3 months ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

5s [Music]
14s [Music]
21s hello everyone hello hello
24s hi welcome to the art of Warframe panel
29s we've got about 55 minutes here to show
32s you some of the incredible stuff the
33s team has been working on we've got some
35s sneak peek some neverbe seen Concepts
38s and some really big reveals and it's
41s jam-pack so I'm going to stop yapping
42s and let these guys introduce themselves
45s say hello Cary hello what do you do here
48s um I'm the art director on Warframe hi
51s everybody hi Gary yeah Marco I'm Marco
56s associate art director on war fromia
58s yeah Marco give it up for Marco all
61s right Cass hello hello I am Cass I am
65s the lead weapons artist on Warframe yeah
68s Caz W wo and the lovely Greg hello Greg
74s hi guys my name is Greg and I'm the
76s character lead on Warframe and I tried
79s to upstage Cass wearing these sunglasses
81s but I just can't pull it off as where's
83s your leather jacket you're missing the
85s Lether
86s jacket all right and my name is Danielle
88s Sakowski I'm your host for for today I'm
91s also Warframe senior community manager
93s thank you for coming and watching and
95s hello everyone watching from home
98s hello all right so Ember heirloom
101s collections launched this morning very
104s exciting Ember Prime is also available
107s right now through Prime Resurgence but
110s you know who else is available right now
112s Rhino Prime so wouldn't it be cool if
116s Rhino got an
118s heirloom oh
123s yeah our boy Rhino is going to be uh
125s next up to be receiving the heirloom
127s treatment and now this is a pretty
129s special one for us isn't it Carrie yeah
132s this one's great I mean uh for us to be
134s able to lead the panel with something
135s from minky is uh feels absolutely great
137s because of course he's the foundation of
139s so much of what we've done on the art
141s side right from the very beginning so
143s wicked uh piece right there as as you'd
146s expect absolutely we love you minky
148s thank you for this so you can expect
149s this in
151s 2025 um we'll also be showing more of
155s rhu rhu rhino heirloom in future Dev
158s stream so you'll want to tune in for
160s that um now if that wasn't spicy enough
164s as is why don't we take a look at the
166s next prime
168s access yeah yeah we're starting off hot
171s here guys the epit
175s Prime uh oh okay all right all right um
180s now CS this is a pretty interesting
181s layout for a prime weapon uh why would
185s that be for the Epitaph Prime yeah so
187s the epap prime is actually a really
189s complicated weapon if you've ever used
191s it it's got a lot of moving Parts on it
193s lots of like little arms that move
195s around in articulate it's got like a
197s little scope thing on the top and it
199s shoots those huge square projectiles
202s that kind of um come back like they just
206s disintegrate from space and then come
208s back again so um uh it's really useful
212s for concept art to be laid out like a
213s blueprint like this so you can see every
216s single part clearly and then we can just
218s model it it's great yeah and leer was
221s the original uh concept artist for the
224s epith the base epith as well yep yeah
226s which is great hi liger is lier watching
229s I hope Leer's watching from home hello
231s um also I apologize to the panelists
233s because I've made this really difficult
234s for you guys to talk about the Epitaph
236s Prime without spoiling what's coming up
237s next although maybe some of you in the
239s crowd already know what's coming maybe
242s let's take a look at it fully constru
244s yeah hey there you go Cass this is your
247s work what was it like uh turning the
250s concept into this gorgeous uh specimen
252s we see here well it it's always it's
255s always a treat being able to work from a
257s concept that's that's that is that
260s detailed and uh yeah and then you always
262s end up embellishing a whole lot on top
265s of that because you can't always draw
266s every single little tiny detail into
268s everything so um um yeah I got to be
272s able to kind of add some flourishes and
275s um just put my own little touches onto
278s it in addition to Liar's amazing art the
282s Cass special all right so I know Cass
285s you mentioned that the EP as we know is
287s already a pretty complex weapon in terms
289s of movement and what you see in its
291s animation so why don't we actually take
293s a look at what this weapon looks like in
295s action we got a video here
297s yeah yeah ooh we love that
302s satisfying yeah charge shot that's a
305s good one it's also got a custom VFX as
307s well and I know we kind of had to um do
310s a bit of upgrading to the animations as
311s well to fit um how the epith functions a
315s little bit so shout out Tim sorman um I
317s know he I think he apologized you guys
319s for saying like sorry we made the epit
321s so complicated I'll fix it don't worry
324s but uh here we are looking the original
327s one the little arms on the side actually
329s stretch a whole bunch for these
330s animations so for to clean it up for the
333s prime I decided that we should probably
335s do like ball joints or something but um
338s Tim went further with it and decided to
340s streamline it even more once he got to
342s the animation phase so just alog
344s together it just ended up being a very
346s bespoke experience with this one yeah
349s looking really badass too all right so
351s what else do we have in this totally not
353s obvious based off of what you've seen
355s already upcoming Prime access how about
357s a new Prime Sentinel
362s oo more specifically the Nautilus Prime
365s yes our trusted railjack Sentinel wink
369s wink um and as you probably would guess
371s with this little guy uh the Nautilus
373s will be coming Nautilus Prime rather
375s will be coming with its signature weapon
377s the vergas prime and also some yeah some
382s Prime Sentinel accessories Cass we did a
385s did a little number here with these
387s anything uh anything interesting about
390s the uh accessories that we see them up
392s here yeah so this is a pretty
394s complicated Sentinel with some pretty
396s complicated looking uh accessories as
398s well we put a bunch of flourishes on
400s with the uh effects on this one to maybe
404s match something else a little better H
408s um also just so that you know you guys
411s can understand what you're seeing here
412s we've got the wings the tail and we've
415s also got the mask and it is being
417s modeled on the uh Nautilus Prime but it
420s will be equipable on any and all of your
423s Sentinels all right
