4 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

17s it is time to get
23s up
26s world don't change the way I feel about
30s you
31s I got
33s this I got
37s a are
40s you are
43s you are
47s [Music]
53s you the
58s pl CH away see about you but I got
64s this I
69s got I don't to SLE I want to the
78s yeah till fing
85s [Music]
90s I want to CR
95s [Music]
106s [Music]
126s the CH I
129s about but I got
132s this I got a
141s [Music]
147s [Music]
155s tenno you are
166s needed you
168s are it is
176s [Music]
177s time it is time
181s [Music]
192s something's happening
195s [Music]
224s Focus find the
226s power in
228s [Music]
237s time hey dreams we are up and ready
244s to there just is no holding you
252s are hey
254s dream check
256s your gas
265s tank keep your heads down and clear
270s [Music]
278s a hey dream
281s [Music]
313s dream dream dream
317s [Music]
326s [Music]
337s [Music]
358s Dre
362s there just is no hold and you are back
368s are you
372s late time
404s partial
406s warframes enhanced and
414s capable time to crush
418s something put them in the
428s round have time for this I've got
441s this all right we need stitching Target
444s down let's our a little chaos J
451s what
474s [Music]
497s hi everyone happy Thursday welcome to
500s Prime Time episode
502s 415 we are so very glad that you could
505s be here how's the glare on my glasses is
508s it oh a little bit
512s there's like layers of the Ring light in
514s between it's pretty cool actually I'm
515s surprised it's not turning cuz it has
517s the like blue lens or whatever I'm
519s surprised I don't look like I'm like an
521s underwater or something anyways welcome
523s to Prime Time episode 415 where we play
525s Warframe talk Warframe hang out be
528s friends be family for the next two hours
531s of your Thursday evening night or
533s morning depending on where you are let's
535s do some introductions my name is Megan
537s I'm your community director and to my
539s left hi I'm Zach I'm a community program
541s manager and in the cold pot tonight
544s hello my name is Charlie Charlie's here
546s doing cold pots and behind the scenes we
549s got uh me hi it's R sorry I don't know
552s that it's picking up because it's so
554s quiet what's picking do you know have a
555s mic no I do have the mic that's the
557s thing it's close enough I see Rue and
560s Charlie and Zach and me are going to
562s hang out with you tonight and you're
563s looking great chat thank you for being
564s here let's jump into some housekeeping
566s before we get into some gameplay tonight
569s uh the latest and greatest Prime to join
571s the family is none other than zaku Prime
574s is here oh yeah they look great all of
578s their accompanyment are amazing they
581s have the prime weapons of the trumna
583s Prime finally anybody in chat got the
585s trumna prime yet not me I think the only
588s thing I have is the trumna prime
590s blueprint well on your way one out of
593s four I guess trumna is like a is up
596s there for best looking Prime designs is
599s it
600s it's got your it's got your favor gimme
602s gimme gimme gimme nope not yet me Trump
606s is so broken in a good way aren we all a
608s little bit broken chat
611s anyway so deep yeah thank you TR to
613s Prime go bur that's what I want to hear
615s uh and the I can't pronounce it
621s quases whatever you want to say that uh
624s is there as well but honestly the
628s p is the the uh operator Drifter suit uh
632s and S obviously also looks incredible
634s but that operator Drifter suit is oh God
637s you me that in real life too something
638s out of my dreams and if you're not into
641s the skull there's a version that's
642s included in the prime accessories that
645s turns it not a skull no skull so if
648s you're not a skull person which I'm we
650s all I'm not I'm not going to yuck your
653s yum you know sometimes sometimes they're
655s a bit scary sometimes you don't want
657s that Vibe when you want the outfit Vibe
659s you still have that the drip with no
661s scare I mean Halloween is over we're
663s into the Cozy times are we into the are
667s we oh interesting are are we I was
670s thinking should I wear a holiday sweater
672s today I mean you knew you were with me
674s so it's true it's not a question of who
676s I'm with it's I don't have enough to
678s sustain until December this is your only
682s stream yeah this might be my last stream
685s of the year he's leaving de no I'm
687s kidding I'm kidding I'm kidding that's
690s just what it sounded like I was joking
691s see you next year no you're a busy guy
693s you're a busy guy uh so I'm sad he
695s didn't wear a festive shirt I can go get
698s it no no you may not
704s uh you looking at me yeah oh it's off
709s thank you sorry I think I pulled it I I
711s yanked it down that's my bad sorry chat
715s so sorry um moving right along so yes
717s zaku Prime is here we are going to be
719s trying to get some relics um of theirs
721s during tonight's game play uh but also
725s coming in hot not as hot as zaku Prime I
729s would say we have some Dev streams
730s coming up next week the first one being
733s the soul frame so Soul frame devstream
734s three is November 29th at 11:00 a.m. so
738s earlier than what we did previously I
742s think last time we did 1 p.m. uh we're
744s giving a bit more of a break in between
746s the streams so Soul frame's going to
748s kick it off first that day at 11:00 a.m.
751s and we're going to talk you through
752s preludes 8 and everything that's uh
755s going to be coming in that soon to be
757s update to preludes and update you on
759s what we're working on and look into 2025
762s and we're just going to hang out and
764s talk about dogs because look at the big
766s dog look a big dog so cute uh and then
770s after that at our normal time of 2 p
772s p.m. Eastern we will be doing devstream
774s 183 this is the very last devstream of
777s 2024 obviously we'll be back at it in
780s January next year uh but this is the
782s last one of 2024 because December is
785s fast approaching and the end of December
788s is a break for us so we're going to be
791s doing this stream uh this is our scra
794s stream for 1999 so we going to learn
796s more about the scalr faction perhaps
798s some more enemies and characters within
800s that faction we're going to talk more
802s about the hex Syndicate what exactly
804s each hex member can bring you some new
807s game modes there's a lot in this stream
809s that really excited to show you cuz this
811s is uh you know it's going to be our
813s because we don't have a Dev stream in
814s December so this is our last stream to
816s really show you more of 1999 because as
818s we know it's releasing in December at
821s some time uh so very excited to talk you
824s through some 1999 stuff so be there uh
827s the twist drop is going to be uh some CH
829s Forge shards of H I've tried to memorize
832s it and I cannot The Violet Emerald or
834s topaz um so if you got the drop we we're
837s going to do the I have I didn't do two
839s of the quest Conquer Cancer T Forge um
842s shards that are currently live in game
844s right now as alerts um so we're
846s basically doing the what's a what's a
849s trifacta about with six six
853s facta I have no idea what's a six-sided
856s shape usually say it's like a sex tuplet
859s when it's six what's a hectagon what's a
862s hect hexag how many sides
865s six isn't that why they're called the
867s hex in 1999 hex
870s I like it that's cool I actually really
872s like hex fecta all right the hex fecta
875s of t for sharts I don't even know why we
877s were going on that topic hex fecta of t
880s for CHS to end your year for twitch
882s drops uh so yes that is next Friday two
885s Dev stream Soul frame at 11:00 a.m.
887s Warframe at 2 pm don't want to miss it
889s get your break in between and Ru will
892s definitely be getting a break and we'll
893s actually feed him no kidding I'm kidding
896s we feed him all time uh moving right
898s along
900s uh we did announce uh I think it was
902s this week time has escaped me uh that
905s crass
906s crass cross platform merge is ending in
911s on January 17th of 2025 now this does
915s not mean that crossplay cross saves
917s going away absolutely not it just is the
919s merging functionality uh will be removed
922s we did update our FAQ on why that is um
925s obviously only you know a subsection of
928s accounts can actually participate in the
930s merging uh and those what do you call
933s them those teers of account I don't want
936s to call them tears but those kinds of
937s accounts are listed on the FAQ as to
939s which ones those are I couldn't even
940s merge because I participated in the Ye
942s Old merging back in the day uh so
945s linking is going to stay forever forever
947s forever and we will continue with
948s crossplay cross save until the cows come
951s home until there's 20 other consoles
954s released out in the world and we got to
955s put Warframe on that who knows where the
957s future will take us uh but it will not
959s be merging it will be linking forever
961s and ever so January 17th 2025 that's
964s when merging goes away and you can
966s continue to link for all of your
969s future whatever happens with consoles if
972s there's a
973s switch
975s 7.5 that's a in your car wow in your
980s mind but it still won't have uh Wind
982s Waker on it that's for sure anyways oh
984s ouch I just got reminded of such
987s Devastation Tain
989s happening before January Warframe 1999
993s you heard of it uh little tease before
995s our lovely Dev stream this week is a
997s little Warframe 1999 website that we put
1000s out this week you can head to
1001s warframe.com
1002s 1999 and take a look at the things that
1004s we've teased already what was this WOW a
1007s little game awards drop on December 12th
1010s grab yourself NYX who as you know is
1013s Elanor is the Proto frames you can grab
1015s yourself a free NYX by watching the game
1017s awards uh we have some guides as well
1020s for yourself to get ready for 1999 you
1022s can play the demo if you haven't already
1025s uh and get yourself this free long sword
1027s skin the protocol long sword skin learn
1029s more about the hex the the romance
1032s history I'm so so excited oh my we're
1034s going to talk more about almost all of
1036s this on the dev stream as well so if you
1037s have questions about the relationship
1040s system and stuff like that uh be sure to
1042s bring your cues to the dev stream and
1045s we'll try and get answer uh if you saw
1046s at the beginning of the stream the
1048s Gemini skins showcase us a little bit as
1050s well and
1052s if9 you can take a look at these juicy
1054s juicy abilities on the website as well
1057s uh we also have some Dev workshops
1058s upcoming on a NYX and Trinity changes so
1061s stay uh on the lookout for those and
1063s just a bunch of other fun stuff so you
1064s can head on over to the website and
1065s check that out uh one very fun thing
1067s that is that released this week is our
1069s 1999 comic and I believe we're going to
1071s show some panels at the uh fan art
1073s section of today uh but shout out to
1075s community artist CaRu for putting the
1077s art together for this amazing amazing
1079s such a good the amount of people like
1081s I've seen online like taking pieces of
1084s the comic and being like I knew it like
1086s when we show and like stuff like that
1088s like it's it was so cute for people to
1090s like put it together because this is
1092s kind of the I mean honestly this this
1095s comic we knew was going to give a little
1097s bit more insight into the Proto frames
1099s and it definitely did for I think a lot
1101s of people who have seen it so very
1102s exciting heck yeah uh something else
1105s that's returning before 1999 is the
1107s halania mall relay is live in game again
1110s or if you want to go to my screen I have
1111s I have so many customers they're so
1113s excited God look at
1115s this uh but you can head on over to
1117s Earth and hop back into the halania mall
1119s relay you can work your shift at big
1121s bites Pizza I'm clocking out for today
1124s he's done this guy's glan is I quit it's
1126s very fitting I quit uh and you can check
1129s it out you can meet our Proto frames
1131s hello me hello how's it going I really
1135s want to know who everyone's like running
1139s favorite Proto frame is oo and I'm not
1142s talking like it doesn't have to be like
1143s who do you want to kiss it's more of
1145s just like who's your favorite out of
1146s everything that like we've kind of
1149s sprinkled with them with the comic kind
1151s of giving some more insight to them what
1153s you've seen in the
1154s demo uh Amir Quincy Amir Eleanor nck a
1160s lot of Nick lovers I see a lot of Ni I
1162s see OE is my favorite is she your girl
1165s yeah both nighting Gales two for one oh
1167s my goodness I like it eleno lety for me
1170s PA's Mom hey he leave her out of this
1175s leave her out of
1176s this Amir my baby girl
1180s Amir Amir is does he not have his
1183s glasses in this relay that what people
1185s are saying yeah they know he doesn't
1186s have glasses you want to see it it's so
1188s funny people were making like um RZ face
1192s fan art hold on he'll come
1197s back he look so nak his glass he lost he
1201s lost my God he so quick he lost but he
1204s doesn't stop the grind he's got to get
1205s the score that is so yeah make sure you
1208s hop into the relay if you missed it from
1209s Tenon or you just want to hop back in
1211s and hang out with your friends uh as
1214s well what else we got going on this week
