XBOX The New War: Hotfix #7
Prime Resurgence has concluded!
Regal Aya is no longer purchasable from Varzia and Aya has been removed from the drop tables and replaced with Nyx Prime and Rhino Prime Relics.
Varzia still resides in Maroo’s Bazaar with a selection of wares. If you choose, any remaining Aya/Regal Aya can be used in Varzia’s post-event shop or can be held onto for potential future Prime Vault efforts. While the future of Prime Resurgence is still being determined, priority in any instance will be to provide options that appropriately meets player expectations for premium purchases.
A full Post-Event and Next Steps breakdown is available here!
Vaulted the Neo P2 Relic and replaced it with the Neo P4 Relic in the drop tables.
The Neo P2 Relic was missed being Vaulted with Harrow Prime’s release.
Caliban’s Cranion Helmet has been added for future Nightwave Cred Offerings rotations - keep an eye out for it!
Fixed a crash if the Panzer Devolution Mod respawn triggered with specific timing during player death & respawn.
Fixed Invasion Events (Fomorian or Razorback Armada) not triggering when eligible to.
XBOX The New War: Hotfix #7.1
- Fixed a Varzia Tip appearing as a filepath.
XBOX The New War: Hotfix #7.1