almost 5 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

26s [Music]
33s [Music]
40s [Music]
77s [Music]
84s [Music]
112s [Music]
127s I was like hey is she gonna notice that
131s I'm sitting in the day I was so focused
133s on the sound welcome to the stream
138s welcome to the X Box a one at one stream
140s on this lovely Monday of Monday it's
141s hope you had a great weekend I know some
144s people had a short week last week so you
146s had probably a better weekend I hope
149s you're outside in the lovely sunshine it
151s rained here for a bit a little bit of
154s rain mostly Sun I have a bit of a throat
158s sickness so I apologize I mean - I know
161s I'm like if anyone can also vote for
164s this but you know when you're just like
166s hanging out or doing whatever and you
168s can just like feel it like growing like
170s yeah sickness growing and you're and
172s you're like neck now your neck your
173s throat my sickness I'm like throat so I
178s felt like that Friday woke up Saturday
181s and was like oh my god so I drank all of
183s the orange juice of the kombucha ginger
186s that was like a shot to the heart but
190s I'm better but if I sound really weird
193s I'm sorry which is why we're doing
194s something a little more relaxed today
196s you guys are pretty much all in control
198s which I don't know if that's a great
200s thing or a bad thing that I've given
201s chat 100% of control over what's about
204s to happen and we came we'll get there
206s and we'll see a ginger drinking ginger
210s we've come full circle I don't even like
213s ginger I just know what's good for you
215s and I did to have that mindset you know
217s even if I don't like this yeah I mean
219s doing it for my health nice and it kind
222s of worked are using the voting stuff no
224s we're not gonna be using the voting
226s stuff that's not really that's not set
227s up for consoles I think it is but I've
229s never been shown how to do it we can try
231s for a hoot and a holler but can't
232s guarantee it
234s like do you actually know how to do it
235s it says right here chat poll I could put
238s in a poll name oh can we try it right
240s now sure what their politics you know we
243s won't do it let's do try what do we want
246s to vote on real quickly
249s try to think corn or no corn okay over
255s on the cob or corn on the cob or or
260s sweet corns or sweet corn yeah that's
264s what we're gonna vote on looks pretty
266s intuitive prepare for Dean to come in
269s Helen oh okay pull up chin it's not a
272s show up I'm just entering our options
275s here so shall we do bar graph let's see
278s we're doing twitch and mixer yeah all
281s right
281s poll started whoa
285s so either type cob or slightly can they
289s see that can you guys see that they see
291s terrifying graph they can black graph of
295s scary
298s it looks like Cobb is winning though is
300s it is that real-time trying to make a
303s graph is this what we've come to it
306s looks like it okay ready else I'll stop
308s pull okay
310s stop pull it's like flubber here it is
313s our final answer
314s looks like Cobb wins what was the does
317s it give you stats I'm seeing no stats no
321s stats but clearly we have a winner
324s and I think it's Cobb great life testing
327s nothing like it Dean's gonna smack us
333s Nardin we're just we're just having fun
336s over here all right then maybe oh god
339s the sound is on this laptop it's
341s freaking me out
341s Oh what turn up turn out there okay
345s let's jump into the week report before
347s we give you all the power possible
348s during the stream next update is the
351s jovian Concord for consoles Xbox one ps4
354s and switch as you know it went live on
356s PC we hotfix
358s literally every single day after the
361s update went live sometimes even twice a
363s day if we needed to and console has
366s grabbed all of those ones I believe as
369s of this morning they have stopped they
372s grabbed Friday's hotfix and they have
374s stopped obviously grabbing how flex days
376s cuz we're not putting one out today do
378s you not think and they're just
379s integrating piece by piece if anything
382s comes along that we feel is necessary
384s for the console build which means that
388s hopefully hopefully we will be
391s submitting the jovian Concord to search
394s this week I don't want to say what day
398s in case we don't make it but this week
401s feels like a good this time frame I
405s guess to submit that to cert so again
408s Xbox one ps4 and switch will be
411s hopefully submitting the jovian Concord
413s a big juicy update to cert
415s this week that's whisp that is the
418s flight lon they roll all lists
421s I don't know I couldn't tell you I
422s couldn't tell you how to say it cuz I
424s don't know how to say it myself
425s a lot of people can't so hopefully
427s Wednesday I mean even if we do submit it
429s this week it doesn't mean it's gonna go
431s live this week you guys are familiar
433s with the process we submit it to cert
434s and then they test it and they approve
438s it and then we decide when it goes live
439s usually it goes live very soon after it
443s is approved because we're like great
444s awesome throw it out the door get it to
446s the kids get it to the people feed the
448s children so bless you I needed my oh
453s good job they probably picked up on it
455s it was a loud sneeze that's all right
458s why are we talking about Julian's
460s concert is that what I sound like when I
461s say it Jovi and Concord millions concert
466s I got here I see it anyway so stay tuned
470s Danielle and I and Reb will have forum
473s threads up in the forums status threads
475s when we submit to cert what is going to
477s be included in it you probably already
479s know so just stay tuned for that we'll
482s update you on these streams today
484s Danielle is ill and has a injury from
487s moving boxes bless her soul yeah so I
491s don't know if she's gonna be here
492s tomorrow on your stream but we'll see
493s but if not then just check out the
