almost 5 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

77s [Music]
97s [Music]
137s [Music]
167s Oh everyone welcome to Xbox alone I won
177s with myself Megan Everett thank you for
179s joining me today yes I am aware that the
181s PC gaming show is literally starting
183s right now which is super exciting so I
185s understand if you want to watch that
186s instead of this but we're just doing
188s some casual sortie you know trying to
191s get that legendary core that's the dream
193s that's the goal we were hoping that
196s actually Rebs segment would be happening
200s during this stream on the PC gaming show
204s but I do believe she will be after 2
206s p.m.
207s maybe we don't know we kind of know but
210s you know things change so if it does
212s happen if she does go on stage I have
214s Helen and Dean here on stand by and we
217s will watch it together if it does happen
220s during the stream if not then I just
222s have to watch it yourself sorry but I
224s really do hope what happens during the
226s stream because it'd be fun to watch it
227s with you but nonetheless here we are
229s xbox one and one Helen is here hello and
233s like I said Dean is here good day mr.
237s Moviefone come today so we got a whole
239s crew here and we got you know Raptors 5
242s to 5 we're gonna win Raptors in 5 it's
245s gonna be a great game right Helen
246s absolutely it is absolutely it is to it
249s let's put him right there great spot for
252s it looks like alien or something like is
256s it the thing is his legs don't sit so if
259s I try to sit him he just kind of oh
260s she's ready to play balls ready for me
264s in coach Kobe ain't coach who needs
267s Danny Green just kidding he's doing
268s great
268s moving on let's go into the week report
271s what's happening what's happening what's
273s it what's with the different colored
275s nails actually a diva could go back to
278s full screen Megan one second here
279s because I am obviously captain of the
283s Raptors bandwagon I did Raptors colors
287s thank you thank you captain Ben Wagner
290s right here join me please I'm on the
293s bandwagon right behind you oh my god I
295s love it cuz as we all know Reb got
297s called out for being a bandwagon there
299s and then we called that person
301s ever been Wagoner because she's been no
302s G Raptors fan so we got it wrong I'm the
305s bandwagon oh I drive this van wagon
308s straight for the Raptors all right
313s moving on sorry console update Jovian
315s Concorde is in search for ps4 Xbox one
318s and switch yes I know we we entered
322s search Thursday I believe Thursday
324s morning is when we posted about it and
327s we have yet to hear anything we've got
329s to tell you anything because we simply
331s do not know and it is a classic when we
334s know you will know so we will update all
337s the status threads all the social medias
339s with the date announced so once we do
341s know that it has passed cert clearly
344s it's a crazy weekend with everything
346s going on you know
347s u3 is happening so will it take more
350s time than usual I don't know but the
352s weekend has passed so hopefully we will
353s hear something either today or tomorrow
355s on the status of those builds that are
357s insert so we do appreciate your patience
360s I know I see so many people that are so
361s excited for a Jovian concorde I am also
363s excited about it because it means I can
365s finally play the fly Toulon on stream
368s just because we just wanted to avoid
370s spoilers and all that jazz but this is
373s excited because you guys get wisp and
374s all of that good stuff as well as the
376s operation hostile mergers you will get
378s but again still insert so appreciate
381s your patience as always we love you
383s living on warframe at the PC gaming show
386s it's currently happening right now if I
388s look there's an animation for something
391s I'm not quite sure but Reb is there
393s representing warframe we are so so proud
396s of her she was on Jeff Keeley's he threw
399s a youtube show yesterday talking about
402s real Jack and Tonto Khan and all those
403s exciting things and then today the PC
405s gaming shows showing a little bit same
407s but different
408s maybe I don't know at the wash to find
411s out but she is going to be popping up
414s during that stream so please check it
416s out and watch it will of course be
417s posting probably soon after as to what
419s she reveals I don't know don't quote me
422s alright say the date 10 icon 2019 is
425s July 6 it's happening it is oh god what
428s is it what's my math let me just get by
431s not calculator and just go straight to
433s the website like 30
435s what's that it's like 30 days when I was
437s less than that no boy I know it is 26 oh
442s boy then that's make your stomach drop
444s 26 days away is 10 Oh Kahn 2019 too soon
448s bear I agree too soon we're gonna
450s prolong it December 2020 our 2019 I
454s guess it is happening digital tickets
458s are of course still available they will
459s be available actually until a little bit
462s after 10:00 Ilana actually happens
464s because as you know Barrett ear is kind
466s of the coveted exclusive part of the
470s digital pack so he's gonna be here for a
473s week a little bit over a week I can't
475s really recall but that exceeds ten ocon
478s so his little ticket to will be on sale
480s after a ton of cotton as well if you
482s want to get into that and just splurge
484s your ducats on barrel before he
485s disappears anyways it is available it is
488s happening so soon I know I know not
491s kidding when I say this I literally woke
493s up at some random time last night and
495s had a dream about the things I still
497s needed to do for 10050 like just like
499s I'm the car I've really got I like start
501s working on my partner panel like doing
504s like the actual like PowerPoint oh I
505s should really like you know get my stuff
507s together for this Maris cam show and
509s then I actually had a dream that this
510s stream was late and I was not having any
512s of it so just like dream like he's a
514s wedding and just like I literally went
516s to bed stressed out about things that I
519s still needed to do and woke up and I was
520s like oh my god
521s I was literally falling asleep thinking
523s about Samaras game show last night yes I
525s like I went to bed fine and then I just
527s woke up in the middle of the night was
528s like
529s shifted around I was like oh my god
531s there's so much I need to do it was a
533s moment and it'll be though it'll be like
535s that every single day leading out to it
536s probably unless I get my stuff together
538s anyways it's coming it's happening it's
541s gonna be great don't even think about it
543s plague start this Wednesday on all
546s platforms finally it is coming it is
548s gonna be happening so you can get you
549s infested Zaza's and all that great stuff
551s that comes with it and this will
553s actually be the first time that it is on
554s switch if you're a switch player you're
556s ready to pop some pit bulls it's great
557s it's a fun time and yeah that'll be
560s going live to or Wednesday on all
562s platforms speaking of this week night
564s wave intermission we announce that on
566s Friday
567s is not a series - it is not even lore
572s driven really that much series 2 will
576s have newer things such as cosmetics and
579s stuff like that as well as a lot of lore
581s this intermission is because we wanted
584s to get series 2 out before 10 o con with
587s enough time to work on it and put it out
