2 months ago - Warframe - Direct link
2 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

4s wake up
5s tenno you
7s are it is
10s [Music]
20s [Music]
29s time something's
35s [Music]
48s [Music]
59s happening
63s ten find
65s the
68s [Music]
76s time hey dream we are up and ready
83s to just is no hold and you are back
92s [Music]
99s [Music]
119s gas
141s [Music]
149s Dre
152s dream
162s [Music]
170s [Music]
179s Dre
182s [Music]
192s [Music]
204s you
206s are are you
209s late
212s is
213s [Music]
218s time it is
239s time
252s [Music]
259s [Music]
269s a
271s [Music]
278s [Music]
290s hello everybody Welcome to Prime Time
293s network epic Prime Time episode iOS
297s today uh good morning good afternoon
299s Wherever You Are in the world it's
300s currently 10:36 a.m. on Eastern Time
303s Zone and we are here with a kind of
307s upgraded casual stream update stream
310s there's the YouTube chat I have YouTube
311s chat up I see a lot of tenno schs in the
313s chat pretty good pretty good hope we not
315s calling us tenos scill can't can't deny
318s can't deny uh today is a very exciting
320s day because in under well we got what 24
323s minutes-ish we'll be launching uh the
326s iOS build which is honestly mon mental
330s it's been a while since we've had a new
332s platform yeah we teased it and demoed it
334s and talked about it for years it's it's
336s a long time coming this has been cooking
338s and incubating and we've been building
340s up the team for it for years and it's
343s today today is launch day it seems uh
346s Beyond surreal and we're here to not
348s only launch the newest platform for
350s Warframe go through some details some
352s nuances have fun with chat answer
354s questions Meg has the iPad somewhere oh
358s it's blend in with the m plugged in so I
360s won't do too much with it but yeah we'll
362s just go through things and stuff uh
363s we're watching our um devs and Community
366s Ops everyone kind of getting ready for
368s the big the big moment so yeah it is uh
371s going to be a big day obviously I see
372s lots of questions in chat so we'll
374s answer those as they come one of the
376s biggest things um that you talked about
378s on dev shorts which there is no Dev
379s shorts today this is this is the dev
381s short this is the dev shorts sorry I'm
382s not Steve I could shave my head real
385s quick already I could grow a beard oh
387s who can do it fast enough no I'm kid
391s um the iOS build launching today so not
393s only is like you said obviously we're
395s launching iOS brand new platform brand
398s new you know people on their phones on
401s their Wi-Fi on the bus doing what they
403s got to do bus Wi-Fi Wii I didn't know
405s that was does our city have bus Wi-Fi I
407s feel like I've never seen a Wi-Fi you
408s bring Wi-Fi with you you could be that
410s kind of person um there's going to be a
413s um update hot fix on all platforms as
415s well this is a you know together we will
418s hot fix because everyone needs to be on
419s the same page for cross saave which
421s Segways into the fact that yes cross
423s saave and crossplay is launching with
426s the iOS build so how that function works
429s is once you have a iOS account you've
431s downloaded it you've got it on your
433s phone iPad your iOS device and you
435s create your iOS account you can
437s obviously start completely fresh with
438s that account and just rock and roll with
440s that if you want to but also crossplay
442s and cross save is available so you know
444s once I've made my iOS account I can go
446s into account management and bring over
448s my PC account and B's your uncle yeah
451s the the intention is seamless account
453s progress between all platforms that you
454s may want to be playing Warframe on uh
456s this is starting today we're going to be
458s a five platform game we will be
459s launching Android hopefully later this
461s year we should have some tests out later
462s but we're doing one thing at a time we
463s don't want to uh go too crazy but oh
466s Steve's in chat oh are you are you
469s freaking kidding me is this a freaking
472s prank Steve shouldn't you be doing CEO
475s things Steve why don't you come by like
477s why don't you show face true true true
483s this is a this is some freaking crazy
485s news uh anyway YouTube chat uh so so far
487s top questions are about Android which
489s later this year we'll have more to say
491s uh Megan did mention correctly that we
493s do have an update on all platforms today
494s it actually has a lot in it for Q so
496s it's not just a um new platform launch
499s although that is probably the biggest
500s yeah we we can get into that in a bit
502s but let's switch to just mobile and
504s sorry iOS I've been trying to not say
506s mob I'm start I'm going to start it
508s counter no going to do a a tally iOS
512s build the iOS update today so uh it is
515s like I said we're going to be H fixing
517s on all platforms and everyone is going
518s to get the exact same build which is
520s Whispers in thewalls 31
524s 35.10 uh because it does have some
526s pretty juicy stuff in it um for iOS
529s specifically like we said it's launching
531s with cross save and crossplay other
533s exciting things is we are bringing nine
536s fan favorite tennogen items to iOS oh
539s yes yes you're going to be able to get
541s your hands on some really good um just
544s iconic tennogen over the years that
546s we've been doing tenen yes repa Rapala
549s Rapala is one of them Icarus sorry uh I
552s have the list here zenor Mass G skin
555s it's appropriate skin yeah so some
558s really great tennogen we have big plans
560s obviously to keep bringing tenen to that
563s platform um as we uh you know work with
566s our tennogen artists and making sure
567s that everyone has what they need to be
569s able to bring you know existing tenen to
571s the iOS build and new tenen as well as
574s that comes out so just having those
576s conversations but very excited to have
578s nine on the platform that you can
579s fashion frame with and experiment with
582s uh on your on your phones now why is
584s that we license it to get it into a
587s locked economy basically so there
588s there's nuances there's Biz there's lots
590s that has to happen for that to go so
592s thanks to everyone that makes that
593s happen yeah really appreciate that uh
595s rud do you mind going to my screen which
598s screen Megan don't worry don't there is
601s some top secret things on this screen
603s and I she's playing with fire and I'm
605s watching a gas no um Warframe on iOS uh
610s as we know also launching is we have a
612s little new starter weapon pack this was
615s inspired by uh the iOS build we wanted
617s to you know provide you with maybe a
619s little bit of a a boost pack that made
621s sense uh so we have this launching today
624s as well at 11: this is on all platforms
626s so even if you're on you know PC Xbox
628s Switch n
631s PlayStation you can also uh partake in
633s the starter weapon pack if you want but
635s also on iOS you'll be able to purchase
637s this pack as well it's got the AAC rifle
639s oh my gosh and there's the Warframe on
640s Android right there stay tuned for more
642s information on when Warframe Warframe
644s mobile
645s ref pre-registering oh you can pre-reg
648s you can pre-register get notified when
650s uh there is a Android build available
653s for you obviously we'll announce that
655s when it is time to be uh announcing that
657s time is not now it's not now iow first
660s and then uh into Android we go so seeing
662s the questions in chat the answer is here
665s it will come wait Warframe is coming to
667s iOS it is in 20 minutes in 18 minutes
670s under 18 minutes we will have red teex
673s uh gracing your screens if you obviously
675s pre-ordered the iOS build uh I believe
678s it just starts starts going yeah it does
681s uh some cool things uh we have a
683s seriously impressive compression and
686s partial download or incremental download
688s thing going on with our debut launch
690s here which means we've taken the game
691s that maybe takes up 30 gigs on your hard
694s drive who knows uh well we know but uh
696s we've actually compressed it down to 10
697s gigs for the mobile iOS platform and we
700s do have incremental installers so if
702s you've never played Warframe before you
703s can actually start playing right in the
706s tutorial right away uh with just the
708s partial incremental install you can use
710s your PC account on the iOS platform you
713s just need to boot up your and link your
714s cross save so all of that is handled
716s through web so there are some you know
719s you can't really move your PC account or
722s your console account to iOS without
724s first going through web making sure that
726s your account you've chosen your primary
728s and you've done all the correct linking
729s which you just need to follow the
730s instructions on the website which are
732s much more clear than my ranting so no it
734s it's basically the same way if you have
737s experienced cross- save already with
739s Warframe is just going to your account
740s management page and and linking or doing
743s all of that so should be pretty familiar
744s if you're you know already like
746s ourselves you know if you're already
748s like us you should be familiar uh we do
751s have a I saw a question that is now gone
754s oh uh hm I had a question that I was
756s reading and now the question's gone it's
758s now gone oh no it's all over can I log
761s in oh wait hold on can I log in my
763s existing account on iOS yes that's yeah
765s yeah that's what we're there was a real
766s question there was there tough to say
769s tough to say um it's gone let's see here
773s well I be able to download on Android
774s not yet uh that will come at a later
776s date yeah we'll do some tests later this
778s year we'll give you a heads up on those
780s H there was a really important question
783s can wait to play on Android it will come
785s very exciting how big is the game 10
787s gigs is is it not supposed to release on
790s February 21st that is a great question
792s that was the question that was that the
793s question that's great um no it is
795s releasing in just uh in 16 minutes um on
799s iOS on the store it does say the 21st
802s only because we had to change that so
803s that it wouldn't go live in other
805s regions where it did anyway it did in
807s Japan uh but but uh we were just trying
810s to save ourselves from it going live in
811s other time zones when we're not here or
814s awake so that will we're going to
815s manually change that too be 11: a.m. and
818s we'll push that out right at 11:00 a.m.
