6 months
ago -
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Greetings TennoGen artists!
We have just released a web version of the TennoGen Workshop from TennoCon 2024!
We understand that not all TennoGen artists can attend TennoCon in person. While the workshop primarily targeted a casual & curious audience — not necessarily established artists — we respect that many TennoGen contributors wanted to know what was shown and discussed!
You can read a web version of the presentation here.
Be sure to read the "Presenter Notes" and not just the slides!
In addition to a general rundown of the TennoGen program, this presentation includes...
- Advice on self critiquing your own work, with Ernesto Alvarez (Senior Weapons Artist)
- Self reviewing a previously rejected design, with Nikita Leshakov (Principal Weapons Artist & TennoGen Supervisor)
- Self reviewing a 2015 design, with Kaz Adams (Warframe Weapons Lead & TennoGen Supervisor)
- Common reasons for rejection, and why DE might not provide feedback
- & more!