589s as polished as possible but you know
591s what we're trying to do for eternal con
593s all the stuff that is going into it we
595s realized we weren't going to make that
596s mark so instead we whip together this is
599s what we call intermission it's only 15
601s ranks it does have rewards such as kuva
604s forma endo etc and as well the ranking
607s reward is the idol on ephemera so you
610s can check that out and it is simply just
613s stuff to tide you over until we're able
616s to put out series - I do understand it's
618s not as probably complex as most people
621s kind of want it but the really cool
623s thing is we've integrated a lot of the
624s changes that we wanted to do for series
627s - such as reducing the grind changing
630s some of the standing that you get for
631s you know elite and the daily stuff so
634s the forum post has all of it all of the
637s changes as well as all the rewards for
640s the ranks so if you're interested in
641s that please check it out and again
643s series - we'll have more that'll be you
646s know the one that people are saying like
648s it's missing everything well that's cuz
650s it's meant to miss 90% of it just to
653s give you guys some stuff to do again we
655s welcome feedback on these changes for
658s intermission because they will be
660s brought over to series 2 as well as
661s we're adding some new acts that we've
663s talked about before we just didn't we
665s weren't able to add them to intermission
667s so series 2 we'll have new acts as well
669s as everything all the changes for
670s intermission and if you guys suggest
672s some more after playing intermission
674s please let us know we want to make that
676s as good as possible
678s give me amber forma I feel you I feel
680s you don't worry I'm on your side
682s deconstructing podcast episode 4 is live
684s it's part 2 of the sound design where I
686s sat down with George and Eric talked all
688s about warframe sound and we will not be
690s doing well we will eventually be doing
692s an episode 5 but it would have come out
695s on July 1st because we tried to put on
696s the first day of every month we will not
698s be doing that because it is so so close
700s to total con
700s I feel very guilty taking you know
703s thirty to sixty minutes out of someone's
705s day who was working very hard on 10
707s Oakland or things of other natures and
710s Marcus of course he does a lot of work
713s as editing these podcasts weeks even so
716s we will not be doing episode 5 on July
718s 1st the next episode will come out after
720s 10:00 work on once things have calmed
722s down a bit and we can finally breathe so
725s I'm sorry about that but it is in the
727s best interest of everyone sanity
728s including wine that we delayed that just
731s a bit and last but not least procedure
733s pack 14 is available this is the
735s cassowary jade skin including the castle
737s ARB whole arm the jade petit kasuga tara
740s the affinity and credit boosters and
741s platinum so you want to check that out
743s rep some xbox pride please do we
745s appreciate you alright that's all I had
747s to say it was a lot but I got through it
750s House PC gaming all Frankie Oh Frankie I
755s don't know if you guys know I was on pc
757s gaming last year when I went to e3 and I
759s met Frankie and she is just amazing and
761s incredible chuckle fish okay sorry
763s that's my own stream so distracted I
767s from South Africa hello oh my god how
770s are you today you look great so soon
772s we're doing lovely alright so for today
775s I'm gonna be doing the Saltine
777s because I haven't done one in a while
779s been slacking and I feel like a
781s legendary car could happen I feel lucky
783s about it Portugal oh my god hello I was
786s wanting go to Portugal DOS we haven't
788s done in a while huh
795s wonderful foreigner platinum coming your
798s way
798s lucky Twitter viewer by the name of
800s Captain oddball and on mixer jebadiah
804s congratulations both have one foreigner
806s platinum please whisper the winning
808s platform you won on with your in-game
809s Ilyas and popcorn play on so we can get
811s you your 400 platinum captain oddball on
814s Twitch and jebediah on mixer you know
819s what I do agree
820s legendary cores are a myth they don't
822s exist they're not actually in the game
824s it's all it's all phony anyone in chat
827s actually got heard a legendary core I
829s just keep thinking back as to when oh my
832s god let's talk about Keanu Reeves Kyle
833s oh oh my god you guys know I am a Keanu
837s Reeves fan I'm gonna fan in the way of I
840s just want him to be happy you know oh my
842s gosh he's been through so many things in
844s his life and I just look at him and I'm
846s just like I just want you to be happy
848s beautiful you are so talented and I just
852s want you to be happy and so when I saw
854s him in that cyberpunk trailer I
856s literally cried literally literally
858s literally cried and then saw him come
860s out on stage and cried even more because
862s I was mad that I wasn't there to Whitney
864s I'm like I would have probably fainted
865s and thrown up and like everything when
868s it came out it was just like Keanu
870s Reeves is just magical human being who
872s deserves the most in the world and I was
873s like I want to be your best friend if
875s you were in the front row
876s would you have jumped on stage then they
879s would have kicked me out I mean I don't
880s know like what like maybe I would have
883s blacked out and done it but like because
886s I know the repercussions are jumping up
887s on stage they would have kicked me out
889s and I wouldn't have got to experience
890s Keanu Reeves at all but I might have
893s blocked out and I might've downside I
894s don't gonna happen anyone would say that
896s if you jumped on stage while Keanu was
898s out everything was downhill from there
900s anyway so you got the pinnacle I know
903s but I want Keanu Reeves to respect me
904s gotcha I want him to see me in that
906s front row and be like she could be a
908s good friend okay
910s yes Keanu I could be a good friend let's
913s be friends you don't I mean I have one
915s legendary Keanu Reeves is awesome
917s we need a Keanu Reeves skin and warframe
920s that's just what that's just what we're
922s gonna turn all the characters into
924s secretly everyone is Keanu Reeves Keanu
927s Reeves vs. hon how you see Keanu Reeves
930s playing with the puppies did I yes I did
933s it was a great video I've seen every
934s single Keanu Reeves anything like he's
936s just the best he deserves the best
939s Oh someone's calling you out for saying
942s halo is downhill D okay at an xbox press
945s conference there are two things that are
947s for certain every single year one they
948s will put a car on stage for Forte's a--
950s - there will be a halo game that is
952s literally every year for last 15 years
954s so yes there's my answer I think it was
958s a great trailer this is a trailer you
960s know who's gonna happen you saw chief
962s flying out there's a coup well it was a
964s good reveal a good moment right there
965s when I was into it I was into it
968s although I'd maybe I was just wasn't
970s listening properly about I didn't hear
972s like the true halo soundtrack did they
974s play that once they revealed the chief
977s there was a little bit was there I'm
978s messing up and listening properly yeah
980s that's what gets me when I hear it's
982s like I'm going off topic now but like
984s when I saw the Lion King trailer or the
987s even the Aladdin trailer I was like and