820s today um so it is happening today and
822s not on the 21st so I apologize if maybe
824s that was a little bit confusing we just
825s wanted to save ourselves uh the time
828s zone situation of it going live and is
830s there controller support there is I okay
833s so our plan obviously is we're here uh
835s we're chatting with you answering your
836s questions comments concerns about the
838s iOS Bild today
839s uh that's happening at 11: in 15 minutes
842s uh the plan is to I have my iPad uh
844s we'll be downloading the iOS build and
846s we are going to jump in and play on one
849s of my fresh iOS accounts uh I can
851s obviously use the uh mobile
854s functionality of it but I also have a
855s Bluetooth uh controller that s simly
859s simly simly simly uh Works turn it on
863s and it works so we'll show it in real
864s time after we download the build and we
866s will show you and there is there will be
868s Corey the community team is has some
870s really great Forum posts lined up at
872s 11:00 a.m. one of them actually being
874s touch controls we do need to talk about
876s we'll show you the mobile exclusive
878s features AKA touch controls cuz getting
880s a movement game Warframe like us a
883s movement game like Warframe that is
884s Warframe in fact working in a touch
886s control environment is crazy and there's
889s some really cool things to make it just
891s play so you can just do your grind and
894s log in get your Barrow you're a fresh
896s account welcome to Warframe but we are
898s in indeed going to show you some very
900s cool there's actually one feature that I
903s am excited for but I'm also like when I
906s saw this what is this we should just go
909s on okay wait can we just open the game
910s and I can show you on the test game well
913s I probably show it on my phone it's it's
914s the same it's fine I know so or at least
917s I'm like jumping into the the
918s nitty-gritty when we should be more
920s broadly saying like hey there's a really
922s cool thing but you know what just go
924s into the game and I'm going to show yall
925s something that I have absolutely zero
928s and let me just let's just get this out
930s of the way this is not a reflection of
932s something that's coming um beyond the
935s now I'm going to I've dug a hole you
936s want controller or you want this I want
937s to touch screen please very well uh this
940s is the test build this is like it's not
941s live yet this is just our internal in
944s order to get the touchscreen controls as
947s userfriendly as possible we have allowed
949s for the there is a custom HUD for the
952s touchscreen version of Warframe which
954s means buttons are in different places it
956s looks different uh particularly inputs
958s and everything cuz you'll be clicky
959s clacking around but I do want good R if
962s you want to switch over R can you switch
964s over blessings so this is actually truly
967s crazy but and I I have no promises like
970s I said this is just I couldn't believe
971s this you can actually fully customize
973s your HUD and your input on the like
976s where you want it to be yeah so for
977s instance um it is a fully it's it's a
980s mobile design mobile first touchcreen
982s things and stuff free to play uh there
984s is just a straight up bullet jump button
985s but you can actually move it all around
987s so your touchcreen kind of fits it it is
990s new don't say that's not new it
992s absolutely is new for us so of course
995s the next loog logical question is when
996s is this coming on PC I don't know and
999s we're not really talking about that and
1000s I know people want it on PC I know which
1002s is why I want to talk about it right now
1004s we have a Dev stream Friday we do we'll
1006s talk to Pablo about it uh our former UI
1008s program Pablo but this is so say if you
1010s have really small hands and you know on
1012s your iPad you need all of your buttons
1014s like up on the up on the right screen we
1016s do have like uh pre like there's a
1018s lunaro layout for for The lunaro
1019s enjoyers Drifter layout uh but yeah so
1022s say if you want your you know shooting
1023s up there bullet jump here you can move
1025s every piece of the um interactable
1028s touchscreen controls around you know if
1030s you want your gear menu right in the
1032s middle your slide um I have definitely
1035s ruined your life here so I'm just going
1037s to I yeah uh let me
1040s just let me just ignore that okay I did
1043s nothing I'll just do defaults are you
1045s sure you want to go to defaults back
1046s okay are you sure you did that uh no you
1049s didn't default yes I'm sure okay you're
1051s actually stuck with that forever now oh
1052s no no no no um anyway so that's very
1056s much
1057s a usability thing and the team put a lot
1060s of work into that making it work Megan
1062s is going to have to figure out how to
1063s play with my just move it around where
1065s does Megan want it that's a great
1067s question we we'll find out we'll do it
1070s live so that is one of the
1072s touchscreen
1074s usability I'm just going to say here you
1076s can use my does my apple pencil have to
1078s be paired to your I don't know I don't
1079s think it'll work I think it has to be
1081s pairs no it's fine uh someone on YouTube
1084s chat is asking are the servers ready
1086s only one way to find out my friends can
1088s we cross- save yes you can can you
1091s change how do we change our character
1092s skin Oh I can show you in real time
1095s exactly that let's go for a little walk
1097s shall we this is again this is test
1099s build this is not live yet it's almost
1101s almost time uh this is my little baby
1103s build is that the Sana that comes with
1105s the the bomic S oh actually you should
1108s speak a little bit more about that we
1109s have contextual um input now so if you
1113s go back there was that little that
1115s little arrow so it kind of shows you
1117s what you would be doing with your Ed
1119s button so it kind of points to the
1121s nearest point that you could use the Ed
1123s button for just to help with usability
1124s of bit Yeah so if there's like multiple
1126s things around you you can see exactly
1127s what it's pointing to you know if you
1129s don't know what the Arsenal is you can
1130s access it that way here is where I would
1133s put all my skins and stuff on it's a
1135s miracle I haven't colored it I don't
1137s know this this is a brand new account
1139s though so it's only a matter of time but
1140s I I could color it we could uh what is
1143s Excalibur shoe size asks YouTube chat oh
1146s I think this is just
1148s 11 oh wow you got an achievement I'm
1151s achieving so many things o it's giving
1154s Mossy green that is giving Mossy green
1157s anyways if I had skins this is where I
1159s would equip said skins I don't have any
1161s on this account like I said it's my baby
1162s account uh someone says I don't
1164s understand the logic of people who want
1166s mobile version on PC we already have it
1168s I guess yeah mobile version it is just
1170s Warframe it just has different like
1172s controls oh no
1174s oh can anyone guess you just walked in
1177s the door anyone sorry did I mean to do
1180s that we're in trouble are we in
1183s trouble uh we have microphones that
1184s you'll have to kind of yell
1186s into I'm not I'm not here for
1189s long just for a good just for a good
1191s time it's not here for a long time to
1193s see don't you dare what what you want my
1195s iPad phone you want this you want that
1197s you want game I just came here to to say
1199s do you guys not have phones oh my
1202s God don't give this man a mic don't give
1205s him a mic oh sorry I keep you're not
1207s Mike this man up YouTube's excited to
1210s see you twitch is excited to see you
1211s we're not that is not what I was reading
1214s I was reading some very unfavorable
1216s comparisons so what between me and Megan
1220s what wait what what do you mean I don't
1224s know they prer used to seeing Rebecca
1226s and I and uh that short it I guess it is
1229s a Dev short now quite an upgrade I guess
1231s should I make a quick uh agenda for for
1234s a Dev short new new host hello everyone
1235s welcome to Dev shorts we are going to
1237s start by launching our fifth platform
1238s for Warframe Steve pray tell in your 13
1242s years of you know mentally working with
1244s warfame did you ever expect a did you
1247s ever expect a launch on the iOS
1250s platform uh I didn't no not at all so
1254s what made you as a brilliant businessman
1257s decide to reach into the the the tablets
1261s that we all hold near and dear and just
1263s put Warframe on it what made you what
1265s made this a conscious businessman Choice
1268s well it was a very strategic and
1271s tactical it was kind of like CEO ship
1274s know yeah and you wouldn't understand um
1278s you know but it's very tactical and
1281s business it's what we are now will you
1284s be doing who we are it's what we do we
1287s do
1289s interesting and
1291s when that's
1293s what I just watched him and Eric and
1295s they had a lot of good business ideas
1297s yeah how nice of re to let the intern
1301s talk is one of the she who I think the
1306s the the short well I mean we've been
1308s kind of working on it for a while but I
1309s think the short answer is uh when it was
1313s able to fit on a switch then then the
1316s the iOS is even a bit smaller for
1319s storage I actually have a photo of
1321s became feasible I have a photo of the
1322s first iOS build I saw I saw Drew post it
1326s you should show it to everyone I am
1327s getting it I'm no no no
1332s safely I have I
1335s haveo no I have trust issues yes we're
1338s going to get on the Blackberry for sure
1340s I I see fridge jokes this is the first
1344s iOS build yeah well it's it's a little
1348s blur it's fine I got
1351s you wow this will be our
1354s thumbnail that's it that's the first iOS
1357s look like the lighting doesn't work it
1359s doesn't and then here's the first UI
1361s trying to nice
1363s squares full schol and 20 years ago oh
1366s people are clocking you for your dirty
1367s phone my dirty phone what's wrong with
1369s my phone smudgy what where I love that
1373s the first picture you showed was a
1375s picture of a phone like that one's that
1378s one better but this one oh that is
1381s nasty I was playing Warframe on it we
1383s need some kind of microphone is there a
1385s Kickstarter with your Cheeto fingers I
1388s can't help but that antibacterial I'm
1390s the greasiest woman ever so I'm not
1392s surprised that my phone looks that look
1394s at this look look at this oil no you'll
1396s never have a wrinkle in your
1398s life I have plenty no anyway okay so we
1402s have builds blessed we are deploying
1404s everything in five minutes time redex
1406s will be starting should see red Tex very
1407s soon
1409s Steve is tearing the team apart what's
1411s it like to work against us not I'm not
1413s is it because okay you guys you guys are
1415s doing great don't you have to stay you
1417s got to stay for the lunch oh how close
1419s are we uh 5 minutes away okay we have to
1421s do a 5 minute uh Dev short are getting
1423s sore would you like a stool I'll just
1425s I'll sit like this like a little imp
1426s against the wall here we can all go
1427s shorter no don't do it don't do that
1432s no Steve how is game going how is game
1436s going game is going m yes things are
1439s going damn I'm doing a grease frame
1441s someone said grease frame that could be
1442s good a cooking a cooking Warf frame
1444s cooks with
1445s grease burn burn Laos maybe it's
1450s grease
1452s anyways all right anyway it's too early
1455s in the morning for this chaotic energy
1456s isn't it is is IOS eligible for merge or
1458s just like that actually depends on your
1460s account but you should be able to use
1462s our website for all your yes if you're
1463s eligible yes does it make a lot of sense
1466s no cuz there's nothing on your to merge
1469s yeah you're going to merge nothingness
1471s into everything right you're going to
1472s take the metaphor for the void yeah
1475s really do be it is release is today
1477s release is in five minutes uh Android
1479s we're working on as we speak we are not
1482s going to start tests till later this
1483s year one thing at a time for us we could
1486s I have so many games on my phone I have
1488s no problem going on my phone the entire
1491s time okay he's doing another uh Tim
1493s Robinson I think you should leave yeah I
1495s have no problem being on my
1497s phone does uh will you add cool down
1500s near the middle of the screen for easy
1501s viewing oh cool down there's like 10
