about 2 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
7s [Applause]
14s [Applause]
23s [Music]
23s [Applause]
26s [Music]
26s [Applause]
29s hi everyone welcome to devstream 161.
32s we're here we did it we did we had um
35s pablo couldn't make it today um and
36s scott couldn't make it today so we're
38s just you know here with with the crew
40s yeah we're zoomed in because i know
42s i've never seen myself so close i'm not
44s sure i'm happy i didn't know if the fov
46s was off
46s [Laughter]
48s all right we better start
50s yeah we've got an hour but we'll
52s probably go a little over so get ready
53s we'll let's i'm here first oh i got
55s that's all i got places to be you should
57s read the fine prints on your contract
59s there's a lot of cool stuff yes yeah
61s indeed uh so what we'll be doing is
63s we'll be doing a angel's exam and dev
65s stream we're going to try and avoid
67s spoiler spoilers no guarantees but all
70s things considered if you're looking
71s forward to our next update uh this is
73s the stream for you we're going to be
74s talking all things angels of this airmen
76s and it's going to be a deep one we've
78s got lots to go there's a lot yes pretty
80s impressive stuff features gameplay
82s reworks it's all here and get
85s comfortable because along with watching
87s you could be winning a twitch drop am i
89s right megan am i right and wouldn't it
91s be great if it was three times radiant
94s eidolon shards i can't think of a better
96s way to spend my friday three i don't
98s know if i can handle being this is so
100s influential between this energy i love
102s this i love it
104s let's get a juicer and do a cleanse too
107s oh actually in the middle of prime time
109s speaking of juice speaking of juice
111s oh man i don't have oh okay i don't do
114s so that's okay but anyways welcome if
115s this is your first live stream i'm
116s rebecca and i have control for better or
118s worse things could go horribly wrong it
121s is the dev build
122s no guarantees
124s and who are you yeah we have i'm steve
126s we have a bug where sometimes you get
127s stuck in a forward running animation if
130s it happens let's get that out of the way
131s that's happening on dev so if you see it
133s oh nice an animation bug jeff how do you
135s win a special prize it is code related
138s i'm sure it is definitely if we hit the
139s bug we'll give away a platinum prize oh
141s every time that way don't hope for
143s button well okay that's the way to turn
145s it upside down i like it everything's
147s fine okay all right this is jeff and
148s this is megan we hope you're having fun
150s uh we also if you're looking for
151s something to do in game after the stream
153s there will be a 24-hour gift of the
155s lotus alert up on all platforms yes they
157s are adapters so if you're looking to get
159s a uh catalyst adapter
161s warframe adapter you can get it really
164s alerts oh there's two there's two two
166s alerts alerts two for the price of zero
169s because it's free
171s all it is is game it's fine all right so
174s we are like i said might be some
175s spoilers we do have some commands if you
177s want to join our awesome discord you can
178s do so by typing exclamation mark discord
180s in chat this will take you over to
183s a place where you can win some prizes
185s talk with other tenno you know discord
188s things
189s there's a devstream channel you can chat
191s in there oh yeah if you don't want to
192s use twitch chat for whatever reason you
193s can use discord chat for another reason
195s more custom emotes other cool things you
197s know things like that and last devstream
200s if you did catch it we did it in march
202s we ended by speaking a little bit about
204s how always everything you see at you
206s know digital extremes on our warframe
207s streams are made by a team many members
209s of our team do come from the ukraine and
211s this stream we're going to kick off just
213s with an opportunity for you to donate so
214s if you do exclamation mark donate you
216s will get a link to a charity that was
218s recommended to us by our ukrainian team
220s yeah the charity is voices of children
222s and they're an organization and they
224s provide
225s a psychological and psychosocial support
228s to children who have kind of suffered
229s from the result of war
231s so very close to home with what's going
233s on in ukraine so if you can exclamation
235s point donate if you're looking for a
236s place
237s we would recommend voices of children
239s yes so this is hopefully we'll be able
241s to raise some money today uh at the
243s bottom of the bar you'll see exclamation
244s mark donate that'll be rotating all
245s stream hopefully people uh if you can
248s anything you can give would be wonderful
250s for the uh constant effort that's going
251s on in the ukraine region so thank you
253s very much and with that we will move
255s into the game warframe and talk about
258s the update
259s this is indeed our april update and by
262s the end of the stream you might know
264s exactly when in april it's coming
265s there's only so many days
268s that's for the end of the stream so we
270s will be talking about that at the end
271s but at the start we wanted to give you a
274s uh look at the key art for the update so
276s the angels of the zeraman update is
278s indeed a story update it has a quest you
282s and you know there are some spoilers on
284s this but if you don't know then they're
285s not spoilers it's more of like an issue
287s no i don't think you know everyone's
289s wearing masks yeah so you have no idea
292s lotus looks great in a combat hat there
294s so you don't know right so i love this i
298s love i love this little thing yes so
300s it's so well done yes it's a beautiful
302s um piece of art that you'll be seeing
304s lots as we get into all things angels of
307s the ceremony and
308s yeah you can take a look and figure out
310s what's new on here maybe what's like a
312s little tease but ultimately
314s you should
315s realize that there is a quest coming
317s with this update that will take us
319s further into the warframe story the
321s warframe narrative will be expanded
323s which means to play angels of the
325s zeraman you do need to have the new war
326s complete it is a new story quest that
329s picks up uh in a post-new war world you
332s will indeed uh have to have that new
334s ward done but because we're trying to
336s get more players to you know the story
339s content of warframe which is so beloved
341s by everyone including us we're taking
343s away some of the
345s small pieces that make it harder to get
347s to the new war and we're going to try
348s and do that with every update
350s so for this update we took a look at
351s some junction challenges that just felt
354s restrictive to someone that might be
356s really on their new war journey so for
358s example there's one where you have to
360s craft a spectre so that's potentially an
362s eight-hour wait time to complete a
364s junction that's necessary for second
366s dream which is necessary for new war so
369s we're taking looks at those types of
371s things and just taking them away update
373s over update will be reducing the
376s time it takes you'll still need to play
378s and understand the game so it's not
379s going to be
380s like
381s you you click and you're there and
383s you're still going to beat uh radon star
385s scourge as well twice actually
387s pre and post summons and then you can
389s play new ones yeah but you need yeah
392s so that's when yeah we're going to
393s actually cross-reference your save files
395s from elven ring and we're not gonna have
397s one
397s have fun not playing more
400s yeah we're gonna do like a psychomantis
401s thing we're gonna look on your hard
403s drive and yes yeah i like it yeah kojima
405s would be proud thanks kojima thanks all
408s right
409s okay that was one are we gonna do an
411s elden ring counter for the stream
414s sure
416s we don't know what we're talking about
417s though i know i'm gonna miss the
418s references
421s yeah whenever steve goes off topic i'm
422s just going to assume it's okay
426s i don't think we're talking much about
428s cross play but i did see in chat of
430s course
431s that cross play processing are we
433s talking much about that no i mean it is
436s advancing
437s and
438s the last thing i saw uh the team talking
440s about was resolving
442s name conflicts between um global chats
445s and so on and clan chats across
447s platforms so
448s it is progressing uh that's not a great
451s update but i just wanted to address the
453s elephant in the room for those people
454s that are already all capsing in chat yes
456s sorry please continue no that's fine i
458s think that's important we'll probably do
459s that every stream until we have some
461s major update yes exactly get used to
463s that refine it a little bit okay all
465s right all right i'll bring some some
467s stats and spreadsheets next time perfect
469s yep
469s all right sweet uh all right we are
472s going to talk more about the update so
474s with the uh
475s stream we did last month in march we
477s showed you five pieces of concept art
479s for a new type of evolving weapons we're
481s doing but now we want to go a little bit
483s further into it to show you the system
486s itself so
487s when the update launches there's going
489s to be a new social hub which we'll show
491s you you've already seen it maybe we'll
492s get there later in the stream but the
495s one of the vendors of this hub is going
497s to be responsible for a new type of
499s weapon and something new that these
500s weapons can do this is really cool yeah
502s so we showed you i think a screenshot of
504s a mock-up last time so if you didn't
506s catch the march dev stream don't worry
507s we're going to show you the real deal
508s today in video form we took a video
511s because we didn't want to spoil the npcs
513s and the characters that are coming so
514s this is just pre-recorded footage
516s meaning that not everything's final but
518s it's to be averse from spoilers which is
520s also why we didn't put this update on
522s the pts because we there's a lot of data
524s mining risk so pts i mean test cluster
527s stuff so without further ado uh this is
530s a real look at the incarnan weapons
533s which is an evolution phase for weapons
535s that have been touched by the void in
537s the void jump of this airmen
539s yeah so let's take a look at the
541s pictures first
543s so this is the uh
