about 5 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

51s [Music]
58s [Music]
69s [Music]
80s [Music]
103s [Music]
121s [Music]
139s hello everyone welcome to Xbox one at
142s one with myself the face Megan Everett
146s what's my disembodied voice Helen she's
148s here she's back she's ready for action
152s right so right sorry I kept you off
156s guard there a little bit but I'm I'm
158s here for it there you go
160s welcome to the stream hope you're having
162s a wonderful Monday it's snowed here in
164s London it's April why we have snow I
166s don't know what's wrong with the weather
167s don't ask me how do one in chat ravioli
170s ravioli give me Hydra no Lee oh we will
174s be trying to get hydra hydra hydra on
176s children today tricky
179s we will try doing an essay but warframe
181s is way more important that is
182s questionable you should do your
184s schoolwork do an essay about work frame
186s there you go do an essay about warframe
188s for free shirt glad you noticed their
191s new leaked album just went live it's
193s amazing woohoo I know it accidentally
196s leaked one of their songs on the album
198s is 16 minutes long well that is
202s incredible
203s alright welcome to the stream let's drop
204s it to the week report what is happening
206s on warframe in warframe I should say on
209s console so you guys have buried debts
211s that is the current update for you guys
213s the operation with the Explorer orb is
216s live Dec 12 what that is you do need at
220s least one diluted thermia which you get
222s from sealing the thermo fractures in or
224s Valis and then you can venture to Dec 12
226s which I will be showing you today if you
227s don't know where it is don't know what
229s it is
229s feel free to stay tuned if you don't
231s want to know we could look away that's
232s fine too
234s we will be monitoring to Dec 12 the door
236s is open and we will go in and we'll
238s fight the exploiter or which has the
240s drops for hildren her blueprint is in
242s little ducks offering in fortuna so
245s hopefully we'll get something good today
246s maybe even the shocking and Emperor and
249s Faria and Farah who will never know how
251s to pronounce that okay so we will be
254s doing that today so if you would like to
255s join stay tuned and we'll be grabbing
257s some names to squad up town upon 2019 is
261s this year July 6
262s it is sold out physically I'm so excited
265s to see everyone that is coming to the
267s event it's really exciting to see on
269s Twitter and on the forums and on reddit
271s even seeing everyone getting excited
274s about coming to London Ontario which in
277s itself not super exciting but it is our
280s home town is where we're from and
282s Channel Con is obviously the best part
285s of London
285s don't tell the city but it is this year
289s July 6 digital tickets are available
291s which means if you cannot come you can
293s celebrate with us with 10 o clock
295s 2019 themed digital goodies such as the
298s armor such as the display such as the
301s emote that has the glyph within it I was
303s rocking that in for tuned in 69 the
305s other day and I kind of left my computer
307s running and then I came back and there
309s was about 20 other people there that
311s were rocking that emote so that was
313s super cool to see and I hope to see a
314s lot more have you ever seen me you know
316s in a real a throat up because I'll throw
318s it right back up that's a weird sentence
321s tomorrow big things are happening across
323s all platforms equinoxes prime arrives
328s not only is Equinox prime in-game also
330s prime access so which includes the
332s weapons as well as accessories so that
335s will be coming tomorrow on all platforms
336s at the same time which does mean that
338s Mesa prime access is ending it does not
340s mean that Mesa Prime and the Akshar
343s pride and all that are going away it's
345s just simply the prime access program for
347s her does and everything stays in game
349s but what is going into the vault
351s when this happens is over on prime the
353s Silva and Aegis Prime and the Sybaris
355s Prime will be entering the vault so you
357s have three things happening at the exact
359s same time tomorrow you have Mesa prime
361s access ending you've Equinox prime
363s launching at Equinox prime access
365s launching as well as over on silva's and
367s ages and Cerberus prime going into the
370s vault if you contain those relics if you
372s own those relics you do keep them until
374s you decide to use them or trade them but
377s they will not you know magically
378s disappear just because they're in the
379s vault they're just considered vaulted
380s relics which you can use our trade at
383s your discretion anniversary items happy
386s anniversary 6 near University of
387s warframe we are but half a decade right
390s yeah it is well well is it different and
394s yeah cuz like Dec like
396s ten what's 12 nothing that would be um I
400s know the word for this century is it
402s yeah you okay if I'm ordering cupcakes I
406s want a dozen that's it a dozen would be
408s twelve so we call that though Oh half a
411s dozen okay fine
411s half a dozen years old if you log in and
416s now until April 10th at 2:00 p.m. which
419s is nine days away you can receive these
421s free items which is the liset Dex skin
423s as well as the Excalibur Dex nah go for
426s free these Dex items are essentially our
429s anniversary there you go our anniversary
432s themed items that we put out every year
435s and speaking of every year we do have
436s previous Dex items that you can earn by
439s completing the special anniversary
440s alerts that you will see in your little
442s navigation window and your ship complete
444s those and get some Dex items that you
446s may have previously missed last year or
448s you can get doubles and get a free slot
449s do what you want with it
450s but this is the new Lissette Dex skin
453s supercool so make sure you log in now
456s you have until April 10th at 2 p.m. ET
458s ET ET prestige pack 13 is available this
465s is the twin ricotta Jade skin including
467s the twin ricotta's themselves the Jade
469s Clem bloom
470s that's right check you get props for
472s that low affinity and credit boosters as
474s well some platinum to give you that
476s little bit of judge you can get it now
478s limited time as per usual
481s alright that's all money as I have today
483s if you have any questions about what I
484s said what I didn't say let me know I'm
487s watching check what great news what