1216s oh you know we're just cooking over here
1219s uh the other day literally days ago we
1221s announced that Android pre-registration
1224s is live so this isn't obviously you know
1227s it's not ready yet but you can
1229s pre-register uh on the Google Play Store
1232s uh and your device will be ready to
1234s download Warframe when it does launch on
1237s Android so we are making you know big
1239s big Leaps and Bounds for the Android
1242s build now that we've gotten essentially
1243s the iOS build in a great state we feel
1247s we're cooking on Android uh we did have
1250s a little bit of a hiccup the other day
1251s with the opin function of it which was
1254s just to uh opt into a chance at
1257s participating in the Android beta that
1259s we are going to have eventually um as
1261s well as getting updates um on the actual
1263s actual Android build it has been added
1265s back so you should be good to go and we
1266s fixed um how when some people were
1269s opting in they were getting rejected
1270s based on their region we fixed that
1272s there are some regions that are still
1274s not able to participate in it but there
1276s was a lot of ones that were not making
1278s sense like our sweet baby people in
1280s France and stuff like that so it should
1282s be fixed if you want to go back and try
1284s an opt in for that uh and again
1286s pre-register for the Android build very
1288s exciting Warframe on another
1291s platform world domination what's going
1293s to be next speaking of next
1296s movember it's November which means
1298s movember which means mustaches are back
1301s in the game hands up in chat if you were
1303s here for the Guinness World Record of
1305s most mustaches worn in an in-game relay
1308s I think that's what it was it's over
1310s there somewhere anyone in chat were you
1311s there for that stream oh man what year
1314s is that uh I don't know what year do we
1317s start this maybe like
1320s 2015 maybe it's 2015 is it 2015 can we
1323s beat our own record or or do you have to
1326s just like wait until someone beats your
1328s record I have no idea I don't know
1329s because there's a limit on Rel relays
1333s now but I think we did it in the doj I
1334s don't know we tried to get around
1335s anyways we have a goodness world record
1337s but that's my size R if you'd like to go
1339s to my screen um in game right now of
1343s course are all of our mustaches uh you
1346s can pick yours up by going to the
1347s auxiliary and checking out which stash
1349s you want chat I wanted to let you pick
1352s which mustache you think Dante deserves
1356s what is the most Dante book Loven wizard
1361s kid
1362s mustache out of this mix the master
1366s you're feeling the
1367s master I mean it does it's pretty
1370s comical goes around his around his the
1374s gentleman I'm a big gentleman fan oh
1376s classic it's pretty cute The Illusionist
1379s the Magnum P well there's no P but yes
1383s the Magnum is there Illusionist oh a
1387s classic oh that might be my pick love a
1389s good curl the inventor is good too it's
1391s nice and
1392s fuzzy I like a little tusker oh my God
1395s chat he needs a beard I know beard is
1398s enough gentleman what what what did we
1400s see the most of friends I had to look
1403s away is it gentleman I think it's
1406s gentlem gentleman the gentleman is the
1407s winner nice all right right Dante shall
1410s be known as The Gentle One Credit One
1413s credit I'm broke nah there he is chat
1417s does it wiggle yeah it's got little
1422s physics all right we're stashed up uh so
1425s yeah that is all of November we also
1427s have the contest going on the movember
1429s capture contest uh it ends tomorrow
1432s actually so you have a very limited
1434s amount of time to to participate if you
1436s want to we'll be announcing the winners
1438s of that on Prime Prim Time next week so
1439s if you uh wanted to see more mustaches
1442s next week you're going to get a nice
1444s handful of them but if you want to
1445s participate it ends tomorrow so get get
1448s get going for captura mustache uh
1451s showing all of that off and Black Friday
1455s we have a merch sale happening I'm just
1457s going to go to the store room if you
1458s don't mind coming over to my gameplay
1460s store. warframe.com the official
1462s Warframe store we have statues on sale
1466s which is a very rare thing to honestly
1469s we don't put them on sale but it's Black
1472s Friday and we love you and we want you
1474s to have statues speaking of you can have
1477s Vault look at this guy look how cool
1481s what's that I'm running to get you're
1484s running to get who oh call I thought I
1487s didn't think he was on sale but he is
1488s he's not on sale he's not on sale final
1490s saleal final
1492s s get out of here get out of here Mesa
1495s what do you got Mesa just a box who was
1498s it was it in our internal conversations
1500s that someone said you can stab your eye
1502s at a discount price yep you too can stab
1506s your eye were you hear when Reb stabbed
1507s her eye with umra
1509s scarf that thing's got to come with a
1511s warning now that thing is D I mean
1513s they're all truly dangerous cuz but
1516s we're adults here okay we don't we don't
1517s be poking no one's eyes out uh but yes
1521s discount Black Friday statues if you
1522s were thinking about getting yourself a
1524s statue or maybe as a gift for the
1526s holiday season they on sale so check
1529s that out store. warframe.com and get
1531s yourself a little statue there heck yeah
1535s moving on uh we added some lovely new
1538s Warframe creators this week today
1541s actually so quick shout out to a huge
1544s group of new creators we got s facade we
1547s got SM Bonia uh for morian Gabby Maki uh
1552s per is it pery yeah pery Baja Temple
1556s Taho uh brickan energy falcon ghoul X
1559s ghou BL uh Ru U Zaki and Dino so if
1563s you're watching any of those already
1565s they're not Warframe creators welcome
1567s welcome welcome uh but you're here chat
1570s you're here watching the stream of
1571s course we do have twitch drops for you
1573s today and it's a juicy built Forma and
1576s you can get two for watching the stream
1578s today one at 45 minutes and one at 90
1580s minutes so make sure you're tuned in to
1581s get yourself your built Forma uh and
1584s then after the stream on the weekend you
1586s can tune in to our lovely weekend drops
1588s with creators R if you want to go to Fan
1590s Art super quick uh aereni is going to be
1592s giving you the domestic snob drone I
1594s love the name of that drone on 700 p.m.
1596s to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Friday and then a
1599s domestic chap drone from vampix 07 a
1602s lovely Spanish Creator from 5:00 p.m. to
1603s 7 p.m. on the Saturday it's a domestic
1605s drone weekend you have a clean Roomba
1608s clean your house SE clean your room or
1611s if you're American for
1614s Thanksgiving d That's a late
1616s Thanksgiving man us Canadians have
1618s nothing to look for forward to in
1619s November no that's so true birth in
1622s October so what's that that's not what I
1626s meant I didn't mean like individual
1628s celebrations I meant like holidays and
1631s stuff like that we got nothing like we
1633s have
1636s our we have Remembrance Day which is
1639s very important and very special and then
1641s after that it's just like well I'm might
1642s as well put up my Christmas tree so yeah
1644s that's a good thing put up your
1645s Christmas tree yipp nobody be judging
1648s nobody
1649s all right what are we doing today mag
1650s let's hop in we are doing like I
1653s mentioned zaku Prime relics and truma
1656s Prime and all the stuff that comes with
1657s that um as well as the to forge there's
1659s two to forge alerts that I haven't done
1661s yet and I also need to rank up I've been
1666s doing a little bit of housekeeping of my
1669s own if you will uh as you can see by my
1672s Loadout of all my unranked things I've
1675s going through my Arsenal because as chat
1678s you know me
1679s we we know each other you know I only
1681s play with three weapons
1683s ever I only own three weapons and I just
1687s play with them religiously because it
1688s makes me happy and brings me joy but
1691s when I look at my arsenal of many
1694s weapons that I own and they are unranked
1696s it's shameful chat I'm a I'm shamed I'm
1699s ashamed of myself uh so I've been
1702s ranking I've just been going to the
1704s simulacrum and having fun with Pub
1706s squads and uh doing it that way and just
1709s ranking up ranking up ranking up and I
1710s got myself to rank 24 I know I know
1713s she's behind I get it uh but I thought
1716s we could do quick little Mastery Rank
1717s test you want to do it now or at the end
1719s kind of want to do it now yeah set the
1721s tone get it over with you set theone not
1722s that it's bad I just and I know that
1724s this one is the operator one where you
1727s got the orb and I also kitted out my
1729s operator but okay this
1731s is this is my qol pitch to digital
1735s extremes I know them I'll put it in a
1738s good one
1740s so here hear me
1742s out I'm decking out my operator look how
1744s sick I look I'm putting time in effort
1746s into it oh that looks sick you know I
1748s feel like I look pretty cool look like
1750s I'm disintegrating you know I got my
1752s sweet skull mask on I feel like I look
1754s cool lo and behold I forgot that I was
1757s on my be
1758s slot you can't swap them you can't swap
1761s them oh dear digital
1764s extremes the company I work for please
1768s put in a good word for me you can't swap
1771s them wow so when I did the um uh Lotus
1777s Eaters baby Quest guess who popped out
1780s as my
1781s Orbiter this little
1785s jerk came out and ruined the Vibes The
1790s Vibes were rotten because of my mistake
1794s truly when this when this oh that's so
1796s much cooler or at least what it was
1798s before this cuz this just came out but
1800s I've been decorating and I've been
1802s updating my be this whole time do you
1803s have a c slot I don't think so oh I do
1807s Christmas oh wow yeah anyways oh no but
1811s I'm just saying like let me let me let
1813s me drag that be and someone said
1814s operator look links I feel like there's
1816s there's some love that must be uh little
1819s Focus love on there's some love that
1821s could Improvement maybe 2025 is the year
1823s of operator love you know what I'm
1825s saying you know what I'm saying anyways
1827s back to my a I don't know what I was
1829s talking about oh so yeah knowing that
1831s this is an operator quest Quest I'm like
1833s who's going to come out or operator
1835s Mastery Rank sorry it's like who who who
1837s we gonna get is it going to make me do a
1840s or will it be B because I have it
1841s selected I'm going to assume it's B
1843s interesting this is good testing I'm
1844s going to assume it's B we're going to
1845s hope and pray it's B cuz y'all don't
1847s want to see a in this Mastery right now
1850s but we're about to find out can I get
1851s some bomb Tunes R I was
1854s thinking a Platinum price Oh that's oh
1858s damn it oh that works no I was playing I
1859s was playing some some creepy music for
1861s you oh were you I can't hear it I'm oh
1863s my bad there it is baby there it is baby
1868s our 1,000 Platinum it's going to start
1870s with a
1873s c dang what is that long Lum lumicon
1879s lumicon Lum lumicon long Lum L lumicon
1884s long Lum Lumin please whisper
1886s congratulations you won 1,000 Platinum
1888s please whisper the Warframe Tann you
1889s watch right now in game alas platform
1891s play warmont and we will get you your
1892s thousand Platinum long or long Lumen
1895s icon long longl man icon long glue man
1901s icon
1903s oh longl oh long longl manic
1908s on I'm going to go with longl man icon
1911s yeah I like man icon just really break
1914s it up me looking at Arthur night
1916s Andale I see what you're looking at okay
1919s let's get this puppy out of the way
1920s shall we who's it going to be a or I
1922s love the hands on the it's so good oh
1926s it's no one I'm excited wait is this not
1928s the operator no it's the aring one
1933s F your time's counting it's going it's
1935s going oh my God oh my God oh my God what
1937s am I doing melee melee melee who what do
1942s you mean what just happened why did you
1944s tell me to do that cuz it said melee it
1946s did what do you mean the orbs I
1950s guess there but then how do I get back
1952s on my melee how do I what's happening oh
1956s it's here oh my God but you also have to
1959s kill enemies oh my god oh no wait you
1963s have all your unranked stuff idiot sorry
1965s wait where'd it go oh my god oh no why
1969s did I think which one's the operator one
1970s chat is that 23 or
1973s 25 I've been missed it where' it go oh
1977s no what this is why we practice you got
1981s this I believe this Megan okay guys
1984s everyone everyone relax we're good we're
1985s cooking we're cooking with gas wow
1987s that's a lot of enemies that I got to
1989s kill excuse me
1993s nice you're on Pace this is good is
1997s there only like a little bit of enemies
1998s on each platform yeah interesting
2001s oh
2003s nice see you later idiots 25 25 what
2008s halfway you're halfway there oh we got
2010s this chat oh I almost
2013s died whoopsie I'm assuming if I die I
2015s fail where are my wings behind you there
2019s there oh man don't worry guys I got it
2022s yink this is why I play the suspenseful
2025s music now you're making me sweat yeah
2027s I'm I'm nervous I'm wearing a
