about 5 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s [Music]
52s [Music]
63s [Music]
70s [Music]
85s [Music]
129s Tuesday to all of y'all how's it going
132s I'm here with Marcus hello day two of
135s Marcus it's gonna be day three tomorrow
137s oh boy oh boy I don't think we can
139s handle that I it'll be fine but we're
143s here today it is a is it a sunny Tuesday
146s not so much but it's okay is it daytime
149s in the plains right now chat can you
151s help me is it daytime maybe we'll make
153s it sunny out in the plains either way
155s either way hello welcome to PS short for
159s my name is Danny or Danielle you can
162s call me what you want d Danielle Oh
164s actually this thing isn't working Marcus
169s what little uh I'm sorry I didn't read
173s the little tab that's what my game is
177s but hello everyone welcome nico demony
181s says Meg best warframe and I think
185s restream died on me again
187s I can't see anything that you guys are
190s saying dead hello others everybody hello
193s Danielle cracking look I'm not no I'm
196s just letting Marcus know what's up see
197s he fixed it there look at that that's it
199s there you go a television here you go
201s I suppose hello everyone oh it's so nice
204s to see everyone know twitch drops note
206s which drops today actually no Twitter
210s ups really ever on the console streams
212s but we do the prizes to give away I got
214s some news I want to talk about so let's
217s get into that
220s alrighty Oh what oh it's okay it's okay
226s there we go we made it work so buried
230s debts is live you guys know this already
233s you fought the exploiter orb you said hi
235s to the missus the mom Z's the mother of
241s the coolant
243s Spidey's you know you got some hildren
246s the p OE remaster well that's coming up
249s soon hopefully we're aiming to send to
251s cert this week so stay tuned for that I
255s will have some potent status tarts what
258s is happening with me today it's okay hey
260s when I reloaded it was all wrong so okay
263s it's gonna be a little rocky today y'all
265s it's okay but yes plains of Eidolon
268s remaster let me just like I'm gonna take
271s a simple water water is life everybody
274s not wrong stay hydrated always okay we
278s are planning to send the plains of
281s eidolon remaster main line update to
283s search for ps4 Xbox and switch so stay
288s tuned for that we will have satisfied
289s when that happens to let you know all
291s the goodies that are coming which is
293s very exciting it was a bear here hello
295s bear how's it going and of course we got
299s oh man we got a whole heaps of things
300s we've got planes conservation is coming
303s with that the tusks thumpers and tusks
306s flutes I don't know if you guys can
308s handle that they're very cute we also
311s have a plains of Eidolon slash Cetus
313s economy remaster and that goes over a
318s whole host of things that makes your
320s life's a little bit easier to earn
322s things in the plains of Eidolon things
324s that we learned from the launch of
326s fortuna that we wanted to bring over to
327s our lovely original open zone world and
332s home Cetus we also have a creator mode
336s which is really exciting for all of you
339s guys out there who are youtubers who
341s make videos who stream on your consoles
345s and don't want purple Lotus to pop up
348s and have people ask you why is mama
351s Lotus purple then that's coming for you
353s including other things as well like the
357s Fortuna transmissions once you reach a
360s certain point in the standing things
362s like that whole bunch of stuff it'll all
364s be in the status red channel con 2019
367s it's happening again this year and we
369s have digital packs that are available
370s for you guys to purchase if you are not
373s attending Tenno con so if you would like
375s to adorn yourself with some teto con
379s 2019 armor it's there for you we've got
382s a sigil display art glyph a cool emote a
387s ticket to the Barrow relay that comes
389s out during this time so exciting to get
392s all your Duckett's ready oh you get all
395s of your duck exactly I don't think you
397s guys can farm I'm trying to think of all
400s of the new things I'm gonna have to ask
401s Pat to think of all the new things that
403s has been added to borrows rotations
406s since the last 10 Oh climb so I says it
409s has this inventory like doubled I don't
410s know I'll figure that out either way
413s these are available until July 9th for
416s you to pick up and get access to all
419s those goodies if you wanted I mean if
421s you're coming over to London Ontario
422s Canada for let's say prime time for Ted
426s oak on we will see you there very
428s excited Oh Elsie fr is attending yeah
432s actually sound off in chat sound off and
435s Chad I want to see who's come in you
438s saved up twelve thousand ducats less
442s you're crazy damn I got a lot of someone
447s got a lot ways that is impressive and if
451s you can top that this year I'll be mucho
453s impressed you share those Duckett's
459s that's crazy you're a thousand miles
461s away from cannon OSF yes okay don't
464s worry sometimes we do 10 alive events
466s where we go to different places around
467s the world and hang out with you guys as
469s possible I don't know what we're looking
470s at schedule wise this year but mhm keep
473s an eye out for that
474s - ride hello can't attend that's okay
477s you can all have fun in the relays
480s during ten oak on during tunnel lives
483s it's a whole community event so don't
485s you worry I'll be participating together
487s equinox prime is here of course equinox
490s prime access she comes wielding the
494s Stradivari Prime and the Tepito Prime
497s and of course her accessories are
498s available for you guys and we got some
502s relics out in the wild for you to earn
503s her for four pieces four pieces four
507s pieces four pieces no aprons crimes none
510s of that it's not happening none of that
511s happened it not
512s maybe all farms
513s that today we'll see I'm guessing many
516s of you are well ahead of me now on that
518s farm I've actually gotten tweets from
520s you guys saying that you fully crafted
522s her and I'm not saying that I am jealous
525s I am I'm not saying that I'm delegating
529s but just that I got a you know kicked my
532s butt into gear you know I'm saying I'm
536s seeing something for some people ask
537s about 1000 John around 15 we got some
539s information possibly coming out with the
543s status thread on that what you can
544s expect but there was a post that Taylor
547s put out in a thread just explaining
550s since we've caught up with switch on the
553s items on switch we had to kind of look
555s at 10'o Jen as a whole on across the
557s console platforms and what that will
560s look like for you guys we will let you
561s know but don't worry more 1000 Jenna's
564s coming I just got a you know work out
567s the kinks mm-hmm
568s sixth warframe anniversary it's been six
571s years of ten oh it's been six years of
575s potatoes Wow
577s cabbages all that good stuff 3d milk
579s yeah drop it drop it so many things and
584s we still have those alerts available for
586s you guys to run you probably noticed
589s that your Star Wars intro length
592s dashboard and your navigation is like
595s stars completely obliterated through
598s your orbiter windshield I don't know if
601s you would have noticed it either way
602s though it's gonna go away tomorrow
604s because tomorrow is the last day to run
608s those alerts so do so for the decks
613s furious decks new Charlie signed Anna
