about 1 year ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

10s thank you
25s hello everyone
27s um you guys and chat are already popping
29s off with the emotes that I can't explain
32s which never ceases to amaze me no they
35s do not but uh hello everyone happy
37s Thursday we are here for Prime Time
39s number
40s 334. we had an angel number last week
44s yeah 333 and now we're now it's gone
46s yeah very quickly at the gate but we're
49s here to play a Warframe with you for two
50s hours hang out with you
52s Marcus and I
54s today are going to be attempting our
58s Mastery Rank 28 tests because we both
60s somehow lined up I I don't know how this
63s worked I was like I got a mastering test
64s you're like I got a best friend test too
66s yeah so uh this is going to be
69s interesting no I haven't been practicing
72s for a week straight couldn't be me
74s practice does not make perfect no
76s because my attempts will not be perfect
77s yeah but I have the faith yep Marcus and
81s I were in a very heavy discussion about
83s our loadouts about what kind of
85s techniques we were trying beforehand so
87s real strategy talk going on in the
89s office anyways we'll see how that goes
91s but let's get started actually before I
94s even do that oh Marcus is growing yeah I
97s was about to hit the
101s okay no good
103s um actually before we get into
104s housekeeping Marcus is here of course
105s yeah I am here Marcus is here Helen is
109s here tonight for uh your top 10 hanging
112s out with you guys in chat in uh twitch
114s and on Discord
116s and Dean of course is running the show
118s wait I am a whole Dean is here and uh
123s all right let's hop right into
127s um some housekeeping so you come to my
128s gameplay Dean which again I'm on my
130s PlayStation wow for the Blue Cross play
133s today what's this Haberdashery going I
135s mean it's magic I tell you oh no it's
138s what bundle there we go people are
139s already noticing that you guys are on
140s opposite sides uh yeah so the reason for
142s that is because I am playing on
144s PlayStation and this is the only monitor
146s over here on this side that
149s um
151s yeah yeah support uh PS5 gameplay yep so
155s uh you'll just we're just we just did a
157s little uh game of chairs yeah yeah we
160s had actually you've we've both got a lot
162s of stuff it was quite the it was quite
164s the swap yes uh yeah Marcus and I both
166s were absolutely destroying some burritos
169s before this
171s Carnage anyways
175s um if you didn't know already the lunar
177s renewal bundles are still available in
179s the market
180s you can
182s so stunning you can pick up these
185s absolutely incredible pieces
188s um until February 12th at 11 A.M ET you
192s can also purchase the skin separately
194s and this particular sarin skin is
195s staying in the market afterwards
197s indefinitely it is a permanent addition
199s to the game but yeah we've got some
201s great uh weapon skins as well oh yeah
204s and uh
207s this guy what does he know I mean too
211s much apparently
215s um I don't know how peaceful this
217s fight you know what
219s ouch yeah it's quite that is
223s n't it I'm sorry
227s seeing in those eyes all
230s really examine the eyes that I named it
232s but the rabbit represents peace of
235s course yes the zodiacs there you go are
237s we seeing the reflection of the Moon in
239s its eyes that's right yes Marcus there
243s you go
244s it's a pretty great floof I agree I love
246s it I love this very rotating like
248s somebody stole the last carrot and he's
250s like
251s how dare you oh my goodness I love it
254s um it's delightful and then a reminder
256s that uh I don't have to show it on
260s screen here but the prime gaming drop
262s um the latest one is the ogres iridos
264s bundle so you can get the ogres am I
268s saying that right ogres
269s we have a segment coming for you guys
272s later on yeah oh Grace layers
276s um with the ogres um iridos weapon skin
280s and a weapon slot and uh today actually
283s we are going to be oh hello varzia we
286s are going to be uh my love uh we're
290s gonna be going to visit varzia because
292s your girl needs volt Prime okay yep it's
296s been too long so I we're gonna do some
298s Relic hunting in addition to obviously
300s uh doing our mr28 test
303s um but for those of you who are
306s wondering who's up next
308s six days and 19 hours Atlas Prime and
312s vauben Prime
314s are coming over to varzia and uh along
318s with the relics of course as you know
320s and love
321s so actually Marcus I think I need to buy
324s one Relic I do you do list O2 so let me
328s just do this now while I'm here you only
330s have one of them or you have nine I only
331s have one of them I have nine Aya right
334s but so I so I have one of each right now
337s because you don't want to purchase too
340s many and then you get it this is exactly
341s it for sure for sure so I wanted to save
343s this for the stream so we'll come back
345s to this after and then in very very
348s exciting news uh Dean you can go over to
350s the fan art section
353s as you may have heard
355s wow devastream 167 is happening tomorrow
359s at 2 p.m eastern time over here on this
364s channel very very exciting it is the
366s first step stream of 2023. pretty
369s exciting and uh if you were wondering
372s yes little teaser the this is a rhino
375s skin yes uh people were saying that the
378s Cod piece gave it away various methods
380s of identification going on there was an
383s excellent infographic on the subreddit
384s that had like paint lines all over I
386s mean but the Cod piece was the dead it
389s was the dead giveaway yeah
391s um we'll talk about that more well I say
393s will as if I will be there I will not
395s but Megan and the crew will be going
398s over that
399s um and most of all most importantly I
402s should say we're gonna be talking about
404s warframe's next update which will be a
407s Mainline update buckle up buckle up
410s there's some good news lots of good
411s stuff in there and we are going to do a
413s little uh development check-in for
416s duvaries you're definitely not going to
417s want to miss that this update in
419s particular that's coming up is kind of
421s like the classic Warframe update that
424s you know and love going back to Our
425s Roots very similar to what we did with
426s lua's prey a little bit of column a
428s little bit of column a little bit uh you
430s know a little bit of a new Warframe
432s everyone a little bit of a new weapons a
436s new arcanes new augments some other
439s things so
441s yes new Warframe question mark yes yes
444s who am I saying too much oh my okay
447s that's all I'm gonna say fingers on the
448s mute button down I mean we need a we
451s yeah
454s there's like a sensor beep it is a
456s sensor yeah it's like a hot mic sensor
458s time delay we just need a big one there
461s is a tape delay
462s yeah there can be exactly I just I
465s literally have a button that I just mute
467s you though if I wanted to well I just
468s did actually if you suddenly see
469s Danielle's lips and no audio that's
472s exactly which literally is what just
474s happened apparently
476s um we also have fantastic twitch drops
478s planned for tomorrow a ribbon grab bag
480s and there's some gift of the lotus
482s alerts that are happening
484s throughout the weekend that you can
486s participate in as well so an Oregon
489s reactor and or can Catalyst blueprint
491s await you for tomorrow so lots of things
493s to look forward to for tomorrow's Dev
495s stream absolutely tune in
497s um hang out with the crew and they're
499s going to go over
500s what's uh what to expect and the you
503s know immediate future for one frame so
505s should be a really really fun time and
507s Marcus I know since we're kind of
509s talking about twitch drops what are
510s tonight's twitch drops everyone gets
512s some goodies so tonight's twitch drops
513s if you're behind on different Syndicate
515s factions tonight's grab bag is the one
517s for you so we've got a standing grab bag
519s it's got 10 familial debt bonds three
522s grandmother tokens those are expensive
524s one organ ballistics Matrix uh Chris
527s metoroid or a chance of three Flawless
529s sentient cores you've got equal chance
530s of all those so if you need to catch up
532s if you need some extras for me like I
534s always I don't buy all of the extra like
537s cosmetic goodies and some of the
538s factions so like whenever I get the
539s freebies I'm like ah what does my heart
541s really want this time I know I just saw
543s someone say ooh Grandma tokens and I
545s agree everybody needs some Grandma
547s tokens yeah unless you have all the
548s capture scenes which if you do oh my I
550s applaud you I applaud you we always
552s always need more I always need more of
553s course and then on top of that we have
555s our Friday Community drops that are
556s coming on tomorrow as well so you get
558s your Dev stream drops you get your
559s Friday Community drops it's fantastic so
561s we've got vampix one of our Spanish
564s creators from 4 pm to 5 p.m eastern time
567s tomorrow you can get the Narmer shazen
570s for watching and then Purex Serenity
572s will be on from 5 PM to 6 p.m and you
575s can get a flower decanter which is very
577s very nice to have in game I'm pretty
579s sure I've got one in my Orbiter right
580s now because it's so lovely and very cool
582s fantastic check out our community
583s creators have a great time get some
585s stuff while you watch and uh yeah that's
587s a that's a jam-packed Friday you can get
589s so much over the course of like four
591s hours listen I was gonna say if you're
593s watching tonight and tomorrow for
596s devstream and for those Creator streams
598s listen you're doing numbers your inbox
601s is going to be blowing up with drops one
605s popular chap I mean we're just gonna be
607s like
608s we're just gonna be like do I put this
611s in the spam folder or this is uh you're
614s getting pretty popular you're getting
616s lots of stuff well there you go I think
618s we kind of covered everything I think so
620s um for today and if your drops aren't
622s working be sure to unlink and relink
624s your account this is important
625s warframe.com warframe.com
635s give them the right information
637s what did Warframe and chat just say oh
641s was that Helen yes I was like is that
643s Taylor keeping us up listen we're just
645s having some condos over here oh my
647s goodness well while uh we get we need
653s Platinum Platinum Platinum thousand
656s platforms
657s what they want
660s oh somebody tried to said sorry I'm late
662s that's okay you're just in time for
663s platinum you're just yeah you CA you
665s arrived at the perfect time
667s all right I thought some Platinum is
669s going to Fresh
672s how would you say that Marcus fresh
674s fridge congrats to you you won a
677s thousand Platinum rooneys please whisper
680s the word from Channel that you're on
681s right now with your in-game release the
682s platform you play on and we will hook
684s you up with your thousand plot thanks
686s for being here
687s that's awesome well there you go
688s thousand Platinum I know what would you
690s spend a thousand plant a month
699s I would buy them twice over if I could
701s that's how much I love her okay
704s Marcus yes God my Palms are already so
707s sweet we're not even at we're not this
709s is like what are your knees weak or arms
711s heavy I mean all three and I should
713s probably have Mom's spaghetti we had
714s burritos we did that's our key to
716s success yes
718s um so plan for tonight is uh volt Prime
722s relics so
724s why don't we start off nice and calm yep
727s because my heart can't handle what's
729s gonna say who's first here no no we're
732s just we're doing really oh we're doing
734s relics first whoa oh Dean live here
737s stressing me out yeah no we're shooting
740s hoops right now we're in our we're in
742s our full track suits we're high-fiving
744s each other we're chatting away yep it's
747s all good because
751s so if you guys missed the start of the
753s stream Marcus and I uh are going to be
756s doing our Mastery Rank 28 test you can
758s see the that's available here
761s it's been so long since I've done a
763s Mastery Rank test on stream yeah so my
766s heart's a guy who would have been yeah
768s palpitation situation going on here
771s um but we're gonna do let's start with A
773s lith Relic so Marcus uh I'm gonna send
775s you I've got two little twos we've got
777s two okay yep let me send you an invite
780s oh I have my I brought my keyboard for
783s today if we're doing a lift I'm gonna
784s level up some gear
788s whoops that's not a square bracket DEA
791s Marcos nope not Marvis Marcus Marvis
797s foreign
808s like not radiant because the piece that
812s we need is a common I believe yep it is
815s common well why am I writing the list
818s vault
819s litho2 yeah so a non-rated
823s with O2 uh if you've got that uh send me
827s a DM maybe in game with your favorite
832s Mastery Rank test that you've done
834s that's a great question so this is my
837s name in-game de underscore soello
839s s-o-e-l-l-o-o
841s send me what your favorite master rank
844s test was two L's two o's two L's two o's
847s two o's there's only gonna be two dubs
849s tonight oh brothean said Mastery Rank
853s 18. come on down
855s we got Demetria Lovato who just made a
860s little happy face and you know what
862s I'm happy with that I enjoyed 18 and 30.
866s oh wait and 30 and 30. Mr 28. all right
870s well you've got a true Master on it I do
873s one day we will be one day legendary one
875s day Marcus yeah today could be the day
877s we go one step closer one day we can
879s give out blessings oh
881s I'd be so excited
883s relay
886s and fantastic all right here we go
888s litho2 I have no volts parts so oh okay
893s I was gonna say I had I had a stretch
895s goal if we got through all them yeah
897s left oh two oh I did zero two chat is
901s participating too mr13 oh nice Mr 10 22
905s 23.
