over 5 years
ago -
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Prime Vault: Hotfix 25.7.3
Valkyr and Saryn Prime have emerged from the Prime Vault with their signature Prime Weapons, Accessories, and more!
Find their Relics in the Void or in Bounty rewards today!
Get your Prime Vault now: https://www.warframe.com/prime-vault
Nyx and Rhino Prime, as well as their signature Prime Weapons, Accessories, has entered the Prime Vault and have been removed from the drop tables.
*If you already wield the power of these Primes or have their Relics in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.
Shawzin Changes:
You can now record Shawzin songs with up to 1000 notes, but can only Chat linked if they're 100 notes or less.- I wrote this change wrong! The true change is: You can now load 1000 note songs that you have recorded, but the Chat link limit of 100 notes still applies.
- Fixed Shawzin 'Autoplay’ always showing a score of 0 the whole time, instead it now shows "Autoplay".
- Fixed a crash if an enemy attempted to spawn out of world bounds.
- Fixed a functionality loss when choosing not to purchase an item from Look Link.
- Fixed a UI lockup when Mod Link is open during a mission transition.
- Fixed a UI lockup when selecting a Chat linked Shazin song or Mod Link.
- Fixed an issue where "Completed Ayatan Sculpture" based Challenges couldn't be completed.
- Fixed certain Amps no longer applying multiple instances of damage to Eidolons. This resulted in the Shwaak Prism feeling like it lacked punchthrough, when in fact it was the Eidolon who was not registering hits.
- Fixed Gorgaricus Spores not exploding when they impact the ground.
- Fixed sorting equipment in Arsenal by Usage for Moas, Kubrows and Kitguns.
- Fixed an issue where some projectiles wouldn't come to a complete stop and would slowly float away (noticed on some bouncing Penta grenades).
- Fixed Sigils not stacking in your Inventory when obtaining multiple copies.
- Fixed teleport volume in the Corpus Ship tileset that was poking into other tiles causing players to get teleported in rare instances. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cy3v5i/youre_playing_too_fast_enjoy_the_mission_for/
- Fixed missing pillar tops in the Lua tileset. As reported here: https://old.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/cyalz5/not_really_even_a_map_hole_but_the_gold_on_this/
clarified Shawzin note change