615s decks dock reduction Burris and decks
617s Excalibur decks skin xxx and if you
621s haven't logged in to the game yet please
623s do so as well because we have a new
626s Lissette deck skin for you and a new
629s deck Snuggle for you of waiting for you
631s in your inbox yeah so the real man he
634s says six years and I still miss the
636s stamina bar get out of here
638s get out of here stamina buff what is
642s this who is this man
646s stamina somebody come collect your bein
649s is super jumping oh my god
653s alright moving on Oh actually that is a
656s lot however Marcus you can go away from
659s this one but if you missed it if you
664s missed it I posted a thread last night
666s about the I believe that's called the
669s animator challenge and night wave for
671s ps4 Xbox and how about take PlayStation
674s and switch so there's a little bit of a
676s discrepancy between the PC version of
679s the night wave challenge and the console
681s version of that night wave challenge on
683s PC you require three I attend sculptures
687s to be fully socketed and on consoles
689s right now it's five so our way of kind
693s of saying are bad because unfortunately
695s there's a mismatch between the main line
697s update on PC and obviously you guys not
699s having it on consoles yet which is the
702s reason why you're seeing a difference
703s there because there was a change in main
704s line that will be coming in the near
706s future for you guys as we make up a
709s build to send a cert regardless we put
712s out two alerts free or one alert
715s actually we put out one alert it's a
717s super fast earth capture I made it
719s really quick for you guys also because I
722s made the QA team test it a little too
725s late in the day so I was like I'm giving
727s everybody a break and I made it a super
729s quick capture mission thank you QA team
731s for making that happen last night
732s everybody applauded yes that alert
735s awards you with two of the air
737s sculptures which only requires three of
739s the cyan stars just to kind of make up
742s for the fact that you guys need to do
744s two extra compared to PC that's our bad
746s it's something that obviously happens
748s with mainline updates something we're
751s gonna you know try and keep track of in
753s the future so we do apologize for that
754s but those that alert is live right now
757s for you guys in your world state win do
759s just check it out you can run it super
762s fast and it's available until the end of
764s this current night way weekly rotation
767s so for the next five days be sure to run
769s it nice t-shirt ooh run it which I
772s actually have to do today so if you guys
773s want to run it with me we can do it
777s wait what someone just said wait what
779s there's an alert live right now and it
781s gives you - I attend scultures because
782s we we messed up with mainline for the
784s people back here how long will this
789s story last well story it's just which
794s story I got lots to tell you man that's
797s all that's a huge question that is a the
799s story of nice too much for a tutorial
801s warframe years ago and obviously you
809s guys are gonna have questions too about
811s the sortie because there's a discrepancy
813s there as well unfortunately it's a
816s hard-coded change that requires our
818s mainline build so we can't make a change
821s to that at the moment it's not something
823s we can hop fix unfortunately so our bad
826s on that as well lessons are being
828s learned here so when it comes to the aya
831s tans we said hey you know we can put out
833s an alert that's an easy kind of solution
836s to you know hopefully getting you guys
839s to completing that challenge but
841s unfortunately sorties are a little bit
842s more difficult it's a little tricky
844s because we can't give you the whole
846s sorties okay reward damage best yeah so
850s yeah again lessons being learned main
854s line it's a little bit dodgy sometimes
857s depending on what's in those builds so
860s mm-hmm
860s there you go how long is night wave on
863s consoles I think when I asked today
864s there's about four six weeks left I'm
868s pretty sure four to six to four to six
871s weeks there you go all right I think we
875s should jump right into the game all
878s right all right so let's see here I was
884s feeling very happy about springtime it's
887s been really nice been real nice in
891s London oh yeah and I'm feeling it yeah
894s feeling it feel it in your bones oh man
896s I'm so stoked so I'm gonna invite some
899s of you guys I'm gonna run that I attend
900s mission just so I can get that night
902s wave you know doing them a thing or out
906s of the way you know what I'm gonna grab
908s you or not Brutus
910s down it's a super super quick capture
912s mission so it will literally take oh
916s hello I don't know what happened there
919s is my keyboard mag that's not there we
922s go alright so if you guys want to join
924s me put in your PSN IDs I see d12
929s zero-nine-five I think I got it yep
931s alright come on down and I need one more
936s person
938s be bold be bold what was it sorry to six
942s nine five two six nine five okay people
948s do it we did it
950s do you have any information on one play
952s star will return I don't have any time
955s frame for that at the moment but I can
959s say that it will be returning at some
960s point this year I would assume that is
963s the plan what am i doing okay so we're
966s gonna go get these two I risk air a or
969s higher higher sculptures their hands in
971s the air okay y'all are gonna sting chat
989s is freaking freaking out Flandre scarlet
995s 495 is singing along yeah that's a bob
998s we're bringing it back
1000s was it not print out wait is it not
1003s pronounced air Jabberwocky it is most
1006s definitely probably gel anounced air but
1008s that song is a year and it's I think
1013s it's probably I think they're talking
1014s about I don't know if they're talking
1015s about the song or the sculpture no I
1018s think they're talking about the
1018s sculpture okay I'm trying to use the
1020s vehicle of music music I explained the
1028s correct pronunciation of heirs of a are
1030s layered I'll stick by it alright if
1033s you're confident with it
1034s then this is no one's jammed but we're
1039s not bringing it back this is no one's
1041s Jim Lord Crimson
1042s where did he go excuse me sir you can't
1045s just hide under this brush oh you're
1048s talking I will get my sculptures yeah
1050s the capture target decided to fade into
1053s the world it's like when a five-year-old
1056s plays hide and seek this tiny leaf hmm I
1062s wonder where you've gone Oh
1065s [Music]
1066s when have you ever been in a matchup I
1069s didn't seek where you've hidden behind a
1070s tiny at least well I don't know if
1072s they're in a park or something what are
1076s the what are the the guidelines here I
1080s assume like a tree at a park right we're
1084s here fair enough yeah that's a place
1086s you'd still play hide-and-go-seek
1087s all right let's see here sort of large
1090s crystal some sort of large hearth house
1093s plant right ante five oh we do were you
1101s watching mr. I try to explain the pool
1103s game colors and you jump in the pool
1105s explain it for 45 seconds I was like
1108s yeah you know like that- ENGOs honestly
1111s I zoned out Joshy panda you missed not a
1119s lot it was probably two what do you
1134s think inside of the mission when I
1139s should stop I double down and that's
1141s what I that's when I really hit my
1143s stride I'll send it to you oh please do
