almost 5 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone welcome to the warframe
3s partner Q&A thank you for joining today
6s I appreciate the golf clapping that's
14s very nice
16s my name is Megan Everett I'm the
18s community manager for warframe I have
21s four wonderful human beings with me
24s today that are my victims for this panel
26s we're gonna start with Serb Ricky can I
30s get an introduction ricky of a your name
33s it can be real or not your channel and
35s how long you've been a warframe partner
37s why'd you have to use that picture of me
39s on the list if you're gonna put it on
41s the Internet I'm going to find it I
42s won't use it I bought those pants at the
44s Renaissance Faire they were really gold
46s and stupids yes they are okay oh yes
50s right I'm Ricky you can find me at
52s bricky like everywhere twitter twitch
54s and youtube is all bricky it's a freak
56s with the why what was the other question
59s hung up in warframe partner yes a little
62s over a year Thank You Ricky next and
73s clearly she chose his picture of me I
76s chose it for a reason for a very good
78s reason explain why ma'am yep I've been a
81s warframe partner for about two years and
83s have been loving it so I'm really
85s excited to be here today yes beautiful
88s next there Joey over here oh boy
92s hi I'm Joey zero my channel is on
98s YouTube Joey zero twitch Joey zero TV I
102s and how long have I been a so I've been
106s kind of in and out of the partner
107s program well I went three years or
109s something like that so yeah I think
112s that's am I missing one I'm not no
114s you're good okay alright last not least
117s man on the end again you put it on the
121s internet I'm going to use it so they'll
122s be spread that's there I am Omni my
125s channel is Omni Voice a lot of skits a
128s lot of comedy sketch comedy I've been a
131s partner for about two years
132s and you know I like to wear a bucket on
135s my head I think that best describes me I
137s think that describes my entire career
138s where did this bucket come from what's
140s the inspiration behind the bucket
142s well that was actually the inspiration
144s came from my dad
146s who said you know you should do a parody
148s of basically a standard like like a
151s ShamWow commercial or like OxiClean I
154s just thought all right so we always like
156s to prime things so let's take something
158s just simple something lame something
161s stupid and just primont talk it up make
163s it just bigger than large in the life
165s and I was like a bucket classic I
169s thought you were gonna go like really
171s dark with that and go like yeah my dad
173s thought that buck would be cool because
173s he didn't wanna see me anymore there's
175s something like that it's to hide my
178s shame the bucket of shame the bucket is
184s now your glyph I don't know warframe
186s partners in game and warframe they got a
188s glyph you can represent your warframe
190s partner let's talk actually Joey zero
192s what's the inspiration behind your glyph
196s there's a bunch of stuff I thought
198s looked cool hey you're not wrong I mean
201s I like I mean I guess there's like some
203s symbolism and stuff but it's kind of
205s just all over the place just I kind of
208s just was like hey Photoshop I can I can
210s make stuff look purple and hey maybe
212s kind of go together a little bit but
214s maybe not
214s I don't know it works represent Joey how
218s about you what's the inspiration well I
221s had a designer that knew me very well
224s knows me very well loves me very much
226s and I think it just I think it describes
230s my personality sure my yeah light
234s lightness so sort of a flower no one
239s really knows what it is that's pretty
241s great it's a mystery mystery exactly
243s what it is it's supposed to be a mystery
245s Ivey decided yeah I like it and I don't
248s even know if I need to ask about
249s brickies glyph but well you say the
252s Scarlet personality right so this
254s describes the personality I know one had
257s like a rien ething no one had a solid
260s way to express how they felt doing
263s 60-minute kuva with
264s no life support and so I thought ooh
267s perfect
268s everyone can use this and I can make
270s like a little sub-genre of people I'm
273s not proud of them all right so before we
278s get into them as partners as probably
282s people know them now I'm interested in
284s knowing about them before they were
286s partners before they were maybe even
287s streamers so maybe we'll just go down
289s the line we'll start with you Joey let's
291s talk about before streaming before you -
294s before any of that was even an idea what
296s was Joey's life like okay so that
301s pictures from around 2009 those we all
303s we all have that photo of ourselves I
305s know you do I had to dig through MySpace
309s so there you go
312s prior to doing doing their like video
314s and streaming things I was very I was
317s making nonsense indie music and I don't
322s know I was pretty serious about it at
323s the time but I thought you were gonna do
325s music producing kind of thing or be a
328s musician of indie music I mean he's
331s still kind of are you are a musician in
333s your own right I say yeah I mean music
337s is still like a big part of what I do
339s with my channel but it's a lot I'm a lot
343s less serious about it I guess and that
346s music is still out there and I still get
348s messages about it and it's simply like
349s weird take a flashback yeah but um yeah
354s that's that was me pretty much I guess
356s right up until right up until I started
