over 1 year ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s everybody
2s [Music]
4s for you
29s [Music]
53s thank you
58s [Music]
64s [Music]
70s [Music]
76s [Music]
87s [Applause]
87s [Music]
95s foreign
96s [Music]
125s foreign
131s [Music]
138s [Music]
146s [Music]
158s foreign
161s [Music]
171s [Music]
206s [Music]
216s [Music]
222s thank you
229s hello everyone welcome to Primetime
233s episode
235s 330. thank you so much for joining us on
238s what is a hopefully lovely Thursday for
240s you is how are you doing Marcus I'm
243s doing great Are you full of pad thai I
245s am full of pad thai you know I was gonna
246s say that I was like everyone believed
248s that but I am full of pad talk I'm full
250s of pad time Christmas cheer
251s Christmas cheer everybody that's what
254s you need I wish they could see your
255s sweater more
256s wow look at that yep the Best Value
259s Village has to offer we love a thrift We
262s Love A Christmas Story big Thrift big
263s Thrift this is the old school Warframe
265s one from like five years ago pretty nice
268s it holds up well it's it's hot I'm
271s sweating in here uh honestly I may have
273s to take off my shoes at some point
274s because I'm your shoes yeah to vent oh
276s like when you get too hot okay you know
279s you get too warm yeah you know I'm
281s wearing uh fleece lined boots yeah no
284s wonder you're warm yeah because your
285s feet are starting yeah let me take them
286s off right now anyways welcome to the
288s stream everyone uh before we jump into
290s uh some fun gameplay we're gonna do a
293s little bit of housekeeping speaking of
295s feeling festive tunnel bomb is here
299s Danny if you'd like to go to my screen
302s oh oh look at that look at this
305s incredible little micro site 10 Obama
309s 2022 and if you're unfamiliar with tenno
311s bomb we started this a few years back
313s where utilizing the in-game gifting
316s system in Warframe we gift gift for a
320s certain amount of time and then we
321s donate to a charity this year it is the
324s sick kids Foundation we are running
326s tunnel bomb from today until next Friday
329s December 16th so a week to just gift
331s your hearts out and all players love a
334s leaderboard and there is in fact a
336s leaderboard currently drift King is
339s crushing over 32 32 gifts depression not
343s too far behind as well
348s not too far behind you know it's
350s creeping we've got Playstation Xbox
353s switch so if you're on any of those
355s platforms and you want to send some
356s gifts you can get yourself on the
358s leaderboard Kappa Christ
360s almost birthday uh anyways an incredible
364s uh thing that we're able to do is
366s tenobomb and we're going to do some
367s gifting tonight on stream yeah look at
369s some people's wish lists uh we're only
371s going to be able to do PC uh on this
374s stream but maybe next stream on our last
376s stream of the year a prime time next
378s week we'll do some all platform gifting
381s so stay tuned to that but tonight will
382s be PC only so if you have a wish list uh
386s if you don't have a wish list get
387s yourself a wish list and we'll be
389s perusing them and doing a little bit of
391s gifting before we jump into gameplay but
393s 10 Obama's live and it is wholesome and
396s festive and I love it and supporting
397s sick kids Foundation which is incredible
399s and then another uh initiative that
402s happened this week on Tuesday is we have
404s our Warframe iOS closed beta went live
408s so if you are a iOS user and you would
410s like to perhaps check out a version a
414s smaller build of Warframe on your iOS
416s you can opt in for the closed beta test
419s you can go to warframe.com and sign up
421s for that closed beta and check it out we
423s did we've seen some really lovely videos
425s so far I know brozyme and Co checked it
429s out which was great to see so if you're
430s interested in just kind of seeing it
432s from peripheral view you can definitely
434s check out those videos
436s Corey has an excellent post up in the
438s forums that details out a whole bunch of
439s you know questions comments concerns if
442s you'd like to go there and check that
443s out if you're interested but that's
445s currently live which is very exciting
446s super cool it's been in the works for
448s such a long time it's been in the works
449s for like congrats to Drew too you might
452s have recognized him if you've been here
453s for a while yeah uh part of the
455s community team one of the one of the
457s OG's Drew and he has really spearheaded
460s uh the closed beta and for iOS so
463s congrats to Drew and the rest of the
464s team at De who have been able to push
466s this out almost before the end of the
468s year so you did it and it's a it's a
471s closed beta so keep that in mind there
472s is you know limited gameplay that you
474s can do but it is there and you can check
476s it out if you're on iOS and then of
478s course Lewis prays live on all platforms
481s that's our current update varuna is here
483s her signatures are here conjunctions
485s survival missions are here all that
487s great stuff you already know and then we
489s did do a hotfix uh the other day
492s where alongside a whole bunch of other
494s things we did a buff varuno's alfrin
496s descent a little bit basically when we
498s were looking at feedback of varuna
500s herself a lot of people think you know
501s her one two and three are pretty solid
503s with the Synergy four maybe a little bit
506s lackluster in terms of damage when you
508s compare it to what you're already doing
509s uh so we just added you know some Buffs
513s there 20 critical chance 1.5 critical
516s damage sharpen those TVs sharpen those
518s teeth get those those Peppers hurting I
522s don't know uh but anyways there are some
523s books to all friends to send if you want
525s to check those out for varuna and then
527s we did also fix the paragraph sniper
529s rifle triggering the gale force buff on
531s headshot kills uh sorry
535s apologies got so excited so there's a
538s few Buffs in there some good stuff and
540s then as we know on December 14th 15th
544s 15th 15th it's a one fourteenth
548s fourteenth I don't know why I was like
549s it's the 15th whoa I can't say it's I
551s think it's the 14th what is the 14th oh
554s December 14th Baruch Prime is coming on
557s all platforms so you'll see us return
560s Red text will return with the hotfix on
562s Wednesday uh maybe one before that who
564s knows but Baruch Prime is coming on
567s Wednesday for everyone if you're
568s interested in that would love that and
571s then of course not of course but uh
574s alongside Louis pray a couple days after
576s we officially uh launched cross-platform
579s play on all platforms it was a you know
583s silent test with getting Playstation and
585s switch on board with it all and then you
587s know we watched we monitored make sure
589s that it wasn't exploding or anything uh
592s and it is good to go in his current
594s state So currently officially
596s cross-platform play is here on all
598s platforms you can play with Xbox which
600s PlayStation and just really celebrate
603s Warframe on all platforms all together
604s it's a good time to be a Warframe it is
606s a great time it is a good time to be a
608s Warframe it feels good in December
610s there's so much to celebrate it's true
611s uh there is of course as usual The Forum
615s post up in the forums that details uh
617s everything about the current version of
619s the official cross play cross-platform
622s play and of course the secondary
624s question to that is where's cross Save
626s which I'm sure is going to be the next
628s you know spammed question now they're
630s across platform plays out which is fine
632s I get it this is the way this is the way
634s uh grogu thank you
637s um obviously that is kind of the next
638s step in the Rainbow Bridge for all
640s platforms is getting cross safe it's a
643s what
644s I feel like the Rainbow Bridge is what
646s people describe when their pets pass
647s away oh
652s like it sounds inherently nice
654s the Rainbow Bridge sounds great oh no
656s the Rainbow Road well Nintendo sue us
660s um I don't know well Warframe isn't a
662s Nintendo it's true Nintendo don't sue us
664s the Rainbow Bridge
667s the rainbow pathway rainbow railroad
670s nope that's like a charity okay
673s everyone's taking a while anyways uh the
677s big hug the bigger fish currently
679s currently it's a handshake currently we
681s got the cross-platform handshake
683s eventually we'll do the cross save hug
685s very good yep okay we got it we got
687s there we got there sorry everyone so
689s that's the next step in kind of the you
691s know cross platform cross save universe
694s that's obviously not going to be this
696s year you're not going to expect cross
699s save in the next few days while the
700s studio is still open for the holiday
702s break
703s um but that is obviously the next thing
705s in terms of what we're working on for
707s the cross play universe and like I said
710s the Forum post up uh currently is
712s detailing out the you know kind of some
715s of the restrictions that we currently
716s still have with the cross-platform play
718s like we mentioned about gifting you
720s can't gift as a PC player I can't give
722s someone on Xbox
724s um you know those are conversations that
725s we're still having similar to trading
727s we're having those conversations and as
729s we kind of ramp up what we're working on
731s with cross save you know as our coders
733s really get into it we have to talk to
734s all the subsequent platforms make sure
736s everyone's on board so we are going to
738s be having those conversations and that
740s may change it may not change but we
742s still have to have those conversations
743s so if you're curious about trading or
745s gifting when we have concrete
747s information to share with you we will
748s share it but as of right now the Forum
750s post is you know but the truth and uh
754s that's currently what we're working with
755s with cross-platform play and next up is
757s cross safe love to hear and then
760s something else that's happening today
761s which is very exciting the game awards
763s is tonight holy smokes it's a jam-packed
766s evening what a big day uh obviously
768s we're not there nope Warframe we like
771s pull back the screen really pops out
774s here Jeff is in the Zack spot and he's
777s just like well yeah you're just really
778s in the studio
780s they'll be so sick uh no sadly Jeff
783s Keeley is not here we are not there
786s um but there will be a tiny bit of a
788s Warframe presence they're doing a twitch
791s drop this year it's a bit of a different
792s twitch drop because you don't actually
793s have to be linked to get this twitch
795s drop I know technology these days
797s they're testing out a new twitch drop
799s where you just have to watch for 60
801s minutes and then you'll get a pop-up on
802s Twitch that you can claim this reward
804s and that's how it would be done you can
806s get yourself the lucra sign Dana and a
808s three-day Affinity booster that's kind
809s of warframe's little part in that twitch
811s draw I think there's a whole bunch of
813s other other game related stuff drops as
816s well so who knows all I know is the
817s Warframe part of it but yeah if you
819s watch the game Wars for 60 minutes you
821s can get the lucra signed in and a 3D
823s Affinity booster and then as well there
825s is going to be some information again
827s not Warframe related but digital
828s extremes related the company that is you
831s know the the holder of Warcraft
834s umbrella
836s there will be a bit of a de presence
838s there on the game awards so make sure
840s you stay tuned for that and I hope you
842s enjoy the game award say hi to Jeff for
844s me and then speaking of twitch drops we
846s obviously have a twitch drop here
847s tonight we're doing the Lewis Boone bag
851s and we have the four new archons that
854s came with Lewis prey archon rise archon
856s blessing primary frostbite and
858s conjunction voltage so you have a chance
860s at getting one of those what
863s Danny why are you laughing sorry
866s I'm also eating chips
870s um pardon me I just
873s I'm gonna mute myself it wasn't even
875s that funny that's all right uh you could
877s watch for 45 minutes to get yourself a
879s drop so if you watch the stream in its
881s entirety you can get two drops so you
882s have two chances at one of the new
884s arcanes and then we also have our
886s creator drops this Friday December 9th
889s white angel who is a French streamer is
891s going to be streaming from 2PM to 3 P.M
893s eastern time and they're gonna have a
894s twitch drop of a lovely flower decanter
896s and the engineer the one and only
899s engineer uh he's gonna be streaming from
902s 3 P.M to 4 P.M as well and he's gonna
904s have a dawn shawson as his twitch drop
906s so if you'd like either of those and you
907s want to hang out with some really
908s awesome Warframe creators definitely
910s check those out tomorrow December 9th on
912s their subsequent channel so appreciate
914s it and then
915s cold pots exactly cold pot oh hello oh
920s hello there it is Zach Minot Jeff Keely
924s McCune wow changing my legal name
928s Zach's here in the cold pots watching
930s chat for the top 10 comments during the
931s stream Danny is already highlighting
933s stuff that I can see
936s I don't see everything you're doing our
939s official Discord it is a good place to
941s be you're looking behind the curtain
942s you're not alone I know uh like Marcus
944s was just saying if you are on Discord
946s and you want to chat there there is a
948s prime time open comps channel that Zach
950s is hanging out in uh usually they post
952s really lovely pet pictures
956s what are they saying in the Discord
958s we're talking about Jeff kiwi okay cool
960s Rainbow Road
962s cool what do we do a thousand Platinum
964s giveaways Danny
966s pop it off is there any condition for
969s getting any gifts on this stream you
970s just have to be on PC you do have to
