrate – Damage reduced by 15%.
    • Soul Fire – Damage reduced by 25%.
    • Fire and Brimstone – Incinerate now hits all enemies near your target for 13%/25% damage (was 7%/15%).
    • Mastery: Chaotic Energies – No longer reduces the Warlock’s damage taken.
      • Developers’ note: With its access to powerful defensive talents in the class tree, Destruction Warlocks do not need additional survival bonuses.
  • Demonology
    • New
      • Reign of Tyranny – Active Wild Imps grant 1 stack of Demonic Servitude. Active greater demons grant 2 stacks of Demonic Servitude. Demonic Tyrant deals 3% additional damage for each stack of Demonic Servitude active at the time of his summon.
      • Guillotine – Your Felguard hurls his axe towards the target location, erupting when it lands and dealing Shadowflame damage every 1 second for 8 seconds to nearby enemies. While unarmed, your Felguard’s basic attacks deal damage to all nearby enemies and attacks 50% faster.
    • Removed
      • Demonic Consumption
    • Changes
      • Ner’zhul’s Volition has been updated – When Nether Portal summons a demon, it has a 2/4% chance per Soul Shard spent to summon an additional demon.
      • Nether Portal’s cast time reduced to 1.5 seconds (was 2.5 seconds).
      • The Expendables and Stolen Power have swapped places and moved to row 9.
about 2 years ago - Kaivax - Direct link

Some Destruction updates in today’s Beta:

  • Rearranged various talents and created new pathways and choices.
  • Combusting Engine – Replaced with Explosive Potential.
  • New Talent: Explosive Potential – Reduces the cooldown of Conflagrate by 2 seconds.
  • Chaos Shards – Replaced with Scalding Flames.
  • New Talent: Scalding Flames – Increases the damage of Immolate by 13%/25%.
about 1 year ago - Kaivax - Direct link

In this thread, please discuss ongoing changes to the Warlock class in the Guardians of the Dream PTR.


  • Grand Warlock’s Design has been redesigned – Summon Darkglare cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.


Demonology’s damage profile is currently too reliant on Nether Portal and Tyrant windows. In Guardians of the Dream, we’re redistributing this power to other parts of Demonology’s rotation and decoupling the synergy between these two cooldowns so that they can stand on their own rather than being dependent on one another. We still want Nether Portal and Demonic Tyrant to be impactful, powerful cooldowns – just not the only source of meaningful output for a Demonology Warlock.

  • Gul’dan’s Ambition has been redesigned – When Nether Portal ends, you summon a Pit Lord that serves you for 10 seconds.
  • Grand Warlock’s Design has been redesigned – Summon Demonic Tyrant cooldown is reduced by 30 seconds.
  • Ner’zhul’s Volition has been redesigned – Demons summoned from your Nether Portal deal 15/30% increased damage.
  • Demonic Knowledge now has a 10% chance of causing Hand of Gul’dan to generate a Demonic Core (was 15%).
  • New Talent: Volatile Fiends – Implosion deals 10% increased damage. Bilescourge Bombers deal 20% increased damage and your spells now have a chance to summon a Bilescourge Bomber.
  • Summon Demonic Tyrant has been redesigned – Summon a Demonic Tyrant to increase the duration of your Dreadstalkers, Vilefiend, Felguard, and up to 10 of your Wild Imps for 15 seconds. Your Demonic Tyrant increases the damage of affected demons by 15% while damaging your target.
  • Reign of Tyranny has been redesigned – Active Wild Imps grant 1 stack of Demonic Servitude and active greater demons grant 3 stacks of Demonic Servitude, up to 15 stacks. Demonic Tyrant deals 10% additional damage for each stack of Demonic Servitude active at the time of his summon.
  • Inner Demons no longer has a chance to summon an additional demon during combat.
  • Demonic Core is no longer baseline.
  • Demonbolt now grants the passive Demonic Core when learned.
  • Shadow Bolt damage increased by 30%.
  • Demonbolt damage increased by 15%.
  • Vilefiend damage increased by 15%.
  • Bloodbound Imps has been removed.