359s making videos and stuff nice oh yeah me
363s before the three meantime huh I've
366s always been very goofy as you can see
369s from my picture thank you for choosing
370s that one of the best book you gave me
372s four options I need the spongebob one I
374s had to take i love spongebob okay i know
377s i speak in spongebob quotes can you can
381s you give me one I can't do the last
386s Krusty Krab song
388s do it do it Krusty Craig a a a pizza is
395s the pizza from you end yeah I've always
409s been a longtime gamer I always goofing
412s off in malls as you can see in the
413s picture I what you see is the real of me
416s always has been the real me I've never
418s really changed so I I've always my
421s personality is what I bring to
423s everything I do I want to bring to
425s everything I do so yeah I spent my time
429s playing video games watching movies I
433s currently study acting and everything
436s that involves entertainment is has been
439s what I've been involved with oh I - I
442s got a degree in marketing - okay
444s me too and then now I'm doing this and I
450s love it there you go
451s here we are sorry I didn't mean to do
454s that
454s ignore that bricky go on so that is my
458s senior year high school photo without
462s the beard
463s it's wow it's really something um that
466s was all I had unfortunately but you know
469s I still I still was dashing as a young
472s man so how we started it correct like
476s before your streaming before even
478s YouTube what was what was going on with
481s so I mean I game since I was very very
483s young my parents bought me a Playstation
484s one when I was like four or five years
486s old I started really early eventually as
488s I grew older the job I had was as an EMT
492s so I would work on ambulance law stuff
494s and I eventually I got promoted to
497s dispatch but it was a small company so I
499s will only get like three calls a day and
501s I'd be there for 1213 hours and so after
505s exhausting every podcast after painting
507s warhammer figures I got really late to
509s expensive I started getting cabin fever
511s and so I thought hey I'll make some
513s videos that could be cool and well here
516s we are
517s and then I quit on me same well I mean
522s you have there
524s the king is thrown the king of blues
527s blues amazing well uh ever since I was
530s little I loved I loved games I loved
533s story I loved characters
534s I loved my big thing was Bionicles so
537s when I saw warframes I was like oh hello
541s customizable so time passed
545s you know I'm figuring out what do I want
547s to do eventually some people were like
549s hey you should do stuff with your voice
550s I'm like why and eventually I was just
554s figuring all right let me try to do you
556s to let me see what happens let me see if
558s I can make something happen I tried to
560s do Let's Plays at first no no that was a
563s bad idea
564s and then warframe I was playing that for
567s a couple of years and I'm like you know
569s there's not a lot of machinima there's
571s not a lot of like red vs. blue style
574s comedy like people just over-the-top
577s sketches back and forth said let me give
579s this a shot and Here I am now how do you
582s are here I am now wondering how I got
584s here hey we're reminiscing exactly how
587s all right
588s I took some Twitter questions of the
590s audience first up Jamie who's actually
593s here somewhere
594s just a nice fluff question since you
597s become partner have there been any
598s additions to the game that you really
600s liked if so what did you like from them
603s any one are we just going in order or we
606s just never can think of one first my
608s turn there you go omni the creator mode
610s oh thank you thank you Oh creator mode
614s where it hides everything yeah cuz I
616s cannot count how many times I'll be
618s having a scene be like alright so I need
620s you to move about a hundred eighty
620s degrees there you go hold that position
622s for five seconds and there's Lotus
624s telling us about the most recent alert
625s all right guys time to start from square
627s one for the fifth time tonight and now
630s with creator mode I'm just sitting there
632s like that's right Lotus you can't
633s interrupt me now
636s oh my goodness I like night with
639s surprisingly not surprising no it's
642s great no never mind
643s oh my wave I disliked it a lot because
645s it added a lot of meaningful progression
647s and assigned to work towards I was
649s really excited for wisp and I was really
651s looking forward to using the humble
652s forma on whist when she came out so it
654s gave me a nice thing to always come back
656s every day new challenge get some stuff
658s and I did a lot of really meaningful
660s progression and it was very enjoyable to
663s have that progression even though some
664s of the missions are a tad tedious at
666s times just a little but overall most of
670s the stuff was very very casual you could
673s kind of do with them as you did other
675s stuff like syndicates and such so and
677s then a lot of little that little extra
678s bump to keep me going and going and I'm
681s very excited for the second round so I
683s really like that one I agree in all of
687s that for me I really enjoyed the new
690s experience that the most recent boss
693s fights brought to the game I just I just
697s felt they were more they felt more
699s threatening more alive and also I felt
703s more of like a hero I have to take these
705s down and I really loved the feeling that
707s those fights brought compared to other
709s bosses which were fun to play but this
712s one is completely new different