907s I'm stuck at mr29 oh you're so close to
911s 30. so close keep practicing they do
914s there's a real curve once you hit the
917s 20s in my opinion I agree although I was
920s failing one of the tests consistently
922s the earlier test and I was like why do I
924s suck the arc it's because I was using a
926s keyboard where if you do use three
927s inputs the computer wouldn't accept them
929s or like the keyboard was just like
931s Broken Oh Marcus so once you figure that
934s out once I swapped out keyboards then I
937s could move faster the problem was solved
938s the problem solved it was uh some would
941s say it was a skill issue
943s some would say some would say
946s but it was not
949s yeah
950s I do like that you only get to attempt
952s them once a day it's like real steaks I
954s mean and this is why if you guys don't
956s know you can go to uh cephalon samaris
959s in the relays and right from the right
963s of the door
964s when you walk in there is a whole long
967s hallway of all of the Mastery Rank tests
970s and you can practice to your heart's
972s content
973s it made us go all the way back from what
975s come up
979s yeah when uh it does get more
981s intimidating the higher you get master
982s rank test because then the the staircase
984s just gets longer and longer I mean
986s you're really yeah I mean that's that's
989s the climb right that's the legendary
990s climb
992s what is that Miley Cyrus song is it oh
994s it literally it's the climb
997s that was a banger
999s absolute banger
1001s are you guys gonna practice asked
1004s someone in chat practice we talking
1006s about practice we we talking about
1009s practice are we going in hot we're
1012s talking about practice not me spending a
1015s week yeah we practiced but they're
1018s asking are we going to practice on
1019s stream oh actually Marcus this we need
1021s to determine this are we allowing
1023s ourselves to do like one warm-up
1024s practice no I say Dean says no you say
1028s no hello I have to do it because I think
1030s yes no but here's the worst what
1033s happened what happens if you practice
1035s and beat it and then do it and fail I
1038s know and actually Marcus and I were
1040s having this conversation because in the
1041s Mastery ring uh 28 test and the mr-28
1044s test it's it it depends it's like the
1047s RNG spawn it's like you don't know
1050s let's sweeten the pie let's sweeten the
1052s pot if you guys we went live and beat it
1055s every time if if you beat it Danny we
1057s run two thousand no 2800 Platinum you
1060s cannot put that on and if Marcus beats
1062s it we run another one I need to make it
1065s a thing Dean drink is apple juice
1067s tonight I'm a man of the people I like
1070s giving things away so
1073s I have two of those already I'm just
1074s gonna take no practicing yes Dean is a
1077s man of the People by pitting by putting
1080s all the pressure on us I I also say no
1083s practice only because I think if we
1085s practice we'll get it
1087s there's still a chance of us failing
1091s okay if we don't practice which is for
1094s every time yeah
1096s to me the potential of not
1100s winning is what makes it
1102s so excited makes my tummy churn
1106s that's not just it makes me upsetty
1108s spaghetti yeah uh also shout out to four
1111s film creators on YouTube I checked out a
1114s video for the mastering 28 test that was
1116s made like a few months ago yeah and they
1118s were like honestly guys this one's
1119s pretty easy I don't even know I didn't
1121s consider not making a guide for this and
1123s I was like was that before it was like
1125s it was like yeah it was like it was
1127s before overgared I was like well you
1128s know what yeah some of us
1132s it's hard for some of us okay
1134s definitely still levels of success but
1136s it's not it's not a sure thing well well
1138s okay let's we're just okay no practice
1140s it's like it's like
1142s um one time I didn't practice and Trav
1145s just linked it oh no Helen I was I
1149s wasn't gonna bring it up I can't do this
1150s right now
1151s um don't bring that Juju in here don't
1153s bring it in here I'm just saying I'm a
1154s little nervous okay but I believe in
1156s both of you okay well I'm gonna who's
1159s first we're gonna we're not doing it yet
1164s um okay procean and Demetria Lovato
1166s we're gonna uh dip out of the squad and
1169s we're gonna invite
1170s so we didn't get anything Vault related
1173s but that's okay I've got one more you've
1175s got one more I've got one more of those
1176s should I go back in and go grab another
1179s I guess I should right
1180s let me go go back to Virginia yeah okay
1183s as well
1185s might as well see what Chad's up to all
1187s right
1187s um actually this might break the invite
1190s because I'm about to go into a relay oh
1191s that's you don't accept 28 is oh I will
1194s accept oh
1198s um chat is up to no good what what is
1201s new
1202s yeah oh my God someone said mr28 it's
1206s because I tried to join you in a relay
1209s but we're not on the same platform oh
1210s but I hit okay but then it still seemed
1212s to accept oh I'm a
1214s need to close my game oh no
1219s uh Marcus is in a did I break oh did I
1223s break you am I
1224s where are you Marcus I think I'm in my
1226s Orbiter but it just led to a black
1228s screen
1229s did you hit the glass maker yeah I think
1233s I'm hitting I'm thinking I'm hitting the
1235s uh
1236s glassmaker ublia in my ship like I think
1239s I'm in my Orbiter right now oh no okay
1241s so I'm gonna close it I'm gonna grab my
1243s logs yeah grab your logs send it over to
1246s the team I sure want to exit the game
1248s someone said this is the real Mastery
1250s room yeah for a second I was like did I
1252s somehow get into night Hills like boss
1253s fight he's like oh you've stepped step
1256s into my web
1258s remember kids save your ee logs
1262s if you go to your Launcher not the
1264s Warframe launcher
1266s um
1268s uh
1273s Denny broke Marcus log that's all it
1275s says in the log is
1277s Danny broke it come join me well while
1281s we wait for Marcus well this gives you
1284s lots of time to strategize yeah so um
1286s this Loadout is called let's go because
1289s I need is it let's go or is it let's go
1292s absolutely the ladder because I need all
1295s the motivation I can get uh I am rocking
1297s the valbin for this one who is like
1299s basically kissing up yeah he's giving it
1302s a smoothness
1304s come through for me Lucia he's giving
1306s him a big old smooch and a cuddle look
1309s who looks I also like the little like
1311s it's like tiny cherub Wings yeah oh I
1314s know I love this uh this is a Teno gen
1316s uh sign Donna it's the paxis signed on
1319s us I love it look I look don't you just
1321s love how it opens up it goes
1323s you know we could also do if this uh if
1325s this potentially takes long you could
1326s run one with your Relic true and then we
1328s could just run another one okay cool
1330s um so let's just see how do you get
1332s those wings my favorite decoration
1334s that's in Star days yes which will be
1336s coming up shortly yes but if it's the
1338s wings that's tenogen
1341s my favorite mastering test is the mr22
1344s test besides Nico I honestly can't
1346s remember most of the Mastery tanks but I
1348s am 156 XP away from mr18 so we'll see
1353s our space potato you guys excuse me have
1356s you guys determined who will actually be
1358s going first in this no okay well Chad's
1360s gonna
1362s you're what Chad's gonna oh check it oh
1366s I put up a poll I'm ready I'm I want
1368s this chaos to happen I'm excited it is
1371s it feels like
1372s a gla that feels Like Gladiator times oh
1375s you know
1376s you know Aster rank 22 test is my trauma
1378s one from the Stream
1380s I'll never forget it I'll never forget
1382s it yeah I think I too had a very someone
1386s just had ladies first this is the only
1388s time where that [ __ ]
1390s I'll go first I'll go first all right
1394s um oh we're like kind of we're getting
1396s we were neck and neck for a while there
1398s I'm gonna let it run for a couple times
1401s if I had a heart rate monitor on right
1403s now you'd be like someone called 9-1-1 I
1406s can get my heart rate through my watch
1408s Oh Marcus what does it saying actually
1410s you should track it
1412s I can uh I can track it online I can
1415s actually track it on my phone post
1416s stream sometimes if work is like if like
1418s something like if I bro like say I broke
1420s a build which has happened
1422s um it's okay we've all been there we've
1424s all been there to write a passage yeah
1426s um I can check back on my phone and
1428s it'll like show my relative stress
1429s levels and sometimes I'll go back and
1431s it's like yeah this makes sense like an
1433s hour just uh oh if Danielle goes first
1436s and then it succeeds oh there's so many
1439s dimensions to it this work is that's
1442s like another kind of pressure yeah it is
1443s it is I think I think it's safe to say
1445s Danielle will be going first she's off
1447s okay 100 votes oh Lord all right
1450s someone said oh it wasn't someone it was
1453s Sasuke that said speed run against each
1455s other ah and the loser has to
1458s purposefully fail he said oh no that's
1462s too much that's that's too many I mean
1464s that is only a QA guys that's scallywag
1468s Pascal you should write for reality TV
1470s shows because that is some cruel
1473s drama you know
1476s um Real Housewives type level [ __ ] that
1479s you're working with here
1481s goodness me also I got a scale wants the
1485s world to burn he wants friendships to
1487s end yeah
1489s that that would be a tough one oh my
1491s goodness because like I don't know I've
1493s got it I've gotten it on a few canisters
1494s but I think the last couple that I've
1495s tried have like been down to the wire
1497s and because the problem is sometimes
1499s when you kill the enemies they're still
1500s their bodies are still highlighted but
1502s they're dead yes so then you'll kind of
1503s swipe after them and be like I don't
1505s know if you're dead or not I know and
1506s then I started it's like there's not
1507s enough there's not enough time I know
1509s that's a laser wool
1512s Travis's suggestion is that you each
1515s play the others Mr test no guys that's
1519s not I don't know if I don't know if I
1520s can do that on controlling that is quite
1522s that is oh yeah see I'm playing on
1524s controllers so it's it's very different
1526s um the bindings are very different
1527s imagine that you fail someone else's Mr
1529s test Hi Marcus I couldn't do what you
1531s did for me I think
1535s on slack for the rest
1537s of the Year hey Danny you grabbing lunch
1540s no what Ellen Sasuke said account
1543s sharing is against the terms of service
1549s well we got visual proof that you did it
1552s yeah
1553s and the market we get banned for like
1556s two months imagine that can just like
1560s what am I what am I supposed like like
1561s 20 35 I was only 12 years away now so
1564s what am I supposed to do with you guys
1566s don't say that Dean
1569s um um all those people who got banned in
1571s 2012 they're they're wait they're
1572s halfway there 12. yeah
1575s the game was just in its infancy good
1578s goodness gracious me this is a good this
1581s is a good gameplay preview
1583s Oh Marcus I forgot you were not in here
1585s and I was like how are you playing
1586s without using your arm I'm using my mind
1602s I'll see you at extraction
1607s oh you got it too oh nice nice yes we
1610s needed markets to not be in the squad
1614s what oh my God okay
1617s that's just
1620s oh you guys got it that'd be nice though
1621s yeah oh did you need it no no no that
1625s was cool guys this is so fine that's so
1626s cool it's the last part I needed oh my
1629s gosh okay we got it that's exciting I
1631s got it excellent yeah I know I got back
1632s to my ship and actually Wally showed up
1634s on my ship too Wally Wally
1638s he says hey kiddo oh that's his
1640s non-spoilery
1642s okay yeah it's like who the hell is
1645s Wally wow are you calling one of your
1648s pets that all right well thank you so
1650s much science Nico space potato and dark
1652s Soldier for oh we've got a legendary two
1654s in here I'm like this is the energy we
1657s need okay that is the energy we need all
1659s right depart from Squad I do I actually
1662s not have any other Vault pieces I don't
1664s think I do
1667s let's double check
1669s just in case
1670s did I spell that wrong nope oh
1675s are you missing one thing I just need
1676s the systems I didn't realize I crafted
1679s them that's why I couldn't find them oh
1681s wait oh this is so exciting okay the
1684s systems the systems
1685s okay I do not have the Vol Prime Systems
1687s Relic and I don't think I have any Aya
1689s okay
1691s um I have one
1693s so I'm gonna rad this I'm gonna see if I
1696s have I uh okay
1699s if I don't I do not okay
1702s anyone who has an axi L4 radiant and
1706s would like to join our Squad what should
1708s they DM me with they should DM you with
1712s what's the luckiest thing that's ever
1713s happened to you that's a good one okay
1715s so de underscore s-o-e-l-l-o-o
1719s DM me pardon me burrito uh I hope
1723s somebody DMZ with pardon me comma
1725s burrito I really do no sorry I am with
1729s the luckiest thing that's ever happened
1731s to you yep okay cool okay I've got one
1734s Aya so I can buy one of these no you're
1736s gonna spend your eye on me of course oh
1738s oh they're nice I've I've been what like
1740s what I've said to Zach before as well is
1742s I've been donated so many Aya in my or
1744s I've been donated so many prime parts of
1746s my time right that it always feels nice
1748s to have Prime parts to people I agree
1751s I agree all right
1753s um let's see here what do we got
1762s Kaiser who else we got I got a legendary
1764s core from assortee that's pretty
1766s freaking lucky I got cake yesterday hey
1770s I mean okay well I saw B talk first so
1772s I'm gonna invite B Tech and then I gotta
1773s invite you mark
1775s you all four it's all wrong l47 very
1780s exciting
1782s very exciting
1785s man I am
1787s I'm Jazz I'm sure right now if I if now
1790s we don't get the drop because I'm in
1791s your squad and then I leave your squad
1793s and then you get the driver no I
1794s accidentally left my squad because I had
1796s an invite I'm sorry King I gotta go bye
1799s wait I need to reinvite the rest of my
1801s squad I'm sorry hold on
1804s oh no Marcus you're not in here anymore
1807s oh you gotta type it out again I'm gonna
1808s type it out again maybe I can
1811s I got it it's okay this is why I got
1812s this handy dandy Bluetooth keyboard
1816s it was nice playing on switch and having
1817s the uh keyboard hooked up so good yeah
1821s all right fantastic
1823s um okay so let me get my squad back
1829s and it was B Tech and our
1832s pardon me burrito Soul geyser what else
1837s do people say let's see
1841s ribbons back to back I got I got given
1844s extra One Platinum trade there you go
1848s um High Roller my Nostalgia is on or Mr
1851s OG Mr Test Plus Marcus is the new
1854s Professor X because you were playing
1855s without your hands
1857s all right
1858s wow Sam 21 said all Lavos pieces and one
1862s mission was mine whoa whoa snake dogs
1865s the snake dock sorry O2 said met my wife
1867s 25 years ago going strong or 25 years
1871s going strong that is so lovely
1874s congratulations the content we need this
1876s evening this is this is that's lovely
1878s yeah that is lovely we are missing one
1879s more person I think btac got an invite
1882s but
