over 2 years ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Files are now available on the Steam Workshop for Styanax, the 50th Warframe!

Like all of our Warframes since Revenant, Styanax uses new tileable shader tech and thus full PBR (physically-based rendering) reference material is not available. Creators are expected to create full PBR materials themselves.

Below is a list of what is included in the ZIP:

  • Normal
  • Emissive
  • Tintmask
  • Body, Helmet, Shield, and Spear Meshes

TennoGen Creators are expected to still make their own specular, roughness, and diffuse maps -- we simply can’t send references for comparison. Spear & Shield Files for Styanax’s Axios Javelin and Tharros Shield have been provided for retexturing. These are not exalted weapons, so any custom textures will be applied automatically when the Styanax Skin they are attributed to is equipped. For an existing Warframe reference of how this functions, see Garuda’s Talons.

Happy 50th! We can’t wait to see what you come up with! :community:


over 2 years ago - [DE]CoreyOnline - Direct link

Hi everyone! We've updated the Styanax files to resolve both of these issues. Thank you for the reports. 

On 2022-09-22 at 1:58 AM, Rillwater said:

Somethings up with the skirt in the Tennogen app. None of the maps seem to be doing anything. The rest all look like theyre working.

On 2022-09-18 at 7:28 PM, NightmareT12 said:

I think you guys might want to update the tint mask files, as it's still the old ones, to facilitate creators ensuring their designed items work as intended.


If you are an artist who downloaded the files before Tuesday September 27th at 4:00 PM EST, be sure to download again so that you have the most recent, most accurate versions!