713s experience yeah like here are moments
716s where you're like grabbing the face when
717s you show off your fashion frame it's the
720s best time yes for me and probably the
724s thing that has made the biggest impact I
726s guess on what I do is definitely capture
727s it yeah but like content-wise it's just
731s Fortuna the whole like the whole
732s aesthetic like the the K drives and the
735s KITT guns and just like it's just it's
737s so dense with like so many cool things
740s that it's just that's I don't know like
743s the the aesthetic there is just really I
745s guess has a split like defined my
748s warframe experience over the last year
749s in such a big way yeah but it's kind of
751s hard not to just be like for judo yeah
754s oh yeah and we were talking to the voice
757s actress of the profit taker orb back in
760s the end the group yeah it was its she's
764s so nice it's so funny because the orb is
767s so horrifying it's so mean but she's
769s like so sweet it's like Omni he's so
772s sweet but he can do a terrifying voice
774s probably well I don't know what you're
776s talking you sound like what's the guy
780s from hostage what the ground telephone
784s I'm Batman yes I'll take Batman all
788s right next question as warframe
789s continues to expand to newer and greater
791s horizons does it get hard to keep up on
793s the Creator side yes yes four years in a
798s bad way or in a good way it's I don't
801s even I haven't even had Baruch in my
803s videos yeah I had him like you have a
804s cameo and I'm still behind now whisk
807s this here I'm like what do I do
808s where does this character go I only have
811s so many voices I can do okay
815s they're just gonna start sharing the
817s same voice a man has to go and I was
819s going great you sound really handsome
820s Thanks if I was news or if I like kept I
825s had to keep up on it maybe but I don't
827s you know if I make a warframe video i'll
830s be playing wisp but it's not like a wisp
832s video so i'm a being a better or not so
835s tough horizon there it's more just it's
838s more just i'm you know when something
839s new comes out especially on the YouTube
841s side of things you need to get it like
843s immediately or else they just you know
845s oh I'm gonna do my cool video on Fortuna
848s ten hours after it's come out I missed
852s my opportunity so besides that I'm okay
854s you're okay
855s alright good for me yeah I just really
859s get excited about everything that comes
860s out so as soon as we get all of the new
863s information I just I study stay safe and
867s when I create content specifically for
869s YouTube I just started doing that
871s recently I've been focusing on fashion
873s frame and the new things that have been
876s coming up aren't overwhelming but
878s they're amazing to show off so it
881s hasn't been difficult for me and every
882s other content that comes out I just show
884s off on stream so it just happens
886s organically so that would be a no for me
890s for me I'd say I'd say yeah but like so
895s every every channel is a little bit
896s different right
898s like I there have been a couple of times
900s that like I've had to miss out on some
902s of the night wave things because of like
904s working on editing or something like
906s that or same as like you know if like a
909s Wukong Greek work is released and you're
911s like in the middle of something that's
912s like kind of eating up a whole bunch
914s your time you come you finish that
915s project then everybody's like oh what's
916s what do you think it'll congri work and
918s it's like um good let me tell you about
922s that will conquer you work but no so
925s it's it's it can be like there's a
929s balance there for it for a lot of people
930s I feel like mm-hmm
931s and it can be but I mean it's definitely
934s easier if you don't let it like get to
937s where it's yeah like can you go partner
939s helps because get the emails about like
941s what comes out and like what you can and
942s can't talk about yes absolutely way to
945s tell everyone that you get that well I
948s say I there are things I can't talk
949s about fair nd a better watch yourself
952s alright so kylo Ren is warframe too
955s complicated for newer players more so
957s than it was four or more years ago with
959s 40 warframes and new game mechanics is
962s it too complicated I think to a point
965s yes I try to bring in a lot of new
968s people into warframe and they're like
969s give this a shot and then they usually
972s hit like the first dead end now
973s thankfully there's gonna be like a lot
975s done with our cooing in the future but
977s for people they get into our cling
978s they're like oh okay here's a whole new
979s system and then they get to the dead end
981s of just like fighting georgous and then
983s they're like so now there's nothing left
984s to do with this they're they feel very
986s overwhelmed but as for the exploration
989s aspect it's it's a 50/50 when you get
991s new people they're either all into this
993s to like let me fully explore what's
995s going on and they're like too much too
997s much the modding screen I don't like
998s this it's weird because I would say yes
1003s it is too complicated but whenever
1004s people ask me how should I get into
1006s warframe I always say fine go to the
1009s wiki and find a frame find one that you
1011s think is cool for me when I started with
1013s valkyr
1016s [Music]
1018s it's harass brickies always your ass but
1022s no because she was she had liked her for
1024s what's made her come with me and
1025s vulnerable before they kind of nerfed it
