over 1 year ago - [DE]Momaw - Direct link

We are actively investigating issues with logging in together with our network partners. This seems to affect mostly people in Europe and northern Africa. Symptoms show as being able to pass the login screen i.e. you put in the correct account and password, but then you immediately (or maybe a few seconds later, depending how fast your internet is) get disconnected again.

Will keep you updated with new information once we have it!

Edited by [DE]Momaw
over 1 year ago - [DE]Momaw - Direct link

After digging, we suspect the issue was due to a misconfiguration in the network itself and nothing to do with Warframe. After adjustments, we hope that the login issue is now resolved for Europe/North Africa that were hitting the affected part of the network.

If you're still experiencing problems and you know for a fact that you've using the right login details, we absolutely need your log file to continue diagnosis, so please open a ticket and attach the logs.