490s great news twitch prime stuff they will
492s be hearing more about that soon don't
494s have anyone right now but the set engine
497s color is invisible and loads grades
499s thank you for letting us go oh love the
504s per free shirt thank you I love the band
506s green baby oh
510s you're Canadian you don't know how we
512s Canadians have snow in April you're
515s right I'm just disappointed by anything
517s cos just seems wrong it seems wrong I
519s had all my I'm starting to put away all
521s my winter stuff and then just came right
524s back anyways we're going to do the
528s Explorer or boss
529s today on the stream I got some thermia
532s so if you're on xbox one and you would
536s like to join please shout out your name
537s in chat and we shall grab them I'm gonna
539s move this over
540s yeah sure thing so slow very good very
545s good
545s all right chap who would like to join me
547s or the Explorer for fight crazy k2 9:05
553s would like to join you crazy with the K
557s all right so crazy k2 and then 9:05 oh
569s very good
571s invite sense
573s [Music]
576s fire dragon kid whoo kid with Kennedy's
580s cuties yeah I am free watching Game of
585s Thrones oh don't tell Marcus but feel
589s bitch she won't stop that that that see
596s what's on yeah salt duck I honor of
605s being given a duck liver donut the other
609s day whoa is that a thing so I had a
613s weekend girls weekend yeah and we went
616s to one of the most Buddhist restaurants
618s I've ever been to nice and one of the
621s things we were given was pretty much
624s pretty much a Timbit wood duck liver in
626s it and I did not eat it I think one bite
629s and it like squeezed out and touched my
632s lips and I was a cluck rub though
634s grabbed a tit hopster rub that's great I
637s will join ow
638s Ali Ali verse two S's oh you're awful oh
647s that feels bad Oh devil king six Wow
653s [Music]
654s that they are sure to bring the pain to
657s be warm today huh could not deliver no
661s it is a far ways down Oh
663s so can see this track yes red gamer 15
666s I'm looking right at your chest I'm
668s right up in your chest how does that
669s make you feel
670s how about ex a retro 21 X I like it
675s 21 coming in hot yeah yeah yeah hey dude
680s a head duck liver corndog it had a black
682s current catch up with it I'm sorry maybe
686s I'm just too Canadian Americanized but
689s I'm all for trying new things but damn
692s look I can't I can't do it all right we
695s have the devil oh the devil cooking
697s didn't make it in oh no I as well I got
700s fire dragon kid hey crazy ok can I know
703s 5 wonderful all right so we lost ex
706s retro 21 X but I will make note
708s wonderful thing we're gonna go straight
711s into oh wait do I have what I want
713s and I make sure I have the right
715s secondary to blow up my coolant I'm blow
718s it up sure what I want to use
723s VOE would be ideal really good really
732s good yeah alright we're gonna go right
734s into your valid for Badou Helen why
738s don't we do a pond fries all right why
739s not huh I was a foreigner bottom going
749s so and on Twitch and a mixer
751s Jay RCS 1 to 9 on Twitch and Charlie
754s Brown 70 on mixer you've both won
756s foreigner platinum graduations please
758s whisper the respective winning platform
760s that you have won on with your in-game
761s alias and the platform you play more
762s free bonds we can get you you're pouring
764s a platinum JR CS 1 to 9 on Twitch and
767s Charlie Brown we can beg you listen to
771s prefer yes they do I love her I love
774s them Reb took me to see them in Toronto
776s like 2 years back and it blew my mind I
779s had never listened to them up until that
780s point and honestly one of the best
784s concerts in my entire life that I've
785s ever been horrible if them onstage was
787s super super entertaining they're all
789s really good friends and the new album is
792s just a graphic obviously it's not for
794s everyone it's it's Ghent or digit if you
798s want to pronounce it like that but it is
801s it's my jam like I said they have their
804s new unfortunate leak album that's right
806s but still enjoying still enjoying to the
809s max the album is still blocked in Europe
811s the damn bed I'm sure they're working on
813s it I know it was even I think it wasn't
817s released in America first and then well
819s leaked released in America and
825s everyone Dec 12 yes over here you buy
829s that like bridge thing you know I forget
834s here yeah I got you
838s deck 12
841s I wasn't at the map it's like right here
845s allow me to show you with a cursor one
847s side pieces together is there dropping
851s this episode there isn't no clip press I
855s was right ah yeah it's at one of those
858s you know I think of it as a place where
861s I just like to jump off mic a drive but
868s fair enough why space aren't not wearing
872s space mom's skin flashbacks when is
880s counsel getting tender turn around at 15
881s we're working on that we are working on
883s the next build right now our priority is
891s that is all ready to go and then once
895s that is firmed and live and that's
898s perfectly can be then we work on the
901s neck update set kind of generality no
904s promises
905s dead man's Dave on YouTube wants to know
908s if we're gonna have a neck another
909s stalker stream I know we definitely can
913s that's a primetime thing we don't do
914s that on console show me a pc stalker
920s brennan Brinker d asks our megan Rebecca
923s real-life Brett know we actually really
926s don't like each other it's all oak Assad
927s it's all fake we cannot stand each other
936s there you go
937s it's a crazy crazy show to watch yes a
940s wild the wild they really put on a good
943s Act
945s jk jk Rebecca's my best friend yeah they
952s had a friend lunch together what's that
955s you don't come back from like Donuts I
958s have duck liver in them without being
959s you don't eat duck liver with random
962s without my best friend it's true he's
965s probably waiting for someone fry your
967s dragon fly throw my friend where are you
970s you can do area it is vacant
980s go team go load team load is loading
984s we'll get there today's a warframe
986s update there's no update today there
989s will be Equinox prime launching tomorrow
996s PC might have something how has your
1004s April Fool's been going have you been
1006s anything I do too I hate it because I've
1009s been so gullible
1010s I believe everything even on April
1012s Fool's Day like I saw the tweet from IGN
1015s where they were doing the switch joke