1883s I don't think they've
1885s responded I'm going to try one more time
1887s getting the parts back to back is pretty
1890s pretty fantastic yeah that's
1894s um hold on let's see here
1896s okay btac got my invite uh be Dr Wayne
1899s all right
1901s look zulkaiser 30 again great inspo
1905s Kaiser oh yeah zolkiser oh a valbin all
1909s right here we go uh it was axi right
1911s what do we got for actually survival
1914s imagine we get this this is the kind of
1917s energy this is the energy I need if if
1919s we get the systems gets my blood pumping
1923s you know yellow
1926s like uh getting the uh the requiems
1929s three for three to end off it was like
1931s my last 2022 stream like that's great
1933s that that got the Jesus thing that was
1936s one of those I'm gonna explain this to
1938s my family and they're not gonna have no
1941s clue
1942s someone just asked in chat what is a
1944s standing grab bag well
1946s if you watch the Stream of your Warframe
1948s and Twitch account linked
1951s um just by watching the stream you can
1953s earn either 10 familiar debt bonds full
1956s premier Optics right uh systems system
1959s yes uh three grandmother tokens one
1962s organ ballistics Matrix one Christmas
1965s toroid or three Flawless sentient cores
1969s um just a nice little standing uh bag of
1973s goodies in case you know you want to
1975s catch up on some you know maybe there's
1977s a faction you've been you know wanting
1980s to rank up one of those Deimos Requiem
1983s glyphs they're they don't run cheap
1985s they're pretty expensive
1988s all right let's trigger this alarm
1995s she fast did I beat you you did oh my
1999s God
2000s oh my God
2003s all right survive let's survive I don't
2007s know if I'm gonna survive the stream let
2008s alone this Mission we'll we'll make it
2011s through all right if you believe
2014s whatever it takes
2016s got a not a rook ribbon out of a sore
2019s teeth that is luck
2021s I love the NADA Rook oh it's super cute
2023s it's so good whoops
2027s all right what are we working with down
2029s here this is like my favorite spot to
2031s play a survival Mission it's just like
2033s the void the like this particular tile
2036s set area here
2037s oh yeah yeah yeah it's just like it's
2041s everything is going on yeah
2043s everything is going down
2045s yeah I like big Central rooms I actually
2047s love holloways for uh for protea
2049s specifically big long haul yeah it's a
2052s blaze artillery but this is this is a
2054s good chaos room because it's kind of
2055s like being at a party with your friends
2057s there's like some people upstairs you
2058s can kind of see where everyone is you're
2060s just like where's your what yup yeah you
2062s see a familiar face you're like okay my
2063s friends are still here and I'm upstairs
2065s in the bedroom with the dog or cat away
2067s from your people it's so stressful isn't
2070s it and the dog's like you're tall
2072s we're both up there shaking yeah like
2075s terrified so many people want to know
2077s what I do on a day-to-day basis someone
2080s in chat is asking which gun you're using
2081s who someone in chat is asking which gun
2084s you are using oh I'm using the tenant
2086s Envoy
2087s I got it from a sister
2090s of parvos
2092s below
2094s sister below
2096s um it is my pill tar packs
2098s pill tar packs
2101s I can't remember that sister but I guess
2103s I had a sister named Bill tarpex
2106s that's a good one it does
2110s pill Tire packs Tire packs for all your
2113s nope
2116s it's too close to something else
2119s you have indigestion while using
2122s trampoline
2123s trampolines trying to get something to
2126s connect to tarp he doesn't have
2127s indigestion on trampolines those things
2130s like your guts are going oh it's just
2132s bad it's just bad
2134s is that not like that doesn't seem like
2137s it's good for yours oh there's no way
2139s like if you can't do it when you're
2140s pregnant there's no good there's no way
2141s it's good for your body
2143s oh my goodness it's how I feel with like
2145s those rides those drop rides
2148s that feeling of your like heart about to
2151s leave your your throat is like literally
2154s you're just trying to exit your body got
2156s suspended it's like when you're driving
2157s down a really big hill on the car and
2159s you get that same kind of like stomach
2160s rising up feeling this is what I'm
2162s saying and this is exactly how I'm going
2163s to go when I do my mr28 test
2168s I may be a stress for that as I am for
2170s like a driver's uh license test this is
2174s the this is to me because I know I can
2175s do it but it's like but there's that
2177s chance yeah where is that chance this is
2179s to me like like an interview for a new
2181s job this is the level that of stress
2184s that I'm feeling for this it's all or
2186s nothing baby if I don't show up and
2189s present it's all over
2191s oh my goodness a class project where uh
2195s you know the prop doesn't like you and
2197s you know your group really didn't do the
2198s work you're like oh my God we gotta
2200s really pull this together last night
2201s that never happened to our groups Marcus
2203s no it's not because Helen's a great
2204s student
2205s I'm so it happened to me so many times
2208s in the University so upset thing so
2211s stressful now you got this Danny it's uh
2214s it's like an exam you can't think about
2215s it too much before it actually happens
2216s yeah just gotta focus on the RNG here
2218s you just have to trust that that you
2220s studied if you studied yep
2223s I will say Danny before you do your test
2226s let's just make sure that your
2227s controller is fully charged oh my God
2229s thank you
2232s Midway through California I would lay
2236s down I would lay down on this floor with
2239s where God knows what is falling on it
2241s yeah a little straw for your mango
2243s nectar but if you just think you just
2245s hang out here we're gonna hang out with
2247s chat we're gonna have a good time yeah
2248s you guys can hang out with Marcus while
2250s I continue to have them because Danny is
2253s having some technical difficulties it
2254s reminds me of like that there's one E3
2256s presentation I think it was God of War
2258s no uh Gears of War yeah when the
2260s controller disconnected mid uh demo or
2263s something oh my goodness it might not
2265s have been gears I can't remember but it
2266s was definitely an Xbox yeah and it was
2268s hilarious see all developers go through
2271s all forms of suffering at some point
2273s exactly exactly Live Events are just
2276s another level of yeah
2279s we've uh we've had tennocon moments yeah
2282s I mean I don't want to jinx technocon
2283s but we've had 10 okay moments in the
2285s past yeah oh yeah I can tell you horror
2288s stories yeah trying to run that but he's
2291s got scars the magic is that
2294s ended up working out like we have these
2296s crazy demos on stage like eight player
2299s demos for
2301s um our uh what 2019
2304s 15. cows running across the plains of
2307s idol on yep it was incredible yeah it's
2310s okay everything is fine everything's
2312s great guys I can actually feel my neck
2314s like I have so much tension in my
2316s shoulders my neck is getting you guys
2318s are calling off the test the test is a
2320s no-go
2321s we're gonna go with the massages Danny
2323s it's a medical officer he says we can't
2324s do the test medical officer yeah medical
2326s officer on Deck it's whimis I'm pretty
2328s sure we've got a smoke alarm that we can
2330s pull over here
2332s this is good this is good this is really
2336s good
2337s this is great make sure you select it
2339s actually I do need the oh not a prime
2341s blueprint okay okay Mark has got what he
2344s got it let's go
2348s let's go it's the loadout name I'm
2351s telling you wow
2354s big I'm blown away I'm jacked up I'm
2357s jacked up guys just hope you haven't
2359s used all your luck I might throw up I'm
2362s too excited get your paper bag from your
2365s burrito I do it's all his chips in it
2367s don't throw up into your tortillas my
2369s chips not the chips uh yeah all right
2378s uh because I don't it's not gonna take
2380s us 10 minutes to do each test we could I
2383s need to take some deep breaths here uh I
2385s do want the I need one more part for the
2388s Nell Prime
2389s sorry okay spin him he's going this is
2393s some interpretive dancing if I ever did
2395s see it I need I need some uh to finish I
2397s was gonna try to put some uh music oh
2400s you got the big ship that's why I was
2401s like where's he running into
2403s the Scout let's go you can do laughs on
2406s that thing yeah oh not a prime blueprint
2408s I think that was actually one of the
2409s last things I needed for the Odin Prime
2411s too so that's very very oh that's
2412s awesome
2413s um we should do a platinum prize because
2415s we need to share in our church yeah with
2420s the uh Community here absolutely if you
2422s didn't want to run it right away I need
2423s one more nail piece for the Nell prime a
2425s nail piece okay yeah or we can stay
2428s ahead of schedule
2430s we have a winner
2433s uh murky toxins uh zero 22
2438s congratulations you've won
2440s a thousand Platinum please whisper the
2442s word from channels at your own right now
2444s with your in-game Alias and the
2445s platforming plan and we will hook you up
2446s with your winnings murky talks and
2449s series 22.
2451s um I am
2453s so elated right now
2455s they're gonna you're gonna I'm Russian
2459s I'm Russian I need to get him going I am
2462s boom two days nah nah two seconds
2467s okay I really need to just like take
2469s this all in because I thank you prime
2471s Resurgence truly primary surgery because
2474s I've been waiting for this moment look
2476s at him he's so beautiful that's a good
2478s feeling
2479s this feels like Miss Universe three days
2480s you can get Bob in Prime this is what
2482s I'm saying who I also don't have next
2484s prime timer on it's gonna be the mr29
2486s test uh
2489s yeah I was gonna say that's a lot that's
2491s a lot I mean we gotta work all right
2493s hold on let me just let me just
2498s do a turn Bam Bam pose oh let's go all
2503s right okay all right I got it
2507s okay
2509s um sorry you needed an L piece Marcus I
2512s do I do need an LPS
2515s we could do that we could do do we but
2517s do we want to push our luck
2519s do we want to carry how about this how
2521s about this how about this care if I
2522s don't get it though okay I was just
2524s gonna say how about this one of you do
2526s your test now then do the mission and
2528s then the other one do their test out
2529s okay a little break yeah okay well I was
2532s the one who has to go first so well if
2533s you do it I want to do it right out okay
2535s well why don't we do it after yeah okay
2536s hold on let me check my control we'll
2538s see we'll see okay controller is at full
2540s battery right okay
2543s laughs
2544s I needed complete silence okay I'm gonna
2547s turn the music down do the chill
2548s playlist okay I just it's what it's on
2551s right now I'm just gonna completely take
2553s the music away Dean you might actually
2554s have to turn my camera off because I
2555s don't know Danielle sokolowski
2557s approaches the test okay hold on
2561s I'm gonna pee my pants yeah we have
2563s a Warframe Community manager okay
2567s attempting oh my gosh guys my heart is
2570s pounding
2572s so much encouragement from Discord and
2574s twitch right now
2576s okay thank you I wish I had gamer goo my
2579s Pam my Palms are so sweaty we all wish
2581s we had a game review someone said hit
2583s the Doom track
2586s okay
2591s is that a heartbeat
2596s I was like is that actually my heartbeat
2599s in my ears I might actually beat you
2601s pass out yeah if you pass it like we'll
2604s watch for the uh twitch chat's got you
2605s okay okay I'll watch chat so let me know
2607s all right
2609s all right chat is nothing but positive
2611s okay you got this
2613s okay
2614s this is what we get so it said take a
2616s Red Bull her heart would explain it
2618s would be so bad okay Danielle you must
2620s ask yourself yes are you ready I become
2623s master I am ready
2625s press x wait I'll hold on no I'm not
2628s okay Valerie let's do a quick check I
2631s need to make sure my gear is properly
2634s set up okay and I need okay so my
2637s hotkeys are still bound okay I thought
2639s that was a wolf Beacon I was like don't
2640s tell me
2642s all right all right here we go
2645s um I need to not look at chat because
2648s I'm okay
2649s full Focus do you actually want your
2651s camera off so you don't have to think
2652s about it it'll be fine okay okay it'll
2655s be fine because I get it girl again
2656s haciendo Fury said I believe in you
2658s Daniel thank you
2659s I'm just getting lots of yes yes yes
2662s watch it crash
2664s okay we know we're good car won't start
2666s can't do it
2669s Mom's here
2686s thank you
2695s collecting as much as I want
2702s to do with numbers
2721s foreign
2730s lots of cancers left yeah
2733s they're still on target
2736s that initial spawn was not what I'm used
2738s to no which is very frustrating but
2740s that's okay
2746s what is happening oh those guys are all
2748s dead yeah
2750s oh no I'm not liking my odds here
2756s oh I didn't mean to do that I didn't
2759s mean to do that I panicked
2761s I still got the one on top yeah there's
2763s good cluster here I did not mean to do
2765s that at all shoot
2769s stress is getting to me
2771s I'm you got unlucky there's a lot of
2773s eggs yeah
2777s it's a very good classic
2783s oh God
2789s monster
2795s this is the one I hate
2802s no no no no no no not the heavy drop
2805s two seconds on this case no no no what
2807s did I drop it where did it go
2810s what
2811s where did it go I don't I think you
2813s picked it up when you had operator so no
2817s I'm not gonna get this
2819s oh my God you got enough that you could
2820s you need 14 kills
2826s six seconds okay
2833s did it oh yes yes
2837s that's the stuff right there
2841s we go yes oh
2845s oh
2847s man
2850s you're a master sokolowski
2853s holy
2855s smokes okay
2857s shut the front door
2860s oh you're amazing you're amazing all
2862s right dot those spawns were probably the
2866s worst I've seen in all my practices when
2869s you drop that canister I was like oh no
2871s I know I don't know listen
2874s uh that I have run those practices with
2879s uh using only up to four to five
2881s canisters this is the first time I had
2883s to use all of those like I don't think
2885s it's usually I don't think I've ever got
2887s on the last one it's always like
2889s Dean that means that jackets yes
2893s how much are we doing are we doing the
2895s Thousand are we gonna do the uh let's do
2897s 2800. I want to make sure I had
2899s permission all right there we go no I
2901s don't want to do this no Marcus
2904s smokes
2907s I know I'm just here
2910s when you turn the corner and there was
2912s like enough in the board I'm like I know
2913s the vortex I was like as long as I keep
2915s my vortexes alive yeah it should draw in
2918s enough enemies but those spawns were so
2921s devious they were like the winners like
2923s the winner of 2800 fragrance fragrance
2927s You've Won it 2800 Platinum
2930s congratulations to you uh please wish
2933s for the Warframe channel oh my God I'm
2934s like shaking please
2938s the platform you play on and we'll hook
2941s you up with your winnings I'm either
2943s going to
2945s I don't know what I'm gonna do but I
2947s feel like I gotta throw up yeah my heart
2949s it's like 84 now it went from 69 to 84.