496s forum's and see what's up Tendulkar 2019
499s July 6 how many days away how many days
502s away Chad tell me make my stomach hurt
507s please the answer is 33 days 4 hours 52
512s minutes 51 minute
515s and 55 seconds there's not enough time
518s it's literally ticking down although I
521s finally got a key part of my cosplay
523s that's been stressing me did you know
525s what was in you know how Boone has his
527s vest mm-hmm well it's about summer now
530s isn't it yes I could not find one of
532s those puffy vest but I did this weekend
535s did you Amazon it or did you I Value
538s Village dit by village right what a
540s place it's so helpful drifts doors for
543s the win
543s come on so ten o'clock 2019 is this year
546s July 6 physically sold out but I cannot
550s wait to see everyone that is coming to
552s the event we make it bigger and better
554s than every year a previous so you could
556s only imagine how much bigger we're
558s trying to make 10 Oakland 2019 having
560s the same space having the same
563s restrictions and rooms and such so it's
565s gonna be a great time very excited to
567s show you what we are working on and then
570s the digital pack is live it will be live
572s up until the event and for a little bit
574s afterwards if you want to participate
576s with exclusive rewards and in-game items
579s as well as that ticket to Barrow catears
581s relay which will have everything he's
583s ever sold if you are missing things like
585s myself because girl got stuff to do they
590s can get that moving on there is a new a
592s deconstructing podcast I sit down I was
595s actually a part two of part three but
597s it's episode four it's more sound talk
600s with George and Eric they had a lot to
603s say and I didn't want to exclude some of
607s the great advice that they had some of
608s the great stories so episode 4 is part 2
612s of the sound design you can check that
614s out on iTunes Spotify Google Play
617s SoundCloud and wherever else Marcus put
619s it thanks bye guys and last but not
622s lease prestige pack 14 14 14 is
626s available now this is to show off your
630s wonderful Xbox pride with the castle our
632s Jade skin it also includes the castle
634s our polearm so if you are missing that
636s you want that you can get it easily by
638s purchasing this pack and then have it
639s awesome skin for it as well as the Jade
642s petaca Sagara you'll see it there on the
645s castle wire as well as a fitting
648s incredibly
649s and some platinum so get yourself
651s boosted but that prestige back there in
654s a mixer jobs right now it's correct we
656s do not do twister ups or mixer rewards
658s on the console streams just primetime in
661s the jet stream and as you know there is
663s no dev stream until after 10:00 o con
664s because they have gone dark because they
666s are very very busy working on 10 Oakland
669s stuff but we also have some prime times
671s I believe Reb and I discussed that the
674s last prime time will be June the 20th so
677s that means three more prime times
681s hopefully without cancelling one of them
685s but we should be fine busy busy I know
687s but it's all worth it it will be worth
689s in the end when we can finally show you
691s what we're working so and he knew that
694s Jovian conquered our console talked
695s about at the beginning talked about
696s super quick we are hopefully submitting
699s the Jovian concorde build for consoles
701s to cert this week which means it has to
704s pass cert so hopefully maybe next week
707s it will go live don't quote me don't
710s clip me I'm just saying it could happen
712s so there you go picking his evolving
716s what have I evolve din - oh no when will
720s next podcast be I don't fire next
723s podcast thank you for reminding me I
726s will be recording one this month and
728s then it will go live on Monday July 1st
731s which is a holiday Marcus beautifully
734s put one up on a Saturday so bless his
736s soul he wanted to really stick to that
738s first of the month schedule of doing
741s podcast so bless his soul he put it up
743s on a Saturday so the next one will be
745s July 1st so it's a holiday for many
748s people I think it's the Canada Day first
752s no Western life or July 1st all the day
757s see Canada Day yeah there we are really
762s good about my own country's knowledge I
765s don't know if you could hey I love
766s Canada
767s I love be known I even had to be quizzed
770s on my own country in a very long time so
772s I know the national anthem well done I
775s can sing it in English and French
776s there you go oh you're one up on a lot
778s of us very good a ving yes well you know
781s I have my skills and my non skills
784s I love the vacations there's a good lot
786s of good spots in Canada vacation please
788s don't sing it I wasn't going to you I
790s can't honestly can't even if I wanted to
792s my throat is is fighting back at me
795s right now how's the health care free
797s alright moving on so like I said I'm
801s giving you guys all the power on today's
803s stream because I am lacking strength of
806s my own so if you do not know you can
809s switch to my gameplays alright you can
811s rename your secondaries in your male ace
814s if they are fully ranked drink 30 so
818s rude suit is the gal you want if you
821s want to rename any of your secondaries
823s to whatever you want be it appropriate
827s and then hook is your man and see this
830s to do melee weapons kylo ren's this is a
833s bad idea you know what with this awesome
836s not really working polling system this
839s I've got news I figured out how to
840s change the colors really yeah it was a
842s text or was I just couldn't see it there
844s was text but it was tiny and strange
846s that's not it that's okay as long as we
849s can make it work okay alright and so you
853s guys are already throwing stuff out but
854s let's take it one one step at a time I
856s have everyone is saying this is an awful
860s idea I'm excited about it I'm spending
862s my platinum to give you guys
864s entertainment oh here we are