1017s about everything's coming to switch and
1020s it had like all the Zelda's and Neil
1024s Mario 64 and I was just like gagging at
1026s my desk I like this is all I've ever
1028s wanted and obviously as I'm watching it
1030s I know it's a joke but I'm just like but
1032s why isn't it reason it not be a joke
1034s that was a funny video I'm glad you
1037s shared that with us that was really good
1043s take her down in the event can take your
1047s bed
1048s show me your been like well can't affair
1050s throws and leave this bond so we do my
1053s vent black-winged tour if there were
1060s April Fool's content I mean
1063s it would reel in the gag I mean we don't
1068s everything we do is 100% serious yeah
1072s but we never joke around you don't like
1074s it do you would never pull an April
1077s Fool's joke on us right exactly we never
1080s we're very serious people serious
1083s Canadians don't laugh don't smile with
1085s all about that's one thing everyone says
1087s about Canadians is we're very serious
1089s this is the most serious people a
1091s proposes the delicate art you've got to
1092s get the fun absurdity without causing
1096s panic or disappointment it's true and
1098s has to be kind of like so far out there
1100s that is like okay this is clearly a joke
1102s yeah where is the prank where I heart
1106s the jokes we need more jokes in the name
1108s of charity - um I have the exploiter
1115s going on do you want it because there's
1117s no more music as well in a trailer I
1119s wouldn't mind all right we can get some
1121s music back let's do it
1127s what ban or mom here's a bad April
1135s Fool's joke would be cruel and unusual
1140s like ones I love Brussels sprouts with
1142s the smell of Brussels sprouts okay three
1145s I agree it reverent eating out Brussels
1148s sprouts to one day and I was like oh god
1149s it smells like feet man yep
1151s delicious being that was done once a
1157s year
1157s yeah I think they're talking about April
1160s Fool's I don't know Oh fire during kids
1163s my friend Noah dragon I was eating my
1166s gosh baby dragon they're extinct
1169s alright oh man cyrex tourists says
1174s everything we say and do is serious but
1176s it wasn't even a month ago y'all mean
1178s trolled us with the new norm s That's
1181s not me
1182s that's real I saw progress of an
1185s in-house happening with our artist we
1189s were serious about cyber serious it's a
1191s whole duck that's going in game that's
1194s that's a real deal an operator yeah
1202s enjoy what the delicious feet smell like
1205s [Laughter]
1206s Brussels sprouts although my my dad
1210s calls Parmesan cheese stinky foot cheese
1212s I get their things it sounds like they
1215s can see it
1216s I can see it give everyone a Clem
1219s Nagaland say that's a new frame idea but
1221s everyone wants cleanse as a free Oh God
1224s yeah hard job
1226s I got a little twitchy there yeah we
1229s announced Clem as a warframe or Clem
1231s Prime or anything Clem it would be like
1233s give it to me so well I mean it's joke
1236s that's the thing it's like we could do a
1238s joke where it's like something that
1241s people want at the car you can't have it
1242s but then then just be like give it like
1244s amazing
1245s let's do it this way messes the job oh
1251s god that was weeks you're throwing on
1253s Megan not good okay I believe in you
1255s that two in a row that are not good
1258s Parmesan is made from the same bacteria
1260s that makes feet smell oh wait what
1264s that's what it smells like feet hashtag
1265s the more he knows his axle Higgs well
1267s I've learned something today
1270s look oh no my friends are dying all my
1274s friends are dead oh no I'm coming on if
1277s you can help it ah who the dragon oh
1280s boat fishing spear prime Mornington
1283s Crescent sentient spear see that would
1286s be awesome
1287s fishing spear prime that would be too
1290s cool we can't house things are actually
1292s cool as a joke we can't joke about cool
1294s things dude then you guys will want it
1296s and be upset they don't give it to you
1298s cuz it was a joke oh my god this cold
1300s frog it is my bane get up there get up
1304s there she's too cold that spider
1306s Nora Naugle yep I agree outsider enough
1311s to have a real work on my ship I wanted
1313s although you know we should have done
1315s and I'm this is just me speaking is we
1319s should have done not to be mean we
1322s should have done in Tilburg or not
1323s though everyone wants a killer gore
1326s true till Recor pity can be adorable
1332s maybe one day everyone
1335s megalo asks why does the wolf insist on
1337s showing up when I'm alone I have yet to
1339s see the GD wolf oh my god oh my god I'm
1342s gonna walk yeah what the hammer
1345s sledgehammer prime yeah
1348s - Brazil killing yeah
1359s Fernandez I always say oh nice and I'm
1362s not sure whether that's just like a
1363s Spanish meme or yeah that's a real
1367s greeting I don't sometimes they had me
1370s say things and then just laugh and I I
1376s think they liked me though I think
1380s tickets okay heck was non-stop oh yeah
1383s we should have just done like a non-stop
1385s the war monologue of his Janus key
1389s monologue oh we should have you stop
1392s every time you avoid every transmission
1395s has changed this war is not a lot oh
1398s that would be incredible people would
1400s lose their minds though maybe that's the
1402s best part
1403s maybe this is a good part about it van
1407s Hecke ASMR exactly Oh furious angel says
1410s only is a cute way of saying Ola oh
1412s there you go oh thank you for the peace
1414s of mind
1415s yeah I want fight with sunyoga Prime
1420s with cutscene like spider
1421s would I be good I think all bosses
1423s should have that a good good dramatic
1426s cut see ya feel so cool oh brother
1430s okay this will be the last one what
1434s yeah yeah we can do it I believe te can
1441s join your clan uh I have a clan of just
1443s me yeah yep called me Dora order this is
1447s summer
1447s order wait is this true mm-hmm oh man
1450s that is fun it's just for me
1454s my little research words all right your
1456s favorite group in Legend of Zelda yeah
1460s okay I got them five and I'm pleased
1462s yeah oh we've been a it's been a water
1465s person waterbender okay why are you the
1468s best a lot of people would have seen
1470s fire because I'm ginger but I don't like
1471s to mix it up you know what you are an
1473s individual gonna die
1477s oh no one dying can i devour this spider