1504s things that use well I guess Arcane
1506s energy but that's not an active cool
1508s down like active cooldowns is Lavos
1511s you're making him adjust the camera
1512s after you guys change your your chair
1513s Heights sorry bro actually I look pretty
1516s greasy today do all right let's have a
1517s grease app oh you want some
1520s powder no don't you dare don't you
1524s dare oh look at you that's why Megan
1527s doesn't look greasy no I am it's fine
1529s what is De Steve drinking it looks like
1531s a bubbly a bu I am drinking a peach
1533s bubbly this morning that's a good one
1536s Steve ask Reb about infested liches
1538s every every time every time yep I didn't
1542s say it this time you said it where is
1544s beer Rebecca that's a great question
1546s beer I would kill for a cold one right
1548s now me and C one me and the boys
1550s watching the game L the Sleep token
1553s hoodie mhm MH we should go see them we
1556s should see them twice in the same week
1558s I think we should okay okay great uh uh
1562s we if you get tickets just get two and
1564s not invite anyone else yeah no one else
1566s lik else likes them no one else likes
1568s them in this vicinity okay we have three
1570s minutes till the most important launch
1572s of Apple's entire company history oh
1574s Steve Jobs quivering Mr cook yes no we
1577s we're ready for lunch Tim Apple call Tim
1580s Apple get Tim Apple we will launch it
1583s yes we will launching 3 minutes red Tech
1586s should be gracing your presences letting
1589s you know cuz there is an update across
1590s all platforms we can speak a little bit
1592s to that new player path improvements yes
1594s there's real things There's real things
1595s for everyone is it true that people in
1598s different time zones are getting it
1599s anyway Japan already got it yeah hi
1602s Japan
1603s kicha we definitely saw a tweet from
1605s someone yeah okay and they were uh they
1609s were cooking with it yeah Japan's
1611s already
1613s yeah anyways yeah there's some really
1616s good things we have new player path
1618s improvements we've touched things like
1620s sa's vigil sacrifice Quest foxis you
1623s talked about that already on the dev
1624s stream the full re economy balance the F
1626s your economy balance is coming this is
1628s just a little teaser of it oh no it is
1632s coming it is yeah wow it is coming today
1634s got it all in for the Feb 20th launch
1635s which is today we also have um a new
1639s Aura mod
1641s launching so basically the thinking
1644s behind this uh new player Improvement is
1647s by the time you get your first Aura it's
1649s typically a bit buried you can only get
1651s them through nightwave through the store
1653s you might be waiting a while for
1654s something like um Energy Siphon if
1656s you're a newer player that's usually the
1658s go-to so we've actually added a brand
1659s new Aura on the earth Junction I think
1661s it's earth to Venus the earth to Venus
1664s Junction has a brand new aura that
1665s players will get just for completing it
1667s that gives them it's basically half as
1669s good as regen and half as good as Energy
1671s Siphon in one so it's called dreamer
1673s bond by using this Aura uh as a newer
1675s player you'll get a passive health and
1677s energy G regen so it's like taking those
1680s two putting them into one and giving it
1681s to players outright so that first
1683s Junction crawl getting through the game
1685s you'll have an aura much much earlier on
1688s in the game so this is a pretty you know
1692s it's like a a little thing with a big
1694s payoff I think for newer players or and
1696s and all players are going to get it if
1697s you don't need to go back and redo the
1698s junction you're going to get an inbox
1699s when you download the update if you've
1701s already obviously gotten way past that
1703s you'll get this mod but yeah it's kind
1704s of a you know introduction to auras I
1706s wish I had that five years ago well five
1709s years is now so welcome to now if only
1712s whoever was working on it 5 years ago
1714s was an I was busy I was busy I had to do
1717s SDF fonts for the interface it took five
1720s years to do that and what else I see
1722s people asking it is crossplay right yep
1724s crossplay cross cross cross save as well
1727s it's 11 it's 11 out it's happening if
1730s you're if you're um an existing player
1733s you can you can link it up right let's
1735s see you can link it up I'm going to
1737s bring my fashion frame over to mobile do
1742s I don't I don't think
1743s you I'm going to do it oh what's this an
1745s ad for a a hot girl gotcha game that's
1748s not
1749s Warframe download download download
1751s download download download my wife that
1753s was an ad I think it was already
1754s installed was just you booted It Up by
1757s accident just on your home screen
1760s whoopsie don't ask don't ask an all
1763s right warfame coming soon we are
1765s launching coming soon but oh it has a
1767s little
1768s oh oh look at that SMUD don't don't do
1771s it Ro just just let me suffer in my blur
1774s don't look it looks cool ooh it's coming
1777s the builds are it's only 99 Megs how do
1779s we manage that well it tells a bit after
1782s compatibility works on this phone woohoo
1785s sure does that is an iOS oh it's okay
1789s double click to
1790s confirm even with your greasy face it
1793s recognized you even with your greasy
1796s face
1798s make sure my iPad here's got her going
1802s okay so now we're uh I clicked get but
1804s it's going to launch any any time now
1806s yeah damn it works on iPhone I have an
1809s iPad here
1810s too I have two different counts I could
1812s be besties with you could I could have
1815s like you can't play I can't play no it's
1818s you could play well I'm going to go now
1820s that's so I'm going to go it's actually
1821s not out yet we're waiting it's happening
1823s I thought you just hit get I hit get on
1825s the pre-order but now it's coming soon
1827s it's coming oh I can I'm going to share
1829s it with my mom let's see if she wants to
1830s play
1832s it mom mom wake up we launched we're we
1836s launched on
1837s phones we launched on phone not Android
1840s though yeah Android is oh fair just know
1844s what Android is she only knows it
1845s because my brother is Android she okay
1847s so I I see the deploy is just taking a
1850s second here it's
1852s cooking PC deploy stalling on P4 it's
1856s Uncorked it'll be a bit slower than
1858s usual small pipe okay what is called
1861s drip gate drip gate drip gate it's
1864s dripping my grease no no I'll okay
1869s Danny's on stall operation stall we're
1872s launching a new platform right now what
1874s are the nuances of this type of business
1876s Choice sir businessman you just love to
1879s ask me those torturous annoying
1881s questions I no I'm a serious
1883s entrepreneurial Spirit are
1885s you I'm sure you are looking to grow in
1888s my career I'm sure you are well Megan
1891s and I are going to be co- CC EOS EOS
1896s chief chief chief Chiefs iOS CH Chief
1900s iOS all right so will the iPad version
1903s be on Mac how does that I actually never
1905s knew the nuances of that like if you
1906s have a Mac computer you can technically
1908s Run apps from the app store on it right
1911s but like it's not I don't want to
1913s misspeak because I think it's a little
1915s complicated based on if you have like
1917s the Apple silicone you have the M1 and
1920s up we don't we don't support the
1921s Macintosh platform I don't think that's
1923s sufficiently supported it's not it's
1924s definitely not but uh we're going to see
1927s how this goes and and kind of go from
1929s there yep um but yeah the uh we don't
1933s the M1 and up stuff can do iOS yeah we
1936s do have Gamepad support so there is
1938s Gamepad support gigs let's go highly
1941s recommended oh someone's downloading
1943s YouTube says Android crash with Spectre
1947s spam
1948s what Android crash with Spectre speed we
1951s don't have an Android we don't have an
1952s Android version that's probably why I
1954s crashed you got a a weird someone did a
1957s jailbreak and and ran the iOS version on
1959s Android that's pretty Sleek keyboard
1961s support on
1962s iOS that's a good question I mean
1965s there's the on screen osk if you're
1967s doing we can show it I assume they mean
1969s a physical one oh it's happening okay
1972s there has been out so the build for all
1975s platforms that has the uh oh I see
1978s someone uh is in the tutorial on public
1981s this is good oh my God PC still
1984s deploying you have to like refresh or
1986s something I I'm resetting my I have a
1988s lot of apps open wow you do have a lot
1989s of apps open that was kind of
1991s terrifying well I got a lot on the go
1994s I'm busy I'm busy okay well I'm going to
1996s go watch the servers oh uh are you guys
1998s going to stream for like another half
1999s hour or yeah we're going to jump in
2001s we're going to play around I'm going to
2003s get pulled away to a meeting soon so
2005s okay well oh wow look at these amazing
2007s Warframe apps platinum and codes for
2009s Warframe don't do it have fun everyone
2012s at home for democracy oh oh my
2017s God bruh has been hell
2020s diving hell diving bruh has been hell
2023s diving diving in
2026s hell all right so we are just monitoring
2028s the launch sorry bro you're good my
2031s wires are wiring you're good my wires
2033s are wiring Steve is a certified hell
2035s diver indeed just going to take a look
2037s some
2038s conversations uh in the meantime Let's
2040s see we have a lot of four democracies in
2042s chat very good we'd love to see it it is
2044s not coming out February 21st is coming
2045s out right now uh that was only Set uh on
2049s the store just to avoid any time zone
2051s issues with it launching uh earlier than
2053s we intended it to even though it still
2055s kind of
2056s did well what's to say all right I miss
2060s Mr Greece already I'll let him know yeah
2062s we we'll powder him up don't worry is
2064s the war from companion app also getting
2065s an update that is a that was the other
2067s question
2068s okay no so the Warframe companion app we
2069s did delist it temporarily just because
2071s we didn't want there to be Mass
2073s confusion of people downloading the
2075s companion app thinking it was the
2077s Warframe game and then getting
2078s frustrated and confused so we have
2080s temporarily delisted the companion app
2082s if you have it it still functions you
2084s can still use it it's just no new
2085s downloads and we've taken it off of the
2087s store temporarily we will be putting it
2089s back up we just want uh to give the
2091s Warframe game app time to breathe uh and
2094s do its thing and people jump in and
2096s download it before we put the companion
2098s app back on so just a temporary D list
2100s temp D list it's just like in like a you
2102s know Insider Mode still works still runs
2106s however you know how it goes you know
2109s how it goes can we get updates for the
2111s companion app now that I can't speak to
2113s no right now like we're we're chilling
2115s on it we we can like we can still H fix
2117s it and update it um so you may see some
2120s but no new rename it we are I think we
2123s it's called the companion app now or
2124s something right what do you mean rename
2125s it from that
2127s it's called Warframe companion app we
2129s changed the name last year after we did
2131s the the pre-order announce so it used to
2133s be called like Warframe codex I think oh
2135s it's had many names it it had many names
2138s I'm Pacific time and it still says
2140s coming soon it is coming soon that is
2142s technically
2143s true is is Megan's asking the key
2145s question is it
2147s live I just want to make sure I ask a
2149s lot of Sanity questions is it just to
2151s make sure live just wanting to check my
2155s slack is uh certainly not suggesting
2159s can't seem to grab yet oh wow it seems
2161s people underly want to play it we just
2163s really want to play it uh when will
2164s Android be dropping not yet but you can
2167s sign up to be notified um on the
2169s Warframe website if you want to be
2171s notified for that Android when we
2172s working on it hopefully testing this
2174s year give us Arch chelee that's an
2176s esoteric request build is still
2178s propagating which means it's going to
2179s take a minute to actually deploy out to
2181s the public so we're just waiting we're
2182s just chilling a little bit so the build
2184s was here now it's here and then it'll be
2186s there it will be given to the masses so
2188s we're chilling for a little bit more
2190s gotta go buy an iPad right now do you