  • New Talent: Chaosbringer – Chaos Bolt damage increased by 8/15%. Rain of Fire damage increased by 5/10%. Shadowburn damage increased by 5/10%.
  • Chaos Bolt damage increased by 15%.
  • Grand Warlock’s Design has been redesigned – Summon Infernal cooldown is reduced by 60 seconds.
  • Madness of the Azj’Aqir has been removed.
    • Developers’ note: We’re removing Madness of the Azj’Aqir and introducing a new talent, Chaosbringer, that increases the output of Chaos Bolt, Shadowburn, and Rain of Fire. Additionally we are adding damage to Chaos Bolt baseline. We’re doing this specifically to decrease how penalizing movement can feel as a Destruction Warlock while also making these spells feel more impactful.
about 1 year ago - Kaivax - Direct link

With the PTR build that went live moments ago:

    • Affliction
      • Umbrafire Kindling now lasts 20 seconds (was 12 seconds).
    • Demonology
      • Soul Strike has been redesigned – Your primary Felguard learns Soul Strike: Strikes the soul of the target, dealing Shadow damage.
      • New Talent: Shadow Invocation – Bilescourge Bombers deal 20% increased damage, and your spells now have a chance to summon a Bilescourge Bomber.
      • New Talent: Fel Invocation – Soul Strike deals 20% increased damage and generates 1 Soul Shard. The cast time of Summon Vilefiend is reduced by 0.5 seconds and your Vilefiend now deals Fire damage to nearby enemies every 1 second while active.
      • New Talent: Spiteful Reconstitution – Implosion deals 10% increased damage. Consuming a Demonic Core has a chance to summon a Wild Imp.
      • Imp-erator is now a 1-rank talent (was 2).
      • Malefic Impact is now a 1-rank talent (was 2).
      • Pit Lord’s Felseeker damage increased 40%.
      • Volatile Fiends has been removed.
      • Power Siphon now prioritizes Wild Imps that are not Imp Gang Bosses or empowered by Summon Demonic Tyrant.
      • Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope (2) Set Bonus has been redesigned – Demonbolt applies a Doom Brand that explodes after 20 seconds, dealing Shadow damage to nearby enemies or Shadow damage to a single enemy. Hand of Gul’dan reduces the duration of your Doom Brands by 1 second per Soul Shard spent.
      • Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope (4) Set Bonus has been redesigned – When Doom Brand explodes, you have a chance to summon a Doomfiend that casts Doom Bolt Volleys before departing. Each Doom Bolt Volley deals Shadow damage to up to 4 enemies or Shadow damage to a single enemy.
4 months ago - Kaivax - Direct link

In this thread, we’ll be testing and talking about Warlocks in The War Within. Look here for posts from the development team as adjustments and bugfixes are made throughout the testing period.

Please note that off-topic or inappropriate posts will be strictly removed.

The War Within Beta

All classes’ Hero Talent trees are available for testing. Please keep in mind that this is a Beta environment:

  • There may be UI elements on the talent panel that are placeholder, including things like talent icons, text, or final UI art.
  • Some talents may not be functioning yet, or may be marked as not yet implemented (NYI).
  • Some new spell visuals and audio may still be a work in progress.
  • There are some talents that are not fully tuned yet. This is expected, and we will implement tuning adjustments throughout testing.

The combat design team has two big areas of focus at this time:

  • Finish work on changes to talents, especially wherever Hero Talents still need adjustments.
  • Fix bugs that are blocking testing of new talents.

Working from Feedback

Alpha feedback thus far has been of great benefit to us.

Now that we are entering Beta, our focus on Hero Talent trees is shifting away from reworks and design changes and towards tuning and refining. We want to thank you so much for all the forum posts, videos, and discussions all over the internet. Your feedback and impressions have been invaluable for bringing their identities to life and making them fit into what you love about the classes you play.

We are looking forward to hearing from more of you as you get a chance to try Hero Talents for yourself. We are specifically interested in feedback or impressions on these topics:

  • Hero Talents that you feel are “required” for your spec in a type of content, such as raiding or Mythic+, or that push you towards picking a specific tree. This could be due to damage profile, utility, defensives, or something else.
  • Hero Talent trees that you feel are either too strong or too weak in power level compared to other options.
  • Hero Talents whose functionality is confusing, unclear, or difficult to track during gameplay.
  • Hero Talent choice nodes that you feel could offer more meaningful choices.

Again, Thank You

Feedback throughout the Alpha test was highly impactful on our design of the game, and we look forward to refining every class with you in the Beta. Thank you!

The World of Warcraft Combat Design Team

4 months ago - Linxy - Direct link

Hello Warlocks.