972s have a wish list but to do that you can
975s go into the market find something that
977s you wish for and you can there's a
979s little star and it's basically almost
980s like a favoriting and it gets put into
981s your wish list and when we look at your
983s profile everyone can see your wish list
985s and we can gift to you that way yeah or
987s else I'm just guessing and I'm gonna
988s give you all you know what I'll add
990s potatoes once after we announce this
992s winner I will add something to my wish
993s list oh I'd love to see it Steve Prime G
996s Stephen Steve Steve are you here you
999s here you silly girl oh my God
1002s or is that Steve primeg
1005s whoa Steve and I
1008s absorbed and become a one entity 30 alt
1012s accounts one of them's got a win at some
1013s point hell yeah uh congratulations
1016s please whisper the Warframe twitch
1017s Channel you're watching right now with
1018s your in-game Alias a platform you play
1020s Warframe on and we'll get you your 1 000
1022s Platinum congrats Steve Prime G or Steve
1025s primig congrats you're great nicely done
1028s thank you
1029s all right it's time for some gameplay
1033s now our gameplay goals is both Marcus
1036s and myself have a sister
1039s who has the planks which is one of the
1043s new tenant weapons that it was
1044s introduced with Lewis prey we introduced
1045s the tenant planks and the tenet ferrox
1047s which is with Ergo glass but we would
1050s like to
1051s um you know kindly take this plinks from
1055s our sister so we will be I want to
1057s produce that borrow thanks just
1059s borrowing it give me the planks you know
1061s get rid of her existence everything is
1063s all that stuff everything's fine uh so
1065s we're gonna kind of go on that hunt
1067s today but do you want to do gifting now
1070s or do you want to do game play
1072s that's a good question I think
1077s I think we should start oh you know what
1080s if we do it at the end that gives people
1082s a chance to get things on their wish
1083s list so it does give some time to
1085s prepare okay
1087s I totally can all right we're going to
1089s the market
1091s I'm perusing oh look there's a new Lewis
1093s prey menu and I can choose from and you
1096s know what I would love I would love the
1100s Pax heart bundle wouldn't I if you see
1102s the little star that is here beside
1104s every single you know Market item if I
1107s just click it it adds to my wish list
1108s and then when I go to my profile
1112s I go to my wish list you can see all of
1115s the things that I've ever wished well
1116s amazing don't look at it okay I'm sorry
1118s these are super old no I didn't know it
1121s was a personal list no no I'm just
1123s kidding stop use that so you can see the
1126s packs of heart bundle is there and I
1127s because I wish for it and so basically
1130s um what we'll do is we'll go through
1131s chat CD Rebecca was online I was talking
1135s to her I've got some fan art that
1137s Rebecca's gonna like oh I mean I've got
1139s some I've got some art that everyone's
1140s Gonna Love wow look at that rev Prime
1142s drip she she also said enjoy my handsome
1145s man and linked it to me so I was here
1148s for it but I can go to revs wishlist and
1150s say damn girl
1152s I feel like that's a Wortham equivalent
1155s of socks everyone needs socks everyone
1157s needs upset to get slots money's tight
1160s lately I guess
1164s oh that's hilarious lots and socks baby
1166s everyone needs it uh anyways I can go
1169s and check out
1171s your wish list like I said well we could
1174s only do it on PC right now but next week
1177s on prime time will be our last Prime
1178s Time of the Year and we're going to try
1180s and do maybe a little LAN party on all
1183s platforms with all platforms
1186s anyways we'll we'll be able to do some
1188s console gifting uh next week as well but
1190s you can do the same thing on Console get
1192s your wish list ready uh for next week
1194s and hopefully we'll be able to see it to
1196s gift you something but currently we're
1197s gonna be a PC today uh but we'll do that
1200s near the end of the stream so you have
1201s some time to go to the market
1203s are you are you wish listing yeah but I
1207s sent to Max wishlist to be like I want
1209s to wish for 179 like a high school just
1212s one
1214s Market oh it's Selena okay uh anyways
1217s get your wish list ready and we will do
1220s it uh near the end of the Stream
1222s Marcus are you ready for some sister
1224s hunting yeah I am I am I'm uh really
1226s glad because every time I've been trying
1227s to do the archon hunt I've formed all my
1229s favorite frames
1231s and uh and then I can't use them so I
1233s think Zachary you and I doing the archon
1235s hunt with Revenant yes and I was a
1237s sponge a cake I don't even have uh
1240s Reverend Prime yet oh so I was a little
1243s baby I was just just a baby all right I
1246s got Marcus if anyone else would like to
1247s join us for sisterhunt
1249s um how this is going to work is if you
1251s have a sister great if you don't you're
1252s just along for the ride and uh come on
1254s over petting dogs with us uh yeah so
1257s that's kind of the kind of the goal
1259s there I'm gonna just really quickly
1260s close all these and if anyone liked
1262s whisper ooh what do you want for
1264s holidays what's your what's your holiday
1266s wish list Grim said flock weapon slots
1271s or weapon slots or socks weapon slots
1273s and wool socks I love wool socks which
1276s reps oh we got Stormer on switch come on
1278s in hey we'd love to see it get down here
1281s in here
1282s alterian I'd like to join
1284s sure maybe that's on your Christmas wish
1286s list was that you want to join
1288s Mary Chrysler
1291s all right we have a full Squad we got
1294s myself Marcus Stormer who is on switch
1296s an altarian a DOT one oh sorry altar
1300s all
1302s terrain there's your exes
1306s like uh
1308s yeah I'm gonna go with that here on PC
1311s love to see it all right
1313s where shall we go our sister should both
1315s be on Venus yeah wonderful all right I
1318s like to do I like to you know bang that
1320s capture out real quick yeah starting off
1323s with a little nice little capture
1324s Rapture a nice little what's your
1326s sister's name by the way my sister's
1327s name is
1329s oh not a night wave she is queena
1332s minidia oh
1336s oh yeah
1338s yeah it almost sounds like Nvidia
1340s individia I have Aaliyah from Miro oh
1345s very cool what's their job though oh
1348s that's a great question I don't think I
1349s can look there she is a head a junked
1353s leader of competence yeah we'll see
1355s about that in Brackets medical
1357s applications competence mine is licensed
1360s trainee specialist developer of
1362s protocols wow they said I don't want one
1365s job I want that one I want all the jobs
1368s I want all those you can't climb the
1371s ladder if I own it anti-minded this is
1373s my ladder yeah I now own this company I
1375s build ceilings they're all mines
1376s stormers and chat this is so dope we're
1378s waiting to a prime time for so long oh
1380s my God that's so cool now you're here
1381s yeah let's dance
1384s look at my ship it's big and beautiful
1386s look at that Scout
1389s let's go
1390s happy Scout
1392s how does being a trainee specialist work
1394s my brain hurts
1395s any Specialists oh but aren't you a
1398s specialist the trains trainers
1400s dog trainers
1400s [Laughter]
1404s I thought we were talking about dogs
1405s still
1407s trains
1409s that exists right it does dog trainers
1413s existence
1414s all right let's get started
1417s listen guys I've had a tough weekend all
1419s right I want I don't want any Flack
1422s your weekend was tough no as if he was
1425s uh addressing a room full of dogs the
1427s dog trainer yeah got it got it
1430s just
1431s I just need some peace and quiet this
1433s morning
1434s it's not gonna happen
1436s um I already told the people in this
1438s room but I would like chat to know that
1440s my Christmas tree fell over at two in
1441s the morning terrifying and I thought I
1444s was being robbed uh I wasn't Bogey's
1447s fine I just oh God gravity took hold of
1449s my Christmas tree and it was
1452s honestly I got made fun of for adding
1455s Jingle Bells on my tree and the way I
1457s did but because of the Jingle Bells I
1460s then realized I wasn't being robbed and
1462s it was the tree exactly but what if a
1464s robbery as you say yeah the robber is
1467s taking the the bells off of my they just
1469s have a bunch of Christmas related sounds
1471s on them that they're like oh it's just
1472s the kids well at first I was like oh
1474s it'll it'll alert me if Bogey's like you
1477s know being a little
1478s a little cheese head and like getting
1480s his little nose in the tree on the
1482s ornaments but then it alerted me that
1484s the whole tree fell on the ground so it
1485s was great
1487s it's fantastic
1488s I felt really proud about to scare this
1490s that is very scary
1492s that is unsettling for sure everything's
1494s fine tree's fine night
1496s back up surviving
1497s oh go to sleep I found myself
1502s Discord is pretty convinced it was the
1504s Grinch wouldn't that be great oh or it
1507s was Santa wasn't you that said it was
1509s Santa early
1510s giving me gifts early scene early status
1513s you guys seen the video of the dad that
1515s dresses up like the Grinch and like
1518s it just like scares the crap out of so
1520s many little kids and they're all like
1522s screaming and he tries to rip the tree
1524s out and they're like
1526s oh he's just like running a muck around
1529s the living room and they clearly they're
1531s terrified they just have no idea how to
1533s how to handle the situation in this uh
1535s this dad is a very very convincing
1537s Grinch all right that's gonna be me but
1539s I like that it's like you know Santa
1540s Santa Claus exists so does the Grinch so
1542s does the Grinch so does the girl
1544s although he gets there in the end
1549s I love the Grinch Good Times Marcus
1552s needs to do a Santa version of the
1553s Gandalf jungle that's a request
1557s wow that was pretty good can't he do oh
1561s my goodness you a lot there's a lot I
1564s can't do Zach
1566s who would be
1567s the equivalent of Santa Claus in
1569s Warframe oh my goodness
1576s oh who to be who to be ah that is a good
1578s question though children would be a good
1580s one giving gifts oh but giving gift of
1583s the lotus she's basically Santa you know
1585s who for sure would pretend or like drum
1587s up a little tail at Christmas time as as
1590s if there's some benevolent figure that
1591s comes down is the business the business
1594s is just that kind of chap that would
1596s just be like well children you know of
1599s the
1600s protocol
1601s Santa
1602s 's having some very good uh suggestions
1605s a lot I did see a lot of Grendel Nick's
1608s the gift of confusion okay oh this one's
1610s good Cora claws but claws
1617s the business in her beard and red suit
1619s yeah agrees with you he's got that Santa
1622s Claus cheer he's very nice and they have
1625s all the snow yes yeah
1628s Knight is with his little helper did you
1631s see that yeah that's exactly
1633s they all have bells on them
1635s like my tree you really could deliver
1637s the presents so efficiently owner
1639s marolina
1640s um she could deliver them in her bubbles
1643s are all wet unfortunately yeah when
1646s Marilyn a ride and the sack drags behind
1648s and just like takes people out yeah yeah
1651s it's combat barely this is Rudolph oh
1655s put a little red nose
1657s Marlena Rudolph skin uh but you gotta
1660s put jingle bugs on it that way you don't
1662s know if you're getting robbed or not I
1664s mean you do know
1666s what if you were a thief and just
1667s knocked over every Christmas tree
1669s like the Grinch I like the Grinch maybe
1671s he was a thief and they ran away like
1672s stupid stupid even they still in my
1674s house oh my God they're in the tree is
1676s that uh how long that to happen
1678s sometimes what do you mean uh
1681s Marcus you can't just say
1686s you just say that sorry
1688s um bogey would get him bogey would be
1690s psyched friend friend friends
1695s yeah
1696s I don't know if there's someone else
1700s who would be someone said stalker would
1703s be Krampus
1704s oh that's a good but who would be the
1705s Grinch someone said Barrow would be
1707s Santa
1708s Rosa
1711s did you want this limited edition Hot
1714s Wheels give me 20 bucks
1717s and too bad you go get it yourself did
1721s you say he would be would he be the
1722s Grinch then if he's yeah
1726s stealing the kitchen barrowood repo
1729s presence
1730s yeah yeah damn like nef Annie would just
1734s scam you straight up Pharaoh would be
1736s like well if you can't afford it then I
1738s guess you just smoked happy oh my God I
1739s didn't put the data mess in the terminal
1740s I'm so sorry oh my gosh yeah
1744s fire am I right
1750s grineer okay oh they do steel and
1753s sisters
1754s yeah and then they return it but then
1756s not willingly yeah but I guess that is
1758s for that that's a very like Grinch
1760s storyline stuff and then
1763s I kill you yeah you give it back but no
1766s you convert them that's you
1768s oh oh Quinn quina you're not gonna be
1772s alive for love
1776s you like that good night
1781s also for those curious I'm pretty sure I
1783s just Googled her oh
1785s one of those was correct really one of
1788s these is a random guess that is correct
1791s oh my God tell me I'm gonna go three for
1792s three I'm gonna kick this water on the
1793s floor
1795s oh I don't think I got it okay can you
1797s imagine a first guess Meg I would have
1800s like flipped this table you I would have
1802s told you to leave and go get a lottery
1803s ticket
1805s I would have been like
1808s proportionately like Danny seen me flip
1810s out of my desk before I get pumped like
1812s I get real pumped at lunch time and wow
1819s RG 300 sorry it's a 1 in 336 chance whoa
1824s that would have been insane I honestly