1152s my kid has this like I watched it back
1154s today and she just has this glimmer of
1156s like guilt on her face when she's like
1157s oh crap he's still going oh man oh
1162s that's too funny good thank you be well
1165s thank you d1 and bird not Brutus you're
1168s not Brutus you're not Brutus thank you
1171s for joining me
1171s we're actually gonna run a platinum
1173s prize there Marcus
1175s heck yeah
1175s if you don't mind well I don't the sorry
1178s wing is very much in my way sorry not
1183s sorry
1184s alright who we got sock waffle and force
1188s down congratulations to both of you guys
1190s you've won over on Twitch and mixer
1191s please whisper the channels that you're
1193s on right now with your in-game alias the
1195s platform you play on and we will hook
1196s you up with your 400 plot sock waffle
1198s and four stone Congrats Congrats yes
1202s very very mucho Congrats all right let
1205s us go out into the plains of EDL and
1208s we're gonna go to primed master seat
1216s please
1216s oh I wonder you that came out on PC I'm
1220s and I think consoles are what three
1222s rotations behind yeah so and also borrow
1227s the borrow relay will happen during
1229s panel con so you should be able to get
1230s it done - yeah you can almost like if
1233s you know you're gonna get the digital
1234s pack you almost never have to feel like
1235s you're missing Barrow right yeah exactly
1237s that's what I say but then I also have
1239s no ducats in the bank so I'm kind of
1240s worried you know ducats in the bank
1242s I got buckets in the bag my god mark is
1246s musical dear what's going on here the
1249s stream 2008 why does that sound like a
1253s what were those kids bombs
1255s kidsbox oh that just Kidz Bop kids kids
1257s bomb like kidding about 50 I bumped kids
1260s Bob growing up its tone it's terrible my
1263s boombox yeah oh man oh yeah all right CD
1268s players CD players all right so let's
1271s grab some more folks here to run oh you
1275s know what I didn't do what hold on hold
1277s on
1277s cuz I'm gonna absolutely forget to do
1278s this and people are not going to people
1281s are not gonna forgive me if I don't sock
1282s it the two I attend Widow Scott because
1284s I need it I need just two more I need
1286s just two more many a stream we've used
1289s chat to remind us with things I would
1292s give you ducats enough snogging again
1294s you're not the only person including
1296s most of my media family most of them
1300s think you're being generous they're a
1302s significant chunk of my friends there
1304s all right I attend treasures here we go
1309s thank you you know you know it's earth
1311s hey what's up earth how's it going okay
1316s so here are my two sculptors I'm gonna
1319s auto-install do it they look like it's
1323s such a great feeling when I auto-install
1325s oh it's such a nice I was so happy when
1327s we added that in it is so juicy well
1330s they look like little too like they look
1331s like little cannolis right yeah this is
1337s like just agree with her like this
1340s degree I think they look like some
1341s courts some sort of Caterpillar some
1344s sort of Caterpillar yeah fair enough
1345s fair enough I mean like yeah I can
1347s always get only works too
1351s thanks thanks for again all right let's
1354s go down the planes
1355s I believe it or not no I won't believe
1359s it you guys wouldn't be surprised by
1360s this
1360s um I am NOT max rank yet with the ocean
1364s on people I am with Fortuna with the
1367s Solaris United but not with I know I
1370s know
1371s poor grounds ooh you're break-in target
1374s someone just said to your split between
1376s two streams trying to support both at
1378s once wow that seems a very distracting
1383s yeah that's but that's a commendable
1385s yeah good be you supportive of I hope we
1388s appreciate it I definitely appreciate
1390s I'm sure they appreciate it too and
1392s whoever you're you're watching as well
1394s hmm
1396s the quills standing as a pain I don't
1398s actually know what rank I'm with quills
1399s I think I'm on the third rank I'm pretty
1402s sure pretty sure honestly you know what
1404s you need to do used to you just need to
1406s get a good old Megan mining session in I
1409s do which actually is a great no which is
1413s something I should do
1414s so should I do guys showed you a free
1417s roam or should I do a bounty should do
1419s some some old-school bounties looking
1422s forward to the PIO II economy rework I
1423s am too is there anything I need from the
1426s drop tables because that's where I look
1428s to you for Oh relics that are out now
1430s because you could farm relics as they're
1432s doing bounties oh you know what the
1434s relics is a good idea yeah we could
1437s definitely do that
1438s because it's like the one place we're
1439s almost guaranteed the we could do some
1441s relics some with p2 what else do we have
1443s here Mesa e - I think may so v2 has let
1447s me check
1448s oh I want to go to my detailed breakdown
1453s of that which is reward details where
1457s you can go a thumper hunting
1459s oh but the thing is is the updates not
1461s live yet you hit those bounties alive
1464s yet
1464s alright let us invite some people
1467s tourists flame wow that's a cool name
1471s man good thing Helen wasn't here to be
1473s triggered Equinox systems is in there I
1476s was pretty sure there was something in
1478s there who else do we got pineapple bob
1485s 92 pineapple bob maybe 200 92 I totally
1492s disregarded the last point pineapple Bob
1495s 92 okay thank you and I'm gonna grab
1499s some do you who's a messaging me
1501s Christian
1508s migration for ps4 to switch Li sorry not
1511s possible electron setting so where are
1516s we out here hmm
1517s I'm trusted that's good trusted maybe I
1521s should just stay there with trusted
1523s trusted 1000 feels good wouldn't you
1526s rather like someone called me a Syrah
1528s I'd be pumped really if someone called
1530s me I can't I'd be like I'm not your
1532s family ain't joking about your kid or
1536s your kid truck trusted feels lukewarm to
1539s me trusted actually no that's pretty
1542s great push it too far
1544s yeah your trusted trust it but we want
1546s to make good things I'm gonna have a
1547s really lunch with you yeah exactly
1549s exactly
1550s Horace flame join join dude they're just
1557s joking around
1558s oh all right
1561s tourists blame is here let's get some of
1565s those relics cuz I need them please ek
1570s I'll see you at Tendulkar oh that was
1573s probably for Danielle like Dylan and I
1575s are excited so you're gonna attend okay
1576s I know I read that for me I'm sure they
1579s were saying that to you too much did you
1581s know oh oh I don't know how I feel about
1584s where this sentence is going oh it's
1586s it's it's a funny story
1587s okay so at 10 o con I met with you know
1591s I'll leave them nameless okay I met with
1593s one of the warframe partners who were
1595s stuck outside the gates I was like oh
1596s hey like great great to meet you like
1598s come on in like oh and they're kinda
1600s like oh hey yeah it's good to see you I
1602s brought him in whatever and then like
1605s two months later I was like yeah I was
1606s so great meeting you at 10 o con and
1608s they're like we met at 10 o con and I
1610s was like yeah I was that tall dude with
1612s the and they were like oh that was you
1614s and I was like oh yeah no yeah but I
1618s think I'm pretty generic looking dude
1620s you Marcus
1623s you do have to read if there's a lot of
1626s use a lot of people there's like a