1027s like oh cool easy like easy for him so I
1030s looked up okay how do I get this okay
1032s gotta go to Jupiter
1032s I got a farm ALAD V how do I get to
1034s Jupiter goes with a star chart do these
1035s kinds of things so it's nice to do
1037s something simple like you want this
1039s weapon you want this frame okay this is
1041s what you gotta do to go get it and
1043s obviously some of those are easier than
1045s others like I don't want to get limbo or
1047s atlas ever again but you know if you
1050s want to go get like what's an easy one
1052s what's like an easy boss I can get Rhino
1055s from jackal yeah Rhino from jackal there
1057s you go and rhino is really good for you
1058s players so simple stuff like that really
1060s helps but uh but I'm the beginning start
1064s is a little bit rough I'm hoping that
1065s the gameplay is what keeps them going in
1067s the beginning cuz it's really really
1068s good and then they can kind of sort the
1070s rest whatever you do do not bring your
1073s new friends to hide Ron don't do it mhm
1077s I'm getting really sick of reviving
1078s people that when a new player drawing
1083s from my experience I started playing
1085s work frame two years ago for me it was
1088s certainly overwhelming it had never
1089s played a blue shooter like this before I
1091s had played shooters so for me it was
1093s about learning the work frame language
1096s and the currencies I felt initially
1100s overwhelmed but after about a week or so
1103s and having a community that was helping
1104s me out I I was able to learn it quite
1107s easily and for people that come into the
1109s stream to to my track I feel I feel like
1112s when we're showing what we're playing
1115s they're eager to get there and the all
1118s of the amount of guides that we can
1120s provide are helping them get to that
1121s point so it's about helping them enjoy
1127s the early phases of the game to get to
1129s what they're seeing that they're so it
1132s can be complicated at this beginning but
1133s III don't think so wants they aren't
1135s able to learn everything
1137s the warframe language I think is with
1139s yeah yeah yeah I definitely agree with
1142s some like the warframe language being
1143s the biggest thing I think but I also
1147s think that in a lot of ways warfare has
1148s become a lot easier if it's it's become
1150s a lot easier to explain to some people
1152s and a lot easier to kind of it's become
1154s a lot easier to catch up than it used to
1156s be especially like you know four or five
1159s years ago well four five years ago there
1161s was a lot less that you catch up but
1163s like you know there was there was a
1165s pretty lengthy period of time where we
1166s didn't know if arrow was gonna be
1167s bringing the same things back so it's
1168s kind of like okay either you caught him
1170s or you didn't and now I guess that we
1175s have there are so many more things that
1178s I guess we have become a lot more
1181s accustomed to it I guess just knowing
1183s what to expect with like where things
1185s are going and like you know if the devs
1188s say that this is a you see a deaf stream
1190s they say okay this is coming out in the
1192s next month or two or whatever then we've
1195s usually got a pretty good idea of like
1196s how to how to deal with that I guess
1198s right but um you know I definitely agree
1203s that like the language is the hardest
1204s thing to come up with like oh I just put
1205s together a status build excuse me mm-hmm
1208s but yeah yeah I wouldn't mind if like
1212s like 30% of the starchart missions where
1215s like gone so they can go to the second
1217s dream and stuff a lot quicker because
1218s that's what like that real meat gets
1220s there but something that's kind of hard
1221s to be like yeah man just you know play
1223s it for about 80 hours and then you'll
1225s get some really good story content
1227s there's a little bit a little hard to
1229s sell his second part what do you wishes
1233s for the future regarding communication
1234s with the developers less communication
1237s more to be honest I think it's pretty
1240s good yes most of the stuff we talk about
1243s most of the stuff the community you
1244s talked about gets addressed in one way
1246s or another I mean granted we had to
1248s fight for univac but we got that so it's
1251s it's great you know it's just you can't
1253s you don't don't like ask or something
1255s then expect all right next up streams
1257s better talk about it they didn't talk
1258s about it they don't like us anymore
1260s oh you just gotta wait they have a lot
1262s on their plate they're doing a lot of
1263s stuff yeah I mean I must say I've I
1267s played a lot of games in my time there
1268s are very
1269s whew was communicated a communicative
1270s yes as de they're really really on the
1274s ball surprisingly I mean they don't do
1275s all the things that we want them to do
1277s like remove wisps stupid thing on her
1280s back stop look at me when you do that
1282s dumb thing it's like it Clips every
1285s Sonata or every single one it's so angry
1288s why why they put that there
1290s it's just remove you used to be about
1294s the community whatever you done oh my
1296s god no overall I mean they're really
1299s really up there which is actually kind
1301s of the joke is that you know because
1302s they're so they're so on I think quite
1304s often the bar of what people are upset
1307s about kind of gets like lower so you
1310s might get like no you know like oh they
1313s didn't do this or this like well man we
1315s wouldn't get like a fifth of that in any