2953s all right do we want to do that cooldown
2955s mission or are you feeling pumped up to
2956s take this on Marcus
2959s we could do the cool down it's up to you
2961s I think we might need it cool yeah okay
2963s my nerves are pretty like oh I know
2966s there's this thing in Ultimate Frisbee
2968s called preservation of greatness which
2970s is when you do like we make a great play
2971s or something if you pick up the Frisbee
2973s most people will like throw it into the
2976s ground or something because you're just
2977s like two yeah you're too hopped up okay
2978s I agree we got a little bit of the
2980s shakes going I think the whole room does
2983s someone in chat said
2985s um that they were holding their breath
2987s so please remember to breathe yeah
2990s right
2992s unclench your jaw and yes if you have a
2995s Nella Prime barrel Relic okay an L Prime
2999s yeah actually I think I need the number
3001s one
3003s I've been playing more hero and I was
3005s like that would be nice to have yeah I
3006s can feel like I'm like a little like
3007s yeah
3009s oh the tenant Envoy coming through
3012s uh man the tenant Envoy really deleted
3015s there I mean I didn't really like yeah
3017s that's the one thing I don't have I
3019s don't have like a good AOE Mass thing so
3022s I've just been meleeing a lot yeah ARCA
3025s we are using Zephyr so you have your um
3027s turbulence no yeah okay yeah sorry what
3030s did you need again uh nail Prime barrel
3033s barrel barrel
3034s I would use Urka I don't want to change
3036s it up now I know I can practice quickly
3038s yeah
3039s okay cool down we're doing a pull down
3041s just a quick uh a brief intermission
3044s yeah
3047s we're gonna bring our heart rate down
3049s increased void Trace storage yeah
3053s hell yeah all right
3055s yeah I got yeah the void Trace storage
3057s got increased
3059s um ah especially when you get to Forma
3061s and not have to remove mods yeah
3068s all right Marcus let me bring you back
3070s into the fold here all right um so we
3073s are needing which Relic was it again uh
3075s there's a few different axi ones but
3077s they're all axes oh Neen
3080s thanks you dropped this queen
3083s it was an axi you said yeah okay so we
3086s have an exterminate here we can do that
3087s quickly
3089s um it was the axi canine so if you guys
3092s in chat have an axi K9 and would like to
3095s join us
3096s um please oh what what should we get
3099s them to DM us this time
3104s your your favorite rare part in Warframe
3107s okay yeah like uh
3110s like the the thing you've been most
3112s excited to receive that's a good one
3114s word yeah okay cool
3116s um d e underscore
3118s s-o-e-l-l-o-o if you have an oxycanine
3121s and want to let us know what your
3123s favorite rare part was that you got in
3126s Warframe and we'll send you an invite if
3128s you uh and it's radiant as well because
3129s we need the nil Prime barrel someone
3132s said I have a canine but it's not an
3134s actually it's a Springer
3136s oh
3138s I enjoyed that thoroughly oh my goodness
3141s serum systems is broken you already were
3144s in there's God weren't you
3145s um someone said uh fiston hat said
3148s Wukong neuroptics that is a very
3150s exciting one Revenant Prime uh blueprint
3154s that is also a good one was razor Runner
3156s Squad already I don't think so who Razer
3159s 9902 I don't think so not tonight come
3161s on in come on down come on down who else
3164s uh we've got passive sharks at vauben
3166s chassis Brock said Baruch
3171s yeah this is true yeah the engineer the
3175s engineers
3176s oh we're actually Genji featuring The
3179s Game tonight you'll have to stick around
3181s for that Creator video definitely
3183s getting a glaive prime part rare and
3185s Powerful uh
3187s agreed all right I think we're all in so
3190s OMC K9 let's go
3194s while you guys enter your mission yeah
3196s I've been holding on to this great
3197s question yes sorry I know I asked for
3199s complete silence but no no it's good so
3203s cost TM said coming back to Warframe for
3208s the first time in eight years completely
3210s lost what do I do whoa that is a great
3214s question and when we actually hear quite
3216s often yeah pretty often lots of
3218s returners with a game like Warframe with
3220s almost 10 years now under our belt
3222s there's a lot to explore I would suggest
3224s if you haven't made your way through the
3227s um the map yet like the solar chart in
3230s navigation do that first doing the
3233s Junctions will unlock uh weapon
3236s Blueprints and Quest blueprints
3238s um and you can get a good start there
3240s but I think it really depends on what
3242s you're really invested in in Warframe
3245s like if you really want the lore content
3247s that kind of procedure going through the
3250s the Junctions and playing quests I think
3251s is a really great way to get familiar
3254s again with Warframe and kind of the
3255s story of Warframe
3257s um that's where I would start what do
3259s you what would you say Marcus uh if you
3261s haven't well you probably haven't played
3262s the new war so I would do like the quest
3264s up until the new word just because that
3266s unlocks a lot of good yeah
3268s um uh it gives you a lot of more
3270s powerful equipment like loving the
3272s archon shards because if you have a Mane
3274s and can just plop a few on there it's
3275s very nice to have did the Codex even
3277s exist eight years ago that might be a
3279s good place to start yeah it's funny to
3281s say because I I'm trying to recall a
3284s Time
3285s now where that wasn't because the Codex
3287s wasn't always there because quests came
3289s in a little later so yeah that's uh when
3292s you're on your Orbiter it's the console
3294s to your left if you're looking out the
3295s window it's a good place to start so you
3298s can see all the story content that you
3299s can unlock and how to unlock it and uh I
3302s would say that would be a very very good
3304s starting point yes
3306s great part but point about this star
3309s chart because a lot of the new nodes
3310s that would be there are probably Quest
3313s or specific node
3316s um access like if you need like a
3318s specific Warframe like uh the two new
3320s nodes on Lua for uh Verona yeah so if
3323s it's not unlocked like the Rope below is
3325s then there's probably a good
3327s amount of stuff you need to do naturally
3329s in the game to unlock that stuff so
3331s we're unlocking the story and all of
3332s these words we're saying right now are
3334s probably very confusing yes do you
3337s um also when you first jump back into uh
3340s Warframe now there is a channel called
3343s The Q a channel which is a fantastic
3346s place for you to go to it is um
3348s basically just players like yourself who
3351s have questions about the game and
3353s there's some really awesome people in
3354s there that hang out that know a lot
3355s about the game that can answer those
3356s questions for you and kind of set you in
3358s the right direction so good luck in your
3360s Warframe Adventures uh welcome back and
3363s uh we're joining Dojo too that'd also be
3366s good yeah there's a great resource tons
3367s of things and I'm sure chat right now is
3369s like blasting off with a bunch of great
3372s options too so you have a lot of
3373s resources at hand and uh yeah have fun
3375s yeah
3377s what do we get ooh histrix though
3379s histrix is pretty sweet good duckets and
3382s the Warframe Wiki is a fantastic
3383s resources yes Wiki is great the wiki
3386s team is great Wiki is great I think I
3389s think if I could do anything if I went
3391s back
3392s if I hadn't played in eight years or if
3394s I need to like restart an account it
3395s would be leveling my mods
3398s over getting new weapons yeah once I
3402s level my mods I was like oh all of my
3404s stuff is that much better versus like
3405s getting good individual stuff yeah I
3407s would say pod leveling I should have
3408s done that earlier really good advice
3410s yeah the mod system in Warframe is where
3413s is your power source right it's where
3415s you're going to Output
3418s um
3418s you know and and perform in the game so
3421s if you go to your oh Dean you can go
3423s back to my screen
3424s if you um
3426s go to Your Arsenal
3428s um
3429s hover over upgrade
3431s and this is going to look really
3432s overwhelming at first but this is
3434s essentially where you're able to plop in
3437s a variety of stat
3441s um adjustments so if I want more health
3444s I pop in more health and now I have or
3447s yeah so now I have more Health if I want
3449s to extend the duration of my abilities I
3452s now can do that with prime continuity
3454s and the UI will tell you all the
3457s information you need so for example I
3460s see now that my Bastille ability has
3462s increased duration up to 22.5 seconds so
3466s it will be very overwhelming at first it
3468s will be but take your time with it and a
3471s good piece of advice from Darth muzo
3473s here keep a low level version of each
3476s mod as well if you're low Mastery right
3478s there you go great point
3480s there you go
3482s um but yeah so that was one one question
3485s do we sorry we're not interested and
3490s um
3492s um yeah there's a lot of ways to play
3494s around with really what but honestly
3497s just play what you want to play at the
3498s end of the day just have fun with it
3499s there's so many ways to play Warframe
3501s um you can play The Meta if you want to
3503s or you don't have to it's really just
3504s yeah it's your game it's your account do
3506s what you want to do right if something
3507s feels stale try something new yes like
3509s I'm finding new combinations all the
3512s time
3512s uh like been loving Peril Prime lately
3515s before that playing a ton of protea
3517s which has been awesome so yeah there's a
3519s lot of fun combinations out there and
3521s there's a lot of fun builds online too
3522s so there you go looking those up and uh
3524s trying out different mod combos can lead
3526s to some interesting and wacky stuff
3527s which is always a good time indeed I am
3529s ready to play all right Mark I'm gonna
3531s put my let's put in my dance controller
3533s down
3535s okay Squad
3539s this does feel like exam season right
3541s all right I believe Marcus Marcus
3546s I am ready
3548s I believe all right do you want silence
3551s no it's okay if you guys chat okay
3553s Carolyn do you want to continue with
3554s questions maybe it'll be a good
3555s distraction for sure if you have one
3558s from Shadow Phoenix they're trying to
3562s become a Warframe content creator and
3564s wondered if we had any recommendations
3566s any recommendations well first things
3567s first I would go over to the Warframe
3569s website and I would go under the
3571s Community Tab and click on Warframe
3573s creators and it will give you there's a
3575s button there that says program overview
3577s read through all of that it tells you
3578s how to join it will literally give you
3580s step by step on basically what the
3582s expectations are of the program and how
3584s you can join
3585s warframe.com forward slash Community
3586s forward slash creators all there
3590s and now I'm just seeing a lot of yes and
3592s so because chat is
3595s is uh cheering Marcus on
3598s so far so good
3602s oh yeah that's a good house
3614s please buy it
3620s if you guys didn't know Zephyr is
3622s Marcus's favorite Warframe and really
3626s putting her on great display
3628s in the mastering test here which is a
3630s cracking this Warframe she is indeed
3632s those aoes are always so brutal
3636s it's okay we've got some Shield gaining
3637s happening and some some health pizzas
3640s going down got some rolling guard action
3642s yup ooh rolling guard that's what that
3644s was yeah oh don't hit me in the air
3647s Zen Rapids is reminding Marcus to let
3650s his mind be his weapon
3653s as we saw earlier with your handless
3657s psychic powers yeah
3660s Mark is coming in with the operator for
3662s a lost gasp
3664s nice Marcus you've still got three
3666s canisters left you're doing great we've
3668s got 10 enemies left
3670s I feel like I'm watching golf
3672s interesting he's got this in the bag one
3675s more one more I took the whole one more
3677s one more baby
3679s where are you bring home who's still
3682s alive right there you got it okay thank
3683s you let's Marcus all right with two
3687s canisters left thank you for the
3689s commentary because I was like I don't
3690s want to scramble here and not Zephyr
3693s let's go my boy
3698s amazing rock and roll 2800 Platinum
3702s let's go good job thank you thank you so
3706s much cool yes thank you you put you just
3709s put Zephyr on the map again if you kill
3713s if you're in Last Stand and kill an
3714s examus it's an instant revive yes
3718s my girl oh Nero yep uneru sorry
3723s and Zephyr and you cannot fail amazing
3726s and we have a winner Derry bombs uh
3730s congratulations you've won 2800 Platinum
3732s please whisper the War Room channel that
3733s you're on right now with your in-game
3734s Alias and the platform you plan we will
3736s hook you up we did it we did it we did
3739s it let's drink 28. I'm so happy we both
3742s did it I know I I am very very happy do
3746s you understand how good I'm gonna sleep
3747s tonight oh my God because I've been
3750s having nightmares for three days man I'd
3752s start the work day and be like let's
3753s just run it one more time let's just
3754s let's just let's just run let's just
3756s have you ever
3757s um
3758s played a game like a new game comes out
3761s and you play it sorry there's context to
3764s that have you played it again you've
3766s played a game
3767s um so much so that when you lay down at
3770s night and you close your eyes you see
3772s the game on in on your eyeballs yeah
3775s baby Summoners League of Legends was
3779s like Apex has been that game for me and
3781s this master rank test has been that for
3783s me yeah
3785s hornstein and small
3787s um or smell the uh the Dark Souls boss
3789s fight that was yeah
3791s radon also in my that's the back of my
3794s eyelids
3795s just projecting
3798s projecting my failures to me I had a lot
3800s of had a lot of nice things about this
3801s test we're both weddings
3807s right Dean Dean that's assistant Mastery
3810s 28. there you go
3812s wow okay oh that's so exciting and
3816s perfect timing too because it is seven
3817s o'clock and we can get into uh what what
3820s should we get into what is next let's
3822s see what do we got a lot of things
3824s tonight
3825s um I feel like I blacked out I mean
3826s honestly
3828s um we have a fantastic clip of the week
3832s um so this clip of the week comes
3834s brought to you by the kengineer love and
3837s as we were doing our volt Prime relics
3838s uh let the engineer give you a little
3841s information on how you too can get some
3843s Aya to uh visit varsia and get some
3846s prime uh Resurgence parts
3848s take it away
3850s Aya has returned permanently as the new
3852s way to get relics to Old Prime warframes
3854s with a different two sets of primes
3856s available every month let's look at the
3858s newly updated drop tables and how you
3860s can get higher the fastest I'm Nick
3862s engineer let's solve practical problem
3869s if you like seeing practical solutions
