about 5 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
16s [Music]
25s [Music]
43s [Music]
57s by the weight of the void
61s [Music]
77s [Music]
93s leave the reservoir until it is desert
96s dry
98s [Music]
115s [Music]
121s he joined with me destroyed her shame
124s the compliment I love they come not ah
129s [Music]
141s [Music]
159s [Music]
168s [Music]
184s [Music]
213s [Music]
231s [Music]
237s [Music]
247s hello everyone and welcome to Xbox one
250s at one is my hair hiding the mic
254s alright so far
256s setting alright welcome to stream got my
258s coffee thank you for joining here off to
260s a great start I hope you are having a
262s wonderful Monday so far
265s who's that people in the window pardon
268s oh yeah I think it's a pun on my name oh
273s nice try
275s thank you for joining as usual helen is
278s the disembodied voice of Lulu hello
280s hello how was your weekend Helen it was
282s a good weekend overall a lot more pretty
285s huge brought a lawn mower
286s that's a purchase yeah and I have to use
289s it yeah can use it on Sunday when it was
292s super nice oh no way I went to my
295s cousin's birthday party instead ok
297s that's alright that's a better idea like
299s it don't get to it alright let's jump
301s into the week report what is going on in
303s console and what is going on in warframe
305s console update currently is insert this
308s is our interim bill so it's kind of like
310s a halfway bill it's not really a giant
312s one it just kind of is playing catch-up
315s if you will so it has the Atlas deluxe
317s it also has arbitration changes it has
319s 1000 gen in it and a bunch of other
322s stuff Danielle thank you has posted the
325s forum threads for ps4 Xbox one and
328s switch they're all live in the forums
330s just the status thread to house all that
333s information and that is where we will be
334s updating you as well as on our socials
337s we will updating you on the status of
339s that build when you can expect it and
341s all of that great stuff you can see his
344s chin I don't even know if this skin
346s really gives him a chin it dries it
349s gives him a forehead but not so sure
352s about a chin but who needs a chin when
355s you have arms like that I no longer has
359s a neck he never really did more like a
361s fivehead him and I can relate big
364s forehead oh I'll they see your teeth I
366s also see teeth as well
367s well I won't unsee that
369s what's that I didn't see the teeth no
371s and that's like the first thing I saw
373s was like my do it has teeth and
375s obviously his head looks like a lipstick
377s yeah I agree with that too he kind of
380s also looks like like us like a club like
383s a like a pincer yeah what's that pokémon
386s what's the site there evolution on oh no
389s what's the pin pin sir Pokemon mather
394s evolution is scissor
395s oh no pincer is the one okay pincer yeah
398s he's like a spiky claws spiky head dude
401s oh and hair cross also mega pincer I
404s meant that looks like a capacitor mega
407s pincer mega oh yeah he got wings all
414s right Alice just needs some wings and he
416s could be mega pincer kind reminds me the
418s mouth of Sauron absolutely actually
420s that's a really good says or is the best
423s Pokemon that's the evolution of sight
426s there right yeah yeah yeah right there
429s and Pokemon I was want to say go now
433s what's the original the original
435s original but one snap Pokemon snap
439s hard-to-get site there that was a time I
442s do remember mega pincer sounds were like
444s a digital one doesn't have Mon at the
446s end
446s come on oh I keep almost dumping my
450s coffee every time I that's okay I
451s remember correctly mega pincer actually
453s sucks Wow Kyle oh those are those are
455s fighting words put the butterfly wings
457s on Alice oh you guys are so smart you
461s should ohh great dude oh it's not teeth
463s it's his moustache also very good cute I
467s really want to pokemon snap remake me a
470s to autofire oh what a gem that was our
474s pokemons Digimons because i have mana at
475s the end but they don't all I think all
477s Digimon have Mon I think you're right
480s like yeah yes they're called Pokemon but
484s their names like it's not Pikachu Mon
486s and Bulbasaur Mon you know I'm saying I
489s think that's the difference they got to
490s have them on yes Alice really think that
492s clock is hiding anything it's a pretty
495s skinny cloth I would agree alright so
498s sorry that is the insert for you guys
500s for console we will let you know
502s when it has passed sir and when he can
504s be expecting this build so stay tuned
506s for that
506s ten o'clock 2019 digital pack is live
509s the event itself is sold out we are
510s exactly oh no we're exactly two months
515s away this is the two month mark until
518s 10:00 o con 2019 and that makes me very
522s nervous
525s did you do you want to say what you are
527s is it a subscribe yeah I'm being boon
530s yeah I remember you were trying to talk
533s or you were talking about how you were
534s gonna try and do is crazy
535s yes situation I have plans you I'm
538s excited I really wanted to cosplay as a
541s little duck that's a big project wait
544s little duck yeah that's my problem
549s little I know I think a little duck are
554s you to Co because not spoiling anything
556s but we have similarities you do phone I
558s you know but I don't know I might just
561s not do anything to see myself I don't
564s know it's a lot of it is a lot yeah and
567s like honestly for to know people are
568s other than see this the most human like
573s to do like warframes very mechanical
575s very and I cannot do that but that's so
577s hard who is you to Co you really Kyla
580s you to Co is you gotta give her a
583s fortuna okay hey any word on art gun
587s ribbons for consoles well when you get
589s the arbitration changes you will get the
591s art gun ribbons that are part of the new
594s store for arbitrations you know what I
596s mean you're gonna have a good British
598s accent I think we're you just you're