1627s there's a lot of people and there's a
1629s lot of people's on GP boys whoever said
1631s Marcus I will go out of my way to say
1633s hello to you this M I'll say hello right
1635s back there you go yeah you guys dojo
1637s hopping later oh yeah did the new dojos
1639s come out the new featured dojos this
1642s should be I think you're hooked him up
1643s yeah yeah we'll see mm-hmm anyways yeah
1647s that is that is poor like there's a lot
1649s happening a ton of comments like yes the
1650s most stimulating and exciting event with
1653s so much cool stuff another year of it
1659s yeah it's unreal Christmas it is it is
1663s it's just a big old family reunion
1664s absolutely oh it's a rain in it's
1667s rainbow my sarin looks fabulous in this
1670s lighting
1670s excuse you do this oh okay
1678s oh yeah you just hits copy warfarin
1683s colors this guys copy warfarin colors
1686s too if we could have themed I guess it's
1689s basically what we do is faster famous
1690s good well yeah like fashion in color and
1692s it's but like if there is this is a can
1694s of worms Oh claims of Eidolon palais
1697s that'd be cool that actually cool some
1700s earth tones you know but like this is a
1702s beautiful skybox right now oh it's
1704s beautiful
1705s oh we need to hack the drone where's the
1706s drone I guess you guys you got it okay
1708s cool there we go
1716s is the plan to just add an open world on
1719s every planet throughout the star chart
1722s I believe that does spoke to that on a
1725s previous step stream and I think we're
1727s cooling the Jets a bit on open zones for
1730s a while yeah especially because we have
1734s we have rail jack obviously in our
1736s sights and then the priority amongst you
1738s know some other things yeah absolutely
1740s but I mean there's a lot of stuff
1744s already to do in both of these areas so
1752s yeah definitely a cool-down period here
1754s on some open zones because it required
1756s it is a lot of work
1758s oh it's a lot it's low it's a lot team
1760s really in every department kicks in the
1764s high gears oh my god it's incredible
1770s [Music]
1772s kind of impossible of mercury because
1775s we'd be burning on its surface I guess
1778s it depends on like how far are like
1781s warframes go in terms of their
1784s protection atmospheric protection
1787s how would you yeah the surface of
1788s mercury is super hot then how could you
1790s be burned by heat damage if it's heavy
1792s that I was like I played a spongebob
1794s game for the ps2 I'm sorry you did why I
1796s played a sponge ball game beat that I
1798s played a spongebob game for the ps2
1800s battle for bikini bottom wait why do I
1803s feel like I've also played that you
1805s probably did it was probably the best
1807s time you ever had the Battle of bikini
1809s bottom I think it's battle for bikini
1810s bottom but it's a great time and I was
1813s like an amazing before anything is
1815s because you're underwater there's water
1816s hazards so it's just like right
1818s goopy water like it's not really it's
1820s kind of like edgy water but it's like
1822s you know how do you get hurt how do you
1825s drown underwater right right right
1828s and how does sponge sponge above as a
1831s very a sponge and not be totally very
1836s expanded yes very absorbent and he's
1839s always under water huh so those are some
1841s questions that
1843s I've been on guys dev stream spongebob
1846s to explain those right yeah I dig it
1849s actually a good spongebob game crisis
1852s agrees with you mm-hmm
1853s it's a great game it's really great I
1856s think it may have gotten the coveted
1858s like when they do the read case for a
1860s PlayStation favorite right oh man I want
1864s to revisit that now yeah it's good time
1865s why I have it yeah like you might have
1869s to steal everything yes it's good to
1871s same you might have to steal it
1873s there's so many games that I bought
1874s growing up oh go ahead but oh I just
1877s realized you know what growing up I
1878s played I played you know the game Clue
1880s right yes so there was a PC version of
1883s that that I ended up playing and I had
1885s no idea what I was doing I think it was
1886s like maybe like 10 when I played it
1889s which i think was too young for a murder
1891s mystery game yep still didn't really not
1896s and where in the world is Carmen
1897s Sandiego yeah I played a lot of how I
1900s played a lot of weird mystery games
1901s drying up I also played lots of there
1904s was a Bratz game oh man pony games yeah
1908s yeah everything all those learning games
1911s tap push anybody here ever did tap - ish
1916s it's like a typing game it's what I
1917s learned it's how I learned how to type
1919s fast that's you type really fast a
1922s little bit too aggressive which makes it
1924s sound like I'm typing fast but yeah I
1927s think you type pretty fast carbons in
1929s yeah I did lion-king typing like I got
1936s really hard cuz like typing gets really
1938s hard but it does but it was pretty fun
1941s in school yeah oh okay
1944s you remember that tap - ish yeah oh my
1946s god that makes me so happy that people
1947s remember that I think I'm trying to
1950s remember what the nightmares are coming
1952s back yeah it was stressful because I
1959s definitely a perfectionist when it cut
1962s he's up there when it comes to most
1964s things and not getting a perfect score
1966s and tuck - ish really just dug deep into
1971s my soul it was very upsetting games like
1974s the
1975s something really subtle but when
1977s software kind of kind of shades you and
1979s know for sure you know for sure how dare
1982s you do you ever play Scrabble online oh
1985s but I not online but I've definitely
1987s played a lot of it with my grandma and
1988s my mom okay you would know the pain of
1991s when you play a word on like the online
1993s version or like on the app you can play
1995s on Facebook whatever you put the
1998s Scrabble helper will show you what the
2000s best combination would be okay so if you
2002s have so like you know you put a word
2004s down there like oh maybe try this next
2005s time if you had like an excellent
2008s combination you could have done the
2009s little Scrabble face to help her in the
2011s bottom has this like disappointed like
2013s yeah got a face and he's like uh I mean
2016s I guess so here's what I would have done
2018s and it's like 86 Oh like it's my mom's
2021s like I hate that little Scrabble guy
2022s what he's all mean yeah that is that
2026s does uh let the sting a bit
2028s mm-hmm sorry I'm not as good as you'll
2031s ever be yes sorry master
2033s Scrabble AI scratcher Oh AI God well I'm
2039s human
2039s so the real Dark Lord oh sorry go ahead
2042s oh no I was just I was just gonna say
2044s that is that is I'm not doing I'm trying
2046s to advance right everyone's just trying
2048s to beat their girl right Scrabble let's
2049s be real someone just asked who's a
2052s disembodied voice today that is Marcus
2054s hello
2055s that indeed is Marcus and he has been
2058s running the streams this week Helen is
2060s away on vacation yep and tomorrow Marcus
2062s will also be running the stream the
2064s switch stream with Rebecca and myself
2066s thank you sitting here on the couch
2068s chatting and doing all kinds of things
2070s on the switch you know talking about the
2073s update and everything else
2075s I was gonna say the real Dark Lord has
2077s asked about the contest masks and
2079s they're all oh they're in development Oh
2082s however we saw the proof for the Nord
2086s mask it is unreal holy goodness
