XBOX Sisters of Parvos: Hotfix #1
Riptide 'Waverider's Heart Decoration' PSA:
Increased Yareli’s Armor to 100 from 65.
Restored the correct crafting requirements to the Exilus Weapon Adapter Blueprint.
Blueprint no longer requires a built Exilus Weapon Adapter to craft an Exilus Weapon Adapter like some foundry-dwelling Ouroborus
Updated the OULL Requiem Mod description to remove the ‘needed to complete a lethal sequence’ line.
Removed mentions of Arcane Adapter Blueprints in Tehsin’s Steel Honors store - the full item is what’s purchasable.
Removed the Ambassador weapon eligibility from Conclave.
Fixed no enemies spawning during the final stage of the Once Awake Quest(Defend the Cascade Bomb).
Fixed a crash that could occur during the Volatile Railjack gamemode.
Fixed a crash when falling off the K-Drive.
Fixed Hosts keeping their goods after aborting the Lich showdown mission once their Lich has been Converted/Vanquished, which also punished the other squadmates.
Fixed players that deleted their Waverider Inbox message and was thus unable to progress. After going back to your Orbiter it will progress the Quest automatically.
Fixed a temporary inability to progress in the Waverider Quest if you opened Roky's Inbox message while in Fortuna.
Fixed the Sisters of Parvos cinematic opening playing for everyone on login as opposed to the intended viewing of eligible players.
Fixed inability to redeem Medallions for K-Drive Standing while the Waverider Quest is active.
Fixed Clients seeing the Corpus Axio Crewship with two shields.
Fixed duplicate instances of Kuva Grattler in Profile and Codex.
Fixed a few abilities, items and screens that were not applying weapon noise reduction properly nor correctly interacting with Mods that have that effect.
This should resolve issues with Ivara’s Prowl, Loki’s Hushed Invisibility, Banshee’s passive
Fixed an issue where all Mining lasers could benefit from the Silencer Widget, but all along it was intended that only the Sunpoint Plasma Drill could benefit.
Fixed some tint coloring on Yareli’s body.
Fixed Hound Diversified Denial ability FX and coloring.
Fixed PHs appearing in Arcane Adapter.
Fixed missing Standing gain UI popup when redeeming Medallions.
Fixed issue where the backer of the Mod frames when Gilding/Polarizing a modular weapon of the day would be slightly hidden.
Fixed some Syndicate Armor offsets.
Fixed script error that could occur if you cast an ability right before the Hound's Denial aura expired.
Fixed several script errors in the Chains of Harrow Quest.
Fixed Acolyte spawns becoming extremely slow or stopping altogether in specific Steel Path mission types - most commonly reproduced in Disruption or Survival.
Fixed overly dark Arcane HUD colors.
Fixed Vacuum/Fetch not working on Yareli’s Merulina.
Fixed harmless script error you could run into when entering Railjack warp to escape a Lich.
Fixed a script error when casting Yareli’s Riptide.
Fixed Bow quivers equipped to Nezha being worn inverted.