989s then you're like okay I'm into it - all
994s josh is right there exactly
996s the feels hey mega John wick based
998s warframe I mean makes us pretty much
1000s John wick with all of our gun-slinging
1002s inky give her a coup bro she got a dog
1004s we're already there
1006s we're just taking it one step I have
1009s never gone to legendary car well this
1010s could be your time because we're getting
1012s into it I'm ready Dean sorry I was
1015s talking a lot all right let's see here
1018s what's the sortie of the day we have
1021s defection ooh hey beautiful perfection
1024s melee only arrest you Xmas stronghold
1026s and mobile defense so if you'd like to
1029s join me today again we're on Xbox one
1032s they'd like to join me please shout out
1034s your name in chat and I guess Dean will
1036s have to do the best that he can to get
1039s that going
1040s Dean did you also see that last
1043s when we did the poll and it was very
1045s broken and hilarious yeah cuz it hasn't
1047s been moved over yet
1048s and I told you it hasn't been moved over
1050s here I knew as soon as I saw her like
1053s ooh he's gonna hate that it was not it
1055s was not it has not been imported yet
1058s good art Dean they're out me out
1061s something microwaved spoon all one word
1066s [Music]
1067s Mike Rowe waived yeah
1071s no numbers that's right you got it
1075s offline while those people I tell you uh
1078s mixer I'm gonna get pie shooter won a
1080s washer whenever I looked down my eyes
1085s gets away okay you got what do you got
1089s these lone wolf kill four lone wolf kill
1099s or senior all right it's not my fault
1107s donut bastard surprisedly you have
1116s Bowser noon today be honest all right
1117s good deal
1118s your last chance Grand Mall grandma five
1122s eight 103 oh grandma I'm sweet so there
1128s we go
1128s not surprising one two three is it
1131s grandma grandma grandma small no don't
1137s think so that's what he says well maybe
1139s one time we questioned it they're like
1141s Star Wars I'm like I'm more of a Star
1144s Trek person than Star Wars but I like
1146s them both okay so you know I just saw
1148s mixer so one just throw up a Keanu
1150s Reeves yes and if you could do that
1152s again I want
1153s I'm waiting for that counter is good
1163s we enable an arles quest
1165s I mean you can get the key from barrel
1167s that's your Avenue there a venue alright
1174s I'm just gonna really quickly check
1179s Darth Maul and grand moff tarkin all
1182s right well but Maul wasn't spelling a ul
1183s so would think I am getting up again
1189s alright oh and actually if you're on PC
1191s and you were unable to use chats we did
1193s PSA about that and we didn't fix it so
1195s chat should be back up for a piece of
1197s players Oh Reb she's so funny okay did
1205s we just
1205s oh there's Keanu Reeves oh mixer you
1210s bless us with such things as a make not
1213s playing inaros blasphemy well to melee
1215s only so you can use Valkyr hysteria you
1218s know it's just just a way to go anyways
1221s art crew that's this party started get
1226s this party started
1227s grandmom petite mall our seizures of
1231s tears unfortunate I don't like that
1235s I broke the chat with memes again you're
1238s talking about PC gamer chair
1239s ooh someone needs some mods on that
1242s babbling where is wisp on Xbox currently
1244s insert currently insert tried not
1248s working for me took go in an age of chat
1249s to the clan
1250s I apologize biker bird I do believe it
1252s is back up maybe relog my feels you uh
1255s what's happening here friends hi sugar
1265s wake up this is one I just saved you go
1268s are you ready to get the new Xbox elite
1270s series 2 controller so was actually
1272s talking about this this morning because
1273s I own an elite controller and it is for
1276s me too much it's too many paddles so
1279s what you sensitive I know you could
1281s change your sensitivity but it's just
1282s like there's just too much going end up
1284s taking the paddles off anyways and it
1286s becomes a normal controller but like a
1287s good grip which I do appreciate that and
1290s I know yeah the only real benefit to the
1291s new one is the tension on the
1293s thumbsticks
1294s great that's probably your biggest like
1296s upgrade otherwise so I don't think it's
1298s yeah I mean I'll definitely check it out
1300s but I don't know I'm a simple kind of
1302s girl just give me the buttons I need
1304s don't give me extra I'll figure it out
1306s it's fine yo man you missed a spot
1320s or maybe it's cuz my hands making me
1326s laugh Oh God oh my god
1330s oh are you gonna have to read me off
1335s some chats because I can't read let's do
1337s it
1339s QB softly it would like for you to play
1342s ps4 alright don't worry the last time I
1346s played ps4 like when I was a child for
1350s Thor yeah it's been that long since how
1352s long I mean oh well I watch read play
1355s persona I never know and then she
1357s testicle about that I can see the
1358s controller but seems like interacted
1360s yeah alright I've definitely been around
1362s it missed out on like last of us and all
1364s those kind of games - really okay I did
1367s play that a little bit but I wasn't like
1369s I need I don't own okay and like
1378s currently the only
1380s oops like what do you call it you know
1385s not the only thing I'd get a ps4 for a
1387s but I'm hoping because now that Joker is
1394s in smash they'll come switch that's my
1397s my goal my dream in life yeah be very
1402s difficult on switch just cuz it's so
1404s tiny it's like the handheld version
1406s houjicha Bala is wondering if you don't
1409s have scanners right now is this true
1411s it's still definitely true it happens
1414s every time
1414s I ain't got no scanners will try and
1417s remember as a group hits ever remind me
1420s yeah
1421s move out crew let go um explosive or
1427s exposes the gamer I would like to know
1429s if a spider-man like frame would be
1430s possible I mean if you listen to to do
1434s constructing podcast episode what oh
1436s where sir sky is talks about Korra cuz
1440s he was a one to pretty much created her
1442s from a aesthetic point of view he
1445s originally had the concept for she was
1448s more spider so that's kind of where her
1450s strangled own comes from very web spider
1454s like but now changed so she was more
1456s spider like so it's definitely not off
1458s the table to have a spider based yeah
1462s style of a warframe also you be so quiet
1469s yeah if a really intriguing question yes
1472s do you have a lotus tattoo I do not and
1476s I've definitely thought about getting a
1479s warframe tattoo but I think I've talked
1480s about this before but I just like
1483s there's there's nothing quite yet that
1486s really like speaks to me in terms of
1489s what I would get I wouldn't get just
1491s like a like copy-paste Lotus
1494s tattoo or like warfarin symbol or
1497s something all got it have to be to be a
1499s little something more you know that's
1504s what you know you know yeah and yeah if
1507s you know tattoos are not something to be
1509s rushed
1519s have you watched f1 I don't know I did I
1523s watched it on Sunday that Oh was robbed
1525s we can all say that confidently Lewis
1527s Hamilton did not deserve that win oh of
1529s course
1530s sick of Mercedes getting the top I know
1531s they're great but they're only great
1532s because they have a really good car I
1534s shouldn't say that Lewis Hamilton and Bo
1535s tosser
1536s amazing drivers I'm sure but let's be