426s so we've got the Epitaph Prime Nautilus
430s Prime the Prime Sentinel accessories got
432s some pretty good Clues here any guesses
435s on who might be the featured Warframe in
438s this Prime access oh my God no
442s hesitation yeah you got
448s it that was record speed also probably
451s some Cosmic twitch messages coming
453s through pretty rapid fire all right yes
456s our uh captain of The Tempest stari saag
459s goth Prime is our next prime access so
462s uh Greg what were some of the
464s Inspirations themes maybe even uh you
467s know uh epochs time periods that
470s inspired seag goth Prime yeah I think uh
473s seag goth obviously you know there's a
476s lot of Illusions to kind of a naval um
479s and a seab bearing sort of themes so for
482s this one Leer's concept was directed to
485s more towards more like 18th century you
487s know you see the TR tror Tri corn hat
490s motifs maybe a little powdered wig a
492s little braid um you know the tassel on
495s kind of a parade night naal uniform um
498s and so you know obviously knocked it out
500s of the park it's a very seag goth is a
502s very complex character you know in
505s normal form and I think um the prime
508s only Cascades the complexity High 100%
511s And now another liger original here
513s liger also the original concept artist
516s of seag goth now Carrie what's it like
519s for an artist to come back to their
522s previous work and get a chance to make
524s something Prime out of it uh well it is
526s a bit of a different thing for us
528s because you know like often an artist
530s does a piece and then it goes out but
531s with live surface things sort of come
533s back to you so I guess um you know for
536s other Industries you'd be doing your
537s sequels and stuff like that if you're
538s lucky enough to and in our case you know
540s you get to come back to something like
541s this and suddenly you're doing a
542s powdered wig and Warframe so yeah super
545s special for our concept artist um I know
548s we've got kind of like a don't talk to
550s me or my son or my grandson situation
552s happening in the concept for those of
555s you who are familiar with seag goth you
557s you'll recognize the little dude or
558s maybe not on the end there we'll get
560s back to him in a bit but of course an
563s essential To seag Go's characteristic is
567s his shadow yeah yeah and this is this is
572s crazy the exalted Shadow yeah Cass Cass
575s has got the uh I'm a fan got the claws
578s unlocked there um this is obviously very
581s very cool um what was the direction of
584s the shadow in comparison to seago was
587s there some kind of like additional
588s resources or um references that were
591s used yeah you can tell in the concept
594s excuse me you know some of the Quilted
596s tufted leathers and fabrics obviously
599s some you know deep sea creature some
601s fins and you know um the Sha well it's
604s kind of almost like a shawl on top of um
607s the saag goth Prime so it really kind of
610s exaggerates the profile and makes it
612s much more Regal and U you know blending
615s both the creature and almost like a
616s parade uniform and you know so really um
620s bringing up the the feeling of kind of a
622s Regal Royal and parade uniform so oh we
626s love that um on the left there we also
628s see kind of like a rough rough sketched
630s outline of what I believe is base shadow
634s um so how does the team create such
636s extravagant designs that can still fit
639s on the base mesh that is already need to
641s consider you know this is a playable
644s character it has abilities it has his
645s own set of abilities you still need to
647s be able to see nothing needs to off
648s youate players view so how do you guys
650s go in achieving that and getting
652s something like this uh something like
654s this is probably something you do after
655s you've been doing it for a long time you
657s know that that does help but um you know
659s the premises like if you were sculpting
660s with Clay you'd have like the wire
661s Armature at the bottom and that's how
663s your arms and your shoulders and
664s everything move and that's still you
666s know the major points um but then beyond
669s that you know it can get more and more
671s complicated as time and I think you know
673s Greg you've had to do these things for
674s years and years so like is there three
676s top tips for that uh you know there's
679s really no secret I think there's a lot
680s of trial and error and um you know we
682s use a software like base camp that
684s tracks enti progress of a task and we
686s were just talking about it earlier in
688s backstage and um you know kind of when
691s you review a particular asset and the
693s steps it goes through back and forth um
696s sometimes it's it's a little bit of just
697s hard work and a lot of perseverance and
699s we can kind of get it there and really
701s comes together in last 25% yeah and come
704s together it did because this is this is
705s a crazy we're going to maybe get a
707s little bit of a closer look at it later
709s um but why don't we get into an
711s accessory coming with SE golf Prime
713s access which is a our first uh Prime
718s Signa to ever come in a prime access and
721s I also believe this is the first Signa
723s style where we kind of divert away from
726s the Halo stylings that we've been doing
728s thus far so why did we want to take a
730s new Direction with it with uh
732s seov oh because uh we were trying to
735s take some stylings from the uh character
738s himself and we thought it would be just
740s cool if you could put this plume on any
743s character cuz why not it's cool yeah
746s everyone become can essentially become a
748s a a cool really Regal P pirate I guess
752s at the end of the day um we've also got
756s yeah we're going to transition into some
758s in-game shots here um so um we've got of
762s course the model here and it I think has
764s you had mentioned that there was some
765s pretty interesting things going on with
766s that like golden Sheen that we also see
768s on there yeah so we noticed this on the
770s character the character artist was doing
772s something really interesting um usually
774s with emissive that that tail is emissive
777s by the way um we just put black black as
780s a background so that the emissive color
782s comes out more boldly but um the
784s character artist actually put um just
787s the gold underneath it and let it shine
790s through a little bit so you get this
792s beautiful like ephemeral look of just
794s this gold gleam over everything it's
797s honestly stunning I was running around
799s with it in the dev build the other day