2030s sweater oh no what happened I think you
2034s hit the teleport volume oh no too high
2036s come on too
2040s High Above
2043s So seven more whoa
2046s Jesus oh Jesus Christ sorry it's his
2051s birthday no
2053s one wait no that's not oh my god oh no
2059s come on don't do this to me we got it
2061s one more platform we got this we got
2064s this don't worry about it with ease was
2068s even concern wow not a concern in my
2072s head we'll never know which operator was
2074s going to show up we'll never know it was
2076s it is it 25 that's the operator one I
2078s can tell oh I'm a fool I led myself
2081s astray I really thought it was the
2083s operator one I was so
2084s comp over cards a crutch I didn't need
2087s that didn't have time for it honestly
2089s very
2090s nice Sage how festive
2094s anyways festive festive
2098s can you go away from my gameplay for two
2100s seconds well sorry until I tell you to
2101s come back you can go to my gameplay if
2102s you want I've got some Relic packs to
2104s open we got the zagu prime uh now here's
2107s the thing oh yeah song what was that
2110s song yeah I heard that too what was it
2113s is that song what was that I don't know
2116s it was a big beep it was a are you
2119s playing are you playing an hour of
2120s Silence but interrupted by by beeps I
2124s don't know what that was everything I'm
2125s not I got nothing
2128s oh wait do you well I don't think this
2129s is it but do you have your chat sound
2131s notifications on uh you shouldn't if you
2135s have if R you want to cut away from my
2138s come to my gameplay you want to cut away
2139s from come back to me hey hey come to me
2143s come to me look at me guys rank 24 I
2147s mean 25 okay so update rank 24 the Gold
2152s Dragon Mastery test is your operator
2154s test oh rank 25 is the Deployable aring
2158s exter test you already did it so I in my
2161s head I saw I was ranked 24 and went
2164s what's the rank 24 test to get me to 25
2167s when that is an incorrect thought I
2170s goofed all right goof I goofed I had a
2172s terrible Subway salad today and it just
2174s threw me off that can ruin a day huh it
2176s really it tastes like dirt anyways you
2178s good I'm so good it was uh maybe chat
2181s notifications cuz they were not muted
2183s could be could be but uh chat I have a
2187s decent amount of Steel should I spend it
2189s all on Relic packs I mean that's up to
2191s you I ain't going to tell you oh we're
2194s balling what we got here what do we got
2196s here I'm praying for the
2199s haa the haa it's the Aya that's higher
2202s than the the
2203s relics Zuck Prime chassis very TR Prime
2209s yummy mhm gun oh wait no a blessing no
2213s nothing here that's okay
2216s blessing okay okay
2219s okay oh oh no wait did I see
2224s Qui uh SOC blueprint there you go that's
2226s a goodie actually I have one of those
2228s radiant so we should definitely do that
2230s Oo we should do that yeah yeah yeah yeah
2232s yeah clases classes okay all right you
2235s got that's not bad I still have my
2237s syndicates too nice let's go back and
2239s put my as well ni that sound of the Sony
2241s wireless headset low battery beep Sony
2245s is there a low is it the mic pack no no
2248s cuz I your mics are all maxed actually
2250s they're not but they're okay for the
2252s rest of the if it happens again it's a
2254s ghost Prime receiver you go Prime
2259s wow
2261s and two
2264s more
2271s Barrel TR Prime St we're loaded all
2274s right should we run the alerts and then
2276s do the relics yeah I think we'll do the
2277s alerts get those bad boys done and then
2279s we'll see what time we have left if you
2281s want to join us cuz I believe you can
2284s still play the mission uh even if You'
2286s done the alerts uh please whisper uh I
2289s can host I guess I'll send an invite
2291s please whisper me in game square bracket
2294s de Zack in game with your favorite
2300s oh why is this so hard your favorite
2305s favorite I was going to do something
2307s faster in the
2308s game yeah favorite NPC in the game
2311s what's yours is this like someone like
2315s any NPC could be a Syndicate person
2318s could be an open world person NPC mine
2321s is
2324s for maybe I was going to say sephon saai
2328s or aredian Y okay can I have a hot take
2331s M why does everyone love sephon saai do
2334s you really want to know
2336s yeah I'm asking
2338s it's like the same reason people listen
2340s to like ASMR I would say oh like it's
2343s the voice that they like yeah oh okay he
2345s Angy father people like angy's a good
2348s one oh thought you were commenting on
2353s S that's lur I haven't read yet I got
2356s something you on to love Yeah father
2358s terapatrick ticker Clen
2362s ortis oh okay tells me what to do and I
2365s like that
2368s [Applause]
2369s I mean valid valid yeah I likeor I mean
2373s naturally Quinn for the win I do love
2375s Quinn what a line too qu the win new Lo
2379s okay little duck oh she is sass she's
2383s great uh all right uh G3 North uh said
2389s that they heck is theirs cuz their fools
2391s keep breathing my air I love that seon
2394s suda for sure
2398s says hi hi hi this person likes y so
2401s they will be getting an
2403s invite oh okay so there's there's a bit
2406s of there's a way to get in uh Jonathan
2410s ma says chipper chip chip chip gonna
2412s invite for chipper that might get us our
2415s Squad here I like it I love it ready
2419s three yay yay we got a squad let's do it
2422s which one did you do because I think I
2424s have to start that one myself so I
2426s currently need to do the red and the
2428s blue right so should we start with the
2431s yellow or you only want to do the ones
2434s you haven't done um I'm being selfish
2437s and I only want to do B and greedy I
2440s told you I only had two to do yeah yep
2444s mhm I just thought that you know is the
2446s season and all that of giving for
2450s chance you know you know what we should
2452s have done you should have squatted up
2455s and done that while I did my Mastery
2456s Rank oh we should have yeah efficiency
2460s the down efficiency down bomber how do
2464s you pronounce site9 like that s09 could
2469s it be anything else that's what I'm
2470s trying to
2471s think SE maybe like kite it's a hard SE
2476s yeah that's fair no but site9 I like
2479s kite o9 that's kind kite that's kind of
2481s needs to make a fan art of somehow it
2483s being a kite
2485s now I'm just in the Airing yeah
2489s he'd be down he can snipe from there
2491s that's exact that's exactly right he
2493s needs the height would you like some
2496s overguard yes please yes please I'm
2498s playing Nova today I'm on a bit of a
2499s Nova kick oh the rework got you hooked
2502s yep I like it I'm a big fan of
2505s antimatter drop aren't we all big fan we
2509s love when the drop and the uh the Dex in
2513s or the Dex cus incarn I've been loving
2515s as well help it is but it's like one of
2518s the best looking weapons in the game oh
2521s we're talking visuals now yeah I like it
2523s I like it is very nice hello you're
2527s playing Dante and we have a wait come to
2530s my screen titani and a
2532s ga what you
2534s doing what are you doing in here a would
2537s you like to read I have a book that's
2539s the size of you a it's like reading a
2540s bedtime story it's
2543s like anyway sorry got distracted
2548s little
2549s disruption feel like anyone who has
2551s maybe um randomly paired up with me in
2556s my public missions is sick of the Dante
2560s sounds cuz you spam it it's quite
2562s literally all I've been playing
2566s for honestly since he came out it's been
2569s Dante Dante Dante if we ever do April
2572s fools again we need to do a mouth
2576s sound uh sound
2580s pack where certain frames and missions
2582s are completely re-recorded with just
2585s mouth noises of
2588s like oh okay that's better
2590s we H every single year we always joke
2594s about like changing every weapon to just
2598s be pew pew
2599s pew yeah see that' be so good comically
2602s hilarious actual work it would take
2605s pretty pretty high up there pretty high
2607s up there yeah oh
2610s hello sir
2612s ow little duck is also an S Plus tier
2615s NPC April Fool's update would you
2617s believe us if we did it though you know
2621s if we actually put out an update would
2622s you would you believe it to be
2625s true you know what I'm
2627s saying oh there's G Rus is in here
2631s John John John look who it is
2638s nice easy peasy easy peasy L squeezy we
2642s need a triangle up in here please I got
2644s one I'm good is that right good thing
2647s about Dante and why I love him so very
2649s very much is as I've been on my ranking
2653s up miscellaneous weapons grind oops not
2656s bad um like he's a frame where you don't
2661s need
2662s weapons his book is weapon you know what
2665s I mean like I never need to use my
2667s weapons those are the best kind of
2669s warframes for like ESO when you're
2672s leveling up or exactly that's literally
2673s all I've been doing yep I really do I go
2676s with Dante sometimes Mirage is fun CU
2678s then you get copies of your weapon then
2681s you get four times more weapons that's
2684s not true I don't think first stream
2686s let's go welcome blueing welcome to the
2688s stream kill them with knowledge Pepsi
2690s man that's exactly correct although the
2692s books I
2695s read no pick up anything in Japan
2699s bookwise yeah you think I could fit a
2701s book in my suitcase oh wow it was
2704s spilled yeah it was it was there was a
2706s lot of anime every every animate store
2710s was populated by Rebecca Ford and Megan
2712s Everett cuz I heard stories of some
2715s sections of stores that were attended to
2718s I was just curious if you bought any
2719s books this isn't a stream for
2722s that that's like a telet tune at night
2725s kind of stream oh prime time and you
2728s know after dark yeah the 800 to 9:00
2730s p.m. after show what's that what's that
2733s adult Adult Swim that's an adult swim
2735s stream that we won't talk about
2738s anyways tell you when your older chat
2741s it no it was a lot of a lot of anime
2744s like and Reb just went Bank on the
2748s gotcha machines and the claw machines
2751s like her luck at those was insane so she
2756s ended up with like
2758s four massive boxes of statues oh my gosh
2762s just because she was so good at doing it
2764s that she kept winning did she ask for
2766s help though what do you mean you can ask
2769s like the staff for help okay so thank
2771s you for saying that uh no she never
2773s asked for help but I think one guy did
2777s have pity on her at one point and came
2779s over like it's didn't say a word to her
2782s came over and uh opened opened it up and
2786s just moved the yep what really that's
2789s what we call sum
2791s Masen but but like nowhere else did that
2795s happen like it was just this one
2797s specific store that had happened just
2799s cuz you put a lot of like money in and
2800s they feel bad like he must have are us
2802s standing there for a while having no
2805s luck although she was like she was on
2807s the edge like it was ready to fall maybe
2810s like three or four more kind of Vibes
2813s but yeah he his pity on us was strong
2816s therefore moved it and well that's nice
2818s I had a giggle but again it was another
2821s massive box hello
2825s Rus but yeah she she won Bank on that oh
2828s we're leaving sorry we're leaving we did
2829s it wait were we leaving the whole time
2832s just just oh okay good I've been on my
2835s own over here let's go
2837s gambling gamber gamber some people have
2841s a supernatural gift for those machines I
2843s I I do think there is like a like a
2846s strap to it
2847s you know what I mean you might have to
2850s really set up your future hits like I
2852s don't think you could ever get it in one
2854s but I bet you good people that like know
2856s how to do it can to this corner first
2859s and then this corner and I lift it from
2860s this side statue in three or something
2863s statue in three there there is a um
2867s subset of people that would go to the
2868s crane machines and then resell them at a
2871s higher value that they spent on like the
2873s coins to get the actual priz oh
2874s interesting it's really cool yeah
2876s because like obvious like yeah that
2878s statue that rev one we could have just
2881s gone and bought it there fun there's fun
2883s in getting it did she pay 10 times the
2885s price for it yeah but it's all about the
2889s fun that we had along the way so true
2892s the real statues was the a lot of money
2895s was the a lot of a lot of tokens that
2898s turned into dollars that turned into
2900s full suitcase though that's good that's
2901s why you got to leave room when you go
2903s honestly I should what I should have
2904s done and this is my mistake is I should
2906s have went to Japan with zero clothes
2909s other than what I was wearing and just
2911s bought everything and literally just cuz
2913s that's what I ended up doing like the
2914s amount of you know weird anime stuff you
2917s buy and clothing you buy cuz they their
2920s clothing is so cool over there that you
2922s just end up buying stuff and I was like
2924s I have a whole wardrobe going on over
2926s here that I didn't need and I don't have
2928s room for like I had to leave clothes
2930s behind really oh my gosh yeah that
2933s sounds voiceful but it was it was given
2935s to to other people to have if they chose
2939s but it was yeah it's just it's just so
2941s cool over there Japan is so cool what
2943s time is it there now it's what 6:44 p.m.