1539s honest they have a lot of money in the
1540s best cut I would rather the race be
1542s about the race back this vettel's new
1547s like long story short if I don't got a
1550s penalty for something and they he was in
1554s first the entire time Lewis Hamilton in
1557s a second and they gave him a penalty of
1559s adding five seconds to his time maybe no
1562s f1 they're like literally a second
1563s behind each other so he ended up getting
1565s second place
1566s what and he was so pissed off about it
1568s that he didn't go to like the the trophy
1570s ceremony but then when he did show up he
1573s took the like number one ticket off of
1575s Lewis Hamilton spot and put it on his
1577s spot like so up the numbers no like oh
1582s it was something that's bold it was it
1587s was bold and probably against everybody
1590s thank goodness but high/low loved it
1593s it's not like you loved it I did I mean
1596s I was angry at the end of the race
1598s because I was like wow I just watched
1599s and cheered for about all the entire
1601s time and he just got robbed
1602s ah what will you tell key for apparently
1605s was for unsafe return to the race truck
1611s because he kind of went off into the
1612s grass and then when he came back on he
1614s got a little bit in front of Lewis
1616s Hamilton which cause of his hannel to
1617s get to get close to the wall and I'm on
1621s Vettel side I mean
1624s he wasn't in control of his car when he
1626s got off so it's not like you get her on
1627s purpose but alas you got a five-second
1631s penalty and that's your ultra Board is
1635s wondering if de intends to sponsor a
1638s racecar Oh probably not probably never
1642s probably not I don't think that's really
1647s proper Ally I would be able to and Enzo
1656s gonzo is wondering can we have a ricotta
1659s prime please if I could give me one I
1662s would it would be my gift to you
1665s well I don't have that power I can draw
1668s you on on a sticky note and send it to
1671s you but I can't guarantee you you would
1673s like it that sounds nice yeah what are
1677s you gonna offer you but it's not very
1678s good chili neato 420 is wondering if you
1684s would sponsor their race car yes only if
1687s it is a doesn't even much investment a
1690s box really a card Helen Mike Baja Mike
1693s down Oh everything's fine it's fine
1698s everything's fine Oh what if a warframe
1705s turns into an f1 car oh look a
1709s transformer it's gonna say what are you
1711s transport well I'm in Rouen not exactly
1714s the rage on rubber that's cool it is
1718s cool put the strong mic drop game thank
1721s you obviously the rappers are gonna win
1726s tonight I just saw a question who's
1727s gonna win
1730s Oh DC Cowboys saying that the community
1736s to drop tattoo examples the work that
1739s the community should drop touch the
1740s examples I'm not sure that they mean
1742s just like as a cool idea I thought they
1744s were suggesting for you to choose from
1746s bed and then Reb slash Cohen can choose
1748s so oh that would be a crazy primetime
1750s it's a lot of your ass so there's a TV
1753s show about that what I think you're
1755s proud of it yeah Cameron emo for some
1758s ridiculous reason but it's basically
1760s best friends go onto the show and choose
1763s a tattoo for the other or is it they
1765s don't see it no and they don't get to
1767s see it until I told on their body but
1769s they pick something bad some do some
1771s don't but most do you would web should
1774s go on yeah I would pick something nice
1776s though I think red would pick what is
1778s the point of it to not pick something no
1780s no usually it's like a lovely moment
1782s they're like oh you knew I loved this
1783s thing yeah like some of them are like
1785s two best friends from like just the two
1786s of us there you go thank you 1044 it's
1789s got Charlotte and some people from
1790s geordie shore on it and it's amazing but
1792s you watched Geordie Shore I guess I oh
1795s my god binge watch oh yeah Geordie she
1799s was amazing but Charlotte's on it and
1801s she's a host and yeah it's like usually
1803s best friends or boyfriend and girlfriend
1805s or family members whatever and most of
1807s the time it ends up poorly but sometimes
1810s it's like one will pick something nice
1811s and then the other one will pick
1812s something mean and then it's like a hole
1814s because they do the breakdown afterwards
1815s of all the people how they react I would
1816s be so angry if something bad for me so
1820s it's an interesting show I think you'd
1822s enjoy it like I've already had to cover
1823s up my own bad tag yeah so I don't need
1825s someone else giving you one that I'm
1827s gonna have to cover up anyway would you
1828s trust Rebekah choosing your things
1830s absolutely
1831s I absolutely live I feel like I vote
1833s this becomes a part time segment what we
1837s do tattoos know where the community
1839s submit suggestions for Meghan's were
1842s themed tattoo and the bet that she was
1843s the winner for Meghan to get oh I think
1846s is like I have like ideas it's to like
1849s what I would get but I just like I don't
1851s know what it would look like I have to
1853s look
1854s that's true psycho I'd really like maybe
1857s one day of Valkyr tattoo but I don't
1859s have to like be seeing Mike skier's Cora
1862s tattoo you know literally got like a
1864s humanized Cora tattoo on his arm like
1867s it's this giant tattoo piece and I think
1869s it's amazing so it's like that's what I
1871s mean like I would get something that
1873s it's close to me and his warfarin
1875s related obviously but it'd have to be
1876s the right there's something there
1881s although tattoos are a big deal they are
1883s I have many
1885s yeah it's a lot to ask people to choose
1888s for you it's letters really yeah I'm
1891s time the movie Ming gets a tattoo the
1892s line there just be a lot of pain
1894s wouldn't it
1895s I mean Oh doughnut you're down yeah it's
1898s not I'm not like a fun person to hang
1901s out with while I'm getting tattooed
1903s I don't like do anything but that's
1905s exactly it I don't do anything like I
1907s don't do that to anyone
1908s I do not open my mouth while I'm getting
1910s tattooed you're like a really boy we
1912s have and just literally me sitting there
1913s like staring into the ocean
1915s oops staring into nothing because I
1920s don't talk what I'm getting tattooed
1922s yeah how I handle it
1924s what's happening peace game show yeah
1927s peace again shows that some guys are
1929s just talking on this thing
1930s guys are just you could tell the
1934s community what you would want and that's
1936s true sign I think that's very like
1938s pretentious though like I really want to
1942s back your tattoo so that one too broad
1945s up for me for free
1946s then I probably pay them if I did decide
1950s to there might be some details to flesh
1952s out no doubt yes there would have to be
1954s for short burger tattoo I do like
1957s dragons not enough not enough to get out
1960s you ever thought oh right
1961s I definitely this is weird but I want
1967s I want teeth Pardo your rant like I want
1972s a whole bunch of teeth just like
1974s randomly everywhere but lately little
1976s tiny but what do you mean like as a
1978s tattoo yeah what would like human teeth
1986s or like animal like canines
1989s I want something to look like they're
1991s rotted I just don't put it on your face
1995s no I would never
1996s okay I just I have to know why I just