801s and the the feathers bounce around with
803s you and you get that beautiful Sheen
805s coming through so good job CZ good job
807s Team all right character Team character
810s team shout out all right do you guys
812s want to see seag go Prime yeah all right
816s there's our
817s boy yeah beautiful beautiful boy all
821s right Antonio is a wizard uh because
824s taking this from concept to what you're
826s seeing here is absolutely also um you
828s can now actually see the back of him
830s which uh was something that you guys
831s didn't see in the concept so you can see
833s even more of that extravagant kind of
835s design coming through there um as you
838s mentioned seos base model is pretty is
842s fairly complex as is so how did you guys
844s make it possible to kind of push the
846s limits of how seago could look yeah I
850s think each prime is its own unique
852s challenge we obviously want to preserve
853s some of the original um for pretty
856s pragmatic tenen reasons right so some
858s people want to mix and match their
859s outfit for Prime Parts um but in in the
863s case of seag goth Prime you know the
864s real work was quite extensive there's a
867s significant amount of the vanilla body
869s underneath so you be able to swap stuff
872s but you know in order to kind of serve
873s the design and you know it's it's it's
876s not such a significant departure in
878s terms of the themes but I think this is
881s this Prime in particular is very very
883s special again sagoth the original saag
886s goth is a complex one yes and this one
888s just kind of UPS to notch a little bit
890s um so yeah it's um again I think with my
894s previous answer there's there's no real
895s secret sauce it's just kind of judging
898s what we can keep and what can we can can
899s rework and SE goth Prime is an example
902s where um we put a lot of effort into
904s really um jazzing them up significantly
907s yeah and he's stunning now remember how
910s I mentioned the little guy in the
912s concept well if you are a seag go player
914s you know about his passive when you're
917s down so he's got a really crazy
920s Tombstone um I don't even I don't feel
922s like it's correct to call this a
924s tombstone it's too nice um and Seth is
928s going to have to open up his own
929s personal Museum of himself with all the
932s Tombstones he's racking up at this point
934s um but we got kind of like a little bit
935s of like a
937s grean styling here uh were there any
939s other kind of like references used it
941s looks it does look like a museum
943s piece uh yeah I think um Antonio kind of
947s took parts of the original mesh and then
950s we you know you can see in the concept
951s we wrap this cloth around it it's you
953s know it it it's not really a tombstone
956s at this point it's almost almost like a
957s shrine or a pedestal right
959s um uh it's very like vanity times a
963s thousand I think but uh but I think saag
967s goth deserves it so 100% it looks
969s amazing it really does and now um while
973s seag goth is living lavish in his
975s Tombstone Shadow Prime is going to be
977s hard at work trying to bring him back
980s yeah yeah
983s yeah um those claws are crazy
987s um are they bigger ger than the than the
990s base of a goth or are they just
994s cooler well it is hard to have anything
996s look worse when some gold so you know
999s great Point Gary great Point um also um
1003s Shadow would probably make a really good
1006s luno player he's basically got aradas
1009s for arms at this point all right so oh
1014s also the tail the tail is really fun the
1016s tail does kind of swish around a little
1017s bit when you're moving around it's
1018s really fun
1020s um all right we are going to so we've
1024s seen every single piece of seag goth
1026s Prime in seag Goth Prime access now why
1029s don't we get a 360 look at seag goth
1032s Prime and his exalted Prime Shadow there
1036s he is we'll give him a spin all
1039s right so to recap we have sagoth Prime
1045s his exalted Shadow Prime the Epitaph
1047s Prime the prime signal
1050s Nautilus Prime Sentinel The Sentinel
1052s Prime accessories and those are all
1054s coming in our next prime access all
1058s right I'm going to let him complete his
1061s spin there but it wouldn't be an art
1063s panel without what's that temp Prime
1068s The Tempest stari Prime did I just hear
1071s you want a tempest stari Prime I guess a
1074s a prime Captain does need a prime
1077s ship Carri
1080s I don't know that's a big that's a big
1082s ordeal it's an idea it's an idea it's an
1084s idea all right keep that keep that in
1086s the back of our minds um it wouldn't be
1088s an art panel without showing you guys an
1090s next Delux skin right all right we're
1094s going to introduce you now to caliban
1100s delugs let's see our boy yeah
1109s yes uh what an upgrade oh my god um okay
1114s so there are some very cool themes here
1118s um what were the main source materials
1121s for calaban
1123s deluxe uh yeah I I think the original
1126s calaban is sort of um a a character out
1129s of Shak Shakespearean play um and it
1132s kind of portray it as a half human half
1134s creature so those are the themes we were
1136s exploring at the very beginning when we
1137s were concepting this um so something was
1140s settled on that kind of The Duality and
1142s that that is what caliban original
1144s calaban is as well in Warframe so here
1147s sort of a you know a medieval armored
1150s Soldier and maybe a bit of like a sea
1153s creature from the deep from the swamp
1155s you know kind of blending those two
1158s elements together right and now Carrie
1162s how does the team go about choosing
1164s Deluxe skin themes uh for warframes
1167s while still kind of honoring and M
1169s maintaining the core visual elements of
1171s the Warframe and obviously more
1172s specifically caliban Deluxe here that is
1175s a uh definitely a group effort like
1177s Rebecca's very involved with that step
1179s as well and there's lots of uh people
1181s who I identify with each Warframe quite
1183s well so it's well advocated for and you
1185s work your way through ideas and uh
1188s thumbnailing stage and you know there's
1190s lots of ways to step yourself towards
1192s that which is what we need to do right
1194s pretty sure you'd want to make a point
1195s on one of the other themes for it oh
1197s yeah well you we we you try to settle
1200s down on a on a on a main team and over
1204s what Greg mentioned early on we decided
1207s to do more of a death KN kind of VIP on
1210s this one still trying to keep uh some
1213s characteristics from caliban itself so
1216s you have the middle section still open
