7 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Hi focus, can you provide a bit more information? We're not able to diagnose the issue and we're not aware of other players being unable to ride or transfer to Orowyrm. 

  1. Can you send a video or picture of what you're experiencing?
  2. Can you clarify if you mean you can't grab onto the Orowyrm? Or you can't control the Orowyrm with Transference near the end of the encounter?
  3. What device are you using? i.e. iPhone 15, 14, iPad 9th Gen etc
  4. Are you using a controller or touch controls? If a controller, which controller?

Thank you~

7 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Thank you! Are you playing the Duviri Paradox Quest, or just completing Lone Story of "The Duviri Experience" ? 

And when you can't control Orowyrm with Tranference, do you mean you are able to use Transference but once you are the Orowyrm you don't have control of the game? 

7 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

UPDATE: are you certain that you are at point of the Orowyrm closest to its head? If you try using Transference when mounted  but not all the way at the top of the dragon, you'll get the "Ability In Use" message. Make sure you have reached the head of the Orowyrm before attempting Transference!

If that still doesn't work...

Can you send an error log to [email protected]? Ideally shortly after a failed attempt, but if you did one recently, that should be fine. 

Head to options > Account > Send Error Logs. You'll get a prompt to save or send your logs. Tap your mail icon, send to [email protected] and include a short description in the email title or body just so we know it's you! Thank you Tenno!