867s alright guys let's start start the A's
869s start at the beginning of the alphabet
870s we have the acrid the lovely juice gun
875s Akron
876s okay accurate acrid guys I could so
879s let's let's see here we we could do how
882s many polls kid like how many things and
884s it looks like the sky's the limit but I
887s got it's terrifying
888s yeah alright we're gonna do
890s let's do three to vote on okay so chat
893s this is your chance to shout out a name
896s that you would like the acrid if it is
898s related to the acrid that'd be great cuz
900s later on I'm gonna have no idea what
901s these weapons are as I just look at
904s these names that you have named them so
905s we're gonna pick three okay and then you
906s guys can vote on them so I have I get my
908s my mixer children up here I'll give one
912s about a mixer right and then the other
914s two you can be twitch cuz twitch is just
915s flying by see I can't do that one
918s because that was an inappropriate name
919s come on now kids come on you know
922s seriously it approps names guy out of
925s those names ocarina of time
928s oh that is pretty good I think it might
930s be too low 24 I'm just gonna check if I
934s can even do it okay I'm gonna just say
937s absolutely can ocarina for the vote all
939s right so ocarina of time is one that was
944s from Oh where'd you go you want a kr a
948s ka RI na Wei a ka RI na ya / godly h2o
956s on mixer great one you clearly know
960s something about me all right so we got
963s ocarina of time now I need two more make
968s it make it punny make it funny make it
970s cool great vegan jello oh it's yeah
977s thank you sure you sure green Gator gun
981s juicy boy corncob err I mean I like it
986s but it doesn't make sense
987s it's the acrid it's acid it's like a
990s juice gun it's nasty looking at flexi Oh
993s oh dear it's also sorry to bear who's
996s probably gonna be timing people make it
999s good like I said my mother is probably
1001s watching this right right cinco's
1003s mothers think of bombs alright Rebecca
1006s her neighbor Rebecca need a more
1008s beautiful gonna name her Rebecca truly
1010s compared with the anxious or
1013s disappointed face sorry babe I love you
1015s the Meg gun the one Meg gun Meg gun
1020s it's good it's not acrid though okay we
1023s want acrid themed
1024s I need more accurate theme I need two so
1026s two more should just pick one record
1029s syringe I kind of like that okay I kind
1033s of like the play on org or there re geo
1035s ours let's just say regard I have to
1039s record our NGO are for the vote so we
1040s got a Carina of time cigars
1043s of course regard syringe and now I need
1048s one more the words not freaks me out so
1052s that's not that's not do that way oh my
1054s god your eyes are so fast they're just
1055s mean a minute a suggestion I don't even
1057s care to go back and look at gross green
1061s Gatorade I like it alright
1063s Gatorade will be our last one all right
1065s so we got a Carina of time green
1067s Gatorade and rag or is syringe G ato RA
1073s de for Gatorade yep all right we're
1076s gonna do this time let's do I'm not a
1078s bar graph but maybe a pie chart Oh or
1081s going pie
1082s all right let's excited to see what that
1083s looks like oh my god I don't know
1087s oh here it goes oh is it is it making
1089s yeah so start your votes
1091s Gatorade rag or ocarina they can see
1096s that can you guys see open oh I see it
1098s it was dis delayed oh my god the words
1102s are tiny but they are there those are
1104s the work Oh beside the color yeah I
1106s can't see what we did with it so blue is
1108s ocarina purple is reguar Gatorade is
1112s pink I like a Gatorade an ocarina or
1116s just battling it out yeah just battle
1119s for it hopefully I don't get sued by
1120s Gatorade I love like a flat prize and
1122s then oh you're right that just be too
1124s much for chai I don't even know what to
1126s believe
1126s I don't know what's a good timeline for
1128s these I'm gonna give it at least a
1132s minute okay okay maybe less but we can
1135s do a platinum prize cause I forgot to do
1137s one that's fine there's a lot going on
1140s is a locket a drink of water
1142s oh my god our creator time is taking the
1145s lead oh my god like a horse race we've
1147s got bad santa 18 on Twitch and wolfblade
1150s kin on mixer you both have one foreigner
1153s platinum
1154s I know this is kind of insanity and I'm
1156s really sorry bear but hopefully you've
1159s got coffee with you because we need you
1160s both to message or whisper the play
1164s warframe account on the appropriate one
1166s that you won on so I their Twitter mix
1168s there
1168s so please whisper it with your in-game
1170s alias in a platform you play warframe on
1171s so we can get you your foreigner
1173s platinum Bad Santa 18 on Twitch and
1176s wolfblade kin on mixer sorry bear
1179s alright a countdown do you uh do a five
1182s second countdown 5 4 3 2 1 oh it's so
1190s which one I can't see I Karina I'm time
1193s you guys it's like you know me
1198s I agree no time is the winner ocarina I
1206s can't do capital which doesn't work yeah
1211s very close second to Gatorade Gator is
1214s it even green Gatorade yeah green
1217s Gatorade nice and simple oh god what
1222s have I done silently rename like kylo
1227s says don't you dare not make the first
1228s letter capital I know that's what I
1230s don't know why I wasn't bidding me
1232s Ocarina of and then you gotta obviously
1234s capitalize time time yep we all know
1237s this alright Ocarina of Time good one 15
1240s flat well worth it alright guys on to
1244s the next we wanted the ax Bronco prime
1247s Oh baby
1249s AK Bronco prime make it all capital
1252s should I have nah
1255s well I guess they're all capital o
1257s capital in the arsenal tripper rage yes
1262s chef I'm gonna need some good ideas from
1265s you you're a warframe partner it's part
1268s of your contract no I'm just kidding ok
1269s there isn't it they are all caps oh
1272s that's what you're saying