1317s other game like we're doing okay we're
1320s doing alright yeah it's all good I feel
1324s I agree streaming about the whisper
1328s thing I knew you were gonna say that I
1329s knew it it does click I love with um I I
1335s feel with my experience as a partner has
1338s has been really amazing in terms of
1340s communication I did not expect to have
1343s so much communication with the community
1345s team and not just the community team but
1348s the devs as well like it's it's it's so
1350s transparent not just for us as partners
1353s to learn everything that we have to you
1355s know do for our content but also if I
1358s wasn't a partner I would still be able
1359s to access so much information that is
1362s months ahead that you would never be
1365s able to know in another in another game
1367s so I think that transparency through
1369s deaf streams primetime this brings
1371s everybody together and I don't think
1373s there's any need for I mean more is best
1376s but there's no need for any less
1378s communication yeah I don't think anyone
1382s would ever argue that less communication
1384s is preferable the I also I think a part
1389s of it a part of it's also kind of on the
1391s community a little bit like the devs are
1394s very clear and I see a lot of the people
1395s covering warframe be very clear about
1397s like you know
1398s make sure if you have feedback go to the
1400s feedback on the forums
1401s you know don't don't just like if you
1403s spam it and region chat like nobody's
1404s nobody's gonna you're not gonna see that
1407s getting you know picked up on the you
1409s know um the next devasting or whatever
1411s like I talked about how I wanted
1413s Conclave changes on in region chat
1415s yesterday and they didn't you know
1417s that's what's the Conclave I have about
1422s like five out of the six people that
1425s play Conclave that are like more than
1429s the amount of you guys Nara I kind of
1430s like click like all queue at the same
1434s time and so you all like get in the same
1435s game like every time I'm moving on loco
1440s wants to know crunchy or smooth peanut
1441s butter extreme crazies
1444s don't make us choose I don't like peanut
1446s butter I just I just devalue like all of
1452s my wisp wants just like oh we can't
1454s listen this guy anymore doesn't like
1456s peanut butter just say you're allergic
1458s you'll be fine smooth for me smooth
1461s smooth peanut butter okay Reese's are
1464s good I'll give them that you said would
1467s you say the most chunky extreme
1469s crunchies dream crunchy I'm kind of bold
1472s doesn't really matter to me alright I
1475s like it I'm not picky Leonidas wants to
1477s know where did they share their videos
1479s to cultivate an audience or just how to
1482s cultivate an audience really so this is
1485s asking like how to advertise like a new
1487s channel or something yeah I did read it
1490s I actually got shadow band on reddit for
1492s self-promotion way back when did it work
1495s though was it obviously I'm here but
1498s yeah I mean like that's one way if
1501s you're doing YouTube it's like playing
1502s the algorithm quite a bit surprisingly
1504s like if you just play the little
1506s algorithm game you can you can get
1507s somewhere at least you know maybe one
1509s out of out of ten videos might get
1511s picked up and then that might help you
1512s out and they you know and then the ball
1514s gets rolling which is weird I always
1517s feel like twitch is easier to get
1518s started with than YouTube but it's
1520s harder to get like really up there
1523s it's a weird to explain so I don't know
1525s do one of you guys have anything on
1526s twitch maybe
1529s if it's specifically to sharing videos
1531s it might not be the best place to share
1534s them because of visibility if you are
1536s streaming your content and I believe
1539s that if you are creating content any
1541s kind of content it should be shared in
1542s every single platform that you have
1545s access to and and then you're able to
1547s choose which audience from which
1551s platform really likes what you're making
1553s and that's where you should go through I
1555s think yeah everything that you have
1558s available should be used social media
1561s YouTube again the algorithm but that's
1564s something that's something to learn I
1566s believe Twitter is is amazing for
1568s sharing content so if you guys are
1569s starting out definitely share what
1572s you're making there so it's exposed as
1573s many people as possible
1575s there are also some some community
1577s resources that are that are worth like
1579s sharing your stuff on so like there's
1581s like the fan art section on the forums
1583s and there are a couple sections on the
1585s forums that are pretty good for that
1587s there are also so like I know my discord
1589s server and a couple of other discord
1591s servers that have like a dedicated
1593s channel that's just for like hey you
1594s know you make a video you can post it
1596s here
1599s yeah I'd say beyond like back in the day
1601s it was reddit but nowadays it's it's
1603s mostly just just play the algorithm game
1605s and then just keep quiet about it
1606s yourself and then eventually it'll be
1607s you know something will get picked up so
1610s let me tell you as someone who started
1613s from square one on YouTube it is a
1618s challenge it's a good challenge but it
1620s is a challenge YouTube is not a constant
1622s thing it does not slay you can't just
1624s upload a video and expect alright this
1626s one's gonna get a thousand views next