2946s here so it's with the time change :44
2949s 8:44 yeah 8:44 a.m. the next day yep y
2952s well good morning if you're in Japan
2954s anyone in Japan right now hello oh me
2957s mentally I'm in Japan mentally I'm here
2961s anyone in Japan anyone hello kich that
2966s time changes was wild because we would
2967s be like it would be the evening or
2969s whatever and then you would be hopping
2970s online and be hello starting my
2974s day I'm just having breakfast what's up
2977s how's it
2979s going good morning in the Philippines oh
2982s good morning what's the weather like
2984s over there yall don't get snow do you
2986s that's a dumb question uh I don't I
2988s think at opposite times of the year
2991s though it's very hot oh it's like
2992s Australia where like there it's starting
2994s I'm asking I don't actually know
2998s AUD oh is it Audio Mic audio or in game
3002s audio hello hello hello good right now
3006s but that happens again okay I still have
3008s two bars evening from Fortuna hello oh
3012s how's the weather buzzing mic oh okay
3014s buzzing wow you hear now yeah uh I'm
3018s gonna mute you
3020s Meg is it Megan am I free I beat the
3025s allegations of the buzzing
3028s Germany 12:45 in the morning go to bed
3032s oh my gosh snowing in the UK I'm
3034s surprised that we have not had snow yet
3037s I not snow so bad every day I wake up
3040s and I hope that there's snow I know it's
3042s so Dre last year we had snow on November
3046s 1st and it was it was a gift wow can I
3050s tell a story yeah last night so last
3054s night I had to go um back to my
3057s apartment instantly cuz someone was
3058s looking at it cuz I'm moving I was like
3060s okay I got to go as I'm walking home
3063s it's like pouring rain out like horrible
3065s horrible rain I'm like ah damn so I grab
3067s an umbrella from the office and then I
3069s go home it's only raining just it like
3072s it's raining pretty heavy but there's no
3074s wind it's fine I get around the corner
3077s to my place and hurricane winds come out
3080s of
3081s nowhere and I'm walking beside a guy my
3084s umbrella immediately inverts like it
3086s goes
3087s like the other way and I'm holding it
3089s like I'm like it's about to leave my
3091s hands and I'm like oh my God and this
3094s guy beside me starts sprinting to a
3096s building and I came trying to hold on to
3098s this umbrella for a dear life and I'm
3101s drenched the rain is sideways and I I'm
3104s I'm so that's my story it's not actually
3106s that a cool of a story I just what night
3108s was that yesterday oh was yesterday it
3110s was horrible yeah there was one day this
3112s week where I was sitting in my living
3114s room and it just like came out of
3116s nowhere yeah such weird weather and I
3118s was like what is that sound and I look
3120s and the trees are just like and it's
3121s like shaking around I was like what were
3123s the
3124s trees EXC
3126s me I uh I woke up the other day and it
3128s was so foggy I couldn't see anything oh
3131s I love that love when it was foggy okay
3134s this is a question for my science
3136s friends when it's foggy like that is it
3139s because the ground temperature is warmer
3142s than the air or is it the other way
3144s around where the air is warmer than the
3146s ground other way around around so the
3148s air is warmer than the
3149s ground probably because the ground has
3151s been cold all night but then it gets
3153s hotter in the morning the air is warmer
3156s than the ground is that right chat
3160s Silent Hill yes it was very Silent Hill
3163s Vibes ground cooling warm moist air okay
3168s yeah so air is warmer than the ground
3170s makes sense done could have Googled it
3172s but I was like you know what n chats are
3174s Google chat chat is the here from the
3177s rain bomb in California there's some
3179s weird weather going on in the west coast
3181s as well it's like a wind rain storm
3185s there's a really scientific term for it
3187s I don't know what it is hemog
3191s globic or something
3194s gazuntite what did you just say there's
3197s like this crazy wind and rainstorm
3199s that's moving it bomb Cyclone mom
3202s Cyclone oh Mom Cyclone it's the same
3206s thing it's the same same thing same
3208s thing it's like when you hear your mom
3209s pull in the driveway and you didn't pull
3210s the chicken out and you're like oh man
3213s here comes mom cycle I actually saw I
3216s saw a video of that of like a girl
3217s filming herself like doing her makeup
3219s getting ready and then you hear in the
3221s background her mom getting home and the
3222s caption was like something like that
3224s where it's like when you didn't take out
3226s the chicken from the freezer that your
3227s mom asked you to 6 hours ago Dude oties
3231s it happens a lot when like you're done
3233s work and you go what am I going to make
3234s for dinner and you go I took out nothing
3237s yeah yeah and
3238s Pizza I'm ordering food taking my money
3241s taking my money y I got snow two weeks
3243s ago on Albuquerque Albuquerque mentioned
3247s Albuquerque like New Mexico out that's
3250s the only I'm assuming that's the only
3251s Albuquerque yeah it's in New Mexico wait
3253s am I saying that stupid no it's Albert
3254s cookie you're right Albert cookie Albert
3256s cookie Albert quirky Albert say Alber
3260s quirky Albuquerque Albuquerque
3263s Albuquerque Alba oh
3265s Alba Al
3267s Albuquerque freaking bad reference
3269s that's right you said it right right
3270s there Albuquerque aler man the more
3273s times you say it the more wrong it does
3275s not sound like a word anym there was a
3277s word the other day that I was I kept
3279s having to write and the more I wrote it
3281s it just looked broken do you ever get
3283s those yeah you're just like what word is
3285s this I wish I could remember the word
3287s cuz that's then the story would be
3289s better but I don't remember the
3291s word m a
3295s ghoul what did you say
3298s this maybe chat knows the video I'm
3299s talking about there's a guy who made a
3301s Tik Tok reacting to someone teaching
3304s English through tiktok which they do
3306s like they show a picture and they go
3307s what's this word but they react and they
3311s go M before every word and they say it
3313s really weird so it was like a Halloween
3314s one so it was like what's this and it
3316s was like a picture of a zombie and he's
3318s like a ghoul and it's like a zombie M
3322s and then it's like what's this m a Mana
3325s it's a haunted house a a oh a Manor is
3328s that what he said a Manor Chad's got it
3330s a
3331s cadav so they know they know what you're
3333s talking about a casket a homer a
3336s hemomancer a what a hemomancer which I
3339s think is just like what's a hemomancer
3341s it's like a magic vampire or something
3343s like a like a blood yeah oh a
3348s cemetery does he actually sound like
3350s that yes in incred really funny you
3353s actually it's been like my thing that I
3356s can't stop doing whenever someone says
3357s like a fancy pants word or whatever
3360s we're doing it on the tour of uh we went
3362s to Princess Margaret in Toronto this
3364s week it was very fun to say
3366s hello um but we couldn't stop doing it
3369s the driver must have been like what the
3371s hell our driver was very confused we
3373s talking about these kids these days kids
3375s in their Tik toks Zach which Warframe is
3377s giving brat now this is a great
3381s question giving brat are we going just
3384s buy green or actual personality there
3386s there could be any answers your frames
3389s are almost always getting that's a
3391s compliment okay I've gone down with the
3393s green over the years I miss the green
3396s look at my what I missed the green it's
3398s there look my it is barely yeah it's
3400s barely there it's barely it's just so
3402s giving brat green Banshee yep very Nova
3405s Prime I have to say so fra cuz of the
3408s piggy tails yes so true is piggy tails
3411s brat bump in that piggy tails brat
3414s where's that I can't read that message
3416s but I agree this is
3418s the say Maru Obi Obi Maru Obi Maru the
3423s same It's actually an ephemera it's from
3425s the Nova Deluxe that we just put out
3427s with G oh my God I got oh no it's okay
3433s I'm free of my sister thank goodness
3435s after five months this isn't even a
3437s sister it's a brother oh it's a brother
3439s it's a brother brother he's got one of
3441s them new weapons what well we got them
3445s juicy shards ah yes
3447s oh hello avar
3450s bark okay all right let's disband shall
3454s we thank you uh
3459s durandal I'm so sorry what happened oh
3463s Jonathan you survived Jonathan
3466s survived Jonathan hello welcome back
3470s goodbye wait why are you inviting me to
3472s a game so we can run some relics yeah
3475s okay uh
3477s thank you to who was playing with us I
3478s appreciate you so sorry Zach might not
3481s but I do appreciate everyone just
3483s kidding okay so zaku Prime do we want to
3486s do the lith X1 for the prime
3490s blueprint yeah do you want to run us and
3492s and pop squad or you want to invite some
3493s new
3495s folks let's invite some folks yeah if
3497s you want to crack some zaku prime relics
3500s really bring any Relic you want but if
3502s it's U PR related heck yeah brother uh
3504s please whisper dzak and game square
3507s bracket D Zack with your maybe you
3509s picked this time what should they
3511s whisper oh what should they whisper you
3513s uh whisper
3515s Zach your ideal date
3521s night for the Proto frames no I mean
3524s yeah okay yeah okay you're taking Elanor
3527s out on a date what are you doing big
3530s bites uh we have record store
3535s um no one can get coffee shop is great
3539s Sunset dinner on the
3541s planes Wow Come On In I like that lovely
3546s I like y so much I would be friends with
3548s Y bookstore after a picnic oh my God oh
3555s my God oh how did that how did that
3559s comment
3560s survive how did that comment survive
3567s that was insane oh my to eat their own
3571s actually yeah I'm not Ying y but like
3574s damn you really just let the whole chat
3576s know Ali bro says Pizza by the fire big
3580s bites Pizza big bites on the bonfire did
3583s you invite me oh yeah we're in this okay
3584s we're going to do a lith
3586s X1 uh run if it's radiant great if it's
3589s not that's cool if you don't have it
3590s that's cool too maybe bring another
3592s different R the uh X1 is so satisfying I
3598s was going to say exactly that that we
3600s finally have something that's back to
3603s number one that rock cuz like some
3605s relics are at like 15 or whatever right
3608s so to have an X1 it's just like oh God o
3612s that's that's good tidings for us I
3613s we're going get a delicious Relic all
3615s right what axi missions do we have today
3617s you tell me take me uh we have a defense
3622s or a Mobile Defense
3624s [Laughter]
3627s no actually I'm looking at one that auto
3630s auto moded very good do you have a
3633s preference between defense or Mobile
3634s Defense I don't Dante can handle
3637s everything I'm going to defense that we
3638s can get some more relics defense X1 how
3642s satisfying wait isn't the X1 a lith it's
3643s a lith yes Zachary you almost took full
3646s name I'm so sorry uh exterminate what's
3650s funny is I don't know why but I love
3652s saying people's full names and I know
3655s some people don't like it example my
3657s stepfather his name is Jeff obviously
3660s full name Jeffrey I call him Jeffrey all
3663s the time Jeffrey and he actually hates
3665s it so I've obviously stopped doing it
3666s yeah but my phone always wants to say
3669s Jeffrey so I say like hi Jeff it goes to
3672s Jeffrey I'm like I like panic and I like
3674s delete it I know one day I can't do my
3676s full name there's very few people that
3678s can say it without my like whole being
3680s being like you're whole cring my aunts
3683s can say
3684s it and you don't like freak you yeah
3688s okay yeah and I can't wait did you do it
3689s when I said it yes a sorry cuz then I'm
3692s in trouble man that's like a no like
3694s you're in trouble if you were in trouble
3696s I'd say Mr
3698s MCO Mr
3701s MCO Zacharias that's my Spanish name
3705s Zacharias zakaras I was convinced at one
3707s point in my life that my the Spanish
3710s name for Megan was Margarita and I don't
3712s know if that's true or not Jimmy Buffett
3715s any when Jimmy Buffett post
3717s there any uh Spanish speaking folk in
3719s chat is that was I gaset to believe that
3723s my Spanish name was Margarita that's
3726s hilarious why am I stuck there we go oh
3728s my gosh speedrun I know Jesus Oh hero
3730s chassis yes yeah I need one of
3735s those no it's megathon what that's not
3739s right now you're just playing with me no
3741s you're just playing you've been gaset
3743s I'm so sorry have been gaset what
3746s Margarita's
3747s Margaret that that makes a lot more
3749s sense than Megan very similar I guess
3753s Megan is Megan in Spanish well that's no
3755s fun that's no fun at all Megatron I do
3759s get that a
3761s lot well that's depressing unfortunate
3764s that's really depressing
3767s ooh for that makes me
3770s sad thank you cuz I needed the void
3772s traces so I appreciate that hey no
3775s problem
3777s I was gaset all right Megan is a Welsh
3780s feminine given
3781s name wow I I was another thing that I
3785s was maybe gaset I was told that my name
3787s meant uh I think it was like
3793s hiker to to hike or something to hike I
3797s don't know interesting I think I've been
3800s Gast my entire you're talking about the
3801s other day and I actually believe this
3803s that people form personalities around
3805s their name and how it spell
3806s how it's spelt yes so if I was a person
3809s who had like the the H in my my name I'd
3812s have a different
3813s personality if I was a k like CK totally
3818s different interesting craziest person I
3820s ever met was a double k craziest person
3823s that is respectfully a wild sentence to
3826s say craziest person I've ever met I used
3829s to know uh a Megan that was I hope she's
3833s doing well it was spelled me EA a g h a
3837s n
3839s n oh oh no they wanted to be real
3843s different you are different yeah you you
3845s I think you you become the name that you
3848s honestly I'm jealous that that incursive
3850s that's so much fun to write my name is
3851s pretty my cursive name's not bad we were
3854s just talking about cursive that yeah uh
3857s can we pick another Relic sorry yeah um
3860s so that was a bust but we could what
3863s what other zakus do you have uh do you