2192s not have a phone
2195s Megan obviously they are an Android user
2197s and they don't want to get an Apple
2199s phone or maybe their phone they have too
2201s many games on their phone and they need
2203s oh they have too many games I do have
2205s too many games on my you know what's not
2207s on my phone which I'm really sad about
2209s what Jiu-Jitsu Clash have you seen that
2212s the fighting game yeah yeah it's not on
2214s phone yet you can get it everywhere else
2216s you can get on switch won't play no okay
2220s uh all right I'm like do you not have
2222s fun moment it's true how long is the
2224s game going to stay on mobile forever
2227s forever forever this is a brand new
2228s platform similar to how we you know
2230s launched on switch Xbox PlayStation
2232s we're here forever you know every time
2234s cuz crossplay cross save is a thing
2235s every time you hop fix everyone's
2237s getting the same thing it's like your
2238s late it's like your youngest sibling now
2240s yeah that's a good way to like everyone
2241s eats dinner at the same time everyone
2243s gets ready for school at the same time
2245s now um iOS deploys at the same time hot
2249s fixes all these things you'll get red
2251s Tex I believe just the same it's just a
2254s new place to play which is very exciting
2256s uh Rea on YouTube asks please add
2258s silhouette highlight we did it's live as
2262s of Whispers Whispers was it de gof I
2265s thought did deg bring no I think it it
2268s was what it was dag it was dagg was it
2270s oh dang yeah so we do have a silhouette
2272s highlight live you can customize that as
2274s you see fit intensity color whatever you
2276s wish I believe it's on by default on the
2279s uh iOS platform I saw red enemies in my
2282s playthroughs uh last week it should be
2285s dropping any minute now it's propagating
2287s so like it was on our servers then we
2289s push it to Apple servers and now it's
2290s propagating and then they have to go
2291s Boop put it out to everyone so we're
2293s just chilling is there a certain release
2294s date on Android nope we're just testing
2297s yeah one step at a time yeah iOS where
2299s is that setting I never see enemies it's
2301s in the accessibility settings uh you can
2303s see it there yeah if you if you just go
2304s into settings and I don't think a lot of
2306s people know there's a search bar that
2308s just is like a blessing cuz I can never
2310s find anything search highlight just
2312s literally search highlight and your
2313s options and it will give it to you does
2316s iOS have Gamepad functionality it does
2318s does it does indeed and controller as
2320s well if you have a nice little
2321s controller you can hook up Bluetooth can
2323s I play with my P friend you can
2324s crossplatform play is enabled it's at
2326s your discretion whether or not you
2328s enable it for your account but uh if you
2329s toss it on you can play with your
2330s friends on PC can I use v-bucks to get
2333s platinum I wish I would be the
2337s richest oh my God so rich I spend more
2340s money on v-bucks than
2342s food if you look at my my PayPal yeah
2346s like okay just got to buy all those Gojo
2349s everything I got all the emotes battle
2351s pass so it looks like PC is out switch
2354s is out I don't want to misspeak one
2356s second PlayStation is out and Xbox not
2361s yet so Xbox and iOS are still
2365s propagating we did see that there is
2367s going to be a slightly slower deploy so
2369s we're just waiting for that uh indeed PC
2373s is out yeah can you use companion app
2376s for chat while playing on Console I
2378s don't think so compion chap chap chat I
2382s mean if you got two
2385s phones serious question don't you have
2387s two phones are you tell me you're going
2389s to pause the application and go like
2391s what are you what are you saying um Rado
2393s says can I have my PC account on iPad uh
2397s mhm yes you can yep you just have to
2398s link it link that bad boy but you do
2402s have to make a iOS account first so when
2403s you boot up the uh Warframe app It'll
2407s ask you to make an iOS account and then
2408s you can go into the account management
2410s on the Warframe website and you'll see
2411s it eligible there and you can link your
2413s PC account or whatever your primary
2414s account is and it'll be over there bring
2416s it over where to link it same place as
2419s um cross save is originally warframe.com
2421s go to your profile account management
2423s page and it'll be there uh once you have
2425s created that iOS account
2427s moved from Grease to olive oil what is
2430s that that's healthy it is healthy except
2433s the uh we're deployed so it seems as
2436s though everyone's going to get the red
2438s text that says come and get it come and
2440s get it soon the storage required is Big
2444s 14 gigs I've seen iOS might take a bit
2446s to propagate to all regions deploy is
2448s all good so you might just have to hang
2450s in there Xbox still waiting waiting for
2452s that to roll out so what fun icon will
2455s we see iOS players I think I think all
2457s non PC platforms are just the universal
2460s symbol we don't do per platform um icons
2465s yeah I don't think any game can and
2467s every fortnite do fortnite is the
2469s exception and the rule they're too big
2471s to follow rules yeah they're they're its
2473s own thing um yeah it's just a uh a
2475s cross- save icon that resembles everyone
2478s that's not on PC it is not 40 gigs on
2480s mobile it is not that big no option no
2484s cross save option on the website for iOS
2486s not yet until you've made an iOS account
2488s which you can't just yet because it's
2489s still deploying downloading now in the
2491s UK that's exciting who's that Cheerio
2494s mtin bleached ink very well the iOS
2499s launched tomorrow that was a boundary
2501s thing we did it's not actually launching
2502s tomorrow it's launching today launching
2504s right now just did that so that the time
2505s zone
2506s hello a mom yeah there's no stopping you
2510s a we love Mom Mom support well Warframe
2515s work on iPad Air too I can I have an
2519s iPad Air let's find out so iPad Air
2521s third generation fourth generation and
2523s fifth generation it does work maybe
2526s there will be a list um again Cory Cory
2529s should have a list up in the forums of
2532s um the being available on iOS and it has
2535s an entire list of iPhone devices
2537s downloading downloading Hungary
2538s downloading downloading from
2540s Italy I'm sorry no that's okay uh we do
2543s have a list on the forums um a thread
2546s from that has an entire list of what
2548s devices you can play Warframe on that
2551s work downloading in
2554s Brazil downloading from Austria
2557s downloading are you in Canada oh this
2560s item is no longer available what did I
2562s do you
2564s broke all right let's see downloading in
2567s Hawaii wow oh it's going oh I got the
2571s same thing yeah downloading in Dubai
2574s downloading from NK downloading in the
2577s Netherlands can the Netherlands um maybe
2578s cheuck check how is it everywhere Puerto
2581s Rico Norway Toronto hey Cory Cory is
2586s that you Sarah is that you
2589s Taiwan cross save on mobile yep you can
2591s use our website to pair your accounts
2593s pick a primary away you go away you go
2596s downloading updates in Florida sorry I
2598s have driving school now stop at red
2600s light oh an update uh thank you Corey
2602s you cannot use companion app at the same
2603s time as you're logged in elsewhere it
2605s won't work won't work I'm serious it
2607s won't work keyboard support is not live
2609s for launch we're working on it just not
2611s at
2611s launch there you go downloading in
2614s Singapore India is there an there is an
2618s update for the PlayStation everyone just
2619s got a deployment downloading in Nova
2621s Scotia woohoo K Great Lakes you're in
2625s the Great Lakes from Anar
2629s sure
2631s Philippines Germany not yet it's coming
2634s it is coming available in France we wee
2638s Ireland oh potatoes downloading the
2640s Philippines UK ready Texas USA Jamaica
2644s America Louisiana Germany oh Israel wow
2650s Poland gin wow look at you guys go
2653s Argentina Antigua W nice beaches Brazil
2658s never been never been Romania orado
2663s Brazil now playing it in the Philippines
2667s dang downloading from California hey
2670s nice and warm where you
2672s are I know I love when people would do
2675s this we got Nepal St Lucia Ukraine
2678s Antarctica I'll believe it when I see it
2681s show us that snow downloading in the sun
2684s oh downloading into McDonald's not
2686s unlikely I mean not unlikely at all they
2689s have some good Wi-Fi some of
2690s them Ukraine Florida Brazil it says no
2694s wonder
2695s downloading from Samoa it might be
2698s because we have the test oh yeah we have
2701s the test flight thing maybe but there's
2702s a the there's the public app which
2704s should just should work we'll see hold
2708s on let me ask my ask your
2711s peeps seeing a lot of item no longer
2714s available yeah so when I do this which
2716s is I go to my my
2718s app I click
2721s download oh oh it's going is it going
2725s yep
2726s okay this is crazy I'm
2729s shaking I think it just took a second
2731s just wait is such a common solution to
2734s so many problems mine's going too we can
2736s play together we can play open oh my God
2741s it's so fast it's so fast
2743s cor hold on what was there it's going to
2745s ask me if I want to download the
2746s tutorial or not F
2748s show do I need to grease my ey oh play
2751s it was ready to go cuz I had the test
2752s light data we love it I'm downloading
2757s I'll switch over soon R just want to
2759s make sure I get in first says coming
2761s February 21st that was just a Contin
2764s contingency it is live now sending to
2768s all of the that's
2771s me Whispers in the walls
2778s baby it's actually very
2785s impressive
2791s you are something
2793s [Laughter]
2798s else you can switch over
2800s [Laughter]
2806s now all right we're in this is a live
2808s build we're in are you in well I'm busy
2811s oh sorry you're busy she's busy I'm in
2814s she's in the live build she's in ladies
2816s and
2820s gentlemen for you slept that's you no
2825s stop stop eating it no purpose no
2829s purpose no call all right so this is my
2832s uh my new B sorry sorry sorry who am I
2835s going to pick probably lock it oh I'm
2836s going to turn mine off cuz you can do
2838s all the playing no I won't do that yeah
2840s can you yeah thank you blessings I just
2842s want to lock
2844s it uh rotate okay perfect thanks for oh
2847s look at you in your little account this
2849s is my new account I'm doing the tutorial
2851s we're rocking vor's prize uh so we'll
2854s play around with this for a bit so I
2855s using the Straight Up iPad mobile
2857s controls I will do you know what gen
2859s that iPad is and it's it's a raw it's an
2860s iPad Pro it's an iPad Pro Megan is using
2862s the iPad Pro Gen 4
2865s maybe2 Gen 4 wow you really just uh
2868s exposed me oh
2870s sorry um so uh we are going to okay I'm
2875s a mobile gamer baby
2879s so Megan as you can see all the buttons
2881s are where I left them so you can move
2883s them this is great is working you really
2886s set me up for sucess you can move them I
2888s see I could the shadow so there's two
2891s usability features that uh with
2893s Consulting with our partners at Nitro
2895s who are mobile experts in our own iOS
2897s team and mobile team we have um a
2900s setting you can turn on for auto shoot
2902s on reticle and auto melee on reticle so
2904s if Megan puts an enemy is you have the
2906s setting on mhm if Megan has an enemy in
2909s her sights uh the game will actually
2911s shoot automatically so she doesn't have
2912s to do too much touchscreen gymnastics so
2914s you just have to hover the reticle over
2916s an enemy and it'll Auto shoot uh as a
2918s potential usability setting Oh shot the
2920s dog I'm so sorry we'll see how that goes
2923s don't look and we do have an automatic
2924s bullet jump button so if you hit um if
2927s you hit the bullet jump button up high
2930s it'll just do it for for you kill the
2933s dog don't kill the dog don't kill the I
2935s didn't mean to
2937s uh too bad it's not on Android uh we
2939s will be launching on Android hopefully
2940s later this year Auto shoot and
2942s conclave maybe a problem there but we'll
2945s we'll see can you move the position of
2947s the joysticks the joystick is actually
2948s wherever she's touching so if she moves
2950s her thumb um or so you'll see yeah so
2954s you'll see wherever I put my thumb is
2955s where you'll see that Circle and the