1627s one's get a thousand views really good
1628s you're gonna go through times where the
1630s last video you might have got might had
1632s like 2,000 views the next one's gonna
1634s have 200 it's not your fault it's not
1637s because well I mean if you changed up
1639s your content some people might not like
1640s it but if you upload the exact same type
1643s of video twice in a row YouTube might
1645s one day be like get this guy's video out
1649s here or you might upload a video don't
1650s really care about and suddenly it's on
1652s the front page and you're just I didn't
1654s want this one to succeed but to get
1659s started you can
1660s any sorts of things can go on reddit you
1662s can be retweeted by another very
1665s established person in the warframe
1667s fanbase I am talking about you shy I
1669s would like to thank quiet shy for pretty
1673s much being the main reason I'm even here
1674s that I uploaded my first video thinking
1676s s is gonna get any attention she's so
1678s mean though she is but it's wonderful it
1682s is and yeah and so she has continued to
1687s support she tweeted that out she's said
1689s oh my gosh you got to check this out so
1691s it's been a huge help and also I know I
1695s know you're watching I know you're
1696s looking for moments to put in your video
1698s your 10 okon highlights of cringe so
1704s here's a little content for you against
1706s my better judgement
1710s real close to my face I was gonna hide
1713s this earlier and I didn't think he would
1714s do it I am a man of my word I well one
1719s last thing on the on the video part of
1721s it I like to describe like YouTube as
1725s like D&D at the end of the day yeah you
1728s are rolling a dice there is a bit of
1730s luck but that's but it's like 10% where
1734s the rest is your tags your thumbnails
1736s your titles you know video length watch
1739s time things like retweets and shares you
1743s know trending reports though those are
1745s your weapons your advantage you know
1748s your your dungeon squad mates those are
1751s your extra tools so yeah some are gonna
1753s be good some are not but you have a lot
1755s of tools at your disposal to at least
1757s shift that luck in your favor to a
1758s pretty solid degree and also choose
1761s choose things that you're passionate
1762s about so that the quality of what you're
1765s making goes up it'll show through the
1767s video and the content that you're
1768s creating and it'll get better chances of
1770s people actually catching on and really
1772s enjoying from it's a great starting
1774s point and then you think it's fan it
1776s from there and don't be too picky or
1777s discouraged if like you make a video
1779s like I spent I spent a lot of time doing
1782s the couch potatoes which is just like a
1784s series of TV and meme inspired skits
1787s over too well and then I did region chat
1789s which is just me clipping people being
1792s really disturbed in region chat and
1794s voicing over it and people in region
1797s chatter so happy this won't work eight
1805s videos later and it's at first I was
1807s like this will be the big thing but you
1809s got to embrace it if something you do
1811s picks off and you can get a hang of it
1813s you can like it do it just do it live it
1817s little Navi who's also here somewhere
1819s which a facet of Technology from the
1821s game do you wish existed in real life K
1824s drives really drives those are some
1828s basic a sense to have a responding how
1831s about coming back alive
1832s yeah looks like how about jumping off a
1834s cliff and just magically like when
1836s ending back on the platform still K
1838s drives Wow
1840s carrier carrier those exist it's just a
1846s back you know but this one could hold
1848s snacks fair point
1851s it's got ammo box for Doritos I I
1856s actually thought about having an a real
1858s Arsenal in my apartment that would be
1860s wonderful if I could have all of my
1863s fashion clothing everything in one
1865s machine that just you know changed the
1867s color of my outfit on me that would be
1869s amazing
1870s yes and a K Drive and the K Drive all
1873s right I gotta get dressed for work this
1874s morning
1874s oh no I hit randomize all yeah I've got
1878s clown shoes they're purple the question
1881s says which facet of Technology from the
1883s game do you which exists in real life
1885s oh it's from the game damn man I thought
1887s I just meant from games never mind
1889s responding responding respawning is my
1892s final answer
1893s okay you only get forward was ready it's
1896s sure that's what you got our game I'll
1898s take one I'll take walk on with our
1901s canes all right Connor who's also here
1904s how many hours did Joey massage glass
1906s rims to make atlas sounds - two hours -
1912s yeah so yeah we we streamed it for those
1918s of you that don't know there was an
1919s episode of so I've got like a variety
1923s show about warframe and we did like a
1926s fan remake of some of the Iowa sounds we
1928s and I like kind of using some of the
1930s techniques that de showed off on dev
1932s screens and stuff and I wanted to do
1936s some of them like crystal sounds from
1937s Cara so we did a we did a two hours
1939s stream with like a big old bucket of
1940s water and some like crystal some crystal
1942s where and yeah it recorded a bunch of
1946s the the sounds and stuff but yeah I was
1948s it was two hours also is that I think
1951s that's hydroxide
1953s it's a classic hydroxide question all
1956s right scorched ice wants to know is Omni
1958s I love you and you're the best a valid
1959s question is you're the best a valid