545s secondary weapon that's coming with the
548s uh update later the latem will be
551s it was ceremonial there's some lore to
553s it that you'll be able to read about
554s they have names already they do they do
555s can you feel about that i like it it's
557s good
558s for the other ones
561s yeah so this is the latem and this is it
563s this is uh from our weapons artist
564s provided this you would have seen
566s concepts last stream and this is what
568s happens in its incarnant form so it
570s turns into this in your missions
572s provided you've gone through the path
574s with the mpc to do the incarnate
576s challenges and in real time you can
579s activate its incarnant form so that's
581s this right here
583s so that'll turn into your secondary your
585s latem will turn into this and yeah
587s pretty incredible
588s next up a lot of workplace injuries with
590s that one yeah yeah
592s wait for this one workplace
594s yes
595s it'll be it'll be fine everything will
597s get great and now we have a set of tonfa
599s by the name of kratos the prados will
602s you know we're ceremonial like we said
604s you'll get some insight into what these
606s weapons were and then mid mission
608s provided you've gone through the
609s incarnant steps you will be able to
610s activate the incarnate mode which will
612s look just like this
614s which is pretty damn beautiful like
616s every angle of that can hurt you yeah
619s there's nothing that can't cut you yeah
621s and again this is all happening uh as
623s you go through again you'll talk to this
626s npc you'll learn about evolving them
628s into their incarnant forms and we have a
630s video for you that kind of walks you
632s through what this is all going to look
633s like and the inspiration for this is the
635s idea of evolving gear we debuted it with
638s cosmetics first so if you did the new
640s war pack there was the protovire stuff
642s that you could get your focus and you
643s could evolve it and now we're applying
645s that to your gear as well
647s so you'll have to complete some
648s challenges in game you'll be able to
650s select attributes on which way you want
652s to go so for instance first you have to
655s unlock the incarnan mode then you can
657s pick your second evolution do you want
659s to go for stat a b or c
661s in this case the choice will be yours
663s and then you can continue that
664s progression all the way through so
666s you'll get to go up to five different
668s nodes each of them with choices for you
670s on how you want your incarnant weapon to
672s perform and the first thing you'll be
674s doing is activating that in carnan mode
677s so this will you know be something for
680s the zareman update and you can of course
682s put mods on it as well and you can
684s manage all this from your arsenal so
686s here you can see uh gyre is holding the
689s fenmore which is the third incarnation
691s weapon coming this is for the primary
693s slot it is a rifle and you can see that
696s by performing challenges they'll be able
698s to activate
700s but
701s we also have another video
703s which is
704s a work in progress dev build of the
706s fenmore
707s uh what will happen is when you're
709s playing the activation will be smooth
711s effects and sounds but we just wanted to
712s give players understanding of the
714s concept so most of what you're seeing
716s here is work in progress but it's just
717s to show you what's coming
722s that's ridiculous it's amazing
725s and the best effects sounds all whips
728s but
728s real time and mission you'll be turning
730s your primary into a uh well a heavy
733s weapon
734s so that'll be happening as you're doing
735s the incarnate mode in mission so lots of
738s fun stuff to come there
740s now it is worth noting we showed you
741s concepts for five last dev stream but
743s we're only gonna be shipping three just
745s because like any fun idea we like to
747s make it really great and we decided we
749s probably only had time to do three for
751s the first ceremony update so those are
753s the three weapons you'll be getting more
754s to come more to come
756s including the two that you saw already
758s so you kind of already know what they
759s are
759s a good tenno student will know at least
762s we'll see
763s that's great yeah yeah it looks very
765s cool very cool very fun all tied into
768s the lore of the update and a character
770s will be the one opening this you know
771s system for you so you'll meet them in
773s the quest it's very in theme with what's
775s going on with zero yes it's pretty cool
777s yes
778s when barrow today today chad's here he's
780s already he's been here for a while
782s that's true actually he's waiting for
784s you how do you think he feels oh
787s prizes oh platinum oh great oh prizes
790s dean how do you feel about it i feel
791s like doing one right now oh my god
794s we love it
795s any street steam deck optimization news
798s um
799s stephen i saw they were fixing some bugs
802s in a couple of crashes but yeah i i'm
804s still working on it i
805s am not sure i'm not well equipped for
807s that it's basically been directx 12
811s assault by the team
813s the graphics team to get that into
815s better shape you know who didn't get
816s dx12 assaulted
818s d shadowblade of course you can read it
821s now i can read thanks dean appreciate it
824s excellent finally our geriatric eyes can
827s see that's a
829s thousand platinum whisper the warframe
831s twitch channel ingame alias platform
833s we'll get to your thousand platinum
834s sweet
835s you did it all right man the info is
837s just so smooth now without sheldon here
839s i know
840s oh i forgot to pronounce it wrong
843s dis
845s [Music]
847s or d's hattoblade
850s don't start at ds
853s i can't it's in my blood don't start at
855s these moving right now okay let's just
857s go on
858s okay i think honestly at this point
860s we're going right to gameplay for the
861s rest of the stream which is oh
864s deez has infected chat yeah way to go
867s stands for des digital extreme seasons
870s these gameplays gonna be great
873s megan knew what she was doing meg
875s that's why i'm here
877s all right okay i don't need that page
879s anymore be gone
881s all right i need this page still though
883s all right it's all gameplay time now oh
885s really there's lots of show-and-tell i
887s know it's a lot hope you're ready chat
890s you're not ready chad i see too many d's
891s still
893s they're working on it oh
895s right dean
898s let's rock and roll
899s valkyrie jumping right into it i know
902s right into it yes angels of the airmen
904s of course brings a deluxe skin the
906s valkyr skin will be yours for the you
909s know platinum
915s yes the carnivex skin and helmet and
917s animation set which is called
920s enemy valkyrie deluxe
922s animation set will all be coming the ph
924s isn't silent it's not silent that's
925s right and it's coming in this update she
928s looks pretty what if i wanted to take a
930s closer look if you wanted to take a
932s closer what if i wanted to look okay i
933s will have to i want to see how this goes
935s though reb's been having some
936s interesting aim okay
944s [Laughter]
945s we are adding
947s the ability for you to zoom in at
949s arsenal level so you can take a closer
950s look at all of your customizations your
952s choices
953s this will be available on all platforms
955s so you'll be able to
957s get a closer look at
961s the important parts of my girlfriend
964s girl looks good
966s she's looking good the details the art
968s everything about this skin is just so
970s incredible
971s it's awesome players will be able to of
973s course use this feature with anything in
975s the game not just
977s doing backup oh my god that's my name
980s i love this head tilt so much yeah this
982s is such a good attitude yeah so much
984s yeah so she looks incredible and she
986s will be a full uh deluxe bundle so that
988s means that you'll get
990s i believe there are some sweet fist
991s skins so you can rock these absolutely
994s massive spikes for any fist type weapon
996s she's got the drake fist's skin
999s norse for blood flowing from a wound i
1001s did that you knew that oh my god then
1003s she's got armor as well that's based off
1005s of a demon let's take a look at the
1006s demon armor demon uh all right alice oh
1010s alice
1010s right okay so luckily a's comes first in
1013s the end all these names
1015s oh look at that so that's like pierced
1017s right in your chest but i can't really
1018s see it from there so why don't it be
1019s great because zoom in oh my god
1021s oh my god look at this oh god there we
1023s go this is fully panned you can take a
1026s look at everything and interesting spike
1028s placement right in the chest
1031s it kind of goes with the theme of the
1032s skin though sure
1035s all right and then we'll take a look at
1036s the shoulder plates as well so these go
1038s in the armor and they actually have like
1039s these crazy long tails to them so it
1042s just looks really cool so cool
1044s um really really great set uh and of
1046s course these cosmetics are available uh
1048s for any more frame obviously the
1050s valkyrie skin is just for valkyr but
1051s yeah we have some
1053s we got some good good stuff coming and
1056s if you're like me and he looks really
1058s cool yeah you always like to do a little
1059s mix and match it's actually crazy how
1062s good the valkyr prime helmet looks with
1064s this set so like
1071s if you're a cara helmet appreciator it
1073s just looks so good ariana grande but i
1075s know spicy
1077s yeah anyway
1080s pretty
1080s pretty awesome and again this menu
1083s view quality of life stuff is coming up
1084s but rev what if you clicked randomize uh
1086s i knew it
1088s no no not oh like my randomized mine is
1090s randomized
1092s so if i was an errant gamer and i
1094s decided to just click this yes
1097s oh
1098s confirmation for you just in case you
1101s are like me and accidentally i was gonna
1103s say i think that's a safety feature
1104s it's implemented for you guys
1107s not everyone wants to just randomize you
1109s know armor and all that jazz so added a
1111s little scheme safety matching ribbon we
1113s like this color scheme i like it wow
1116s that's a first for you
1118s i know
1118s one and done one and done anyway so
1122s and yeah really really cool stuff so
1123s that's a little bit of qol with a little
1125s bit of cosmetics for everyone that are
1126s arsenal view enjoyers