3870s to practical problems you should join my
3872s live streams over on Twitch the link to
3874s that is in the video description
3877s Aya is the resource you need to purchase
3878s unvaulted relics these let you earn
3880s Prime frames and weapons that were
3882s released a while ago and have since
3884s fallen out of the normal loot pool
3885s to clear up some confusion normal eye is
3888s the free and farmable version used to
3890s get the relics whilst wrinkle Aya is
3892s bought for real money from De there is
3895s no way to farm Ringo Aya in game normal
3898s Aya has a variety of sources with a
3900s variety of mission types and drop rates
3902s the different locations are all void
3904s missions most are strong bounties or
3907s normal Solaris United bounties all in
3909s charity field bounties all Zara bounties
3912s and Relic packs
3919s engineer for that clip is that someone
3921s in chat just asked when is Robin Prime
3923s coming back in like less than a week
3925s yeah Bob and Prime is coming very very
3927s soon
3929s um yeah valbin is up next in the
3931s rotation so if I'm Prime I should say
3933s yeah thousand Prime which is awesome oh
3935s my you caught me eating and nacho cheese
3937s embarrassing
3940s um yeah engineer you're fantastic
3941s there's a lot of I saw a few people in
3942s chat too being like I've watched this
3944s video I'm already getting all the
3945s content here I need something
3950s like ASMR Marcus was just saying that
3952s sounds like he's got a nice voice
3953s Discord is well with Marcus oh I love it
3956s we're gonna have links to or you can
3959s just go right to the kitchener's
3960s channels um but uh we're gonna have
3962s links to
3964s the engineers fantastic channels in the
3966s VOD on YouTube for the stream so you can
3969s check them out there check them out see
3971s what's going on all right
3973s fanart fanart actually Helen we can take
3976s a pause on that if you'd like to I might
3979s okay we'll do something else we can go
3981s to capture first I was just about to
3983s roll oh no no because she has to put the
3986s links in Discord guys we like way too
3987s much water before this game we need to
3989s let Helen I'll be right in the room but
3991s what we could do in the meantime
3994s Helen is looking it out the room what we
3998s could do in the meantime oh my very
4000s serious
4001s um
4002s so we have a new segment yes we do for
4005s prime time it is very fun I'm so excited
4008s about this
4009s um it's a shame that Helen's not in the
4010s room anymore because she really was
4012s championing for this it made it happen
4016s but we're doing Warframe word of the
4019s month
4019s so over the past 10 years of Warframe
4025s um as you may know we've come up with
4027s some pretty interesting names and words
4030s for items and warframes and among
4033s various other things and inspiration can
4036s kind of come from all places and we
4038s thought hey this is a great opportunity
4040s to uh you know talk to the tell the
4043s community educate the community on where
4045s these words came from and how to
4047s properly pronounce them because hey
4050s oracles we've got two different
4053s pronunciations
4056s and you know no no way is wrong
4059s necessarily but uh we thought it was
4062s really fun to give or to have our
4064s narrative team who works so diligently
4066s and so hard to create these really cool
4068s worlds and spaces and narrative and lore
4071s and Warframe to actually feature them
4073s and highlight them on Prime Time and
4075s Helen is back just in time that was so
4077s fast
4078s there you go
4080s um this this month we are featuring uh
4082s the word or the name Kaylee which is a
4085s little bit of a spoiler but for those of
4086s you who know you know and you love her
4089s and Adrian bought uh from the writers
4092s team is going to tell you a bit more
4093s about where that name came from so take
4096s it away Adrian so one thing we like to
4098s do when we're coming up with names or
4100s words in Warframe is to evoke a
4103s particular flavor without being too
4106s specific about it and one example of
4108s that is the given names of the members
4110s of the entrasi family
4112s I won't mention all of them because
4114s they're technically spoilers but what we
4116s wanted to do was convey a sense of
4118s ancientness because visually the
4120s necklace has these beautiful Aesthetics
4123s that make you think of ancient Egypt so
4125s each name is meant to sound like it
4127s could be from a particular culture
4129s without being a specific on the nose
4132s reference
4133s so for daughter we went with something
4136s with vaguely Celtic overtones sun was
4139s more Greek father much more Roman
4142s leaning and mother as the sort of Elder
4145s matriarch of the family has a sort of
4148s Sumerian vibe
4150s but there is one more aspect to
4152s daughter's name that I should mention
4153s which is that when I was a teenager in
4156s the 1980s we were all haunted by a song
4159s by a band called Marillion about a girl
4162s called Kaylee and their lead singer was
4164s named fish
4166s so back then you had fish being really
4169s into Kaylee and now we have Kaylee who
4173s is really into fish
4178s so good thank you Adrian oh I love
4182s hearing about that it's awesome it's
4184s like my favorite part of technocon is
4185s when and whatever artists or anyone gets
4187s into the you know the meat and potatoes
4189s behind their work it's uh it's a really
4191s cool thing also
4193s the pet rat in the back zooming let me
4195s just say the parkouring was also just
4198s such a delight in the back
4200s um and that little Fella's name is
4202s Thursday yes it is Thursday Thursday the
4205s ride so thank you so much Adrian for
4207s putting that together for us and giving
4208s us a little hint into why we named
4211s Kaylee Kaylee she loves fish loves
4214s Kaylee my officials Kaylee and we love
4216s Kaylee oh we do love you we love her a
4218s lot I love her maybe a little too Carlos
4221s Kelly do I mean do you blame him no I
4226s don't all right well what's going on I
4229s don't you know Mark lots of love
4232s everyone loving everyone
4234s all right well now that Helen is back we
4237s can jump into some fanart as Megan likes
4240s to say oh I forgot
4245s so good
4249s you really hidden those noise I want to
4252s go for it oh oh uh this is embarrassing
4257s Taylor Made that asset it was actually
4260s Sarah thank you for our first piece of
4263s fan art this is awesome
4264s this comes from Sarah sometimes you need
4267s to recognize the art within the digital
4269s extremes team absolutely art external to
4272s the digital streams team this is true
4273s this is our first piece by Sarah and a
4275s reminder that there's Community drops
4277s this Friday I like the use of the
4279s classic background the classic
4280s background is classic stream background
4282s Supreme Team all right the what the
4285s Supreme Team you heard me
4287s we're gonna have the our Warframe word
4289s of the month next month will be prime
4291s time there you go I really I really hope
4293s we get to learn I really hope we get to
4295s learn more about how snipetron came to
4296s be one yes I mean that'll be a five
4300s second video Scott being like all right
4302s sniper and Tron
4305s I hope you guys like that segment into
4307s it'll be really fun to work with the
4309s narrative team on yeah I saw some really
4310s nice comments yay okay good I'm glad all
4313s right so our first uh fan art of this
4316s week comes from the wonderful darika and
4319s this is just an insane sevagoth piece
4322s whoa right wow
4325s um like
4326s stunning there's Lua in the background
4328s Everything feels so the eyes on both
4330s right it's like an umbra-esque it
4334s absolutely stunning stunning stunning
4336s holy smokes I am completely obsessed
4340s with this eyes are not easy faces are
4342s not easy none of this I feel is easy
4344s well yeah well none of it but I just
4345s mean the talent yeah very very beautiful
4349s wow wow wow yeah such a big fan
4352s um this next one we're sticking with the
4354s purple theme here
4356s um this is by control Kun who said the
4359s most quote unquote accurate Mirage Prime
4361s I can draw and a certain cookie jar they
4363s called
4364s they called orders a cookie jar and that
4367s is exactly what she is are his eyes
4370s little hearts yes he's in love why
4374s wouldn't you be yeah this is a little
4375s cookie jar look at this little cookie
4378s dough so when artist glitches would he
4380s be the Cookie Monster
4397s I love the Psychedelic uh mystery yes I
4401s love it very smoky so fantastic
4402s beautiful piece
4404s um this next
4406s this next one sorry I just saw what was
4408s coming up in the line here uh this next
4410s one is a a fantastic I saw
4414s um Taylor absolutely losing her mind on
4417s this on Twitter oh yeah oh this way uh
4419s Carl underscore Tabora on Twitter
4422s and I love that you can see the action
4423s in the background like there's Arc Wing
4425s happening there's an excal we've got
4427s Excalibur with the Bratton yeah and
4430s I really like that too
4433s yeah
4435s oh the I think it might be a big oh no
4437s it must be an orb yeah because it's the
4439s the pincer yeah you can see the arm
4441s coming down in the front too and like
4443s the the prime armor and the use of like
4447s tenno gen and
4453s yeah this is a love letter to Nova this
4456s is excellent yeah I'll use the prime
4457s details are fantastic and a snipe Tron
4460s and a snipetron there you go
4464s um so sweet Marcus is actually gonna
4466s show this next one popped up on my
4468s screen
4469s um this is by DS underscore is
4472s 775565 and it is a called the generator
4475s GIF generator GIF generator gift look at
4479s this nutmeg it is
4482s and someone I think someone is yeah
4485s someone in the back says or in the
4487s comments said steel path of pain
4489s thank you
4491s like that's what volt is playing is
4493s steel path and he's just jumping around
4495s oh my goodness I love it so good it is
4497s so good these these these three would be
4500s best friends would they oh yeah oh big
4502s time right absolutely yeah super cute
4504s yeah
4504s themes that's not Goss yeah it's Goss in
4508s the wheel but volt is the one playing is
4509s it not mag is the youngest sibling for
4511s sure volt is the conductor isn't he like
4513s he's got a blue and red I just noticed
4515s this he's got jumper cables on his head
4517s I thought it might have been Trinity for
4519s a second
4523s that is so cute oh my goodness I didn't
4525s even realize that's awesome very cute oh
4528s now this is
4529s wait a minute yes this next one here
4532s uh is by Brian art and it says I have to
4537s deal with these random ideas
4540s I don't plan to apologize for this
4543s that's a good description wheel is a
4546s good description we love avico here
4557s this is Vico and yeah I love that the
4560s panel says I don't plan to apologize for
4563s this I'm also loving the like circle
4565s tattoo it reminds me of Jiu Jitsu Kaizen
4568s I've not watched you I watched I've seen
4570s the first episode of jujitsu yeah
4572s yeah isn't this repo good for Vico
4581s true Sigma Corpus yeah who that you'll
4584s just have to play the new war I like it
4586s I like that his forehead's smiling his
4589s forehead I mean yeah
4593s um yeah for those of you who haven't
4594s played the new war you might be a little
4596s disappointed this does not happening
4598s this does not happen this is not a new
4600s word deleted scene no
4603s um moving on to something a little bit
4606s more subtle no stay on that but no go
4610s back go back
4611s this this one is um just first of all I
4615s love sarin and Taylor actually uh dm'd
4618s me last week and was like listen I have
4620s so much Primetime fan art for this week
4623s she just tweeted saying like hey guys
4625s when I get the when I get the prime time
4627s fan art ready can you not put up more
4629s great fan art it's very hard to pick so
4631s she was like please please for the love
4633s of God show this one next week so Taylor
4635s this is for you
4637s um the uh quote on this I know right was
4641s dreaming of Earth they've based in gold
4644s and solemn blue and this is by a navi
4646s Ivy and Navi underscore IV on Twitter
4649s and they also said I still can't believe
4651s it's been nearly seven years since I
4653s drew one of my first quote-unquote green
4654s Warframe fan arts let's start this year
4656s by paying homage to it other nice stuff
4659s Below in the thread and there was other
4660s nice stuff Below in the thread that you
4662s can explore yourself Helen is busy at
4664s work here she's furiously posting these
4667s these links in the Discord
4669s I think I've lost my link order oh no
4672s we'll figure it out that is a-okay
4675s um this next one is great this is Hell's
4678s Kitchen with call
4680s Byron on Twitter and um you can just
4686s hear this if it's one of these pictures
4687s you can hear oh the hand is great it's
4690s funny you never see call actually that
4691s disgusted I mean he's so disappointed
4694s even when he was staring down the face
4697s of um
4700s era thank you
4703s my brain
4706s um he didn't look this disgusted so he's
4708s just it's the hand it's the
4710s it's perfect I keep uh waiting for him
4713s to have two slices of bread between his
4714s hands yeah what are you an idiot
4716s sandwich
4718s I mean what else is there to say that
4720s clock is not being smoked no served with
4722s hot Shimmer oh my ooh that sounds
4725s delicious that sounds really good uh I
4727s just realized I doubled down on DS
4729s underscore
4730s 775565 because let it happen love their
4733s stuff but this is damn cephalon pseudo
4737s mother
4739s this is Mother
4741s wow wow Lotus nah they don't make
4743s threads like that
4745s they really don't uh stunning
4748s so sweet I mean if I were to Envision
4751s cephalon suda this is exactly exactly
4753s how yeah I can't conjure this up in my
4756s brain I mean I can't
4758s yeah now I can this is the only thing I
4761s need fabric it's very medusa-ish very
4764s yes stunning we are under her spell I
4767s just realized she's holding The Helio
4769s core is that a helium it is a healing
4771s yeah oh it's like oh look at the little
4773s uh Smash down on your head
4777s until she gets your phone number judge
4780s jury dot executioner right there so she
4782s gets your phone
4786s I love I love the color palettes yes
4789s super super pretty an electric blue yes
4793s oh this next one here so fantastic uh
4796s they said I drew my vulvan Prime I like
4798s running crazy colors but I tone them
4799s down for the drawing and this was on the
4801s forums actually by cephalon underscore
4803s Corgi and I love the little uh Corgi on
4807s the shoulder yeah they're like signature
4809s yeah just along for the ride
4811s and making like giving metal texture but
4814s then also a reflection right props um I
4817s don't yeah this is a digital painting
4818s yeah it looks it looks like
4821s looks like it could have been like a
4822s pencil draw ing yeah like the the
4824s texture on it is so cool blue train
4827s Thomas question mark yeah Thomas
4831s yeah this is really really good this is