600s egging me on cuz you want me to give you
602s a British accent which I won't she cause
605s boys Megan from de you know I don't
607s think I'd really be good as that I don't
610s think it would I don't like at the right
611s fit
611s she's so weird wow I only speak assured
617s they're awesome shade the worry bear I
619s won't do the accent
620s not yet team Lucas maybe once I get
623s finished my coffee yes yes just kidding
631s Helen hasn't I know hell's accents are
632s so good mine are trash they always
636s an Australian or something and I don't
638s know what rough I'm trying to take can
642s you cosplay as Steve I could I could dot
645s on a beard shave my head or wear a bald
647s cap probably please have a beanie on
654s some kind of band shirts some jeans and
657s I'm good to go
658s I got it I could do it I'm not sure I'd
662s want to be in that all day something why
664s do you hate me from the 70s I don't hate
665s you I never said that I don't hate you
669s I love you hate you are wonderful we
672s rated you last week and you had a duck
674s mask on and I was I was living for it I
677s live for you from the 70s oh just get a
680s pool cap to fake beam bolt yeah I don't
682s think I'd I don't think I'd roll the
684s whole nine yards and actually shave my
685s head I would do a bald cap absolutely
687s good move good move
689s thank you sing baby shark I don't think
691s I can sing it all weekend I introduced
695s it to many people and they weren't happy
697s about it who's ready for Christmas
699s though me me I already started a list of
701s new movies to watch moving on
705s Equinox prime access is live the newest
708s prime strat of our prime and the
710s tippy-toe prime are also included also
713s the prime volt is been on see local volt
715s prime low-key prime and all the primes
717s that go with them on an auto prime bow
718s prime worm prime etc accessories as well
721s are live in the program and the relics
723s are also in the game and then Pokemon on
728s my screen cool
729s he's spring featured dojo contest is
732s live what is this one going to oh not
734s well it's about I think this is the last
738s week don't quote me on that I'll double
740s check for yet but then we'll take
741s another week to choose the winner yes
743s take a hot minute yes I won Photoshop
746s with Meg's Steve gosh man like just
749s Photoshop my face on Steve yes that is
754s until this Thursday okay
756s and this Thursday so if you and your
759s clan mates want to participate in the
760s spring feature dojo contest make sure
763s you do that before Thursday get it in so
765s Helen can look at it yes hey and
768s exciting news we launched the episode 3
771s of the deconstructing podcast we're back
773s we didn't do one last month because
776s there was some Marcus was on vacation
781s Kenny Marcus loved you know there was
783s just times weren't working out to record
786s so we didn't have one last month when we
788s do have one this one and it is with
789s George Spanos and Erik Preston of our
792s audio team I learned a lot from them I
795s learned that Erik Preston worked on the
797s sauce 7 movie which I did not know we
800s talked a lot about how he used carrots
802s and pudding cups and stuff which is
805s disgusting but we also do that in
807s warframe so it makes sense and it was
809s really awesome talking to them I love
810s kind of all the little behind the scenes
813s stuff about sound because you hear it
815s well for me you hear it and that's it
817s but for them they work on it they have
819s to find something that inspires them so
821s it's really cool to listen it's a quick
823s I think it's under 25 minutes we're
826s trying to do them a little bit shorter
828s Kyle oh I know I saw your comment about
829s you wanting it to be longer but we kind
832s of want to keep them between the 20 to
834s 25 minute range of listening and I think
838s the next one the next episode will be a
841s part two of the audio because they
843s talked a lot which is a great thing and
844s I love it and they had a some really fun
847s things to say also a lot of advice for
849s people who may want to get into the
851s audio industry the game audio industry
854s so I know Marcus I believe is working on
857s a part 2 which will be episode 4 that is
860s with Eric and George as well who voices
863s you to Co I honestly cannot remember her
865s name right now I know we've talked about
867s ever but that camera Oh apparently
871s someone maybe already knows bear do you
874s want to be a Grenier clean up there you
877s would be a great Grenier clean you would
880s be lovely
880s tomorrow friends there we go tomorrow
883s Fritz
884s Jamie voiceover you are just the best
886s thank you Snoop Dogg prime maybe maybe
890s one day can the podcast be uploaded to
892s YouTube please from the 70s actually
893s Marcus talked to me about that recently
895s because he mentioned that we could
899s upload it to YouTube because
901s is a good way to do subtitles and listen
904s or watch it that way if potentially you
906s are hard of hearing you can still
908s participate in the podcast by reading it
910s on subtitles so we might do that I just
912s have to talk to Dean about it Casias our
915s youtube aficionado so I'll talk to him
917s see what he says and maybe we can get
919s something made there on YouTube for that
922s for accessibility I agree see maybe if
925s my sign language was up to par I could
928s sign the whole thing for you it would be
930s about two hours long because I'm very
933s slow at it and I would try but it is
935s also it's on Spotify it's on iTunes it
937s is on dududu SoundCloud and Google Play
941s and maybe some other ones but I do not
944s remember
944s yeah that's Marcus I can't remember any
947s drops no they're under on twist drops
948s before the stream twists drops are only
950s on primetime and the dev streams
952s what's a YouTube I don't know what's
954s what's internet and last but not least
956s prestige pack 13 is available now this