2957s where where I drag it so if I move my
2958s thumb down here I can't actually see
2961s yeah um and we do have Auto Sprint as
2963s well if she holds up and flicks it off
2965s she'll just Auto run uh so we do have
2968s lots of little uh Megan did not do the
2970s tutorial cuz she's just built different
2972s so you didn't do the tutorial cuz you're
2975s you didn't do like the opening thing
2976s like the the wake up tenno because I
2978s already did it yeah exactly you're buil
2979s different build ify guys is there
2981s background download or not uh we do have
2984s the incremental download but I don't I
2987s don't know if there's background that's
2988s actually a very important question
2990s someone can correct me if I'm wrong can
2993s we can't link iOS for cross save you can
2995s um you
2997s can you can indeed you can indeed you
3001s can indeed uh we have live build
3004s downloading for lots of pokes lots of
3006s confirmation this is great is I don't
3009s think we have gyro controls right
3011s now that's like the Nintendo switch you
3014s move it and it does yeah I don't think
3016s so Cory can I haven't seen it the
3019s graphics yeah they they did a damn good
3021s job getting this going have something in
3022s my
3023s throat passes muff
3026s it is controller compatible absolutely
3028s oh I can show you all right so as you
3029s can see I was playing around you hold it
3032s I have my Bluetooth controller I'm just
3033s going to turn this bad boy
3036s on
3041s rip no you're fine you're
3043s fine and here we go I'm controlling so
3046s if you ever want to have your friend
3047s hold your iPad for you will you just sit
3049s back and enjoy the game Lu I have three
3051s other screens but yeah let me just uh
3054s it's actually a bit of a doozy doing
3055s that I'm the world's most expensive iPad
3058s holder now you can be a gamer gamer get
3061s those grineer sco not the
3064s dog sorry dog Bluetooth mouse and
3068s keyboard support
3070s indeed this is this also is a backwards
3073s uh controller so my am and are backwards
3076s backwards like inverted yeah you know
3078s how you go from like switch to Xbox
3080s you're
3080s like what is this yep oh God I did it
3084s again can I touch what oh no so the UI
3087s automatically switches back to the one
3088s you'll know if you hook up a controller
3090s the input is detected and you go back to
3093s Ye Old controller yeah like if I were to
3095s turn this
3096s off that's not me it's
3098s you it's fine and now you're back to now
3102s now R's
3103s play with my huge fake nails big old
3106s nail you can do it I can't my my nails
3108s are too long it's okay we did it we're
3110s going to extract look at this you're a
3113s queen we're Gamers anything on Cross
3115s save for iOS we intend to launch it
3117s today uh let's see about the status of
3120s that uh crossplatform save doing final
3123s spot validation before turning on iOS
3125s cross sa ping once Live status we'll get
3128s a Live status there and then I'm going
3130s to go
3132s what you going to go I'm going to look
3135s at you you got Hornet strike oh look at
3138s you you're going to be doing so much
3139s damage in no time I'm a gamer o pressure
3143s point Sor sick bu the jump bro thanks
3147s thanks so
3148s much will the controller options be
3151s available on the PS backbone for phones
3154s that's a good question I don't know I'm
3155s not super familiar with that I'm sorry
3158s can you put on your new Cape oh I
3161s certainly
3162s can I certainly can put on my bomb back
3165s there's some tenen like we said there's
3167s nine tenen items available as a heads up
3169s iOS off is not working yet on website so
3172s we're digging and we'll inform when
3173s fixed okay just fixed and Okay so
3175s crossplatform sh should be on now why
3177s don't you give it a try if that's
3178s something you're Keen to do and we'll
3181s let you know and I'm going
3182s to thank you to the Cross save
3187s team okay don't go to my screen r no
3190s matter what happens what no matter what
3192s I'm about to connect I will do a quick
3195s uh Q&A until I go it worked Reb thanks
3198s hey thank you to the team for that I
3200s merely a
3202s messenger uh Samsung fridge when I don't
3205s know
3206s sorry samung fridge the Apple button on
3209s the website is there now awesome that
3211s means oh oh no it's okay it just says Dr
3215s oh that's a TFA yeah yeah please hold
3218s sorry
3219s R all right um thank you very much for
3222s uh inviting me here today Megan for this
3224s stream I'm going to leave now but uh Rue
3226s thanks for running it good luck on the
3227s rest of your uh broadcast I guess do we
3230s need to stay live more stay for two more
3232s minutes are we just going to do cross
3233s safe no I just need you to talk while I
3235s do this okay uh all right so uh I'm
3237s Brazilian I love Warframe
3239s orado uh can mobile users host crossplay
3243s sessions they can if they choose to uh
3247s Android beta when this year sometime for
3249s sure can you log in with your PC account
3251s on iOS absolutely you can we have
3253s currently just turned on the
3254s crossplatform save feature so you go to
3256s our website you should be able to get
3258s your account from any platform on to the
3260s iOS platform jewry pan Warframe one in
3263s my dreams every day what is that what is
3265s Dory pan chor pan is a Argentinian dish
3268s wherein you have a chizo on a freshly
3270s baked bun with chimy Chuy on top it's
3271s basically just sausage on a bun but it's
3273s the chizo and the pan and the pan is
3277s bread uh when is it going to work on an
3279s M1 MacBook not sure as we mentioned
3281s earlier we don't officially support the
3283s Macintosh or Mac platform but if you do
3285s have the type of Mac that lets you run
3287s apps it might just work no
3289s promises
3291s uh for Android Rebecca said soon I
3293s didn't say soon I said this year which
3295s could be you know we're doing tests
3297s pretty pretty soon but you know one
3299s thing at a time uh when is the new
3301s Warframe coming again we're going to
3303s announce the date this Dev stream so we
3305s have a Dev stream Friday we'll see you
3306s again in no time at all uh which means
3310s on Friday we'll be back with the dev
3311s stream for real when's the next Quest oo
3315s we're cooking that next Quest up we're
3317s not going to talk about it until after
3318s Dante Unbound though because we don't
3319s want to just like put you in a head
3322s space where you're not thinking about
3323s the immediate update but we do have the
3324s next quest in development also we have
3325s the dev stream I have my own right but
3327s thank you we have the dev stream this
3329s Friday but then we've also already
3331s announced our March Dev stream at pack
3333s so we'll talk about the next upate that
3335s yeah so there's there still lots to talk
3337s about am I able to use a Playstation or
3339s Xbox controller for mobile if it's
3340s compatible with your phone then yes as
3342s long as your phone can support it you
3343s should be able to use it in the game
3344s client you should change the extraction
3347s animation it feels annoying to see my
3349s Orbiter goes through buildings and
3351s structures what build I guess like I
3353s thought it was pretty well I guess like
3355s the only one that that's a problem in is
3357s the Corpus Venus extraction where
3360s sometimes you can see the top of the
3361s ship through the floor but like is there
3363s a um other spot that I'm unaware of
3366s where you can see your Orbiter through
3368s the floor you can't hear me get the mic
3372s oh it's too
3376s close uh can limbo toggle his hat no
3380s what is dreamers Bond it's a New Aura we
3381s added in today's update that lets you
3383s have a little bit of health regen a
3385s little bit energy regen in one or a slot
3387s mostly skewed towards new players but of
3389s course you can use it at any level iOS
3393s has the drivers already in the operating
3394s system for both those controllers thank
3395s you Mr Tracy indeed can you use your
3398s PlayStation Warframe account to log into
3399s Warframe mobile if you go to our website
3401s and cross saave your account absolutely
3404s you can Megan is in the process of doing
3406s that right now I'm just going to answer
3407s some questions in the meantime uh somac
3410s cord Som cord Prime did the sord okay
3414s another big thing that went live to
3415s today is you can buy the Prime trailer
3418s music with just normal ya if you go to
3420s varia she has I think like nine new
3422s songs for your Som Accord the gaus Prime
3425s trailer music Octavia gar grle they're
3428s all there if you go visit varia at
3430s maruse Bazar she will sell you for a the
3435s songs for your s Accord she doesn't have
3437s any though I already checked oh maybe we
3438s didn't deploy the Manifest
3440s update uh well it would be aligned with
3443s who's offered so like if G Prime is not
3446s with varia then his song won't be
3449s there what there's a p pin what there
3452s will be a little a little delayed in
3454s just being oh my God okay yeah so
3457s checking a little bit okay I was like
3458s what we're not going to get that guses
3460s for like three years
3461s no almost got crazy there she's
3466s going1 fov on mobile is utterly insane I
3469s believe you can customize the
3471s fov at least you
3474s could uh all right can someone explain
3476s to me why switch has a separate
3479s Market in what
3481s way Rebecca you look like my high school
3483s Home Room
3485s teacher that could be a good thing maybe
3488s not you fail uh okay missing from Mac's
3492s App Store yeah we're not officially
3494s launching on the Mac so that would be
3495s why no apples sorry there is what does
3498s that say crazy I was crazy I was crazy
3500s once they locked me in a rubber room
3502s room rubber room with rats rats make me
3504s crazy
3506s crazy I was
3508s crazy um why you guys look tired do you
3512s really want to know we've been up to a
3514s lot we've been cooking do you really
3516s want to know we've been cooking just
3517s launched our fifth platform we got a Dev
3519s stream this Friday we got Dante I'm
3521s bound coming up hot Lots going on
3525s tenon's a thing y that we're cooking
3527s songs will be in Baria later check back
3529s later we have to do some backend store
3531s manifest updates a blessing blessings
3534s yes
3536s uh what else do we have from YouTube
3538s chat why is it not working on my iPad
3540s Mini it could be outside this
3541s compatibility spec we do have a list
3543s published with what is uh iPad Mini we
3546s support fifth generation at the latest
3548s so if your iPad mini's first second
3549s third or fourth gen we will not support
3551s it uh just for optimization reasons
3554s there's a thread in the mobile sub forms
3556s if you like to check that out that has a
3559s list
3561s list I retired from working on infested
3564s liches
3566s would you like to would you like to know
3568s is a special one day pre-order item the
3569s bomb ex sign Dana it is I was showing
3571s that just earlier ah the bom
3576s bombus what iPhone Generations do you
3578s support I'm G see if I can find the uh
3580s the iPhone gen that we support I'm
3582s trying to find the For Thread so I can
3585s link them okay since the community lead
3588s is here hey could you answer this
3591s question oh that seems like a policy
3593s question not going to take that one
3594s that's not between us uh will Warframe
3597s mobile take over the world likely not we
3599s do not intend to do such a uh nefarious
3604s thing playing the game on my phone way
3606s to go will the game work on I don't have
3609s any Android info for specifics on what
3611s Hardware will W work we are going to
3613s Simply get some tests going are you
3616s tired from working on the next umra
3618s frame no that was Steve with some Mal
3621s content causing trouble for no reason
3625s can you link me your Forum post my my
3627s friend my
3628s bestie my best friend going cross over
3632s here I got one good contact and one bad
3635s one she can only see out of one eye I
3637s can only see out of one eye please St
3639s next prime wait 10no wait any potential
3642s offline options no solo game mode is the
3645s only one you can pause that and then
3647s that's basically it it is a online game
3649s server always needs to know what you're
3650s up
3652s to are I don't know what that means so
3654s I'm not going to read it out loud oh
3655s when is Eclipse rework going to happen
3657s great question tune in to the dev stream
3658s this Friday we will tell you exactly
3659s what we're doing with war Warframe