1273s well now I know which are obvious well
1276s they're obviously not warfare me anyway
1278s but kylo doesn't like all capitals so
1280s act Bronco Prime everyone
1283s Oh Shraddha Mineta from Bayer you know
1286s what I like that
1288s alright I'm gonna do shredder Minetta
1289s social red will be our word SHR Edie's
1293s red red and Minetta I like it mixer what
1297s do you got what kind of it kind of juice
1299s you late you laying down act shot boy do
1304s I ever on Titus that's actually what I
1307s might have my gosh that's funny I feel
1309s that donkey kicker or Oregon disrupter
1314s ooh
1316s one-two punch axe splat Oh kind of like
1320s axe gregor disrupter double bullseye
1324s waste of prime
1325s oh that's savage ways to prove useless
1329s bONIES bronchitis
1333s bronco chips AK brontosaurus kind of
1338s like that oh that's a long word though
1340s it's really hard to vote on but yeah
1342s that's true
1343s horse is in the back horses in the back
1348s what a great son
1350s pony power all right I like the pony
1353s theme let's keep with the pony theme
1355s okay I don't know cuz Bronco I was like
1358s why pony power is that one uh I think we
1361s could do better okay but I like the pony
1364s theme or the horse theme we want to
1365s horse theme yeah that's it
1367s do you Glenn likes this yeah this is for
1370s Glenn I'm sure I just named it clinic
1372s glad prime pain and panic that's not a
1376s horse my little pony
1378s I'm sure Poe suggests ACK bony express I
1382s like it
1383s ACK Pony Express alright I will make the
1385s word ACK pony there you go
1389s pony shrimps what mule kickers rainbow
1393s sparkles I know what that's about
1396s oh stallion my little Bronco oh yeah my
1401s little Bronco but that one is okay who
1404s is that my little Bronco Kayla makes the
1408s word for that little okay so what are
1412s you what are our options so you can vote
1414s for shred I'm Aneta by typing shred okay
1418s you can vote for our acapella express by
1420s typing octo knee okay and you can vote
1424s for what was last run my little Bronco
1429s from well good I've lost it was it down
1437s was it chat my little my little Bronco
1441s my little Bronco I can vote for my
1444s little Bronco by typing little little
1448s alright let's make this happen
1450s we're doing do you want a line graph
1453s this time let's switch it up okay a line
1455s graph
1456s oh look at that what is that even
1460s representing that is why oh that's like
1462s oh let me use all right so we got shred
1466s little and was yellow shred little and
1471s back pony i 8p o NY AK pony shred or
1476s little baby i'll I see a Shrek cuz my
1480s eyes are better okay Wow
1485s my little Bronco is popular so far with
1488s a hundred and sixty five votes Wow shred
1492s in second with 62 there also was
1498s probably some like truth to having to
1500s type the littlest I that's why I'm
1502s trying to keep him about the same oh
1505s mixer mixer you're also wrong also on
1508s the little train oh my gosh I think my
1512s little Bronco is taking them i thinkin
1514s though but I think it's a sweep here
1516s alright so we'll start pull there folks
1518s my little Branca a little Bronco he's
1523s the winner with
1526s how many boats fair I don't even know I
1528s think it was a nice 190 Dan's taken the
1532s lead
1532s my little Bronco I know I just have this
1539s my little Bronco strange note we're
1542s gonna leave here for the next person are
1544s you writing all night little Bronco yeah
1546s alright we've got the AK lados act Latos
1551s Broncos huh well it's too late now isn't
1554s it okay alright so we got the AK lado so
1563s maybe stick with the axiom double duel
1566s what's a radar graph a radar graph
1570s probably when I think radar I think like
1572s weather okay I don't know oh oh it looks
1577s wild
1577s alright next one spider web I saw AK
1582s Jared Leto and I'm into that
1584s okay so Oh Jared Leto I'll make Jared
1588s the first one JK r EG alright so act
1591s jared lee is it Leto Leto biggest Leto I
1594s don't know
1595s I get them mixed up what do we got
1602s Leto lad oh my eggo I don't know if I
1607s like that I'm good
1608s I see that I see the effort I'm into it
1611s you notice me senpai I don't know if
1613s that was quite what you wanted potato
1622s like latte oh I like a clock okay aqua
1625s watch a so watch a will be the word for
1627s that
1627s no ATT e yeah game
1637s [Laughter]
1639s some of your stuff do a lettuce shooter
1642s what
1642s acha lettuce cielito oh I kind of like
1645s see you later okay so I'll make lado
1650s alright see ya later
1653s Celie now Oh little little phrases those
1658s are great okay so you can vote for act
1660s jared leto by typing jared you can vote
1664s for a clot a by typing latte and you can
1668s vote for SIA Leto
1670s by typing Leto OTO
1673s here we go I love you this is a radar
1676s what is that graph what is that yeah you
1680s see it's kind of like there's a triangle
1682s situation and the middle is what's the
1684s weird white things I think those are the
1688s numbers coming in I don't know but you
1690s can see that lados in the lead because
1692s it has the strongest part of the
1693s triangle oh there's like it just looks
1698s like a piece of piece oh yeah so see you
1702s later in the lead with 145 really Jared
1706s Leto's not working Jared Leto is only
1710s only has 28 you guys not like Jared Leto
1716s and latte over here has 73 on the wane
1722s Leto Leto Leto however you want to say
1726s it same guy you guys just make me want a
1730s latte no no we want lattes should we run
1732s a platinum price for this vote as well
1734s we show all right do it 400 platinum
1737s shall we
1739s we have very different tastes I guess so
1741s learning a lot about you today chat all
1744s right 400 platinum on Twitch has gone to
1747s Li Ming o57 and mixer is df/de flow to
1758s flow 1913 graduation see both a1 400
1760s platinum please whisper message
1763s the winning platform you've won on with
