about 5 years ago - [DE]Saske - Direct link

Hey Tenno! If you encounter this issue the next time could you please send your EE.log to Customer Support.


about 5 years ago - [DE]Momaw - Direct link

Thank you for your reports, Tenno. We're fairly confident that we've identified the problem: You're all too good at Rescue missions!

If you're familiar with Rescue missions, you'll notice that you get a slightly nicer reward if you break the subject out of prison without setting off the alarms, and/or if you kill all the prison guards. The issue we've identified is that the Requiem Relic you're expecting was only given if you were in the lowest reward pool from the mission. A fix will be coming at the next opportunity. Until this is fixed, you can work around the issue and ensure you get a relic from the mission by allowing enemies to set off the alarms before you rescue the prisoner and don't kill all the guards before extracting.

Edited by [DE]Momaw
about 5 years ago - [DE]Saske - Direct link
3 minutes ago, Kalsiam said:

Same thing is happening to me for the past 2 days now... I have a 3 day booster so I want to maximize the kuva gains but like 8/10 kuva flood missions I've done gave no relics. At least I'm getting a lot of kuva but still, the no relic bug is really annoying. I've been doing them the minute they pop up too, not like 5 min before they disappear which is another bug where some people say that doing a flood after the timer expires will bug out and not reward you a relic.

The Kuva Flood timer expiring while you are in the mission will not have an effect on the mission reward. The issue was with mission types that dynamically changes the rewardTier based on performance. This issue will be fixed in a future Hotfix.