almost 5 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Scarlet Spear: Hotfix 27.3.3

Hotdropped last night:

  • Fixed inability to Trade.

Scarlet Spear Victory Payout Change

  • We have changed the way Bonus Victory Payout is calculated to benefit all participating players in Murex Victories. Previously, your Victory Payout was determined by your Rank in the Flotilla (I, II, or III). Now, Victory Payout is calculated by your Best Higher Total Score between Ground or Space multiplied by 2 (capped at 10,000). 100/100 Murex Driven Away before the timer expires is still required to receive Victory Payout.
    • As an example - if you earn 300 points in a Ground Assault in a Flotilla that drives the Murex away, you will earn 600 Scarlet Credits as a Victory Payout. 
    • As another example - if you earn 4,000 points in a Murex Raid in a Flotilla that drives the Murex away, you will earn 8,000 Scarlet Credits as a Victory Payout. 
    • This aims to address some feedback we’ve been receiving about players who join a Flotilla in progress (ex 70/100 Murex Driven Away, etc) who aren’t able to reach a Rank in the Flotilla before it reaches 100/100 Murex Driven Away.

A known issue that we’re aware of/investigating are the reports of receiving the wrong amount of Victory Payout respective to the Rank which is earned in the Flotilla. However, there are reports of players receiving the correct amount of Victory Payout, which is why we’re continuing to investigate the discrepancies. We have some fixes in the works that will be tested overnight before we submit for a Hotfix.

We have several other known issues we are investigating for Flotilla Kill Code upload progress and bug reports have been helpful in tracking down the issues. 

General Scarlet Spear Changes & Fixes

  • Railjack owners now have the option to either Host a Murex Raid with their own Railjack or Join another Murex Raid.
  • Squads whose OpLinks are in good condition will now continue to show 'Scanning Kill Codes' as their status to avoid confusion (previously it could change from ‘Scanning Kill Codes’ to ‘Deploying OpLink’ if a healthy OpLink status was updated).
  • Your Scarlet Spear Credit count will now display in Little Duck’s store UI similar to how Credits, Platinum, etc are displayed.
  • Fixed inability to invite other players in the same Flotilla to form a squad.
  • Fixes towards the Condrix not spawning once you reach the waypoint in the Ground mission.
  • Fixed scoring discrepancies if a Host migration occurred after the first Condrix in a Ground mission was completed:
    • The score does not increase at all for the next Condrix that is completed. 
    • The 3rd Condrix is completed and the score only goes up by 5 for each Kill Code (as if this was the first Condrix to be completed).
  • Fixed Murex Raid Satellite waypoint not disappearing if a Host migration occurred after driving away the respective Murex.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to Host a session to rejoin a Scarlet Spear Flotilla.
  • Fixed a crash when the Aerolyst spawned.
    • This was a result of the Aerolyst instantly dying when spawned due to player AoE damage. The Aerolyst will now spawn invulnerable for 1 second to avoid this crash and give the poor guy a chance to wiggle his fingers at you!
  • Fixed Sentient Ramsleds not being removed after warping between Railjack missions.
  • Fixed a script error when Crewships are encountered in the Murex Raid.
  • Fixed a script error if Sentient Fighter reinforcements spawn just as the Satellite is destroyed in a Murex Raid.

Railjack Fixes:

  • Fixed Heat Accretion stat comparison not working in the Railjack Configure panel.
  • Fixed a script error when encountering the Sentient Anomaly POI.

Deferred Rendering Fixes:

  • Fixed Ice Spring not having any textures with Deferred Rendering enabled.


  • Optimized out a number small memory bloats in the type-dep database to reduce the risk of crashes due to relocation (player loadouts in relays, procedural levels, etc).
  • Fixed high GPU Effects time when shooting Profit Taker's legs with the Imperator Vandal.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur on slow internet connections if you quit the game while loading into a Relay. 


  • Fixed a crash caused by mashing "Launch Mission" button while matchmaking service was already trying to find/Host/join a mission.
  • Fixed a crash when viewing Warframe Ability videos in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed several types of crashes that could occur when travelling to or from Towns, Relays or Dojos.
  • Fixed Operators not having correct body customizations/proportions.
  • Fixed certain Armor pieces not fitting correctly on Companions.
  • Fixed incorrect Energy color on the Nezha Yaksha Helmet. As reported here:
  • Fixed the transport ships at the end of the Rush mission (Kepler, Phobos) Shield Drones having no hit box, resulting in an inability to complete the mission.
  • Fixed inability to Chat link Stance Forma.
  • Fixed a script error that resulted in a crash if a Host migration occurred when you returned to the Orbiter from a Survival mission.
  • Fixed a script error occurring when loading into a mission while the Pause Menu was open.
  • Fixed a script error when attempting to Fish.
Edited by [DE]Taylor
edit for clarity
almost 5 years ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link
1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

Scarlet Spear Victory Payout Change

  • We have changed the way Bonus Victory Payout is calculated to benefit all participating players in Murex Victories. Previously, your Victory Payout was determined by your Rank in the Flotilla (I, II, or III). Now, Victory Payout is calculated by your Best Higher Total Score between Ground or Space multiplied by 2 (capped at 10,000). 100/100 Murex Driven Away before the timer expires is still required to receive Victory Payout.
    • As an example - if you earn 300 points in a Ground Assault in a Flotilla that drives the Murex away, you will earn 600 Scarlet Credits as a Victory Payout. 
    • As another example - if you earn 4,000 points in a Murex Raid in a Flotilla that drives the Murex away, you will earn 8,000 Scarlet Credits as a Victory Payout. 
    • This aims to address some feedback we’ve been receiving about players who join a Flotilla in progress (ex 70/100 Murex Driven Away, etc) who aren’t able to reach a Rank in the Flotilla before it reaches 100/100 Murex Driven Away.

To clear up any confusion, the new Victory Payout Score still takes the cumulative score from either your Ground or Space missions. Upon successful completion of the Murex Wave (100/100 driven away), the highest of the two scores between Ground and Space is doubled (to a max cap of 10,000), and given as Scarlet Credits!