1218s we went a bit more overboard with the
1219s VFX there and we know all these
1223s accessories are going to be also
1225s inheriting some of this Marco you're
1228s you're spoiling for people um so yes a
1232s core element of caliban's Kit as you may
1236s know uh and kind of lends to his senting
1238s nature is of course his lethal progyny
1241s conules which as you can see here have
1244s also been deluxified if we come back
1247s over to these
1251s [Laughter]
1253s yeah yeah so from their heads to their
1256s toes to their baton they don't have toes
1258s to their baton arms um they got a
1262s completely new look and you guys really
1264s went the extra mile with this Deluxe
1266s because I think originally the conules
1268s maybe weren't going to get Deluxe finded
1270s and you guys are like n we got to make
1271s it we got to pull it all the way through
1273s so how did you go about creating such a
1275s complimentary companion to calaban
1278s Deluxe well you you still try to keep
1280s some of the characteristics from the
1282s original character in this case uh the
1285s armored look we we still have some of
1287s the of the clo in in the back uh of
1291s course you have to still U go over with
1293s a rig of the original asset in this case
1296s was the the conal list but we gave them
1299s Buton arms or back scratchers back
1303s scratchers all right so obviously we
1306s need a equally deadly weapon skin to
1310s complete the look so this brings us to
1312s this insanely cool Scythe Deluxe skin um
1316s Cass tell us a little bit more about
1317s this yeah so um on the character there's
1322s a lot of like flushy areas and stuff we
1324s we kind of want to change those areas
1326s into something that's not flesh because
1328s you don't have a weapon that's made of
1330s like your arm or something that' be
1331s weird so we kind of leaned more into the
1334s um hard materials and stuff with this
1336s one but we still wanted to retain some
1339s of that ephemeral kind of or ethereal
1342s kind of look to it so we've got the top
1345s section is actually floating on the
1347s effects there and this folds up just
1349s like the original the Vado um but it is
1353s a scythe skin for all the sites so
1355s styled after the Vado but skin for all
1359s yes all right so a deluxe collection
1361s obviously wouldn't be complete without
1362s some kind of cosmetic accessory as well
1365s so why don't we transfer The Haunting
1367s Aura of calaban deluxe into an
1370s [Music]
1373s ameera yeah um what
1379s well you you follow the same theme of
1381s this summoning that night and in this
1384s case maybe the souls he is picking from
1387s and right there
1389s available oh we love it look at those
1391s guys go oh my goodness all right so
1394s that's not all for calaban tenno you'll
1397s want to tune in to tenno live to learn
1399s more about caliban's
1404s future
1406s o all right so since we see caliban uh
1410s hanging out in Al Brick's Laboratories
1411s living his best life uh we're going to
1413s switch it up here and we're going to
1414s have a look at some of the foundational
1417s Concepts that brought us the labs and
1420s the man on thewall environments from The
1422s Whispers In The Wall update so we're
1426s going to start with this one here Marco
1427s this one's really cool what are we
1429s looking at here these were very early
1432s steps into the man in the wall project
1435s in this case uh we knew we were going to
1437s tie them to the enty lab
1439s so we took what we had at the time which
1441s was uh the Deo
1444s Hall and try to represent the man in the
1448s wall in this case start
1451s ideating what would it look like in this
1453s case literally overlapping to our
1456s reality and breaking the walls and
1458s coming through the walls o yeah opening
1460s up that door into something like this
1462s yeah yeah gradually you you try and
1466s picture what's on the other side and
1468s this case you have this weird kind of
1470s Labyrinth Sky Box on top some some of
1474s this floating weird architecture right
1477s initially we went very generic uh like
1479s floating p and bits and gradually we
1483s tried to integrate some more uh
1485s architectural pieces from the brutalism
1488s architecture yeah actually we see that
1490s in we're starting to kind of see that in
1491s here right yeah yeah and also the you
1494s know poor
1496s Excalibur um a very huge P it is yeah it
1499s kind of gives you an idea um of of what
1501s you guys were going for in terms of
1503s scale like really making this tat feel
1506s impactful and kind of dreadful at the
1508s same time right like bigger than bigger
1510s than you bigger than anything well we
1512s haven't really meant to imply that the
1514s man in the wall would be like a happy
1515s person or anything so very fair um oh
1519s glad you brought that up Carrie because
1520s we can't talk about these uh
1522s environments without actually talking
1524s about the man in the wall
1525s himself yeah this is crazy I know there
1528s could have been in like a a million
1530s different ways you guys could have gone
1531s in integrating um what we know the man
1534s as the man in the wall as now um so how
1537s did you guys settle on those particular
1540s elements pulled from our boy
1543s Wall-E um well I mean at the beginning
1546s we were looking at uh a lot of body body
1549s horror aspects and stuff right down
1551s close and um you know you do have to to
1555s be honest like what is achievable if you
1557s have to do like a character for
1559s everything that's not going to get done
1561s now so uh we simplified in the
1564s foreground but there's a lot of those
1565s elements in the Sky Box and similar and
1567s you know you can see how we uh sort of
1569s made progress on that uh over time right
1572s we're seeing a bit more of kind of like
1573s that brutalism that you guys were
1575s talking about a lot of stairs and ramps
1577s that don't really go anywhere maybe
1580s foreshadowing our our uh prospects here
1583s but um we also see that a little bit
1586s more in here as well
1589s yes a lot of overhead and floating
1591s pieces as well yeah in the environments
1594s yeah and I guess that also would have
1595s lended over to the murmur faction too
1597s right okay very much wanted being a
1599s cross-pollination right awesome all
1602s right so I believe uh oh do I have one
1605s more here oh we do um this is kind of
1608s getting to more what we're familiar with
1611s now uh as you roam around the man- inth
1613s wall towel set so um we also added
1617s something here too I believe
1619s gradually you try to add elements to the