2000s there's no reason I love like if you
2002s just see a tattoo of like a tiny tooth
2005s like an individual tooth or multiple
2006s teeth individual teeth okay one tooth
2009s just one here one there interesting I
2013s just love them I love every little teeth
2016s touches are to say have you seen others
2020s who have them I've seen them like on the
2022s internet people would get they called
2024s them like a like a flash banger banger
2027s of a tooth would they be like realistic
2030s teeth or would you do like a cartoon to
2031s know they'd be a bit cartoony
2033s okay would they have faces yeah no you
2035s wouldn't have one that just has a smiley
2036s face of all you can toothbrush being
2037s like good job you don't have every
2040s commercial ever Izzy no it would not be
2043s hurt it would it wouldn't be realistic
2044s so corn on the cob but instead of corn
2047s his teeth that's a chance' oh that makes
2052s my teeth hurt thank you and decisive
2054s yeah hey platinum let's do it I guess
2063s forget the plan oh man all those teeth
2065s thought I need a transition out of this
2067s yeah okay well we get drove a car card
2070s on xbox this month that is the hope you
2072s know we submitted it the first week of
2074s June so hopefully you know the teams
2076s over there Oh more smacked the teams
2079s over there can get to it and approve it
2080s of course p3 is happening busy times the
2083s flow wolf the flow wolf fellow wolf
2089s Oh on Twitch way and donut bastard on
2096s mixer you're using your squad right now
2098s oh you're right Wow what are the odds
2103s you both have one in four and a platinum
2104s please whisper the platform that you
2106s have one on with your in-game alias and
2107s the platform you play warframe on so we
2109s can get you your foreigner platinum at
2111s the flow wolf and donut bastard do I
2113s know you're playing I'm playing with you
2115s he was definitely just down because he
2116s was freaking out 100% he's probably like
2118s throwing a message what I just saved you
2121s I was so close I do enjoy the name pizza
2125s Parker for and I'm all that's amazing
2130s for an animal well for the chaotic urban
2133s area oh I see like your name your dog no
2137s they need to make the partner had been
2140s revived guys yeah oh that's easy people
2143s have asked about the weather in chat
2145s like us the weather today currently
2148s right now it's okay I think it's
2150s supposed to rain
2152s oh it is raining at the moment it's
2155s raining at the moment is it is 20
2157s degrees and raining and will be raining
2159s and it was hot all weekend we need to
2161s water that grass so I'm here for it I
2164s like the rain cools it down it was very
2166s hot trying to sleep last night
2167s especially when I had my sweaty fever
2169s dream about work I appreciate what it
2171s cooked em wet I'll never stop saying her
2179s name that way quick wit says that they
2183s love the rain so that sounds like
2184s wonderful weather huh mm-hmm into it and
2186s do it do you love rain make real talk if
2189s you're caught in the rain are you one of
2190s those it's revenge it's like am I like
2194s am I headed somewhere do I need
2196s somewhere to be a mind just walking to
2198s my car you know like let's say you're in
2200s the middle of getting to a destination
2202s it starts raining are you like oh
2204s whatever
2204s or are you annoyed what's at the
2206s destination though right cuz they give
2208s us a figure just going home but you're
2210s like okay I could change but if you're
2211s going to say an event you're meeting the
2213s community team at Jack Astor's oh I
2215s don't care okay they won't judge me okay
2218s so it's a matter of like who my mommy's
2220s at the end yeah cool
2222s the what's the end goal here my I find
2232s you know like me with my soggy wet hair
2233s that oh I thought kind of good timing
2244s Oh No few people also ask me what your
2247s favorite warframe is Oh God Belk your
2252s hands down okay when did it change from
2254s ember yes you off what I'm playing
2256s yeah that was the turning point for you
2258s yeah like ever primes still one of my
2260s get in there still one of my absolute
2263s favorites will always be one of my
2264s absolute favorites but you know when you
2267s once he is once you scream for your life
2269s it kind of changes everything
2270s we're coming whoa I'm gonna come
2272s attached I think my favorite moment is
2274s that one 10 Oh calm when that person
2275s asks you to scream and you did in
2283s because I will never do it in real life
2285s I just can't can't expect me to scream
2289s like I'm being murdered it doesn't work
2291s I don't have the vocal chords I
2292s literally got sick after did you yes
2295s because my my throat was so ripped up
2298s from screaming that it got infected like
2299s very easily and I had like strep throat
2302s the next day that's not was so bad
2304s plus a 1000 con when they ask you to
2306s scream like you're already talking all
2307s day would have been a lot on the I still
2309s wouldn't like I would I would blow up
2310s someone's ear drums oh it's not like a
2313s like a just like ah it's like it's
2316s aggressive yeah it's not it's not meant
2318s for it and it probably took a couple
2320s takes to get into that oh absolutely
2321s literally Cole who's four had to come
2324s into the the booth and like give me like
2326s what he call advice on how to like
2328s really get that like guttural scream and
2330s I was like okay I'm a sweating are you
2333s do you recall any advice you could me
2335s one name make me but he's like really
2337s like get your body into it like clench
2339s your fists and like literally like squat
2341s down and just like scream and like stand
2343s up you're doing squats to get cots and
2349s you know clenching really gave me this
2353s we lost somebody we get someone new
2357s oh hello did nothing with donut new
2360s what's that
2360s did we lose donut is it don't master
2364s whose we got grandma no don't know oh
2368s well that's a shame yeah wolf something
2370s sorry my friends killer whatever sunny
2372s warmer person on Xbox to come and join
2375s the first person was cabinet XII so
2378s cabinet 12 cabinet XII yep oh geez these
2387s people at oh yeah all right I'm gonna go
2389s to mixer and I see saw lead 32 I have
2397s all of the luck apparently apparently
2400s well I mean mixer you're actually
2402s probably watching on the consoles here
2404s online right maybe or I mean I'm
2407s watching on mix there and I'm not that's
2409s true how about I am Darth Maul guy joins
2413s then and VM don't mind me
2417s wait it says I have every but also shown
2419s up for that great name whoa r2 you
2421s people this squad I think it's just
2422s about updating it's fine moving on
2423s rescue mission let's do it I should be a
2428s Trinity with Megan the rage ever it what
2430s have you seen me rage yes what what
2435s excuse me Dean at koi laugh over there
2438s please go on got some good volleyball
2440s this oh well I'm I'm talking like on
2443s stream okay outside upstream the real me
2446s sure on stream I keep it down to about a
2451s 3 3 out of 10 rage every now and then
2455s something will trigger it but can't be
2457s helped well he was your favorite weapon
2460s Johnny rocker the ARCA plasma one of the
2463s best fake arm airlock one of the best
2465s the war one of my favs I like the twin
2468s Roga I like the spear prime I like the
2471s Piranha prime I like the phone a prime
2475s yes I know the shotgun is a just read