1764s your in-game alias and platform you play
1766s war for months we can get you a
1767s foreigner platinum leeming 0 5 7 on
1770s Twitch and Diplo 1913 on all right all
1775s right all right what do we got who's the
1777s winner shall I
1778s I'll count down from 5 check your last
1780s votes 5 4 3 2 1
1786s the winner is Lena with a hundred and
1790s ninety-one votes which means see you
1793s later see you later the name I like that
1796s one you guys picked well alright let's
1812s do an interesting one okay who named my
1816s twin ricotta's interesting when
1819s ricotta's I feel like it's gonna be a
1822s lot of Clem and which I appreciate
1825s clowns
1826s yes Glenn let's do a little something he
1830s can be Glenn but let's spice it up a
1833s bitch something Clem Clem something
1836s Clementine you know Clementine will do a
1840s bar graph for this when I come into it
1842s I'm in the bar graph twin Clamato Clem
1847s Clem Cadiz twin frittata
1851s I like the rhymes klemon aiders oh those
1854s are good sweet and sour mmm Oh mcdonald
1857s sweetened salmon Darbo dealers oh I kind
1861s of like the Darbo dealers will name will
1864s do Darbo for that way Darbo dealers is
1867s one of our
1868s option to win Jared Glens I really hope
1871s no one needed this receipt is it a
1874s receipt yeah anything to do with razor
1881s chitty-chitty-bang-bang Glen world's
1884s pink Clem double frenzy twin afresh
1888s chowder
1890s Clamato hey Clamato juice me too
1895s Clements I saw had this Grenada in half
1900s I kind of like the like sentences those
1904s are those are good sharp-dressed glen
1907s linda Coty's kiss kiss Clem Clem will
1911s change me bang bang I like oh okay Oh
1914s what was that hakuna one oh sorry -
1916s Nagar kata o kumi kata one of them
1920s that's gotta be alright I'll just make
1922s that's a tough word will do ricotta
1924s because I feel like no one knows how
1925s this well ok sure it'll be divided so
1927s Roth kata we can all spell Hakuna Matata
1931s what a wonderful phrase oh crap got dog
1935s ain't no passing craze remember we
1938s promised missing yeah I know that was
1940s her last one we were made for ger cada
1946s you baby all that B's B's be ok yeah
1951s ricotta
1953s I hardly know her I kind of like that
1955s would that fit though let me just double
1956s check crack oops
1959s cat
1962s I hardly know
1967s all right we'll do that Mikey oh no no
1972s we're oh oh like nowhere nowhere yeah
1979s doesn't quite have it anymore it sounds
1981s good it was a good try yeah a good try
1985s all right so need one more that's me
1989s what is it 24 characters or less
1993s Klem tato tato no Clem just death cougar
2003s Cod is one clan ranged blenders will it
2007s blend will it blend
2012s got a plan twin Rebecca hands I'm Clem
2020s better than one piccata
2022s oh my god it's actually that's not gonna
2024s fit unless can I do I'm like I can do
2027s numbers Oh won't work okay and we'll
2035s make the word for that better all right
2037s so we got better than one ricotta
2039s hakuna ricotta what was the first Darbo
2042s dealer's Darbo dealers so you can vote
2045s for Darbo dealers by typing Darbo you
2048s can vote for hakuna ricotta by typing
2051s ricotta and you can vote for better than
2055s one ricotta by typing better here we go
2061s whoa what was that one ricotta Wow oh my
2072s goodness
2073s I mean I appreciate that y'all are Lion
2075s King fans very much I'm down with that
2080s wow this is overwhelming yeah again I
2084s don't know if it's cuz you're so
2085s familiar with the word ricotta but in
2090s second place we have better than one
2091s ricotta yeah it's such a literal literal
2095s interpretation of it yeah
2097s part of its charm part of its tribe
2099s absolutely okay no no I think it's uh I
2102s think it's a swoop is there's another
2104s swoop yeah all right we'll stop the poll
2106s here at 303 vote for Grenada oh that's
2113s wild
2114s so hakuna matata hakuna ricotta yo just
2119s fix my computer
2123s okay
2128s [Music]
2131s I could put a Sun emoji I would yay
2138s should I put an s maybe alright what's
2143s next what do you want chat Thank You
2145s tiger guys what do you watch ah what do
2150s you see that you would like to to name
2153s we could go to melee we could switch it
2155s up Oh
2157s got different types of names that way
2159s well do one more secondary and then
2161s we'll go to play Disney wants to know
2164s your isn't he it's always watching Adaro
2168s Spira check to see if your Dean is
2175s freaking out right now
2176s back using the feature excuse me there's
2184s no going back there is no going back
2186s we've
2193s don't were in the clear guys he's no he
2196s hasn't noticed he hasn't noticed yet all
2198s right we're gonna do the spear Prime
2202s okay Europe Prime keep in mind looks
2206s like it's kind of like New York or whoa
2210s I have Mike did a wild thing
2212s oh my just been here excuse me haiku
2218s kawaii Oh Beto do you want to make me
2224s upset
2224s just kidding it's okay guys it's early
2227s all right spear Prime renaming what do
2229s we got throwing carrots but Stallion
2233s real needles death spiral of death sauce
2237s spear the dragon spirulina shadi needles
2244s experiment spear you later
2248s fancy shanks oh I kind of like fancy
2250s tank thanks he shanks fancy shank we
2253s have another Mike wild thing going on I
2255s might have to trade you out for a mic
2257s well I don't know which one of us it is
2259s so we'll just trade both but keep going
2261s there our first word is fancy so that's
2266s fancy shanks RAM bridge Oh Oh God
2275s actually no yeah put that on there
2277s Ram RAM RAM RAM oh my Megan all right
2281s ranches on ranch cool boy I mean I think
2286s knowing Chad we'll know which one no one
2288s else I think is one that's better than
2290s the RAM branch well there goes that vote
2295s there I'm just I'm here for the people
2298s and I'm giving them what I think they
2300s want this is Spira I like it Spira ribs
2306s this is here
2309s pineapple and orange wherever hit for