1129s but what if you wanted to learn about
1130s the new world we need to stop this
1132s immediately
1134s what if you wanted a new warframe yeah
1136s what if what if the 48 existing warframe
1139s wasn't enough you hate it all
1140s each one
1143s scorched earth paid them all
1147s each warframe and there's custom-named
1149s loadouts brutal
1151s all right it's dryer time
1152s it's jared it's time for your time
1155s gyre will be coming and angels of the
1156s zareman last stream people got a first
1159s look at her animations just in terms of
1161s her idols and her visuals but we're
1163s going all in on powers today we went
1165s from a very aggressive valkyrie to a
1168s delicate
1169s beautiful dryer yes
1171s yeah we have some detail shots we're
1173s gonna take a look at the alt helmet
1174s which i'll probably keep on just so
1176s people can take a look at the automaton
1177s helmet which is
1179s antique in all the right ways
1181s that's a good way to describe it
1183s really cool it kind of goes with the
1185s whole like
1186s i don't know like early electricity era
1188s vibe that she's got going on with her
1190s coils and everything i like the like
1192s bronze
1193s kind of color palette that did turn over
1194s it's really good it's awesome yeah yeah
1196s it looks awesome the cage and the skirt
1199s awesome all right we're gonna take a
1200s look at gyre
1202s oh i'll do defaults just for
1205s i was gonna say yeah
1207s it was getting special
1208s that was rough for a second all right
1210s i'm burning that goodwill
1211s [Laughter]
1213s all right gyre's first ability as
1215s arcsphere this launches a gyratory
1217s sphere that will deal high damage on
1218s impactory gyratory gyratory gyratory
1223s gyratory gyratory
1226s that's going to make it interesting keep
1228s going youtube.com how to pronounce the
1231s gyratory sphere uh her name is gyre i
1233s don't see how you can
1234s i agree yeah
1236s uh if you hit at least three enemies
1237s will enhance the launch damage so you're
1239s throwing these arc spheres down the more
1240s enemies you hit the more damage they'll
1242s do so these are you know localized uh
1244s aoe zones that you'll be deploying uh
1246s known as an arc sphere then we'll go on
1248s to coil and of course i'll show you all
1249s these in game momentarily we're just
1251s gonna do some pre-education before we
1253s get into the gameplay coil horizon you
1255s throw forward a gyratory sphere that
1257s will implode after two seconds or can be
1259s manually triggered so this is uh
1261s basically like a if you think of um
1264s an ability that will give the ability to
1266s suck a whole bunch of enemies into one
1267s spot to you know something like bobon
1270s yeah yeah to cluster so that you can of
1272s course you can throw your arc sphere
1274s then on top of it because you know there
1275s will be more than three enemies there so
1276s it allows you to kind of pop both of
1278s those together get your coil horizons
1280s out throw your arc sphere on top lots of
1282s damage lots of cc
1284s cathode grace is a
1286s self buff you gain a brief burst of
1289s increased critical chance and energy
1290s regen with each kill extending the
1293s duration of cathode grace and then the
1295s ability itself is on a cooldown so what
1297s this will do is you'll cast it you'll be
1298s able to have some energy regen and of
1300s course your crit chance goes up but the
1302s more kills you get the longer the
1303s duration is but overall the ability is
1306s on a cooldown but that might not matter
1308s too much if you're good at keeping your
1310s exactly your lethality up so we'll take
1312s a look at that and then last but not
1314s least is rotor swell where uh gyre's
1316s mechanism spin at incredible speeds
1318s generating an electric field that shocks
1319s nearby enemies when gyre gets a critical
1321s hit a large electrical discharge will
1324s chain from the enemy that was hit to
1326s nearby enemies so this is just basically
1328s a
1329s crit focused aoe zapping ability uh with
1333s every critical hit so
1334s you know
1335s off to the races
1337s we'll play it now but not before we take
1338s a look at her signature primary the
1341s alternox this is a primary weapon
1348s totally totally subtle uh not a massive
1351s electric
1354s cannon at all that looks so good i'm
1356s into that for sure yeah we're not gonna
1358s look at that today we'll give you guys
1359s something to look forward to when you're
1360s playing the update but it is uh it is
1363s quite something the alternox oh actually
1365s this is um a new quality of life as well
1367s i love this oh yeah it stays on the
1369s screen yeah the text description now
1371s stays on the screen so before you could
1372s only read about the weapons
1374s in this menu when you were selecting so
1377s if you wanted to read about the sedo
1379s you'd have to stay and then once you
1380s clicked here it would go away but now
1381s the text actually stays so that's what's
1384s going on very helpful oh and we're also
1386s going to go over the hess bar which is
1387s the two-handed scythe
1389s so a little one
1390s it's very small
1392s it's very small this is working though
1394s oh yeah all right
1396s there was some i thought there was no
1398s close calls but
1400s as with all that builds by simply not
1402s having it holstered we'll be fine okay
1404s oh okay we have a workaround yeah
1407s so yes hess bar will be the new
1409s two-handed scythe it's a new melee grip
1411s and we'll take a look at it and it's
1412s combos i have the stance on i have just
1414s like a basic build on it uh gale force
1417s dawn will be the stamp coming with it
1419s and we'll take a look at all that in
1420s action
1422s let's go kill some stuff
1424s please
1425s another name
1426s [Laughter]
1428s his ipad is serious i know it's amazing
1431s i don't need to remember anything
1433s anymore
1434s ipad is the new the new dev stream all
1436s the flavor text
1438s oh what's gyre's passive thank you chad
1440s i did not mean to uh deprive you of this
1443s info let's take a look i don't know if
1445s this screen actually is all hooked up
1446s yet so just bear with me but uh gyre's
1448s passive gyre's abilities have a 10
1450s chance to deal critical damage for each
1452s electrical status that affects the enemy
1454s so there's a potential for ability
1456s critic with gyre so
1458s yeah the more um electrical status that
1460s is on an enemy the more chance that the
1462s ability will crit so you can't see it
1464s cause i'm kind of blocking it but
1466s yeah that's what's coming for
1469s for dryer and the screen is hooked up
1470s and it looks awesome so yeah that looks
1472s awesome yeah
1474s it's a little preview of what the
1474s abilities are
1477s all right
1478s my calves were shaking because i was
1479s trying to support the keyboard but i
1480s can't do it anymore i need to put my
1482s feet flat
1483s too short
1485s your feet
1487s i was tippy-toeing so that this would be
1488s ergonomic but i can't what happened to
1490s your little like your step i don't know
1492s where it went yeah
1495s oh i saw a question about what her
1496s helmet ability is going to be and it's
1498s going to be the coil horizon the
1500s gyratory sphere that you throw
1503s [Music]
1504s if i said that right yeah so that's the
1506s subsume ability yeah that's going to be
1507s here you need it that's awesome so we're
1509s a little over did you read that on the
1511s ipad i did
1512s highlighted right there for you i'm
1514s proud of you guys
1516s uh we're just gonna we're a little over
1517s leveled through this but we're just
1518s gonna go to a classic exterminate
1520s mission to uh show the abilities
1522s you know kill some fools
1525s bold step mom dear
1527s god i read that all the comments are
1529s so good step mom ouch i know
1533s the skirt does the skirt give stepmom
1535s vibes i don't know if it does maybe it's
1537s the what is the antique i think it's the
1539s antique helmet yeah she's got like i'm
1541s not going to let you go to the ball
1542s vibes
1543s oh evil stepmom oh my gosh
1546s but in a good way like you don't want to
1547s go to the ball you're like you're right
1549s mom the ball sucks i don't want you all
1551s right
1553s oh i forgot to show you my little
1554s sentinel buddy oh
1557s you'll see there is a large one oh look
1558s at this a little bot we'll come back to
1560s them later
1562s all right so
1564s first you're probably wondering what
1565s that orb is around me and when we talk
1566s about focus we'll talk about that
1568s but we're going to take a look at gyre's
1569s abilities and we'll take a look at our
1571s sweet two-handed site
1573s heavy attack
1574s this is just neutral combo
1578s this is ford
1580s for that spot
1582s you don't need to destroy the grineer
1583s infrastructure
1586s and then this is blocking neutral
1591s and then this is whoopsies
1594s coming in chat says it has no reason to
1596s look there
1597s unfortunately it does
1600s anyway so we'll we'll combo some enemies
1601s with the hess bar i like that little hop
1604s off of it
1605s oh yeah it's a heavy clear approaching
1607s incredible
1610s yeah you can blend yourself forward it's
1612s just so cool
1614s your two-handed scythe days have just
1616s begun tenno
1618s yep
1620s incredible
1622s so
1622s i guess i'll you know we'll maybe we'll
1624s throw our first arcs here the way that
1626s this uh
1627s warframe gyre was done was we're trying
1628s to use physics in a new way for some of
1630s the abilities so uh everything is using
1632s new tech more or less so what you'll see
1634s here is that you're launching these out
1636s and creating the arc spheres which of
1638s course if you hit three enemies or more
1639s they'll do more damage enemies inside
1641s are going to be taking some damage and
1643s then
1645s this is how i i beat the draconic tree
1647s sentinel is that right i threw one and
1649s then just like turned the game off
1651s [Laughter]
1653s all right and then actually you can kind
1655s of get the the physics that i'm talking
1657s about here i need more energy watch as i
1660s see how it's like bouncing through oh
1662s yeah so it'll actually like use the
1664s environment incredible
1665s so and yeah and that is right there the
1668s uh sort of vacuum effect for the second
1670s year
1671s so you can watch it go through the
1672s aisles and then a little bowling a
1675s little bit a little bit of bowling
1676s action and then our third ability is