1481s oh yeah I don't know I can do that
1485s feelin delicious
1488s oh now he's my little Sam spider now it
1491s kinda like it like for me there's
1493s nothing to fight good fight together
1495s Slayer
1495s all right here we go last did I drop my
1499s cool is it prime boy just boy boy beat
1503s oh you're onto something is in prime
1505s board just Oh cause it's barking belly
1507s button yeah that is the definition of a
1510s prime I think sparkling belly button
1512s mm-hmm how do you participate in the
1514s Platinum asks be a guru a oh you're
1516s doing it right now or Jen you're
1518s watching and waiting and being kind only
1521s kind people win
1523s over out the unkind be a back-end chill
1528s sound everything
1529s thank God oh god them got my crew gonna
1539s get tense between chat messages ramp or
1543s Jagger let me see settings let me check
1546s for you you are right slow modes on and
1548s now it's not solved in all right now I'm
1554s gonna coolant spiders
1555s please drop wise razor I would be so
1558s appreciated oh de swellow in chat Megan
1563s I would like and she sent a link and I
1566s need to get it I'm so distracted by you
1569s Danielle why do this hey Megan I would
1573s like a thousand Duckett's twitch drops
1576s oh no are we going April Fool's is
1579s Danielle trolling me with the curse
1581s Twitter up that I always break so you're
1583s really just putting salt in my wound
1585s Danielle is that what just happened
1587s oof Danielle you trying to hurt me we're
1591s really high demand which drops dating an
1595s assault just drops bebe oh I'm gonna
1606s give you a salty drop
1609s old pinja table salt kosher even chunks
1613s big chunks
1614s oh I don't know where what oh you stupid
1624s take it down Himalayan salts Danielle
1626s requests oh you bougie girl put that
1629s pink crystals so why am I not surprised
1633s classic vegan CrossFit am i right
1636s I get you some Himalayan look one credit
1642s credit twitch drop would have been funny
1644s twisted Damian one two three
1646s Harvard row consider trying to get very
1653s dirty we just talking about salt I don't
1655s know what you thought about Thomas loze
1657s 21 says I'm sad I'm not on the warframe
1659s stream but they are pretty good
1666s all right up there don't die I need you
1670s oh oh oh hey they got revived and that's
1678s all that counts
1679s lol one Craig put her up that's me well
1681s maybe you just need one credit more it's
1684s true for someone it could make their day
1686s is Reb real asks for mana 77 nope she is
1693s she's faking not Megan's friends he
1696s doesn't exist she's not my friends all
1698s the rumors are true everything happy
1701s April first the internet doesn't lie
1704s that's not whatever I want to crawl up
1707s this vibrator that Oh God oh no you
1710s broke it you broke Danielle's hired news
1713s about Rebecca oh she's not real yet she
1715s says I cried many tears
1716s yeah are they sell TV Himalayan are they
1720s Malay Indian of these salty variety
1724s thanks crystal variety pink crystal
1726s tears
1727s VV salty the
1730s don't drink your own tears you're gonna
1732s get dehydrated that's true
1734s I knew red was fake just like it's like
1739s what just like my feet oh mom oh my
1741s goodness
1742s surely I do dark it's April Fool's I get
1746s darker well on April Fool we have to
1748s survive April Fool's together yeah we
1750s got again band together again yo Mike my
1755s bad
1755s all right now we're going outside
1757s friends I'll grab a cool and that's good
1760s cam ready to ready to fight that on
1765s Rodimus Danny crying argon crystals
1768s since the last of ducks what's happening
1770s they're saying Danielle is crying argon
1773s crystals Hey although what's Purple's I
1776s don't think it's purple Himalayan salt
1777s prove me wrong
1785s can I get a shout-out to get good iron G
1787s chosen undead Z is that how wherever you
1790s say you can get a purple hemily insult
1793s lamp oh that's probably just fake though
1795s yeah do we believe in salt lamps I don't
1798s know
1798s I've yet to be let's see what the
1800s Himalayan salt factory it says I don't
1803s cuz those are some I don't ask how I
1805s know voiceover they're like licking your
1808s Christmas a relation tastes like soup
1816s I've ever seen that poor argon crystals
1824s go great how you know this I don't know
1827s oh my God look at you go Salonga says
1830s that salt expires before arrival which
1833s are done yeah it's a very fast expiring
1837s which goes against everything that salt
1839s is salt literally lasts forever
1842s what does this song allow me to show you
1845s in the top right corner there
1848s also if you type exclamation mark music
1855s is there an NPC that can only talk by
1857s singing do you want there to be because
1859s I can volunteer for this as you know I
1864s can see that would be a beautiful okay
1869s well I guess what's up one suit is all
1872s about the music but there's something
1874s spy Remmick yeah
1881s retail explains I'd like to know if
1883s they're cool
1884s yes I've heard many a good things about
1887s you yeah one of them being that you're
1889s oh oh my god
1892s Congrats on your coolness what is this
1894s deal I know Josh can bear dealies yes
1898s argon crystals last longer than my
1900s relationship and it's um I was pretty
1905s fired you're speaking of my heart
1907s Oh Zahraa wants to know if he's cool
1909s Zoro yes I must get back to you on that
1914s Olli okay just kidding
1919s your mucho bueno yeah Caliente
1924s cool hey I still work here we kill them
1935s spiders my friends all right
1937s eat this Rica richer says we all cool we
1942s space ninja true you're cool
1946s when he was faced and oh and Paragon
1949s Juanico it's no fair pretty yes oh my
1951s god
1952s I'd also heard very good things about
1954s you being of pretty being do I got it I
1962s won yes is I call yes Nate man I talked
1967s to your brother the other day he thinks
1969s girls yeah
1971s and space no one can hear you Bert minty
1974s wow that's quite sure I set the aliens
1981s tinfoil attend violin oh hi Fernanda the
1987s whole gangs here si Senora the seniorita
1998s on delay I threw out the wrong way how
2004s to meet and Patty getting all nervous up
2006s her Nana's here yeah she ain't good
2010s enough
2010s we got a she gave us a Spanish laughs
2014s Josh said it hu hu e it's J a
2019s what's that a treat hu hu e yes but
2022s isn't it just like that I thought that
2025s was in Spanish things look like
