6 months ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Hi Tenno, 

We have received reports of some players being unable to get past the Launcher screen. We are actively working to resolve these issues, but have instructions for the time being. 

First, be sure you are running the latest iOS on your iPhone or iPad device. Many users who have reported a crash after hitting "Play" on the launcher screen are running iOS 15. 

If you are encountering the separate but similar issues where the "Initializing" bar is looping, or you are being told that a new update for Warframe is available when you know you are on the latest version, please follow these instructions:

  • From the Launcher page, you can send Digital Extremes error logs by tapping the top left of the screen
  • You will be prompted to send or save error logs. Tap the mail app icon, and send your logs to [email protected]
  • Please include a short description of your issue, as well as your device type and iOS in the email! 
    • any additional information that you think is relevant will be sure to help. 