3661s Mirage
3662s Eclipse all right I am gonna scattle
3665s okay farewell are you done or are
3667s you it's it's been an hour streaming for
3670s an hour yeah we can probably hit it um
3671s just posted in the twitch chat the link
3673s to the um iOS FAQ on the forums that has
3678s the list of iPhone devices that are
3680s compatible and iPad devices that are
3682s compatible if you'd like to take a look
3684s at that thanks
3685s appreciate you um yeah I think we are I
3689s see a lot of login failed when trying to
3692s link so that means we have to go right
3694s into like live Ops troubleshoot mod yeah
3696s it looks like we've hot dropped uh cross
3698s save linking isn't working off problem
3700s they are on it got it yeah they we just
3703s hot dropped act cross save it's not
3704s working okay I'm acknowledging cross
3706s save in so far as it's not working but
3709s it will we're working on it so at this
3711s exact time if you're listening to me
3712s speak you will not be able to cross save
3714s but working on it right this second
3716s maybe we won't turn off until we have
3719s that working yeah we can hang out you
3721s know what I mean well I can hang out if
3722s we need to go it's fine I think there
3723s should be acknowledgement that we have
3726s fixed the feature before we leave you to
3729s your imagination so you will be toiling
3732s and toiling like a dryer cycle toiling
3735s and toiling we cannot have
3738s it all right so what is our current uh
3741s number one priority we are trying to fix
3742s the crossplatform uh safe so that you
3745s can move your accounts over to Mobile so
3747s that's what's happening right this
3748s second that's that's the back end in the
3750s good times yeah I'm trying to I'm doing
3753s it live seeing if we can uh get this
3756s sorted out yeah we Megan is trying to
3758s get hers going but
3760s currently she's trying and I will answer
3763s questions agreed with what is what is
3765s what's going on in chat here why is
3766s there platinum differences between
3768s Nintendo switch and other systems I
3769s don't know that's just yeah it's just um
3771s are you talking about the platform
3772s policy yeah like how policy just policy
3775s stuff uh switch just wants to keep their
3777s plot so that's just how that has to work
3779s economy binding all that fun stuff are
3781s you going to give rewards for
3782s transferring the reward is the transfer
3785s the reward is you're there hello from
3788s Serbia hello oh my cousin just messaged
3790s me
3791s hi cross sa for iOS we're working on it
3794s um seeing a couple issues but the team
3796s is working on it right
3799s now uh when is Dante Brie not for years
3802s you don't even have Dante yet I don't
3803s even got him yet in the new dep stream
3805s will we talk about a Loki rework we'll
3807s talk about it and so far as we're not
3808s doing one we're not doing one there is
3810s an augment that we're working on for
3811s Loki that we'll talk about but not a
3813s rework a Naros is getting a rework and
3815s we will talk about that may we even show
3817s it that's the plan it's the plan
3821s baby hi from France
3823s bonjour bonjour will you guys release
3826s Ash concept skin you're probably talking
3828s about female
3830s Ash probably not but never say never you
3834s are the creative director you can do it
3835s in I know but I got to think of there's
3837s something else we're cooking up I can't
3838s talk about that we're cooking up a lot
3839s we're cooking up a lot are there satr
3841s augments I think there is one actually
3843s is there I could be wrong I may be M why
3846s don't you Friday is Megan right or wrong
3849s oh she's cheating she's cheating nah no
3851s no no will there be options to opt out
3853s of playing with mobile
3855s users I think you can turn off cross
3857s platform play but that might be too deep
3860s a cut for you so how how deep are you
3863s willing to cut uh augment there is a
3865s Catrine augment I was right oh girl
3868s there is aine one we'll talk about it
3869s we'll talk about it on Friday we'll talk
3871s about it and for those of you who asking
3872s about backbone it is available what the
3875s hell is a backbone it I don't have
3878s one just kidding I do I got enough for
3880s the both of us Queen wrong lady Top Hat
3883s signal wi just play limbo it's right
3886s there stuck on the setting screen please
3889s help dumpy bump I don't know what to
3890s tell you make a dumpy bump that got
3893s enough backbone for all of us all right
3896s I am do we have a CVO augment coming
3899s soon now people are really wanting to
3901s get the augments in there is oh look at
3903s that watch Friday's step stream yeah
3905s just just come hang out come hang out
3907s with us on Friday we'll tell you all
3908s about it Pablo will love them we
3910s actually have tenen news as well on
3912s Friday we are going to show you some new
3913s tenen we got some new tenen coming with
3916s Dante very exciting so where are the new
3918s sord tracks are coming they're just
3920s working on the back end y we're going to
3921s go with varia but we're working on
3923s updating the could get to your meeting
3925s sis I well they can wait for me are you
3928s sure you can go they haven't they
3930s actually haven't summoned me yet but I
3931s told them I would be done 11:30 so the
3933s summons the summoning any love for
3935s calaban we do have plans for calaban
3937s stay tuned stay tuned an augment I'm
3941s trying to allude about the augments much
3943s better sorry okay what about Thursday
3945s Thursday's prime time also fun the
3947s funnest we got lots of streams this week
3950s wait wait a little bit more that's okay
3952s we're we're chilling we're going to
3954s going to get a ping when everything is
3956s confirmed good to go so we're just
3958s hanging out for a little bit more will
3959s there be monthly game passes isn't that
3962s a Microsoft thing we're not on Game Pass
3965s can you be on Game Pass as a freeo
3967s playay game I don't think you can I know
3968s you can do like perk packs or something
3970s yeah I don't know I don't think you can
3972s because the whole point is it's discount
3974s yeah you can get it free super free
3977s super free super free are there new void
3979s shouts coming soon there are there are
3981s there are what's for lunch today that's
3983s a great question start also starving I'm
3985s not even going to a meet I'm going to go
3986s eat also starving the longer I stay the
3988s hungrier I get uh there's also an Xbox
3992s delay no games pass for free to play
3994s sadly damn it damn it thank you for the
3997s I tried I tried um there does what
4000s what's going on let's get a state of the
4001s union here we've posted a uh no updates
4003s from Xbox yet we're waiting okay so
4005s right now there's kind of Two and a Half
4008s big big pieces of news we're an hour
4010s into our launch stream the iOS platform
4013s has launched crossplatform save for iOS
4016s is in development and should be
4018s deploying as soon as we can like
4020s hopefully within the boundaries of the
4021s stream and the third is that the Xbox
4024s platform has a delayed Deploy on update
4027s 35.10 so we're just waiting for that to
4029s go out we're waiting we'll see so if
4032s you're on Xbox hang tight if you're
4034s trying to cross- saave your whatever
4036s account to your iOS launch hang tight if
4039s you're on anything else we can tell you
4040s more about uh oh actually var's music's
4043s a little delayed mhm mhm that's all I
4047s got for you new or the sphere Hunter
4050s hello
4053s what what are you talking about I'm just
4055s really excited right now it's SP play
4057s cool I'm a professional what is it what
4058s do that me I'm a professional Megan
4059s let's just let's just move along what
4061s that was
4062s frightening what does that mean is that
4065s a person yes plate cool me we're cool
4069s girls I'm so confused where are they
4071s twitch it's fine play cool um
4078s play it
4080s cool I'm cool I think we're cool I don't
4085s know what to do now that was very
4086s frightening I got alarmed I was like did
4088s I read that right but it's fine armpits
4090s ory I
4091s know okay jump scared uh any new C oh
4095s can't well actually no not for a while
4097s I'm just I'm just go right into the bad
4100s news when you launching on N64 now that
4102s is a good question fun little fact I
4105s have a list of things to to resolve from
4107s Mario Party 3 RNG we Lo well we weren't
4110s on the same team but we both lost yeah
4112s we'll see we'll see we're losers uh
4115s that's all right hild your newor
4116s absolutely not absolutely not why is
4120s your hair color so perfect that's and so
4122s beautiful well you got to fake it till
4124s you make it sometimes friends so you're
4126s not a natural ginger I am not oh my God
4129s sorry this is just me wishing I was
4131s feeling robbed of my all right so as
4133s mentioned earlier ear we had three big
4135s pieces of news
4137s iOS Xbox crossplatform safe at this time
4142s all of those are in the Purgatory of
4144s stay tuned the purgatorial
4147s administration suggests that you will
4149s only get the news when the news is ready
4151s to be get
4155s oh uh I see lots of people typing which
4158s is usually a good sign or a terrible
4161s sign passion where they are in the Forum
4164s there's actually a mobile patch note
4167s section yes we have expanded the new
4169s section of the forums to include our
4170s fifth platform launch of the day Mobile
4173s update notes right under where all the
4175s other ones normally are you'll see it
4176s and Cory's oops Cory's got a lovely
4178s little Post in there it's great Read All
4180s About It Cory online Corey is online and
4185s working all right what else we
4187s got
4189s uh Corpus game mode sorry it's not in
4193s the cards right now now is there an
4195s Android version it is in development it
4197s is not ready for release nor news
4199s Warframe and genin collab one oo us and
4202s Wesley o don't you worry about it after
4206s my own
4207s heart speed increase fov V limit setting
4211s when someone wants to know when your
4213s sticky Corners are fixed they will be in
4215s the Dante Unbound build sticky Corners
4216s will be fixed once and for all or for
4219s some amount they will be unstuck stick
4222s unstuck sticky corners
4225s sticky
4228s Corners how did iOS get out before
4230s Android just ask the CEO
4234s Steve CEO CEO CEO revisit duv please we
4239s are we have lots of DUI fixes coming uh
4242s as of this morning we were confirming
4244s that our new well I guess it's a q that
4247s all circuit progress will be saved
4249s regardless of failure or DC so Megan and
4251s I make it to you know stage n of the
4254s circuit we'll save all our progress
4256s that's coming in the Dante Unbound build
4257s as well we have tons of other fixes for
4259s duviri as well so we are doing some
4262s serious TV
4264s Q new can I link my Nintendo account you
4267s should be able to we are slowly rolling
4269s out the crossplatform saves fix uh I bet
4273s the CEO has an iPhone he does that's why
4274s we're on iPhone first because Steve has
4276s an iPhone there you go that is some
4278s correlation but I got to imagine it's
4280s causation too yikes Steve is the
4285s iPhone guy he's just an iPhone guy he is
4290s should we FaceTime him sir why no
4293s Android he team just said lies in chat I
4296s don't think so pretty sure he's a big
4297s iPad guy I think the reason I guy so
4300s here is your question what is your
4301s ravnik guild I am a ratos girly always
4304s will be with a littleit rose is the
4307s black red uh Mana uh Guild for Ravnica
4311s but orov second choice Megan what are
4314s you giving you're actually kind of
4315s giving Rose are we talking Final Fantasy
4317s no we're talking Magic the Gathering
4319s guilds is that wait is are they cool
4322s well every color identity of ravnik is
4325s two combined colors so ratos is red
4328s black which I think you actually do give
4330s Rose I'm literally wearing I think I'm
4332s orov I think that makes more sense I
4333s think you're Rose and I'm orov orov yeah
4337s yeah yeah yeah can you cross merge with
4341s a ban account I wonder what would happen
4344s uh I don't think it lets you like it
4346s doesn't even let you yeah oh man that
4348s would be hilarious get out of
4351s here uh you probably get banned or it
4353s just won't let
4355s you uh 777 th000 Subs super cool welcome
4359s to the YouTube channel the app App Store
4361s says 55 M yeah so uh the App Store
4364s itself is going to give you the launcher
4365s and then you download the actual game