3865s have the Trum
3866s oh do have other zaku do you have other
3868s zakus let's find out let's find out
3871s shall we Megan comes from the Greek
3874s margarites which means Pearl and the
3876s modern version would be Margaret which
3878s is Margarita oh my God am I a work
3880s around Margarita three degrees of the
3882s atmology of Megan am I my loopholed into
3884s being Margarita all right I'll I have a
3887s Neo G8 but we could radiant if you have
3890s the enough traces uh I do yippee let's
3893s do a radiant Neo G
3897s G8 Neo G8 works for
3899s me I have a Welsh name and it's
3902s something like Steep
3904s Hill hey if I if mine's hiker then we
3907s together we make the perfect experience
3910s a steep hill and a hike
3913s Neo we don't have any good ones I'm
3914s going to do steel pth Megan is MCA and
3916s Hawaiian which I've always liked oh my
3918s god I'm an Hawaiian name that's so cool
3923s Magdalena we have a Magdalena here at De
3925s m
3926s lover was it G8 so in Japan Megan's name
3929s would be an explosion wizard what
3933s explosion where did we get to there how
3936s did we get to explosion wizard damn
3940s damn is that a konosuba reference maybe
3944s is that an anime yeah I've never seen it
3947s I've never seen it Mega Mega Man Yeah it
3950s okay it is a konosuba
3952s reference I've never seen it is this
3955s what muman is yes is that that's a
3958s person that's a person that's an she's a
3960s she's a wizard who can cast one spell oh
3963s explosion my I'm cool exp oh my God
3968s she's so cute I think she falls asleep
3971s right after she's a cat is she a cat no
3973s but she can only cast it once and then
3975s she's done for the entire day oh my God
3978s that's so mean I can do one thing a day
3981s and then I have to go to bed again
3984s cultur
3986s rude
3988s c yeah oh my God she's so cute this song
3991s is so good sorry I got to get her off my
3994s screen she's too damn
3997s cute oh okay calling me an explosion
4000s wizard from now on I'll take it I feel
4001s like I need to watch the anime so cool I
4003s wish I want to know what my name means
4005s in different uh languages maybe maybe
4008s it's uncommon we got a Zach anywhere
4011s Zachariah Zachariah I had many nicknames
4014s Zach and cheese okay but that's real
4018s name that's not going to be a Hawaiian
4021s equivalent of Zack and cheese I'm sorry
4022s to tell you I'm sorry to say does that
4025s we mean Sandalwood in Welsh yeah yeah
4027s yeah back to the candle back to the
4030s candle Zach is just my brother bro
4033s sorry everyone's brother
4037s [Laughter]
4040s hello
4043s zaritas I don't think it means any means
4046s it's saary in Finish cool saary like
4050s with an s sary s that's very cool kind
4054s of sounds like a snake in in Brazilia
4056s Zacharias y y Zacharia Zachariah is
4062s religious I thought it was a religious
4064s name Zariah
4065s Zachariah someone asked me there is your
4067s friend name Zachariah I'm like I don't
4068s think so I lost my mom but I don't think
4072s so just Zach do you know like why you
4074s were named Zach uh I wasn't supposed to
4077s I was supposed to be a gel
4079s um um gel but what's funny about the
4082s name the naming of me I was about to say
4085s the naming of me yes is uh at the time
4087s my dad was working with uh youths and re
4091s Rehabilitation and stuff and my mom was
4093s working for the University so the amount
4095s of names that were banned because they
4098s were related to people who like they
4100s were bad names at the time yeah were
4103s like immense so Zach was like the few
4106s Safe Haven words to call that weren't
4109s like associated with like students that
4111s drove my mom crazy or you know last
4114s thing you want to do is name name your
4115s kid after someone who you like think
4118s about unfly but at the time I think they
4121s were Matts and uh Austin's and are you
4127s trying to say there's something wrong
4128s with Matts and Austin no absolutely not
4131s okay but they were juvenile kids at the
4134s time what about Austin Matthew exactly
4136s what I was going to say what about
4137s Austin Matthews he's on the IR you can't
4139s talk about him like whammy man he's he's
4141s on the IR what's the IR injury reserve
4145s come on Z guy I'm so sorry you're
4148s Canadian I am I am I am I am a hockey
4151s Watcher through NHL weird NHL videos you
4156s know the series that they do who who NHL
4160s they do a series called weird NHL you
4163s don't know this wait the NHL
4166s the National Hockey
4168s League do a YouTube series called weird
4171s NHL and it's a compilation of things
4173s that happen week to week in the NHL that
4175s are weird oh like weird interviews or
4178s weird moments players like hugging when
4180s they run into each other oh that's cute
4183s you haven't heard about this I mean I
4185s think I I feel like I've probably seen
4187s it in like a Tik Tok short or something
4190s once you start you will never stop
4192s watching them this is Megan coded
4194s content right here
4196s it's goofy I'm here for it it's ha
4199s funny I'm here for it I I like
4201s it no hockey knowledge built in Megan is
4204s a closet American what do you mean cuz I
4207s didn't know the the funny channel the
4210s funny Channel quiz me right now quiz me
4212s on hockey yeah do you play um uh Puck
4216s doku no it's soku but uh hockey related
4221s questions do you so no but I watch
4223s people do it so it'll be something like
4225s like uh you have to find someone who was
4228s a New York Islander and also a buffalo
4230s saber oh so it's like trivia it's trivia
4233s but it's sedok so you can't have the
4234s same answer you go down you have to be
4235s someone that was drafted first pick
4237s draft that also played on the golden
4240s knights or something like that okay let
4241s me be fair quiz me about the Tonto me
4243s please okay I got nothing else for you
4246s I'll quiz you on the London Knights who
4248s is the London Knights upcoming Star that
4250s is penned for the Toronto Maple oh oh M
4255s it's not MCH is it it might be would I
4259s get in trouble if I didn't know the
4260s answer no the London nights is I know we
4263s live here but like it's pretty Niche you
4265s know it is Niche little n there's a good
4268s pipeline between the London kns and the
4270s I don't know if it's m the camp I think
4272s it's the the Maple Leafs Camp train the
4276s Marley's Marley's is like their farm
4279s team hey yay love that for US drops are
4283s glitch tell me more Joey let me see if
4285s I'm get drops or glitch I'm getting the
4287s progress e Cohen is who it is e
4290s Cohen however you want to wow endless
4293s Agony you little Londoner J I mean don't
4296s sorry don't dox yourself yes
4298s hypothetically do you know because you
4299s live maybe maybe just a big ol fan or I
4302s got a hate blueprint and a boore
4304s blueprint yeah the I didn't even see him
4307s but the protector stalker was here that
4309s was fantastic uh an update to the drops
4312s uh I have claimed my first Forma and I'm
4314s 78% of the way through my second
4316s true I also if you're having issues in
4319s chat 150 what else you got Armory cash
4323s and ex cash I'm big what are we taking
4326s what are we
4327s taking it's Xmas Eve you reach into your
4330s stocking what do you pull out you didn't
4333s see him you killed him oh I'm just that
4335s strong then I guess Armory Armory exus
4339s Armory really maybe it's just cuz I got
4342s that money but I just buy the slots man
4346s yeah feel like excellent I don't have
4349s that money I just bought Prime
4352s accessories so I don't
4353s have Armory Armory Armory Bitcoin that's
4356s not an option come on nice well congrats
4359s on 1350 some and a Mastery ring oh look
4363s what I got what
4368s Ohi Affinity booster 25 hours Don't Mind
4372s If I Do time to play all night
4375s No Sleep Till Affinity should we do one
4379s more Relic yep do you have another zaku
4382s or no I have none zaku but I have plenty
4386s trumna what would you like to do well
4389s I'm out of traces so it'll have to be
4391s something oh that's impossible it will
4394s have to be the lith n16 okay I can do
4397s that does that work but I am
4399s poor but I'm broke I ain't got none oh
4403s TR Prime n zaku left
4408s from wait what's
4411s happening uh yes and for you I'll make
4414s it read really yeah oh that's Christmas
4417s Christmas giving thank you lith and 16
4420s let's go let's do what the heck what it
4425s wasn't working for me there we go oh my
4427s goodness goodness equ Zoidberg I haven't
4431s heard that name in
4432s aund years wow I used to watch that a
4436s lot of a younger lass cough go Habs go
4439s cough respectable
4441s honestly Habs wait what did you just say
4445s said respectable no what was the
4447s sentence the chat message was cough go
4449s Habs go goab go you know what I'm not
4452s going to hate on anyone no it's just
4454s you're my rival so if that's what if
4456s that's the relationship you want to have
4458s with me then you be a Habs fan yeah
4460s where's the button that's cool don't
4462s time them out hey we respect all hockey
4465s things unless you are a Boston
4470s Bruin if you like the Boston Bruins then
4472s I'm so sorry it just means we have
4475s differences that's all we could still be
4477s friends it's just we're not going to get
4478s along we can be friends but I will talk
4480s about how much I dislike Brad Marsh okay
4484s okay okay okay I will give credit though
4486s the Bruins Tik Tok account is hilarious
4490s okay they do have that like they have
4492s some good personality on that team for
4496s like doing the jokey Tik toks or what
4498s have you seen the uh Buffalo Bills
4501s account maybe it's football coded but uh
4504s they do the same thing where they like
4506s make Josh Allen is such a
4508s goofball of their players and I don't
4510s even know football that much but now I'm
4513s a bills just from the memes well you're
4515s a Bills that's a lot of Canadians are
4519s I'm absolutely not uh a Chiefs fan
4522s probably okay okay what about Ravens
4525s what they do do you I would probably say
4528s I'm a Seattle fan than anything a
4531s Seahawks fan why not e i mean Seattle's
4534s nice yeah I like Seattle like what are
4536s you going to say like Rams you say Rams
4539s the LA Rams you going to say LA Rams
4541s what's wrong with LA ramps but you're
4543s going to say la ramps it's like saying I
4544s like you know two milk two sugar and my
4548s coffee like have a little Spice in your
4550s life there TR to Prime St but Z didn't
4552s get it cuz he did not get enough
4553s reactive Zach Z was n out of 10 hocky we
4559s were talking about football we were
4560s talking about football and hockey oh man
4563s N9 out of 10 no you could have had it I
4567s even said something but you guys were so
4569s you guys were so into that oh oh
4573s no oh no oh I'm so sad I'm
4576s broken I'm zaku I can run it again y I
4581s might
4582s have run it back do I have another one
4586s did you get it already is there a trade
4588s in our future what do you mean I was
4591s wondering if I had oops if I had another
4593s Relic wow look at that for G got my
4597s built Forma twitch drop
4599s G what we doing me and 16 yeah I got
4604s another one I can only make it Flawless
4605s me too Flawless it is that was meant me
4608s can't so let's go okay intact baby oops
4613s what a rookie move I know run it back
4617s here we go here we go I'm so sorry it's
4621s okay Zach has money but he can't buy
4625s Dr a a that's okay it's
4631s okay yeah I can't make it radiant but
4633s it's okay it's
4635s okay that's hilarious wow wow oops
4639s oopsies oopsies hey it's late at night
4642s just past my bedtime you stay up late
4644s don't you I do I don't want to um I mean
4648s but I do sometimes you control your
4653s destiny what kep it oh I'm so excited to
4657s watch Arcane any Arcane watches oh my
4659s God I have refrained from watching the
4661s new season cuz I as we know I'm waiting
4664s for the last episode this weekend
4667s Saturday so I can just binge it all yes
4669s yes yes yes back to back to back to back
4671s to back you know what I'm saying and you
4672s will and I'm going to sob my little blue
4677s eyes out I have no spoilers chat no
4679s spoilers no spoilers no spoilers I'm not
4681s looking at chat don't spoil it but you
4684s know what is Sunday right Saturday oh
4687s Saturday I forgot this past Saturday the
4690s first post I saw when I opened my social
4692s media was like I can't believe blah blah
4694s and I was like wow I need to watch right
4697s now yeah people uh they don't care yeah
4699s I um anymore oh we need some reaction we
4701s did that way too quick um
4705s yeah I every time if I see a post that
4708s has like you know any of the characters
4710s on it I'm like and I like look away and
4712s I'm like don't look don't read there is
4714s one benefit to watching weekly and it is
4716s the meme culture of the episodes are
4719s incredibly good like well that and like
4722s you don't need to be wey of spoilers
4724s that is true I'm I've got like so many
4726s loaded up on my phone ready to send to
4728s you guys that are waiting memes yes
4731s there's so many good ones I like it I
4733s like it oh man did this too fast we're
4736s too
4738s strong episodes are weakly in Canada
4740s they dropped all at once over here no
4742s way that's a lie that's not true that's
4744s a lie that can't be true no lying in
4745s chat it's
4746s R getting so many text
4750s messages you getting some pings I'm
4753s getting so many pings okay I'm at eight
4755s out of 10 nine out of
4757s 10 wa I've been here before I recognize
4761s this P we can't do it again seven okay
4764s we're good woo
4765s oh I really hope we get it I need two
4769s more being American and an F1 fan yes oh
4773s Lando Norris I'm McLaren girl I spoke it
4775s into existence I will say actually I'm
4777s not going to take credit for that but I
4778s was like Lon Norris even though he'll
4780s never win is my lad and then he's having
4782s the best season ever a
4785s Ian I have
4788s everything
4791s ouchie I mean I'll take that give me
4793s that reaction baby
4795s we can run it one more time if you want
4797s yeah yeah yeah yeah okay this one this
4799s one is we'll get it we'll get
4802s it there there's finally a race this
4804s weekend isn't it they were on a break is
4807s Las Vegas Vegas oh yeah wow that the
4811s time of that they race at 11:00 p.m. in
4814s Vegas that's like that's like 600 p.m.
