over 3 years ago - [DE]Momaw - Direct link

I will dig into this immediately. This kind of report is extremely helpful!  I've been seeing several posts about "disappearing frame",  but this is the first time I've seen a full session *leading up to* the problem, and it's full of relevant facts like: it can happen solo, it's not limited to the Isolation Vaults, and it doesn't require any specific frame or ability usage. Thank you!

over 3 years ago - [DE]Momaw - Direct link

Doesn't require any specific frame, doesn't require the iso vaults, doesn't even require a bounty or combat of any kind. As near as I can tell it's related to moving very far distances from your mech's previous location without hitting spoilers mode in between.  Worked up a set of steps for our bug-slaying ninjas, hope to get this fixed soon. 👍