4368s content from our uh not the actual App
4371s Store so you're not going to be doing a
4372s front-loaded you know 104 14 gig
4374s download you're going to do the launcher
4376s and then you're going to fetch all of
4377s the actual game content from the
4379s launcher itself damn that's a lot that
4382s is a lot all right team is still working
4384s on Cross safe stuff Xbox is still not
4387s deployed yet but they are
4389s investigating so we're still just
4391s hanging out any collabs planned afraid
4394s not no collabs we're not stop stop we're
4398s going to look like simps
4400s no we're
4402s professionals hey
4405s Megan I'll call you did you know that oh
4408s no never I
4410s finally you should FaceTime me and see
4412s what happens or call me and see what
4414s happens okay hold on all right uh
4416s FaceTime or call you call call all right
4418s Megan's going to call me and we're going
4419s to see something very
4420s special this is what happens when Megan
4423s calls
4428s me it's good guys it's good it's good
4431s best friend fun okay I highly recommend
4436s we're cool we're cool we're
4438s cool
4439s embarrassing okay
4443s UHS all right I need the thae language
4446s we started working on the thae language
4448s we did and I think it's
4450s live I know we have dedicated um taii
4453s team members I think we deployed the
4455s Thai language I remember there was some
4457s Co kind of ruined my memory so I don't
4459s if it happened during Co it's likely I
4460s don't remember
4462s it unfortunately
4465s uh baroo Prime trailer we are not
4468s working on one I'm sorry to
4472s say uh Warframe Apex Legends collab I do
4477s love me some Apex Legends characters I
4479s haven't really played the game a lot but
4480s damn so good some of their
4483s characters like I when I did play I
4486s played as
4487s Bloodhound cuz I liked that idea as you
4492s should my ti my friend introduced me to
4494s Warframe damn that's
4496s nice Warframe card game one get some
4499s solit chair open in here M sorry no
4502s that's not what you meant when are we
4503s going to get a Warframe movie that's a
4506s tough one it's a lot of work and I got
4508s no ideas man I got no ideas when are we
4511s getting a samurai Warframe someone
4513s already asked that a while ago in the
4515s answer isn't Ash already kind of he's
4516s more of an assassin ninja what about
4518s Excalibur he is not he's more of a
4520s swordsman a swordsman from swordsman
4522s Ville okay
4524s War Warframe Comics please sit tight on
4527s that
4528s one uh a vessel Warframe we have vessels
4531s in game
4533s already
4536s replace replace okay I lost that comment
4541s sorry uh why can't you detonate a glaive
4544s when you have a pistol equipped would
4546s that be an input thing Rue when you're
4548s doing Dark Sector mode you can't
4550s detonate the glaive h huh what do you
4555s think about that R he's my glaive guy
4557s over
4560s there well you're a glaven spirit who's
4564s the better burper you don't want to know
4568s oh is Happy Zephyr accessible from the
4570s login screen it is I forget what the
4573s input is though I think it's just Zephyr
4575s it's been a hot minute since I've played
4577s that oops any news about Warframe 1999
4581s nothing to share right now but I promise
4582s you that is the only thing I think about
4585s I go to sleep Warframe release just now
4587s excellent very well on Xbox perhaps oh
4589s let's check not seeing it just yet
4593s unless you have the inside scoop chat I
4595s don't I'm looking I'm
4598s waiting I see a ping for me what's all
4601s this then what's all this then what's
4604s all this then whoops okay no one ping
4608s me uh lightsaber melee I believe we
4611s would get sued by Mr Disney Michael
4613s Mouse Mr
4615s Disney Mr MC Mouse no his name's Michael
4619s Mouse oh sorry Michael oh Xbox oh Xbox
4622s will be up soon so if you're sitting on
4623s Xbox sit tighter content creator program
4626s from mobile I believe you will find that
4628s the plan Remains the Same to join the
4631s content creator things and stuff no big
4634s surge as far as I know for the
4638s launch when can I log in with my digital
4640s extremes account we're working on the
4641s web thing right now Megan is testing it
4644s digital extremes account like the cross
4646s save account oh sorry I can see you
4648s trying to do it I know I am trying to do
4650s it to my line of sight right here it
4651s might be because this is like it was my
4653s test account and you know what I'm
4655s saying like I think I might be in a bit
4658s of a situ unless I can
4663s like what do we think of the
4665s optimization kickass compression
4669s performance it is Warframe on your phone
4671s I'm never going to miss a barrow keer
4673s again and for that I would have waited
4676s an eternity to never ET to never miss a
4679s barrow again I can pull up my phone I
4681s can run into the relay I can get my
4684s things Barrow you and I have a lifelong
4688s partnership I will never stand you up
4690s I'll never let you down that's right let
4695s you so I can use cross I think the web
4697s is still
4698s deploying I might be a different animal
4700s so I'm going to get daily login every
4702s day it's true
4706s never get are we getting an impact
4708s focused Warframe like a genin impact FOC
4712s is genin impact a status
4714s type how because impact get
4718s it it's pretty funny it's not online
4722s Megan Rick Rolling sorry sorry how do
4724s you get it on Mac technically we don't
4725s support the Mac platform so you can get
4727s it however you see fit without
4730s expectations or endorsement by us m
4733s we'll have more news on augments this
4735s Friday on the dev
4736s stream Never Gonna Give You I think the
4739s da tag would suit Clan modes very very
4741s well what does that mean chroma when
4744s whenever you want them baby Buy in the
4747s market invested Lous one get out of here
4752s they're just checking in on their change
4753s before they hot Drop it to iOS so
4756s shortly for cross safe for cross safe
4759s Xbox still
4761s deploying when is 1 million Subs special
4763s when we hit it we still are about
4765s 200,000 away so we got a lot of work to
4767s do before we get the million sub
4771s special Marvel collab please I think if
4774s I had to pick any well Marvel owns so
4776s much it's kind of hard to say what you
4777s would pick any news on Soul frame plenty
4781s but not here not here yet anyway is
4785s crossplay released today or soon today
4787s today
4790s today do you guys didn't say anything
4793s about po world I'm surprised how's that
4796s for saying something how's that we could
4799s do a PO World stream good Pokemon with
4801s guns let's do it guns will we ever get a
4804s viking Warframe I could see that that'd
4807s be cool could oh what happened to the
4809s 2023 Prime Noles they're coming very
4812s soon look at you sniper sh saw I saw it
4816s and it's cuz I was working on it a
4818s destiny collab could unite the fan bases
4821s o it's got some Guardians up in here
4823s hell yeah dude hell yeah dude warlocks
4826s for life I want a bear type okay why is
4829s this a three-hour download I can only
4830s speak
4831s to the variability depending on your
4836s internet when is rail Jack getting
4838s reworked we're definitely not doing a
4841s rework no I missed my puddle frame Kirby
4844s KN I'm sorry a hydroid
4847s why never going to give you sorry tigis
4851s and Caron there's so many we in The game
4853s everyone wants an incarn for their fav
4855s that's a tough one to manage we're going
4856s to be zip on that though just to keep it
4858s fair cuz like if you heard about it here
4859s you could um you know insider trading in
4862s the Riven Market if we were like oh
4863s everyone the next incarn is blank
4865s someone could you know it got to be fair
4867s fair we're treating it like the stock
4869s market insider trading is punishable by
4872s one year in jail I feel you two years in
4875s jail if it's
4878s premeditated damn uh website won't let
4881s me merge yeah that's not quite deployed
4883s yet I uh I'm running on a steam so I
4885s might that's okay I might leave you yep
4887s you can leave me I really uh need to eat
4889s you do you no
4892s byebye by thanks bye-bye I got two mics
4895s now I don't have the endurance anymore I
4897s lost you go eat Queen you go get that
4900s lunch I'll hang out with chat bye bye R
4903s everyone say bye R bye let me turn that
4906s mic off for all I got oh my God I'll
4909s turn up bye R everyone say bye
4912s r that's okay fairy well
4915s Reb Bye Mom bye Mom all right we'll
4918s stick around for a little bit more I do
4919s want to stick around until we confirm
4922s that um cross save is back up and
4924s running um they are just looking at uh
4927s hot dropping something which means doing
4929s it live instead of needing a hoot fix so
4931s that chair is freaking me out goodbye
4933s chair goodbye chair cross sa is working
4937s says someone in chat well I don't want
4938s to Signal too soon let's see what Xbox
4941s is doing up soon still hanging out Megan
4946s let me be a
4948s designer oh okay tell me what you want
4951s see we can do it did update drop on Xbox
4953s not seeing anything just yet uh this
4957s still is soon T
4960s TM megga M Steve give us our own golden
4963s ma honestly golden ma is one of my
4966s favorite enemies and I'm sad that it
4968s doesn't have any anything else yet
4971s underrated we'll see will the Creo
4973s signal return most definitely uh at some
4976s point at sometime it will for
4979s sure iPad is stuck on setting screen you
4982s might need to close and reopen
4985s it or maybe you are suspended somehow
4989s your program not yourself it's working
4991s for me okay we're getting some cross
4993s save confirmation
4995s internally and then we'll give the all
4998s clear is that game me oh it's you oh do
5002s you have music oh fun thanks sir
5004s appreciate that appreciate that make
5007s lunaro well you know to each their own
5010s to each their
5012s own uh thank you for Sleep
5019s token let's just talk about sleep token
5021s no I'm kidding we don't have to uh what
5025s who what no I'm just kidding is that a
5028s steel Meridian necklace no it's not but
5029s it would be cool if it
5031s was uh is there any playing with Dark
5033s Wing soon um nothing revolutionary or
5036s outside of you know what already exists
5040s um yeah we're still you know fixing
5043s issues with it as we always do and
5045s seeing what we can do with it is the
5047s phone game on Android no this is not an
5050s Android launch it is a iOS
5056s launch Megan favorite sleep to sleep
5058s token song go uh currently alkaline is
5060s my favorite but it's different every day
5064s sorry we don't need to talk about them
5066s any plans on raids I don't want to share
5068s anything just yet but maybe we'll share
5071s something at some point this year on
5073s Trials maybe maybe not we'll see Android
5076s will be launched soon when we say soon
5078s it's you know it's a maybe a this year
5081s thing um I don't want to make any
5083s promises but it's definitely not a like
5086s today tomorrow this week this month uh
5088s we still need to you know have all those
5090s conversations with the Android side of
5092s the world
5093s um but there is um if you go to the
5095s website you can sign up to be notified
5097s when we do have an Android build
5099s available and what the process of that
5101s will
5103s [Music]
5105s be there's no drops on the stream
5109s sorry de companion soon maybe what I
5111s wouldn't do to have a little owl on my
5113s hand what I wouldn't do what I wouldn't
5115s do we do have some quality of live stuff
5117s that we're doing like we mentioned but
5118s nothing like that another Scarlet spear
5121s event I don't think so
5123s not in that way definitely not coming
5126s back um let's see what's x Xbox still
5131s not out yet crossplay or sorry cross
5135s save we still doing some checks when is
5138s the what is the next event after stard
5140s days uh we have a little um I think we
5143s have a little St Patty stuff that's
5145s coming up soon um not necessarily an
5147s event but just a couple things um and
5151s then we have Dante unbounded mark which
5153s we are going to talk about in the death
5153s tram this Friday uh so that's a big one
5156s which is just around the corner it's
5158s already February 20th R can we believe
5161s no how is it February 20th I swear time
5164s time is flying January everyone says
5166s this but January is the longest month
5167s and February just disappears so March or
5170s March is coming up soon so Dante Unbound