1825s would have been amped but still getting
1828s one like I'm gonna I'm kind of laughing
1830s once I know one of ah the thing is like
1833s you don't know where because one of them
1835s wasn't yeah true one of them was oooled
1837s so I guess it only lets me know one of
1840s them is correct so it's like just the
1843s second one it was correct and in the
1845s right spot though I forget I think I put
1847s my oil on the first lot yeah so I think
1849s the second one was correct and in the
1851s right spot and in the right spot okay
1853s that's good which is good so you could
1855s keep I can't quite sauce out the math of
1857s where this is advantageous but I know
1860s it's good but I feel good about it and
1862s I've never had this great of luck I
1863s think my first two glitches before I
1866s knew the strategy and I also I didn't
1868s have any rules so I couldn't use like
1869s the pro straps we're both like levels
1871s four and five and I remember being in
1873s this squad being in a squamous seven
1875s they're like level five sister what'd
1877s you do and I was like it's gonna be fine
1878s guys don't worry about it we're gonna
1880s get through it together it's gonna be
1881s okay we're gonna make it it's gonna be
1882s okay
1884s yeah it's all good yes
1885s and where it is and then I guess it's
1889s just the last one that's kind of a room
1890s this is the last one but then once I
1892s know one but the thing is that I don't
1893s know if it's the slot that I have the
1895s oolin or not you know what I mean oh
1897s like if you so potentially if the third
1899s slot is the last one revealed I still
1901s need to do the full amount right that
1903s makes sense so we'll we'll know if your
1906s RNG is truly built but I feel like a
1909s second mission that's pretty great that
1910s the sister showed up that's fantastic
1912s Quinn Quinn heard me you know she heard
1914s us uh pumping her tires about how cool
1916s her name sounds yeah it's like you want
1917s to see a cool name you want to see me
1918s show up I'll come show up I'll come say
1920s hi you want to read my heart go three
1921s sizes oh
1923s I mean yes thanks
1927s all right let's data mask does everybody
1929s else want to take
1931s yeah you go you take it yeah
1933s you go is that Stormer yeah you go
1935s Stormer Elgin said little razor fly
1938s elves would be cute oh that would be so
1940s efficient they're so fast and there's so
1942s many what where would the North Pole be
1944s in the origin system oh
1946s [Music]
1948s it would be you know uh in the war
1950s within will you go to that mountain yep
1952s yep 100 that's it if you'd only just
1955s looked across the valley you would have
1957s seen Santa's Workshop there
1960s oh that's what I want as my reindeer is
1963s the golden Mall oh Lord oh
1965s [Laughter]
1971s you lost some serious clicks
1974s Danielle
1979s let's find out
1980s [Applause]
1984s sorry guys gotta AFK one sec
1987s where are you mute when running
1988s background master volume
1991s uh yeah but let me check the oh you know
1993s what my desktop audio is quite low
1997s yeah okay I'm gonna adjust it
1998s incrementally
2000s and then see me how it looks all right
2001s and then tell see me see me
2004s see me
2006s how's that is that better
2008s why do I hear it
2011s it's coming out
2013s oh headphones wow this might be really
2015s loud let me turn it down
2018s hold on okay sorry chat watch your ears
2021s exclamation reward is getting you
2023s nothing
2025s I love you okay
2028s that's good is that a good level
2033s because I can turn it up uh locally on
2035s my device
2036s yeah
2038s Christmas is saved
2041s I can hear everything excuse me I got my
2044s Mesa fire Walker on for so many good
2047s Christmas jingles it's so hard to not
2048s sing on stream or in the office I will
2050s say the one that Zach introduced me to a
2052s couple weeks ago
2055s pretty fire is it uh Mistletoe Justin
2059s Bieber no no it's called I effing love
2062s Christmas
2063s that's my sorry I tried not to
2067s swear the first time
2068s I freaking love I love fudging I love
2072s Christmas that's my
2074s she is
2075s I'm a big fan of uh wishers wish it was
2078s Christmas today Julian Casablancas
2081s it was on the Guardians holiday special
2082s oh yeah it's a good one so when I was
2085s watching that because there you know
2086s there's that like band at the beginning
2088s yeah yeah and they're really good and
2090s they're real band like the 90s or
2092s something yeah but I looked at them and
2093s I was like should I know who that am I
2095s because that Blink 182 like is it
2096s supposed to be we've spent way too much
2098s time concentrating on this band exactly
2100s for sure James guns I feel like I should
2103s know who that is all right I feel like
2105s um so your sister has moved because you
2107s stabbed her mine is still here so if you
2109s don't mind uh okay so okay you know what
2113s uh uh
2118s sorry I just don't know why all my like
2120s my things are positive wait does that
2123s make any sense you know what I mean like
2124s I don't I'm not seeing the red of his
2127s unsuccessful
2128s strike in my UI so do you have you had
2131s ooh in the first one dude I did have a
2133s one the first one
2135s yeah so the last one is wrong
2138s okay and the middle one is correct so
2140s you just need to change the last one
2141s it's telling you that what you have in
2142s your pairs on is incorrect right
2145s I thought so but usually you get an R
2147s you get a an r a red one but it's not
2151s telling me to go to
2157s you got her they said wait is your
2159s sister no I don't think she's ready
2160s because then it would say like she went
2162s to rail Jackson yeah which I'm just
2163s gonna check yeah she is there you did
2166s get it oh my God
2172s Marcus Wow Let's go check let's go wow
2177s going for a lap around the street oh my
2179s gosh
2181s oh
2183s oh my God buy a lottery ticket tonight
2186s let's go wow oh my God
2191s oh my God
2193s what is what they say one in 366. oh my
2197s God all right well if do you mind still
2198s helping me yeah let's do it
2201s I love God I love that happening for you
2204s but I didn't get so happy because I was
2206s like I can't pop that feels like a hole
2208s in one in Warframe it's like checking
2210s the hole like I'm just gonna check I'm
2213s like because usually usually there'd be
2215s a street and I was like yeah it's got to
2216s be a bug you're right I love how instead
2219s of you actually getting it on the first
2220s try you we all of us automatically
2222s assume yeah and I was just like ah
2226s probably something
2232s how do I explain this to my friends and
2234s family call your mom after this morning
2236s yeah you're not gonna actually know I
2238s saw him uh my mom is watching oh so
2241s hello proud moment yeah she's uh she's
2244s probably she's gonna be like I don't
2245s know what it means but it seemed
2247s exciting no idea wow
2250s oh I was like what is that can I shoot
2251s it from here yeah
2254s I'm so that is incredible ah wow
2259s snail space Court says in all caps
2261s Christmas is safe Christmas is I I have
2265s I I don't I think that is the coolest
2268s thing I've ever done as a Warframe
2269s player wow
2271s yeah and if I just done it on my own it
2274s might not have been as cool no
2279s nothing to do with it that's the spirit
2280s of Spirit of Christmas
2285s watch your let's or your sister get to
2288s level five
2293s different RNG tanks
2295s everyone there's only one uh it's like
2298s getting a legendary core it's like you
2299s see it once and then you don't see it
2300s for a long time yeah someone in the
2302s Warframe can you go legendary record
2303s yeah they tweeted it who was that yeah I
2306s remember being so vicariously pumped
2307s like some sometimes stuff happens like
2309s people farming primes in one day and I'm
2312s like yeah yeah good for you good for you
2314s because that always takes me a month uh
2316s but that was one thing that I saw that
2318s was like you know what Stormer
2320s save the switch
2322s can I get here oh I'm gonna have to land
2324s on you
2326s um yeah when I saw that uh screenshot
2330s and like the captain was like oh my God
2332s or something I wasn't quite sure at
2334s first I didn't understand what they were
2336s excited about and then when I saw the
2337s legendary core I was like oh yeah even
2340s better it was in the last slot yes and
2342s so like you'd go through you're like
2343s cool yeah cool yeah nice resources man
2346s sick get that cryotic thing I found
2350s who it was oh who is it because I
2351s replied to it let's go yeah
2354s um it was a Shahi at ashahi underscore
2358s EnV to brother congratulations
2362s other fun wrinkle to that is Pablo saw
2364s and replied LOL sorted by importance
2368s legendary cores last
2370s yeah I saw that too
2373s you know sometimes you just because it's
2376s so rare we just it's true it's true
2378s about it and for those of you who didn't
2380s know before Pablo was game director
2384s design director design director design
2386s director he was also the head of UI he
2389s was so it would have been on his wall
2391s but that's true legendary cores are so
2393s rare but once you finish up a sortie or
2395s an archon hunt you're going to be
2396s scanning your resources the last time
2398s we've given a legendary quarrel
2400s devstream
2405s made a bunch of changes though
2407s we had one uh Taylor King is so good at
2410s remembering these we gave out a
2412s legendary core if you had a specific mod
2414s because we changed melee so much
2418s chat do you remember this people did get
2420s a legendary core under specific
2421s conditions and I remember I didn't meet
2423s those conditions so I don't know I did
2425s meet those conditions because I maxed
2426s out Prime continuity
2428s there was one with the melee rework yes
2430s his MD friends that's the one yeah
2431s because I remember I was like oh
2434s nice yeah I feel like it was around the
2436s time we also released uh primed um
2439s Prime chamber
2440s to Barrel oh Prime chamber Prime chamber
2443s if we're now right now says saski still
2445s charge changes get out of here yeah I
2450s refuse you slacking me
2453s my five legendary cores come wow
2457s like still in your inventory
2460s yeah
2462s I'm gonna pop those on a warm coat which
2464s is the Taylor King way
2466s no way you've never seen that before no
2469s Taylor did that should be trolling
2474s I remember being in the office and she
2477s she cackled as she installed it oh my
2481s God because I remember she posted on
2482s Twitter it was like
2484s uh do I and it was legendary core on the
2487s warm coat and I remember Thalia being
2489s like don't don't do it and then she
2492s she replied with the screen capture of
2495s her doing it he just replied something
2496s like you monster
2499s it was uh it was one for the books oh
2503s Taylor
2504s she is what a Chad is she funny robots
2510s that's always
2512s [Music]
2514s the warmest of goats the warmest coat in
2516s the world yeah it's so wormy yeah
2519s three levels yeah if only like putting a
2521s legendary or using a legendary core like
2523s made it better in some way but that'd be
2526s kind of cool that would be neat like it
2527s gives you an extra level oh you know
2529s though that level of mid-maxing that
2530s would be yeah that would become now an
2532s illustrious Chase
2534s because I like to view things as
2536s additively as a fan like um any sort of
2539s uh archon Shard I'm like oh this is a
2541s nice like boost how nice but I can
2544s totally understand that players see it
2545s and are like oh no if I want to have a
2547s Max at Warframe I need five Crimson
2549s teleports archon cards oh
2554s yeah which I totally get because if you
2556s know there that upgrade exists it's hard
2558s to not have it
2560s oh wow
2562s I don't feel so good
2566s um I Joker three two four and chat said
2568s I'm new to Warframe so I have no idea
2570s what you guys are talking about
2572s excellent so well Santa Claus what is a
2575s lot of legendary core
2578s the legendary core is a resource uh a
2580s reward from the sorties that basically
2583s you can use to upgrade a mod without any
2586s costs you don't use any Endo or any
2588s credits you just could warm my sister's
2590s hair
2595s what is happening that is a very Regal
2598s name the magnetic procs
2600s they'll get you
2601s where is she
2603s oh she's down oh
2606s nope yeah you guys wrestling instant
2609s suffering the wrestling
2611s ouchy
2612s Wawa
2614s goodbye all right she mad yeah the
2617s legendary core I think has a one percent
2619s drop chance from uh the sortie which you
2622s can only do once a day
2624s once every six hours once every 12 hours
2626s I just know it refreshes that line
2632s but I have never legitimately
2634s gotten a legendary quarantine
2636s legitimately legitimately but I've never
2639s illegitimately I've just gotten them in
2640s an inbox message that everybody else got
2643s which was still cool it just wasn't the
2645s same as getting it through RNG it was
2646s cool is the are the chances slightly
2648s better in our conference for the rewards
2650s nope this slightly smaller pill okay so
2652s also one percent chance from the archon
2653s which you can do once per week
2656s which is very nice oh I got a drop oh
2658s what'd you get nice I forgot to sign in
2660s so I'm not getting anything oh I'm
2662s getting it all
2665s what do you want is the real question
2669s um I want Arcane rice
2673s let's see
2674s fingers crossed
2677s What's it gonna be chat
2679s I might have done
2681s primary Frost okay there you go little
2685s cold guy okay let me see if I need
2687s anything leveled up because I may level
2688s up my steinx oh no you know what protea
2692s is not max level because I slapped
2693s another form on her as she deserves
2696s all right so it's not three squiggles
2699s that much right now let's try this one
2703s oh wait no I know it's that okay