958s is the twin ricotta Jude skin as well as
961s the Jade Clem bloom yes I know you guys
965s are smart got any better at sign
966s language Megan I'm pretty much the same
969s slow and steady wins my sign language
972s race I mean if you want to have a
974s conversation with me it might take me a
976s bit to talk to you but that's okay
979s because I try do you know the sign for
982s corn oh I want to know the sign of the
985s corn sign language for corn here we go
990s make the sign by holding an imaginary
992s cob of corn what and never look along
995s the corn with your mouth oh this is corn
997s Oh
999s [Music]
1001s that's Carden signing oh that means I
1006s really like lemon
1007s sumino lemon lemons it's like an L hemin
1012s for love oh I love it that's amazing
1015s okay sorry
1016s let's do four and a platinum to
1017s celebrate that we learned corn in sign
1019s language I hope anyone who comes to town
1022s upon when they see me just does this and
1024s I'll do it right back to you okay it'll
1026s be our little thing would be our thing
1028s daffodil crimson on Twitch and shaky
1034s beasts 108 nine eight on mixer you have
1038s both won four in a platinum
1039s congratulations please a whisper the
1041s respective winning platform you've went
1042s on with your in-game alias and the
1044s platform plan we need both that
1046s information to get you you are foreign
1047s to platinum daffodil crimson crimson on
1051s twitch and shaky 108 980 is Essex that
1056s looks like an 8 that's nice
1057s I'm in sixth you wrote my name wrong me
1059s too Zuzu's mi here Akademi on the cup
1062s absolutely wait how do I turn so that
1065s all of the best characters right cover
1074s that up no one needs to Oh Parker had
1077s for a second mm-hmm-hmm hope rail jack
1080s was going good I could tell you but then
1084s I would get I mean if you saw the
1087s downstream they gave you a little a
1088s little sneak peek as to uh what we've
1091s been working on working on way more than
1093s that but alright we are going to do some
1098s K drive stuff because I was playing
1099s around in my cow what did I want to do
1103s don't want any more night wave stuff but
1105s I just I miss being on a K Drive yes
1109s wagon I miss it got my like 3d milk
1112s scroll and
1115s I'm just I'm ready to cater so if you'd
1117s like to join me on xbox one we're gonna
1119s just casually can you drive around or
1121s ballast we're gonna find some races
1123s these fly missions pylos please don't
1127s you saw on prime-time it went really
1130s well your back your lipstick thank you
1133s a Kiwi named Bob all one word all one
1140s word a Kiwis named Bob I finally cut my
1144s nails this is a lot easy oh that's
1146s always a good time he knows way better
1147s LOL honda civic yeah cake tractors the
1150s name on a civic cuz i thought it was
1153s funny because when i bought this one and
1155s it was like would you like to buy on a
1157s civic 454 flat no doesn't yeah great
1161s deal oh my god oh my god something's
1164s Amba nom nom eleven no let me see what
1170s my mix of friends are saying ha mix it
1173s oh sorry that was I'm not muted what we
1178s heat a picture of Megan I'm Aneta it
1179s actually exists on the Internet shy sure
1182s was and I think I think was help Holly
1185s how least her last also drew one Rebecca
1188s did it as a loving gesture to me she got
1191s art done of me and Mineta and yeah you
1196s you Megan
1198s or you are Megan but you Reb Minetta and
1201s the best boy togehter keys and my cool
1205s here we can show it to everyone we could
1207s yeah I'll get this set up
1209s alright I'm gonna get this mixer person
1211s of top oh shoot oh good tarah are ok it
1221s was correct
1222s oh you appear to be applying time I'm
1226s fed up of a Carter Carter nine to three
1233s nine cannot deliver are we full Kiwis in
1240s oh great KJ and I think you're about
1242s your friends'll all right let's try that
1245s again okay I'll try you again tar tar
1251s okay okay
1253s what a beautiful image there we go there
1255s it is this is a quiet shy original
1259s requested by Rebecca Ford herself a
1262s loving gesture I take it nice and now
1268s very out of date because my other leg is
1271s also tattooed so oh how we get quick
1274s Texas can't really be you mm-hmm it's a
1279s phony
1280s all right Tarzan and a Kiwis in so I
1282s need one more hashtag Megan - Rizzo meet
1287s Nicolas so make me blush Megan you look
1291s like Branagh
1292s Tarson is drawing what she's not a
1294s ginger I would love to be Brienne of
1297s Tarth though because that means torment
1300s would love me and I love torment all
1304s right we are in who was in Kiwis in
1305s Terezin and Carter is coming in hot
1308s we'll wait till they load hi Megan hi
1310s time if you look up if you search make
1314s admit I don't work I'm on Google Images
1315s the first image that comes up at least
1317s for me it's a tweet from did yell of you
1319s sitting in the stream on fire on fire oh
1323s and is there a little Minetta no it's
1326s just there you are oh yeah that's me how
1330s appropriate for Megan Minetta warframe
1331s yes that's me on fire well I think
1333s because I remember we did that image and
1337s then I'll put it out there and then
1339s someone took it and put like minetti's
1341s face in the corner or something they did
1343s it with another one while I was laying
1344s on the couch and I was looking like
1345s really like sad about something and they
1348s just put like my Netta's face like right
1349s here and I stopped it with him yeah
1351s stop
1353s I'm Aneta banana Oh better banana okay
1358s all right tears loading in and then
1360s Carter should be in here shortly there
1363s they are
1365s Meghan looks like she's trait that's he
1368s gay you would be correct
1370s I am tired you know what doesn't matter
1374s cuz I'm here streaming with you guys
1377s because I like you guys it's an hour of
1380s my day that I get to sit here drink a
1382s semi warm coffee and hang out with you