1963s answer if that doesn't work try what's
1966s your favorite video you've done or what
1968s would be your dream video to make I
1970s don't want to pick one I love all of
1972s them Oh bullshit no way
1976s all right there are a few of them that
1978s aren't so grave I honestly I think the
1983s perfectly normal kubrow is my favorite
1985s it just it just I think it culminate
1988s that was the point in which I went from
1989s wow I don't know what I'm doing - I have
1991s an idea
1991s I think I kind of know what would be a
1994s dream video to make I have always wanted
1997s I I dream bigger than life I've always
1999s wanted to do a full-scale like major
2003s machinima comedy adventure massive thing
2006s with not just me with tons of people I
2010s want to get any and all content creators
2012s that want to get in on it I want I want
2014s multiple people editing I want people
2016s doing script I want this major project
2018s this is the partner project sort of
2020s thing and I just thought have a big
2022s scale thing where I'm not having to do
2024s all the voices because I can only do so
2025s many and please maybe some female voices
2027s because I don't know about you but I'm
2030s not really able to do that very well
2031s it's my voice not feminine enough give
2033s me your best shot
2034s no I believe so it's like RV and the
2040s chief kind of thing yeah something like
2041s my friend that'd be so cool I'd be so
2043s down I agree I call we should do it
2045s larger than life oh hey there you go
2049s Ricky what about you got one got one
2052s we're ready we got the team Ricky can we
2055s what are you asking me the question what
2058s was the question
2058s it's right there well that's Romney what
2061s that's for Omni week everyone can answer
2063s one that's right for sharing favorite
2066s video I've done okay um if we're talking
2069s about like my favorite like a favorite
2070s warframe stuff has definitely been the
2072s fast frame series it was like little
2074s forty second or faster skits about just
2078s dumb names for all the characters but
2079s the best part was just the thumbnails
2081s one of the artists shout out to
2083s I don't know how to pronounce his name
2085s but it's like dy LK I don't yes Doki
2089s something he made all the thumbnails for
2092s that series and they are hilarious and
2094s so fun and I wish I had some I could
2096s show oh he's he's wonderful he was a
2101s pleasure to work with and it was always
2103s good to have each of those videos kind
2105s of going through because they were
2106s really dumb they were really dumb but
2108s that was kind of the enjoyment and so I
2110s like doing those a lot a dream video I
2112s would love to make a multi-part series
2115s like slightly meme guides on frames and
2119s have an Associated alcoholic cocktail
2122s for each of them and then have like a
2124s little book with a bunch of artwork of
2126s each of them and each page has the drink
2128s and the end of ingredients and the
2130s artwork of the frame it's like a big
2131s hardback book and I sell it for way too
2133s much and you know then I do good
2140s favorite video that I've done I have a
2144s whole library on YouTube that has a
2146s total of 3 videos so I have a lot to
2149s choose from I think my favorite one out
2152s of those three is the my top 10 warframe
2156s skins because it was my very first one
2158s and I I fell in love with it with just
2162s being able to bring what I already do on
2165s stream into YouTube and then just focus
2168s entirely on that I think also just just
2173s seeing that the video do nicely - it was
2175s it was a you know like your your little
2177s baby your first uh your first content
2179s and then as for a dream video I think I
2182s would like to I've always imagined doing
2186s a warframe how do I say it like I am
2193s like real-life acting but warframes like
2196s like an operator is type seen it because
2198s I love acting
2200s I would love to reenact scenes or maybe
2202s expand certain stories through through
2205s YouTube videos and you know fan kind of
2207s like a fan video of that that'd be
2209s pretty cool very cool Julie
2212s I think my favorites probably like enemy
2216s AI like the death animation with the so
2220s it's like some music and some
2220s frame-by-frame animation for like I
2222s think is like a minute and a half two
2223s minutes something like that but it was
2226s it was just a lot of fun to put together
2229s like the the music was really I don't
2232s know like I was like sit there crying
2234s while recording it it was kind of nuts
2238s and then the idea for the animation kind
2240s of came a little bit later but it was a
2242s lot of it was just a lot of fun it was a
2244s lot of work but it was so much fun and
2248s yeah that's probably like the one that
2250s I'm like the most proud of yeah dream
2253s video to make I think Romney kind of
2257s mentioned it like I think anybody that's
2258s ever like touched machinimas like has at
2262s some point been like I wonder if I could
2263s do a feature-length machinima ya think
2268s it's such an undertaking you'd have to
2270s get everything together and also you'd
2272s have to try to work with me you thought
2274s let's do it I'm on let's let's do it
2277s let's put it together I'm gonna pick
2278s starters that serious let's do like a me
2281s at 3:00 in the morning let's just idea
2283s let's get these let me sleep let's get
2285s everybody and let's do I'm so dead like
2288s I'm so serious right now alright alright
2291s sounds amazing all right next up comrade
