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So there are three reactions I have to kuva liches when they generate and this post is really about the last:

  • Kuva lich with a new weapon: Awesome I get a new weapon bring it on!

  • Kuva lich with a weapon I already have but with a higher stat: Ok a bit meh but at least I get something useful out of it.

  • Kuva lich with a weapon I already have but with a lower stat: Guess I get to fight you for literally no benefit whatsoever and suddenly it feels like a pointless slog.

It'd just be nice to have some kind of garuanteed useful drop of some kind so that even when your lich has a completely useless weapon it doens't feel like you've wasted 3 hours to recieve absolutely nothing. Perhaps this drop could only be recieved when you convert a lich so that you don't get it ontop of a brand new or improved weapon on a lucky roll.

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over 5 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Originally posted by Capt_Ido_Nos

That might be a bit much, given that is many many times the amount of kuva you get from the hourly kuva flood on a base level. Considering that a lich takes 3-5ish hours on average to take down, I think that at least matching a flood's output over that same time would be fair and rewarding. I wouldn't say that going 20-50x the amount is fair, that's just way too much, but I think that something like 4.5l-6.5k would be a range that would be both rewarding considering the time spent, and not a windfall every time.

We plan on adding Kuva (scaled up by rank), so by the end of a Lich encounter (if rank 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 all encountered) you would have at minimum 5,000 Kuva. Since you are likely to repeat the final rank 5 encounter, you'd make out with more. And if you're lucky on the Requiems, you may make out with less.

Numbers not final, but that's the ballpark.

over 5 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Originally posted by RaY0n

Thank you for your answer though don’t you think people will abuse that system by deliberately failing their encounter? Wouldn’t making that drop a one time per Kuva lich level be better? I fear that people failing their lich on purpose will hinder a mission pace, leading to some salt from the community.

Yup, could be bad, we'll have to account for that!

over 5 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Originally posted by ----Val----

A quick warning, don't let people infinitely repeat rank 5 encounters because I can already smell people repeatedly farming the living crap out of it.

We'll have to account for that for sure, nothing comes easy with good intentions :P

over 5 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Originally posted by 12ozdietchoke

Does it share with squad? It sounds really busted if it does. Imagine multiple liches spawn and get up to 20k kuva in a 5 minutes mission. But if it doesn't share people going to complain like with the murmur.

Game balancing is really hard eh.

Game development is an eternal Kobayashi Maru.