4833s how cool your bobbin Prime can look oh I
4835s mean honestly and again valve been
4838s coming up next in premium so you know
4842s soon you can also look this good crush
4845s your master rank yes like I did today
4848s with my Bowman Bam Bam Blazer and a
4852s vanilla Ball but not that yeah yeah
4854s I mean we're gonna maybe a little bit a
4856s little bit easier with Melbourne Prime
4857s but I mean I'm not complaining uh this
4861s oh this one's So Good parvo's granum by
4864s Yusuf uh uh Yusuf Faba Haba Yusuf hubba
4869s I think
4870s beware the Idle Man Who Would lull you
4873s back into idleness statue of parvo's
4875s granum the original Taxman from Warframe
4877s it makes him look so fearsome I guess we
4879s don't know how tall parvos is because we
4882s don't see anything physically have we
4884s only ever done I only see him sitting at
4885s the table Transmissions yeah
4888s he could be this yeah Beyonce is yeah he
4890s could be he could be does he stand at
4892s the table with the sisters I can't
4893s remember
4894s I thought he was behind the chair but I
4896s might be wrong he might be behind the
4897s chair he might be
4899s someone probably knows this makes him
4900s look very very fearsome yes he captured
4902s his Spirit incredibly well I feel like
4904s this is one of those cases where if he
4906s were to build a statue of himself it
4907s would be a 19-foot statue when he's
4910s maybe not doesn't have that stature
4912s originally yeah
4914s man of great ego
4917s um this next one here so good valkyr
4920s also flexing Maybe by baga73 this is a
4924s deviantART that last one was also from
4926s deviantART as well
4928s um love the color palette card used for
4931s this the carnivx huh
4933s I just and and highlighted all the best
4936s features like with the golden Claws and
4938s the kind of like earring decal and this
4941s like golden ornamental piece in the
4943s center like the ornamental chain is
4946s really pretty all together I might just
4948s fashion frame my valkyr to the snow now
4951s we need ephemera with just a very soft
4952s glow there also looks like I mean if you
4955s look close enough at the face it looks
4957s like a little skull oh it does I think
4959s the original skin does have that same
4962s yeah
4963s his true eyes the nose and then the
4966s um it's quite the iconic skin it really
4969s is um
4970s let's see hold on here
4973s yeah Dean if you want to come to my uh I
4976s am looking respectfully JoJo references
4978s I don't know if I can go people outside
4980s of anime Flex that does happen see a
4983s little bit of the face there yeah a
4985s little bit of the choppy the arms are
4986s even smaller in that Phantom right
4989s oh huge the back is so good too
4993s all right
4997s um oh this is this next one was so good
4999s too I saw this on Twitter and I was like
5000s this is so well done oh yes and they
5005s said uh guys I think I downloaded the
5007s wrong version of Warframe
5010s yeah axcal Umbra would be so hard to
5013s capture and horrifying to fight against
5015s that is a master ball account it is a
5018s rank 30. sure
5019s yeah and uh what do you think an
5023s operator pops out
5025s like they're like a Duo situation right
5028s because because Umbra can function on
5030s his own without transference so I don't
5033s I think it's just him yeah
5035s I might say oh he uses um
5040s elbow guard there's no there's no move
5043s for it but you can't use this pin pin
5046s uses for this pin the most horrifying
5049s movie you know you know what's about to
5050s not go well when the first Pokemon move
5052s they use doesn't do any damage it's like
5055s they use radial howl and it's like and
5057s it just goes back to you you're like oh
5058s yeah oh no use this close combat yeah
5062s ghost fighting what's his Pokemon sound
5066s umbrella
5068s oh my God
5071s oh
5074s my God
5082s I was gonna say his scream like for
5085s radio now yeah that means
5087s way better
5092s way to like infantilize this wounded
5095s tortured creature
5097s Umbra
5102s oh no
5103s okay
5115s well um She's The Source yeah
5118s um
5120s you've got the right tone of that came
5122s but I can't quite good I can't remember
5124s how I did it but oh the first person it
5126s was perfect
5127s but anyways oh my god
5130s um
5131s moving on this is so crazy this is by
5136s ezy heart art and uh they titled this
5139s mutation is endless and to me I'm like
5142s thinking that the mutation at this point
5145s with nidis has gone well beyond the max
5147s stacks and that's why he's so huge
5149s but this is so and the little make it
5151s this is so sick it's also such a natural
5154s evolution of the night is prime right
5156s like if you had minus Prime and this is
5158s like just more infestation and gone yeah
5160s look at the little [ __ ] I know he's so
5162s cute he's like yeah I'm here too the
5164s maggot doesn't grow though he stays
5165s petite oh there's a little one on his
5167s leg in the back I didn't notice that
5168s until now oh and on his uh form oh what
5172s sound would this snitis make oh
5174s um
5176s um he's got like a really really like
5178s the soft voice
5180s yeah yeah no he does like a Snorlax guy
5184s yeah he's just like a big boy yeah he's
5186s a big boy he's like a tree nice and
5188s gentle he just cough
5190s it just pops out a maggot yeah
5194s I mean
5196s that's a big lot so that is a unique
5199s unit like a General Grievous kind of
5201s yeah yeah
5203s so good so good because now it makes you
5205s think it's for whereas before I just
5207s thought it was pure it doesn't have a
5209s little softness to it doesn't it yeah
5211s like you would want to give a good boy
5212s pet but you definitely want to it's like
5214s a porcupine you're like don't go front
5216s to back don't Jimmy don't go back to
5219s front that would be front to back oh God
5222s yeah so stunning big fan oh this next
5224s one I feel like I don't know if Corey
5226s from our team is watching tonight but I
5228s might have to send it to him later
5229s because this is like the most beautiful
5232s Octavia piece I think I've ever seen and
5234s it's called marching band Octavia I
5236s found this on Instagram by RGV
5238s underscore narrowbond like please and
5242s all of their art is so fantastic and and
5244s and kind of like ornamental like this
5248s um the Symmetry is so nice but it's
5250s still asymmetrical yes
5252s I love her so much love her so much this
5255s is so pretty it's hard it's sometimes
5258s hard to make marching bands look that
5260s fly right but she's absolutely succeed
5263s yep got the Baton the Baton yep fabulous
5267s you would want to have made sure that
5270s you practice your sheet music she's
5271s conducting that I mean
5273s Octavia literally is a walking
5275s instrument yeah musical instrument this
5278s is a one-woman band right she will not
5280s tolerate any form of nope it's got to be
5282s her jewelry right yeah love it
5286s this one's really fun
5289s um more fan art this is kavat inspired
5292s nail art nail art nail art I mean I
5295s might actually get my nails you could
5296s you got some you got some claws I got my
5299s kavak claws which is exactly what this
5300s was inspired by and this is by tiger cat
5303s and Marcus you
5305s um if you open up yes there's an
5307s Instagram link ah there that you can
5309s hopefully you should be able to access
5311s it yes I can and you can swap through
5314s the um the pictures Dean if you want to
5316s come to
5317s Marcus's screen so you can see where the
5319s inspiration came from
5322s um and there's a there's a really cool
5325s um there it is
5326s and there I love that they're
5328s um basically they were saying you know
5330s nail inspiration and can come from
5332s anywhere and the cool thing about this
5334s is that they actually if you go to the
5336s next one I think they glow in the dark
5338s no way it's super cool yeah so I would
5343s say take that to glow-in-the-dark
5344s bowling but you might lose one uh in the
5346s dark like dance maybe I tried to bowl
5350s with my nails this long it was very
5353s painful I do not recommend I could not
5356s grip onto the ball and
5358s let's just say I had to put up um the
5361s little barrier wall thing yeah the
5363s Pumpers they're the most bumpers but
5365s yeah I've been bumpers that's my speed
5368s they said yeah inspiration come can come
5370s from anywhere trophy husband plays
5372s Warframe and has a very cool kavat that
5373s inspired a nail design so there you go I
5375s thought it was so fun
5377s um and then this next one I found today
5379s and it made me laugh because of the
5382s devstream image and it said
5384s Alexis you get me every time nice and uh
5389s the quote on this one was acceptable bug
5392s we accept this bug in Warframe
5394s acceptable bug a lot of the bug comments
5396s yeah yeah yeah
5398s just to refresh your memory this was the
5400s devstream image
5404s I said his rhino skin so I got a good uh
5407s I got a good uh crack at this that's
5410s sweet yeah and that's a fan art for the
5412s night that gives me a good good chuckle
5414s thank you for all of your fantastic art
5416s as usual we always get so inspired Danny
5419s you did the thing that I do my best not
5421s to do is that once I've set the art of
5423s the catcher I'm like I can't go back and
5425s otherwise I'm just gonna add I know then
5427s you get on you get on Twitter and you
5429s see more stuff and like there's so much
5430s good good stuff it is good a pre-dev
5432s stream meme is always a great meme
5435s kicking it off tonight for captura we
5439s have Papa T10 classic they're Remnant
5442s Prime it's a dark magician look it is it
5445s is absolutely crackling with Mystic
5448s energy
5449s and uh this Remnant Prime is an absolute
5453s sorcerer in my opinion it uh love the
5455s love the highlights of the black love
5457s the reflections I'm getting a Dark Souls
5460s boss feeling out of this yep you get the
5463s it's all quiet big chamber and then just
5470s and then the health bar Pairs and you're
5472s like
5473s shoot shoot roll where can you nailed
5477s like I don't know you always Gotta Have
5479s Dark Souls I got a little scared because
5482s I think there's too many instances where
5484s I ran into those rooms and been like oh
5486s I can't exit anymore yeah you see the
5488s you see the fog wall you're like
5492s well you know yeah but with with
5495s um Eldon ring yeah it's uh
5498s it just pop up right so running you see
5501s that health bar the size of your screen
5503s pop-up it's always the first hit you do
5506s that first hit and it's like 36 you're
5507s like
5508s yeah yeah this is fantastic so good
5511s coffee Jenna yeah remind me that I still
5514s need Revenant Prime gotta get them true
5516s that's saying they just got PTSD America
5519s yeah convincing I did uh I actually
5522s listened to the Gwynn theme from Dark
5524s Souls 1 so many times and it's just like
5526s a very soft piano to like prepare
5527s yourself mentally to go into no like I
5530s it took me like hours to beat that box
5532s so like now it's just like this like
5533s very soft piano over here and I'm like
5535s exposure therapy yeah an exposure
5537s therapy I gotta learn how to play that's
5539s all good let's all get over it
5541s um very topical from uh lunar I'm gonna
5545s say lunar cavat because it's kvt so I'm
5547s just gonna say this is from the Discord
5548s if you'd like to post capture or check
5549s out her I'll play Warframe this is the
5552s sarin you you you hung skin
5563s and this is the Lunar New Year this is
5566s the lunar new skin yep 2023 year the
5568s rabbit yeah you can still pick it up in
5570s the in-game market if you so choose this
5572s is so it is Lassie yeah the bronze it's
5575s very very Regal oh it is uh striking
5579s quite the pose got those nice horns I am
5583s a sucker for a little not quite
5585s monochromatic but a very
5587s nice Blended subtle palette of colors
5590s here stunning so and so well lit too
5593s very well lit Love It yep very simple
5596s background very simple gradient oh
5598s someone said in chat the skin gives me
5599s low-key Vibes I didn't put I was yeah
5602s why the helmet was reminding me or
5605s something if that makes so much sense
5606s yeah this is Loki variant 7829 right
5609s yeah the best Loki variant of them all
5612s cool yes is that very topical yes it is
5615s it is Sarah the you hung skin you hung
5618s nailed it nailed it you got it very nice
5622s so thank you for that later kvt from the
5623s Discord next up we have uh from gwynox
5627s on Twitter this is tessions Project
5629s prodigy tessions prodigy
5632s so I like the idea of tession being your
5636s mentor and selecting you specifically to
5639s go out and take care of business for him
5641s this Vault this can be you Danielle
5645s crime this is me this is after
5649s completing my mr28 test and that chamber
5651s is the absolute start of a quest
5653s session's your master he's like I'm
5655s sending you on a long journey
5657s yeah again the lighting you guys are
5659s kids just like the half lit the soft
5662s glow Sunset Dawn it's uh beautiful it's
5666s awesome yeah
5667s how do they do it I love it I I do they
5670s do it this is why I can't capture her
5671s you send me all the guides you want
5674s I don't know I will not be this talented
5675s yeah so yeah hats off to you glanox this
5678s is from next up mitsui in the Discord
5681s Fanny you'll love this one as well our
5683s girl a Serene yes a little noxious Cloud
5687s I was gonna say
5689s a little uh it's a little haunting it's
5692s it's very very haunting but this very
5694s witchy very much showcases why saren is
5697s such a lovely lady but you do not want
5700s to tangle with her don't mess with her
5701s nope she will miasma all over the place
5705s I mean you said it
5708s talks oh no talks and lash does she have
5710s him does she has a miasma yeah
5713s her old her four okay yeah the one where
5717s I I put I went into the sound booth and
5720s the sound team was like just have a
5722s little bit of water sit at the back of
5724s your throat that's how they we they said
5726s we want to make her sound witchy so I
5729s was doing like witchy sounds and like ah
5730s it's just it's not there yet so that
5732s they're like take a little sip of water
5733s but just hold it hold it like right here
5736s and I was like I don't okay I was like
5740s and uh now when you guys cast my asthma
5743s you now know that that was what I had to
5745s do in the South because I'm gonna make
5746s it sound like that I will never not know
5747s that yeah yeah I was like don't tell me
5749s miasma isn't one of her no no no no it
5751s is it is
5752s um but that's uh yeah this is stunning
5755s yeah I love sarin sarin is awesome I
5758s didn't intend to go so Sarah and happy I
5759s guess we did go a little seriously
5764s you know
5766s um but to cleanse your palate next up
5768s from Gray xu1551 we have a and I needed
5772s help identifying this
5774s we've got a what
5778s you've got a Garuda someone is sorry oh
5780s somebody chats that I'll tell you later
5782s I can admit that sometimes I have a
5784s tough time identifying it okay no no
5785s Danny snake this one it is a uh like a
5788s gruda which Oh I thought it might have
5790s been limbo a limbo it is also
