about 3 years
ago -
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The New War quest has significant Spoilers for Warframe and its future. Please let all Tenno experience it at their own pace, and be kind. Use liberal spoiler tags if you wish to talk about it, and do not ruin the experience for someone else. Content Creators should clearly label spoiler content and use spoiler-free thumbnails and titles.
A dedicated New War subforum has also been created to house all quest-related discussions, questions, and more so that we can keep the rest of the Forums spoiler-free: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/1782-the-new-war/
It will open up for all of your New War quest and post-quest-related threads once the update is live on December 15th. Threads posted in this subforum will not appear in the ‘Latest Topics’ panel for further spoiler-proofing. We ask that if you wish to participate in any New War-related topics, that you do so there.
There will be a similar thread opened here in Steam Discussions, closer to the 15th! Please feel free to use this thread to discuss spoilers!
See you December 15!
The New War quest has significant Spoilers for Warframe and its future. Please let all Tenno experience it at their own pace, and be kind. Use liberal spoiler tags if you wish to talk about it, and do not ruin the experience for someone else. Content Creators should clearly label spoiler content and use spoiler-free thumbnails and titles.
A dedicated New War subforum has also been created to house all quest-related discussions, questions, and more so that we can keep the rest of the Forums spoiler-free: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/1782-the-new-war/
It will open up for all of your New War quest and post-quest-related threads once the update is live on December 15th. Threads posted in this subforum will not appear in the ‘Latest Topics’ panel for further spoiler-proofing. We ask that if you wish to participate in any New War-related topics, that you do so there.
There will be a similar thread opened here in Steam Discussions, closer to the 15th! Please feel free to use this thread to discuss spoilers!
See you December 15!