2481s usually rage no sweet my second most
2486s viewed clip is okay but what if why am i
2491s reject what did you do to make me rage
2494s Kyle oh look probably something you did
2498s knowing you and you say have to comment
2503s do people wondering if Rebecca's be on
2506s stage yet I do think she's on after 2
2511s p.m. which is I don't I don't have a
2514s clock is in 20 minutes 20 minutes till 2
2518s p.m. Eastern Time and I think she's on
2520s that's something like 2:30 yeah but you
2524s never know yeah that's the thing you
2526s never know they could say that I'm like
2527s just kidding you're on now so that's why
2529s we are we're on the watch cuz if she
2532s does decide to pop up while we're
2534s streaming we'll watch it together if not
2535s then you'll have to watch it on your own
2537s time that Todoroki is just discount
2545s Zucco says what is his name Todoroki is
2551s just a discount Zucco yeah like from
2555s Avatar
2556s I don't know that's I don't know who
2559s Zuko is I know I would say Prince Zuko
2561s oh yeah
2564s wow that's rude I don't like that guy
2566s what is he saying
2567s it's ajan I mean that agent OH
2575s agent Jane both know very go what agent
2579s aim Bo's is how I'm gonna pronounce that
2582s name not sure if it's right but they're
2583s the ones oh there's the one on your best
2586s boy oh they're the ones that said that
2588s my aunt is asking how to get a job at
2591s two extremes good these extremes are
2592s calm slash careers and see if there's
2593s anything you are qualified for and
2595s actually at Ted o con we wat oh you're
2597s good there will be hello
2600s more energy oh I've been zapped a total
2602s con we will we have a panel that is you
2607s want to work at de here's how you can
2609s achieve such a thing
2612s hacking start burner that was amazing
2616s you need to cipher you're welcome let's
2619s go I run a sassy Ken's would be doing
2622s better
2622s oh shit oh that's how to wroking your
2626s favorite character is what um
2628s DNA chain which is I can remember it
2632s boku no hero I cut them here yeah it's
2634s her token your favorite someone even up
2636s on the he's - he's my favorite male
2641s character my favorite female character
2643s is token oh you got that neato thing she
2648s she got that pokey folks he's got fangs
2652s okay Oh Roy denko's wondering if they
2656s can work for de from California we do
2658s out of California after sure do little
2661s Cali office potentially if it's the it's
2664s the job that's required to be there
2665s could be you well you don't want to move
2667s to London Ontario Canada free health
2671s care house kidding I won't get into that
2674s poutine winner our alerts coming back
2679s knee Dorking house and stuff well
2681s hopefully we'll be doing night wave
2682s intermission this week on all platforms
2684s which is our new alert system
2686s essentially so watch out for that bad
2690s but nerdy bear representing Califonia
2696s front girl is a best girl from my hair I
2699s don't know who front girl is girl
2704s when is Reb on III stream we're thinking
2706s a bit after to Frank and its quota
2710s currently quarter to two almost so
2712s what's the world exclusive on piece of
2715s me is it us
2717s no no that's looks like Castlevania no
2723s war call Judy I don't know
2725s I clicked away moving on last part every
2728s crumbs legendary corner chord major
2732s strife says worth living to Canada just
2735s for early release of Letterkenny
2737s okay I used to watch letter cutting is
2740s hilarious it's great I stopped to watch
2741s season six Sun I'm over the last latest
2744s one else it's what like I wish I found
2747s it like sometimes like just the things
2749s they say or so which character though
2751s what which character would you want to
2753s be the main guy oh yeah I don't know his
2755s name
2757s tarp soft boys let's have a donee brook
2760s sieep mega take your master test I won't
2765s just cuz he said that I meant frog not
2768s friend oh yeah she's great no that is
2773s not Steve lurking on the side I for some
2775s reason people think I sound like Steve I
2777s don't know why boy maybe but now it is
2779s meeting it is me sorry to disappoint
2783s Steve's working hard he put sauce
2786s Twitter he's tweeting stuff yeah to be
2787s fair its Tweety Secrets Skywalker 76
2793s says London Ontario rocks which that's a
2797s great you have a lot of rocks especially
2799s in the Thames River at the bottom of the
2801s Thames River I mean clean and beautiful
2804s Thames River that you can totally fish
2807s out of and eat with no worry that you
2809s will attract a disease so that's some
2812s heavy sarcasm there it ain't so good did
2816s anyone get the data I didn't
2821s you Oh God grandma did you please tell
2825s all you did you sweet soul grandma thank
2827s you I'm gonna for you today
2835s what is juggernaut chillin all right
2845s Gators raft sorry you didn't see your
2848s question it happens but I did see a
2852s question from a few people or one person
2854s multiple time okay asking if we have a
2857s New York office
2858s we do not I wish we did I don't know
2861s this about me but my dream is to just go
2865s to New York and watch a Broadway play
2866s after Broadway play after Broadway play
2869s like I just want to go there for a
2870s weekend especially at Christmastime
2872s because it's that's my jam and just
2874s watch back-to-back Broadway plays and
2876s just pretty much live in the theatre so
2879s answer is no but I wish we did because
2881s I've been in New York once in my entire
2884s life so they just showed warframe in the
2886s coming up section writing we're gonna be
2888s I'm assuming very soon does anyone say
2891s anything in our conversations right oh
2893s yeah but I just saw check it out I saw a
2896s little glimpse a wisp there oh my god he
2899s on X game all people are saying war
2904s famine Joe I'm so distracted I'm just
2906s running around people are saying Clem oh
2908s sweet baby boy Claire getting excited
2913s now or a variant son
2915s these animals this animals they've
2919s already been saved
2920s oh my god grandma oh my gosh all right I
2923s got you I got you boo
2924s everyone's gettin ready Oh baby
2929s [Music]
2930s where is Reb on bed so would like to
2934s know where's rip going to be yeah I
2936s wonder what we're talking about if you
2938s go to slash PC gamer should be
2941s on the show what is happening I'll be
2946s able to oh god if it happens we'll be
2948s able to we watch it together we will be
2953s together in this well we're not gonna
2955s extend this dream like if she's not on
2956s at 2 o'clock we're gonna yeah I mean
2959s maybe if she's on it like 2:05 yeah but
2961s if she's on like 2:30 yeah I got stuff
2964s to do
2965s I'm busy got too much to do
2969s I got things to do is it pizza time bun
2973s ster 92 asks I love pizza so does that
2976s mean any that code I don't know Tilburg
2986s or is still coming my favorite boss of
2988s worth gram he's just so interesting says
2990s chaos Benner you know I'm PC finally has
2992s a novel yeah coming soon a console I
2995s don't think I've made it into the
2996s Geoghan conquer because it went into
2998s cert but I don't the vault
3005s Pepe act says if the Raptors wins he's
3008s released the in-game raptors boss novels
3010s all right that would be amazing
3012s that's first Larry when not yes yeah but
3016s that's actually hilarious because we
3019s have a enemy called the Raptor
3021s yeah oh my god this we should totally do