1678s cathode grace so this is when i create
1681s energy regen for myself and my crit
1682s chance goes up as long as i'm killing
1684s it'll stay active uh but i am going to
1687s be obviously not killing anything
1688s because we're just showing this right
1689s now i love the little forearm
1692s right arms looks so cool again again
1694s well that ability is on equipment
1696s [Laughter]
1699s and then last but not least she does
1700s have a custom dash
1702s so yeah much like you know hildren or
1704s zaku
1705s or cortia even you're getting yourself a
1710s sweet sweet looks and then last but not
1711s least rotor swell which is when we get
1713s into our any attacks that are critical
1715s deals electrical damage
1717s the skirt goes up the rotors are swollen
1721s okay
1723s the skirt goes up look at that there's
1725s too much energy it's all it's like a
1727s coil it's just you know anyway oh all
1730s right let's kill some fools
1733s i ran into a wall yeah you did
1737s oh
1739s i'm going to talk about so much subtlety
1741s yeah very subtle not flashy at all
1746s gamer skills yep
1748s fine
1750s now i just detonated that one manually
1752s and i got an iodine star in there
1754s but you can let it do its two seconds or
1756s you could detonate it manually so i just
1757s launched a guy down there
1761s oh i think we have an x-mas which i'll
1762s quickly make short work of but one
1764s important thing with the eczema change
1765s which is also coming in this update is
1767s we're giving them a over health bar
1769s which means that you will need oh god
1771s i'm being frozen you will need to
1773s penetrate the over health bar before you
1775s can break through to their actual health
1776s bar at this level it doesn't really
1777s matter because like i said i'm over
1779s leveled but that's just to try and
1781s increase the reason to engage with them
1783s by pumping them with dps before you can
1785s get off you know most of your kit it's
1787s just
1788s an over health level essentially yeah
1790s we're calling it protection so basically
1791s they just a bit more tankier when you
1793s first meet them you can see it right
1794s there on their health bar i am going to
1796s one shot oh there's a shock exhibit so i
1797s have to dodge those um
1799s so all the exits have been reworked
1800s those will hit you with an electric croc
1802s if you're not careful which i'm not
1810s all right
1814s my sentinel is also
1816s you know
1818s pretty god here so they'll be helping
1820s out in this mission
1824s so this is gyre we get our
1827s oh is this an energy leech
1829s it is okay so we want to dodge the aoes
1832s they make otherwise we get leech so one
1833s complaint players have had about energy
1835s eczema is just that you can't see them
1837s you can't dodge them but now you can so
1839s they'll do those little pools for you uh
1842s and if you stand inside them once after
1844s they spawn you will get your energy
1845s drained so uh that's just a wee little
1848s part of the major part of the eczema
1850s rework all right let's go bowl one
1855s this looks like a good bowling spot i
1856s know actually but there's no enemies
1857s here
1858s but it is good
1861s they're all they're up up and away and
1864s lots of focus for the new uh changes
1866s yeah
1868s hot zero focus we actually do have some
1870s uh things to talk about in regards to
1871s that so
1873s yeah
1874s i don't know
1876s actually
1877s yeah fools
1882s you just got
1884s not heavy enough it seems i know well
1886s this is only like level 12 before yeah
1895s all right
1899s there we go i'm making more proud this
1901s day
1908s all right so that's gyre this will be
1910s part of the uh ancillary update we
1913s probably won't finish the exterminate
1915s mission but
1916s i will uh put all that focus i know we
1919s gotta talk focus i really do like how
1921s she came together though yeah every like
1923s the whole thing yeah
1925s so she will be part of the ceremony
1928s which means we'll need to finish the
1929s quest before you can earn her parts she
1931s will be included if you don't know we
1932s are doing a new syndicate so uh and
1934s there's gonna be new mission types so
1936s everything gyre will be obtainable post
1938s quest so once you finish angels of the
1940s zeraman the new social hub the chrysalis
1942s will be unlocked for you and that's
1943s where you'll be able to get her in
1944s hearts
1945s now
1946s someone chad said skirt goes up enemies
1948s go down
1950s oh
1951s no
1952s oh no
1953s oh no
1955s nice
1957s bad
1958s bad
1959s very bad all right let's do another
1960s platinum prize to cleanse
1962s the timeline
1964s clean the timeline why is there some
1965s innuendo there i'm missing yes
1967s there is
1974s lordy
1975s all right who's gonna be one thousand
1976s platinum going two
1979s bags is that oh
1981s yep two is that an o that's an o oh i
1985s can't vex two oh five five it is an o
1988s five five lower case oh yeah platinum
1990s whisper the warframe twitch channel in
1992s game alias platform gives you a thousand
1993s platinum
1994s does somebody have a phone nearby
1996s that was me sorry
1998s i'm sorry all right am i in trouble i
2001s don't know
2002s oh okay 2022 and that still happens damn
2005s come on damn all right we are now going
2007s to talk about the focus rework this is a
2009s huge part of the update as well so we
2011s have a frame and then we're going to get
2013s to the missions and stuff after but as
2014s you know we are doing our most
2015s comprehensive focus rework to date focus
2018s 3.0 whatever you want to call it we will
2020s have a dev workshop up that is an
2022s overview of what we talk about here
2023s today yes it's going to be a broad
2024s overview basically listing out what we
2026s talk about we'll have clips from the
2028s stream to reference if you missed the
2030s stream but yeah we'll have it after a
2032s mystery yeah all right focus released in
2035s 2015 neon's pass you wanted a
2037s progression system post-second dream
2040s that's right the focused schools were
2041s developed we know the lore
2043s but the gameplay is changing
2045s yeah i think it's going to be
2047s not subtle not something it's a very
2048s very big rework it's going to
2051s require relearning
2053s stuff
2054s i would say so uh
2056s when we continue to grow we're doing our
2058s nine-year anniversary stuff right now
2060s we do make a lot of changes to the game
2062s it's always for the health of the game
2063s so our intentions here are to bring the
2065s gameplay
2066s combinations and possibilities for
2068s operators and focus up to what 2022
2071s warframe ought to look like there will
2073s be things to relearn you will be going
2075s into the system respecting re-reading
2077s re-learning so just be patient with that
2079s experience but understand as throughout
2081s this devstream and in dev workshops what
2083s our goals are and why we're doing the
2084s things we're doing
2086s now we're going to talk about zunurk
2087s first today but our intention and this
2089s devstream is to kind of go over each
2090s school and show you the new abilities so
2092s people can start getting an idea on just
2095s how much is actually changing so dean if
2097s you want to come on over we're going to
2098s go to zanurk last dev stream we did
2100s unaru and we will go back there today
2103s but for zanurk we're going to talk about
2105s how it's changing so if you have played
2107s the generic focus school
2108s one of the more popular reasons to do it
2111s is because it has great energy regen
2114s which we're keeping and i want to
2115s explain how that's going to work a lot
2117s of this
2118s is new and some of it is familiar for
2120s the things that we felt worked
2121s thematically for each school so frozen
2123s nurik they're kind of our you know wise
2126s energy focused ability casting and for
2129s the most part energy pulse is the same
2131s but the screen itself has been redone to
2133s give you better exposure into what's
2135s actually going on in the focus schools
2138s all way bounds will be listed here for
2140s your convenience so you can better
2141s understand what they are we've
2143s rebalanced it so each focus node only
2145s takes three ranks and that there's no um
2148s visual language differences in what is
2150s active and not active so a lot of
2152s thought has gone into just making it a
2153s more streamlined experience
2156s so energizing dash
2157s is still here renamed
2160s wellspring there is panic i know sorry
2162s yeah and a huge part of this focus
2165s rework is the fact that you can now use
2167s your ability keys to cast powers so
2170s instead of dashing to a distance it's
2172s like oh never mind totally turner
2175s everything's fine
2176s you simply while you're in operator mode
2178s you simply press one and you create the
2181s energizing dash exactly where you are
2183s you don't need to dash forward you just
2186s are there and then you get your
2187s energizing dash quote unquote so
2190s wellspring is back and to show you
2192s actually dean you might need to hide me
2193s i'm so sorry
2195s let's take a look at what hardened
2197s wellspring is
2198s now once you're inside your wellspring
2201s no longer energizing if you tap one not
2204s only do you increase its size you boost
2205s its duration and you grant 20 ability
2208s strength to those inside
2209s so technically it's being
2212s buffed in terms of the gameplay
2213s potential for this loop so if you are uh
2217s zanuric you can go into your operator
2219s cast one and then you can tap inside
2221s again and you can get yourself a buff to
2224s those inside
2225s so this is
2227s pretty much the direction and the hope
2228s that we have for the new trees which is
2231s the it's more interactive you're using
2233s ability keys your operator is now a key
2235s part of the warframe combat relationship
2239s so this is a god send on controller love
2241s to hear it
2243s um on it'll be the same on whatever you
2245s cast on console so for instance i
2247s believe if you're using you know like
2248s right trigger a or whatever yeah exactly
2251s yeah all right
2253s inner mite is pretty much the same
2255s oh no this is totally wrong i'm a liar
2258s this is new uh allows your abilities to
2260s be cast without using energy or shields
2262s but requires a 60 second recharge if you
2264s were paying attention when i was gyre
2266s you saw that single orb around me that