1385s isn't that nice is there a drop today no
1388s there is not a drop to just on prime
1391s time and the dip streams I hate - oh my
1395s computer is struggling with life right
1397s now oh that happens sometimes heaven all
1401s right Carter is in what everyone else go
1403s did everyone else leave what happened
1411s all right we invite and then hopefully
1419s called yours okay
1421s oh dear hot chocolate with a pepper oh
1423s god don't even dark don't we should be
1428s in my recent yeah so Carter's in and
1430s then we lost a key we lost the key we
1434s all right Rhian vited hopefully they can
1436s make it it I don't know you're speaking
1441s of French garden and I don't know that
1443s much she was sweet
1447s I'm gonna go hey babe this oh oh
1464s get that Ark that's a big message you
1472s got him I got him
1473s dude uh all right I'll just get these
1475s guys I'll just eat him up
1478s deer head Kyle oh uh no I own no animals
1482s except my own self I am my own pet I am
1487s my own pet I spoil my own self I do not
1492s have pets Helen does though they do
1494s leave to Chihuahua shitzu exist
1496s dog goes woof dog Alois goes why can't
1500s my friends join all right I guess it's
1501s just me and you Carter me and you are
1505s gonna have time Oh
1507s get up this hill all right we got to
1510s find herself a race do you should hire a
1513s guy named Mike anytime someone asks if
1516s there's a job he pops on street and
1518s yells mic drop
1519s Mike that's the idea straight from TV
1523s Raptor 89 TD Raptor T TV TV TV TV Raptor
1528s 89 are you a Raptors fan oh dear I would
1533s like to get off this hill okay
1534s intruder says she's mean petite was oh
1538s don't forget the Avett the populists it
1541s puts in um they said their little bird
1546s inside of a window with grapefruit and
1549s Shane
1553s Oh sick so sick they see my question I'm
1562s sorry I missed it
1563s oh no I try to try to read it can't make
1567s any problem something
1568s all right looking for a cave drive you
1572s see a purple icon yell at me
1576s Lenin Blackbeard has been sending us
1580s some paragraphs got a bug I think not
1582s really it's awfully long I don't think
1584s I'll be able to read it all before it
1585s follows away from chat but if you let us
1588s know in the forum mm-hmm then we'll be
1591s able to better assist there give me that
1593s forum link I mean a forum link official
1597s warframe forums all right
1599s show me a race okay I really wish I
1602s could cuz like the front of my board is
1604s like poke II really wish I could like
1606s shish kebab that would be sweet
1608s that's my dream warframe make it happen
1611s excuse me de are you oh Jesus oh they
1620s mention plague start coming back in the
1621s second week of June that's correct I
1622s believe him say June 12 it is
1629s surprisingly difficult to find the image
1632s of you as Minetta I mean I think if you
1634s if you search mega Minetta and then
1636s house T so H al-aas te okay should be
1641s able to find it
1647s as I think it was help maybe it was
1649s cypher
1650s shall we try as I said it's like a X
1653s okay yep
1655s XY fer I want a race where's my way
1664s speaking of anime y'all been watching
1666s OPM that's cute I don't even know what
1668s that means
1669s you can't short-form it if it's up oh
1672s shit a little tear - Wow shockingly to
1676s close the fire what can you do
1678s can't find it not at the moment I'm
1680s gonna keep trying maybe need to try
1682s exist it really does and you know what's
1685s crazy is when I looked up the first one
1686s I saw it and then I clicked out then
1688s people wanted to see it and can't find
1691s it go and find it one punch behind
1695s season two oh I haven't started it now
1697s I've seen season 1 but about have you
1701s watched attack on Titan c3 how is it or
1705s is it for
1705s no it's isn't it three four five I'm
1711s washing it I've been busy
1715s to drive races sometimes it's hard to
1719s find Boone show me boom he is a tricky
1725s one like I only want the Oh beat no Glen
1728s keys here hmm
1731s in three part - at least you can do sick
1734s tricks
1738s Megan Minetta best ship o gold stars
1741s looking looking to get kicked out of
1744s chat yeah they're going to be okay to be
1746s banned Oh Carter saying they got
1751s disconnected from the squad everyone got
1754s this game where did all my friends I
1756s might actually go back to Fort Yuma and
1757s just do it that way I can't seem fun all
1766s right
1766s Oh someone's in my Oh Kiwis back Kili
1769s you made it
1770s QA do you see rice what is a Meghan
1776s Mineta that's I hope I can answer that
1778s question for you soon it's a nightmare
1780s is what it is it's a fever dream I found
1782s it I found it I searched fever dream
1786s yeah a shaver dream and it came out
1789s right away
1790s oh my god it was crazy what a raise the
1795s fame minute of Dyson came don't you
1799s start a man that would be the greatest
1802s thing
1807s okay oh you can oh did you find it
1817s I sure did ah geez
1820s I like the thumbs-up very much hey
1823s you're so rosy astok I like rubs face of
1827s how upset she is I just stuck her with
1829s my orange balls stupid a bit orange not
1834s purple poor it's very very specific
1840s what a joy what is join these how is she
1845s wearing a toilet hey Haussmann Etta's
1847s design another reason - yeah I lost it
1859s geez we're on the wrong way let's go
1864s home that was shy his gift to Megan yeah
1866s Rebecca did a commission from a guy and
1869s then that one was from a cipher or house
1871s key yep house T or the house Hillis t
1880s did that one I was ready to fight for
1882s her Steve same deal I see Megan we're
1890s here toilet I honestly don't know what
1892s it's supposed to be it's a strange thing
1894s it looks like a toilet we can't be held
1900s responsible for Minos fashion choices
1905s Oh what hard stuff what about a paint
1908s seemed warframe big pink
1912s pitch it to me tell me tell me your
