7 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link
On 2024-07-20 at 4:24 PM, (PSN)TZ_BADBOY_K14 said:

Today as of July 20th (Tennocon 2024) I had bought the pack this morning at around 8 o’clock, and patiently waited for my pack to hit my phone because usually, when going buying anything from PlayStation I have to wait a minute to let anything hit the account or affect it in any way, meaning I either have to play warframe on my PlayStation in order to activate it or wait, and my PlayStation was out of commission and only had my phone on me, so I went ahead and did what I usually do, and now I have nothing as of 1:24 PM, any help?

Hi Tenno! Thank you so much for supporting, and sorry to hear the items weren't appearing on all devices under your Cross Platform Save account. First thing's first: are you still not seeing your Ember Heirloom items on iOS? If not, please reach out to user support for help!

  • Visit Warframe Support support.warframe.com
  • Log in using your Primary Warframe Account
  • Select “Submit a request” in the top right of the web page
22 hours ago, 13lueBomber said:

if you buy something on PSN, it only works on PSN. The same exact thing applies to iOS. Example; if you purchase platinum on iOS, you’ll only be able to use and see that platinum on iOS.

Actually this is not quite true! There are Cross Platform Save restrictions -- TennoGen bought on PC for example won't transfer to Consoles or Mobile, and Platinum on Nintendo Switch must be spent on Nintendo Switch -- but generally speaking your inventory should transfer across all connected platforms! 

7 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Little update, Tenno! If you purchase on the PlayStation Network, you have to launch your Warframe account at least once on PlayStation for the items to show up in your account (on any Cross Platform Save device). So for instance, if you purchased it on PSN, then launched Warframe on iOS without first launching Warframe on PS4 or PS5, Warframe on iOS will not know that you are owed those items. Hope that makes sense and solves things! :)