4816s Vegas time true but that's like what
4819s like everyone's awake at that's a bad
4821s time watch L's better than for and the
4823s one to fight me I'm not going to fight
4824s you cuz love all racing you're not wrong
4827s Different Different Strokes for
4829s different the Vegas race it was crazy
4831s seeing them build it last year when
4833s there for VIP in Vegas shutters Vegas
4837s the event was fantastic but Vegas that
4840s City not for us n not for us people that
4844s don't drink alcohol or
4846s gamble we had to just experience it
4850s Lucid like it was horrible it was quite
4853s the quite the time yeah we also we there
4856s for 30 hours it was a quick trip it was
4861s a quickie but it was fun we did what had
4863s to be done when let's 1,000 pum giveaway
4866s oh yeah let's do it when corvac skin
4870s eventually ten Jen what you got show me
4873s some show me some ten this is the one
4876s yeah this is it this is
4880s it would you like some overboard not
4883s that you need it when cream skin don't
4886s you worry love we'll get uh the winner
4889s of a th Platinum is Finch or F1 inch
4893s three F1 uh congratulations you won a
4896s th000 platinum please whisper the
4898s Warframe twitch channel that you're
4899s watching on right now with your in-game
4901s username and the platform that you play
4903s Warframe on and we're going to send you
4904s 1,000 Platinum straight to your account
4906s to spend on weapon slots Ain't No
4910s Way ain't no way I'm waiting for these
4914s Bros to come corrupted okay or you die
4918s you going to die oh no how about you
4921s yeah give me a Rea hello
4925s sorry so sorry for of 10 oh this song is
4928s such a
4930s jam oh yeah corrupt for me
4933s baby oh you literally gave us nothing
4937s yeah what the heck that was a very go
4939s girl give us nothing
4940s [Laughter]
4943s moment uh I'm getting or night progress
4946s but no reactant what's uh what are you
4948s working towards over there uh we killed
4950s 500 enemies we building our
4955s up hey
4957s hello what' you say hello I think
4960s stalker is coming back it is it's me are
4963s you being is it protector it's protector
4966s stalker wait is he here uh he talking a
4970s little bit of a Yap sesh before uh he's
4972s a yapper yeah little bit of Expos I Big
4976s Y oh no he locked me in a room a rubber
4978s room a rubber room with rats crazy that
4981s was crazy that was crazy ouch we can't
4985s help
4986s you oh wait Can we is the thing over
4988s here oh here we go they leave me who oh
4992s W who we're coming I don't have my
4994s incarnate up right now we're coming well
4996s there we go it doesn't matter we're back
4997s are you
5000s sure I'm ready where I'm locked in oh my
5004s God where is
5006s he where'd he go did he explode yeah you
5009s him
5010s nice the effects that just gave were
5014s crazy oh my gosh power book I'm so sorry
5018s stalker need one more reaction good
5020s thing it's right
5022s here c um let's not trademark that I
5027s would
5027s never yeah wow oh but the Nautilus Prime
5032s you don't need that I do it's gold it's
5034s shiny n you don't need it get rid of it
5037s garbage
5038s garbage garbage
5041s garbage yay awesome hey now you got two
5044s got one for your friends anybody want it
5047s oo I will take one ammo
5050s drum what a steal what a
5053s steal all right we did what we came here
5056s to do we did it that was great for the
5058s for the F we got some progress actually
5060s I want to what sorry the song just my
5063s bad please back so good all right thank
5068s you too and I'll actually say this time
5070s KY arkor and Ali bro for playing a
5074s Warframe with us today thank you very
5075s much disband oh wait no it was trumna
5078s trumna trumna oh yeah baby are you
5082s almost done well I need the stock in the
5084s receiver
5086s wait okay what time is
5089s it what time is it Showtime like I said
5094s time is every say the
5096s word I
5098s [Music]
5101s don't very
5108s well oh I'm excited some fan art fan art
5112s do you want me to go first yep as the
5114s fan art I have if you don't mind all
5117s right we're going to start today's
5120s fanof fan off
5124s fan art off with oh Truax and they said
5130s those well they didn't say those blue
5132s guys but they said those blue guys that
5134s I love because I haven't drawn anything
5136s Warframe in a while look who's back we
5139s got Nill we got Ballas front and center
5142s and then he got tuille the execution
5144s that's incredible those BL guys that I
5146s love not uh You Don't See tuille Art
5149s very often this is a rare tuille
5152s sighting what do you always say tuille
5154s men mentioned or whatever to
5156s mentioned fire Emoji Tu mention there he
5159s is the three blue boys that's awesome
5163s that's so cute so Angy B is Happy B is
5166s happy as hell you ever seen that show
5168s this is like a an art silence roomy of
5170s the show 16 Yes Yes actually I thought
5174s you were going to say um Clone High
5177s Clone High yeah it's such a good one too
5180s the 16 as well also very similar yeah 16
5182s and Clone High it's just like era
5184s honestly we've gone back to telet tune
5186s at night we were so bad so bad any telet
5189s tuners out there any clone High mention
5191s Clone High woo they actually brought
5193s that back they did I don't think it did
5195s well what does that sound it's the um
5199s ceiling they're in the walls actually
5202s you hear that hold on hold on it's like
5204s the vibrating
5206s yeah do you hear it it's the PC the
5209s computer the computer computers making
5211s that sound it's making that can't be
5213s good uh no it's not what is that what is
5216s that sound hold on do you hear it I
5219s don't hear it okay come stand over here
5221s is it your chair Megan what how rude not
5224s my
5225s chair is it your water bottle thanie
5228s wait hold on no one
5234s talk is your a controller Charlie spoke
5237s Charlie sorry
5245s you hear that no you don't hear it hear
5248s come stand over here come stand over
5249s here I can hear it sorry chat we're
5251s going insane over
5254s here computer yeah it's the fan in here
5257s it's the computer fan well damn okay
5259s we're good Whispers well that was
5262s uneventful that was a very chat
5264s interactive uh experience right there
5267s yeah we're fine guys we're fine I
5268s thought I was actually going insane so
5270s that's it's good to know that's it's
5271s going crazy now not crazy crazy is crazy
5274s Crazy Ones that's crazy and lock me in a
5276s rubber room actually hear it through
5278s your mic now you can hear it yeah all
5280s right not I'll just start hitting it for
5283s a bit that's so loud good oh I just
5285s messed up my makeup anyways anyways
5289s speaking of just C sounds I don't know
5292s we got from Al I can never pronounce
5295s this Al yanza yeah I think so alanza
5298s they did uh they said trying some stuff
5299s chosen Mir as my test subject it's
5301s giving oh my God it's giving a little
5303s K-pop it is
5305s like I kind of want this in my wallet
5306s give me a little just pull it out hello
5310s little he's so
5312s cute yeah got look at is the finger see
5316s the hair he's so cute he's a cool
5320s guy Bonk
5323s B oh my God what a
5326s name Jesus anyways uh moving right along
5330s we have from holistic Hiatus wow to
5334s which said do you think they'll sign my
5336s shirt yeah probably with blood but yeah
5339s I was like what would they use to sign
5341s it though there's a lot of a lot of
5343s tentacle action going ouch ouch ouch
5345s that's really cool I love the colors
5347s somehow it's still like slay like it's
5350s like scary infested but the colors make
5352s it seem so boy band still yeah I love
5356s them oh packet my sweet packet I love
5359s him so much I'm going to kill him a lot
5361s oh well sorry it's not actually packet
5363s it's the version we'll get into it I
5366s would never kill pack anyways uh next up
5369s we have from Mr Guardian I they did a
5374s little OE that's so cute yeah the design
5378s is so so fun wow she's got her little uh
5381s crane floating there her little origami
5384s crane metal yeah she's so cool I love
5387s the how sharp it is her hair looks like
5389s it could stab someone like it's a great
5390s style it's my kind of vibe up there uh
5393s next up we have have newly added to the
5396s Warframe Creator program but not new to
5399s us herie Bahan did a Proto zaku
5404s Concepts my go they've been I mean
5407s they've been cooking it with their
5408s concepts for Proto Warframe so hats off
5412s to you I'm not wearing a hat but this
5414s one is so rad oh it's so good zaku never
5419s looked better wow it's so w wow all the
5422s pieces going on love it
5426s love cool next up we have
5430s from cion fad also new added to the
5435s creater program even though they it's
5437s the name we love over here uh they did a
5441s Lloyd and Albert piece to which they
5443s titled this dream of life this long
5445s night singing incantations in the dark
5450s wow that's so nice
5452s ouchie ouchie my
5455s it kind of looks like an awkward hug
5458s like they weren't ready for I thought
5459s you were going to say the Arthur meme
5461s with the fists at the side you ever seen
5464s that it is though it is giving he's not
5467s expecting he's like oh haha yeah thanks
5469s for the hug
5471s yeah they're so cute though they are so
5474s cute uh next
5477s up also added to the Warframe Creator
5480s programs for Moran wow I didn't do that
5482s on purpose I actually swear uh this is a
5485s Arthur and well this is a commission for
5488s uh
5489s ALC um and this is Arthur against their
5492s Drifter that they commissioned oh my
5494s gosh that's so sweet they look so cool
5497s this looks like straight out of like an
5498s anime still like you meet the bad guy CH
5501s your swords crash the looks though
5503s they're so they like enjoy
5506s fighting we're enemies but like I guess
5508s we got a fight enemies
5513s love guess we got to touch swords oh
5517s no oh
5520s no
5526s no and they were roommates and they were
5529s [Music]
5531s roommates uh next
5534s up we have from Rita s Rita Rita
5538s Sanderson so they actually did this
5540s piece this art specifically August 13th
5544s of this year so after Tenon you meet the
5546s Proto frames they did August 13th so
5548s they had an inkling that Eleanor was
5551s going to have an infested tongue and
5554s were they right wow your girls got to go
5559s to the dentist but until she do she's
5563s looking a little bit like this so
5565s Sanderson you called it you smart cookie
5568s wow I gu they're team Smart Cookie and
5570s all the comments were like oh I hope so
5572s I really hope so and like I actually
5574s remember internally seeing this art and
5576s being like do they know did we did do
5579s they know but they just there's
5580s definitely been previous updates where
5582s people have nailed it like like they've
5586s they've put their Theory out they put
5588s their guesses yeah and we're like did
5591s something is something on the internet
5593s right now like we have to checking it
5594s for leaks like oh my gosh and then they
5596s nail it yeah yeah no they just they knew
5600s they sensed it smart they are they're
5602s very smart uh and then last but not
5604s least like we mentioned the uh 1999
5608s comic by Karu is out and it is on
5613s multiple thing sorry go to my gam play
5617s it is on web tunes and you can I won't
5622s show all of it obviously because maybe
5623s there's people who don't want it to be
5625s spoiled or anything like that but you
5627s can meet the
5628s crew oh we all have families oh
5634s look at him mirror what are you doing I
5636s face so we've been very we've had this
5639s works for a while it's very exciting to
5640s see yeah you guys were one-on-one with K
5642s making this
5644s happen they're going to love so cool we
5647s were just talking about too before the
5648s stream people zooming in and like
5650s screenshotting their favorite little
5651s section screen do you have a favorite
5652s page I do and then luckily we've already
5655s shown it too like we teased it if you
5657s scroll down oh is it the pain one it's
5659s the that one the pain one and the scdra
5661s one I'm going fast you don't have to
5663s like that there is so sick is amazing I
5667s feel that in my heart the one after that
5669s or this one after this one is incredible
5673s yes I love it I love the red on the scer
5676s they're so cool we forget often because
5679s we usually mow them down how scary
5681s Warframe enemies can be to non warframes
5683s and this is cool like I think it really
5685s really Nails it how it's like spooky it
5687s is scary the design on all of them but
5690s especially this girl character here she
5693s is actually scary in game like I know
5697s y'all are y'all are real powerful and
5699s you're just going to you know pew pew
5701s but like she do be scary when she gets
5703s all up in your face the design is so
5705s cool I love
5706s them let with her legs out girl put them
5710s calves
5713s awayy H it's just so fun if you haven't
5715s checked it out definitely give it a read
5717s if you want to learn more about our
5719s little gang here the gang come here oh
5722s look at them all oh look who it is
5724s [Music]
5725s is jerk guess you'll have to read and oh
5729s okay I won't show anymore it's hard to
5730s stop I know really like I just want to
5732s keep going I just want to look at the
5734s art but anyways that is live so thank
5736s you K uh for collabing with us on that
5740s and uh yeah all your hard work it has
5742s paid off and it's beautiful and
5744s incredible so thank you so much k for
5746s doing that all right capture time time
5749s we're going to start off very strong
5751s with hilden uh this one's tit in hren
5753s strong women by fat boy feel which is
5755s another great name oh I like the colors
5758s now it's giving could you guess what
5760s it's giving in terms of aesthetic I kind
5764s of picked it for you specifically when I
5766s saw
5767s it okay hold on is it anime
5770s related uh yeah kind of but it's game
5773s related more it's game related yeah
5776s yeah is it the
5778s style you got this you got this is it
5781s giving zzz yeah it's giving zzz I saw it
5784s with like the way the uh name is written
5788s it's giving like very almost like cyber