1915s desires and hope something like Super
1917s Mario Sunshine kind of pain yeah they're
1920s what you want everyone a speedrun of it
1923s no it's a satisfying speedrun to watch
1928s Super Mario Odyssey oh I bet it is
1932s incredible they memorize where every
1934s single moon is in the night is insane
1937s where am I going oh my god I went the
1939s complete wrong way Chad why did you let
1941s me go this far I'm gonna have so much
1943s that yeah I watched it when it was
1945s awesome games done quick right just do
1948s the run of it and it was I was like oh
1950s it was like super layer so I was like 10
1953s p.m. they were doing it I'm like oh this
1954s is like past my bedtime just watch it
1958s too like you know fall asleep and I just
1959s couldn't look away okay got a waypoint I
1964s can't cuz every time I open Oh
1966s Kiwi I can't save you every time I open
1968s the map it disappears I'm having an
1972s issue but I got to go see you I'm coming
1974s Kiwi okay nevermind you died on your own
1978s terms
1979s you made the call I'm addicted to super
1982s mario 64 speedrun is also very addicting
1984s I need the real game it's such a classic
1987s yipeee of game makes it great to watch
1989s so he's Elda - mm-hm
1991s yes they find in like Ocarina of Time
1993s the whole thing goes back in the day
1996s when Cosmo used to do speedruns they did
1999s one of what's it called going right way
2005s where it was like the first when you're
2010s in the Deku Tree and you're about to
2011s fight the spider yeah well shit okay
2014s that's a transport to Gannon
2016s yeah they do like the XY VP but every by
2019s whatever thing and then the ocarina
2021s glitch open the door and you're at the
2023s last castle and I'm like insane oh you
2027s can beat him as kid link yeah used to be
2033s back in the day you could just get
2035s through the door the temple of time as a
2037s kid and be impressive now really need to
2039s go to the temple at time who needs it
2043s who needs that am I going the right way
2047s why do I not see the race I sometimes
2051s struggle upon it as well we're going the
2053s right way home Louise yoga Totoro
2057s keyframe
2058s what I wouldn't do for a token string
2060s you're talking to the right gal I'm
2066s watching Kendra no I don't even know
2068s what that means
2069s I know it's anime but I don't think I've
2071s never liked a Zelda series you and I are
2074s very different people
2081s fling me frogs uh oh shit sake huh give
2089s me my cage right back chance of getting
2096s the same bubble as the enemy Oh like the
2099s shields oh I think we like the reason
2102s why they look different than across snow
2104s globe and so that you can tell which one
2107s is which so I think making them look the
2109s same would be counterintuitive to madly
2114s evil waffle has his pitch ready for you
2116s go on mad leave a big crowd control the
2120s ability to teleport around where paint
2121s is present can be obtained through
2124s abilities or maybe unique weapons for
2127s the warframe change paint color on the
2129s fly for different aspects week chroma
2132s but can choose what they want applied
2135s sounds like a Squidling is that what
2137s they're called from what's here from so
2141s you whoa yeah so split to infer anything
2143s I like I mean you say like oh I don't
2149s I'm not sure if that exists in the
2151s warframe world but what doesn't exist in
2153s a war paint yeah you got it oh okay
2160s Scott I love that time it's a good woman
2163s it's a movie only one in party yeah I
2166s lost two that's a bunch will rectify
2169s don't know there's a paint frame of
2171s squid aesthetic year kid years good it's
2174s true maybe 1000 are really just sweets
2177s maybe we're all squids great witch
2181s living you'd accept our squid life
2184s that's just fine I think
2191s all right I think I've uh retired
2195s I'm retired of kay driving TV warframes
2199s our squids well I mean hydroids pretty
2201s much a swim can we get a bathroom and
2203s the orbiter from this healthy you'd
2205s think there would be one we spend so
2207s much time in it so so where's gods why
2210s did is it doesn't need to be a question
2212s that's just a fact
2213s good word is God prizes are there no
2217s twitch fries are no Twitter out prizes
2219s but we can do a foreigner Platinum fries
2220s oh look at you Helen you're on the ball
2223s I'm ready for it
2226s her DNA is a radically different from
2229s squid DNA I'd hope so diary at 70 on
2234s mixer and gorgeous I mean sorry on
2237s twitch and gorgeous underscore IV on
2240s mixer you both have won four in a
2241s platinum of current relations please
2243s whisper in the respective a winning
2245s platform that you play on so we can get
2246s you your 400 num a virus 70 on twitch
2250s and gorgeous underscore IV on the Xserve
2252s translation all right let's see what a
2255s night wave we have because I am
2257s officially a retired k driver profit
2261s taker Xmas defense I don't think I have
2265s time for that one syndicate
2269s nightmare you could do this or T
2271s depending on what it is tell me what it
2274s is
2274s exterminate survival and it's I think
2277s the survivor would take too long you
2281s might go overacting
2282s what else we got animal captures
2286s assassination missions we could do three
2289s four war killings
2292s let's do a for the massacre Joe yes we
2296s shot
2296s let's do a poem asking who they could
2298s join me oh it couldn't finish one night
2299s wave on Sunday it's okay as you remember
2302s you don't need to finish all madly give
2305s a waffle oh yeah and I think they they
2306s got disconnected last I was madly evil
2311s was a number three it's WAFL free always
2316s Zoe Oh like that tricky yeah all right
2320s you are in my dear mixer how about the
2326s mixer one three three six ports cannot
2342s deliver the next episode of K drive with
2346s Megan will continue another date yet
2350s she's retired right now Oh zombie num
2354s num eleven is online now okay we'll try