1621s to your Reginal team in this case we
1623s started implementing like sand floors
1626s and sand flowing up weirdly enough why
1629s does it flow up Marco well we know it
1632s it's a void Dimension it doesn't really
1635s have a specific time flow as we normally
1639s will uh right look at eternalism Eternal
1642s eternalism all right so from concept to
1644s execution there are obviously many
1646s stages uh to how a level actually gets
1649s built um so let's take a look at the uh
1652s part of the fragmented uh Arena where we
1654s went from yeah gray boxes here to what
1657s you kind of know it as now and uh we're
1661s going to see a bit more of that sand
1663s going the wrong way but man lighting and
1667s uh volumetric fog makes a huge
1669s difference it it really does help yeah
1672s we can't say enough it's like thank
1673s thank you Graphics programmers you're
1676s great yeah thank you for that because it
1677s really brings a certain kind of
1680s moodiness and and liveliness to these
1682s towel sets um while you're hacking and
1684s slashing away there and uh props to the
1688s environment team and oh yeah it's a team
1691s sport all the way down but yeah yeah
1693s which there you go you can see their
1694s lovely names of the wonderful people who
1695s worked on that particular tile so yeah
1698s yes please applaud them please they
1700s deserve it they deserve their flowers
1703s absolutely oh that gave me gave me
1706s chills all right so uh we've seen how
1709s the man- in thewall sausage is made it's
1711s time for us to explore Al's laboratory
1714s since these two areas are very highly
1717s intertwined of course um what were the
1720s early days of mapping out Al's
1722s Laboratories like uh well we were
1725s working from uh some of the prior work
1727s with damos so you know you'll see a lot
1729s of the same bones but of course this has
1731s uh far far more flourish and you know
1733s there was what would a mad Victorian
1736s scientist in a Sci-Fi world wielding
1738s void Ury
1740s do a lot of things apparently and a lot
1744s of really neat Machinery to accomplish
1747s those tasks some Arcana and what not
1750s time seems to be a very important theme
1752s Here Yeah if you need to time your eggs
1754s or go back in time you've got your
1757s machine right there thanks Albert all
1760s right also obviously oh actually before
1762s we yeah before we get to that we have
1764s this of course uh the streaming
1766s connector so what Bridges the gap
1768s between the sanctum anatomica and you
1770s actually entering Al's Laboratories and
1773s this is a a crazy area like I mean
1775s you're only in there for so many seconds
1777s but it's just there's a lot happening
1779s and I really want to know how you guys
1781s go about concepting something that's
1784s going to obviously have so much movement
1786s and impact I think that one actually
1788s Rebecca may have mentioned some of the
1790s early type of like gyroscope and clock
1792s connections and stuff like that then you
1794s kind of rough it in in the space and
1796s then you do a few versions to give
1797s yourself motion sickness and then once
1799s you get past that um you start to get
1802s into sort of the same ornate family that
1804s you see in a lot of other pieces right
1806s yeah like Ians uh a lot of those highly
1808s moving parts that we've seen already in
1810s Warframe all right now uh once you
1813s actually get into the Lambs you get see
1815s a bit more of that opulence that classic
1818s in stylings and uh not only that but we
1823s also of course get very familiar with
1825s the vessels in these areas and this is a
1829s very early concept of the vessel so how
1833s was that process like well initially
1836s didn't start as vessels we were thinking
1839s about albre potentially taking elements
1842s from the man the wall Dimensions or
1844s parts of it and bringing it back to the
1847s labs and and running experiments or
1850s research in general so yeah you will
1852s have different body parts looking
1856s things happening in the labs
1859s yeah and that's actually what sparked
1861s the the idea to make a whole a whole
1864s person whole figure about it and which
1867s became the vessel later on all right we
1870s put all the pieces together the heart
1871s the brain I know there's a brain
1872s floating around there in the towels and
1875s uh yeah we get to see a little bit more
1877s of that kind of exploration here as well
1880s yeah and I
1881s think help to that idea was the fact
1884s that we were doing a hub around it so we
1887s to feel very big space that was a very
1890s iconic moment where you're coming down
1892s out of the staircase you go through the
1893s doors and then he's kind of leaning and
1895s it was the thing that kind of check mark
1897s for the scene um that it all worked so
1900s yeah thank you Alberto thank you Alberto
1903s yeah was really impactful moments and
1904s here is kind of like where we're seeing
1906s ultimately where we landed with the
1908s vessels um a bit more familiar to what
1910s we what we know it as now um and then I
1914s do believe we also have a very cool
1917s progress video of Al's Laboratories with
1919s a tile that prominently features the
1923s vessels yes it's amazing to see and this
1927s is only 40 seconds of a video but this
1930s is like potentially months of work put
1933s put in from the team at this step you
1935s know a lot of like the Lego pieces so to
1937s speak so like your walls and things like
1939s that are pretty well established so
1940s parts of it click in pretty quick but um
1943s yeah the the work to get to the point
1945s where these things can go quickly is
1948s it's a it's a huge pile so absolutely
1951s and again that lighting coming in the
1953s volumetric fog just making it so moody
1956s yeah and there's the sand again it's
1958s back all right yep again another
1962s Applause for our wonderful
1968s team and we can't talk about Whispers In
1972s The Wall without talking about 1999
1975s right so I love this this piece I just
1977s want to say no it's it's one of the and
1979s it's also one of the cooler well there's
1982s lots of cool moments in that Quest but
1983s this is a pretty fun moment of the quest
1984s you know you're wandering around the
1985s labs you hear that like subway chime you
1988s hear the voice over come on and then the
1990s next thing you know it's ripping right
1991s in front of you and um it kind of leads
1994s us
1996s into uh the really really cool uh moment
2000s with Arthur and uh is this kind of is
2003s this is this the Arthur concept is this
2005s where you guys kind of envisioned that