5789s the profiles that they have the people
5791s yeah but this is really cool I love this
5793s I love the purple it's just really nice
5795s yeah that's really nice we have this
5797s one's titled Dance for Me by kipple okay
5800s it's a little spicy one
5802s honestly my goodness God damn she like
5805s popped a hippo with that my God I would
5807s actually die sted up yeah she's got that
5810s St she's got that whip it's really cool
5812s man that whip animation
5814s on other warframes get out of whoever
5817s could you think I don't know I'm not
5820s going to yuck you go but it's good
5822s that's really nice it's good this next
5823s one is titled ritual by lat Ry six maybe
5828s lat R
5830s six and it's the
5832s de but the base at the top I don't think
5835s I've ever noticed it's in the room until
5838s today oh wow I don't know how I never
5840s saw them before I don't think I knew
5841s that either actually and they're really
5843s spooky ooh oh yeah I see the other one
5846s right they're up top I was like in the
5848s world unless they made it or are they in
5850s the room R you said the room wow I had
5852s no idea it's very scary that's very cool
5855s yeah I love the lighting in this room
5857s it's so cool uh sorry just a chat
5859s question the to forge archon Shard is
5861s the devstream twitch drop which is next
5863s Friday so if you want that get that and
5865s then I saw a question about the comic is
5867s it free it's free to access on the
5870s internet I think it's on imager um it
5872s was on web Tunes there was other one
5873s another one I can't remember um but yeah
5875s you can freely access it um and scroll
5878s through the what 33 Pages 33 Pages I'm
5881s pretty sure yeah the alter anyways um uh
5886s we have a vault capture which is really
5888s cool by uh
5891s cber this is Vol a versatile Warrior
5894s volt Arsenal's powerful and electrifying
5896s Handle With Care ten oh is this like a
5899s statue package and I'm buying the Vault
5901s statue o that's pretty cool that's kind
5903s of what could be like a dossier like you
5905s you're like you got Intel and you're
5907s like scrolling through cuz it kind of
5909s looks very camera shot maybe wasn't
5911s black and way but this is pretty cool I
5913s don't know what that barcode is maybe
5915s it's a you ever see the Costco chicken
5917s guy no it's a guy that walks into Costco
5920s with the uh chicken rotisserie chicken
5922s barcode on his shirt yeah and he says
5925s don't scan the chicken scan me I got the
5928s chicken and he got banned from Costco
5930s you watch the weird honestly that is
5933s self report and way someone has to know
5937s do am I on the internet yeah yeah all I
5939s know is the rizzler from cost every day
5941s you say have you seen the video where
5943s see but this is why Sam is my favorite
5945s that's true Sam knows immediately what
5948s I'm talking about you and Sam know I do
5949s know the Costco boys thanks to great
5952s yeah Costco boy CH Chun anyways we're
5954s getting off track uh thank you for the
5956s capture the colors might I say might I
5959s kiss uh this one's really cool this
5961s one's titled when the dream was more
5962s than a dream by Wicked spider
5965s 218 oh what's Nova doing really cool
5968s what's she doing I don't know where this
5970s is where's she going and I was hoping
5972s you might know or chat might know how
5974s they did this yes how did they do this
5977s unless they made it in their Dojo you
5979s with some effects some sort of is it her
5982s portal is it looking through aren't
5985s those Square yeah it's very circular it
5988s is
5989s circular I'm trying to figure out what
5991s it is lotus room oh oh is it the where
5996s she go you go up on the thing apy the
5998s back yeah the back of the apostasy Vibe
6001s was that there cuz then they walked
6002s through the portal together they held
6004s hands everyone puked cuz that was
6007s terrible um yeah could be could be that
6012s could be someone said Michigan we can go
6013s with Michigan it's always Michigan it's
6015s always Michigan this is really cool I
6017s love it um our next piece is titled A
6021s calculating Soul by Eve
6024s and I just love the Symmetry here from
6027s this equal armor parts equal helmet yeah
6030s this really cool love Symmetry and it's
6033s a boundary break it's so cool I love
6035s when things go about the like picture I
6037s know it goes back to that comic panel
6039s you liked cuz there was the bars and
6040s they're breaking the bars oh my God I'm
6042s I'm only one one thing oh no you got a
6046s I'm so simple no no don't say that oh
6050s someone said they're sipping hot cocoa
6051s watching this oh my God I Want to Be You
6053s Queen Leo please love hot chocolate
6056s question actually small detour I make
6059s hot chocolate by heating water and then
6062s putting cold milk in it what do you do
6065s do you do that um no I heat up milk and
6070s then how do you heat up milk in a
6073s saucepan oh you have
6076s to you have to be very careful not to
6078s burn it yes yes yes so it's like a it's
6081s a very like low boil can you boil up
6084s milk in a kettle that I don't think so I
6088s think it get too I think it gets too hot
6089s in a that takes so long yes oh yeah
6093s that's why I've never done it I've tried
6095s the microwave before your is not bad
6096s it's just that's I when water hot
6099s chocolate is not my it isn't great and
6102s that's why I try to do like more milk
6104s than water but then it gets a little
6105s warm like it's not hot yeah and then
6107s you're cooling it down um when I was
6109s younger I put milk in a cup like a jar
6112s like a mason jar put it in in the
6113s microwave and then someone was like if
6115s you shake it it becomes frothy and then
6117s I shook it and then it
6120s exploded guess what you yep and that's
6122s how I learned hot things expand in tight
6125s spaces very good anyways you ever put an
6128s egg in the microwave no don't do
6131s that have you by chance R put an egg in
6133s the microwave no I've seen many many
6135s videos like it's an actual bomb yeah
6138s explodes you'll take it out and you'll
6140s go to like cut it in half with the fork
6142s and it just goes oh my I've seen videos
6145s of like they slight it's like the lethal
6147s company egg oh my god um I was going to
6149s say something okay the next when you
6152s show I'm going to hide my face and I'm
6154s going to try and guess the Warframe
6156s based off the title that the title is
6158s the Warframe okay okay okay but I
6161s can you can do that for the you can do
6165s that for the next the third one thir cuz
6167s this one and you'll see why you can't
6168s guess it this one is from watercore mix
6171s it's titled grindle oh it's so funny my
6176s God why it's so wa no you actually can't
6179s show this why you need to go to the next
6182s one need I see it now go go go go go go
6186s so the next piece of capture is Elanor
6190s uh titled meat the hex from
6200s Deuce
6202s dude oh
6207s I can say in good
6210s conscious did not cross my mind fair
6213s that's fine that's fine okay don't even
6216s worry about it don't even worry about it
6218s okay it might have been it might have
6220s just been a happy accident I don't know
6223s maybe they didn't even
6225s know anyways
6227s Eleanor
6229s Elanor is one of the members of the hex
6235s and do capture them in the H Mall which
6237s is great I can't read uh I know you're
6239s there I can feel you it's okay I won't
6241s tell the others yeah
6243s this
6245s um tell after dark man I don't
6250s swim she so good I love that people are
6252s doing
6253s captura um before you can do it what do
6257s you mean it's in the mall it's not a
6259s scene if it was a seene they got to work
6262s that camera can do it and they actually
6263s like sent the original as
6266s well are you
6270s okay they said how they took the
6273s original and it's like quite literally
6274s the only like the corner of this capture
6277s like the screenshot and they're like
6278s hiding in the corner trying to get the
6280s perfect camera angle so it's dedication
6282s they worked hard for this and it paid
6283s off I got I will say a little Dev note
6286s the amount of work that went into
6288s getting her ponytail to sit right as
6290s she's lying on this couch I remember so
6293s hard and I know that sounds so silly but
6296s like to get that ponytail to stay where
6299s it needed to stay damn that was hard
6301s don't know why but it was hard uh our
6304s next is this one I can guess yes okay
6308s I'm be very interested if you can get
6310s this so it's titled defeated it's by
6313s black shark okay it's titled defeated
6315s defeated and you can guess you have
6317s three guesses on what the Warframe is
6319s that's what you want to do right yeah
6321s can I get one hint cuz that's yes it'll
6323s be a big hint maybe I can do a smaller
6325s hint
6327s okay
6329s this
6332s Frame that really narrows it down what
6334s about can you describe the
6338s scene it won't help you okay you can
6341s just go I'll just it's a frame that's
6343s been released in the last four years oh
6346s okay all
6348s right you gonna guess it I got three
6351s guesses yeah veruna okay oh you're not
6354s going to tell me is that wrong wrong oh
6357s okay wrong wrong uh okay
6362s uh four years uh dth mm but you're on
6368s the right track cooler BR wow those are
6371s three great guesses so your big clue is
6374s um recent Deluxe skin recent Deluxe
6378s skin and don't say one that's in your
6381s recent in your mind like the most recent
6384s cuz that's not true it's the most recent
6389s if I'm thinking
6391s correctly Nova and
6394s Vault it's not the most it is the most
6397s recent it is the most recent what do you
6399s mean it also
6400s released oh this I know
6406s okay
6410s huh huh sentient
6413s oh
6414s calan it's calan
6417s Delux right is very cool defeated oh now
6420s that is defeated Warrior One honestly
6424s that skin popped off it's so good works
6427s so well with the spear gun too it it
6429s takes calivan to a whole ler level I'm
6430s proud I'm proud of him he deserves it he
6432s deserves it that one when that made the
6434s rounds initially internally we were like
6436s what oh my God incredible needed a w and
6441s he got a w
6444s we so bad um this one is titled be ready
6448s by alaman 230 it features multiple oh
6452s okay waa Jesus yeah it's very cool SI we
6455s got zaku Prime we got sagoth Prime and
6458s sorry Wukong on the left Wukong am I
6462s crazy I actually can't really tell
6464s Wukong on Prime on the left
6466s right that helmet is that Revenant oh
6470s the Cape is very Revenant sabag goth on
6472s the right
6473s is it no NE cross so close to the
6476s monitor right now I know same rev in the
6479s middle isn't that zaku that's zaku Z the
6481s zaku seago I'm pretty sure that's re
6484s Revenant with a very cool
6489s customization cuz it's Red's pose
6493s definitely people are saying NE though
6495s got Bak the inflate there are so many
6497s war and so many space though I mean you
6500s can put other helmets on I'm sure but
6502s like what face is
6505s that that doesn't look W interesting but
6508s oh no but the hands who has those little
6511s spiky hands I thought it was
6513s Wukong Revenant fingers wait Revenant
6516s has those I mean he's got lasers in his
6518s fingers you're not
6520s wrong everyone saying red Sak wow
6524s nice awesome but what helmet is that
6526s though says um it's a prime body tenden
6529s helmet oh that makes sense tenen
6535s us uh moving on to a piece by Broken
6538s scrap and they did a ghoul saw cat oh my
6541s God I'm so sorry that's okay dang yeah I
6545s love this muted colors go kind of crazy
6548s realistic too don't you I love the it's
6551s so cool I love it okay
6555s um I'm trying to get you to guess again
6558s okay um this one is a blank so you have
6562s to fill in the blank okay it will be the
6564s name of the Warframe okay um and your
6566s only clue is that it Rhymes a little bit
6568s okay so the caption is love you blank
6572s does it rhyme with you or
6573s love you you no it doesn't rhyme it
6577s doesn't rhyme it doesn't rhyme at all
6578s doesn't rhyme at all no the piece is by
6580s saru Warframe and it doesn't rhyme at
6582s all and you said this name
6586s already wait when I was guessing before
6589s yeah
6591s uh what's the what's the vibe of the
6594s picture uh dramatic very closeup very
6597s emblematic of the story behind the
6601s Warframe dth
6603s [Laughter]
6607s wrong
6615s uh I'm gonna just look at chat here next
6618s hint often
6620s mispronounced cooler bro
6623s this would be love you Kuro by S
6625s Warframe and I love this it's so
6627s emotional he's a cute little guy he kind
6629s of is he's a cute little guy it is been
6632s stabbed in the back one too many times
6633s am I right hey me too man I don't get
6640s get I was going to say didn't get that
6642s to forge
6643s Shard okay I'll go play with you after
6646s Yi uh our next piece of Catcher is from
6648s toox and this is
6651s rebuilt I mean this is a good one to
6653s guess the title is rebuilt zaku yeah
6656s yeah oh cool it's so cool The Drifter
6660s yeah oh then that's the new um suit as
6663s well with it is yeah it look it's so
6665s drippy it is drippy those sleeves they
6669s slap I love it nice I love
6672s it
6675s uhoh and our final piece of captur we
6678s made it is from sethlon vaska and you
6680s can try and guess if you want Harmony
6682s and balance Harmony is it two warframes
6684s nope it's one it's one Harmony and
6687s balance paint me a picture what's the
6691s vibe would I don't think it gives away
6694s who the Warframe is in the title
6698s oh recent the Warframe is recent recent
6702s like new frame yeah
6705s okay k
6708s no
6710s uh sorry I had to check what is
6713s recent Warframe you could say
6716s recent Jade
6720s no
6722s Dante I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I'm so
6726s sorry I'm so sorry show it it's recent
6730s oh come
6733s on it's honestly those colors are like
6738s actually insane gorgeous with permission
6739s I will be borrowing cuz this is please
6741s send me your look link gorgeous I love
6744s it that purple and that
6746s pink so very good and that's all I
6748s capture thanks
6751s everyone uh oh right we can quickly do