2705s let's do maybe zata there and we'll put
2709s that guy back there
2710s yes yes yes chat any day though yeah
2713s chat knows but what what order to put
2715s them in all right chat
2717s you pick
2720s oh
2724s pick three oohs my Lord
2727s laughs
2732s Reese netra and zata
2737s that's what you want
2739s all right it's all up to that guy I'm
2741s gonna get that name so we can bam yeah
2742s that's wrong oh my God
2745s Zach you're only getting uh what's the
2747s what's you're only getting scrap
2749s decorations for 10 o'clock
2752s you're okay
2755s absolutely okay if they do get it right
2757s can we give them Platinum yeah
2760s this is like if I had actually gotten a
2762s hole in one I just watch everyone else
2763s play out the hole Yeah I'm like this is
2765s like enjoy your bogeys idiots and you're
2768s like I do enjoy my boat yeah I haven't
2770s won bogey let's do a thousand Danny yes
2774s sorry I heard you I got you
2777s let's give away a thousand point to a
2778s lucky view give them a legendary core
2781s I mean what are the odds of two well I
2785s actually guess they have one narrow down
2786s still give them I'll give them a warm
2788s coat all right wow well that was the
2790s plan it was going to larvae larvae
2793s congratulations you won a thousand
2794s Platinum please wish for the Warframe
2795s twitch Channel you're watching right now
2796s with your in-game Alias and platform
2798s play Warframe and we'll get you your
2800s thousand Platinum congrats or is it
2801s larva int
2807s fun fact when we do Mainline notes if
2810s someone says the word lint it means that
2813s it's just like extra cleanup like
2814s they're cleaning up wind but sometimes
2816s they type it so quickly that it spells
2820s I it looks like I nit because the L
2824s looks like an I so every time I see
2826s lint spelled as l-n-i-t I always read it
2829s as like British people saying like in it
2832s oh yeah
2833s anytime I see it it's a little main line
2836s behind the scenes a little little note a
2838s little bit of fun for you in the same
2840s deciphering decipher decipher
2844s acquired
2845s acquired so your sister is going to be
2848s relatively easy she'd be like well you
2850s took your time oh yeah level one yes a
2852s level one sister she's gonna be a bit
2855s I know people can arbitrary like can
2858s artificially make their sisters level
2859s one because they just show up and they
2861s just go nah I don't want to face you I
2863s don't face you I'm not ready yet they do
2865s the inverse Empire Strikes Back and go
2867s you know what Yoda I will hang out a
2868s little bit more yeah and learn your ways
2870s but then you don't get those sleep
2871s Requiem murmurs no you do not it takes
2874s way more time you don't get all the
2876s stuff but I get it I get it how do I
2879s clean my draw uh if you missed claiming
2881s it in the little uh text window when it
2883s popped up you can click your whoa your
2885s Twitch icon in the top right and you can
2887s go to I believe it's dropped excuse me
2889s inventory let me just double check real
2891s quick uh yeah if you go to drop some
2893s rewards it'll take you to your page and
2895s you can claim it there and then you log
2897s into Warframe and huzzah
2899s you get all the kitties
2902s oh I think Sasuke
2905s appreciate it what it gives you what a
2908s good dude that's right a nice brother
2910s what a stand-up cap
2913s brother brother boy why can't I post and
2918s chat I see you're missing we did it
2920s you're good you did it you are good
2922s You Got It Mobile looks good hey Marquez
2925s love to see that
2927s oh it does look good mobile really good
2931s this looks a little too good I was like
2933s what a world right it looks good A
2936s little too good we find with a little
2938s less yeah okay can we put some
2940s performance hitches in here I see just a
2943s little more pixels on my screen
2944s corporate made some calls if we go down
2947s if I go down we all go down
2949s call my if you're anything about mobile
2952s call my radio code word is Drew's Got a
2955s Brand New Bag oh who's gonna win a new
2958s pair of mobile builds
2961s six inch iPhones that's impossible six
2964s oh
2965s anxious
2967s that's so small
2969s that is small
2971s six inches of a phone
2973s oh
2975s mobile builds out and it looks fantastic
2977s I actually watched uh Vance video
2979s Warframe Madness on YouTube
2981s really really really good
2984s I don't know Megan please go back to
2987s your Arsenal I need to see what that
2989s said oh it says Gojo senpai
2993s thank you yeah vampire Vamp had a great
2996s video uh on an iPad bro
2999s and I went through the whole tutorial
3000s which I actually haven't done since it's
3001s been reshuffled uh which it was a while
3004s ago
3006s um
3007s looks really looks really like
3012s all right hey someone else what do you
3013s want for Christmas
3016s Zach and Kona grow up
3018s [Music]
3020s no uh in all reality I actually do once
3023s come on I do want socks for Christmas I
3027s love getting fancy socks for Christmas
3029s it's my favorite sorry
3033s oh God
3034s oh God Christmas sweaters as well but
3037s honestly usually we do a uh a Christmas
3039s gift exchange
3041s once your family gets to a certain level
3043s um
3044s leveled up once you get to a rank 3
3048s family oh damn uh yeah
3051s which is between 18 to 20 members I'm
3053s kidding you want to get presents for
3055s your parents you're like I've got three
3057s older brothers and they've all got kids
3059s and partners of their own yes so it gets
3061s tough you don't exclude anybody uh so
3063s what we do is we do a crutch family gift
3065s exchange and everybody gets one member
3068s of our family so like your significant
3070s other is excluded your kids are excluded
3072s uh and then you just get gifts for
3074s people so then everybody gets something
3075s they only need to buy one gift nice
3077s which is very very handy so I have to do
3080s a I'm doing a secret santa but it's not
3084s like the personalized secret santa it's
3086s like the elephant game one yeah
3089s is that what it's called yeah I think it
3091s goes by many names but it's like the one
3093s where you steal unwrap yeah choose oh I
3096s don't like this uh people get yeah
3097s people get upset loyalties are drawn oh
3099s blood packs and so oh my God uh any
3102s suggestions on what I should get it's
3105s always the silliest stuff yeah and it's
3107s a fun crowd it's like Honestly though
3108s it's got to be something that's silly
3110s but then someone's like
3113s I was looking on Etsy I was looking at
3116s candles in the shape of a middle finger
3117s those are pretty good you know
3119s multi-tools are actually quite good what
3121s is the wick on the top yes oh so it
3123s burns the middle file that's cool God I
3126s opened your secrets
3130s it's like wait it's amazing it's like
3131s it's like for a work like wait don't
3133s tell me how would you know no wait I
3136s don't yeah is it me I don't want to know
3139s Danielle what is that emo what do you do
3142s Danny
3143s [Music]
3148s so long
3152s anyway Chad any suggestions on a fun
3157s Santa gift you know what's the best
3159s White Elephant gift I've ever seen yes
3161s my cousin was staying at my was living
3163s at my aunt's house for a few months but
3165s then moved out and didn't take most of
3166s her stuff so one of the gifts was just a
3168s bin of all her stuff
3173s and she was like hey okay but my aunt
3176s told everyone ahead of time she's like
3178s hey that's my stuff but then she had to
3181s play to get her stuff together
3184s it was awesome
3185s yeah that's good uh plants are good ones
3188s fished empty fish tanks that's a
3190s commitment giving someone a plant or a
3193s fish tank fluffy dude 701 says one gram
3196s of plutonium
3198s yeah okay I can get my hands doc from
3201s Back to the Future without you
3204s I'll try to get my hands on something
3205s who got the plutonium you dog
3210s it says oversized boxers or beef jerky
3216s terrible gifts I hope I never get it
3218s yeah I'm making notes I'm writing this
3219s down mentally you know you know it's
3221s extra wrinkle homemade beef jerky oh
3224s okay
3226s [Laughter]
3230s wait I actually have a good idea yeah
3233s I actually have a good day one of those
3235s like terribly cliche touristy like mugs
3239s that say like I'm the boss of the house
3241s always listen to Mom or something like
3243s that yeah don't talk to me till I've had
3245s my second yeah like one of those just
3246s terrible yeah you know that's a little
3249s jokey and then it's a mug so yes but
3251s you're also like some people people like
3252s it ironically like I remember actually
3254s in a de white elephant type thing like
3256s that I got a mug it said like it was
3259s like cozy it was like
3261s good books cozy mornings frosted windows
3264s with like snowflakes and every time I
3266s get them like
3267s because I'm like this is so silly I
3269s would never buy this for myself but then
3270s I'm always like winter you're like I
3272s like like you like look for that mug
3274s yeah like this is nice I like the snow
3276s and I gotta do the closing book today a
3278s bar of gold coated bronze
3281s okay okay
3284s the book of dad jokes that's good a bag
3286s of steel cut oats I love it
3292s chat it's so good the Gojo sent by body
3294s pillow that would just be for me oh you
3296s know what I actually was gifted one time
3298s told my girlfriend's dad enough times
3301s that I wanted it and then one day he's
3303s just like you said you wanted this so
3304s many times it was a crowbar a crowbar
3307s yeah it's not that it's like a small
3309s crowbar oh it's a six inch curl from
3312s crowbar a six inch Pearl Bar it actually
3313s could be good
3315s um maybe I I could I could make a body
3317s pillow but it'd be me no
3320s but who but what if someone tries to get
3323s it too much and then they just are like
3324s yeah really badly the friend group gets
3328s real awkward
3330s oh God yeah that's so great it's so
3333s funny what if I got a body pillow of
3334s bogey oh that's a cool bogey body pillow
3337s that's one of his like stupid little
3339s smiles yeah that's a good idea it comes
3341s with us
3343s you can actually print off um pillows
3345s because actually Helen got me that that
3347s for Christmas I have pillows at my house
3348s with my cat's faces on them oh yeah but
3351s you got really good pictures that make
3352s it look like no little pillows oh okay
3354s yeah can you get a body pillow your cats
3357s like pet with me air cuddle with me and
3358s you're like no no no no no I'm gonna cut
3360s I'm gonna cuddle with the one that
3361s doesn't bite call 175 body pillow I'd
3363s buy that oh that is a quick buy call
3368s call want to be small spoon
3373s long day of breaking bails
3377s he'd rub my feet
3380s no talk just hold oh my God call what a
3384s lover
3386s washcloths that you can print your faces
3388s on
3391s [Music]
3392s sorry dude
3394s who was dying in the back yeah
3398s she needs her inhaler Jenner
3402s we'll help her
3403s great
3405s Danielle what's the best White Elephant
3408s gift you've ever seen
3414s I can't remember
3419s Danny's not functioning right now
3421s printed toilet paper with your face I
3423s actually saw it let's see there was
3426s okay not on my face but there was a
3429s printed toilet paper with like come
3430s across I don't have to say hey
3433s where are people Britain oh my God but
3435s it was like Santa jokes and it had
3437s brussels sprouts on it for some reason
3438s oh interesting because it's the worst
3440s food
3442s you take that back right now nope
3445s what's what else qualifies in your worst
3448s Food categories worst Food asparagus
3450s brussels sprouts how dare you
3453s um that is soy sauce
3455s soy sauce
3464s I'm gonna throw myself
3466s oh gosh you okay Danny
3470s oh my God okay let's throw up
3473s unironically my aunt who owns a farm
3475s brought a squash the one time
3478s yeah someone had to unwrap a squash and
3481s then it just became everyone trying to
3482s get rid of the squash
3484s I remember this is a very long time ago
3487s and for one of the gifts it was just
3490s like
3492s knives like knives knives knives yeah
3495s nice and I was like in my head I'm like
3496s wow it's so stupid but everyone wanted
3498s the knives and I was like am I an idiot
3500s like why does everyone want these knives
3503s would you just kill everyone through the
3505s wall
3506s I didn't do anything
3507s I swear I saw everyone delete everyone
3511s delete everyone got snapped oh damn she
3515s said girl boss Gamora no
3518s okay we won't talk about that
3520s uh anyway these are great gift ideas
3522s Chad I really appreciate the beef jerky
3525s what would be the white elephant gift in
3527s the Warframe Universe I feel like it'd
3529s be plastids they'd smell but but it's
3531s not necessarily a gift that you don't
3533s want like it's a jokey gift most of the
3535s time you gotta strike that balance yeah
3537s if you get something too good like
3539s knives everyone's Gonna Wanna
3541s so light just a bunch of nutrium cubes
3543s all jammed into one bag
3545s [Music]
3547s yum oh yeah some of those zerman cubes
3549s yeah
3551s or some soy sauce for Zach
3555s [Music]
3557s there's something else in the town
3559s someone said did I just witnessed the
3561s end of the friend of a friendship you
3562s may have yeah that was it that was soy
3564s sauce what do you eat your sushi with I
3566s don't eat sushi what do you eat your
3569s oysters with
3570s it
3571s my sister's here sister okay let's see
3574s if Grim's right
3581s with that and just like that groom's
3584s getting 20 35 for Christmas
3586s goodbye Graham bye goodbye Graham
3587s goodbye Graham sorry he's actually in
3589s the disc Christmas is looking a little
3591s Grim I'm taking Platinum away from you
3594s because I'm just kidding I'm gonna read
3596s it I'm the Platinum Grinch I'm the
3598s Platinum redistributor today so you're