5173s is on the horizon we'll talk we're going
5175s to show his abilities on the dev stting
5177s this Friday we're going to kick him off
5178s show them in game hopefully show the
5181s yanaros rework disruption
5183s different game modes exciting what did I
5186s miss why did I just get the dreamers
5188s Bond orod uh what you missed is that the
5191s iOS build is here we are officially on
5193s our fifth platform we're on PC Xbox
5196s PlayStation switch oh my fingers and now
5199s iOS soon to be Android this year we'll
5202s put this over here it's coming though uh
5205s we launched on iOS today and um it was a
5208s hoix on all platforms so we did update
5210s everyone at once to 35.1 .0 and with
5214s that came a lot of uh new player
5215s improvements quality of life stuff one
5217s of them being a new Aura mod that is
5218s introduced earlier on uh in the junction
5221s system that kind of introduces players
5224s to what oras are and also kind of gives
5226s them help it's a a squad buff for health
5229s and shields um so anyone who is
5231s obviously farther into the game is past
5234s that Junction we just gave it to you in
5235s an inbox so you can play around with it
5237s if you want but it is definitely more
5238s catered towards new players as they
5240s start their Journey uh and be able to to
5243s benefit that way with an or mod cuz it
5244s takes you a while to get into or
5246s mods who oh does it now doesn't now well
5252s let's see like I said I might be in a
5254s weird situation because I had a test
5256s account so very possible that I will not
5259s be able to do that on the stream but I
5261s will definitely make sure that before we
5264s leave
5265s um we see confirmation from people oh I
5269s might actually
5271s be in
5277s oh oh sorry I'm so excited I'm doing it
5281s live chat I'm doing it live don't look
5283s around never
5286s look uhhuh uhhuh oh this is exciting
5289s oops oh I always do that
5294s wrong yes yes okay okay chat we think
5298s cross save is working you warframe.com
5300s your account management uh will be where
5303s you can cross save what's wrong and Xbox
5307s is Xbox out oh my God okay thank you Rue
5311s with the real
5317s time oh it's working R it's
5321s working make sure you read the text
5324s always read the text primary count Etc I
5328s understand I cannot I understand this
5330s process is irreversible and wish to
5331s continue I understand that I cannot
5333s alter my primary account selection very
5334s important we read text chat you merge
5337s iOS okay chat love it love to see the
5340s real time okay hold on hold
5344s on one second please I think we're good
5347s let me just boot her up and we should
5351s see just beautiful fashion frame uh
5355s gracing our presence
5357s oops as I have linked my PC account to
5361s my iOS account
5364s let's see how did you do the tutorial
5366s too what are the iOS freebies um there
5369s is a day one um gift per se the bomic C
5374s andana if you have pre-loaded it ready
5377s to go logging in what were we going to
5380s see I'll change
5383s it hold on R hold on I just want to make
5385s sure yeah what usually pops up okay we
5388s should be good oh Chad are you ready
5391s ready to have your your phones be
5393s blessed with what my phone looks
5399s like there it is Chad you can go
5404s over all right cross save is live on iOS
5409s we are good to go here is my PC account
5412s that I just cross saved just linked with
5415s my PC account I'm on iOS I'm on my iPad
5419s doing iPad things we can use our blue
5422s Bluetooth controller oh wait hold on R
5426s run away oh wait did it just work oh it
5429s just worked never mind sorry you're good
5431s I'm using the controller now look it I'm
5433s on a phone on a controller with my PC
5436s account cross- saved over to mobile and
5440s here we have everything I could ever
5442s want look at that chat whoops get out of
5445s here get out of here with that look at
5449s that there she is Android no this is IOS
5451s first orst went mad milliseconds when he
5455s realized that each time he CLE something
5457s he makes something else dirty there you
5459s go
5460s Bud there I go again thanks ortis uh all
5464s right you should be able to go to
5465s warframe.com go to your account
5466s management page you do have to make sure
5468s you have an iOS account first which
5470s means download the uh Warframe IOS
5475s app make your account play around and
5479s then you'll see it on available to cross
5482s Save which is very exciting will this be
5485s compatible with Mac M1 I do not it is
5487s not compatible with Macs technically we
5489s do have a list on the forums of
5491s compatible devices iPads iPhones uh that
5494s can work with uh the Warframe mobile app
5497s or controller do you recommend using I
5499s don't Ru gave me this one R what's this
5501s that's an 8 bito uh ultimate controller
5505s what he
5506s said got Bluetooth paired with my iPad
5509s works great yall did really well on that
5512s Apple build thanks Martian is it cross
5514s save yes cross save is out on iOS
5517s crossplay so I can play with people all
5520s over the
5521s platforms what's happening with the
5523s Android beta nothing right now getting
5524s iOS out uh and then we will update you
5527s on the Android version of it as we
5529s continue developing that internal update
5532s for Xbox is working yay my download just
5535s takes ages you'll get there I believe
5537s and it'll be worth it and what regions
5539s is it available on iOS all of them I
5541s believe
5543s all of them game is running quite well
5545s on my iPhone 14 the Nick I love to hear
5549s it cross trade when cross trade is
5552s available as long as both parties have
5554s cross save enabled uh you'll be able to
5557s trade with anyone and everyone
5559s PlayStation is installing mine still
5561s says failed login I just need to reboot
5564s the App Store and or it might just still
5566s be kind of dripping out to your region
5569s um so maybe give it a second a minute
5571s just finished the tutorial Luke s oh
5574s Luke I know Luke I hope that's Luke I
5577s know um I'm guessing Android version is
5580s still in the works yes it is still
5581s working on it you can sign up to be
5583s notified though on our website if you
5584s want will the companion app be supported
5587s developed yes uh We've currently just
5589s delisted it temporarily just so there's
5590s no confusion when you know you search
5593s Warframe in the App Store and you're
5594s looking for the game version of it and
5596s you accidentally download the companion
5597s app and you're like what is this this is
5599s not the game we just wanted to avoid
5600s that confusion um you know for a little
5603s bit while this launch is happening so we
5605s have temporarily delisted the companion
5607s app um just for now and then we'll bring
5609s it back
5611s up do we have an option to not play with
5613s mobile users I mean rebcon mentioned
5615s that you could you could just turn
5617s crossplay off uh but that's kind of a a
5620s deep cut like she said Prime music
5622s available I think they're still working
5623s on it uh getting those somac chords
5625s added to Baria so stay tuned on
5628s that uh a Bashar thank you very kind
5632s words all right I think I think we're
5636s good we could sit here forever cuz I
5638s just love chatting with you but this is
5640s I know it looks like a PC account but
5642s let me just turn this off real quick oh
5644s sorry R sorry you're good game center go
5649s away okay you're good
5652s sorry this is the mobile build as you
5655s can see I'm mobing wow picture picture
5659s baby 2024 look at that
5663s iOS is Live support controller supported
5668s cross save enabled I have all my PC
5671s Shenanigans look at that dog all my PC
5674s shenanigans on my mobile devices my
5676s phone my iPad it is here how is tenen
5680s going to work on mobile great question
5681s uh we currently have nine pieces of
5684s tenen available on the iOS build we are
5687s going to be adding more as we um you
5690s know reach out to our artists get cont
5691s contracts you know figured out uh just
5694s make sure everyone is squared away um so
5696s we will be bringing you know items that
5698s already exist over to the uh mobile
5700s build currently if you you know I have
5703s cross save live if I have tennogen skins
5706s that aren't available on the mobile
5708s build I just won't be able to equip them
5710s but once they do become available the
5711s game recognizes that I own them and I'll
5713s be able to equip them so um just a
5716s matter of time uh of us getting tenen
5719s over to the mobile build uh we are going
5721s to be adding new tenen in Dante Unbound
5723s so stick tuned stick tuned stay tuned to
5726s the death stream for that one uh and
5728s you'll be able to see some new stuff
5729s coming but um yeah once it is available
5731s on the iOS build um it will magically
5734s appear if you have it existing you know
5736s on your PC account that you've linked to
5738s your Mobile account like I did we love
5741s it all right uh do you mind going away
5743s from gameplay real quick I'm just going
5744s to check my well I got to change my
5747s output here I'm going to check a few
5748s messages before we depart make sure
5750s everything is okay
5752s okay here we
5756s go um looking in crossplay save
5760s Channel everything's looking okay we're
5763s seeing a little bit of login failed
5766s things so maybe still just be a little
5769s bit patient obviously everyone's you
5770s know pinging that the site and trying to
5773s do cross Save which we appreciate um so
5775s you might be you know in a bit of a a
5778s funnel still having issues okay uh team
5781s is on it they're chasing seeing these
5785s notifications sodes are live amazing we'
5787s love to see it and hear it and Xbox is
5790s out that I can
5793s see yes yes where is my X oh I'm pinged
5798s in it that's why uh all right Xbox is
5801s out great love that all right back to
5805s cross save ster prime one in my sweet
5808s dreams excited for Android yeah it will
5809s be very exciting um we will obviously
5812s update you as we have information about
5814s the Android build just very excited to
5817s obviously get it out on iOS first and
5819s you know iron out those Kinks and make
5821s those hot fixes and and get into that
5823s new Cadence of having five platforms
5825s it's crazy we're almost 11 years of
5828s Warframe and we're on five platforms so
5831s very very thankful for that um Warframe
5835s on smart TV when do you have a iPhone TV
5837s is that a thing that's an Apple TV right
5840s you could could you Chrome cast it or
5842s whatever that's
5843s called could you mirror it I don't know
5846s someone tell me someone tell me Apple TV
5848s it could
5849s happen uh okay I think we're okay if you
5854s are having any um fridge frame not yet
5857s if you're having any login issues um
5861s please just wait uh a little bit more
5864s everyone's just you know like I said
5866s ping in site and um we're just in a bit
5869s of a line here but it is function in
5873s people are cross- saving
5875s crossplaying so I think we're okay
5877s before we go any last questions chat
5881s that I can help answer we will be as we
5883s do hot fixing so I'm sure the team is
5886s already uh getting ourselves ready for a
5889s hot fix and uh preparing for that it'll
5892s be a very similar situation where hot
5895s fixes are just on all platforms and red
5897s text one red text to rule them all so um
5900s you'll see us on your mobile devices in
5902s that capacity and having to hoix and
5905s update when needed so um really
5907s appreciate uh everyone here and chat
5909s thank you so much for joining for this
5911s little update
5913s stream uh we will we got prime time this
5915s week and then like I mentioned we have
5916s the dev stream on Friday uh no Dev
5918s shorts today this kind of encompasses
5920s our Dev shorts you know we had RAB and
5921s Steve at one point so technically it was
5923s a Dev short uh so we'll see you Friday
5925s for a Dev stream we're going to talk all
5926s about Dante Unbound um and like I said
5929s we will be hop fixing any issues that we
5931s see with the mobile build and obviously
5933s any of the other platforms so um yeah
5937s thank you so much for watching Ruth
5938s thanks for making it happen anytime
5940s you're just the best all right thank you
5942s chat appreciate you uh and look out for
5945s any off hot fixes uh and we'll let you
5947s know if anything uh needs to be resolved
5950s and we shall resolve them thank you chat
5953s I'm very excited to be on mobile we'll
5955s see you later
5960s bye