2268s was showing me that i had a free ability
2270s cast active so inner might now allows
2272s you a free ability cast once every 60
2275s seconds basically and you'll be
2276s indicated by that little orb or similar
2278s effects with it so that's what that was
2281s if you wondered what it was at the
2282s beginning of the
2285s ability so you get a free cast
2288s disarming sling this is going to be
2290s new terminology to you learn
2293s void dash is now called void sling
2295s in this case if you sling through an
2297s enemies it has a 50 chance to disarm
2298s them we'll show you more of that with
2300s gameplay
2301s and then no quarter uh killing a
2303s disarmed enemy increases your operator
2304s regen by 10 for 10 seconds for max stack
2307s so you can disarm and kill to get
2309s yourself a little energy regen
2311s and build up for your operator
2313s specifically
2315s temporal drag this is where your second
2316s ability will come in it emits a radial
2318s burst that slows enemies that it touches
2320s by 80 for 10 seconds and temporal shot
2322s which means if you get a precision head
2324s shot uh damage is increased by 100 when
2326s enemies are affected with temporal drag
2329s so
2330s essentially you cast your two slowed
2331s enemy um you get more damage
2334s get them get them all or down
2336s and then void siphon these are your way
2338s bounds so what that means for a player
2340s that's deep into focus is you can invest
2342s enough to unlock these for other schools
2344s so of course if you go all in on void
2347s siphon and void flow any other focused
2349s school can have increased operator regen
2351s and of course increased operator cap
2354s and those two are unchanged they are the
2356s same as they were yeah so you'll be
2358s getting your way bans so chat
2360s this is where we are with zanura it's a
2362s lot it's a lot
2364s it's a lot to learn uh all of the focus
2366s you've invested per school will be
2368s brought back per school so if before
2370s this update i had
2371s you know seven million zeneric invested
2373s across the generic tree i get all of it
2375s back
2376s for the nurik itself which one is
2378s categorized and we briefly touched on
2380s this i think last step stream but you'll
2382s notice that the pool is completely gone
2384s so not only
2385s are you going to get the focus back from
2387s the schools that you have used your
2389s focus points on but you're also going to
2390s get uh radiant idol on shards to make up
2393s for the focus that you put into the pool
2394s so you're going to get that all back and
2396s then you can choose to focus conversion
2398s that wherever you want yes so you can
2400s use those if you're like i'm going to
2402s put all my radiant shards yeah like if
2403s you look at the rework and you're like
2404s hey i'm really into a couple things of
2406s you naru matari then you can kind of
2408s pick and play there with those yeah just
2411s need one marvel tier for each each
2413s respect for school respect it's easy
2415s it's fine what is that
2417s that would be number three round three
2419s three
2420s yeah no more pool that's so that's the
2423s overview of how the nerc is changing
2425s we'll go to naramon next uh and take a
2427s look at that
2428s um do you need a break i have been going
2431s i know it's like i need help my only
2433s food was actually a little impressive
2434s i had a free chocolate bar from the
2436s training
2439s which i think slightly of alcohol in
2441s them which is probably not good but i
2442s don't know what they do you're doing
2443s great okay fermented
2445s fermented fun we're sweating boys out
2447s that's fantastic all right one thing to
2450s note is there is a chance that things
2452s could change between now and launch
2454s take everything you're seeing with the
2455s understanding that the patch notes are
2457s going to have the final information but
2459s this is at least the seeds for where
2460s we're going with things yeah the
2462s workshop after this isn't going to have
2464s all of these nodes detailed out that's
2466s going to be in the patch notes it's
2467s going to be more of a broad overview
2469s that you'll see but you can reference
2470s this stream for what we're talking about
2472s now and then when the forum patch notice
2474s comes out you can
2475s kind of
2476s exactly so naramon is my main focus
2479s school it's melee affinity some of these
2481s things have stayed the same of course
2483s power spike with your combo counter
2484s decays versus runs out the same affinity
2486s spike uh you can you know get your
2488s increased affinity with melee attacks i
2490s got a bit more um melee affinity as well
2492s yeah like five percent more yeah so
2494s slight buffs uh and much like ours and
2496s eric had two new abilities we'll talk
2498s about those here
2499s in this case opening slam when you're in
2501s your operator you can switch to your
2504s warframe on your ground slam it's pretty
2506s cool so you're up in the air you're your
2508s operator you press e you do a ground
2509s slam and immediately turns you into your
2511s warframe and for 20 seconds you get
2513s double combo game so what would count as
2515s one strike for your combo counter is now
2517s two so you can build up your combo way
2519s faster with this new ability and then as
2522s yeah so it's you can really kind of
2524s picture the way this is going to play
2526s out a lot of synergy in trying to make
2528s warframe and operator gameplay meld
2530s together in a not only
2532s really cool way but also buffs for you
2534s you operate your warframe to try and
2536s like make it cool yeah so and then the
2539s more you do this you'll get rewarded
2540s with keeping your combo counter up
2542s because say you managed to get you know
2544s pretty quickly with your doubling of the
2545s combo counter
2546s if you go back to your operator with an
2548s eight multiplier on your combo your amp
2551s damage increases so it's a bit of a loop
2553s that you'll be doing you'll be gaining
2555s and
2556s you know blasting through your combo
2557s counter getting it nice and high then
2559s when you go back into operator mode
2560s you'll be getting more amp damage
2563s yeah so
2564s lots of changes
2566s stay with us tenno you can do it
2568s uh in the case of the first ability for
2570s neremon uh using your one ability
2572s creates a six meter wide shock wave that
2574s lasts four seconds that inflicts lift
2576s status on enemies it touches so this is
2577s getting you that lift which actually
2578s does count toward things like condition
2580s overload but yeah your lift status will
2582s be inflicted with an ability now um so
2584s you just press one and that will
2586s release the shock wave
2587s and then lethal levitation is you get
2589s more damage for lifted enemies and it
2591s lasts for if you use your operator so
2594s there's a little bit of reward for using
2596s yeah and increasing the lethality of
2597s your operator
2598s sling stun again void dash is now void
2601s sling if you press two it increases the
2603s width of your next void sling by percent
2606s which means you press two when you do
2607s your next void sling it'll be wider
2610s enemies will be vulnerable to finishers
2612s taking more finisher damage so this is
2614s you priming enemies to have finisher
2615s damage and then the very fun one where
2618s you get to actually activate melee
2620s finishers as an operator so if you sling
2623s stun through them you can tap the
2625s finisher context action even if you're
2626s in your operator mode and your warframe
2628s will immediately transference and
2630s perform the finisher and the finisher as
2632s operator is game wide it's not just
2634s nariman it's just the critical chances
2636s yes attitude yes so you get the melee
2639s crit for your melee build
2642s yeah it's not an operator finisher let's
2644s let's make sure you come back to your
2645s warframe because
2647s to do the job but your operator sets the
2649s stage
2652s yeah i got to mocap that with jeffy
2654s size difference
2656s all right and then i believe mindstep
2658s and farsling are the same they're just
2659s renamed so if you want to have faster
2662s operator movements and if you want to
2663s have a faster void sling uh you just
2665s need to unwave bind these yep that's it
2668s all right
2670s and that's nariman that's nariman on to
2672s the next
2673s i love all the synergies
2675s when we first conceived of this idea
2678s like we were talking about
2680s almost like a tag team thing
2682s and having things interact like that
2684s it's great to see it coming to fruition
2686s more yeah and since the last devstream
2688s when we first showed the void sling we
2690s increased the range and speed so you'll
2691s be seeing a much faster further version
2693s of that so when we get to gameplay we'll
2695s uh you'll be able to see that we're
2696s trying
2697s not to take away too much speed and
2699s momentum we're just trying to refine it
2701s so it feels more controllable with all
2703s the powers and the reworks we're adding
2706s void dash as it is is very good at you
2708s know
2709s gap closing very long distances but it's
2712s not good at engaging in close quarters
2713s combat in bigger tile combat so we're
2716s just trying to make it feel like a
2718s system you have more control over
2720s overall that's pretty much it so let's
2722s take a look at matai now this is a
2724s school that's probably going to need the
2726s most explanation from us on what's
2727s changing and why
2728s there is a matarai way of playing where
2731s you sit in void mode for as long as you
2734s want to build up an infinite damage cap
2736s this is used from expert idol on hunters
2738s to max their damage and we did change it
2740s but we're not trying to be too
2742s destructive so
2743s we just didn't like that you had to sit
2745s invisible
2747s in the game
2748s to get the best damage buff possible
2750s we understand that idol on hunters have
2752s put a lot of work into becoming experts
2754s using these certain things but we hope
2755s you can at least take a look at what's
2757s coming to understand why we think it's
2759s better um and
2760s we will be listening to your feedback as
2762s well after but i'm just going to go
2763s right to void strike because there's no
2765s point not so you'll have to hide medium
2767s void strike is now an activated ability
2770s so instead of waiting in your void mode
2773s for you know ever essentially you now