3600s getting gifts no no no no
3602s you bought into the pot someone said
3604s argon crystal bracelet that's like very
3607s rainy but then it would disappear it's
3609s like the raccoons white elephant gift
3611s ever yeah the person who stuck with it
3612s like look at this bracelet yeah
3615s disappear in 24 hours
3626s um hello
3628s um
3629s I I couldn't see for like a solid five
3633s minutes guys I was I was worried I was
3635s gonna shut the stream off by accident do
3638s you imagine that yeah
3640s um do you guys want to do a platinum we
3641s do okay all right so now we know
3644s we got zata and we have a look so it's
3648s not Reese
3650s so it's
3652s it could be zata there
3654s and we need a loaf I actually kept
3657s earning requiemens
3662s zata
3664s SATA look and
3666s maybe Reese there all right who oh sorry
3669s one thousand blood I'm going to stinky
3671s stinky you're old stinky stinky stinky
3675s congrats you one thousand Platinum
3676s please whisper the water cream push down
3677s you're watching right now the Indian
3678s Alias and platform play Warframe one and
3680s we'll get you a thousand Platinum
3682s all right chat you get to pick now
3684s what's my next order all right you gotta
3686s chat we know you never let us astray
3688s before no Loke I don't know what the
3691s order so the first first uh triple
3695s suggestion I see look Rhys nata
3699s Loke hey what's a Lewis Boone bag uh you
3702s have a chance of getting an Arcane rise
3704s and Arcane blessing a primary frostbite
3706s or a conjunction voltage there you go
3708s there's the options those are things you
3710s can get all right we're going to Jupiter
3713s oh
3716s [Music]
3721s stinky Gigi Reese's Pieces that's a
3724s great gift that's a great gift
3727s love Reese's Pieces favorite movie snack
3732s Chad is wondering what the coal of
3734s Warframe is you know you get the cool
3736s the coal
3737s Plastics Salvage
3740s yeah so I would say Salvage decoration
3743s if it was purely for the market
3745s I'd almost think like
3747s fair I only have this on top of my head
3749s but I think it's fair a defiled parazon
3751s mod because it literally just looks like
3753s coal
3754s um it does have a very cold like an Inky
3757s black void
3759s sadness kind of to it you know just like
3762s coal itself Harrow chassis damn
3766s wow I do have a lot of those would
3767s anyone like one wow someone's cat
3771s everything's fine cutie
3774s everything is fine so she said no
3777s because I asked Chad if you will defeat
3780s your sister with this Requiem order so I
3782s want to see if Chad's going to be right
3783s oh there it is wait wait did it did in
3786s Sasuke offer that is a suggestion he
3789s said no wait
3790s what Sasuke gave a suggestion and then
3793s he voted no that you will not get it
3795s the one that you have equipped right now
3797s what are you talking about
3800s it's like either way I win what are we
3803s talking about remember you asked chat to
3804s pick your mods yeah the one that you
3806s went with Sasuke also suggested yeah and
3809s then for the poll of will you get it he
3811s voted no
3814s what a Goofy Goober
3818s let's go on tonight that's funny
3821s that's hilarious
3823s oh no I think stockings
3825s thank you
3827s buddy man overwhelming nose at this
3830s point yeah wow where's the Christmas
3832s spirit yeah
3834s well just prove a shot of little face
3840s wrong with RNG it's never worked it's
3842s never not worked in the past
3844s I think Marcus got all the RNG is there
3846s shocker that is all the RNG I need
3849s forever I'm giving up now honestly that
3852s is
3853s if I never be lucky ever if I never get
3856s a rare drop on the first uh pullover
3858s radiant Relic
3860s oh I would be totally okay the Sasuke
3862s said the probability of you pulling a
3864s Marcus is is low which is fair but not
3867s impossible not impossible we just
3869s witnessed it I believe if you believe
3872s now that's the Christmas oh what a great
3874s song oh I sang that in grade three I
3876s recently you're such a musical guy thank
3879s you in grade three by the way
3881s that was my Peak
3886s you're gonna be back in the theater
3887s that's true yeah guys we should document
3890s Zach because he's got a grown his I just
3892s learned today do you want to tell Chad
3894s that I okay so Chad I am doing a
3896s theatrical production I'm a perfume of
3899s the Arts
3901s um but it's a show that's in the 1800s
3903s and they didn't really have hairdressers
3905s back then so I have to grow my hair and
3907s grow up my beard and I cannot cut or
3910s shave my face for seven months that's a
3913s long time
3914s so that's a good idea I should document
3916s I should pop my face you should document
3917s you should do that when uh the video
3919s where they take a picture every day oh
3921s yeah
3922s I don't think I'm that interesting but
3924s yeah
3925s I think you're pretty interesting
3927s are we waiting for the next uh calendar
3929s shop are we waiting on one Hound we're
3931s all just slowly taking my time if there
3935s was any more dogs maybe have a couple
3937s hounds
3938s how aggressively pet yeah you want to
3941s give them the boot see if there was
3943s anyone around do you think
3947s yeah you know what too many spoilers to
3948s discuss I was gonna say if we saw a
3950s certain someone in duvary that perhaps
3952s they might have a lot of hair and or
3954s facial hair
3955s wow you know what a leap
3959s YouTube's gonna go crazy
3961s Marcus had one
3968s this is nice music going on here I like
3971s it it's like is it dog days
3974s the title of this is I like my warframes
3976s with the side of mayonnaise I thought it
3978s would say soy sauce this is my nightmare
3981s frame oh nice yeah but the timer
3985s or in-house house expert is that how
3988s people you know like jazz songs have
3990s really wacky titles is this like how
3992s house songs are also titled credits
3994s foreign
3998s let's go let's go this is absolutely
4001s gonna happen for me
4003s we got it I gotta find the what's the
4005s right Vibe you know I feel like we gotta
4007s shake up what what's what's the mission
4009s type we haven't done have we done like a
4010s uh
4011s I don't think we've done an exterminate
4013s in a while not an exterminate yeah
4017s I'm taking that one
4019s I've dated don't look I read that I
4024s didn't see it I'll take all that you got
4026s oh man is this going to last for another
4029s hour it is we're gonna end probably at
4031s 8pm because the game awards are
4032s screaming at eight and presume a lot of
4035s you want to hang out over there sounded
4036s like they were asking in the worst way
4038s is this really going to go on for
4039s another hour
4041s maybe they were
4044s um yes but I love that you would read
4046s that and be like is this really gonna go
4047s for another hour you bet oh my God
4050s you're dancing it is you bet yeah we're
4053s uh yeah because we're ending in a very
4055s sharp razor sharp on a knife set no
4058s matter what you enter in the middle of a
4060s sentence yeah because Jeff keeley's here
4061s and he's got to get to this he's got to
4063s hop on time PC yeah
4066s shove over Meg Game World Star 730 they
4069s do it's kind of they do like a little
4071s pre-show 7 30 and then 8pm is when the
4074s the big shebang
4076s it's so cool though we popped on the
4078s main stage hi everyone
4081s we're actually just streaming from the
4083s stage with the green screen on
4084s hi everyone if you had white elephants
4087s what gift what do you think please help
4089s I don't know what's happening
4092s where am I who am I think who's oh
4095s there's some other Jokers what game
4097s award the game awards
4100s the game awards I don't even know what's
4103s gonna happen but
4105s I'll be some cool things who that
4108s dad
4112s is that you is that where you went daddy
4114s oh my God
4116s what oh am I gonna actually been waiting
4118s to share some Vine related content with
4120s you until we had to hit Prime Time Vine
4122s related no that's my favorite just
4125s dropped a Vine reference for those of
4126s you in chat who are ancient like me yeah
4129s um
4130s anytime I hear the launcher screen for
4133s Lewis prey and it's like
4136s oh you're the guy with the heat
4142s oh
4145s God I love her why don't they let her on
4148s I never understand what she did what did
4151s she do to deserve that but yeah anytime
4153s because the voice is kind of like steady
4155s and then at one point goes like Oh
4157s have you ever played Persona no
4159s unfortunately Corey don't come for me
4161s but also maybe lend me one of your six
4163s copies that you own that's true he
4164s doesn't own a lot anyway there's a song
4166s there's one very important song and it
4169s only plays in a certain area and there's
4171s a very high pitched moment at one point
4174s and Reb and I always look at each other
4175s and do that
4177s and sing it as it comes on yeah
4180s that is super wholesome can either are
4183s you studying yourself no it's not gonna
4185s happen again chat will know when I'm
4187s come on
4188s Velvet Room yeah yeah that sounds
4191s inappropriate but it's not
4193s oh yeah oh hello all right this is do we
4198s know the name of the person who
4199s suggested this
4202s well one of the massage guys
4203s what it's too far back oh that's a dog
4207s where'd she go they'll announce
4208s themselves
4213s oh she's up here she's down oh she's
4216s down okay here we go
4217s oh one is good okay all right all right
4222s she's down again huh
4229s I thought I had it she uh that was a WWE
4232s oh we know we know the order now so
4234s that's fine damn that was a John Cena
4236s move oh my God
4237s chat changed their demeanor they went
4240s from all nose to more yes he saw a
4243s sliver of Hope and we're like she's got
4244s it but a lot
4247s but I do have it because we know the
4248s order so we just need her to spawn one
4250s more time
4251s stabby stab dub dab and then we're good
4253s and then Christmas is safe then we can
4254s go together and delete a whole roll of
4257s Toll House cookie dough
4260s I hate cookie dough
4261s really
4263s yeah it's too sugary
4265s oh you're not wrong it's pure sugar it
4268s is that's amazing sorry sorry I'm sorry
4271s I don't it's too much sugar it makes my
4273s teeth fuzzy and I don't like that it's
4275s true and it feels weird there's
4276s something
4277s no it's just when you have too much
4279s sugar your teeth get fuzzy no you can
4281s buy safe I'm not wrong it happens you
4284s can buy safely you can yeah yeah I've
4287s seen it
4288s do you have any ultimatums um yeah if
4291s you disrespect me no I'm just kidding
4293s yeah
4295s if you don't like the holidays yeah
4299s that's a big one if you yourself are a
4302s grinch Marcus is soy sauce Marcus is the
4305s love of soy sauce
4307s uh okay let me just do this real quick
4309s then again
4310s there's a few things I don't eat so
4312s maybe I should just check myself so we
4314s know what's up okay so it's loc zata and
4317s peace Reese Reese nice all right seven
4321s up mess with me all the marbles
4323s time where'd she go
4327s uh let's do I mean exterminate was
4330s pretty good for us there certainly it
4332s was pretty good try it again if you give
4334s me your fruitcake so kickboxing Glenn
4337s Glenn
4338s he loves I've been meaning to talk to
4340s Glenn about freaking and he loves to
4342s like message me pictures of fruitcake
4345s when he's eating it and he's like the
4346s notorious gross Christmas food
4349s I've never had it but you know what if
4351s made poorly I bet you it's bad I bet you
4353s it's one of those dishes that like when
4355s done poorly it's just awful I just don't
4357s like the idea of
4359s because it's it's got um what are they
4361s like little jelly things in it
4362s maraschino cherries well I don't like
4364s those but there's also the Jujubes is it
4367s Juke tubes I'm not I think it's some
4368s kind of some sort of gummy candy is
4370s non-sweet but then I think people also
4371s do like dried fruit in it maybe sultanas
4375s some raisins I don't know and this is
4378s not for me yeah wait is Glenn in chat or
4380s was that just no no no it's just
4381s whenever I think of fruitcake I go
4383s Glenda what a legacy Glenn loves it
4386s doesn't what a legacy marzipan I think
4389s that's that's nice that's pretty popular
4391s I think in the German version of it
4393s Pascal can you confirm or deny your love
4396s of marzipan
4402s no pressure no pressure salted caramel
4407s salted caramel fruitcake no no no no no
4410s no no sorry
4414s okay
4417s oh did you
4419s Megan what you left us
4422s did I yeah oh I looked up I was like who
4425s just got a side set man
4427s usually I'm the last person so I just
4430s kind of went ahead and assumed that I
4432s was behind if anyone wants to okay okay
4438s my goodness sorry you're putting the
4440s team on your back you only have your
4441s sights set on Olivia who's your lady
4445s my lady yeah your sister oh my sister uh
4449s I think it's
4453s annoya
4454s for Miro Aaliyah for Miro alira from
4458s Miro that sounds like someone you went
4460s to high school with I'm the only one in
4462s my family that likes Mars Pan I feel
4464s like I only liked it because no one else
4465s did so my snacks did not get eaten whoa
4468s that is survival mode if I have ever
4470s heard of it having siblings and eating
4473s food that they don't like solely so they
4476s don't steal your food big big big
4477s survival mode Pascal German status
4480s retained you survive one more day is it
4484s driven advancing to next week
4488s you stay till Christmas very good what's
4491s in the Boon bag it's the four new
4492s arcanes that came with lua's parade so
4494s you have archon rise archon blessing
4496s primary frostbite and conjunction
4499s voltage voltage conjunction nice
4502s I believe
4503s a conjunction what's a marzipan I think
4506s it is it's a very very sugary decadent
4510s it's not cheese right no it's not cheese
4512s it's almost like
