about 5 years
ago -
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Empyrean: Ivara Prime is now live!
Railjack Fixes:
- Possible fix for a crash that could occur when joining a mission right as someone picked up some loot in a Crewship.
Fixed UI bug where the End of Mission screen would display 2 Anomaly Shards, even though you received 1 upon completing the Sentient Anomaly POI.
- For further clarification, the Anomaly Shard is given when you complete the Sentient Anomaly POI, not an End of Mission reward for completing the entire mission itself (Fighters, Crewships, etc).
- Fixed getting an Anomaly Shard on subsequent runs without having to complete the Sentient Anomaly POI.
- Fixed Crewships having no behavioral defense against leaving the Railjack level bounds and disappearing completely (now they will scoot back into the combat zone).
- Fixed Arch-Gun reload sounds not working when in Railjack POIs.
- Fixed a crash when opening the Options screen on systems with virtual/simulated audio output devices.
- Fixed a crash when switching to an audio device with a lower sample rate.
- Fixed Grineer Dregs having broken firing mechanics.
- Fixed controller rumble persisting after you have stopped firing the Phage.
- Fixed Operator footsteps not being heard if Wisp is the equipped Warframe.