2027s Portuguese you could be right Danielle
2032s can hear Fernando laughing at her -
2034s everybody different you laughing at her
2036s death the old de the Spanish team has a
2040s hoot and a holler there's almost daily
2043s it is a joy oh wow my canister gadget
2048s get it
2048s gimmick is somebody there spider Rico
2052s yeah it's true as daniel says she and
2056s Fernando are kindred spirits or injector
2063s blue its Equinox primal late April
2067s Fool's joke says mmm and you see ex me
2070s if I told you it wouldn't be a joke yep
2075s we commissioned a lot of animators and
2078s concept artists to make
2081s April Fool's joke happens we even like
2082s change our drop tables and everything to
2085s give you fake equinox rhyme parts that
2087s when you put it together it's actually
2090s just over so congrats you're welcome
2093s happy April Fool's don't we all love it
2095s April Fool's gotcha yeah
2103s Megan singing the April - Wow thanks
2108s guys I want a Tony don't mess around my
2115s blessings I think I'm on ironically it's
2119s just that happy man don't say I mean I
2122s wore so many spires oh my god they're
2124s everywhere
2125s no don't cool off now guys we gotta kill
2133s this fire you're wrecking everything all
2136s right I dropped coolant I think I ran
2138s out of there um when are we getting
2142s Dargo promised John Dan man what do you
2145s want first
2145s I'm Tyler Garbo price YouTube this is
2149s your life I'm just living in it doing
2152s what you want that's my very best
2155s community manager doing what you want
2158s hey that's the new motto that's my name
2162s what's a fast way of grinding for old
2164s mate most people will tell you
2166s conservation if you get perfect captures
2168s get a lot of standing I will tell you
2171s mining because if you're really good at
2173s mining like myself you will get gems out
2176s the hoo-ha and those are worth a lot of
2178s standing with smoke bigger and that's
2182s how I did it that's how I got all the
2184s way to old Nate was signing for them
2186s gems done well done where are the
2190s spiders there were so many and now
2192s they're not they are too shy freedom
2196s just gonna kill you
2197s what other looter shooters do you play
2199s us Alex lagina more do you play their
2201s looter shooters not really I am a Zelda
2208s you know that kind of gaming I mean I
2216s was spies back in the day but I played
2219s you know halo oh yes on the old xbox 360
2224s that was a day I'm with my family and
2226s friends we would all get together and
2228s play some halo nowadays I'm not really
2233s my jam I'm more into RPGs like like
2237s story I like having a bunch of wives
2240s yeah
2244s for their warframe Borderlands crossing
2247s I love I guess I really love borderland
2249s I do love Portland I haven't played it
2251s in a long time my sister is old best
2253s fighter there's a huge fan she was
2256s banned Gerling at the announcement
2257s mm-hmm I think it is one of the most
2261s unique no don't be frakkin yeah I think
2265s it's one of the most unique looking
2267s games I have ever seen I think the art
2269s style is incredible and the fact that in
2274s Borderlands 3 there's over a billion
2276s guns oh yeah oh man I'm like warframe
2280s you got too many guns oh and then that
2284s comes out I'm like okay nevermind
2286s raising the bar I guess yeah
2290s I'm looking forward to Berlin's dreams
2291s yeah I'll play it that'll be huge we'll
2294s be playing it are you willing to offer
2299s more info on having many wives because
2302s chat was very curious they're a little
2304s curious I just like if you've ever
2306s played fable you all know that you you
2310s can have a wife in every town and
2312s they'll never find out yes sometimes you
2314s could also kill them and then have a new
2316s wife in that same town that you killed
2318s your previous way lot of options so you
2322s know that's your thing obviously only if
2324s you pick the evil road you can be good
2326s and be a good person and not have
2328s multiple wives that you murdered and
2331s robbed but that's kind of boring
2335s video games are meant for you to live a
2337s life you'll never live in real life it's
2339s true unless you're trying to blow up
2341s Megaton that's different that is
2344s different there are differences do not
2347s go up make a time thank you thank you
2351s thank you this is been a public service
2353s and like in persona I love that game and
2359s you could have literally everyone as
2362s your girlfriend literally yes maybe it's
2369s a good person asks Nate man 42 well
2373s that's a would say that a great good
2379s person does good deeds without being us
2387s I'm all about the little things can go a
2389s long way when I see someone hold the
2392s door for someone else that me yeah at
2395s what point do you not hold the door like
2397s at what distance is it - oh I'm a door
2409s holder oh hold that thought while you
2412s contemplate the distance should we run a
2414s flat price yeah oh my god how is there
2417s one up there why do I want Kyle oh says
2423s there is no distance that is too big
2424s you're Canadian that's correct
2428s alright we have our winner the winner of
2434s minimus to Minami mend ominous on Twitch
2440s and Romeo echo Oscar it's not not Rio
2445s yeah is that um what do you call it like
2448s yeah I like Foxtrot yeah
2450s thanks we will do the whole line alpha
2451s beta Charlie Delta echo Foxtrot I will
2460s spare you the whole way I believe you've
2464s won foreigner platinum please whisper
2466s the war yeah Bravo platform channel that
2469s you have won on with your in-game mail
2471s if you're na millions and the platform
2474s you play worth monthly get you your 400
2476s on them those people boot or RayRay's
2479s give me the the facepalm for Bravo which
2482s I deserve why I remember when I when I
2485s had to learn in I did the test I also
2486s put Bravo instead of beta its beta why
2490s why does it matter because you know if
2493s you're on comms with other people who
2495s are trying to use the code it's just
2497s embarrassing to use the wrong one you
2498s know it's standardized but it's still a
2503s big be still I am Alpha and Omega the
2508s beginning and the end
2511s queeny's don't worry I only know it
2514s because I follow that three huge realm
2516s is of course no it's Bravo not beta
2519s they're agreeing with you yeah it's
2521s bravo Bravo I thought you said Bravo I
2523s definitely think that now just flew and