4514s it's almost like it's like it's like a
4516s harder icing yeah it's more nougat-like
4518s it's like yeah it's very soft but it
4521s will make your teeth Buzz it's so sugary
4523s it is super difference
4526s whoa that's a that is a log of marzipan
4529s if ever did so it looks so good it's
4532s like flavors it's like it's kind of
4533s almondy yeah almond is a great way
4548s almonds and syrup so it's basically um
4553s it is made from almonds yes
4558s [Laughter]
4562s they don't have to do
4565s tiny marzipan pigs these are my pictures
4576s away what is that Dean's at the game
4579s award yeah so cool
4581s for a second I was like wait can I not
4583s say that no no he is yeah I have no idea
4585s I'm gonna text him to scream when Jeff
4588s Keely yeah
4590s Zach would have done better whoa whoa I
4595s don't have nearly the he's a giant in
4597s the industry I know and Jeff Keeley is a
4600s good chap
4601s I like when they do the music from the
4603s video games yes I'm excited for that I
4605s like the music you said that like a dad
4607s that's true I look at when they do the
4609s music from the video games
4613s oh hey I kind of like that hey I don't
4616s understand all those video games
4620s someone is asking how do I get standing
4622s with steel Meridian and red Veil so
4624s basically we actually changed the system
4625s pretty recently uh if you go to your
4628s Syndicate console and you pick to uh be
4631s a part of their little group you just
4632s get standing uh passively and
4634s automatically and you will just gain it
4636s as you play missions you know previously
4638s we used to have the sigil system where
4640s you had to have the Sigil of your
4641s matching Syndicate to get yourself some
4644s rep with them but you just pick them
4646s and play the game enjoy your possibly
4648s get it and rank up and that's the way to
4651s do it it is an incredible upgrade to
4653s that system I think I've gotten so used
4655s to swapping syndicate
4657s um sigils that when we finally changed
4659s it I was like oh my God I never even
4660s considered there's another way I still
4662s you probably can't see it but I still
4663s have a steel Meridian sigil on the back
4666s of my Mason alpha alpha cracked all the
4667s way down cranked all the way down
4669s cranked all the way up what are you
4670s talking about
4671s see those pixels
4674s I need to get more standing with red
4676s Veil and I was like you guys are a bit
4678s much for me no I have to share this
4681s story yes by ibilis in twitch chat my
4683s grandma once sent me a small Snowman and
4686s she said it was made from marzipan I bit
4688s into it and it was a goddamn ceramic
4690s sculpture and that's how I learned I was
4693s not the favorite grandson oh my God oh
4697s my God
4701s do you think I mean
4704s I wonder she's Louise yeah like did you
4708s go to the police
4711s okay okay okay okay
4713s but I am very curious how did you handle
4716s the snowman like how did you feel it
4718s because if you picked it up did you get
4720s a knife and a fork like there's holes in
4721s the store if you just if you picked it
4723s up would it have fallen like a party
4726s you know
4730s is not getting any visitors in the
4732s future oh my God put her in a home I'm
4735s just I'm just kidding homes are nice
4739s okay
4742s it's better than my house
4744s anyways
4748s is it possible to get cross progression
4750s this year uh cross play is live cross
4753s save is play with your friends uh but
4755s cross play is you can play with everyone
4756s on all platforms uh I think we are
4759s Stormer and our Squad is on switch which
4760s is awesome that's fantastic maybe not so
4762s rough I have one good friend of mine
4765s that plays Warframe that I've known
4767s since my youth yeah and I dm'd him and
4769s said hey cross plays live and he goes
4781s if you're out there one day we'll play
4783s one day we'll get there don't worry
4786s about it oh it was crushing it was like
4787s you never expect it's gonna be the ones
4789s closest to you to betray you that cross
4791s yeah what about cross save though
4794s Danny
4799s I think if we could comb through all the
4801s live streams I feel like you get a whole
4803s soundboard of Danny Grunts and Giggles
4806s that you could just hit
4808s yo chat is just absolutely
4812s experience they can't really be your own
4815s Dodge
4817s someone in chat said it really be your
4820s own people because I sent pictures
4823s Grandma joke
4825s oh yeah classic classic grandma just
4828s tune in next week for Grandpa Grandma
4831s today Grandpa next week
4834s Meg what effect what am I using I'm
4836s using the concur ephemera from Western
4839s yes
4840s and I'm wearing the conquero sign down
4842s oh
4852s yeah you guys there's you guys are
4854s really Chad's on fire keeping the money
4856s not just not just chat but the
4859s individuals in this room
4861s who else is he
4864s Santa voices
4867s the
4868s person's voices
4870s Dean's voices the ghost of Edison
4873s haunting me
4882s you look congrats
4887s that's a good top 10 sorry I was gonna
4889s read out loud you're saying my bad my
4891s bad mama then you might have to do a top
4893s 20 tonight uh yeah I have so many maybe
4896s are we just waiting for your sister to
4897s show up yes late for Christmas because
4899s we just need one one time because I know
4902s it and then we can go back one time
4904s it'll be a good real drink together yeah
4907s yeah you guys get to go together kind of
4909s like Marcus got a full ride scholarship
4910s and you're like I haven't just got into
4912s school yeah he's trying out for the
4914s badminton team trying to trying to
4916s squeak through awesome stole my energy
4918s jerks the more hounds we kill the more
4922s enraged she gets correct uh she will
4925s appear the more we kill her dogs yes I
4927s mean life hack to a degree Oh Marcus
4932s you have died yeah I'll come back doggy
4936s dog too strong yeah dog dog's lazy beans
4940s okay I got it I got it
4941s it's okay thank you and then I'll get
4943s you oh okay thank you
4946s oh
4951s we did it oh God goodness
4954s oh my God shield on this dog
4959s holy schmokes he's dead now
4961s I mean it's sleeping good night okay
4965s okay
4967s one step
4968s oh it's nice
4976s I screwed up
4978s oh
4983s oh
4985s what
4987s how did I screw that up
4990s just got so quiet in here we'll just
4993s have to check the requiems
4995s it's unfortunate I thought I did know
4997s them
4999s what
5001s I thought at least I knew that I have
5003s not been checking your work again
5005s what
5008s I'm talking confused I didn't know a
5011s third but that was the second one that
5012s didn't work I thought I knew the second
5014s one I did swapped up you saw me
5017s so isn't it weird though when you back
5019s out sometimes sometimes you have to like
5020s hit select in a certain way why didn't
5021s you steal any of my stuff
5023s all right my credits are stolen rank
5026s five sister she's pissed she is
5033s confident
5036s whoa Gaslight
5038s okay keep
5041s what man that's not very go buzzing
5046s did you get it so the eye popped up last
5050s and said it was wrong
5051s [Music]
5067s whoops uh
5070s huh am I right is this right you know
5075s what we could do
5076s we could give away a prize and
5081s check what
5084s check check what
5088s check Santa's just check Santa's list
5092s what are you talking about
5095s why are you speaking like that
5098s I get you man
5102s okay
5104s we're just gonna keep playing do you
5107s have an UL or can either I do have an
5109s ooh but I know all three now so there's
5110s no point
5111s but I but I watched your thing you have
5114s you used the one in the second thought
5116s and then you use the other one the other
5117s slot so what do you mean like didn't you
5120s did you like you had yeah the middle one
5124s so you've used both options oh no you
5127s didn't use The Hourglass because I
5128s didn't know the hour oh sorry for some
5131s reason I was so confident that I knew
5133s that this was in the middle
5135s oh gotcha okay okay so it was it was on
5140s uh on all right I was I so confident
5142s well you got that you got that what's
5144s you got that dog in you
5147s you never heard that
5149s story you got that dog in him
5153s please chat you know what I'm talking
5154s about right
5156s what Meg got that dog in her
5159s yeah Joker King said Marcus cat say yes
5161s yeah
5162s yeah this is the thing yeah yeah okay
5164s people people know people know what this
5166s is someone said no we're dog is at home
5167s Marcus there's no one talking in chat
5169s right now what are you reading
5171s sex stop it no one agrees everyone
5175s okay we're gonna hopefully do this so
5178s markets are on your own yeah we've still
5181s got the top ten so we got yeah we got a
5184s gift that's very important so we'll do
5186s we'll do one more Mission and praise we
5188s get her and if we don't trade it's fine
5191s Bridge it is fine please damn I was
5194s really confident
5196s I then I thought did I actually get it
5199s or was I just or was this just some
5201s horrific bug where you can't get it and
5204s I get it on the first try
5206s you know
5208s you like that one though
5209s yeah really do oh do they really do
5212s maybe she'll have pity on me maybe
5214s she'll come back show up
5216s baby come back why is no one telling her
5219s to use the Requiem ultimatums because I
5221s have all three now so yeah it doesn't so
5223s you don't need
5225s I know the order okay let's take one
5228s more look so we know it's this guy and
5231s it's obviously not Mr eyeball so I will
5233s goes there and now we know cross so it's
5235s in the middle it's fine our glassy
5238s hourglassy we know that's that so
5240s there's no point in putting an UL there
5242s and wasting my UL yeah when I know the
5245s order I'm lost where am I
5248s who am I who am I
5251s let's get
5254s how far is the cross save in December uh
5258s no so cross save is not going to be
5259s December cross platform play
5262s this December uh and cross save we are
5265s going to hello we're going to continue
5268s looking at it next year no oh all talks
5271s are Dean is in chat are you sitting are
5274s you sitting in the game awards card he
5276s said um you made a back to the future
5278s reference without me how dare you when
5281s did you yes we did and when we the one
5283s gram of the plutonium
5284s Jack
5288s I had no idea that was it back to the
5290s team I did is does Dean have some sort
5292s of like text-to-speech like how did he
5294s know did Travis just talk ding ding he
5297s did Travis's DMV they made it back to
5299s the future reference yeah
5309s I forgot those existed
5313s oh you're sorry I thought you guys were
5316s talking about the wool that's what I
5318s thought as well yeah the Requiem
5320s ultimatum makes a ton yeah I don't have
5322s one right now but neither do I if I did
5325s you're right let me I'll have to check
5327s my inventory when I get back but
5331s please forgive me all I want for
5334s Christmas is your forgiveness
5336s you're here
5338s thanks wow more oh revs and chips
5342s Rooney red we expose your wish list to
5345s everyone you would like slots which rev
5348s you high roller yeah I mean everyone
5351s needs slots she has a woman of fine
5352s taste out of Rebecca what like we've
5355s we've come up with slots and socks it's
5357s what everyone needs for Christmas
5359s hmm
5361s all is good I think after this though we
5364s are going to do some fan art capture uh
5368s dojos all that great stuff and then we
5369s got gifting to do we're gonna have to
5371s speed around this
5372s yeah we're gonna oh the dog wait yeah
5374s yeah wait the dog the dog that dog must
5378s come first
5384s excuse me
5385s can we get some perks
5387s no
5391s [Laughter]
5404s [Laughter]
5410s at all times
5412s oh God that's funny all right
5415s it's time for some fan oh I got another
5417s drop we need a Cartoon Network After
5419s Dark on this stream sometimes though I
5421s think this is yeah it's a little this is
5423s the telephone
5424s dark
5426s high drinks if I say whatever the frick
5429s we want oh my God
5431s [Music]
5438s get off the stage get moving
5442s it was unintentional but yes I guess I
5445s guess I guess
5447s we might as well start with a good
5449s message
5454s just just chill out we're gonna we're
5456s gonna have some great you know what and
5457s I'll even kick it off with fan art
5462s don't lose your cool
5464s okay
5465s what are you two doing I don't
5467s understand he said a pun he said don't
5469s lose your UL oh they said cool is that
5471s what you said yeah he said don't lose
5473s your rule because like cool no yeah like
5476s cool but also the wool
5479s how about that fan already how about
5480s that fan art topping us off Caster
5483s Creations
5484s wow oh throw my nose
5488s that he could be barking up the wrong
5490s tree so he came with a peace offering
5493s good
5494s uh what is he offering her a flower Oh I
5498s thought it was on fire dude yeah and
5499s Bruno's like
5501s you think this is what I want silly man
5504s she's go she's she's got her hands up
5505s here does she oh she does she's like for
5509s me for me a flower for me for me oh very
5511s lovely cute dazzers is on a roll dastard
5515s Creations was on a roll so I just have
5516s two quick little back to backs and then
5517s we also got someone just said is that a
5519s flower from the helmet they use the body
5520s of another boyfriend oh my God I feel
5523s like Bruno would appreciate that
5525s savagery what is this cuteness rope
5527s below this phone so we saw the ropalos
5529s today I was gonna be like
5531s I see yeah and I got I got very excited
5533s because look at how cute this is who's
5534s this from uh this is downstairs it was
5537s another duster
5538s I had to do it but I couldn't I didn't
5541s decide between these flu because look at
5544s the little bit it's got the little blue
5545s yeah Greg if you're watching this
5548s can I have a mighty need for the rubble