2356s that again
2356s zombie num num eleven yep oh there we go
2363s feels good mixer man oh man like like we
2375s see five um proposes a Madhu sister free
2380s how do we dump that I like amazed
2382s distantly there in represent oh yeah you
2384s think move the room have you done the
2386s test to see like any online test to see
2388s what house you'd be in for him I'm
2389s always looking I always make sure it's
2391s there anything okay I pick all the evil
2393s antics
2393s which you know the Hat would feel that
2396s anyway so the Hat oh the Sorting Hat
2399s would know for sure
2400s what hat all right clap for in the wind
2403s it'll kills us Satan let's go kill some
2406s boar I forget what I think it's
2409s and what does boy live Lenin Blackbeard
2418s I'm not able to really decipher what
2421s your issue is on the street here I don't
2423s know if we can but I ain't he says to
2426s clarify we here in Brazil did not want
2428s to refund the items rather if Megan
2429s knows if there's a bug frequently on
2430s other servers in which we lose items and
2433s do not receive per message we're trying
2435s to grow the community here sorry it
2436s sounds silly silly sounds like a bug we
2439s receive I don't what I think I can't
2442s really figure it out if you're talking
2444s about the bug where if you did relic
2446s Commission's and so you picked the ever
2449s prime helmet or whatever and then you
2451s got back to your ship and you got a box
2452s message and you got something else
2454s we made some fixes for that in the most
2458s recent update that you guys got three
2460s master so if it's still happening please
2462s let me know and the teen you can look at
2464s it again I actually haven't heard
2465s anything about it still being broken so
2467s this would be the first so thanks for
2471s making us yogi Tenno a partner hey see
2475s what we can do in what we can I did not
2478s know that they have a tattoo of their
2480s Queen emblem on their arm very impressed
2483s when I found not like you need to have a
2485s tattoo at work and I'm the same it's
2487s just an impressive tattoo fan I was I
2494s stole that aesthetic it is warfare is my
2499s life I want one
2503s I do want one and I will have one well
2505s it'd be up or is that the problem you
2507s kept aside I can't decide what I want oh
2509s good saying thank you what rippln for
2514s safety oh right MacAvoy oh please make a
2522s lady spider frame with wall-crawling
2525s oh I want a spider friend so bad be cool
2529s I want it similar to I can't say this
2532s book
2533s well wasn't Korah initially yeah line
2538s for that Cora was originally more spider
2542s than he okay there's two people talking
2548s it's freaking me out we need to take
2549s their turn everyone needs to stop
2551s talking over each other my mother would
2553s be very upset
2553s whoo get your stupid little shield idea
2558s let me hit you
2559s oh you dad take that toy you dead boy
2565s aah get him get him get hot boy
2569s should he listen to your Queens whoa
2574s there's a carnage where'd he go oh he's
2578s dead
2579s I got the coronis boyfriend oh no
2584s swearing no swearing here Kyle oh what'd
2587s you say I don't think I swore in it I
2588s didn't hear a swear did you to sweat my
2593s mother would be very important to watch
2597s the the Easter prime time we did oh yeah
2601s she was loving ribs bunny hunt it was a
2604s great hot it's great that every time I
2607s look into her office I see you our chair
2608s I'm lucky the good times so many good
2612s things replying to success we do oro
2619s earth for one of the assassinations are
2622s you smiling at me like that
2624s ye look so sketchy who else do you want
2627s to see us assassinate thing you guys can
2629s pick two more assassinations no carnage
2633s here we're venom I haven't even seen
2634s better miss linen Blackbeard getting
2637s back to us any mission when you're
2640s talking with players trying to get a
2643s video oh god that's not
2645s yeah you just cost a regular streamer
2650s and this happened I I don't really
2655s understand what the issue is
2657s laughs antis oh that would take the rest
2660s of the stream sort of a fantasy I don't
2664s think it is sort of their fingers yeah
2668s I'll do muta lisalavie we could do Alvey
2675s I miss Alan me my doodie I think if
2680s you're from Brazil if you're speaking
2684s Portuguese I'm using a translator maybe
2687s that's where some of the confusion with
2688s the bug is happening or might be harder
2690s to read but we have Portuguese team
2692s members through support if you want to
2696s send them a ticket and you can better
2698s understand what the problem is for you
2700s for real for real I were gonna do a load
2704s V and then depending on the time we
2706s could we could do the Fantas the Fanta
2710s the fancy laughs Annie Annie I want a
2714s deluxe skin for a Valkyr feels bad man
2715s you know I do do I want many things in
2721s life Gennaro's prime like measure prime
2726s Oh like I don't know it's a lot of
2732s things like prime prime prime prime what
2735s about about here to make the tattoo
2737s Megan it's a possibility
2738s like I said I'd I want to get one I just
2741s don't know what I want
2742s I need to be able to choose you need to
2745s be sure it's called vengeance for Dec 12
2751s so it's gonna be that kind of vibe
2754s they'd better be some screaming spiders
2756s oh you count on it maybe I'll get a test
2763s he'll get a tattoo of the next thing
2766s that we're working on that you don't
2768s know about that'll be the review oh yeah
2773s come on up let's get a live tattoo it
2777s said about it y'all have to guess what
2780s there we haven't done it yet she's got
2787s it right on my face she's already she's
2796s happy that I got rid of my Red Rum
2799s tattoo out of all my tattoos she hated
2802s that one I can't blame her for that I
2804s also can't also can't blame her for not
2808s wanting her daughter to have murder
2810s written on her but it was backwards oh