6753s some Dojo Dojo R do you have the videos
6758s I have the videos but he also has oh I
6761s am so sorry I thought you were going to
6765s be on that R I know
6770s wow it's fine we haven't fed R yet
6773s oh my God don't say
6775s that RW are you fed uh I had some
6778s schwarma today so I'm good okay good
6782s okay so let me get this going because
6785s it's two videos I have to play the one
6787s and a break and one very well works for
6789s me I like
6791s it he's fed up yeah you're not you're
6795s not wrong sorry is ready yes yes all
6798s right here we go uh this is the dojo sea
6801s of Titans I believe and it's not the
6804s proper res and it is very weird is it
6807s fixable or okay we will Vamp uh um IR
6812s have you decorated your house for the
6814s festive season you know it November 12th
6817s hit November 12th wow that's awesome
6820s tree went up I mean every day after
6822s Halloween the Halloween decorations came
6824s down mhm and every day a little bit more
6827s festive went up I like that yeah and
6829s then November 12th hit and it vomited
6831s everywhere I got a question for you yeah
6833s are you a enjoyer of an advent calendar
6836s 100% okay now when you're buying an
6838s advent calendar or receiving are you
6840s buying the absolute cheapest one you can
6843s find or are you buying like you know
6845s it's it's like 30 bucks it's got some
6847s nice chocolates in it maybe I'm buying
6848s like the one that's a chocolate that I
6850s like like the lint one or I think last
6853s year I had a arrow
6856s one ooh now for me cheapest possible it
6862s has to be like from the dollar store
6864s cheapest possible cheap chocolate is so
6867s good the Advent calendar cheap chocolate
6869s is like I can't the little tin foil
6872s balls it's it's not tin foil they're
6873s just like the ones that you pop out yeah
6875s oh yeah and then it's like that little
6877s tiny it is so it keeps me going man like
6880s a that's all that matters we're going to
6882s be going into 1999 it's going to be like
6884s every I'm going to hear that
6887s crack we'll do moing Club first and okay
6891s so this is a emergent Clan moxen Club
6895s welcome to the star chart Gundam this is
6897s Gundam this is uh unicorn I believe
6900s maybe these okay
6902s unicorn wow that's awesome he's glowing
6905s super cool can I get a banana for
6907s size it's huge scale uh this is a room
6910s called Long shenan Dragon so cool I
6913s think there's a dragon on that building
6916s dragons D it's got good structure to
6918s hold up a dragon though oh wow this is
6921s pretty ooh that's a bit scary that a CL
6924s is this a protective
6925s dragon or is this an endanger are we in
6929s are we endanger guess it depends on who
6930s you are oh wow that's
6934s terrifying that is terrifying uh this is
6937s apply named 2077 oh cool whoa show me
6942s that Ferris wheel that SI this is cool
6944s yeah wow this is a whole W that's really
6947s unique I want to walk there's a club
6949s down there I saw love oh yeah it's got
6950s to be a club in 2077 definely a club in
6953s the bottom that's very cool this one is
6956s uh chaang
6957s foodi what does it mean we'll never know
6959s what does it mean I love the joy room so
6963s good wow oh this is so pretty and
6965s peaceful going on a tour love spiral
6969s stair spiral staircase is so cool I have
6972s like a life goal it's like to have a
6974s spiral staircase in the place that I
6975s love in your life yeah' be pretty cool
6977s love spiral uh this is a MAO Tang
6984s maage
6985s maage that's so pretty that is actually
6989s gorgeous the sun beaming through this is
6991s great venues I'm going to build this IRL
6994s Mage
6995s M that is so cool and that was uh Mox
6999s and Cloud someone said L the star said
7001s I've been to this Dojo it's fire o yes
7003s these are on the star chart right now
7005s you can hop in and uh console was that
7008s um I think they're all cross saave now I
7011s guess yeah it doesn't matter yes you can
7012s play the this on any platform I believe
7015s yes yes yes uh but is they feature Dojo
7018s Mox and Cloud tear storm damn good for
7021s you guys we get the other one R
7024s yipp might be a little blurry thanks r
7027s no appreciate problem problem squint
7028s it's your eyes not
7030s the two one here we go all right sea of
7034s Titans it's the first time on the star
7036s chart as well uh here we have the Titans
7039s Lounge oh is that a big bed this is open
7042s a table pool table oh it is a pool table
7044s w wow and like a bar that is so cool up
7048s baby glowing pool balls need to be a
7051s thing I like it that's really cool uh
7053s and then now we have the honor among
7056s Titans room damn who gets to sit there
7059s whoa I want to sit there I want to sit
7061s there that's so cool norg norg mention
7065s what's he
7066s doing that's this is beautiful that's a
7069s sweet haul oh my gosh and really well
7070s put together uh this is the my Furious
7073s cave oh those eggs is that a snake oh
7077s cave snake oh oh there
7080s two snakes oh there's three oh gosh they
7084s don't stop M reptiles there
7087s four scary that is spooky teeth are a
7091s little too much for me uh and then we
7092s have the knowledge of Titans all right
7095s the database a little
7097s CPU little knowledge ah yes wow well
7101s done this is really cool
7103s clean databit oh it's an evil dat all
7106s right
7107s Sauron Tech Sauron what is Happ what
7111s dispensing what is happening there is he
7113s throwing up knowledge for chance oh this
7115s is really cool damn what is down there
7119s robots oh they're like pulling the
7122s records moving around uh oh this is the
7125s Repair Station this is so cool whoa Dam
7130s what are we repairing fits and bobs
7133s is that a Mech pieces okay oh look at so
7138s cute little Helping
7140s Hands oh wow that was amazing that was
7143s SE of Titans thanks everyone Titans that
7145s was incredible oo th000 Platinum th000
7149s Platinum could be good 1 th000 Platinum
7152s could be is that Wall-E
7154s [Music]
7155s W I need to rewatch that movie is so s
7158s I'm a movie watching mood I mean say the
7161s season but
7163s all cozy hey I gave you two
7165s recommendations before great
7166s recommendations I got to say uh the
7168s winner is I'm a ghost 3 the third ghost
7171s uh you've won a thousand Platinum
7173s congratulations please whisper us right
7174s now on the twitch channel that you're
7175s watching with your in-game username and
7177s the platform you play Warfare mod you're
7178s going to send th000 Platinum red cherry
7180s count Yi you did it did it 1,000
7183s smackers are we ready for top 10
7186s commentary that was
7188s fast he learned his lesson he was
7190s hovering over that button
7194s top top top conversation all right
7199s Char what do you got for us Charlie all
7201s right first time from pyu we have
7205s Megan times today oh my good
7210s goodness csing you
7213s every
7216s hi uh next we have um from
7220s deante and Discord saying glad we fix
7223s Megan's microphone so we could
7225s experience the sound the trees were
7227s making and know what kind of story you
7230s were telling but you made a sound of the
7232s trees it was really
7235s funny I forgot the noise yeah it was a
7239s very important story that had to be told
7242s for everyone to hear I'm so glad you
7244s enjoyed it so sorry next up we have from
7248s kermes arri quas
7251s quas quo didn't get any quo
7254s pieces we weren't aiming for every every
7257s time I saw the gun S I went and all it's
7260s not the right one deceiving deceive quo
7262s at
7263s [Laughter]
7265s homeo next we have from tenner brius
7269s de Zakaria sandle wow oh now that's
7274s that's quite a D&D name if I've ever
7275s heard it that is
7277s a oh yeah we're talking about names here
7280s we have from sa from Sab actually Zach's
7283s full name is Zach Community
7287s program damn that would suck to write
7289s out on a test it would thank God I got
7291s this
7292s job I'm gonna change your last
7297s name and then next I just found this so
7300s funny it's so random and it's false
7302s information but STM just said Magus
7306s spish for xylophone styop was just such
7309s a random I believe that I believe that
7311s okay what is let's actually get a let's
7313s get a fact check here I thought I got
7315s fact checked um no I'm going to I want
7317s to know what zyla phone is uh so we're
7319s going to check xylophone is xylophone in
7322s Spanish uh
7324s Zopo zop is so Random Megan this is my
7329s I'm gonna tell my kids Megan in Spanish
7332s you GNA gaset your kids okay it's pretty
7334s fun my future kids I don't have kids I
7337s have a cat you're
7341s cat he okay next up I thought this was
7344s really cool and I want it um Phoenix
7347s Fontaine um me um mentioned in Discord
7351s then I got a cheese sampler Advent
7353s calendar one year it was so good hot
7355s sauce ones too I've seen cheese sampler
7358s ones like that can they can cheese sit
7360s you got to put it in the fridge got to
7362s put it in the fridge it's a fridge
7365s calendar
7366s like yeah all right I mean it's up to
7370s you you can put it on your shelf the
7371s that one I have seen before
7372s what other weird Advent calendars can
7374s you have I mean I've seen ones for like
7376s socks that's
7378s great I've seen ones for like makeup or
7381s skin care I just want to say for my
7384s birthday I got new towels and a steamer
7386s and I was like hell yeah steamer I have
7389s to show you it it's so cool it's a
7393s steamer it's a
7394s Ste I already own a steamer and I I
7397s genuinely love it so much but it's a
7399s steamer that is really small and then
7401s like rotates out for travel and it's
7406s dual voltage so it works in European
7408s countries as
7412s well
7415s weirdo I just did not take you for a
7418s steam guy steam is great because your
7422s clothes are wrinkly and I hate wrinkly
7424s clothes you know what I love it I'm
7427s proud of you I will step out with
7429s wrinkled linen every day of the week
7431s really I can't can't do it man I can't
7433s do it and I hate ironing I also hate
7435s ironing I've I've ruined get a steamer
7437s your life will change I can say there
7439s are two people in this room that I
7440s recommended a steamer to and they really
7441s like it yeah we bought it we bought it
7444s oh you bought it yeah that's it have you
7447s used it on our curtains oh okay yeah
7450s that's nice sometimes that's a win
7452s sometimes that's a win for me that's a
7454s win for me AKA
7457s once know what you're a steam guy and
7459s that's okay yeah we love you anyway fine
7464s he doesn't like wrinkles anyway
7467s anyway kicks y th says turn little duck
7471s into an actual duck for April
7474s oh it's like all the fan art we've ever
7476s seen where like the r the duck yeah that
7479s would actually be pretty funny that's a
7481s good one that's a good one and then next
7483s up from snail space is a rubber room of
7486s rats the ideal lety date taking notes
7489s honestly so true that's pretty sweet
7491s honestly so true is lety like a rat
7494s whisper or just one rat who's is this
7497s lore lety would love the cheese sampler
7500s Advent calendar oh she would that would
7503s be her go-to or like a an advent
7505s calendar of Band-Aids or something every
7508s day a different
7511s Band-Aid Blues
7513s Clues Bluey other Blue
7517s Dog other Blue
7520s Dog what's number one Charlie number one
7523s is from okay uh
7528s ohar G I'm so sorry it's probably so
7531s easy but I'm so
7540s sorry I did oh that was when you
7543s misspoke yeah I misspoke it's kind of
7546s like reading the name I feel the same
7548s your brain broke a little bit that
7550s comment with that name is World they
7553s really they really tested your goodness
7555s your tongue strength than for the
7557s comments everyone good job Chad good job
7560s all right who wants a zaku prime access
7563s o very nice I need it I want it please
7568s think
7569s zaku Prim skeleton
7572s kadav I'm G to have to find these videos
7574s cuz that does sound pretty funny uh who
7577s we got zaku Prime access to soku 77
7581s would you agree I agree soku 77
7584s congratulations you have won zaku Prime
7586s access please whisper the Warframe
7589s twitch Channel and you're watching right
7590s now ingame alas platform you play
7592s Warframe on and we'll get you your I
7594s almost said souu your zaku Prime access
7598s congratulations yipp hey yipp you did it
7603s stream El stream we did it we got there
7605s but we're going to be raiding who are we
7607s raing we are rating War Creator I'm the
7609s clown we're going to say hello to them
7613s actually what do we want them to say
7615s when they go over there oh I chat what
7617s do we want chat to say when they show up
7619s in the chat knock
7620s knock oh that's so good cuz there's no
7624s joke and then no one tell a joke and no
7626s one says a joke okay we're going to send
7627s the love or two I'm the clown going to
7630s be sending the raid here over in a
7632s second sorry the name was misspelled
7634s there we're all good we're all good who
7636s did that there we go
7640s Zachary sorry I'm sorry sorry I regret
7643s that
7645s uh uh thank you so much for hanging out
7647s with us for the past two hours hope you
7649s had a lovely time Zach thank you for
7652s being here my GL Charlie thanks for
7654s being here thank you for being here R
7656s thanks for being here it's time for
7658s dinner it is time for dinner I think I'm
7659s going to have Burgers oh yeah uh I
7663s thought about burgers and lost my TR
7664s thought chat thank you for being here
7667s appreciate you and your lovely chat
7669s comments it was great to see you again
7671s and we be back next week for another
7673s Prime Time and two Dev streams the last
7676s of the Year November 29th on Friday
7679s 11:00 a.m. Soul Frame 2 p.m Warframe
7681s excited to talk to you all about Prelude
7683s dayon Soul frame and what we got coming
7686s for1 1999 even more stuff can you
7688s believe it we're we're cooking over here
7690s with gas and we appreciate you being
7692s here and that you're excited for 1999
7695s and you're just along for the ride with
7696s us cuz it is going to be a ride that we
7699s are very excited for so stay safe be
7702s kind to yourself out there and we will
7703s see you next time bye-bye