5550s Ellis flute next up we have Miss Magicka
5554s she calls this the Verona she-wolf
5556s mother of a pack well like how the top
5558s is dark and like yeah and the TVs are
5561s glowing you don't brush your teeth that
5563s that's what happens teeth start to Glow
5565s too much sugar too much marzipan fuzzy
5569s teeth fuzzy teeth it's not good you will
5571s get some holes in your teeth and then
5573s this one is
5574s straight for Rebecca Ford oh this is
5577s Kirby Baruch
5580s this is from Marsh fault on Twitter so I
5584s had to include a little Kirby love does
5586s this mean that Kirby ate Baruch
5590s let's talk about it I guess so okay I
5593s guess so I forgot that Kirby has that
5596s sort of yeah he eats people insatiable
5598s appetite yeah anyways next up ball
5603s cradle this is their gift uh for court
5605s level Cresta this is their Cora wow
5610s pretty yeah
5612s stunning this is giving me a little
5615s Vitruvian very Vitruvian is are they in
5619s Deimos and they're looking at the lore
5620s of our Lord and savior Albert
5624s you got the best
5627s haircut in the entire world he's just
5629s the best dude he's the good guy what a
5631s guy whatever happened to that guy you
5633s know
5637s bad things
5639s next up
5640s irisio we got some more we got a lot of
5643s Verona today as we should as we should
5653s I love it just a straight head-on
5655s straight head-on nice and very
5657s symmetrical very menacing yeah very
5659s almost like a Rorschach test
5661s I see a bush
5663s I see danger oh I'm in danger
5668s from pamoa katulu this is another Verona
5673s piece oh they actually uh they worked on
5675s this while they were in the hospital and
5676s they are feeling better so healthy
5678s speedy recovery to you glad to see you
5680s feeling better but they worked on this
5681s while they were uh healing up you can
5684s draw that while you're in the hospital I
5686s want to see what they can draw out of
5687s the hospital yeah very very impressive
5689s so glad to hear you're feeling better
5690s I'm glad that uh Veronica can keep you
5692s company while you're dressing up
5694s dressing up so I love that for you
5695s Pamela Cthulhu and then from its def
5699s ma660t which I assume is death magnet uh
5703s and they had I forget what the name was
5705s for this but this blew me away
5708s this also reminds me of the meme of the
5710s uh the fish where it's like guess I'll
5713s just die
5715s like there's that Meme of the guy he's
5716s like guess oh I love that that is what
5718s this Grenier saying it's just like wow
5720s this will die yeah there goes
5723s um it's captioned feeding time very good
5725s his guts are out his guts are out yeah
5728s but typically that's not good if you
5731s find that there's a place uh please go
5733s see a doctor yeah but yeah varuna is
5735s looking uh especially scary Hammer
5738s wolves be at it they'd be holy they'd be
5741s hungry so death make it thank you for
5742s that that was something else awesome
5745s um Enquirer the Wolves of Warframe oh oh
5750s imagine this squad up oh my God
5758s Rosie howls
5760s that's so smart you got a little Lua in
5763s the background yeah what howling at the
5765s moon we got the wolf oh that is so smart
5769s we got Amar wolf might be one of my
5770s favorite characters in Warframe Like the
5773s Wolf the wolf The Wolf of Saturn six
5775s gotcha yeah yeah you said wolf and
5778s there's four of course uh bits of girls
5780s uh yeah I know no wolf Saturn six very
5783s good super cool super cool all right
5784s next up we have a chica cake this is oh
5792s why did they go to the bottom I I
5794s couldn't really track the thread of why
5796s they become so cute and cheapy at the
5798s bottom
5799s but I just really loved it it is so well
5801s done look at her gorgeous and I can't
5804s tell if volt has an iron if he's
5805s sweating in the bottom pan they're like
5807s they're like nervous yeah
5810s who knows but it's cute giving her a
5812s little fishy very sweet he's like for
5814s you for you this is one that I had to uh
5818s slide past Megan's desk just be like hey
5820s we good on this one picotan 920 and they
5824s just put Verona estimation point
5825s Exclamation point Exclamation point whoa
5828s doggy howdy look at those poppers yeah
5831s hi there look at them fighting in the
5833s background hi guys as dogs do as they
5835s did the brothers that Cape is awesome
5837s got the uh the ephemeron the uh I love
5840s her until she's got like the classic
5842s very like anime character ears oh I love
5847s her the gamer headphones yes and the
5850s cigarette her puppies look great once
5852s having a snooze one's getting a little
5853s scritch I like it because the one that's
5855s having us news also has a smile on it
5857s and sometimes pets are sleeping and you
5859s can still tell that they're like happy
5863s I bet he does next up uh some excellent
5866s Christmas decorations here with Saku and
5869s call oh they're trying to figure out the
5872s lights they're getting tangled bazaku
5874s has a lot of holes
5876s zaku does have a lot of holes so there's
5878s definitely some they're definitely
5880s trying to untangle and then getting
5881s tangled through them yeah and then I
5884s think they just have to plug it in and
5885s call it a day just come the Christmas
5888s become the Christmas spirit you can do
5891s it and rounding out our fan art for this
5893s week we have Remy on Twitter let me
5894s capture this one oh
5896s oh
5898s that's so cute I'll be coming
5902s damn
5904s it on with a little tail that's
5907s phenomenal that's a fan you know what
5909s very blue eyes white dragon very blue
5912s eyes hell yeah all right
5915s uh time for some
5919s uh it's funny because you mentioned this
5922s person's name but this is coraliva
5924s craster hey there you go what a
5926s transition
5927s wow this is werewolf and vampires we
5930s have roon up front and Garuda in the
5932s back oh my God oh my goodness oh my God
5935s we have all all of them's favorite
5938s things in one picture yeah
5941s and Team Edward anyways
5944s um moving on actually yeah agreed agreed
5947s after grade yes super hit the team
5950s Edward but I was listening very good
5952s next up this is from Medusa captures and
5954s this is kind of a necromancer I don't
5958s know how they got that creepy energy
5960s around them might be an ephemera just
5962s can't really place it almost look like
5963s I'm seeing like naira's oh it is a snake
5966s it is a snake in the background
5967s looking good very specific cool Joker
5971s next up we have from
5976s np161 yeah sure obviously do you see
5978s this I've been bantering back and forth
5981s with someone on the subreddit over
5983s uh over what they're saying and I think
5986s they're like making up the conversation
5987s yeah I replied I was like so there's
5988s this guy VOR right and like and like and
5992s he starts off on this monologue we're
5993s like dude we don't care and then they're
5995s like yeah and then he comes back in the
5996s void and I'm like dude I've already
5998s killed you and then I reply and I was
5999s like and he starts with the monologue
6000s again like bro we heard speech the first
6002s time we get it dude anyway
6005s the caption of it is you commit war
6007s crimes around here often
6009s that's so good yeah that's good I'm
6011s really glad this made the uh it's very
6013s fun happy to be here uh next up we have
6016s from the always amazing rickens they did
6020s a phenomenal performance capture edit
6024s this is if you haven't found the little
6027s sneaky tile that has been added in the
6029s conjunction survival nodes this is very
6032s specific to varunus lavirian if you've
6035s checked that story out definitely check
6036s it out it'll make you cry if you're into
6038s that uh but yeah this is room is very
6040s special to varuna and her story what
6042s does it all mean what does it all mean
6044s what does it all mean who is she
6047s only one way to find out there's one way
6048s to find out juicy but anyway rickens
6051s incredible piece as always so good next
6054s up we have from cosmic gorilla did just
6058s a beautiful crisp clean Nova wow you
6061s just like the every detail of that skin
6063s is popping I'm sucker for the known
6066s prime Deluxe ah the stand she's got the
6068s I think that's the Sarah Faye or is that
6071s her hand
6072s it's her hand I almost thought it was
6074s the ephemera with the extra arms but oh
6076s gotcha I think it is her arms I think so
6078s it looks incredible and you just really
6079s highlighted well so I appreciate it
6081s stunning
6082s next uh we have from Cali Emerald this
6087s is titled zaku's Lair zaku is in the uh
6092s in the neck or in Deimos kind of give
6094s that soccer Deluxe love in the necrolis
6097s and uh they own it saku's home turf they
6100s they own that place oh yeah
6105s and
6107s I love seeing this we have from
6110s favor use demon wrong for favor you
6114s Stephen this is their varuna fashion
6116s where she looks like a magazine and they
6118s and that's what I love about it is they
6120s detail out exactly color palette and
6122s like what color it is I need that I need
6124s that I would read that yeah I'd get a
6127s subscription it looks you get the
6128s subscription
6129s what have you checked out the QR code I
6132s have it oh I hope it's not a record
6136s probably a Rickroll yeah uh I love this
6139s next up we have
6141s this is from Deuce capture
6145s and it is a kind of lose wrath and we
6148s have our girl howling to the Moon hot
6150s dogs that's perused that is a little
6153s spooky I love the Intensive intensity
6155s Bloom from the Moon yeah I would want to
6158s go see that movie but I know I'd
6159s probably not sleep well that's fair but
6161s it'd be worth it it would be worth it
6162s I'd go see that speaking of worth it
6164s always our boy Goss this comes to us
6166s from zesty underscore 99. oh yeah our
6169s boy in action just running full
6172s bumblebee Vibes
6174s new Transformers
6183s a little bumblebee Vibes but best boy
6186s love him
6187s and last capture of today comes first
6191s from Silent Echo
6193s I am broken and it is zaku and his
6196s Deluxe skin and the ephemera looks
6198s Embrace that is part of his or part of
6201s their bundle in the market you also
6202s purchase that
6203s um really cool one that it doesn't do
6206s anything right away and then you stop
6207s and it starts to grow around you very
6209s interesting the gradient in the
6211s background yes the gradient it's giving
6214s Berry because like the greens obviously
6216s it's very like nature give an enchanted
6218s forest giving Enchanted Forest watch
6220s and that's all the capture that I have
6222s today
6224s delightful amazing that was some
6225s delightful guys that was delightful
6227s speaking of delightful would you like to
6229s tour some dojos let's do it Creator
6231s Video Creator videos actually before
6233s thank you Zach before we tour a couple
6236s dojos um we do have a lovely Creator
6238s video and as you know in our gameplay we
6240s were seeking after the planks which were
6243s so close so close
6245s damn Danny today
6249s again you guys really need it yes come
6252s on not intended no I know it's been a
6256s while I'm Rusty MC gamer CZ uh put
6259s together a video about the tenant planks
6262s telling you you know it's attributes how
6263s you get it all that great stuff so
6265s here's a little clip from NC Gamer cz's
6267s video about the 10 planks so hey guys
6270s welcome to another boyfriend video and
6271s today we're going to take a quick look
6273s at the tenet plings a new tenet weapon
6275s that was added with the lower spray
6277s update now as this is a regular internet
6279s weapon you get it by vanquishing a
6281s sister of Parables that has the tenet
6283s plings unlike the regular planes the
6286s attendance planes comes with two
6287s different fire modes it still has the
6289s high accuracy almost no recoil
6291s semi-automatic shot but there is also a
6293s secondary fire which loads up the rest
6294s of your magazine and fires a single
6296s explosive round this will either explode
6298s on impact if you hit something directly
6300s or if you hit it near enemies they will
6302s first be pulled towards it and then it
6304s will explode with a short delay an
6305s entrepreneur this big explosive
6306s projectile will do 10 more damage for
6308s every round that's loaded in it now the
6310s primary fire does 70 damage in total 40
6313s out of that is puncture and 30 is heat
6315s and it comes with 44 crit chance a
6317s three-champ script multiplier and a 12
6319s status chance which is a solid set of
6321s stats and the secondary fire does 100
6323s impact damage with a projectile which
6325s then explodes for 500 radiation damage
6328s in a 6 meter radius with 40 fall off and
6331s this has 40 crit chance still a
6333s three-time screen multi but the status
6334s chance is slightly higher at twenty
6336s percent so hey guys welcome to the
6338s warframe video and today hey Loop that
6340s bad boy yeah one more time the people in
6344s the back the whole video it's obviously
6345s on YouTube if you want to search for MC
6346s gamer CZ but we'll also link it in the
6348s YouTube description for this Primetime
6350s when it goes up on YouTube if we like to
6352s search for it there so if you're curious
6353s about the tenant plink a great video to
6355s uh teach you and inform you about
6357s exactly what the tenant can bring you
6359s and we're gonna do a little console Dojo
6363s tour thanks to D Ronnie for a tour
6365s against dojos we're going to start with
6367s the PlayStation plant do you want the
6369s intro yes okay I don't want to cut you
6372s off go for it you ready okay
6385s uh first we're gonna go this is the
6387s PlayStation Shadow Clan death's Royal
6389s Knight wow
6392s it's just a straight up house a very
6394s nice house oh valkyr no valkyr what is
6397s happening in that room uh oh oh
6400s Falcon yeah oh
6402s a ho ho potentially that was awesome
