To cross-post my comment there.
The fundamental problem with the Data-Hash event was the lack of in-game information and direction. The opening part of it was an external ARG, which many users do not pay attention to.
Finding the Hashes required an external map.
Scanning around for the Hashes was difficult even for experienced collectable hunters, and had no in-game assistance for less hyper dedicated players. We keep coming back to this issue again, and again. Warframe cannot keep growing and maintaining beyond its dedicated players without in-game direction and assistance that is currently only available through external tools and 3rd party community sites.
DE very much miscalculated, and should be thinking of ways to avoid find the thing game design in the future. This was feedback given on The Sacrifice Quest. Time to take it to heart, and the design docs. As a direct critique, no systems of the Fortuna Base taking system were used in this event. A better design for the Data-Hash finding would have been to use that Base taking as a trigger for highlighting and directing players to the Data-Hashes in the region around that base. Including something like the Simaris scan trails, the code base for the footprint trails of Fortuna Conservation Hunts could have been used, to the Hashes. But also leaving the option for players to find them on their own.
Take a Vallis Base, get clues/direction.
Same goes for the Fractures of this event. It should have been put into the Bounty system, with incentive to take the regional bases to gain access to the Coolant and Fractures in that area. Which then could have lead to being pointed at that Data-Hashes. A far more organic and immersive design.