2089s it is I don't they died again I feel
2093s like I know how I should feel about it
2095s right all at the same time I don't know
2097s how I feel about it because it's a bit
2099s of it's a bit of wow this is amazing and
2101s it's a bit of has science gone too far
2103s yeah
2104s exactly it's definitely oh wow and maybe
2107s it doesn't mean you should right however
2109s it's out of our hands now it is out of
2112s our hands now but I not in any any bad
2115s way absolutely not in any way it's okay
2117s just I think it's a sight to behold it
2120s really is it will leave you your jaw
2123s unhinge yeah it's wicked let's face
2130s aanchal show his face oh my god they're
2133s giving you names no Marcus well we got
2136s space mom we got a song I'll take space
2139s uncle that sounds fine here you go so
2141s what does that have Loki scared don't be
2142s scared it's very silly oh no no it's
2144s very easily it's very it's it's if you
2148s love Nords you'll absolutely lose your
2151s mind
2151s yeah Knorr the best even if you don't
2153s know what unboard is which by the way it
2155s is a type of fish in the plains of
2157s Eidolon you'll be quite amused and
2161s probably very perplexed but yeah but
2163s then ones you seen ergh you'll be like
2164s oh so how many members of the space
2172s family does that make
2173s uh-huh we got a big family we've got
2176s lots of people IDE yeah a part of the
2178s family including you guys I'm sorry
2180s when does wisp come out you would have
2182s seen her abilities on the last step
2184s stream so um she's coming along mm-hmm I
2189s don't have a date to give you guys
2190s obviously but you should check out the
2193s dev stream overview that Taylor would
2195s have written she gives a nice little
2199s breakdown of what you would have watched
2200s that day mm-hmm fish loose when is an
2206s idea absolutely like a band org flu yes
2209s a big north that's a great idea get an
2211s or get a or an org brain you choose to
2214s conserve or you choose to turn oh oh I
2219s want to talk about something we talked
2220s about on the podcast but I can't okay
2222s leave it for the pockets which by the
2224s way you guys recorded today right yes we
2225s did episode three fish tanks for dojos
2233s I imagine like a massive fish tank you
2236s know what you know would be really cool
2238s you know those crazy hotels where a
2240s whole wall is just a fish tank I've
2243s never been to one but I know what you're
2244s talking about a hotel no no a big hotel
2248s with a massive fish like you we're okay
2258s we just can't ever really travel this
2260s kids are you those cameras and my ruble
2263s all right
2264s no giant fish tank that has tunnels
2266s through it I've been to aquariums where
2269s there's tunnels and there's sharks and
2271s stingrays floating over here that's
2272s really cool so could be like a dodo
2274s decoration that's just a big giant
2276s aquarium well that would be kind of cool
2277s maybe we should do it platinum prize hey
2279s how about that should you want him right
2282s so Dylan Braun was asking about the
2285s Tenno Khan planter those are actually
2287s hooked up and they're looking better
2288s we're just putting on some final tweaks
2289s nice nice update smooth pine that sounds
2293s like an air freshener and Moosey fate
2295s underscore SK hopefully not an air
2298s freshener congratulations to you guys
2300s you've won 400 platinum please whisper
2302s the channels out you're on right now
2303s with your in-game alias and the platform
2304s you plan on we'll hook you up with that
2306s 400 plot Congrats
2308s we did it way to go I've seen so many
2311s play star question what is the Moosey
2313s fate though well Lucy's fate yeah we'll
2317s never know we will never know the
2320s answered questions in the university
2321s yeah a lot of playing star stuff lots of
2323s plate starts up we don't have a date we
2325s did say I think we have mentioned in the
2326s past that we will obviously rerun it
2328s this year just because you know we need
2332s some need your plagues all parts I think
2334s the last time plague star was live I
2338s thought I got all of the strikes and I
2340s didn't so right so I I think what I
2343s ended up happening is I got one of the
2345s handles instead of a strike and I
2347s thought oh I'm done yeah but of course
2348s what gives UMR is the strike and I was
2352s is very upset at myself because when it
2355s ended I was like damn lose I totally
2357s missed out on an extra training so you
2359s know pay attention to your inventories
2362s there's a lesson to be learned here
2364s pineapple Bob Christian D and Taurus
2366s flame thank you for joining me for that
2368s bounty I think what time is it
2371s 44:40 you do I don't think we got any
2375s relics did we know you got the revenant
2377s systems twice which is twice which is
2379s pretty nice that's huge
2381s I'm gonna leave CDs I'm gonna go back to
2383s my ship and we're gonna do some we're
2386s gonna try and get some Equinox stuff I
2388s think is the plan it's great idea is the
2390s plan you know before I knew any better
2392s ways to run relics I ran the capture
2396s mission in the void for two months
2398s straight Oh Marcus
2400s yeah when Nova and Rayna Ryan up right
2402s now no no Nova and right now we run
2405s vaulted you mean Nova no but man oh yes
2409s is this Rhino Nix yeah I know next I ran
2411s that mission at lunch for two months oh
2414s my goodness
2414s and I got like six relics but I got it
2416s you got it yeah that's when I slam my
2417s desk so so how they got the piece I so
2420s because the grime is you oh my god
2422s Marcus I don't think I've ever seen you
2425s that excited about anything
2426s hell we cool Sunday you were unreal
2431s happy if I could explain to you guys the
2434s sound of Marcus cheering that morning
2437s I've never seen a man more excited was a
2440s big day I was a big day I was so pumped
2443s I didn't select a relic for the next
2444s round pretty bad when we ran an extra
2447s round where only I ran around my heart
2449s yeah all right someone just got their
2451s Umbra formula graduate congratulations
2454s that's pretty far in that's you're
2455s almost at the end um okay so I'm feeling
2459s like if I bring my Equinox I might have
2461s better chances that's all works right I
2465s think I have one
2467s one systems let's see I think yes I do
2472s okay so I've made Sookie to rate ratted
2474s because we routed it last week the
2476s perfect music it is the perfect music
2478s and I think that a Pinot I think
2481s Oh Oh handle what what else do we got do
2488s we have the blueprint though we do but
2491s should we try for the blueprint yeah
2492s okay I'd have two of those so lip okay
2495s lick I'm so impressed with you right now
2496s you have so many relics that just came
2498s out I I don't I think I got them out of
2501s relic packs so all right if you guys
2504s want to come join me to get the Tepito
2507s blueprint please post your PSN and chat
2510s I see the underscore unguarded height
2517s the red Alice underscore 0-4 okay the
2521s red Alice under whoops underscore zero
2525s four zero four okay I'm gonna grab
2527s somebody from chat someone's name is
2530s Vito the Dorito Vito Dorito Vito these
2534s are my terms
2535s you know what nine arms I haven't I
2537s haven't ran a mission with you in a
2538s while so let's go yeah let's go who won
2545s the giveaway who's one thing give away
2546s so far Marcos we have sock waffle one
2549s force down one smooth pine one and