5793s you could have convinced me as well that
5795s it was Mesa just because of a helmet
5797s gives me very cowgirl because Mesa has a
5800s very similar the hats kind of style or
5802s yeah but the color this is giving me
5805s like futuristic desert desert Rangers
5807s which Mesa very much is yes but the
5809s caller gave it away for Garuda Prime
5811s yeah but I love uh I love the portrait
5814s yeah mode here
5816s um the proportions are nice little fov
5819s um that nice nice yellow it's not quite
5822s gold it's just that nice little
5824s it gives me like a little bumblebee a
5827s little bumblebee for sure a little
5829s bumblebee but like warmer tones it's got
5831s like the battle worn feel to it too yeah
5835s yeah love love the highlights in the
5837s color palette yellow is uh I try to make
5839s yellow and blue work often
5842s um back in the day when we used to play
5843s Roller Coaster Tycoon I always tried to
5845s make things yellow and blue and look
5846s sick but I never make it I never made it
5848s look as cool as this
5851s um Garuda looks people are asking what
5853s is the skin Dean do you want to come to
5855s my screen I'll show them yeah
5857s um no my girlfriend who has a cyst ah
5859s okay so this is not it hold on this is
5861s my fashion frame but it's the Garuda
5864s Prime base
5866s uh skin with the uh oh wait no hold on
5869s with this helmet yep so the Garuda
5872s tangushin skin or sorry the helmet with
5876s the prime base is the combo that you're
5878s looking for so it is available for you
5880s yeah there you go Danny clocked it from
5882s the the necklines yeah so I was trying
5884s to do it off the hat the the helmet
5885s alone there you go yeah there you go
5887s fantastic thank you for that one it
5889s great to you one five five one from the
5891s Discord from the Discord next up purple
5894s flurp on Twitter
5896s we're gonna get the name for this
5898s because it was a very very good name
5900s this was I was like oh yeah defiant
5903s spark we tell this defiant spark that's
5906s remember grass action
5908s flame streaking through yeah I'm loving
5911s the the blur the blur like she like
5914s she's being speedy this is the in in the
5917s comic book or the manga this is the
5919s whole page character introduction yeah
5921s it's like whoops
5922s yeah they're gonna be a recurring
5924s character yeah yeah reminds me of Venom
5927s oh okay yeah yeah see that heat Haze oh
5931s could be the heat Haze true I mean she's
5934s putting down the heat she is barbecuing
5936s fireballing and um
5940s you've done a very very great job with
5944s this love it yeah excellent stuff
5946s excellent stuff all right now to cool
5947s things off a little bit cautionary Tale
5950s in the Discord this is their Gara in the
5953s palace
5954s pretty such great use of the Aries very
5959s very very wow
5961s um the color scheme is like you could
5965s have convinced me that this was an NPC
5966s in Fortuna like absolutely nailed the
5970s color scheme yep it looks like just a
5972s very Sage Master right yeah and the
5975s blues like it Blends in so well with the
5976s background this is uh definitely some
5979s natural camouflage yeah is that the
5982s um New Loca
5984s emote is that one of the new local ones
5986s yes I love that one team with the
5989s confidence
5990s I know that one very well yes it's uh
5993s yeah it's one of my favorites that is
5996s very pretty we prefer Darkness this is
5997s amazing it is amazing yeah that's the
6000s best game mother nature I'd like to
6002s think so
6003s so sweet nice and cool it got a little
6006s hot a little little fire a little ice
6009s yup very cooling down Marcus we got some
6012s more elements coming your way Paris
6014s demon we are going absolutely electric
6016s with Geyer oh this is electric just
6022s demon naboris princess
6025s what is in the bakra is that the um
6029s I think it is I think it is the tree on
6032s Lua oh they just brought
6033s all the way down this is so so witchy oh
6037s and the purple purple electricity is
6039s just purple yeah purple electricity is
6042s sweet blue electricity
6044s purple white electricity
6047s purple electricity
6051s this is so beautiful and just like the
6054s way that they can get the the different
6057s um orbs on uh yeah skirt to pop
6061s I'm loving the the use of the naborous
6064s Wings as well just a nice little it's I
6068s mean this can very well be a Halloween
6069s oh very Halloween very Halloweeny and I
6072s never noticed a guy has the like the
6074s like the yeah the TV does she have the
6077s TVs let me check could that be an edit I
6080s mean I like it I like that you have I I
6082s gotta know you're like let's pull it up
6084s split up but yeah absolutely love this
6086s this Purple Haze yeah could very easily
6089s be like a jigsaw type character
6095s don't like jigsaw but it could be and I
6099s never noticed skyr's boot uh driver's
6101s boots before yeah he's got some sweet
6102s sweet booties I know I'm a fan those are
6105s some young walking boots this is a
6108s fantastic piece yeah so love this
6110s through through what's the verdict on
6111s the TVs um so it is the the Geyer
6114s automation helmet and it doesn't oh did
6118s I say automation no but it's cool
6120s automaton same etymology line close
6123s enough automaton uh no two fees though
6126s okay so a little edit a little I like
6128s the flare love the flare love that
6130s Ferris demon thank you for that flare
6131s cool next up we've got Medusa captures
6133s with a little sevagoth a mystery
6136s Emissary collection so what yeah so the
6141s goth is great and I love how much the I
6144s know some people say a mystery Emissary
6145s how much it kind of Blends into seven
6147s goth a little bit but same on the
6149s Halloween theme it is is spooky and
6152s gross and delicious and all the right
6154s how do they make it look even fleshier
6156s than it is I know like it's like it's
6158s some sweet lighting like there's
6159s definitely some red lighting and some
6161s blue contrast very cool so yeah it is uh
6165s is very fitting for savagoth this is
6168s this is a pirates operator for sure yeah
6171s um so yeah this is uh great and just
6173s like a nice black proper response is yar
6177s never mind oh I completely because
6180s Marcus said that it's a pirates operator
6182s then you were like me
6187s all right pretty sweet pretty sweet I
6189s love that uh oh and I need to cycle to
6192s the tank cap okay and then rounding us
6194s off Vivid void on Twitter with the
6198s parage on naira so so so so sweet I used
6203s when the Mirage and iro collection came
6206s out I used Mirage for weeks weeks and
6208s weeks and weeks yeah just because I love
6210s this Harlequin skin so much so beautiful
6213s jumping into action the golden fingers
6216s the gloves it's just uh the chord
6218s gesture you do not want to mess with
6220s this pose is phenomenal it's super sweet
6223s the action shot phenomenal it is awesome
6226s oh my gosh such a big fan catching it in
6228s midair with the color with the bait
6230s these are like the base colors are they
6231s not I'm pretty sure I think they are I
6233s think they are yeah the blues and the
6235s Reds just pop so nicely so yeah yeah a
6238s lot of a lot of very potent simplistic
6240s monochromatic yeah capture but it works
6243s and I am I'm here for it I can't create
6244s it but I can appreciate it that's for
6246s sure we appreciate you Vivid before we
6248s do Vivid void four and all the other
6250s capture creators yeah thanks guys so
6252s thank you for all those yeah that was a
6254s treat to go through love me some fan art
6257s all right
6260s what do we have next I think we're we
6262s could do another Platinum prize we do
6265s another thousand plaid for those
6266s watching in chat we've been tossing it
6270s out tonight I mean it's a big night what
6273s a big thing you do yeah I got my vote we
6275s accomplished everything we accomplished
6277s everything a lot who do we have markets
6280s math one
6282s two underscores actually we're gonna
6283s need to get the exact amount of
6284s underscores on that math one I'm
6286s guessing three two I'm guessing three
6288s underscores three math one three
6290s underscores it is two it is two NASA one
6293s two underscores you've won a thousand
6294s Platinum please whisper uh the word from
6297s twitch count with your in-game Alias and
6299s the platform that you play Warframe on
6300s and we'll get you your thousand Platinum
6302s congrats there you go math one
6304s underscore there you go all right uh it
6307s is time for us to hop into some console
6310s dojos let's do it let's do it let's
6312s check them out we're gonna start with
6314s the Xbox ghosts
6318s oh
6320s Dean all I heard was men that's all I
6324s said
6326s get ahead of yourself you were you just
6328s hovering on the button I was waiting I
6330s was waiting for a break in the combo and
6331s you're like his Xbox I'm like no intro
6333s Xbox goes Clan sovereign
6356s nailed it nailed it on the bunk beds I
6359s thought we were in the Durham Zone this
6361s is the Entrada Amphitheater
6364s the Entrada are having concerts I sure
6367s hope so oh my God the peaceful bunny
6368s who's playing on piano
6370s is that the
6372s owl I think it's a saga The Saga their
6375s thingies cannot stretch across what do
6378s we have here oh it's so like it's like a
6379s dinner theater kind of like that's so
6381s cute that's very nice ooh a selection of
6383s warframes not a room name just Ronnie's
6385s selection oh yes these are we featured
6388s these at tennocon two years ago oh my
6391s gosh these are so fabulous but there are
6394s so many oh my God is that Nova yeah Nova
6398s who is this now Cora Florida
6403s oh we gotta get a close-up on the boots
6405s now to check out the boots stunning a
6408s lot of effort went into those boots yeah
6410s um this is a dancing
6413s uh valkyr
6415s I think valkyr is in the fortune who is
6419s this I need a help I need a close-up on
6422s the helmet oh no we missed it rhino
6424s rhino it's got me maybe what do we say
6426s that was about um and this is Sasuke's
6428s recording studio
6429s saskia what kind of music you making in
6432s there
6434s these are my shots uh recorded uh
6438s the piano is so good I recorded March of
6440s the moas on the Shazam is this the like
6443s the vocal recording room yeah I think
6445s you saw the end that's so awesome well
6447s thank you so much
6448s Claire and solving rain
6451s um and then we have our PSN ghost clan
6453s space Regulators great name awesome this
6456s first one here is called Pandora Pandora
6460s this is like the Treehouse of my
6462s fantasies Pandora that's Avatar it is an
6466s avatar there you go
6470s love me a waterfall
6473s take me for a splash oh and we've got
6475s the grand golden Banquet Hall got that
6478s right so many statues man your Clan's
6481s been busy that's a good spot for lunch
6484s obviously don't always have to eat at
6486s banquet halls well it isn't it I mean
6490s you know oh that is the coolest hair
6493s although I feel like I'd hurt myself on
6494s those dragons they're so pointy yeah
6496s um Armageddon we've got a little
6498s situation here big brother a sword I
6502s think we've got big swords big guns Big
6504s Mac he's got rocket boots
6506s rockets on the feet oh disaster on the
6509s bottom
6511s leaving cameras everywhere this does
6514s look like armaged I would not survive
6517s floor is lava and it's gonna hurt you
6520s it's not very good oh we have another
6523s Valhalla grand entrance
6526s and a grand entrance indeed that does
6529s look for the Gatesville house
6531s this is very cool
6533s the bridge up precarious or waterfalls
6538s oh what does it say oh we're both like
6540s what does it say and This is kronos's
6543s war room or Chronos Kronos war room oh
6547s yes Chronos Chrono is a war room oh
6551s lots of War rooms in this Dojo they're
6553s ready I mean they're ready prepared for
6555s everything that's amazing nice okay well
6560s we've gone through let's list off what
6562s we've done today Mark okay we got Vault
6565s Prime we got Vault Prime
6567s we did our mastering 28 test and we both
6570s got it we both got it we both succeeded
6572s both got through we showed some
6574s fantastic fan art we did we learned
6576s about Kaylee we learned about Kaylee pop
6578s quiz for chat oh let's do what was the
6582s lead singer
6583s of the band
6585s who's Kaylee Kaylee's inspiration Drew
6588s from
6590s fish
6594s someone said wow it wasn't wow it's fish
6597s There You Go Fish okay everyone was
6599s everyone in chow is paying attention and
6600s what animal
6602s was in the background of Adrian's video
6605s bonus question
6608s I see it yeah all right now bonus
6611s question and they get an extra plot
6612s Platinum what was the name of the Rat oh
6616s what was the name of the Rat Thursday
6618s someone got it yeah all right Dean run
6621s that thousand flat run it
6625s that'd be great
6629s oh my God oh my God
6633s a dog's inner thought you've won yep
6635s there you go
6637s you won that thousand plot uh please
6640s whisper the word from Channel that
6641s you're on right now with hearing game
6642s Alias the platform you play on we will
6643s hook you up with your winnings
6644s congratulations oh my God squirrel all
6647s right someone in chat said Thursday no
6650s it's Friday no it's Thursday but the
6653s temperature is Friday and don't miss it
6655s but the dev stream is tomorrow it's a
6658s big Friday it is a big Friday indeed big
6660s big Friday Marcus Daniel we have still
6663s some times we have some options we can
6666s maybe I feel like we haven't done this
6668s in a while we could tour a PC Dojo let's
6669s do that I would love it my heart's out
6672s of good
6673s clip right now
6675s what's your heart rate at let's see have
6677s I have I been able to descend my we're
6680s still at like 72. oh my it's 74. slow
6683s come down slow come down so it's down
6685s but it's not down there all right I sure
6687s would love to check my I would love to
6689s check my watch after and see ya so we
6691s have been we've already been to the
6693s mountain uh featured Dojo yes
6696s so Marcus you have choices you could go
6699s to the ghost Dojo the shadow Dojo storm
6702s Moon All-Star All-Star when you go to
6707s the shadow okay ordained order of orders
6711s ordained order of orders
6714s let's do it
6715s do you want me to
6718s oh can you join me for this sorry no
6720s okay
6721s alrighty
6724s it's a shadow ordained order of artists
6727s we love ortis here
6729s we could do a couple Dojo tours there is
6731s one room here called The Shrine that is
6734s worth the while so let's go okay
6740s um it is a shrine to orders is that not
6742s the best thing you've ever seen
6747s um this looks like press for love
6751s wait where does this take please do it
6753s wait more behind the shrine tap it
6758s oh that's lovely oh and there's artists
6770s with a little bow he's got a little
6771s Christmas
6772s wearing it like a French beret stop this
6776s is
6777s um there was another no Beacon that said
6778s there's more behind right there behind
6781s the shrine let's check it out what is
6783s this now
6791s so wait did we enter the Paw to become
6793s orders
6794s is my question
6797s caution throw caution to the wind
