about 2 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s won't say
2s who so he can't he might not okay we're
5s live on Twitch great great great great
7s great I might have to use your phone
8s today okay no problem I uh or maybe
12s we're live on Twitch how did a password
15s reset what the situation you know
18s security Technologies okay I'm trying to
20s get the twitch Channel up so we ah okay
22s okay okay okay hi chat yay yay refresh R
24s TV live great glad to see it Rue murmur
29s murmur lies one who am I Steve get out
32s of here uh all right hi Lori all right
36s Kahuna needs a
38s hug welcome to a Dev short um I'm going
41s to read it off your phone okay my font
44s is very small that's why I have these
46s good luck okay all right it's 2 o'clock
48s I'm okay hi chat I'm G to hit him with a
49s if you don't know Dev shorts are 15
51s minutes 15 minutes only and we
54s hit oh
56s no oh no oh no that's the wrong way
60s okay 7 Seconds of fast hi welcome to a
63s you almost knock it off the wall yes
65s okay we are here with 15 Becca also this
67s morning uh spilled coffee into her shoe
71s somehow somehow a cup of coffee into the
74s shoe is that correct that was not but 15
77s minutes ago okay all right all right
79s that was a secret this afternoon if you
81s hear a clown walking around the office
82s it's how my like if you heard what my
84s Sho I sound like that Drew good in video
86s with the teac kettle shoe like it's just
88s it's brutal anyway yeah it's brutal they
91s like power assisted shoes or something
93s aren't they oh my God I love that video
95s all right we are here uh with some
98s interesting red ran says first time
100s catching a Dev short all right welcome
103s welcome all right Steve Zephyr flight
106s rework I beg you yeah we'll we'll put
108s that on a list somewhere anyway the list
110s of things Steve agrees to on a Dev short
112s with no intention of following up on
114s that list is that the list it's the best
115s list it's the worst list the worst list
119s it is my nightmare list this the type of
120s list that like put uh infested liches uh
124s Spider frame uh Ken warframes get
127s pregnant put all that on that list okay
129s okay cool all right uh we're going to
131s start this off with a show and tell um
133s okay is anyone watching that knows what
135s this is or what country it's from anyone
139s anyone anyone smell
142s it that is weird does anyone know what
145s country this smell Vision uh Japan is
148s the is it's not Japan
150s Thailand Thailand correct more Ally got
154s it all right so it is from Thailand and
156s when we were at Tokyo is that weed is
159s not it is not it is not it is menthol
162s it's like Menthol Vapor R I can't tell
164s you what it is cuz I can't read Tai but
166s you know who can read Tha Thai people
169s yes people from Thailand you know what
170s would be great if we had a Thai version
173s of Warframe this worst segue you've ever
175s done from a smell to okay so we're
179s putting it finally in the game we're
180s going to try and get the tie language up
182s as soon as possible we were just talking
184s about it before we hit turn on the
186s camera and our aim is to get um all the
188s hard work that our internal tie team has
189s been doing and our UI team and
191s localization team we're going to try and
193s like phase out the tie language phase in
195s it phase out the tie it's already out so
197s we want to phase it in yeah yeah wait
199s but we want to phase in the ti yeah we
201s want to phase in you have a f questions
204s how phasing works I'm starting to I
206s think it's phase in we're gonna phase in
208s phasing out would be removing it we're
210s phasing it in okay we're phasing in the
212s Thai language um and it's going to
214s happen soon as soon as uh November 13th
216s on PC if that changes we'll let you know
218s uh but we're hoping to get that going um
221s very soon because we're we think we're
222s ready it might not work perfectly but
224s it's better than no tie yep we've got
226s people working hard on the translations
228s and the programm team working on the
230s text support uh not Tech but text yes uh
234s glyph support so and if you came up to
236s us at Tokyo game show and asked about
237s Thai language specifically D this is for
240s you
240s um we had some very uh important oh you
243s met some players at TGs we like where is
245s it me okay cool uh Sinister Twilight
248s says I just had surgery I'm so so I'm
251s glad you guys are streaming I hope you
253s recover quickly recover quickly heal up
256s quickly our bad jokes will actually be
258s bad for your recovery so you might want
260s to turn this off I yeah I would yeah I
261s would this would be the last thing to
263s watch but speaking of November 13th what
265s else is happening that day Steve sorry
267s November 13th yeah all I know getting
270s awfully close to my birthday so do you
273s think maybe it's zaku Prime axis as we
275s talked about this exactly last di
278s short listen listen zaku Prim axis the
283s the sickest art ever true looks amazing
287s true um yeah we got we got the the drip
292s drip access I think I saw a thread like
294s explain to me how this works in the lore
295s like cuz they're so ethereal and yeah
298s yeah yeah yeah
301s there you go so zaku Prime access comes
303s on November 13th all platforms very
305s exciting uh we all did you see that I
306s just waved to chat looking at chat as
309s though they could see me yeah that's
311s that's that's Aging for you a y it's
314s okay you're doing you're doing great
316s Stephen uh Quest To Conquer Cancer is
318s finished we raised
321s $3,297 so over $300,000 was raised for
324s the campaign for the month of October