2551s Moosey fate underscore yesterday have
2554s won yes congratulations ingress Knight
2558s arms what to do there we go all right so
2560s we're gonna do a lip we could do a lip
2563s defense no that's the only one we can do
2566s some because we're doing it all right
2570s that's not why what I wanted I don't
2572s remember what it was
2576s PG right yeah P to lift beat you okay
2579s here we go this is so intense
2584s I need more room in my orbiter for more
2588s Naugles that I'm gonna get more Clem's
2591s please deliver clothes I'm joking don't
2594s send me anything it's very sweet when
2595s you guys do but and I appreciate it but
2599s only got so much space for stuff
2601s also I totally dropped this without
2604s following up on it I said I would be
2605s excited for Sunday because that's when
2607s the Game of Thrones rat season comes out
2609s there's what I'm gonna say but that's
2611s all I said I don't think I'm gonna
2612s fashion frame everything to look like
2614s Game of Thrones I'm very far behind on
2618s all of Game of Thrones stuff so I don't
2620s it's not it's not for everyone
2621s hmm so don't feel like it's the best
2624s thing in the entire world
2628s leave that be for Marcus it is
2632s supermarkets it is it's a big deal all
2635s right
2636s tail Recor Naugle yeah what is a what is
2641s a till rapport and what is a Nagaland
2643s why are they in the same sentence
2645s together just kidding sorry oh I'm so
2651s sorry people are so upset I'm joking I'm
2654s joking okay
2658s dextra and said hearing my name on
2660s street was always cold was awesome
2661s playing with you think of a plan with me
2662s I think you were like Clem of Thrones a
2667s revenant Naugle I just realized I wasn't
2672s playing with my original primary and
2674s that confused me tell Ron Berger gets
2680s excited when you play a little ooh I
2685s feel about that I started reading that
2686s those decided the thugs too late now
2689s it's a good story you get halfway
2690s through here remember yeah I'm telling
2691s you and what was in one she I I forget
2695s anyways was probably it was probably
2699s funny
2700s Octavia not is there not enough tape you
2702s knuckle yes I have a hard time keeping
2705s up with with the Naugle situation there
2707s no there are we're platforms and
2709s knowledge yeah I know drew is the master
2714s man with the plan
2715s when it comes to Naugles so just tweet
2717s at crewman's room yeah tweet at crew man
2719s drew with all of your local requests yes
2721s yeah he loves Twitter he yes
2727s this is favorite pastime is sweetums
2730s wheat him that and sweet Emma your
2735s favorite monster energy drink flavor
2737s yeah actually he would probably love
2739s them he would actually really let's try
2740s to think of ironic things that he
2742s wouldn't like and I'm like I can't think
2743s of what he wouldn't like like he
2745s probably wants to hear from people right
2746s so get out of here actually you know
2751s what I'm not letting them get corrupted
2752s which is my my fault mom can't they
2756s can't drop any of this reactant if
2758s they're not all you know corrupted
2760s mm-hmm I someone just said I want to
2762s drew Naugle there is there's a crew man
2764s there's Akram and Olga Leiner yeah I
2766s think that yeah there's a crew man ah go
2767s that is this pure purest form in destroy
2770s its his final his indeed get outta here
2777s I've also been trying to catch up
2779s speaking of those saws I don't we were
2781s talking about it earlier but and not
2784s being max rank with cedis yet or the
2787s austere on I've been trying to catch up
2789s on
2790s Mises as well and getting all the
2792s strikes and love and living those up I
2794s think I'm just I'm so close to being
2796s done so close to being done that's a
2798s good feeling
2799s something so exciting about so excited
2801s collecting everything I know I know
2802s we're like a you know like a looter
2805s shooters space ninja game so I guess you
2807s know like the the main goal is to
2810s collect and you know get better thing
2813s and fight harder stuff so you almost
2817s every good man of everything for saws
2819s almost wow I almost have all the strikes
2822s and everything put together yeah stoked
2824s that's super exciting how about the new
2826s breed oh if you're talking about the
2827s Chabad we did the design council thread
2830s which Marcus actually helped me out with
2832s that is a great question I know we
2835s mentioned it we did discuss it briefly
2837s on the dev stream a while ago and I do
2841s believe it's just still in development
2843s hmm you got to look at it from all
2844s different kind of angles you know what
2846s weighs well and totally with everything
2849s else including obviously we have to take
2850s into consideration other kebab breeds
2852s and how yeah you know how it's different
2855s or unique mm-hmm but yeah very exciting
2859s thanks hey so thanks design council for
2861s all those ideas it's awesome yeah it was
2863s great there were a ton of good ideas
2865s loved it
2866s alright let's see what this relic brings
2868s us give me that - Pete oh yeah I'm new
2872s here nice dream hello
2874s Jarl ale orc Jarl allure kits home like
2877s a shower tailor seat dere Taylor seat
2880s maybe maybe I don't know either
2884s I'm very hit-or-miss with these names
2885s someone just said interest crime would
2887s be awesome oh now you're talking to his
2889s language yeah absolutely yeah that is
2892s our beloved Andros want to provoke come
2898s at me Grenier Oh looking forward to the
2904s new interior storage for my orbiter
2907s didn't the equinox prime didn't Equinox
2910s get a prime Naugle um she would if you
2913s bought the prime access I believe like
2915s similar to what we did last year
2916s you bought prime access you get the
2918s prime novels at the end of the year yeah
2921s so if you bought if you buy it you talk
2923s to prime access be the same case then
2925s you know hopefully this year I do
2927s believe we are doing the same thing so
2928s oh look out for that hmm hmm let's see
2935s oh my god I have the hiccups uh-oh
2938s Mayday
2942s maybe holy relics for next prime would
2950s be the next prime well I don't know you
2952s guys already have that figured out by
2954s now I have to through the history in my
2956s brain our community is too intelligent
2957s you're very quick on that yeah all the
2960s time I'm like I knew this special thing
2962s and then I remember before a stream with
2964s Francois eight seven eight and it was
2966s right before think Roma prime King right
2969s and he was like so with chrome prime
2971s coming out and I was like oh yeah I was
2978s just like poker huge poker face someone
2981s does that I want to see you get rekt by
2982s Wolfman I've only ever had him spawn
2985s once I've never seen him I've only ever
2989s had him spawn once it was a very brief
2990s encounter I was with a really awesome
2992s squad so that's rad I didn't feel the
2994s burn at all
2996s did you see the I see the video somebody
2998s who got me yeah Oh a nice Clem who got
3001s who had the wolf spawn when they were
3002s doing a solo uh derelicte oh no I had
3005s everything equipped and they died
3007s immediately no it was it was tough it
3010s was tough to see that sucks well you
3012s know you never know you never know you
3014s never know yeah anytime may I see the
3016s screen it's like I'm like uh oh I
3018s usually love leveling things up and your
3021s immediate reaction is spongy boy very
3024s spicy please mr. wolf oh my Peas another