3023s that can we change its color to red -
3027s yeah Canadian edition like right now
3031s yeah I have the message the producers
3033s get this ball rolling solovey all over
3036s it where are you oh you died
3041s a zombie hugger your wants to know what
3044s your favorite pizza is I have mentioned
3047s this before and I know it's weird my
3049s favorite pizza is I mean I'm a classic
3053s just pepperoni and cheese kind of guy
3054s Brooklyn pepperoni Italian oh yeah New
3057s York style but my favorite my favorite
3065s kind of people is um and it's a set of
3073s marinara sauce it has sweet chili Thai
3075s sauce with obviously cheese chicken whoo
3080s and onions and broccoli it is amazing
3086s and I dislike everything else on foods
3088s pizza I really enjoy their spicy Italian
3091s sausage topping it's what you give me a
3092s sausage topping No well it's like
3095s actually sliced it's not like the little
3097s balls oh the real actual size like that
3100s better that's good but like my my tear
3104s hierarchy of pizza places these pieces
3106s at the bottom except for that piece yeah
3108s have you ever have you ever ventured to
3110s Muldoon okay so you haven't so that will
3114s very quickly be on number-one Muldoon's
3117s is the best pizza in London Ontario
3119s hands down that's a statement they what
3126s they really liked your toppings like you
3128s got it you're serious positive feedback
3130s after news I appreciate it yeah I know
3132s it's weird cuz the whole know marinara
3134s sauce like it's not really pizza or that
3136s just glorified breadsticks it's that's
3139s definitely weird I know I understand
3142s yeah don't knock it's a check I believe
3145s it was even call it had like a name like
3147s Thai chicken
3150s remember just so good now I wanted it
3154s should we do the third fun huh
3156s we should good planning all right for an
3162s applaud I'm going to lucky twitch in
3164s mixer viewer Hornick Lana has gone to a
3168s a Luna on Twitch and Xerox new one on
3173s mixer congratulations you both have one
3175s foreigner platinum please whisper at the
3177s club from you have one on Twitter mixer
3179s with your in-game alias and the platform
3181s play warframe on so we can get you for
3183s any bottom Macari worth is in chat
3187s macarthur I was like treating
3198s what's happening on the show warframe is
3203s Joby and Concord out for us on console
3205s as its death blossom one-eight-seven not
3207s yet to be announced on Thursday of last
3209s week that I went into cert you haven't
3212s heard anything just yet about the status
3215s of that cert from Sony Microsoft and
3217s Nintendo should have to hang in a bit
3220s there hopefully we'll hear something
3221s today because it's Monday the weekend is
3223s over so hopefully we'll hear something
3225s back but when we know you will know
3228s Rebecca says she'll be on at 227 Eastern
3232s and I got a pineapple
3234s I got myself a pineapple here that guy's
3239s 220 bit 226 between 227 and 235 damn
3244s that's a time so you got what is it it's
3247s 151 so you still got like half an hour
3249s yeah till you see ready till you see
3252s Rebecca that's exciting she's gonna show
3255s something great anyway 1.5 starting when
3257s console gets the update it's something
3261s that we turn on in the back end we are
3266s still kind of working on it a little bit
3268s there are some changes we wanted to do
3269s but it will hopefully be this week on
3272s all platforms but it doesn't necessarily
3274s launch with the console update but it
3278s will be on it what happens later dude
3282s please be tomorrow can't guarantee Megan
3287s would you like to have a spider as a pet
3291s like a tarantula I'd have a trench look
3294s like do they have thanks for your bangs
3297s well yes yes I think
3300s that freaks me out anything with bangs
3303s you can get the venema moves but that
3304s seems that seems cruel it's like getting
3306s like cats and dogs declawed I think
3308s that's just awful I agree so if it
3311s didn't have any fangs
3312s as a normal it was just like a bang less
3314s spider yeah sure it was born penguin but
3316s it'd have to be like a thick spider I
3319s don't want no Daddy Lang leg not even
3323s just pet just like know that it's like
3326s spindle II I don't want no spindle II
3328s looking and just like look yeah I'd also
3330s be afraid I'd squishing it's probably
3332s very thin pinpoint a berry what about a
3334s tiny turtle
3335s I would love a tiny turtle it'll outlive
3337s you yeah what show wasn't watching Ninja
3341s Turtles no no there was some it was on
3343s HBO or the girl said to someone who
3346s lived in her building oh I didn't know
3347s you had a turtle and he said yeah and
3349s I'll never not have one is so funny you
3353s have to put they live that long I'm and
3355s parents they what you have to put them
3357s in your will cuz I live that's true yeah
3359s my sister at one point had an African
3361s Grey and they're less fans like 80 years
3364s yeah that's gonna be way longer than me
3366s oh yeah those are the ones I can talk to
3368s their kind of me
3369s yeah not like a little one oh there was
3371s a significant turn oh yeah
3374s I think you mean tortoise I don't know
3376s the difference turtle quarters so
3377s there's a difference
3379s I want a chameleon though well I could
3383s have any kind of like that realm of
3386s animals like Pascal from tangled yes
3390s bring him to work because no fur no
3393s allergies ain't nobody allergic to
3395s chameleons he could sit on your shoulder
3396s for the blood stream you need it was a
3399s terrarium is a three one for reptiles
3401s yeah it needs to have like I mean you
3404s could pull one in your office I can't I
3406s would smell bad it couldn't be worth
3408s what it would be contained
3411s he blames us fridge all right know what
3414s she's good hey stop roasting drew we
3417s love true loved you
3418s geckos are nice pets bad that's you
3420s quick for me freaked me out
3421s Oh gotta have a slower slow rental Nate
3424s I kind of like snakes snake chillin with
3427s you for Xbox one at one little danger
3430s yeah danger noodle when I was younger I
3433s would want an elephant Kyle oh me too I
3436s wanted all the animals you cannot have
3438s in a normal space yeah snakes leopard
3441s gecko too quick can see Megan as a cat
3444s lady sorry just saying I love cats I
3447s love dogs I love a lot of animals I
3449s don't what's illegal cat requirement
3451s requirement or volume yes how many
3459s you're allowed to legally have yeah I
3460s believe three no yeah I think you're no
3464s [Music]
3466s I know a lot of people that are
3468s breakable all right yeah less you're
3470s like a breeder I believe there's a
3472s there's an upper limit of like three of
3474s each breed or something like like three
3476s three dogs because I want to read panda
3478s same no more than six dogs cats parents
3483s and rabbits or any combination there you
3485s go
3486s so so all together can happen the number
3488s of dogs has capped it three that makes
3491s sense yeah they're like children
3492s they're like you know but I guess
3494s there's no cap okay now is that per
3498s householder per person cuz like if you
3499s had like four people in the house could
3501s you have 24 animals in any dwelling unit
3505s all right any oh so he could have six
3508s people living in a house but you can
3509s only have six animals in that mess right
3511s what if you had a guest home Dana your
3515s backyard or like you know like how you
