5 months ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link

We’ve been made aware of an exploitative method of stacking BOTH Predasite and Vulpaphyla Mutagens/Antigens via Imprint Breeding (resulting in 8 Mutagens and 8 Antigens on one Companion), and thus have removed the ability to trade affected Predasite and Vulpaphyla Imprints. 

As we have gone dark, we aim to fix this bug and revert unintended stats with Koumei & the Five Fates’ launch. Any unfortunate appearance bugs will not be addressed in our patch, so pray Son does not see what you have done to his precious creatures. 

5 months ago - [DE]Taylor - Direct link
3 hours ago, Arbitrary said:

They’re likely referring to an unintended ability to stack both vulpaphyla and predasite mutagens/antigens on a single Deimos companion (resulting in a companion with 8 total mutagens/antigens instead of the normal cap of 4) not the intended ability to create a vulpaphyla with all of the vulpaphyla mutagens/antigens, or a predasite with all of the predasite mutagens/antigens.

Correct, this restriction only applies to Imprints with 8 x 8 (ie. a mix of both Predasite and Vulpaphyla). Apologies for any confusion here, Tenno.