3028s day don't come home looking fine soul
3031s howling at your door yes
3033s like that uh fairy tale what the heck
3035s yeah for sure I watched the the latest
3039s season of Sabrina the Teenage Witch
3041s nice I finished this was very good
3044s speaking of werewolves and wolves of all
3046s kinds it's quite interesting
3050s I do like me a fantastical TV show
3054s mm-hmm that wolf is way too Opie
3057s sometimes I mean he did break out of
3061s prison with justice maybe he didn't even
3063s have his hammer as he was breaking out
3064s now he just was pretty brothers muscles
3067s yeah it's got big ol muscles my schools
3070s and those uh Three Musketeers by his
3072s side right yeah I finished watching it
3076s this past weekend nice wondering yeah I
3078s loved it
3079s Sabrina enter Dean of course a wandering
3081s alchemist would watch Sabrina wandering
3083s Alchemist well-fitting that's lovely
3087s Herk applause more prayin that would be
3090s crazy
3090s what is the song playing right now this
3093s is what you are by overnight top top top
3095s top top yeah partner I didn't yeah I
3098s turned it on there you go okay here we
3100s go boys
3100s oh we did it
3108s Danny you did it very exciting to peter
3111s prime blueprint first try first try
3118s Wow oh man I'm it doesn't have to be too
3120s often yeah
3121s man when I get some pastries over that's
3123s when I get it when I get a piece from a
3126s relic that I I've been waiting to get
3129s for like forever or it's so rare or
3132s whatever else I immediately extract I'm
3135s taking no risk
3136s oh god no taking no risk whether someone
3139s trips over my power cord might be is for
3142s like in what world would that actually
3143s happen but my paranoia gets out of this
3146s world and I can't I can't handle it we
3148s should do a plot prize for life yeah
3150s should do it
3153s this is also great all right
3157s 400 m is going over to 0-3
3161s yeah underscore and night song
3164s congratulations of both of you you won
3166s 400 Platt please whisper the workroom
3167s channel with your in-game alias the
3169s platform play on and see you know I told
3172s you bringing equinox and bring me the
3173s good luck it really did
3175s Gian guarded the red Alice and night
3177s arms for joining me I'm gonna pop on the
3179s squad here there you go
3181s see I see I even adorned her with the
3184s gold making her look very regal in
3185s primary go this is definitely not
3188s definitely not her prime for my you
3190s that's okay I just love this love that
3196s you can take your fashion frame for so
3197s many different levels with you when they
3200s I'm already pretty bad at fashion frame
3202s and it's like we're introducing duel
3203s energy colors of my duel energy colors
3207s will be coming in the next console
3208s update so what's weird about like I'm on
3210s the eighth crayon pack and y'all around
3212s 64 one that comes with a pencil
3215s sharpener so when the does give me what
3218s this blue is it's in the Oricon palette
3220s I think this whole set here is all
3223s orchid Gaza war against the traps you
3225s guys wanted to screenshot that or
3226s anything keep it for your it's not
3228s insert now no we're sending to cert
3231s hopefully this week I need to set up we
3234s are hopefully sending to cert this week
3236s I feel you on that Marcus if some people
3240s are agreeing with you there yeah well
3242s you know what it was I maybe I've done I
3244s think I take everything too personally
3245s sometimes we were posting screenshots to
3248s the to this when the Solaris United open
3250s up opened up their discord right we're
3252s posting shots with her with the glyph on
3254s like the stand together and I posted it
3257s and I think a lot of people reacted the
3260s laughing emoji and I was like no no I
3265s think it's fine how long does cert take
3268s uh it really depends obviously we have
3272s to send to Sony Microsoft and Nintendo
3276s so depends on when they what their
3279s turnaround time is you know if it's a
3282s week
3282s or something else like that or that
3284s things considered a holidays etc make
3286s sure she checks her inbox you guys want
3289s me to check my inbox okay hold on I just
3293s need to look something up super fast
3300s inbox what is it my inbox oh I'm
3304s actually very concerned just cuz you
3309s asked for no no no clams oh but I do
3313s have to add what's more clever you say
3315s LCF are but where's my silver horn
3321s gallium either sending me the salt
3323s okay Holly miss salt I guess I mean it
3329s looks like so I've had a salt pile over
3331s here I think a little salt pile oh it's
3334s fun no I got some argon over here and I
3339s got all my Clem's which I'm gonna have
3340s to add to now thanks guys I made a
3343s little harsh with her I got my little
3345s exploiter
3346s she's holding she's loving shown below
3348s she's like you know hold my Benz out and
3351s you killed my little a little spider
3354s baby I'm sorry y-you know the part where
3365s she's like talking about her I said my
3370s children did nothing to you okay I just
3372s said it like she says right very like my
3375s children that yes oh my god you worry
3378s too much
3379s all right I'm just gonna look something
3381s up super quick here guys but in the
3384s meantime Marcus if you see any questions
3387s oh this is my favorite part
3390s Chad asked me all your carcass gets very
3393s excited about all the questions coming
3395s where's her Becker Rebecca's in her
3396s office
3396s Rebecca is in her office how do we get
3398s the frame you got to play the game how
3400s do you get the frame you got to play the
3402s guy never a anime bro 365 I've never
3404s understood this game no matter how many
3405s times I check with you I always have the
3408s wiki open there yeah and there's the
3411s community is I mean composed of you know
3413s veterans and obviously there's a lot of
3417s helpful members there that can give you
3420s a little bit of you know some help you
3423s can post on the forums you can also
3425s reach out to some of the community
3426s managers like myself markets like a
3429s Megan Taylor ya cetera if you need some
3432s questions answered if you need some help
3433s there is absolutely nothing wrong with
3436s answering those questions if you're new
3438s to the game it can be a bit daunting
3439s there's a lot to do a lot to see a lot
3442s to learn abs and this is our job we're
3445s here to help you guys get through that
3446s obviously you know we try our best with
3449s new player experience changes making
3451s things a little bit our fluid and
3452s seamless for you guys when you start
3454s playing the game but you know there's
3456s some there's some like my new details
3458s that you know might be important to some
3459s people that you know you might not know
3461s where to start looking so absolutely
3462s more more than happy yeah and it's a six
3465s year old game so yeah and we've you know
3468s updated it you know basically weekly on
3471s PC and then of course on consoles so
3473s there's a lot of a lot of really good
3475s stuff on top of good song love a good
3477s stuff like some of my fondest memories
3479s of starting to play the game where you
3481s know other people helping me or jumping
3483s into missions with coworkers right being
3484s like oh yeah this parts really hurt here
3486s let me help you out exactly and doing
3488s like you don't you don't forget that
3489s kind of stuff so you don't know there's
3491s a lot of really awesome friendships that
3494s come out of playing warframe oh oh for