325s which was amazing uh a whole bunch of
327s rewards went live a global legendary cor
330s to all players Drifter Cosmetics Forma
333s uh slots should be up in your inbox or
335s as an alert and we're starting some more
337s um stuff including the tow forged Shard
339s alert begins November 15th so or the tow
342s forged sh tow forged Shard on the 14
346s 15th of November how much would go to
349s wood chuck chuck yep it's a it's quite a
352s oh speaking of November movember has
355s begun between now and the 30th you can
356s equip your mustaches on your warframes
358s do you mind do you mind
361s show till the what are you going to do
363s movember I already have you don't need
366s to like ink it in for me it's you're
369s kind of getting deadly with that
371s thing
373s um yeah that's coming uh there's a
375s capture a contest up and you can win a
377s zaku prime access uh and other platinum
379s as well so what that means is uh we are
382s supporting Men's Health I think this is
383s our 10th year doing it I want to say
386s maybe 9th it's been a long time we
388s started November early on in Warframe we
390s even have a Guinness World Record from
392s it remember remember ain't no thing it's
396s a record holding game it's a record
398s holding game uh and yeah we continue to
401s support movember so we finish quest To
402s Conquer Cancer and jump right into
404s movember uh we support all types of
406s men's health initiatives there including
408s you know getting the ability to wear a
410s mustache on your warframes which the
412s community would have me believe that it
414s looks the best right now on Dante but um
417s I need to see more I need I've been
419s seeing some picks on Twitter yeah what
420s have what have you seen that has caught
422s your attention some old excow ones yeah
426s that tracks uh is
428s hex inspired by TMNT Teenage Mutant
433s Ninja Turtles it's not I'm actually not
435s a Ninja Turtles girl like no disrespect
438s to the franchise they had they had uh at
440s the London ComiCon here they had quite a
442s showing for that I watch it like I never
445s knew it I only know the names of the
447s turtles and the rat and I love it I
450s respect it it's rad rat dad rat dad God
453s I don't even know his name it's not
454s Shredder that's the bad guy what is the
455s rat dad's name oh my God does chat know
459s oh my God what is the rat dad's
461s name Splinter Frick Splinter okay
465s everyone in chat knows okay sorry
467s everyone knows I love it like don't get
469s me Master Splinter my mistake okay I
472s mean I eat enough Pizza to be considered
474s the fifth Turtle that's for sure all
476s right so that is some movember uh then
479s we also of course we're just doing we
480s already did a devstream recap so there's
482s just people that might be interested in
483s what they miss there those are available
484s on the website or on YouTube or on a
486s content creator of your choice if they
487s do a recap that you like maybe it's
489s funny maybe it's serious who knows we
492s also are continuing uh Prime Resurgence
495s right now Garuda and Kora primer up
497s speaking of Garuda she's behind me
499s look oh yes did you know that back in
502s the day you promised more Garuda lore
504s did I I think so well I'm still working
506s on it is that right it's going to be
508s great is that right mhm can you like put
511s it on that list there of promises I make
513s and not fall through on did that offend
516s you mhm it did mhm I'm sorry very
520s hurtful uh here's maybe a potential um
523s bug from chat we could we take these as
524s well multiversal Guardian says please
526s fix Orbiter and Drifter Camp decorations
529s not being visible when visiting other
531s people's orbiters and Drifter
535s camps that sounds interesting it does
537s sound interesting it sounds like an
538s optimization run them up
540s yeah definitely take a look at that yes
543s have we mentioned any PS5 Pro
545s enhancements no but we are using their
548s um upscaler thing which looks amazing
551s sort of like uh their version of dlss
554s yes and it does it actually does look
556s amazing we have a another agenda item
558s called Steve Prelude 7 is out woe what's
561s going on Prelude 7 is out and if you
564s don't have an invite story but we're
565s doing batches every week and we have the
567s promo codes that are going to start
568s going out soon as well I saw them uh
570s testing that today oh like you can give
572s keys to your friends yeah so when you
574s get an invite you'll be getting Keys is
576s it retroactive I'm going to look into
578s that because I don't know if it is is
579s that another promise for the list it
580s might be an empty promise for the list
583s we'll take a look at that uh and I am
587s thrilled with this preludes update it's
589s one of our best ones yet uh the combat
592s is way smoother with all of the work
594s that the animators and the um
596s programmers did to fix all this motion
599s stuff a lot of great Vibes it's it's
601s beautiful um it's a shame that we took
603s your whole team to make Warframe 1999
605s and then you took my whole team sorry
607s about that including including Jeff I
610s almost I almost said a nasty word
612s including Jeff stolen stolen and he's
615s he's sad he's sad why is he sad he's
618s just like what are you guys doing and
620s I'm we're doing cool stuff listen we
623s need the team with shared resources are
625s soulr and Warframe going to be connected
626s not directly in lore but we'll probably
628s do little sneaky little crossover stuff
631s and I saw some beautiful did you see the
632s Excalibur I saw beautiful art uh wow
637s that crossover is too good to ignore so