2815s it's true but no I wouldn't do that
2825s our reveals are way better than that's
2830s who am I to do that am i right
2831s Stevie so let's do you get the next
2835s reveal tattoo she's gonna quit bad you
2838s talk to a porn know what I'm long as
2840s you're thinking about it oh my girl make
2842s a really artistic rendition yeah yeah
2846s it's good for me
2847s a little a corn on the cob we got an all
2849s caps oh hello there our problem or
2852s pickled cucumbers boy oh ma boy where am
2856s I going
2857s the wrong way a knight King necrose skin
2862s Frank and c333
2864s tries already kill him well I wasn't
2867s even there you guys are so fast read it
2870s to fans take it maybe like corn -
2874s actually I don't really like the band
2876s Korn no no for me Stephanie for Sean now
2881s you know we're always forget this
2886s plastic do you like that guy oh it was
2895s corn pizza do you like Claire pizza I
2897s put it on my paper a nice little crunch
2900s you know you have something extra
2902s yeah a little extra something something
2905s calico for life also I'm the time stuff
2908s for me great band
2910s they're amazing but did it dreams good
2917s one we could do it I demand a sloth for
2921s free and it sounds cute I do that I'd be
2924s all about that I'm in stalker tattoo on
2926s my arm that's amazing that's cool yeah
2928s that is pre infested night of skin I'd
2931s love to see that or just even know where
2933s that is Megan we've met twice not gonna
2937s lie I don't remember what I did this
2938s morning
2938s hahaha but are you coming to 10 o'clock
2942s I can't remember if you are I'll show
2944s you let me know and tell me tell me my
2949s memory it like is a goldfish like it's
2951s places like I don't remember anything
2953s yeah memory is overrated we have a
2957s technology term VIP in Germany Oh
2960s Germany gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha
2962s gotcha
2963s but are you coming to say no are you
2967s gonna be there what's he doing oh yeah
2970s I'm gonna page right
2972s why can't I can't I sent messages well I
2976s see your message so you do as darkness
2977s it sounds like this iris is coming to
2979s town
2979s I'd love to became for the flight it is
2982s I mean from Germany very long flow yeah
2985s well long also expensive so I I feel you
2989s I feel you my friend I apologize I love
2992s coming to Germany though I'm seeing you
2994s guys there let's go through the bomb
2996s diggity
2996s um do I want damage or do I want
2999s survivability
3000s let's go game that's not the right color
3004s see there she is
3012s do I do ARCA or do I do
3014s hey K 5 ohms dog says hi oh hi dog I
3033s want to go to any car but I'm not finna
3035s crowds I'm also not a fan of cats I get
3037s a lot of anxiety when I'm in big crowds
3039s especially in new places this is not my
3042s environment oh it's not a good time
3044s nice thing about town con though is
3046s everyone feels like you all know each
3049s other it's true it's very very inviting
3051s place and everyone is oh I'm not doing
3055s that that's fine
3059s her should be cute
3063s guys I need another boss and not the
3067s faintest how she so Gaetano says they
3069s also feel that a ton of con yeah
3073s it is a again the best day of my entire
3077s unit every year best day my entire year
3080s July 6 but I feel you about crowds I'm
3083s not a crowd person I get anxiety and I
3087s just need to like get out like I
3088s remember one time I was leaving a
3089s baseball game and just the amount of
3092s people that we're all trying to get not
3093s in like a rush just like normally trying
3095s to get out of a stadium I was like I
3097s gotta go Brielle's like I gotta get out
3100s of here it's overwhelming it is only
3102s especially in this like that kind of
3104s killer course
3105s sorry I got really
3109s why is he where does he live yeah yeah
3115s boy I love to have a girl oh wait no
3117s wait wait no oh my god oh my ARCA I want
3122s my ARCA small never gonna move on
3126s big old thighs she's like me
3130s Diggs Wow
3134s why not senator because I want to I
3138s missing the - excuse me I got the
3140s hiccups
3140s I carry more water - faster that's okay
3142s you have coffee you can save nigga so
3145s happy one time I pick up so my friend
3147s just said to me why don't you just relax
3150s your diaphragm
3151s oh yeah my legs hunched over
3154s oh why I don't know why I never thought
3156s to focus on doing that in sort of crazy
3158s tricks like eating a banana upside
3160s dating breath you just focus on relaxing
3162s diaphragm and our core plasma plasma
3169s Prime's win honestly that would be the
3172s day imagine if an arroz prime it came
3175s with the art it doesn't make any sense
3177s more wise but if a gnarls Prime was with
3181s the ARCA prime by the arc applause war
3184s crime
3184s oh my life would be heaven heaven I
3189s don't know what he well he had come with
3191s his daggers I don't know what else he
3194s he'd be about though what about we
3196s settle for mayor lock crime thank you I
3199s was good tired because I have a corner
3201s lock on PC because I'm stealing meridian
3203s but on here I'm not still meridian and I
3205s don't have the big horror versions it
3207s makes me sad actually why didn't I hear
3208s I missed the heck I'm just playing the
3210s heck yeah bring that back out give an
3213s old try again
3215s look hon arras juice has a fun hiccup
3219s paragraph of advice here journalist
3221s lying down slowing your breathing good
3225s for stopping hiccups if you get up too
3227s soon it starts again get up to six
3231s now you know take it slow yeah
3235s so you can lie down and slow your
3236s breathing to stop them but if you jump
3238s back up again they'll be too quick Pro
3241s tips pro strats oh here we go
3244s boss ye come here baby to wriggle
3248s give me a give me a punch in the face
3250s get over here his noise Tenno Khan glyph
3254s I appreciate that
3256s well yet know what brad is asking how