3496s sure interacting with people and
3498s learning more about the game as you go
3500s and then obviously finding you know what
3502s your niche might be in the game because
3504s there are so many aspects to it that
3506s might draw you one way to another but
3509s mm-hmm it's fine warframe is life so one
3512s second is life
3514s megalo my favorite musical is the sound
3515s of music oh there you go
3518s it's also pretty good Julie Andrews and
3521s someone else asked cake or pie because
3523s the cake is a lie I can't remember this
3529s how the song goes
3530s spice was a triumph thank you yeah anime
3533s gel J says can someone help me with this
3535s game anime J I put it out there so
3537s someone in chat right now might pick you
3539s out and send you a whisper and say hey I
3541s can help you out will night wave come
3543s back yeah so we're in the first I think
3545s we called it series right yes
3548s so wolf of southern six is the first of
3550s its kind for night wave in terms of
3551s series so there will be more series to
3553s come with episodes entitled so it's but
3556s yeah it's basically like a TV show or a
3559s radio series like a seasons a broadcast
3562s go yes broadcasting okay did you come up
3568s with path of Exile to make your April
3570s Fool's joke that wasn't a joke
3572s did they thing was a joke I it's going
3576s in with the console update sorry yeah
3580s announcing it here now yeah and yes we
3582s did collab with them yeah we did we did
3584s actually they're hilarious
3585s yeah Community Managers merged into one
3588s our Community Managers merged I made
3590s multi yeah it was incredible they're
3592s amazing
3593s both Rebekah's yeah it was crazy yeah
3596s alone I can write that are we getting
3598s bunny ears yeah Easter is around the
3599s corner so bunny ears are to come along
3602s with some other things Bob likes eggs I
3612s see you egg Steph what is the end date
3618s of how many weeks I think we said four
3620s to six weeks approximately iron prince
3625s prime said I don't mind helping anyone
3627s there you go if anyone out there is in
3630s charge no looking for somebody help them
3632s Kenzi rents it how far into the future
3634s airplanes for the game Mogambo actually
3637s did a really cool interview with Steven
3639s Rebecca yeah actually touched on that
3640s but I'm not gonna spoil it yeah you're
3642s gonna have to go watch out that's on
3643s YouTube for a moment go to mcgraw News
3646s Channel wonder we're like longtime
3648s warfare partners and their since this is
3649s the og he's awesome
3651s we had him down in the studios and he
3653s spoke to Rebecca and Megan about lots of
3656s things it's a three part series yeah
3657s it's all worth the watch it's great yeah
3660s goes over a lot of real interesting so
3662s lots of questions I never thought to ask
3663s then I was like ooh I know yeah I think
3672s we need to do our last prizes I we're
3673s running a little bit over time so let's
3675s do the hildren collection first do it do
3678s the children collection foist and LU
3686s cast and 995 over on Twitch and deadly
3689s black wolf of our mixer you've won the
3691s children collection congratulations to
3692s you guys please whisper the channel that
3694s you're on right now with your in da Lisa
3695s property Liana we will hook you up with
3697s that and let's move over to our equinox
3701s prime access go ahead and give it a go
3704s because I do want to give people some
3705s time to total um collect it
3707s mm-hmm and I'm just gonna open something
3709s up we've been here underscore blood and
3714s out looks gray gray congratulations you
3718s have both won your Equinox prime access
3720s please whisper the channel that you're
3721s on right now ingame alias the paw print
3723s plan and we will hook you up with that
3725s Margay so you can go away from the
3726s screen hello hello so I'm gonna spend a
3733s little bit of time here just chillin so
3736s that you guys can collect your prizes
3737s answer your questions I still have to
3740s give out the community the more from
3743s casual community prizewinners so if you
3745s don't know there is a community on ps4
3747s called warframe casual community you
3749s should join it and on Tuesdays I post a
3751s message of the day that lets you guys
3753s know that we are streaming and that you
3755s can win some prizes so I'm gonna
3757s announce the winners now so the first
3760s winner of the 400 plot is a fool vamp I
3765s full vamp congratulations to you and for
3769s any of these prizes you don't have to
3771s message us we got you handled don't
3773s worry we can send it your way
3776s we are also giving away not two more two
3779s more prizes whoo the next plot prize is
3782s going to champ beat congratulations to
3785s you champ beat it also won 400 platinum
3787s who else do we got here who else to be
3790s like a like a beat of a drum or like a
3792s shirt farm beat like a a Schrute firm
3796s beat
3797s whoa actually no I think it's just the
3799s beat but what we'll say it's a shrewd
3800s friend okay
3801s the name of the community is warframe
3804s casual community there you go
3806s the unknown god congratulations to you
3809s you've also won 400 platinum and we're
3812s giving away the children collection here
3815s to sell Oh get to that children
3818s collection is going to congratulations
3823s yes can get it casual community warfarin
3825s casual community if you look that up you
3827s will be able to find it
3828s the hildren collection is going to cert
3832s sir rail clothes Cyrillic Oh
3835s congratulations you've won yourself the
3837s hildren collection bear will hook you up
3840s with your winnings warframe casual
3843s community ps4 at 4 yes that is the name
3845s that is the name Congrats unknown and
3849s last but not least Equinox prime it is
3854s going where can I ride a pet that is a
3861s great question you can't ride any pets
3862s yet but I wish you could it is going to
3865s Ava - sell 87 congratulations you want
3869s to eat one out - prime access good
3871s enough germ you did it
3872s congratu we will send you all of your
3875s things after the stream and we are
3879s rating someone today oh we are rating
3883s something today what is the date today
3885s today is the 9th April than mine and
3890s guess who it is
3895s cat psych now that's someone who can
3898s sing she is incredible she's got pipes
3902s on her if she is opera opera singer yeah
3905s she was a she was a professionally
3907s trained singer she's incredible
3910s I put out a video and she's like I'm
3913s nervous about it I'm gonna sing for the
3914s first time anyway she's lovely
3916s she's also hilarious I spent a lot of
3920s time with her over at twitchcon she's
3922s done before I got a really cool makeup
3924s palette anyways anyways lots of love
3927s send her over our energy from today let
3932s her know what's up say tell her she has
3936s a beautiful singing voice yeah there you
3937s go yeah let's make her Tuesday little
3939s bit better huh there you go
3940s thank you whiskey we're gonna raid her
3943s now thank you guys for joining me we
3946s will see you tomorrow
3947s myself and Reb we will be sitting here
3949s on the couch with Marcus what yeah for
3952s some switch I tend to switch 10 in the
3954s morning bright and early
3955s we'll see you then primetime this week
3956s with myself and Megan whoa double dose
3959s of debris stream is this weekly but yes
3962s you guys are awesome
3963s thank you for spending your Tuesday with
3965s me and I will see you next time bye