2007s going in the
2009s quest uh this would be illustrating some
2012s of the early ideas for the quest yeah um
2014s you know we hadn't completely settled on
2016s Arthur at this point as you can kind of
2018s tell by the the head but you know other
2020s than that yeah this is trying to capture
2022s those moments which I think you know
2023s folks will remember from the quest
2025s fairly clearly yeah absolutely and then
2028s yeah we can see a little bit here of
2029s that um building out the subway itself
2033s and I imagine you guys had quite a
2034s myriad of references to pull from uh
2037s 1999
2038s and uh was there uh anything in
2041s particular that kind of helped build
2043s this Subway area up that we're briefly
2046s in for a little bit
2049s but well I mean like some of us were old
2052s enough to experience it pretty well so
2054s fair enough y fair enough all right
2057s and we're so glad everybody was able to
2060s get here because it sounded like a bit
2061s of a bad couple of days so yeah it looks
2064s like history is repeating itself and
2066s maybe Mike has a iic um I don't know
2070s some kind of look into the future yeah
2073s uh we didn't have a crystal ball but you
2075s know we were thinking about it yeah
2077s things haven't changed much since 1999
2079s but what a strange relic of the past oh
2082s wow we also see someone's kind of poking
2085s their hat out there in the
2086s window we also obviously can't talk
2089s about uh This Moment In The Quest
2090s without bringing in our boy
2092s Arthur yes we love Arthur we love Arthur
2096s and OB uh also more specifically his
2098s weapons which you guys have been asking
2101s uh us to give you and luckily if you're
2104s watching this panel and the rest of the
2106s panels you are actually earning the ax
2108s 52 that you see in his hand right now
2110s via twitch drops and if you guys are in
2113s here right now don't worry we're sending
2115s you an email with the code um so let's
2117s have a look at some of the exploratory
2119s Concepts that went into the ax 52 now
2123s Cass as I understand it this was a
2124s pretty interesting exercise for the team
2127s on you know going through a more kind of
2130s traditional Weaponry yeah so everyone on
2133s the team has different uh likes and
2135s dislikes and like things that they're
2136s comfortable with making and things that
2138s they really want to make people like
2140s doing infested people like doing the
2142s Corpus stuff or the tenos stuff there
2144s are some people who really just wanted
2145s to make some real life weapons and this
2148s is about as close as we're going to get
2149s in Warframe um and we had two very
2152s enthusiastic people working on this
2154s people who are big fans of the original
2157s real life counter are part of this
2159s weapon obviously the AK-47 so it was
2161s really cool to see their enthusiasm come
2163s through on both the concept and the
2165s modeling of this weapon yeah we can see
2168s that we're getting this final concept
2171s piece that brought us to of course the
2174s weapon itself this is very cool and
2177s again ax 52 this is yours guys it's a
2180s full-blown weapon that you'll be able to
2182s use now we can't forget about Arthur's
2185s melee weapon either
2188s yes and uh this will be a sword skin
2191s that you can equip on your swords now um
2194s the cloth around the rasso of the sword
2199s I'm not sure I'm not a sword olist I
2200s don't know what that is but is it is it
2202s fashion or is it function maybe a little
2205s both you know like you got to wipe your
2207s sword off
2208s sometimes arur sty conveniently red
2211s colored you know just you never know
2213s what you're going to be wiping off maybe
2215s it's just ketchup or something right
2217s well run some jam on your toast in the
2219s morning you know yeah Arthur's got to
2222s feed himself before he goes out and
2223s hacks and slashes all those Bad Dudes
2225s out there but were there other kind of U
2228s embellishments that we explored other
2231s than the cloth for the sword yeah at
2233s some point we were thinking about
2234s putting maybe a tagachi or something on
2237s it the idea of Arthur having a little
2239s tagachi buddy
2242s is incredible I think we need to maybe
2244s make that happen at some point um but
2246s yes you will be able to equip this uh
2248s protocol sword skin on all of your
2251s swords in the 1999 update we've also got
2254s more 1999 weaponry and here's something
2257s you guys haven't seen
2260s yet yeah it's a good one all right we've
2265s got like a camcorder situation going on
2267s in there so Cass what do we what's going
2270s on with this here weapon yeah it's got a
2272s little '90s style little flip out screen
2276s you know it's '90s yeah
2278s and again like this was um probably a a
2281s cool way for you guys to explore a bit
2284s more what we can do like on the tech
2286s side of things like how do we want to
2287s implement more of that '90s Tech into
2289s even our
2290s Weaponry yeah so all of the textures
2293s that we're exploring here are um going
2295s to be shared across all the weapons and
2297s stuff and we've got these weird tubes
2300s going on there I wonder what those are
2301s for oh can we can we tell them or is
2304s that not not yet oh I see Greg shaking
2306s his head spoilers spoilers okay nope
2308s we're not going to get into it
2310s anything um here we can see it actually
2314s yeah yeah now I really want to know
2317s what's in the tubes I keep looking oh
2320s all right we'll have to just wait and
2322s see and um it does bear a similar theme
2327s to some other things you may see later
2330s on all right so we got a bit of a an
2334s interim here um we're going to look at a
2337s little bit more more of the 1999 content
2339s to come but before let's take uh a
2343s moment to announce that there will be a
2345s limited time opportunity for players to
2347s submit their 1999 themed Drifter
2351s accessories so uh if you are a tenen
2354s artist or if you are a aspiring tenen
2357s artist I know we actually have a tenen
2359s workshop Cass you're going to be on that
2361s for those of you attending here I think
2362s it's at three yeah how many tenen people
2365s are out here in the crowd
2368s there's a
2370s few I heard a clap but if you'd like to
2373s yeah check out the uh T yeah but if
2377s you'd like to get in some cool 1999
2379s accessories we will have a more detailed
2382s post after tenno live tonight so you
2384s want to keep your eyes out for that what
2386s do you guys uh what do you guys want to
2388s see our tenno genen artists do for 1999