2528s exploded I cry I admit miss msyn why
2535s medicine wait I know this one
2541s Megan Matt oh of course
2544s what else would it be
2549s Nancy Nancy
2552s Mike Mike oh mighty Mike
2555s yeah Juliet for sure is n Nancy
2558s I miss my guy at rank what is n Nancy uh
2562s I think it is Mike Nancy Oh philia
2567s November what November really yeah it's
2573s all over the place where the weird
2574s everyone just says n as in Nancy when
2577s they're ordering teats on the phone or
2578s whatever it was stopping them one time I
2581s listened to a wide razor sorry M is
2586s barrage fire yeah
2589s I listen to Danielle spell her last name
2592s that way over the moon die
2607s soybean s isn't Sierra Danielle its fear
2612s even yelled at that little girl laughing
2614s SS in Sierra Sierra I is an indigo I
2617s think what you want to know yup an echo
2621s ours and Romeo ours and Romeo a as in
2624s alpha
2624s oh wait what if I just felt wow I don't
2631s know Caroline for porky back I was Oscar
2638s okay so she's s as in Sierra Sierra I or
2643s KitKat I Oscar Sierra I've lost it we're
2652s doing vision Danielle's last name is oh
2656s LOL is what we're working at Oh
2658s last name why is there a w Danielle okay
2662s my name is not so ello oh yeah it's so
2665s Klaus yes oh my god what are you
2669s spelling of Sierra Oscar Hilo Oscar Lima
2676s in children says oh hell yeah oh yeah
2686s making can you spell my name
2688s can you spell my last name and that are
2691s just normally history in general Kyle oh
2693s is that I think books point I think it's
2699s H E I Atik
2706s iolite I was like so close there are two
2710s caves but that was awesome message me
2712s that was amazing
2713s most people don't get to eat can you
2715s spell my last name yes you ve r ett very
2720s well words are indeed hard well welcome
2724s to a stream that's how what we know very
2727s well welcome to the words are hard click
2729s I was Lima pronounced Lima oh I thought
2732s I always said lime myself I thought I
2734s was like Lima like lima bean yeah
2737s whiskey-tango-foxtrot
2739s WTS a guard easy I remember that from
2742s like back in the internet days and I was
2744s first starting that his name is so
2746s difficult
2747s Oh nobody hasn't actually you're the
2750s first Everett I've ever met early yeah I
2752s met someone whose name was Everett and I
2754s met the one who was from a place called
2756s Everett I think I just need to live
2759s there for the cheer pack yeah I'd run in
2761s time to be like I own this town
2769s Meghan your phonetics is Mike echo golf
2773s alpha November factory sounds pretty
2776s cool I'm gonna lie every district just
2779s north of me I can start spelling her
2781s name and candy bars Mars on card Gober
2784s almond joy nut rageous kind of nut bars
2788s are those I've never heard that she's
2791s not holding the door everything is lies
2792s what do you mean I can't open the door
2794s doors already closed I were talking in
2797s the distance yeah must be W is record
2799s Ralph Mike India November echo Tanger Oh
2804s what do you dispel Vanetta Wow
2807s get out of here Danny you're nasty get
2809s that blasphemy out of my check I'm
2812s banning you where are you oh maybe I
2819s will maybe I will oh there go it's dark
2823s I had gave us the whole dang thing
2825s x-ray Yankee Zulu is Zed I've always
2828s wanted the name Zulu bears are putting
2830s in spelling out his name hello bear
2832s Bravo echo Alfa Romeo oh you're as cool
2835s yours is like slick yeah
2836s okay that's a slick fast one right so it
2839s sounded insane I mean for Danny's last
2842s name though what our what a time let's
2846s do our last foreigner platinum I agree
2848s I'm going to get out of my warframe
2852s there we go talk to a little Duke wait
2857s never I never talked to her on console
2858s Wow Wow
2860s I may be just not here Highlanders
2862s underscore UK on Twitch and slacker a
2865s whole guy mixer he both have one
2868s foreigner Platinum gratulations please
2869s whisper the winning walk worm you've won
2871s on with your in-game alias in the
2872s platform that you play warframe on so we
2874s can get you your foreign your platinum
2875s Highlanders underscore UK on Twitch and
2878s slacker old guy on mixer I've had it
2881s when I go back to my desk and Marcus
2883s says to me yeah it was a good stream
2885s thank you and make it did well except I
2888s couldn't stand to listen to you guys do
2890s not know how to spell and not know the
2892s fact yeah like when you were talking
2894s about eyes one time it just killed him
2895s and he had to turn out no I
2897s he did the same I got back my desk and
2899s he was like Megan eyes cannot be
2902s replaced or whatever it was that we were
2903s talking about and I was like come on so
2905s there you go I guess I haven't done oh I
2908s have a limit and it's that yes oh did I
2913s just oh god damn it oh my lord I am
2919s upset that I just did that chat don't
2923s remind me that I ever did that I don't
2926s have anything oh yeah Guardian Twitter
2930s says facts are why I exist and it's true
2932s Guardian Twitter always has the facts in
2934s chat for us backs out the watch watching
2938s this dream it's just like talking to my
2940s girlfriend so what all right what do you
2943s just call me what did happen all right
2946s stand anymore I'm gonna get me have the
2947s almighty nasha Prime one day one blessed
2950s day we will be blessed
2952s where are you in decor Papa rip bear
2955s bear you little troll little troll land
2959s Flair be careful you're gonna get kicked
2961s out of this chat major carnage when
2963s you're sharing the same birthday with
2964s Equinox prime her birthday birthday
2966s tomorrow I presume because it's coming
2968s so happy almost birthday to you know
2971s Gardens you know we got four wait a few
2974s what it's left I'm joking I'm done
2978s anything what could we do we could do
2980s complete a mission Oh BAE why oh I guess
2985s I didn't marked wise razor
2986s I hope I got it this person's name is
2988s Meg glow good morning Megan need next
2990s shirt
2990s I know Meg will do you name it you turd
2995s you know what job or chat or both cuz
2999s you have a great name mm-hm not just
3001s because my name is part of it let's just
3003s complete a mission shall we shall we
3005s invite a retro 21 yes good point
3011s what was it X retro retro 21 21 21 you
3024s didn't hear my friends well your mastery
3027s test I won't discuss he says I'm going
3032s against the green hairy tattoos I have