2776s press one and your entire energy pool is
2779s drained and you now have a sustained
2782s damage increase for eight seconds which
2784s means all damage you deal
2786s for eight seconds has a ten percent per
2789s energy so it's a very very
2791s large buff that you'll be getting in an
2793s eight second window and all it will
2795s require you to do is to press one it's
2797s on a cool down but for that eight second
2799s window you will be blasting your damage
2802s buff will be on everything we're talking
2805s shotgun spreads absolutely everything so
2807s essentially
2808s every 40 seconds you get an eight-second
2812s colossal damage
2814s yeah like if you do 100 energy you're a
2816s thousand percent damage for eight
2817s seconds exactly yeah so if you use a
2820s hundred percent of your energy pool for
2821s this which is to say
2823s you go into void mode which is your
2825s stealth mode um oh actually you don't
2826s even have to you just need to turn into
2828s your operator so you don't even need to
2829s go invisible anymore just press one go
2831s to operator press one that's 100 of your
2833s energy drain which means you have a
2835s major damage uh increase so this is the
2837s plan um it's feeling pretty good and we
2840s hope you give it a try and yeah that'll
2841s be part of the changes for madurai
2845s yeah
2847s mixed reaction mixed reaction because
2849s well it's just a lot it's a lot to take
2851s in
2852s and it's changed but i think i think
2854s it's into time for a refresh it is yep
2857s yes it is we'll take a look and we'll
2859s read chats and feedback after but
2860s essentially this should be enough for
2861s you guys to build a understanding of how
2863s it's going to work and what the rotation
2865s and flow is going to be um it is very
2867s powerful so
2868s and you don't need to sit in void mode
2871s at all
2873s that's not exactly
2875s the best way to show right the game in
2877s the game play so yeah that's why that's
2880s changing and then void fuel which is oh
2882s so this is actually there's more and it
2884s hopefully you'll see we're going with
2885s this your weapons also get ammo
2887s efficiency so if you're using something
2889s that has you know pretty say you're
2890s using
2891s something with low magazine capacity you
2894s get 40 efficiency for it so not only are
2896s you getting eight seconds of crazy
2897s damage buff you'll also just straight up
2899s be using less ammo so if you had
2901s something with only you know four
2903s bullets in the magazine there's a 40
2905s efficiency on it which means you
2906s actually get way more
2908s use out of the weapon for the buff so
2909s reloading won't be as relevant uh
2912s because you'll be it's literally a buff
2914s chat thank you
2916s for realizing that it's
2918s literally it literally is um but there's
2920s there's ways that it's not too and
2921s that's just
2923s it's changed and it's hard to kind of
2924s grasp like just reading it off the
2926s screen like playing it definitely get a
2928s better feel for it so yeah
2930s all right
2931s that will be the void strike void fuel
2934s so you get
2935s literally a bucket 40 seconds does
2937s change it but you had to sit
2939s invisibly for a long time anyway we'll
2941s get into it we'll talk feedback and
2942s we'll read the dev workshop but this is
2943s where we're going with that uh so thank
2945s you for sticking with madorai and we're
2946s gonna go on to power transfer this is
2948s where you're
2949s 100 amp critical damage for 20 seconds
2952s on switching to operator or 50 casting
2954s speed on switching to warframe so when
2957s you switch between you know your
2959s operator and your warframe you'll be
2960s either getting a crit
2961s uh damage increase on your amp or you'll
2963s be getting casting speed increase on
2964s your operator so as you rotate between
2966s the two you'll be getting
2969s effectively a damage buff on your
2970s operator and you'll be getting casting
2972s speed on your morphing
2974s and then we'll go into chained sling
2976s which means you have energy efficiency
2977s on consecutive void slings so as you're
2979s going through traversing you won't be
2982s using as much energy to do so and then
2984s sling strength which means that when you
2985s switch to your warframe after a chain
2987s sling you get ability strength so you'll
2989s want to be
2990s chaining your slings switch to warframe
2991s and then you get some ability strength
2993s for your warframe
2995s contamination wave this is your second
2997s ability for the matarai tree pressing
2999s two emits a void wade lasting two
3001s seconds that drenches enemies with void
3003s contamination making them 25 more
3005s vulnerable to operator damage for 20
3007s seconds and then if you distill if you
3009s kill an enemy it'll make all affected
3011s enemies 25 more vulnerable along with
3014s the effect lasts 10 seconds longer
3016s maximum three stacks so you're kind of
3018s coding enemies in the contamination you
3019s can get a loop going where you're
3021s spreading it
3022s max three stacks and keeping the
3023s duration going so you can sustain a
3025s contamination wave potentially
3027s infinitely if you're playing within this
3030s yeah
3032s and then those are the same not subtle
3034s changes not subtle changes
3037s all right inner gaze i think these are
3038s exactly integrated and internal gains
3040s are the same yeah yeah
3041s and these are your way bounds so you'll
3043s be able to unlock these on any tree so
3045s you can get more energy for your amps
3048s more regen for your amps and voip beam
3050s uh we have not done vaserine let us go
3053s to basrin
3054s take a closer look mending unity this is
3057s the same i think we have buffed it a
3058s tiny bit uh
3060s it increases affinity radius by 25 maybe
3061s we didn't there was a version that we
3063s did uh but mending uh many unity is
3065s unchanged it's unchanged spending soul
3067s is a bit tweaked yes the first oh yes so
3069s right now vazr and players love to be
3070s very helpful with the squad they go in
3072s there's no revive timer they pop a
3074s revive away they go uh and once you're
3076s done your four charges well you're done
3078s so what we've done is we've also made it
3080s that after that point you can just
3081s revive faster so yeah speedy remember
3084s speedy reviver
3085s void regen your void mode starts healing
3088s at 10 health per second increasing by a
3090s 10 per second up to a maximum of 50.
3092s in squad regen when void regen reaches
3094s its maximum it's applied to operators
3095s with infinity range for 40 seconds so
3097s helping out your squad
3099s uh void snare so here's your second
3100s ability in vason vasor and enjoyers
3103s indeed
3104s uh two launches a projectile that spins
3106s a vortex trap on impact or tap two to
3108s detonate in flight lasts eight seconds
3111s void sling through it to grant allies
3113s with an affinity range 100 health so you
3115s can be creating health boosts for your
3117s squad mates and any allies touched by
3119s your void sling are granted immunity so
3121s this is pretty much instead of
3122s protective dash it's protective sling
3125s so similar
3127s and then for guardian shell uh press one
3129s uh to manifest a barrier on the operator
3132s and allies in range it's invulnerable
3133s for four seconds uh when created
3135s inflicted will
3137s oh right so this is a scaling one and my
3138s brain just kind of circuited there but
3140s damage inflicted while it's invulnerable
3142s will be added to its faith health so
3143s this is how we scale certain abilities
3144s like frost's snow globe any damage
3147s coming in goes to the effective health
3148s of it when it's done it's four second uh
3151s absorption phase so this is for
3154s operators and allies in affinity range
3155s so guardian shell is now an activated
3157s ability press one to do it and you can
3159s keep your
3160s you know friends alive
3162s guardian break when it breaks warframe
3164s shield regeneration is increased and
3165s regeneration delay is reduced so it's
3167s just a second layer of survivability
3169s and i am fairly certain these are
3170s exactly the same and during tides is the
3172s same rejuvenating tides it just um
3175s effect has doubled while controlling
3176s warframe just to give that synergy yeah
3178s back and forth yeah that's cool all
3180s right one more and then there's a pop
3183s quiz so don't miss no oh
3185s there's a quiz there'll be a survey
3187s after
3188s press one what's that to map with the
3190s controller whatever you would use for
3192s your warframe abilities yeah whatever
3193s your one is so like a
3195s right trigger a right trigger b whatever
3196s you have it mapped to b will be your one
3198s for operator
3200s and last but not least dinaru we went
3201s over this last stream so we're not going
3203s to go too deep into it poise is just an
3205s immunity to slow stagger knocked down
3207s for 40 seconds after transferring
3208s between operator or warframe so as you
3210s keep a rotation going you're immune to
3212s well essentially a poise stone skin got
3214s buffed a little bit
3216s and
3217s we have i think we went over all of
3219s these
3220s on the last stream yeah because remember
3221s static flush but now it's static purge
3223s sorry sorry yeah let's take away the
3226s flush we'll go over them again because i
3228s don't think we actually because people
3228s are going to be interested in whisper
3230s for sure so caustic stripe press two to
3232s launch an energy bomb that explodes with
3233s an eight meter radius stripping 75
3236s energy armor you can tap two to detonate
3238s it in flight so you know
3240s remove enemy defenses when it comes to
3242s armor and the nuneru wisp is 100 percent
3244s chance to sp uh summon a narrow wisp per
3246s enemy hit by caustic strike so
3248s if you're blasting enemies with caustic
3250s strike the wisps will come and they'll
3251s now seek out your allies with an
3253s affinity range uh rather than allies
3255s having to come pick up and find them
3256s yeah yeah so
3258s you can now hopefully get your narrow
3260s wisps more easily rather than having to
3262s pick them up
3263s magnetic flare is similar to
3266s caustic strike except it's more of an
3267s ansi shield mech press two to create the
3271s anti-shield
3272s attack and then magnetic boost which is
3274s void slinging out of a magnetic flare to
3276s refresh duration and increase its radius