2391s content there's so much well obviously
2393s shutter Shades all right yes yes okay
2397s see people are agreeing all right we are
2402s going to change gears here change gears
2406s thank you kez put that in just for you
2409s uh we're going to take a look at
2410s warframe's next vehicle the atomy cycle
2413s but since AE was introduced with the
2416s atomi cycle earlier this year um it only
2419s feels right to also introduce you to her
2425s floof yes very adorable we have Arthur
2430s now we have OE Greg what's it what's it
2432s been like for the team
2433s to kind of venture out in in floofs yeah
2437s these are really fun um I don't want to
2441s spoil too much but these might not be
2443s the only Flo that might be coming um but
2447s yeah we we made one for Arthur and um
2450s AWI was a logical choice but again I
2453s don't want to spoil too many things here
2455s so okay we keep it safe all right so
2458s we're going to take a closer look at the
2460s atomic cycle that AE was leaning on
2462s we've got a really cool video to show
2464s them off let's see the atomic cycle
2469s yeah yes yes de has a lot of motorcycle
2473s uh enthusiasts and actually a lot of the
2476s a lot of the animators actually ride
2478s bikes which came in
2480s handy and uh I know Cass you're a you're
2483s a fan of motorcycles and you're also
2486s maybe a really good friend of the stugs
2487s so oh I'm hearing oo and Oz yes did the
2490s skin change yes there will be skins a
2493s few skins coming yes we do have a few
2494s skins coming aren't all of them by the
2496s way oh oh I didn't know that oh Cass
2499s keeping secrets um so yeah tell us Cass
2502s what's it been like to bring this new
2504s vehicle into into Warframe with the team
2506s so um when I got word that we needed um
2509s theama cycle ready for the packs trailer
2512s pretty quickly I decided that I needed
2514s to become a motorcycle expert very
2516s quickly so that I could lead my artists
2519s uh to create the motorcycle there no way
2521s I was making it that fast so I recruited
2524s three of my guys um it was Andrew um
2528s Fodor and Vladimir and we worked
2532s together to bring this to life and then
2534s I did the final textures on it and then
2536s we started making skins and that's the
2538s really fun part yes that's the fun part
2540s and I and I as understand it there'll
2542s also be um color customizable to a
2544s certain degree yep yeah and we love that
2548s yeah oh a clap we got yeah yeah we love
2550s fashion we love fashion and Warframe we
2552s love
2554s colors um all right so with such a cool
2559s um bike you're going to need an equally
2562s cool pair of keys set of
2566s keys and I don't know if the camera is
2569s able to get like a cool shot of Cass but
2571s Cass you you always come with the props
2573s and Cass made a real atami Cy well real
2576s I don't atomi Cycles don't exist but
2579s yeah I don't know if you guys can see
2580s that but looking
2582s fresh um now obviously I think we can
2586s tell which of the keys is the atomy
2589s cycle key do the other keys do anything
2591s are they anything special house keys
2594s there's something scratched out there on
2595s one of them I wonder what that one says
2597s okay take your screenshots y'all and try
2599s and see if you can decipher that all
2602s right now um we also have a video here
2607s uh from our animation team and I don't
2610s believe this is the first time you guys
2611s are actually seeing some of the oh man
2614s yeah okay this is the first time you
2615s guys are seeing some of this so let's
2617s see a little bit of
2619s it
2621s see yep
2623s yep um this is very oh oh orthopedic
2628s surgeons look
2630s away yeah incredible so that's just some
2634s of the animations just a little just a
2637s little there's a lot they're very
2639s there's a lot um yeah shout out Jay too
2641s who is also a rides a motorcycle as well
2645s so you go all
2648s right now we've got the cool fast bikes
2651s we've got the cool keys where are you
2654s going to
2655s go how about the
2660s mall
2662s what we're going shopping
2665s actually yeah
2668s a mall in Warframe this looks very
2670s familiar to me because this was my old
2672s stomping grounds as a a mall rat myself
2675s but this is not what I would expect to
2678s see in Warframe so it's going to be kind
2681s of hard for us to talk about some things
2683s without spoiling anything
2685s but can we say anything about this
2690s hallway or not it might be very familiar
2693s at some point for players okay okay oh
2696s it does get more familiar yes it does um
2700s with a little hint of something new
2702s though this isn't exactly the infested
2704s were entirely familiar with um we went
2706s from something like really pristine and
2709s Polished here to kind of a mess and uh
2713s I'm just curious uh what's going on here
2715s what we got what we're looking at well
2716s we know that the infested are a part of
2719s the 1999 experience so in this case we
2722s were trying to see how we could make
2724s them a bit more spicy for this section
2728s the investigate get spicier than what
2730s they are right now oh my God I'm
2732s terrified apparently they do oh my god
2734s um Corey um actually let me know as well
2737s I'm going to just read a quote here um
2740s you wanted to create angler fish like
2742s lures to um kind of pull out any
2745s potential victims he pulled a lot from
2747s arcade games and other electronics to
2749s kind of merge in with that infested
2751s style appropriate era TVs and stuff like
2754s that and um referenced a lot of jungles
2756s and abandoned malls maybe maybe one that
2758s we are familiar with but we also have
2762s got to have a furniture store uh perhaps
2765s you're looking for a mattress um
2767s hopefully not the ones you get at cedus
2770s um cuz they're kind of nasty um yeah
2773s we've got again not sure how much we can
2775s really Spill the Beans here on but uh no
2779s there'd be some very upset people who
2780s will be showing up later that would kill
2782s us y well let's take a look and see um
2784s what else is going to be there oh
2788s the mall's Watering Hole we've got pizza
2791s Burgers um and a high chance of food
2793s poisoning I'm guessing as well um yeah
2796s the graphics are very fun for this
2798s actually this might look familiar to you
2801s guys maybe tease this a little maybe
2804s tease this a little bit yeah all right
2806s so you fill up on Pizza you fill up on
2809s Burgers you take your greasy grubby
2812s fingers over to the
2813s arcade
2815s mhm um I can smell this carpet through
2820s the the screen it's just
