Update 28: Deadlock Protocol is live on PC, which means so is the Q&A Channel! We will be monitoring alongside the professional mod team. Thanks Tenno, go forth and learn/educate!
Update 28: Deadlock Protocol is live on PC, which means so is the Q&A Channel! We will be monitoring alongside the professional mod team. Thanks Tenno, go forth and learn/educate!
A week later: Q&A Channel on PC
It has been little over two weeks since the Q&A Chat Channel launched on PC with Deadlock Protocol and we’re honestly ecstatic to see players jump into this new community resource and get the answers they seek to their Warframe questions.
We have been monitoring the channel alongside the professional mod team overseeing and moderating where necessary. The first 24 hours after its launch was a bit chaotic, but that was to be expected as players adjusted to and were excited about the new channel. It wasn’t long before it was being used as intended, and that has been maintained since! We’re extremely impressed with the level of knowledge sharing and helpfulness we’ve witnessed thus far - keep it up, Tenno!
Coming Soon: Launch of Q&A Channel on Console
With the latest announcement that Deadlock Protocol build has been sent to Cert, the launch of the channel on console platforms is impending. Similarly to PC, the Use Guide will also apply to our console players who decide to use the channel and are in discussions with the same professional mod team to be present in the channel at launch.
Thank you to all who have been participating in the channel respectfully! We look forward to bringing this to consoles with Deadlock Protocol.
Status threads for consoles available here:
PS4: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1202831-ps4-the-deadlock-protocol-update-2805-status-in-cert/
XB1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1202832-xb1-the-deadlock-protocol-update-2805-status-in-cert/
Switch: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1202833-switch-the-deadlock-protocol-update-2805-status-in-cert/
The Deadlock Protocol is live on all consoles! Which means so is the new Q&A Chat Channel. We will be monitoring the channel with the professional moderation team during the many hours of its introduction. We hope you enjoy and please use responsibly!
Update threads:
PS4: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1204171-ps4-the-deadlock-protocol-update-2805/
XB1: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1204164-xb1-the-deadlock-protocol-update-2805/
Switch: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1204166-switch-the-deadlock-protocol-update-2805/