2313s the win I know you could think of a
2315s think of another one we might be able to
2318s to overtake Ram ranch if that's even
2321s possible my new mic for me all right can
2328s I'm gonna turn this one off okay
2346s talking talking we're back sorry chat
2349s alright
2350s sorry so we got Ram ranch we got what
2352s was the first one fancy fancy shanks
2355s Thanks
2356s fancy shake shake Ram ranch I couldn't
2363s possibly stand up to that we could do
2365s just two if we why feel like third we'll
2368s give it up yeah a little a little
2369s excitement more of a chance pickle got
2373s to compete with oh I know I had a really
2377s bad fever dream one would he call it
2381s Canada Day where I ate too many hot dogs
2384s got sunburn no oh he's Austin yeah he
2395s stroked ate too many hot dogs was
2397s playing spyro the dragon and ended up
2400s having a fever dream I'm Spyro the
2401s Dragon there's like a nightmare and then
2403s I parked my hot dogs that's kind of a
2405s wild wild time it was a rough time sorry
2409s anyways we need one more for your friend
2411s what do we got you are a spirit spear
2416s Bob spirit pants all right I like it all
2420s right spirit Bob is the word
2423s okay so you can vote for fancy shanks by
2427s typing fancy you can vote for RAM ranch
2431s by typing ranch and you can vote for
2434s Spira Bob spirit pants by typing spirit
2437s Bob let the best be gonna determine if
2439s you're a weirdo or if you appreciate
2444s anime and while we all find that fancy
2446s sheiks had the lead for a hot second
2449s Ram ranch oh look at it go oh come on
2452s guys you have to fight against the RAM
2455s ranch this is a ram branch apocalypse
2459s wait against the power of Ram ranch I
2462s don't know if it could be done me again
2463s no either the ranch is strong the ranch
2466s is strong
2469s it has a hundred votes more than fancy
2472s shanks at this time you're all gross I
2482s mean look I said this determines how I
2485s now perceive you it was the true nature
2487s of chat yeah this is what general to
2492s Nobby don't don't ask questions you
2494s don't want to know the answer huh the
2498s ranch is strong with this one
2502s yeah don't google it that's just picture
2504s in our minds you know Kraft ranch
2507s dressing and rams you know what's
2513s hanging out in a field that's what it is
2515s I pull something it's all it is you
2519s brought this upon yourself I was this is
2521s up to you you guys have the power just
2523s of course I picked Ram ranch does not be
2525s that you need to vote for it we had
2528s spear Bob spear pants that's the most
2530s beautiful thing ever
2532s someone just said name not valid bets
2533s hey what if it doesn't work now it'll
2536s work guess we'll see
2538s I haven't voted so you don't know me
2540s well okay that's that's for us sure
2542s actually I don't know if it is you or
2545s not well I'll give the five-second
2547s countdown 5 4 3 2 1
2553s the winner is RAM RAM oh we are all
2555s surprised 187 vote God fewer votes than
2560s the last time it looks like people
2562s didn't want to reveal themselves you're
2565s like oh my god she's gonna look back at
2567s the logs and know that I voted for red
2569s but in all capitals is what books oh you
2572s got it because news and 1993 with an all
2577s cabs yes yeah give me the cute crystal
2580s just says Wow well this is what you want
2584s this is the power that I've given to you
2585s is now all right let's take a break from
2599s murder I tzer's and let's actually go to
2601s Cetus and do some melee shall we cool
2604s just uh for the record I voted for fancy
2608s auto fire I believe you I believe your
2611s sweet soul
2612s I think if first people started voting
2613s for spirit Bob then they're like there's
2615s no chance there's no chance to fancy
2617s that happens a lot like if I see a poll
2619s or some kind of voting and you clearly
2623s can see who's gonna win you get that
2624s feeling of like does my vote actually
2626s gonna change this yep
2629s all right we're going to leaders time to
2633s scour the logs there go bear enjoy your
2635s ban hammer and everyone who voted for
2638s Ram ranch you know get out of here
2645s I've been in the sinking ship but your
2647s boy Chris made a terrible mistake I told
2650s you this is how I judge you based on
2653s your answers rip me sorry I gave you a
2658s warning give you fair with every vote
2661s counts you're right okay right all right
2663s we're going to hook where are you at
2667s whoo all right other services such as
2673s [Music]
2674s [Laughter]
2676s whoo we got options kids this is my baby
2680s as you all know so we might that might
2683s be the one that we end with because you
2685s know the war is my baby Kelly Roos said
2688s I tried to fight them but the memes were
2691s too strong the memes are strong that's
2693s hard to not mean I feel you all right so
2696s what do we got we could do Zetas start
2698s the war when maybe we'll save for last
2700s if I'm feeling up for it
2702s the benka hanbok Chris would do a
2704s cleaver is redeemer rip cos cyber is
2707s gonna ski a jet back spring lake wants
2710s you to rename the war to peace oh I like
2714s that that's nice
2716s broken war broken scepter all right Chad
2720s what do you want what do you want to
2721s rename it's having to meme her baby war
2723s we might do that at the end let's see
2726s how the rest of these go right a ram
2728s ranch kind of rolls I don't know how I
2730s feel about Mario oh that's good
2732s honey I knew any any Wario puns and
2737s we're Luigi oh sorry wow the we do war
2740s never changes
2742s I'm gonna do the Redeemer okay we named
2746s the Redeemer chat tell me
2750s instruct me how much to do with my life
2753s I need guidance get red dead redemption
2766s for all your fiber glory for the renamer
2769s left bank out to crazy Wolverine
2773s thingies truth Redeemer coder big Wanda
2781s Wanda
2783s Deadpool mode pretty kitty peep you
2786s ranked 3 3 and branded me say that one
