about 4 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link

Happy update day, Console Tenno! 

As informed in the Status Threads (PS4, XB1, Switch) and the Heart of Deimos: Interim Update 29.2.1 threads (PS4, XB1, Switch), we have begun running an Inbox Script across all console platforms for the following: 


Anyone with Helminth installed and Railjack owned will receive an Inbox of Resources after the update goes live that includes the reduced costs. A perfect script is not possible, but a generous grab bag is! If you meet the criteria, you will receive the Resources via Inbox.

Note: If you met the criteria above when we accidentally ran the script on consoles and received an Inbox message with broken file paths and the resources, congrats! You got the grab bag early and have hopefully been enjoying your new Helminth snacks before this script was intended to run. A PSA was posted to explain the above and to inform that we will indeed be running the script again for the accounts that meet the criteria. Essentially those who did not meet the criteria at the time that the first script was completed (Tuesday, September 29th at 4:35 PM ET), will receive the grab bag of resources with this script. Those who already received it in the first run will not get a second one. 

We will update you here once the script has completed. 

Edit: The script has been successfully run on PS4, XB1, and Nintendo Switch. Enjoy your Railjack Resources, Tenno!

Edited by [DE]Danielle
Script complete