6404s this is a stadium lunaro maybe a little
6407s narrow FIFA a little gold
6410s I cheer for all countries equally oh
6413s very good lovely wow those are nice
6415s stance yeah I'd sit there
6417s your trousers are going to be set on
6420s fire this is kind of vehicles so we have
6422s Transformers
6428s that's for your daily commute yeah yeah
6431s oh that's a wild motorbike very much
6435s so
6438s I really like the fog yeah
6442s sorry as if you're Arachnophobia what's
6445s the
6446s um what was that oh it's not chaos which
6448s Queen leg looks like it that was a big
6450s word
6451s my goodness wow that is so detailed
6453s that's amazing the fact that it's a
6455s little like kind of moving yeah that is
6457s your community in Australia and this
6460s and this Castle
6461s oh very important decision very good
6464s chats go down at that table or some
6466s intense games that needs railings that's
6467s not an ocean spectacular not up to code
6470s not up to
6471s install it
6474s yeah and there you go that's the
6476s PlayStation Queen death's Royal knight
6477s from PlayStation you go to feature JoJo
6479s star chart and check that out and now we
6481s have the Xbox storm Clan titled can't
6483s get
6485s [Applause]
6487s oh my God
6490s look at the fireplace Fierce fires
6493s there's roaring residents
6497s Santa oh my God
6502s son Santa coming in hot that's a way to
6504s get around I don't know what that was uh
6506s Rudolph got demoted
6509s uh I don't even know where I am right
6511s now this might be tree house uh it looks
6513s like an awesome it looks like an
6514s Austrian Colony that's my big I don't
6517s know I'm not quite sure what this one is
6519s are you thinking oh there's a big
6522s nervous trees
6524s that's where I want to be
6527s I will take a bowl of hot chew is that a
6529s butcher shop oh Fanning down the meat no
6531s they're chopping chopping in the meat oh
6534s damn
6535s this is treehouse
6538s oh yeah that's true
6540s that is pretty Sensational that's what
6542s the elves are yes this is where they
6545s rest in the summer
6562s yes exactly
6564s got some cannons
6566s wow
6568s swab the deck is that what they say yeah
6570s swab the decks father day they say uh
6573s Brooklyn accent dude the deck and this
6577s is Oberon Guardians we have a giant
6579s overall like the mitts got a big mitt
6582s quite the mitts
6583s wow he's got the the horn help oh oh
6586s we're back to the beginning nope not yet
6588s oh okay it is on a loop though so we are
6590s going to get a second look at the uh
6594s look at that that thing is wild uh Xbox
6598s storm Clan Can't Get Right again if
6600s you're on Xbox you can check out this in
6601s the future too they got it so right they
6603s got it just right for me uh Sensational
6606s we're gonna do top 10 comments that will
6609s do the gifting and then we'll depart
6611s Zach all right
6614s [Music]
6617s well they're now his they're not mine
6619s already oh and we're gonna start it off
6623s very strong with snail space over on
6624s Twitch the bad children get defiled
6626s record mods there you go
6629s wow
6631s um moving on to learn from call 175 here
6635s [Music]
6637s I gave you some kuva but the very next
6640s day you become grindier Queen
6652s [Applause]
6653s um
6659s [Music]
6662s new Warframe Christmas album at uh
6665s number seven we got Genesis Sorry
6667s probably not saying that right
6670s oh my God
6672s at number eight I'm so sorry
6675s [Laughter]
6677s all right
6679s at number seven Army number eight oh my
6681s God
6683s Nation over on Twitch I just took a DNA
6685s test turns out I'm 100 yeah
6693s yes uh Nathaniel as the Grinch but he
6696s needs to give him the money for your
6697s debt the gift of giving don't you see is
6699s the price from those indebted to me
6707s we did have wasn't
6709s a couple years ago for tenno bomb
6710s Nathaniel was the face of it yeah
6713s yeah there you go yeah nice at number
6717s six yup number six uh just done sex over
6720s on Twitch Yanti gives off that favorite
6721s aunt that gives you what you want for
6723s Christmas Vibes yes same time yes she
6726s like pulls out the candy in her pocket
6731s we all have that why are the kids wired
6733s and running around the tree
6735s maybe we should pair it better
6739s just kidding my goodness all right at
6742s number five Tory CV over on Twitch chat
6744s completely unrelated comment but I keep
6747s reading the whole farts instead of the
6748s whole pass oh my oh my God they're just
6751s upset because they're gassy yeah they've
6753s been holding it in guys don't hold in
6755s your farts you gotta let those things
6756s out that's what the the thracs really
6758s are they're just fart entities
6762s that's what that noise is though yeah
6765s that's yeah it's just the Toots the
6767s releasing of the tubes
6769s when you're when you're constipated I'm
6771s ranking up the hold farts today
6774s gotta go visit the whole fart is that
6776s what caused the boy jumping City yeah
6782s big gas explosion all right yeah
6789s oh God okay at number four varico from
6792s the Discord this is uh borrow as Santa
6794s Claus my latest Safari to the North Pole
6796s you would say that you'd be like yeah
6799s what did you do for Christmas Turtle uh
6801s you know I just hung out at home it was
6803s good oh that does sound lovely I was at
6804s the North Pole
6805s did you bring back a polar bear Barrel
6808s Danny
6817s the rest of the class needs to hear it
6820s no you
6822s know I'll tell you the beginning someone
6825s chat said skitter girl more like
6828s oh yeah tutor girl yeah sure yeah well
6832s yeah but yeah tutor girl yeah yeah she
6836s runs away yeah shooter girl yeah okay
6839s yeah
6840s ragno over the Discord how do operators
6843s treat their chapped lips with tenno
6845s bombs nice
6846s joke it's a marketing idea
6853s all right from Robo Mythos over and
6855s twitch chat the annual Freedom Jeff from
6857s his career sleep to celebrate video
6859s games instead of Mariah Carey to
6862s frosting
6865s every time I switch on his yeah every
6867s time someone says World premiere just
6868s cracks a little bit in the ice until it
6870s comes out
6877s the number one comment is this why
6879s grandma got run over by the reindeer oh
6881s no she wouldn't have if she was in the
6883s home
6885s wow very nice homes okay they're very
6889s expensive anyways thank you
6893s I am sweating all right let's get gifted
6896s all right let's get gifted we're gonna
6897s go to a relay uh thank you to Stormer
6900s and yeah thank you alterickson that
6903s we're in our Squad Stormer being on
6905s switch appreciate you holding it down
6907s holding it down I'm Gonna Leave the
6909s squad I'm gonna reinvite you Marcus all
6911s right I'm gonna do it this way slash
6913s invite D Marcus and we are going to go
6919s Send Me On My Way I'm on the way we're
6922s gonna go to Earth and
6925s [Music]
6927s no no we're gonna Mercury because that's
6928s the easy
6930s relay on Earth
6932s two where it's nice and calm down really
6936s too we are on the North America east
6939s region
6941s uh and we are going to look at some
6944s people again we could only do PC uh
6946s right now perhaps next week we'll do a
6947s little console gifting Perhaps Perhaps
6950s Perhaps Perhaps Santa will come back to
6952s town we're gonna inspect some fashion
6954s and inspect your wish list so come with
6956s the wish list check it twice I will be
6958s looking at Fashion but I will not have
6960s any words on it because I am uh fashion
6963s is something I gotta work on no but I'm
6965s getting bad I would say I'm getting
6966s better oh great because I follow YouTube
6968s tutorials
6972s you follow me all right some teams on
6975s your birthday hey Bob oh Mr bizarre
6978s thank you that's too cut oh we have uh
6982s is that Mr roadblock wow it seems like
6984s furry the snake I'm getting conflicting
6985s Diamond because dinosaurs had feathers
6987s oh my gosh blessings what a Christmas
6990s gift you're already dripped out uh all
6992s right oh my gosh thank you holy smokes
6995s uh I see two Sharky here
7000s all right two Sharky looking great oh
7003s Sharky with a marolina you don't have a
7005s wishlist no wish list for you that means
7009s you're fully content with your life
7011s um so many blessings I think I know uh
7015s who's this we got bug CZ oh no we got
7018s cyber Sarah sc3po cyberson yes
7022s what's on your wish list oh yes
7026s yes you know you know I think everyone
7029s for Christmas needs the youverted
7032s everted yaglin uh Voyage oh yeah so I
7035s will be gifting this to you yeah and I
7037s will say happy Channel bomb oh it was so
7040s nice I am going to give a gift to Magus
7043s Union
7045s they want protea they want protea a nice
7048s classic
7051s gift gift little gift Mary
7059s premise how about 10 a while there are
7062s 10 of them but I'm going to spell a bomb
7065s in the spirit of Christmas very good
7067s very terrible hey lovely enjoy product
7070s as much as I have because I love protea
7075s file cabinet another marolina oh my God
7079s your signed Anna looks like a candy cane
7081s you've done something with it and you
7084s look incredible holy smokes what's on
7085s your wish list
7086s [Music]
7088s a person great fashion I will say oh I
7093s never Harrier what a great Deluxe it's
7095s true it's one of my favorites the golden
7096s men though that's pretty good it's the
7100s new one so I'm gonna file cabinet you're
7101s gonna get the golden men mend sorry
7106s [Music]
7107s that's a great gift oh and I got a bonus
7111s because I
7112s Megan's in it for the bonus huh oh I'm
7116s getting Pottery
7119s marketing scheme going on yeah
7121s all right I'm giving out the Nova
7123s atomico collection very nice uh I am
7126s giving this to a prixium oh because
7129s they're already wearing their Nova right
7131s now currently I love it and it is an
7133s excellent excellent Deluxe skin all
7134s right
7136s Avenger and a beautiful Octavia oh this
7140s is the prime gaming helmet beautiful oh
7142s nice nice
7146s oh I have to give you a ghost collection
7150s I have to I just have to because he is
7153s one of my favorites Happy Candle bomb
7157s skybird of your little velvet
7160s all right who you got Marcus I got algae
7163s what do you have on here what do you
7164s have on your wish list algae oh wow
7174s oh my God
7176s okay I think I might do a few nogles
7180s okay we're gonna do
7182s hmm love the Grendel noggle Grendel oh
7185s my God he's so cute
7187s no seconds
7189s [Laughter]
7192s and we're gonna give out oh Gauss
7194s because they gotta be buddies yes
7195s Besties
7199s [Music]
7205s okay and then we're gonna do
7210s um yeah how's that forever Zephyr
7215s all right I got Mr Bazaar who's actually
7217s varuna with the alternate helmet and the
7220s lovely signed Anna which you love to see
7222s their operator is Fallen as well with
7224s the Zephyr oh collection the like dark
7227s jacket and the wow the pops of color I
7230s love it what's on your wish list my
7231s friend oh Lord
7233s oh my God emotion module
7237s oh
7238s the statues oh the honored Pack
7241s Collection that's pretty good that's a
7243s good one if you know what this is you
7245s know what this is
7246s Mr bizarre
7248s happy
7249s [Music]
7251s all right we got two minutes shall we do
7253s a revenant
7255s let's do it Revenue
7257s this happened last week too yeah because
7260s we're so close Revenue Prime access
7262s while we finish up some gifting here
7267s oh we got people dancing yeah
7270s oh
7272s cyber said enjoy Verona I do not have
7275s her yet uh Revenue primax has gone to no
7277s one no one no no no I'm sorry guys no
7281s one no 185 no no no no cookies for Santa
7283s sorry no one gets no one no 185 congrats
7286s you've won a Revenant Prime access our
7289s last Revenant Prime access hey next
7291s weekend
7295s Oh damn all right no 185 congrats you
7298s won a revenue Prime access please for
7299s the Warframe twitch today watch right
7300s now with your in-game Alias and platform
7302s play Warfare mod and we'll get you a
7303s Revenant Prime access congratulations
7305s and we're doing one more because Zach
7306s said so gravity Prime Max has gone to S
7309s phaser 08 s phaser 08 congratulations
7311s you've won Revenant Prime access please
7313s whisper the Warframe twitch Channel
7315s you're watching right now with your
7316s in-game Alias and the platform you play
7318s Warframe and we'll get you your Revenant
7321s practice congratulations
7324s shijuku
7326s shijuku I'm giving you the Pax heart
7328s bundle baby whoa it's happening that's a
7331s big one happy and that's going to be my
7333s last gift for today but next week we
7335s will do some more gifting uh I just got
7338s myself another bonus you guys whoa oh my
7342s God
7343s um we'll do some more gifting next week
7344s on Console as well hopefully so make
7346s your wish list check it twice and happy
7348s Tano bomb to all we are rating who
7351s Zechariah I'm the clown over on Twitch
7353s we're gonna send all the love over to
7355s them right now please share all your
7357s wonderful tunnel bomb spirit with them
7358s they're ready and waiting for you shall
7361s we we shall thank you so much for
7362s watching uh the game awards are also on
7364s next one watch that but definitely hang
7366s out with I'm the clown while you're
7367s doing it uh and just enjoy some more
7370s Warframe and you know just have a
7371s wonderful day Marcus thank you for being
7373s here thank you Megan thanks for
7374s everything Zach thanks for being here my
7376s pleasure Danny thanks for being here
7378s you held on yeah
7381s your laughs were lovely uh have a
7384s wonderful night everyone stay safe stay
7385s warm and we'll see you next week for our
7388s last prime time of 2022. all of us are
7390s going to be here again it's gonna be a
7392s blast all the hosts are gonna hang it on
7394s the couch have a nice cozy stream and
7396s send off the year so thank you so much
7397s for tuning in tonight and we'll see you
7399s later bye