639s we'll probably doing St like that also
641s welcome everyone to our unboxing Channel
643s today we're going to unbox Haro oh my
646s god um we're really excited um because
648s someone by the name of Pablo
650s accidentally bought this is like the
651s beginning of the end for the the content
653s quality which was already bad for this
655s is just like now it's unboxing as well
658s okay fine chat I unbox it or do I not do
661s you want to see the hero third unboxing
662s in a row are we do we want to see this
664s or
666s no yes yes yes yes yes so it I think
670s it's I think the eyes have it there's
672s definitely some nose yeah who said no
675s you it's really mixed it's really mixed
678s I'm going to take questions from chat to
679s try to like augment this okay 15 minutes
683s and we spend how much on unboxing for
685s example that's that that could be yeah
687s okay I won't do it um fine
690s Truth Hurts yeah yeah someone says
693s someone says why is paabo accidentally
695s buying so much by
697s accident it's if you knew Pablo you
700s would know that that's just what happens
702s I would say yeah yeah that's just how he
704s goes does he just have like online
706s shopping he just forgets he buys things
708s and then I inherit them so I'm not upset
711s I got a call and a herrow so so so
714s lindex says Rebecca's trying to drive
716s sales weird CEO take to be to
720s the I don't even think it's for sale
722s anymore it it probably isn't for sale I
724s I don't I don't even think it is I don't
725s actually know but I don't think it I'm
727s not trying to try sales I just want to
729s un I want to add it to my collection is
731s very funny though that's a great I
733s literally just want to add it to my
734s collection that's it I have so many
736s statues and I want more so that he can
738s hang out with the boys uh 1999 bike
741s skins when we you showed a bunch we are
743s doing at least six for launch maybe a
745s bit more um some of them are like full
747s silhouette changes like a like choer and
751s some are like like a Sci-Fi looking bike
753s and then there's like a medical bike
754s Pizza bike I think the one that's just
756s like busted up yeah the r bucket there
759s is a r bucket hilarious yeah the rust
761s bucket is quite good that absolutely
763s hilarious yeah what other questions are
764s there will answer anything oh are we out
766s of agenda items uh Q&A is an agenda item
769s so okay yeah okay I see um well I'm not
775s in uh YouTube chat today because uh I
778s had to reset my corporate
780s passwords and I am not connected to the
782s Wi-Fi right now and I I will fix that um
785s here's one that might be Target at you
788s EMT Warframe
791s when is that a plant is that someone you
794s know it's not someone I know that
796s probably is someone you but there
797s actually is an em oh I don't know if
798s it's being blocked there's an EMT statue
800s over there oh yeah just one of many no
802s one of many beside my Satsuki and my
805s ryoan all my girls he's one of the girls
808s so I don't red Savage says uh their dad
813s as a motorcycle specialist said the
815s Tommy Cycles don't look like they're
816s from
817s 1999 well it's other Earth 1999 you'll
821s find that nothing looks quite like it's
823s from 1999 everything just has like a
824s little bit like the car headlights are
826s like in a triangle rather than a row
829s everything just has like a different
830s touch and that's one of my favorite
832s books Zen In The Art of Motorcycle
834s Maintenance I'd be curious if your dad
836s uh likes that book or read that book
837s could you tell us if your dad like that
839s book it's super cool it's philosophy in
842s motorbikes I don't know great combo uh
846s okay what's going on can we get pizza as
848s an Orbiter decoration be it slices or
851s boxes I think that that should be doable
854s maybe not rate on release but we'll get
856s you your pizza I am much like Master
859s Splinter in that way that I will get you
861s Pizza okay my young ninja
864s child um have we talked about protos
867s skin costs yet or is that have't all
870s we've said is they are Platinum I think
872s they were still deciding what price
874s point to put them at okay but that's the
876s last I checked because we're doing a
877s like plat like a bundle with all six and
880s stuff so they were trying to figure out
881s the best price for it so we're TBD on
883s that yes okay I wouldn't want to say the
885s wrong number so I'm not even I just know
886s that they're looking at it because of
887s the bundling
888s okay excellent you just put your web 3
892s yeah we just cryto contract smart
895s contract and it's yours yeah they're
896s actually nfts the the Proto skins so
899s you're going to be the only one with
901s with Excalibur Arthur Proto awesome yeah
904s so every nft comes bundled with an AI
908s neural net okay so yeah and we actually
911s aren't even using Ben star we're just we
913s just are using we we stole his voice and
916s shrunk him into the computer it's
918s perfect
919s um this was a joke King spaz say rat
923s Becca is crazy rat Becca laugh my ass
926s off oh cuz Splinter yeah rat Becca I
928s guess very funny um that was all a joke
932s by the way will at Tomy cycle skins be
934s plat or credit uh most of them are plat
937s probably probably plat cuz that's how we
939s if you're saving your plat for the
940s update it'll pretty much be Cosmetics
942s because like all the weapons and the
943s frame and stuff will all be free path
946s and I promise you in the dating um world
949s you don't need to spend plat to get
950s someone like Eleanor to love you really
953s you can't buy buy your way into her
955s heart that was my plan too bad oh really