3278s so if you cast this in front of it if
3280s you void sling out it will
3282s you know sustain that field for longer
3284s and make it bigger
3286s all right i need a drink yeah
3288s you got through it
3290s you did it rib yeah it was great okay
3292s maybe i will use operator more that's
3294s kind of the goal relearn readjust um
3298s there will be a workshop up after i'm
3300s going to play as the nurik just so
3301s people can see that in action and we're
3303s going to do some some stuff
3305s yeah like website there'll be a workshop
3307s up afterwards um detailing a lot of
3310s uh why we change you know some of the
3312s operator abilities talk about void
3314s slaying and the focus uh refund and
3316s respect and all that so it'll all be
3318s written down for you afterwards yes
3320s because i probably talk too fast
3324s oh
3325s who's that
3326s this is our little gardener bought from
3328s last stream it will be available as a
3330s sentinel skin they have some beautiful
3331s flowers growing out of their head and
3334s there has been a name decided there has
3336s been a name the design council you are
3338s all amazing uh and verdi was chosen it's
3342s an acronym
3343s steve i know you don't like acronyms in
3345s warframe
3346s get used to it that's rough the
3348s vegetation and environment regulation
3350s drone independent element uh sentinel
3353s skin it was actually named by stalar d
3355s who is a very familiar face in the
3356s warframe community
3358s so you can have that then yeah
3362s faithfully maintained zeraman greenery
3364s even after all was lost and is thrilled
3367s to have company once again oh it's
3369s adorable
3370s so very cute the grass on the head just
3372s gets you know every double flower very
3375s cute
3375s all right
3376s we are well angel this is airman is the
3379s update and we ought to go to it you only
3380s have four minutes to show it rem sorry
3382s yeah wish me luck
3384s and then jeff leaves yeah it's all good
3386s [Laughter]
3387s there's actually time of day cycle
3389s during that
3391s i'm gonna hop in
3393s so the chrysolith is the new hub this is
3394s where there will be new npcs new systems
3397s for you to engage with and there will be
3399s three brand new endless mission types so
3402s last stream we showed you a void flood
3404s that was the very parkour focused one
3407s where you're gathering vitoplast to seal
3409s up well avoid flood today we're going to
3411s show you void cascade on the tuval
3413s commons uh in the future you know you'll
3416s get a nice twist on exterminate with a
3418s little one or two little things nothing
3420s major just the way extraction works
3422s actually i'll just say it straight
3423s there's not really any twist other than
3424s extraction
3425s and then mobile defense and then
3428s what we'll not be showing today and will
3430s be surprise for launch is void
3431s armageddon the dorm zone is your player
3434s apartment which we'll have one or two
3436s gameplay things in a future update not
3437s this one we're going to go for the
3438s chrysalis
3439s let's go in they say when the update
3441s drops not yet so stay tuned we might
3443s tell you we'll tell you at the end of
3445s the series
3446s don't go anywhere
3450s new planet indeed this is something
3451s that's only accessible after playing the
3453s angels of the zeraman
3459s quest need a place to sleep ma'am
3462s we'll get you one don't worry
3464s the update is not today no
3466s no
3472s all
3473s right
3475s we are in the zeraman uh you will have
3476s fast travel options i'm just going to
3478s walk through it so we can get acquainted
3479s with the space you know take a look at
3481s what could have been
3484s oh
3485s you know
3487s what could have been you can't reference
3488s that you can't reference sting on on
3490s this stream you can't do that
3493s like we mentioned last ep stream there's
3495s a really big emphasis on exploring so
3497s you might recognize and you already did
3500s this here cephalon who if you find her
3502s out in the world if you bring her
3504s azarium accolade you'll get rewarded for
3507s it so exploration will be rewarded
3510s uh there will be populated npcs here
3514s that will make sense after the quest
3515s we're not going to spoil much they're
3516s hidden just to avoid spoilers right they
3518s are currently hidden there is a
3522s yup i'm hiding them
3525s so this is your new
3527s social hub
3531s and then we can go down to the area that
3533s will allow you to either go to the dorm
3535s zone so that's where you can go to your
3537s living quarters or
3539s what's working for this dev stream you
3540s can go to the elevator
3542s of mission select so here's this mission
3545s indeed
3546s so today we're going to do void cascade
3548s uh there's other floors we could go to
3550s but we're going to avoid cascade i make
3552s no promises for what's about to happen
3554s but i'll do my best you're going to do
3556s great it's a hard time
3558s it's a hard endless mission type it
3559s requires masterful operator gameplay
3563s along with other things uh but first
3564s thing i'm going to do is just pop into
3566s my operator cast one you can see that
3568s i've done my um
3569s you know your void dash bubble and i'll
3571s try and give you guys a look at void
3572s sling too just so you can kind of see
3574s that it
3574s like you can just tap
3576s so if you double jump you can activate
3578s it from double jump you can activate it
3579s from void mode if you just tap you go
3582s slow but let's see how far we can get
3584s and if you hold
3585s you go you know you get your distances
3587s and you can change them you can change
3589s your orientation
3591s and you can kind of ninja around and
3593s then you can switch right to your
3594s warframe via melee so it is quite
3596s substantial in the distance it covers
3599s um
3600s please add more difficulty well there
3603s are difficult elements to this um
3605s to all the new missions really so we'll
3607s see if it's too hard uh probably not for
3609s some loadouts but you will be tested oh
3611s my god
3612s don't look dead
3620s i thought we have to give platinum away
3621s if that happened though
3623s we do have to get flattened away okay
3624s let's do it yeah
3627s and i will say normally when you go on
3628s this mission there are transmissions but
3630s like you said we've
3631s called out the the
3633s other people so normally there is you
3635s know some lore and some narrative here
3637s but yeah it's hidden for now
3639s there is so currently the corpus are
3640s boarding the ship we're going to kick
3642s the mission off the void cascade is
3645s basically
3646s the cascade will occur and the xeromen
3648s will be overtaken by the void so it's
3649s our job to ensure that the exolyzers are
3652s maintained and freed from any type of
3655s enemy corruption a little possession
3658s oh i'm so sorry uh
3661s nyhort witch all right i gotta start the
3664s mission so we're gonna usually pablo
3665s would be here to talk over it or you
3667s know so i'll do my best to do both at
3668s the same time but once you go in this
3670s area it is a anti-transference zone so
3673s you have to get rid of the um exalyzer
3676s corruption once you do so you will see
3678s that there is something haunting it
3680s getting rid of it you make the exolyzer
3682s friendly and now it's a one-on-one with
3684s an enemy that has again that protective
3686s shell so it's up to you to take down the
3688s shell once you do so your cc and all
3691s that type of fun stuff will work but you
3693s have to unload dps
3695s to get it in that state
3697s then once you
3699s take away his um body there's a chain
3701s well he will try and get another body
3703s but if you can kill him before then
3705s naturally you have to use your operator
3707s and we're trying something new where any
3709s enemies that require an operator to kill
3711s will just reward a flat amount of focus
3713s so you saw me get 20 2 500 focus there
3716s because i kill the thrax unit
3718s this goes um to whatever school you are
3721s using so for me i just got some to
3723s zeneric it doesn't use lenses the lens
3726s structure isn't changing but we're
3727s changing other ways for you to get
3728s focused there's an additional way to get
3730s folks yeah and it makes sense because
3732s operators exactly so they will corrupt
3734s these um exalyzers and you have to stop
3737s them or they will take over and the
3738s cascade will start so as guy
3742s i'm going in
3744s whoever i've got them down their shell
3746s is gone they will try and steal a body
3748s but i killed them
3750s and we're good so right now i have
3751s control over two they're trying to get
3752s one back so i need to pump the beeps and
3755s they got it so now i have to go back in
3758s and
3758s clean it
3760s let's get it someone chat said vombo is
3762s boss fight
3763s no it has the operator gameplay loop
3765s actually you know what i'm probably
3766s gonna pop down
3781s of scary they are a little scary um
3784s what what to make of them we do not know
3786s they are mysteries of the void
3788s nightmares if you will
3794s all right
3798s oh get him before you can get anyone
3799s else
3802s you want to get pumped exactly all right
3804s so this one is actively being corrupted
3806s i don't think i'm going to get get
3807s through this guy in
3809s time now that is oh i didn't
3813s so corrupted exercisers are spawning i
3816s have to keep the ones that i have uh
3818s clean before that they get re-corrupted
3820s and then i need to be ready to take any
3822s new ones that spawn and stop them from
3824s being under enemy control this is a
3826s endless mission mode so you can do this
3828s across the xairman
3830s for as long as you can you know last
3832s with your squad these guys will give you
3833s a tough time you gotta look out for them
3837s easy
3839s and then there's new drops that was cool
3842s yeah let's get in here
3847s there's corpus enemies right now there's
3849s always
3850s yes
3851s the zeraman will
3853s be you know on the eyes of enemy
3855s factions to try and pillage it and it'll
3857s rotate so sometimes it'll be corpus
3859s sometimes it'll be grenier
3861s not just any grineer it'll always be
3863s kuva gruner which is an interesting
3865s thing
3866s [Laughter]
3878s so they re-corrupted it i didn't get it
3880s in time
3881s but i will try my best
3894s as you can see they are also using a
3896s large scythe perhaps the same one
