over 5 years ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link

Wisp Files are officially available in the Steam Workshop! 

Much like Revenant, she is made using new tech, so there are some missing textures in her ZIP file. It’s on you as the creator to make these maps yourself without any reference files.

Below is a list of what is included in the ZIP: 

  • Normal
  • Emissive
  • Tintmask
  • Body and Helmet meshes

To be clear, you are expected to still make the specular, roughness, and diffuse maps -- we simply can’t send you a reference for comparison.



Wisp’s helmet textures in-game are much larger than usual -- 2048 x 1024 VS 1024 x 512. This is because of the extra mesh that extends down her front and back to form a cowl. You are not obligated to include draping cloth along her back and/or front for your helmet, but if you decide to make a cloth-less helmet, the helmet resolution is then limited in-game to 1024 x 512.

The polygon count is still limited to 5000, even with added cloth. 

Back Cloth Clarifications:

  • Will use cloth physics
  • Do not include any hard details since that will affect how it hangs and drapes.
  • Keep it simple -- this is not a Syandana, and it should not act as such!
  • Try to keep it within the boundaries of her default helmet in terms of length. 
  • Optional!

Front “Cloth” Clarifications:  

  • Does not use cloth physics -- is bone rigged!
  • Must have similar polygon density to the rest of the helmet to allow it to move with the head/neck movements.
  • Try to keep it within the boundaries of her default helmet in terms of length, so it will work properly with chest / shoulder armor attachments.
  • Optional!
  • The body beneath this cloth must be properly textured so it can work with helmets that do not include a similar mesh.

If you have any questions, please ask them in this thread!

Can't wait to see what you all come up with. :community:

Edited by [DE]Taylor
added clarity about in-game vs authored resolutions
over 5 years ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link

Quick update for clarity!

21 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

Wisp’s helmet textures in-game are much larger than usual -- 2048 x 1024 VS 1024 x 512. [...] If you decide to make a cloth-less helmet, the helmet resolution is then limited in-game to 1024 x 512.

The larger resolution is for in-game instead of authored. You can author your pieces at 4084 x 2048 if you wish (for those with cloth). Clothless helmets will use the regular authored 2048 x 1024 and in-game 1024 x 512 resolutions. Sorry for any confusion here!

over 5 years ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link

There was a small issue with Wisp's UVs, and fixed files are now available for download! Make sure you grab them if you're working on a Wisp skin. 🙂