This beta build contains several changes that have been implemented based off feedback we received over the past few weeks. Before we dive into those though, we wanted to thank you for the bug reports that have been sent in. We are continually working through those reports so expect fixes in this build and future builds.

Without further ado, let’s get into some of the changes you’ll see for Warlock in this beta build.


We’ve redesigned Doom to be passive, like the seasons 3 and 4 tier set bonus in Dragonflight. The primary reason for this change is to reduce the increased number of actions per minute we observed during playtesting. Additionally, Demonology has a lot of plates to spin as it is, and it felt that adding an additional cooldown to watch was a bit much.

It is also because of this reasoning that we’ve removed the cooldown reduction for Power Siphon from Blood Invocation. Further, Blood Invocation caused a desync with most Demonology’s cooldowns.


Summon Infernal has returned to the center of the Destruction tree to serve as a powerful cooldown for players to look forward to unlocking while leveling. We’ve returned Dimensional Rift to the third section as well with a new talent that adds cleave functionality to your rifts.

To retain accessible pathing through the center section of the Destruction tree, we’ve had to remove Infernal Brand and condense Crashing Chaos and Rain of Chaos into a choice node.

Thank you for the feedback and we will continue to keep an eye out for any further feedback and discussions.

3 months ago - Kaivax - Direct link

We’d like to call your attention to adjustments we’re making in the next Beta build.

    • Fixed an issue where Lifeblood was giving Leech higher than the intended amount.
    • Hero Talents
      • Diabolist (Destruction/Demonology)
        • Felseeker damage increased by 360%.
        • Chaos Salvo damage increased by 420%.
        • Wicked Cleave damage increased by 830%.
        • Ruination damage increased by 70%.
        • Infernal Bolt damage increased by 70%.
        • Destruction
          • The duration of Diabolic Ritual is now 14 seconds (was 20 seconds).
      • Hellcaller (Destruction/Affliction)
        • Wither damage increased by 15%.
        • Affliction
          • Wither damage increased by 35%.
          • Fixed an issue where Wither was benefitting from the Destruction effects of Socrethar’s Guile and Mark of Xavius.
        • Destruction
          • Blackened Soul damage increased by 45%.
      • Soul Harvester (Demonology/Affliction)
        • Soul Anathema damage increased by 35%.
        • Demonic Soul damage increased by 35%.
        • Wicked Reaping damage increased by 50%.
        • Fixed an issue where Succulent Soul would persist after changing specializations.
        • Fixed an issue where Feast of Souls would not grant a Succulent Soul when granting a Soul Shard.
    • Affliction
      • Unstable Affliction damage increased by 45%.
      • Darkglare damage increased by 55%.
      • Fixed an issue where Phantom Singularity was not correctly applying Infirmity to secondary targets.
    • Demonology
      • Wild Imp damage increased by 15%.
      • Demonbolt damage increased by 55%.
      • Demonic Core now has a 50% chance to grant a Demonic Core when your summoned Dreadstalkers fade away (was 35%).
      • Fixed an issue where Shadowtouched did not benefit Felseeker, Implosion, Gloom Slash, or Guillotine.
      • Fixed an issue where Demonic Brutality would not increase the critical strike damage of your demons.
    • Destruction
      • Chaos Bolt damage increased by 20%.
      • Shadowburn damage increased by 25%.
      • Conflagrate damage increased by 25%.
      • Incinerate damage increased by 15%.
      • Ritual of Ruin now activates after spending 20 Soul Shards (was 15).
      • Fixed an issue where Rain of Fire could damage enemies through walls.
3 months ago - Kaivax - Direct link

Greetings Destruction Warlocks.

Due to an increase in the Soul Shard generation available to Destruction, we are seeing that Rain of Fire is overtaking the role of Chaos Bolt as the primary damaging ability in single-target encounters. To address this, we have deployed the following changes to Beta:


  • Pyrogenics now increases damage taken from your Fire spells by 3% (was 5%).
  • Avatar of Destruction now generates 1 Soul Shard Fragment every 1 second (was 0.5 seconds).
  • Summon Infernal now generates 1 Soul Shard Fragment every 1 second (was 0.5 seconds).


  • Destruction
    • Infernal Bolt now generates 2 Soul Shards (was 3 Soul Shards).

We will continue to watch and test and make further adjustments if needed.

Thank you for the feedback!