3898s perhaps the same yeah so at this point
3900s in time i've cleaned and used two
3902s exalyzers there's one under attack this
3904s one's actually currently actively being
3906s corrupted
3908s or you know taken over this one i need
3910s to get and then i can have the cascade
3912s under my control so your objective is to
3914s consistently keep the cascade under your
3916s control levels the enemy will continue
3918s their attempts to take the exolyzers and
3921s you know infect them and it's our job to
3924s stop them from doing that so you'll be
3926s trying to manage the flow of corpus the
3928s flow of these thrax units
3930s and the um the corruption that's taking
3932s place so it will be good luck
3937s and you have to be on your toes with
3938s your operator
3940s oh all right and that's basically the
3942s preview that you'll get this year okay
3943s good very good
3947s hey
3948s all right
3950s we did it we made it yeah death battle
3952s interception is a very good way of
3954s putting it hey it's like interception
3956s meets you know
3958s there goes my paper goodbye do you want
3960s an ipad yeah no you're in charge now
3962s i've lost all my notes oh no that was
3972s quickly quickly okay one of the way
3973s bounds is active press five to enter
3975s second chance so my operator just came
3977s out of my uh down warframe i oh god i'm
3979s not gonna be able to kill them uh but if
3981s you kill like
3982s low earth to your enemies my meters i'm
3984s probably gonna die um but my second
3986s chance is active which means i have a
3987s very small window of time to kill before
3989s i die anyway that was it you tried you
3991s tried it i tried my best you tried your
3992s best but you can try and stop death
3995s yeah it was cool spontaneous yeah i'd
3997s love to see it
3999s anyway that was that
4001s all right
4003s garuda prime access giveaway let's do it
4005s garuda prima i don't think i need to do
4007s anything else in game would you like an
4009s ipad no okay let's sit back and relax oh
4011s here you go
4012s very good
4015s it's over
4017s grew to primex has gone to
4019s alvaro pt alvaro pt our alvaro zero pt
4025s alvarop alvaro
4028s alvaropped
4029s fine
4030s please mr warframe twitter watching
4032s right now with your in-game realized
4032s platform you play
4036s [Laughter]
4039s all right anything else oh my god
4040s there's so much more to go yeah no way
4042s oh
4043s my god do you want this no no no
4046s keyboard okay we're gonna try and we'll
4048s make it we'll make it fast um one
4050s feature we're adding or hoping to add
4052s for this update as well is clan
4053s recruitment improvements being in a clan
4056s is a great part of warframe you you can
4058s be solo no problem but if you want to
4060s find a clan or if you want to find
4062s people for your clan it can be a little
4064s tricky
4065s so claim recruitment is coming uh if you
4067s go to your clan screen and you are
4068s either the warlord or a new role of
4071s advertiser you will be able to advertise
4073s your clan so here i am we showed a
4075s mock-up for this many many streams ago
4077s this is the real deal uh i'm going to
4079s advertise my clan it's going to cost me
4081s this is placeholder values but oh my
4084s well my clients say
4086s that's too much better something like
4087s finger
4089s try
4094s [Music]
4097s [Applause]
4104s el nino join if you love game love uh
4106s let's say valkyr
4108s oh no i'm sorry that's not spelling
4111s beginner friendly let's say no no it's
4113s not beginner friendly high mr
4115s requirement there you go
4116s we're always out definitely decorating
4118s jojo we're definitely doing decorated
4120s dojos i can post my ad um
4123s and my ten review will be gone which
4124s means that i can now hopefully find
4126s people
4127s that um you know want to join do it for
4130s ranny
4134s [Laughter]
4143s right click and leave claim oh she's
4145s gone i don't know if i can't leave my
4147s own clan right now
4148s all right
4149s bye rainey bye
4151s you are the ruler of your clan the clan
4153s will be disbanded
4155s so i think now i can go here and i can
4157s search for a clan so this is for people
4159s that have no clans they're going to see
4160s the search option obviously rev test is
4162s here um but yeah there's i think i'm the
4164s only client up there right now yes sir
4166s well yeah just on dev yeah so there you
4169s go
4170s hoping to make it for the angels airmen
4172s build working through one or two final
4173s things if it doesn't it would be soon
4175s after but it's looking pretty good for
4176s angels there man just kind of tweaking a
4177s few things in there there are you know
4180s some caveats you know you can only be
4182s out for eight hours so that other people
4184s can you know post their uh ads as well
4186s it's not always your clan but then you
4188s can re-list and all that it'll be in the
4189s patch notes but nice little quality of
4191s life you can do it from that screen you
4192s can go to meru and you can talk to her
4194s and she's all you know be in my room and
4196s you can do it that way uh so yeah what
4198s else is there maggots oh maggots come
4201s back
4213s for the low low price of 100 platinum
4215s you yourself can have a mag because it's
4217s the same as the domestic drones right
4218s it's the exact same functionality it's
4220s just a meg yeah the mega will run around
4222s your ship yes you'll love them
4224s your very own maggot for your ship
4226s absolutely and gross if you bought
4228s nida's primax that's not all
4230s if you bought which you can no longer
4232s get you get mega primes you get a prime
4235s maggot we intended to do a prime maggot
4238s for the original so retroactively yeah
4241s cause we had we had intentions to do
4242s this when we did 90's prime access but
4244s it just didn't make it and then we just
4246s obviously have the tech and everything
4247s about it obviously obviously so yeah
4250s angela's airmen will bring the normal
4251s maggot which you can buy in the market
4253s and then if you bought a knight as prime
4254s access you will get a prime maggot
4256s to do the same thing no roam your ship
4258s free free as a mag it should be
4261s is that it that that is it according to
4263s my ipad we did agree to prime
4266s we did the demos
4268s yeah we did lots anything
4270s coming with a quest
4272s right narrative quest excellence
4274s reworks focus focus massive did you want
4277s to show the dorm zone relearn
4279s there's one little yes there's one
4281s little thing
4292s [Music]
4293s i don't know what that means and i'm
4294s disappointed you know
4296s i watched reb beat don't talk about it
4299s it's a spoiler okay okay okay okay okay
4300s okay
4302s i heard about your tactics yeah you
4303s can't judge shut up i've heard be quiet
4307s everyone there's some rumors
4309s so don't eh so darmazones we are uh this
4313s is a it's gonna be part of the quest uh
4314s and it is of course for players that
4316s love to have a little more customization
4318s in their game um and you know maybe a
4320s system to come in the further future if
4322s a keen translator were to take a look at
4324s these they'd see that there would be
4326s some um
4327s type of system coming nice uh very
4330s important part of this update though
4331s because of one thing and one thing only
4333s the audio on dean is it cranked up
4334s you're not going to show
4336s what i think of yourself
4345s [Laughter]
4352s all right so now that i'm secured in my
4354s dorm zone i love that you're showing
4355s that specifically
4356s that's why we came back like five times
4358s yeah
4359s uh so you can indeed put some of your
4361s favorite loadouts up obviously the
4363s valkyr we customized is happily here
4365s that looks cool yeah so this is just
4366s something for people that are interested
4368s in decorating this room is optional a
4370s lot of people will only engage with the
4372s apartments with requests and other
4373s things that's totally fine but for
4374s anyone looking for deeper customization
4377s this room will be something you can opt
4378s into with standing by doing all things
4382s the new syndicate we'll give you this so
4384s yeah and then you can customize i just
4386s remembered lager's been trying to
4389s push designing furniture
4391s yes please
4392s please tell me you said yes
4395s and you can change your piece of artwork
4398s which would have been you know
4400s done for the more high-standing zeraman
4402s colonists but if you want to just look
4404s outside that's what you'll see this is
4406s the window view
4408s that's also a great view it is a great
4409s view but this is just the window view
4413s all right super cool a lot of good stuff
4415s all right
4416s yeah so lots coming in this update you
4418s can lock yourself in a room just like
4420s you do at home when you play but when's
4422s the update
4427s why don't we take a look well we should
4429s say our goodbyes because we're not
4430s coming back afterwards not coming back
4431s no all right we're not coming back after
4433s the video
4435s oh i mean we'll be back but not not
4436s today
4438s the stream's over after the video but
4439s don't miss the video the video is
4441s wonderful any closing what you're here
4442s for
4445s uh
4447s thank you
4448s thanks for watching always thank you
4451s you know be patient with the rework
4452s there's a lot to learn and
4456s you know the workshop will help but i
4458s think getting your hands on it when you
4459s know when it's out of course
4462s is going to be the most crucial of all
4463s and then
4464s we'll be listening to feedback and
4466s iterating on those things that we've
4468s changed but
4469s a lot of buffs a few nerfs and a lot of
4472s changes that are not yeah you won't be
4474s able to do the weight forever uh endless
4477s damage it's more active and it's got a
4479s lot more interesting synergies so i
4481s really think it's it's for the best yes
4483s you must change for the health of the
4484s game so thank you for being with us on
4486s our journey thank you to the team at
4488s digital extremes who makes all of this
4489s possible uh you are sincerely
4491s appreciated and we hope you enjoyed this
4492s devstream but we hope you enjoy this
4495s trailer for angels it's airman bye bye
4505s she is your rightful home
4509s but she is beset by the nightmares of
4512s the void
4521s but if you are ever to reclaim her it
4524s must be now
4547s [Music]
4596s you