11 months ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link

Hello Tenno! 

We have run a script to swap the incorrect Lens Blueprints (individual Focus School-specific Eidolon Lens Blueprints) to the intended Eidolon Lens Blueprints earned from Rotation C of Persto’s Drop Tables. 

Short Summary: Presto’s Drop Tables used to reward nonfunctioning Focus Lens Blueprints, which we fixed in a past Hotfix. As a follow up, we have just swapped out those Blueprints for the working and intended ones. 

Detailed explanation: 
In Hotfix 35.0.7, we fixed Focus School-specific Eidolon Lens Blueprints (ex: Eidolon Naramon Lens Blueprint) being rewarded instead of the intended Eidolon Lens Blueprint. Since these School-specific Blueprints are not designed to exist independently from their Eidolon Lens counterpart, there were two issues that could occur:

1. If you didn’t have an Eidolon Lens Blueprint in your Inventory, you would get an “Unknown Error” warning upon attempting to start crafting, ultimately rendering those Blueprints useless. 

2. If you did have an Eidolon Lens Blueprint in your Inventory, you could start crafting it but the progress trackers in the Foundry would be doubled.

That said! Now that this script has run, players who had these School-specific Blueprints in their Foundry should now see an equal number of the correct Eidolon Lens Blueprints in their place.

Thank you :)