2791s soul redeemer mm very animated well that
2795s is pretty cool oh my god my legs over
2801s deeper it's very very anime Redeemers
2805s ranch okay okay
2808s /e shooties swish shoot pop blade big
2812s stick
2813s big stick solid shooter because you're
2818s fightin allergy problems over
2823s spatula look like a spatula to people
2827s sorry I need to I need to I give another
2829s look at my Redeemer that look like a
2831s special kind of like a bottle opener
2836s bottle opener shotgun axe how do I use
2842s this
2842s how do i tigress ooh FairPoint can
2847s opener de reamer was kind of fun
2850s Frege bag batteries not included that
2852s won't fit Robin man redeem stick kill
2856s with the pointy in pizza cutter prime I
2861s do love a couple has or is this a sword
2866s how do you put a question mark by I
2870s could I would absolutely put is this a
2872s sword
2873s Pikachu blaster the mirror what am i I
2880s kind of like what am i yeah yeah today
2883s what okay what all right so what am i
2886s won okay so what is our first word what
2893s am i redeem pizza Hasselhoff er
2899s Hasselhoff no refund now a bad deemed
2905s unnecessary what's that deemed necessary
2910s Lionheart put a peg a stick this lousy
2916s t-shirt haha the fun part
2919s Rock Paper Shotgun oh I kind of like
2922s that isn't that um that's I'm a comic
2926s book yeah there is a website earth
2928s something like that huh
2930s nice baby shot good I don't know if they
2933s don't actually fit though rock paper
2936s yeah website Oh it'll fit all right so
2940s we got Rock Paper Shotgun
2942s what's the other one uh yeah what am i
2946s yeah many 100 for the Redeemer okay I'll
2952s make the word for Rock Paper Shotgun
2953s Rock
2955s perfect what's big Wanda why is everyone
2960s walk big Wanda migrant water to faster
2964s Slap Chop I kind of like slab Joe Slap
2967s Chop slap job
2968s Danielle would love it she loves it
2970s actually told her the other she was
2972s talking me about how she's named her
2973s stuff after like infomercials to which I
2976s said she needed to name the other ones
2979s after vines because we obsess over vine
2981s compilations on the daily all right what
2984s do we got what do our options okay if
2986s you want to vote for what am i type what
2989s if you want to vote for it rock paper
2991s shotgun type rock and if you want to
2994s vote for Slap Chop types backup and
2997s remember this is the Redeemer so
2999s whatever you feel is more fitting all
3000s right here we go here comes a pie chart
3002s oh I love a good patch oh oh oh oh rock
3010s is coming in so it was rock paper
3013s shotgun rock paper shotgun is it alone
3015s but Slap Chop is there or what am i is
3019s that soft top of the bottle yeah a slap
3021s shot good I know that's rock paper
3023s shotgun oh is it the purple yeah purple
3026s is rock paper shotgun
3027s but Slap Chop is pink oh my goodness
3030s should we run a platinum prize in this
3031s yeah that's yours or third 400 platinum
3035s fries probably a bad idea to run these
3037s eyes the chat is freaking out poor bear
3039s can that's a good plan okay get it get
3042s his whisper but it's okay whoa wow I
3044s want to follow with some channels some
3049s channels I want to follow some channels
3052s okay on Twitch and the Alliance of
3056s Saiyan on mixer congratulations
3059s you both have won four hundred platinum
3060s please a whisper the channel that you
3062s have won on with your in-game alias and
3063s the platform that you play warframe on
3065s so we can get you a foreigner plant them
3066s I don't want to follow some channels on
3068s Twitch hey that's a sentence oh that's
3071s funny and the Alliance of oohs and ahhs
3074s and a Saiyan on mixer done deal okay I
3079s mean shall I begin a 10-second countdown
3082s it's very close right here we go check
3084s it your boats ten nine eight seven six
3089s five four three two one
3096s Oh oh my god that was so close
3101s what is it what are the numbers the
3103s winner is Rock Paper Shotgun
3104s whoo with 139 votes but in second place
3109s we have slapped chop with 134 oh it was
3112s so crazy wow I like that kind of vote
3118s sad isn't it that was spicy got Rock
3121s Paper Shotgun I guess I could use the
3127s key bed shotgun Constance is saying no
3133s in all caps so is drinking off the
3135s seconds laptop voters are upset and shy
3138s well you gotta you gotta speak up you
3140s gotta get your voices heard I got a
3142s rally together the text is way too tiny
3145s you know MIDI L I'll be real with you
3147s it's not fully ready to show this is a
3150s prototype that was a prototype just to
3152s suddenly decide to play with Dean is not
3154s gonna be how you not judge Dean's very
3157s capable LT media skills this is just
3160s being bad all right we're gonna do one
3165s more and maybe the war we have time okay
3169s one more guys what do you want cyber is
3173s pretty unique it's like a ice pick
3176s Greg in the con is cool could you dragon
3179s things cyber yeesh is that a star we
3185s want wisp soon
3189s soon all right cyber what do you want
3193s were these cybers what's the description
3195s for it I forget ice and motion can crush
3199s mountains this frozen hammer is no
3202s different
3202s well well Iberian bear oh I also on a
3206s stick
3207s whoa Siberia it go let it go
3213s why so much cryotic ooh alright actually
3217s I like that
3218s why so much product why it's make sure
3220s it fits so much cryonic yeah alright I
3226s will make the word cryotic hey why so
3229s much cryotic is one of them oh you guys
3234s are fighting big Wanda still in the
3236s right I don't know why that's there Pig
3239s Wanda Care Bear I scream for ice cream
3243s eat your face off Bob the Builder bear
3247s Bernstein bears shaken not stabbed their
3251s likes second best bear second best bear
3255s mm-hmm oka sees bestbear bestbear
3257s bestbear snowman destroy her neck punch
3261s attack Siberian Husky I bought that
3266s thing with a camera on a Tuesday Oh does
