When we first introduced Forma years ago, Warframe was a much smaller game. We had fewer weapons, fewer Warframes, and way fewer Mods. As players continue their Forma journey, there’s often discussions on doing a Quality of Life (QOL) pass to the way things work with our favourite Golden Puzzle Piece. We’ve a bit QOL change in development, and this workshop details out how Forma will soon work on Warframes, Archwings, and Necramechs.
We want your Mastery Rank to be considered when using Forma to establish a baseline power level for your playable characters
What does that mean?
If a Mastery Rank 30 player uses a Forma, they won’t have to re-unlock any Abilities (or their Ranks) on a given item! Yes, they’ll still need to level the gear itself to apply another Forma, but the Abilities are no longer locked depending on your Mastery Rank! This achieves our goal of keeping Forma essential to build customization, but allowing players with higher Mastery Ranks a more convenient experience.
Right now using a Forma on a Warframe (or Archwing/Necramech) requires you to start from 0 when it comes to Abilities you can use. Furthermore, you only get the first Rank of your First ability. Take Valkyr for instance. You install a Forma, and you’re back to only casting unranked Ripline!
Our change will make it so your Mastery Rank impacts how much you have unlocked by default on Forma use.
For instance, a Mastery Rank 10 player would have all abilities unlocked, albeit not at their full strength!
This ranking process is something players already experience in game - you know by the time you’ve levelled your Valkyr on Hydron to 10, you unlock Hysteria. We are making your Mastery Rank ‘match’ those milestones, so to speak, with the end goal being a Mastery Rank 30 player can use Forma without ever having to be locked out of Abilities. Simply put, the higher your Mastery Rank, the higher the baseline of your gear when using Forma.
Expect this change in a future Update.
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