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10/13/2020 Status Update:
“Heart of Deimos: Interim Update 29.2.1” has passed Cert and will be going LIVE tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14th @ ~11 AM ET!*
*PS4 updates typically take a bit more time to heat up in the oven to prep for launch. 11 AM ET is our target time, but it is expected, as has occurred in the past, that it will go live sometime after. We thank you for your patience!
You will be greeted by Red Text in chat to start the countdown to launch. Reminder again that this a remaster update and once it launches Warframe in its entirety will begin to re-download automatically. After it has completed, Warframe will go from 41 GB to 22.6 GB total. More information on that and everything else coming in tomorrow’s update below.