3261s relaxing a diaphragm is good for eating
3263s a banana a little bit of a confusion of
3265s terms just different ways to end hiccups
3267s there sure there's a many away there
3270s surely are many ways
3271s I love his tiny legs says earth wind
3280s fire big uns tiny legs Oh
3283s Manic Panic that's hair color from
3292s Shoppers Drug Mart oh yeah I knew I
3295s recognized big in the early 2000 oh yeah
3299s when you're in high school and you
3300s wanted that streak I went for pink
3302s myself yeah I think I have had every
3305s single colored hair I wanted to be that
3307s person so badly not all at once I wasn't
3310s that wasn't that ballsy oh yeah it would
3312s be nuts
3313s those those people were cool though they
3315s were full hair crazy ponies they were
3318s didn't let us let me were in ballet do
3321s crazy hair so that was it really
3323s probably probably line was too bad not
3327s for us I didn't live my dream
3330s to end hiccups you can make a sort of
3332s feedback loop its intruder we have seven
3344s minutes and another Platte prize to give
3346s skills like doing use that last for Anna
3349s platinum and then we'll do the equinox
3351s Primax beauty top buzz on twitch and
3363s chris christie zu0 eight has one on a
3367s mixer graduation please was through the
3370s respective winning platform you have one
3371s on with your in-game alias and the
3373s platform that you play war come on so we
3374s can get you you're a foreigner platinum
3380s there's still one more prize there's
3382s still an equal to climax in there don't
3385s fret get your prize
3387s don't be saying it's mannequins of
3390s diversity look at that oh man oh
3399s jeido link is wishing you a nice week
3402s thank you I'm excited for my week it's
3405s gonna be a good good one got lots to
3408s work on working on as you know working
3411s on gas city which is the next main line
3414s update so main lines take a lot of work
3416s because we have to curate the patch
3418s notes which are all of the integrations
3422s since the last main line which was
3424s remastered a little bit ago on PC so
3426s there's a lot to read so not to do much
3430s to read it people not stay aspect but
3435s where's the prime give me the bride
3437s give me the prime no an RS prime sounds
3443s good
3444s agree revenant is bank agree frozen ball
3449s lenz the next main line dropping don't
3452s have an exact date for you it is soon
3454s you showed it off on a dead stream just
3457s just working on some of the things that
3460s you saw but it is in the full swing did
3464s we get it I was uh it's that time again
3471s dreaming we did it
3473s Congrats to us it's so good alright I
3477s think it's time for Equinox
3480s prime access get that well the stream is
3482s still live what is the next twist drop
3485s that will be on prime time as per usual
3489s that's beautiful also hi hi brother
3494s I miss you I hope you're doing well
3497s equinox prime access has gone to excess
3500s so sex on twitch and an anthem x88 guys
3508s are so bad aw just a tiny time I know
3510s congratulations
3511s please whisper the respective winning
3513s platform you have won on with your
3514s in-game alias in the platform and play
3516s warframe on so we can get you your
3517s equinox a prime axis XF Sousa X on
3522s Twitch and anthem neck 88 I'll mix it
3525s guys
3527s congratulations laptop is this huh
3530s Republic of gamers it's not like it's a
3534s work one right we're yeah x panther ii
3537s oh such bad either you can dispel this
3539s myth because it's just such tiny Texan
3542s on screen it's the TV I want to say a TV
3545s is far away it's really not but I do
3548s have very bad eyes and I need to replace
3549s these contact lenses so it's kind of a
3553s whole whole thing thanks a lot hot that
3556s is affecting my ability to see I need to
3561s do something really quick no frozen ball
3567s says don't worry Megan your eyes can't
3569s be worse than mine I don't know about
3571s that I'm almost legally blind I'm real
3573s close really yeah my my eyes are
3577s negative five point five and negative
3579s five point seven five and negative six
3582s is the league
3582s like laser eye surgery I will eventually
3588s cool but I feel like I'm gonna wait
3591s until I'm older because it does wear off
3593s like my mom got it back in the day and I
3596s think like 15 years later she needs
3598s glasses now so all that money wasted
3602s pain and whatever so yeah paying for
3607s real yeah so she's just back to glasses
3610s so I'm just gonna wait it out a bit
3612s you're mine wearing glasses it does suck
3614s to not see but one day I'll wake up and
3618s I'll be able to see things clearly
3620s that'll be a wonderful day yeah I think
3622s it's actually wise stay in bed longer
3623s cuz I wake up and everything's blurry
3624s and I'm just like who's gonna stay in
3627s bed a bit more no we are raiding baby
3631s baby Bab a baby baby baby
3634s and their blurb about themself is too
3637s much stuff including ribbons sculptures
3640s and more baby baby large baby baby baby
3644s we're rating you so I hope you have a
3647s wonderful night everyone tomorrow is PS
3648s bar at 4:00 with de Danielle and then
3652s there was a switch dream this Wednesday
3654s at 10 a.m.
3655s prime time with her back on myself
3656s Thursday and no dos dream because there
3658s was a deaf stream last week so you want
3660s to watch that if you missed it cuz a lot
3662s of information about gas city about
3664s whisp about Knicks deluxe about 1000 gen
3667s jam-packed full of stuff so have a
3669s wonderful night day it's still the day
3671s I'm wonderful day everyone and actually
3673s I just saw someone in chat
3675s the Xbox one community game home prizes
3677s broke for me so I wasn't able to find
3679s winners so I'll do double next week or
3682s the equinox prime access on the
3684s community game hub so next week there
3685s will be double ones so I apologize about
3687s that so we'll see you next week bye
3698s [Music]