3035s wait I'm coming sis mega good come on it
3038s oh you have a frozen body
3040s oh no that's a direct relief charity for
3043s you Oh
3043s notice me senpai nine nine nine says
3046s this is their first stream video that's
3050s their Twitter invites please what's your
3053s name Megan don't do mastery I love the
3057s very psychology I don't like it I don't
3060s like it
3060s whoaa Drago Drago because it's close to
3067s Dragon I like it
3069s there's back three no I'm gonna get one
3072s so mix it in hello mixer I would like an
3077s invite would you know it's my first
3080s dreams is hannah arendt wizard welcome
3082s welcome to the stream glad to have you
3084s on mix it
3086s all right make sure it my dear friend
3089s then wait oh I guess I cannot cows oh
3102s that's right that's my glove they're
3105s going you're a low Meg low all right not
3108s sure what to do thank you
3117s two birds one stone one he if you want
3121s to hear another childhood Megan story
3123s yes I think I might have told this door
3124s already but I accidentally killed a bird
3127s with a rock
3128s as a kid I regret agreeing to hear it I
3131s know I was a stupid child throwing rocks
3135s around and I was trying to scare the
3137s bird away and I hid the bird with the
3139s rock and it fell and then a cat came and
3142s took the bird away and it was like a
3143s horror film for me and I was like what
3145s did happen I don't know how the bird
3148s survived and I'm really sorry that I
3151s told you that story because you do
3153s remember that time when I had a bird
3155s with my car on my way to work
3156s oh yeah and then it was still alive when
3159s I found it so I brought to the vet Nitai
3160s there and I came here sobbing oh I can't
3164s think back to that new pinch and yellow
3168s fish out of all the birds possible wait
3170s why was there a Finch upside um like is
3173s that not like what people have in their
3175s houses it's one of the wild ones
3177s so the America Goldfinch like a cool
3180s sure I don't think people do keep
3182s finches but this is a good Ontario one
3185s a local Finch local Finch local that was
3189s a horrible day I would I dream about it
3194s I even get like sad when I accidentally
3199s like run over something that's already
3201s dead
3202s yeah like I'm like oh I killed it more
3205s yeah it's tough one it's a tough one
3207s yeah oh garden switcher says Canaries
3209s are what people keep Nerys okay but like
3213s what about I'm thinking that Sweeney
3214s Todd song right greenfinch and Linnet
3216s bird Nightingale Blackbird I don't know
3220s I've wanted Tony but I don't yes and yet
3223s three times yeah yeah yeah Sweeney Todd
3226s list it was an accident I was a kid I
3229s like I am now however old I am and I
3232s still think about it and I still feel
3234s bad so those things you'll need yeah
3236s I will be haunted with it for the rest
3237s of my life and I will teach my future
3240s children to not throw rocks and then I
3242s will tell them that horror story in the
3243s hopes that they get nightmares from it
3245s and they don't do it because that's
3247s parenting right there I hope my children
3249s get nightmares in this I hope I induce
3251s nightmares okay well hey at least now
3254s all the chat has learned as well there
3256s you go
3257s there you go be careful don't throw
3259s rocks and rocks I will find out I must
3262s buy it no you don't need I need zebra
3265s finches less you mean they have I think
3270s oh and I should clarify it's not like I
3273s hit the bird with my car it flew into
3274s the side window the classic it looks
3277s clear I'm gonna fly through the old
3280s Windex commercial what oh poor thing
3285s thank you I will learn from your
3286s mistakes says sunless Phoenix there you
3288s go if I can teach one person to not
3290s throw a rock at a bird and I have done
3292s my job
3292s you sure hat I will retire now goodbye
3295s goodbye goodbye Internet he did it it's
3299s like today
3301s Reb let me know
3302s that her and I were on was it called did
3308s I say don't throw Birdseye rocks I don't
3310s know okay
3312s whatever nice persona cosplay was on our
3315s gaming reddit and I said that I peeked
3319s and I will retire now I've made our
3322s gaming goodbye world beats I want to end
3326s on a high note
3326s I have peaked on reddit I'm going to
3332s live in a cottage in the woods like
3336s every horror story starts oh man that'll
3339s be me yeah no oh no or you know maybe
3344s it'll be peaceful living in a cottage in
3346s winds honest maybe you'll become like a
3348s cool assassin in like Mike Hanna Hanna
3351s that movie where where she's the coolest
3356s a thing you know that one which is worse
3360s the bird story are turning in that
3362s torrid I said not to remind me that I
3365s did who - who is that TDH matrix
3369s I'm finding your in-game alias and I'm
3371s taking all your crime and putting them
3374s into a blender whoa drinking it for my
3378s dinner having a liquid dinner of your
3381s crime sounds nutritious how does that
3383s make you feel for doing what I said not
3386s to do Megan the Wicked Witch no one
3391s everyone makes great world humans it's
3395s true I was a kid with no sense throwing
3397s her off one time my sister and I were
3399s playing badminton
3400s oh boy in the backyard and she was mad
3403s at me so instead of using a birdie
3405s cheese Rock and this is such a sister
3410s story oh yeah absolutely and I have very
3412s poor vision
3414s depth of field so as I thought I saw the
3418s birdie coming at me I went to swat it
3420s and I just missed and it hit me right in
3422s the forehead and I had what they call a
3424s goose egg where it was just a giant my
3427s face she had a good hit with that one
3429s then she felt good about herself I'm
3430s sure I'm sure she don't show you
3434s anything
3439s we have another April Fool's suggestion
3441s stalker attack actually heals you
3443s woo that could be fun maybe we could
3446s change that and then on prime time we
3448s could - that would be fabulous ideas
3452s ideas and great stock companies although
3455s do you want us to put and work on that
3457s or work on some real things a rail jack
3463s or we can make stock yeah exactly like I
3465s said community manager I do what you
3467s want so in the dead down there hope they
3470s died recipes all right or what is it
3472s retro Anubis no retro yep Idaho
3481s pepperoni Oh a nice very good you're
3486s like where are you going with it you
