over 4 years
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@lilsproutstudi1 omg the ghost boyo!!!
Resilient as the most grotesque Infested and deadlier than ever! Nidus Prime Access overruns #Warframe September 8! https://t.co/25Rp0lHFza https://t.co/bkzVISaRal
The team has resolved the issue and the Styanax giveaway has resumed for those who have not received it yet and all future new logins until Sept. 22 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Read the full update: https://t.co/74jm4ANf2s
Styanax Inbox script has begun on all platforms! Please be patient as it churns through the player base. The linked PSA Forum post has the info π https://t.co/uoEYUZNDxa