6802s the laboratory oh what is in there go to
6806s the glass markets poke it tap on the
6808s glass it's a floating brain tap on the
6810s glass ooh oh okay got a void plume okay
6814s oh this is fun Idol on shard
6817s oh oh my goodness I forget what you are
6821s she's doing so well oh and some Vitus
6823s some Vitus Essence it's
6825s like are you Chad what is this this is
6827s it looks like Arab wasn't it it's Scarab
6829s from the inaros quest
6834s someone said
6838s everyone's feet is no no see this
6841s everyone is respectfully looking at the
6843s decorations and I love Yeah gorilla
6845s Zilla thank you for not touching the
6846s exhibits excellent okay I'm gonna get
6850s back to that transfer was it uh
6853s uh
6855s uh a levarian item Marcus that's um
6859s Oh I thought you thought that was the
6861s transformation don't worry about it no
6861s no no
6863s I'll never forget there was one time
6864s I'll admit I was touring a switch dojo
6866s and I got lost and then I was like
6869s it happened and I couldn't find another
6870s transport and I just got stuck in the
6871s energy rooms and I was like all right
6872s we're leaving uh okay Crimson let's go
6875s to the the machine
6878s oh
6880s danger data weave and Truth out the
6882s proper protection may result in severe
6884s neural damage I see that own risk now we
6888s know now we know okay now I'm going to
6890s take the staircase because I don't want
6892s a stranger things season for myself
6902s working hard hardly working yeah all
6904s right let's jump in oh my gosh oh oh
6906s Marcus wait wait wait where does it take
6907s you wait go in go ahead go oh someone
6910s spawned
6914s and it's it's where are we in a new
6917s alternate universe
6922s oh it's like they're tractor beaming
6925s your uh your personal landing craft that
6928s is so cool in the OG star chart yeah
6930s shout out
6933s very cool that is super sweet oh do you
6936s think that's the landing craft going
6937s back into the Orbiter oh so you're
6939s hitting it yeah it's the Orbiter leaving
6941s your yeah they're beaming it back into
6944s the little slot that it has I've never
6946s seen that double helix decoration before
6947s that's really cool that's super sweet I
6950s love that okay I'm gonna see if I can go
6951s back through oh oh where's the portal
6954s where's this Marcus you can't return ah
6957s fear not folks anytime you're lost in a
6960s dojo you can hit Escape
6964s fast travel
6966s and go elsewhere okay
6970s then we're gonna go to
6971s I usually find that the and then you can
6974s find a teleporter there usually because
6975s the clan vault is a good one they're
6978s usually in a central location yep
6982s that's a good that's a good uh tip try
6983s the thank you that's a very good tip
6985s because I panic in these
6987s vault
6989s there you go where are we now
6991s yeah there you go I just wanted to check
6993s out Helen knows are we going south or
6995s north oh let's go south South feeling
6998s like I need to always liked going oh
7001s vacant people need to move in
7005s they're all vacant wait Marcus okay well
7008s walk into one of these spots here claim
7011s it oh no the door is locked you need a
7013s bike you need to run let's go to the
7014s north one and see if it's yeah
7017s oh tell me this is the south is this is
7019s there like a gym
7023s oh
7025s this is North wait there's portals okay
7028s people live here oh
7029s someone did not clean the room oh my
7033s god wow lastly what was the name of the
7036s rooms of the people who live here oh oh
7038s they're decorated
7044s they all got their own little spots oh
7046s that is so sweet
7049s Lasley is a nature lover wow go check
7051s out one of the other ones yeah let's go
7053s to them the other ones stay here all day
7055s I mean they're in the middle of
7056s renovating we can see that Marcus was
7059s about to choose their room color
7061s who is this now all right let's do some
7063s uh oh oh dude
7067s uh no I'm not I don't want that smoke
7070s I don't want that smoking foreign
7089s I think it's I think that one did say
7091s Leslie's room yeah
7096s mattress they sleep sideways like a bat
7099s from it
7102s oh and chat they're saying oh it's me
7103s this is Zen Rapids room oh
7106s no way I hope you don't mind us uh the
7109s uh the place is very clean yeah oh and a
7112s nice little wait there's a there's a
7113s thing upstairs there's a loft
7115s I can't confirm Zoom whether this is
7117s seeing Xander like Zen you can let us
7120s know is this truly your clan oh nice oh
7122s hacking away a little midnight snack oh
7124s my oh we're what are we cooking up lots
7127s of stuff
7129s stew clots a little stew pot's a little
7131s clogged yeah that's uh that yag one is
7133s really a
7135s it's probably some stuffed in there
7136s still good yeah still probably delicious
7138s this is so fun this is very very cozy I
7141s love this not actually Zen Rapids Clan
7143s they're claiming the room on account of
7145s the
7146s zenio thanks for being here there you go
7149s we're here to uh why are they so and
7151s they got the stalker behind me are you
7153s gonna tell us a bedtime story The
7155s Stalker novel is here why is it this is
7158s a oddly Medicine Room
7161s happening this is lovely well with the
7164s vendor like yeah
7167s they knew they knew we were going to
7168s come up here missing you knew oh my
7171s goodness that's awesome yeah perfect
7172s well thank you
7174s that was the life oh my God it was
7176s already eight o'clock
7178s we do a couple things and
7183s top ten top ten oh man we gotta we got a
7186s blitz oh my goodness I told everyone
7192s all right all right starting off let us
7194s all remember the beautiful peaceful eyes
7196s of the peaceful rabbit flu desolate
7201s in the rabbit's view peace was never an
7205s option
7208s I mean that to me is what is behind
7211s those eyes yeah that rabbit does not
7214s choose peace
7217s now speaking of Zen rapids oh I'm
7220s Discord I know Marcus did this
7222s intentionally so I was pretty excited I
7224s see Marcus is wearing a more sporty
7226s outfit in accordance with his Mastery
7227s length
7228s very appropriate for a possibly very
7231s intense Mastery is it a sweat
7236s what's the word I'm looking for Sleek a
7239s sweat wicking sweat wicking it is a very
7241s it does Wick like I can wear this in
7243s warmth I can wear this in warm
7245s temperatures so this is uh this keeps me
7248s Mastery Rank test approved excuse me
7250s yeah it kept me at a good temperature so
7252s yes this was absolutely what I was going
7253s forward
7254s a pre-game is where you wear a pre-game
7257s love it yeah go wraps go wraps uh great
7261s dandelion earlier being
7263s reified by Maria 49. excellent work
7267s palpitation situation and title of your
7270s next update palpitations that is an
7273s infested update if I've ever heard right
7276s yeah somehow the infestation returned oh
7279s no
7280s situation on demos somehow because
7285s somehow the palpitation station's back
7288s we didn't see enough of them on demos
7290s nope never good enough laughs
7293s now I don't know if this has ever
7295s happened in top 10 history but we have a
7298s dual win
7300s what comment this is from Alba this is
7303s an exchange between Alba Centra and
7307s villain wizard on Discord
7309s but to Sentra said I don't know Marcus
7311s is giving me Star Trek Vibes and villain
7313s wizard replied I hope it's not the shirt
7314s color he's not Expendable
7317s that's nice that's a Star Trek reference
7320s it is beat me down yes Dean it is a
7324s starting it's a Star Trek Reverend that
7325s is very confident I
7328s do like Star Trek I don't know Star Trek
7331s as well as Dino Star Trek I do not have
7334s a Star Trek that was lovely yeah it is a
7338s red shirt but I am not a red shirt no
7339s you are not Expendable absolutely not
7342s absolutely true as Phil and wizard set
7345s we have a comment here from Lysander
7347s salamander about the grab bag title
7350s um
7351s standing grab bags are the opposite of
7353s sitting they are interested you must be
7357s standing to acquire it yeah put those
7359s standing desks and we stand up we will
7363s replace ergonomics yes what would be in
7365s the sitting grab bag
7367s lower back pain
7371s which I have plenty of it'd be the the
7374s meditation emote yeah that's nice that's
7377s lovely in the Corpus Locker yeah just
7379s like cute love it
7382s right Mr Adriano 15 hit me right in the
7386s wholesome heartstrings it's a good spot
7388s to hit said I'm doing my math homework
7391s and watching the stream right now well
7393s good luck good luck on the math homework
7395s Mr Adriana I am not a fan of math me
7398s neither and I hope that it is going well
7400s hey Danny 10 times six
7403s 60. there you go yeah you're great at
7405s math
7406s you're going to pause the panic I hope
7408s you're a good backdrop to your mouth
7409s quick Helen the next one before yeah
7414s um match and Tony on Twitch was
7417s revealing their luckiest moment there
7419s were a few good ones but I just thought
7420s this was nice my luckiest moment was
7422s meeting the friends along the way see
7425s these are sold that was such a good
7426s question mark is that you asked thank
7428s you thank you I I I really like that
7430s mission Tony yeah you appreciate your
7432s friends
7433s it's a great reminder
7436s uh now lady Pooh Jay I don't know if I
7439s should say pudgee you let me know in
7440s Discord because I know you're there had
7443s a great suggestion Danny needs Lo-Fi
7445s beats for your Mastery Rank test that
7447s would have come in so clutch please the
7451s girl with the window yeah doing your
7453s mastering test with the cat yeah yeah
7455s except if it were me I'd be profusely
7458s sweating so I don't know if it's gonna
7460s be very relaxing
7462s maybe we'll make a playlist for the
7464s tenno Mastery Rank playlist Lo-Fi beats
7467s yeah it's a great idea I love that
7470s and now from our thing with a cute
7472s little thought about varuna when varuna
7474s Prime comes out she will be an actual
7476s Golden Retriever
7480s Megan is going to lose her mind Megan is
7482s not what oh she might be watching she
7484s did tell me she's playing volleyball
7486s from 9 00 P.M to 11 P.M
7489s Megan what are we doing that's we Meg
7492s you're a morning person
7494s she is filling in for someone apparently
7496s bless her
7498s if she if you're watching this Megan I
7500s know you you love this one I know that
7502s is that is pretty nice bogey has the
7504s seal of approval on this too bogey is
7506s Verona yeah now before I reveal number
7510s one I want to let you know it's lady
7512s pudgee she confirms
7515s okay last one I love to do pictures
7519s accompanying so we have another duel
7521s from Discord deuce and soul Reaper Zed
7523s so Deuce said Hatsune Marcus transcends
7527s like you play Warframe with his mind oh
7529s no and then um Soul Reapers that are
7532s created an image
7536s oh my God
7539s laughs
7541s I didn't realize
7544s that my pitch would be on such terrible
7546s display it really wow that's a lot
7551s that is a lot that is for sure me
7554s playing Warframe
7560s oh that's me this is hard this is
7562s horrifying it's just bad
7565s that's so gross okay oh my God that's
7569s amazing
7574s that's so wholesome I have a gift for
7578s you that I hope works here this is
7580s Travis coming through with a live gift
7582s reaction someone just said Unholy
7588s um
7594s it's so good
7600s oh man I was not shaving my armpits for
7602s that that was way too I was gonna shave
7604s my legs but I was not shave my hair
7606s stand by it fair enough
7608s oh
7620s okay
7625s okay
7634s what have I done
7638s oh
7640s okay
7641s so yes let's cleanse our palettes to
7646s wrap up the streets cleanse let's
7647s cleanse it through with the gifts this
7650s was your reaction to Danielle getting
7653s her Mastery Rank test
7660s S
7663s I think it might have been when we got
7665s uh the prime part before oh wait it
7667s might have been that I apologize Travis
7669s let me know I I'm not professionally
7672s trained in karate if you can tell oh my
7674s God
7677s oh Helen thank you so much
7682s oh my gosh
7684s oh
7685s it was the Prime part my bad Travis
7689s confirmed it was the Prime part well
7690s done Marcus I'm uh I'm only ever wearing
7692s I'm not I'm never wearing sleeveless
7694s shirts again
7695s oh my gosh all right Baruch Prime access
7698s Alex Nemesis Alex with two L's and two
7702s x's congratulations you've won Baroque
7704s Prime access please whisper the war from
7706s Channel that you're on right now with
7707s your in-game Alias the platform you play
7709s on and we will hook you up with your
7710s winnings congrats to you
7713s um
7714s man what a fun stream today thank you so
7717s much guys this is great thank you guys
7719s for joining us uh please be sure to tune
7721s in tomorrow for the first step stream of
7723s 2023.
7725s um quick little recap from what we said
7727s during housekeeping uh we're gonna be
7729s going over I keep saying were Megan and
7732s the crew are going to be going over
7734s what's up next for Warframe uh the next
7738s immediate update
7740s um give you a little status update on
7741s duviri talk about a new Warframe coming
7744s talk about some new augments uh some new
7747s arcanes a bunch of really fun stuff that
7750s you won't want to miss so definitely
7751s tune in for that there's also going to
7752s be great twitch drops Riven grab egg
7755s drop
7756s um there's going to be a a gift of the
7760s lotus alerts yes and there's also going
7762s to be I mean Dean's put a lot of tech
7764s work into the stream as well which
7766s you'll have to you'll just oh there's a
7768s surprise for tomorrow oh yes
7772s like you guys don't even know you saw
7775s you saw the no what you saw was not what
7777s it's going to end up being no no it's
7779s far more all right well tune in tomorrow
7781s for a very uh surprise I guess from Dean
7784s and a reminder Dean if you want to go to
7785s the fan art section real quick reminder
7787s that we have Friday Community drops yes
7789s happening this Friday
7791s um starting
7792s 4 P.M uh ET you can get the number
7795s shawson for tuning in uh to vampix and
7798s also flower decanter by joining pirick
7801s serenity
7803s serenity so be sure to do that and that
7806s is really all from us we're going to
7808s raid sorry depths uh we're a little bit
7811s late on our raid
7813s um but we're going to hand it over to
7815s deps and Marcus do you want to introduce
7817s depths yes deaths is an amazing Warframe
7821s Creator they are a former Scrabble
7823s Champion game respects game and they
7826s have an adorable bunny named Lucas Luca
7828s and if everyone is nice enough and
7831s perhaps if death stream goes well Luca
7834s may get a snack and you may hear the
7836s song Luca gets a snack oh the bunnies
7840s love a good snack when they get money
7842s don't need it to The Quest To Conquer
7845s Cancer for depths thank you for the
7847s donation the bunny gets to eat
7851s who will surely get a snack this evening
7854s thank you all thank you guys so much for
7855s joining us this is a really fun night
7857s join into the dev stream tomorrow and
7859s we're gonna say goodbye for now
7861s bye-bye