3488s know the old retro Idaho pepperoni yeah
3491s I get that off and when I mean I've seen
3494s it in work room a few times with a good
3495s fall off the math but also in League of
3497s Legends when you watch someone just go
3498s somewhere they shouldn't go and you just
3500s are watching your teammate you just
3503s can't say no their nature is it you
3505s can't do anything this is it yeah I
3507s always say it's rest in peace and we
3509s move on yeah old retro Idaho pepperoni
3511s all right I'm good to say that from now
3513s on that's a mouthful retro Idaho
3516s pepperoni
3517s chants rest in pepperoni beating my
3521s coffee addiction uh it says dark bring
3524s our 92 I wish I whatever that comes up
3530s on the screens this the thing I'd like
3532s blocked out my entire vision and I just
3534s like gold dark like I can't see that
3536s side of the screen it's just the end end
3538s up falling into a pit of hay arrest in
3543s pizza that wouldn't be so much I just
3547s discovered probably the best pizza I've
3550s ever had in London
3553s changed my life I'm gonna try that
3557s people I didn't they don't have anything
3559s big in Wow I'll imagine I kind of med so
3565s you know that we got to good coffee
3567s comments one person remembered the boo
3569s she sighed and said no seven dollar
3571s coffee today Megan the other said dirty
3573s diner coffee so I had a dirty one over
3576s the weekend you did I had it done it was
3579s pretty pretty bean grindy you know it
3583s has a little literal dirt in it I'm sure
3585s good but I was Fiona's what I wanted
3588s made me feel alive you go in you
3591s requested dirtiest coffee yeah I was
3593s like can you give me the brew from
3595s yesterday like sitting at the bottom of
3599s the sink give me that give me that broom
3601s give me that
3602s you know those those coffee cups you
3603s haven't washed yet from yesterday give
3605s me that clean up take your sink coffee
3607s put it and wear an wash mugs bring all
3610s the unwashed coffee mugs put it together
3613s and you'll have enough for one mug
3615s that would be what I that's what for me
3619s should we run Mesa climax SL yeah rapido
3623s it's two o'clock sorry it's kind of hot
3625s and we sure can do our Mesa Primack
3628s surprise on Twitch and mixer and then I
3629s will do the Xbox one game hub I make the
3632s primary artist prismatic says I'm
3635s gagging my girl making pancakes of
3641s coffee right now says unrelenting gaming
3642s team that'll be me in about five minutes
3646s Hannibal Roy Bean is that stand for
3648s anything hrb is not a bank oh it's RBC
3651s numerous oh I don't know bean
3653s congratulations you have won a mesa
3656s prime access to graduation please
3658s whisper the work which channel and
3660s crabmeat crabbin private grabbing for
3663s you this you have one mesa prime access
3665s on mixer please a whisper mixer with
3668s your in-game alias in the pot from you
3669s play war for lunch we can get your mesa
3670s prime axis which will be this this will
3673s actually be the last nights of prime
3674s axis we give out because it's oh oh no
3678s Daniel no Daniel not I don't think comes
3682s out she's got it yeah i think i think
3685s mesa prime axis will be gone by the time
3687s danny has a scream anyway but first
3690s other x prime access exciting sequin oh
3693s alright
3694s we're not gonna go through the portal
3695s don't do it don't do it don't go through
3698s the portal
3699s stay here hang out with me we can do
3702s dancing ladies and Jenna rest in
3707s spaghetti never forget e rug ready free
3711s granny oh thank you Daniel streams of
3713s coroner's climate to so true piling it
3715s will be our plan there I shot the Prius
3718s which just now alerted me of the stream
3721s rip that sounds a good yes he sounds
3728s like a retro Indiana I thought of the
3734s weird
3735s wheel surname because they really nice
3736s what was it again the old retro Idaho
3741s Idaho
3742s Pepa retro idaho pepperoni how long left
3746s for nightly I don't know what you mean
3747s isn't for everything she's married to
3750s the muffin man the muffin man thank you
3759s too Meg lo dragon Brad and we lost retro
3764s sorry we left you in the hope you're
3769s doing well
3771s alright I'm gonna do the Xbox one
3774s community game hub makes up prime access
3776s and then that'll be it for today let me
3779s just get on over to my xbox alright
3787s the to Mesa prime access very grave of
3795s winners have gone to glimpse of me
3798s glimpse of me sounds like an emo song
3800s that I would have listened to in high
3801s school mm-hmm and now glimpse of me
3804s congratulations and killed by Cola oh
3807s don't sue me coca-cola even though I
3809s don't drink your product killed by Cola
3811s and glimpse of me you both have one in
3814s Mesa prime access it will magically
3815s appear in your Xbox one accounts after
3817s the stream so stay tuned hope you enjoy
3819s my prime access and that was the last
3822s ones we will give out forever
3825s man not forever but Equinox prime comes
3827s tomorrow Equinox prime prime access all
3829s of that jazz no twist off for the stream
3832s no there is no choice drop all right so
3836s this week tomorrow is ps4 at 4 with de
3838s Danielle don't know what she's doing
3841s probably something great Wednesday
3843s switch stream 10:00 a.m. bright and
3845s early with a cup of coffee there's a day
3847s prime time 7 p.m.
3848s late night with a cup of coffee and
3850s Friday we have dev stream stay tuned for
3852s that it's gonna be gonna be good got
3855s some good stuff to show you and we are
3857s actually rating a warframe partner by
3859s the name of jammed in calm derpy gaming
3861s with a British accent
3863s so I'm going to end this stream with my
3865s version of a British accent whoo
3868s hope you all had that's the Australian
3871s isn't it yeah I'm impressed though wait
3873s can you start off and you do a British
3874s accent of course
3876s of course it depends what kind you want
3879s I want the correct one there they're
3881s different places at different accents
3883s right there's different places of
3886s different accents
3887s I love that you can only do Australian
3889s why does it keep going to Australia no
3891s but I'm happy about it
3892s crikey all right yeah bear this is all
3896s for you
3897s hey everyone fall night and we'll enjoy
3902s Jan to come and we'll see you tomorrow
3904s for ps4 for and just have a wonderful
3908s evening
3908s and a chance why
3925s see stop you