2824s feet um this is cool though because we
2827s have a chance to make some games within
2831s a game any games that we
2834s can spoil anything about the games well
2837s yeah I mean this is uh some folks
2840s childhood right there as well so it's an
2842s interesting location for us to uh to see
2844s and I think you'll get a kick out of it
2846s later uh today yes yes yes thank you
2850s yeah you will be visiting this later
2854s today don't be late I think everybody
2856s expected that per yeah okay yes this is
2859s true this is
2860s true all
2862s right we're getting up to our our final
2865s area here what's the time looking like
2868s all right so now who might you meet in
2872s 1999 what characters will you come
2874s across maybe even in a place like this
2878s how about a new
2880s [Music]
2883s Warframe this is a Keith Thompson
2886s original Keith hello Keith is Keith is
2889s Keith here an old one yeah this is an
2891s old one um what can we say about site
2894s 09's uh design
2898s here yeah so this is this is one of the
2901s um original U Keith Thompson's um
2905s interpretations for C9 um you can
2908s probably see we were going for themes of
2910s maybe like a Weapon Specialist you know
2913s military war veteran perhaps like an
2915s infantry expeditionary Marine you can
2917s kind of see a bit of like an army boot
2919s banders layers of armor um obviously
2923s Warf framed up um nothing is nothing is
2925s ever quite so um generic in Warframe um
2929s but those are kind of the themes we're
2931s playing with here right and I know Keith
2933s um Keith had shared with me that uh the
2937s PO is pretty integral to his design and
2939s that uh he couldn't really imagine
2941s another frame posing quite like this so
2944s it's going to be pretty interesting
2946s character I think um and also we see a
2948s weapon in cyon 9's hand as well now Cass
2952s is that going to be a weapon that
2953s players will be able to grab yeah so we
2956s uh did make a weapon based on this but
2958s we wanted to change the um the belt feed
2961s there so that it was a little more
2963s interesting from the player angle and
2966s because it's pretty flat from from if
2967s you looking at it third person and stuff
2970s um we also wanted to bring some more
2971s very tenno things into this to give it
2974s some contrast with the rest of the 1999
2976s World so we added a um wooden stock and
2979s some of our old like more classic kind
2981s of nods for Warframe into this weapon
2984s right and uh we're not going to dig too
2987s much deeper into the weapon but you
2989s might see it later
2992s potentially um now we also kind of took
2994s another stab at it here yeah we have a
2996s revised conf CT here by Corey and um
2999s what were some of the things that we
3001s obviously held true to to the original
3003s design but that was kind of reviewed
3005s once again um for purposes of putting
3007s them in game yeah from what kit gives us
3010s we usually still try to get another pass
3013s to a back view in this case eventually
3016s an Al helmet a color pass as well
3019s material maybe and so that's the extra
3022s step to get it closer to the Finish Line
3025s yes the bells and whistles you can
3027s really see the fabulous details here as
3029s well and do you guys want to see him in
3033s game yeah all right here's our boy
3039s s09 um I've noticed that the color
3042s scheme has shifted away from the revised
3045s concept uh what was some of the some of
3047s the thinking
3048s there not really nothing special just
3052s stepping away maybe from more brownish
3054s colors into what we went to more green
3057s something a bit more neutral yeah
3059s anything else we can say about
3060s potentially what players could expect
3062s from him in a terms of maybe abilities
3067s or no that's people later today sorry
3071s trying to get I'm trying to trying to
3072s learn things trying to get things out of
3074s you guys all right uh this is very cool
3077s uh very exciting for us this is um a
3081s site9 is going to be coming out uh with
3083s the 1999 update yes and you might again
3086s learn more about him
3089s later um right we're coming we're like
3093s we're about to wrap up here we're about
3095s to wrap up so we've made it to the end
3099s uh we're about to close the panel off
3100s but while we do that we've got a 360
3104s look at site 09 here so you can really
3106s get a feel for him yeah yes yes yes yeah
3113s fabulous there is also I believe
3116s hopefully High editorial team if you can
3118s hear me out there um there is an article
3121s up at warframe.com that features some of
3123s the artists um work and uh kind of a
3126s blurb in their own words on working on
3129s some of the things that they saw here so
3131s um if you would like to learn more from
3133s the artists themselves um you can if you
3136s go on over to that article and shout out
3138s to our artists who um wanted to share
3141s that with you guys and um yeah yes yes
3144s yes you yes you can clap yes
3153s thank you so much guys for all that you
3156s do um Warframe is very special thanks to
3161s you guys and uh thank you Carrie thank
3164s you Maru Maru Marco thank you to the the
3167s whole art team you guys and gals are
3170s amazing uh to uh everybody involved so
3174s thank you and thank you Danielle for
3176s putting together present she does so
3178s much work to make this look smooth cuz
3179s you know I would not be smooth so they
3182s made my life easy because they get to
3183s make this cool stuff here and I just get
3185s to show it off to you guys so yeah uh
3188s but yes thank you Carrie thank you Marco
3190s thank you Cass thank you Greg um can we
3193s hear another round of applause for
3195s incredible panelists on stage here
3201s yeah
3202s yeah and like uh Carrie said uh thank
3206s you to our our team um we're so lucky uh
3210s and proud to have you share your talents
3213s with us and with the community and we're
3216s so excited we got to show you some
3217s really cool stuff today um and of course
3220s uh thank you to the Warframe team in its
3222s entirety and uh any kind of we got a
3225s minute here for any final words any
3227s final words you want to say to the
3228s community watching out there thanks for
3231s playing our game yeah thank
3234s you think it's a good way to to end it
3236s off off all right thank you guys for
3240s watching we've got the sounds of the
3242s system uh panel up next with Zach and
3245s the sound teams you're not going to want
3246s to miss that yet enjoy the rest of tenno
3248s Kong guys thank you so much for coming
3250s thank you for watching have a good one
3251s okay bye