3518s can get like I think they're called she
3519s sheds or he's whatever they're like the
3520s sheds that you have in a backyard that
3521s like you can pretend to like sure
3523s whatever I don't know but they're things
3525s that you build in your backyard that are
3527s actually livable spaces like would that
3528s count as a second dwelling then could
3530s you have 12 animals oh there's like
3532s people have barns and they put any holes
3534s in the barn yeah I mean you can have
3536s chickens I thought that was true not in
3538s London though I look not in the city
3540s yeah oh I thought you could you can in
3542s the country but it's not in the metro
3544s area
3545s uberman action has seven dogs you're
3548s breaking the law
3549s picking lowly ontario auto-fire when I
3553s lived in Florida the number of pets you
3555s could have depending on how much space
3556s you had that's fair but if I had I could
3560s put up many cats and
3562s all space be one big happy family
3565s happy captain I was telling she week
3567s when talks time access we should do that
3570s and yes plague star is coming tomorrow
3573s June or sorry Wednesday June 12 I'll pop
3577s you boy
3578s a pan goli and her honey badger pet
3582s would be badass man pink oldies are
3584s going extinct and it makes me so sad
3586s they are the cutest little things I'm a
3588s boxer she is so cute foxes are adorable
3591s next week on Xbox one at 1 mega named
3593s six cats actually next week will be the
3596s last Xbox one before saying equinox
3602s prime access has gone to fan town Nam
3604s Phantom Nam on Twitch
3606s and cereal bucket 164 on mixer
3610s congratulations you both have won
3612s Equinox prime access please whisper the
3614s platform you have won on with your
3615s in-game alias and platform play work
3617s from 1 so we can get you your equinox
3618s prime access a phantom nom and cereal
3620s bucket 164 hey bean how you doing do me
3624s a favor
3625s what a mess with 14 tell him slash calls
3631s him what I don't even know what you just
3634s said but ok I will try my best to do
3637s what you just said capybaras should be
3639s depends it looks so chill I agree Cappy
3642s bears are pretty cute I always wanted a
3644s what's that Australian one a wombat what
3647s we wanted a while that there's no
3648s kookaburra kookaburra sits in the old
3650s gum tree gum tree marry me something
3654s yeah well there's the first I've heard
3655s and/or a dingo dingo ain't my thing
3659s shrimp actually happen though so it's
3661s got a sound I didn't go ate a baby yeah
3662s everyone thought she was lying at me
3664s front of her but it was real oh my god I
3665s won't take us there I will not take
3667s someone says koala and that there right
3671s there mean though if your goal is mad it
3674s will rip you to shreds they are full of
3677s towns they'll kill you now a sloth I
3680s would love a sloth I don't even if it
3683s did attack you it would be I'd be like
3685s it's so cute I was like kidding shred it
3688s up I want a Bearcat right
3692s koala uh-huh it's lost or the cutest
3695s fight me I will
3695s by you cuz I agree update Xbox Xbox
3698s update when hopefully this week and we
3702s submitted to cert Thursday of last week
3704s is now a new week hopefully we'll hear
3706s soon about the status of that hopefully
3708s it's approved but it is a bigger update
3710s as you know its main line it has wisp it
3712s has guest CD master is the new boss
3714s fight shoot ton of mods UI screen
3717s reworks all that jazz so they're in mind
3720s it's a hefty boy I don't know like we
3724s think that Reb is going to be going on
3725s at the PC gaming show around 226 p.m.
3730s Eastern time which is in 27 minutes so
3734s you want to hang out there that's cool
3736s we're almost done you know Korra Prime I
3739s feel you that'd be great I would love
3741s that arctic fox for the win I've always
3743s wanted a fennec fox so I appreciate that
3744s a chunky update yep it's a trunk or
3747s trunk or of an update crab as a pet I
3750s don't know ever sorry every time I saw
3752s that video of the crab with it nice like
3755s no I don't know if I'm into that I
3757s didn't use a belt rail Jack don't know
3763s nineties prime when eventually I'm sure
3765s I want a succubus for him what's the
3770s closest we have to a plant for him
3771s probably I borrow she looks like a
3772s really bad yeah that's a horse Aaron
3776s she's kind of a plant I'm saying yes
3778s Aaron's all explorers and itís also
3780s nasty plant yeah that's you I would say
3783s yeah like sarin is probably closest to
3785s like the Little Shop of Horrors like
3788s Audrey - Audrey - yeah isn't I borrow
3791s frog she could be whatever you wanted to
3792s be yeah she's kind of froggy but you
3794s also like lily pad froggy right well
3798s Becker deluxe Genesis or whatever
3801s doesn't count you know you never know
3804s what's in Valkyries future she could get
3805s another skin you're not limited to just
3808s one deluxe skin we've said that before
3809s just putting out there anyways uh why do
3814s you have a dinosaur it's a raptor Ford
3818s the Raptors who will win tonight against
3820s the Warriors sorry Stephen Curry Stefan
3823s curry however you say her name but this
3825s bandwagon er it's going all the way to
3827s the bank
3828s with my bank moving on you like what you
3832s like just have fun with it who cares if
3834s you're on the bandwagon it's fun moving
3837s on that's what we have I do know that
3839s last week I said that this week I would
3842s make up for the Xbox one game hub
3845s Equinox prime access but I still can't
3847s get it to work so we can't do any of
3849s those today so I do apologize I will get
3852s down to the bottom of it as to why it
3854s denies me every time I try to look at
3857s the gap game Xbox sharing beat I'll
3861s figure it out I'm gonna have to do for
3862s next time and actually you know that'll
3867s work cuz that's the last like I said
3869s next week will be the last Xbox one at
3870s one I see you've also the last ps4 for
3873s cuz it's also the last project next week
3877s is last of all those streams until after
3879s 10:00 upon tomorrow
3881s I believe Danielle's on vacation right
3883s now I think she's back tomorrow I don't
3885s know for certain if she is ps4 will
3888s happen if not then no ps4 for tomorrow I
3892s blue there is a switch stream I don't
3895s see why not
3895s I don't see why not switch dream 10 a.m.
3897s on Wednesday and primetime I think with
3899s Danielle and myself this Thursday so
3901s stay tuned for that and then we'll see
3904s you next time go on over to
3907s slash pc gamer because Rebekah will be
3910s there very soon talking about warframe
3912s and some exciting stuff that we're
3913s working on and we can show you so thank
3915s you so much for hanging out with me have
3917s a wonderful night everyone stay safe
3918s we're not done yet Megan we're rating
3921s we're reading oh my god oh my god it's a
3925s 4 do close porticoes line I'm so sorry I
3928s got so distracted about everything else
3931s wrap you forgot to remind you Rafi
3933s hugged her we're on this bandwagon
3935s together we're reading a vertical line
3939s warframe partner husband and wife duo
3941s stream with a focus on games with
3942s viewers across all platforms so hanging
3944s out with verticals line 75 and hopefully
3946s maybe we you can watch with him PC
3949s gaming show if he's gonna be watching it
3950s anyways had wonderful night and we'll
3951s see you next time bye