3269s that fit Canada Tuesday all right so we
3278s got Canada on a Tuesday I'll make the
3280s word Canada Canada on our Tuesday
3285s why so much cryotic hang here one more
3292s unbearable
3295s tone about whack-a-mole meat popsicle
3301s willing to sacrifice her love that got
3304s aggressive whack a penguin no blue ice
3310s pop actually chat while you guys are
3314s thinking of ideas I had a bet last night
3317s that I ended up winning that you know
3318s those giant boxes of frizzy pops yeah
3323s so we bought that and we're like is if
3328s you just put it in the freezer will it
3329s freeze and I'm like no I was like it's
3331s not gonna freeze the entire box because
3333s science like you got to take one out if
3335s you want one and like give it like three
3337s hours and so I was being argued that the
3340s box would freeze in three hours or at
3341s least one of them would freeze and I'm
3343s like no you got to go it out so we did
3345s so we like separated them and like I
3347s took four out and then we put the Box in
3349s three hours later who won me naked
3352s that box is not gonna freeze in three
3354s hours chat Megan no science ice I'm
3358s impressed
3358s Oh someone wrote my tongue is stuck wait
3363s stop
3364s Oh with like the list yeah let see pop
3367s poop on a stick that's aggressive
3369s why so cold walk over dear
3373s Elsie's toothpick yogi bear teddy bear
3377s let it go
3378s unbearable popsicle Megan is smart
3383s Megan is my purse Megan knows freezer
3385s pops oh my breeze pop science my wife
3393s left me let's see that one my wife okay
3398s and the word for that will be wife Wow
3400s we have some zingers for this one so we
3402s got my wife left me
3403s wait what was it I will read them out
3407s here so if you want to vote for
3409s why so much cryotic type cryotic if you
3413s want to vote for Canada on a Tuesday
3416s type Canada and if you want to vote for
3419s my wife left me
3421s life here comes another pie chart
3425s because they're my favorite and I'm
3426s almost certain that was a joke because
3428s he wrote it each of the words was a
3430s capital letter so it was obviously being
3432s named my wife left me
3434s if he if your wife left you I'm sorry
3437s but life goes on you'll be okay
3440s it might be the name of my cyber so my
3443s wife left me with a spicy lead that's
3446s the one attitude in 39 oh my god behind
3450s we have Canada on a Tuesday Oh carry on
3453s a Tuesday so true though y'all better
3459s type wife life is better Karen took the
3463s kids Karen the cruel all the wife so
3473s many wife's in chat this may be our most
3478s voted for name yet too much cryotic for
3480s my wife okay I think that we have
3483s ourselves a win yeah Karen definitely
3485s has that I want to talk to your manager
3487s haircut absolutely
3489s the winner is my wife left me 219 oh
3494s yeah you're Savage I mean I picked it
3498s I'm also Savage I can't believe any of
3502s you I love you look there we go that's
3515s for you whoever that was my wife left me
3520s fifty blonde oh man that didn't take
3525s long for her to leave just 50 blonde my
3527s wife leaves Hey all right what time is
3531s it
3531s it was me Thank You Megan country theory
3534s I'm gonna go with the fact that you just
3536s said thank you I think that it was a
3539s joke and your wife didn't actually leave
3541s you country theory please tell me
3543s because I will feel bad if your wife did
3545s leave you before we do the last one
3547s should we run the Primax okay let's do
3549s that let's do that country tell me tell
3553s me it was a joke
3554s I can't go on knowing that your wife
3557s actually did leave you do you remember
3559s that prime time though where we're doing
3561s the dojo and one of the decorations was
3564s someone spelling out my wife left me it
3567s was a joke it was
3568s based on a previous prime time stream
3570s exactly crunching I appreciate you so
3573s much that's so funny all right awesome
3575s CAD 53 on Twitch and enthuse mango 81
3579s has an 8 on mixer you both have one in
3582s equinoxes prime access big honkin pack
3585s of goodness congratulations please
3588s whisper the platform you have 1 on with
3591s your Indian alias and platform that you
3593s play warfare 1 so we can get you your
3594s Equinox prime access awesome CAD 53 on
3597s Twitch and enthused mango 81 on mixing
3602s alright it was a big win time we don't
3607s have time to do the war guys I'm so
3610s sorry so maybe maybe if you have some
3615s good ideas
3615s tweet them to me and I'll think about it
3617s next time white access when oh good oh
3621s my gosh sorry guys we've run out of time
3626s because I sell to do the to Xbox what oh
3630s no I don't actually I can't cuz it broke
3632s so I will be doing I was denied the
3635s entry to do this so the Xbox one
3637s community game hub Equinox prime axis
3639s prizes I'm having a very congested issue
3642s right now no thanks feels like it's
3644s gonna explode
3645s Morecambe Bucheon here oh goodness
3648s the Xbox one community game home winners
3651s for the equinox prime access prize I'm
3653s not able to do them today I am sorry so
3655s we will do for next time because I do
3657s too every stream so will do for equinox
3661s prime access prizes afford the Xbox one
3663s community game hub next time so I
3666s apologize but we will get to that next
3668s time and I will fix the issue but we are
3671s raiding a wonderful warframe partner
3673s black Oni is an action RPG focused
3676s streamer aiming to knock your socks off
3677s by entertaining enticing and educating
3680s the triple ease of the night
3683s so enjoy black-owned a thank you so much
3685s for watching there might be a ps4 for
3688s tomorrow depending if Danielle's feeling
3689s better we shall see and there will be a
3692s switch dream this Wednesday at 10 a.m.
3694s and then prime time 7 p.m. Thursday with
3696s Rebecca and myself so have a wonderful
3699s night stay safe be kind everyone
3702s and if your wife left you I'm sorry but
3705s it will get better by