about 6 years
ago -
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December 20th Hotfix #5 is live!
Removed the ‘Prime Toggle’ for Mesa Prime and her TennoGen Skins due to an overly aggressive and not-so-glamorous overlap of her Prime accessories.
- Please note that we're working on adding this Toggle back once we improve the blending of both Mesa Prime Details and TennoGen Skins. We will continue to keep you posted here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1045291-mesa-prime-toggle-removal-update-solution-found/?page=5&tab=comments#comment-10413876
- Fixed for issue where using a Scanner while in Operator mode could sometimes cause you to lose your K-Drive Launcher.
- Fixed an inescapable possessed K-Drive when activating it while ‘checking the bodies’ during an Orb Vallis Bounty ‘Recovery’ phase.