2295s oh my god my boys in Elia what's one
2299s thing you're most hyped for on warframe
2301s I'm so excited for one they finally
2303s removed the whisper thing Oh
2307s you can go man that's his real answer is
2310s the sad part yeah it's sort of but I
2311s gotta think of a second one so you go
2313s yeah I gotta be honest I was so excited
2315s when I saw off but the big boy frames
2317s name was Grendel I was so bad I was
2320s hoping he's gonna have a cool name I'm
2321s so excited for him a good name I want
2323s big boy watch Superman voice I'm gonna
2326s give him I don't want to be
2327s stereotypical don't have a big voice
2329s look give him a high-pitched run yeah
2331s he's gonna be like that the new War III
2339s cannot wait for more story immoral or I
2341s just love and mercy myself into into
2343s that world when those new cinematics
2345s come out and then yeah I love it so I
2347s cannot wait to see where the story goes
2349s with the new or good dude I can't wait
2351s for a frame fighter what do you mean
2353s it's was that a meme no okay um
2365s probably be that like runner frame dude
2367s like I I'm really really excited to see
2369s where that goes
2370s you also has a name dass juss coughs
2376s thank you for now first I did not
2378s pronounce it they're best friends
2379s Grendel and Gauss as a cow circles
2382s I had no idea I work here and I have no
2385s idea I am boost that's that guy in the
2390s crowd audience says gasps I'll go with
2392s gossip all right next question what
2394s warframe would you be or that represents
2397s you the most
2398s don't say wisp oh all right I can like I
2405s can drop trou on stage and then see if I
2407s compare mm-hmm No rated M for Mature
2411s everyone who's actually I don't know
2414s Harold because Ricky missed opportunity
2419s Hera was my favorite frame before wisp
2421s era he's cool
2423s because we're you know we got a little
2425s little dark you know we like to be like
2428s chains and stuff we like that feeling
2431s when when we're you're not playing herro
2433s and then we randomly notice our health
2435s is gray and we're like thanks herro
2438s we're here what we're we're dark what a
2441s nice guy you know we're just here to
2443s heal oh man my Prix is read critic right
2445s now what a good guy he's so nice it's
2447s just you know we're really nice to
2449s people we like to dress up really fancy
2451s and we beat ourselves up over stupid
2453s things all the time
2454s the and he has like probably one of the
2457s best noble stances in the game just that
2459s cool like behind the back thing the only
2461s downside is that every other frame will
2463s like wave around
2464s nothing doing this instead of like it's
2467s thurible we don't talk about the agile
2469s yeah that's a weird one
2471s no offense everything's great in
2473s warframe thanks that's a great question
2481s I actually don't know what frame
2482s represents me the most I come back to me
2484s go Octavia Octavia is so fun she liked
2489s your glyph is also very Octavia babe
2492s yeah she's she's always dancing I feel
2495s like wherever she goes in the world
2497s she's just oh the world is burning it's
2500s okay just dance and we're just having a
2502s fun time it's okay we'll deal with it
2503s with some music
2505s I dance wherever I go it doesn't it
2507s doesn't matter so I I feel like Octavia
2510s would be me as a workroom I think very
2512s good I think I'd have to go with volt
2515s probably just because cuz bolt like
2519s because he's got the designer skin and
2521s it's just so it's just such a I don't
2523s know I like the aesthetic a whole lot
2524s mm-hmm
2525s bricky did you come up with yeah I'll be
2527s hildren
2530s why not because I look like her not like
2534s that but because I identify as a
2535s helicopter a helicopter yeah so it goes
2538s around the place and that goes like pew
2540s pew pew and it's cool it shows a lot of
2541s damage hey you know that's cool we've
2544s learned on it what we've learned today
2546s thank you you identify as a helicopter
2548s it's a meme I'm good at those all right
2552s next question primarily this is for Omni
2556s what is your favorite part of the video
2558s making process and what is your least
2560s favorite favorite part is when you start
2563s with a video and you're thinking alright
2564s so what am I trying to imagine here
2566s let's say guys stand in the middle of a
2567s field doing something nondescript and
2570s then we're frame descends from the
2571s heavens like glorious golden light
2573s coming down massive angelic choir and it
2577s just goes right up behind this guy turns
2579s him around slaps him across the back
2580s immediately goes back up and there's a
2582s kickin sign and I just think all right
2584s that'd be a cool scene it's once you get
2587s through the whole process you get to the
2588s end and then you just see everything
2590s work together and you just go oh my gosh
2592s that is exactly what I imagined my head
2593s there's no bumps and bruises this isn't
2595s some sort of well I guess it's good
2596s enough it just comes down does its thing
2599s and it looks perfect that is my favorite
2602s moment when you see your creativity come
2604s to fruition my least favorite part is
2606s when I go to export it and it drinks
2608s which application do you use is videopad
2613s why because I like working with
2615s limitations apparently like the handicap
2618s yourself it's the only way I can truly
2621s work I'm just gonna like premier of I
2624s guess there's something or crowbar man
2626s and I started but I can't change now I
2628s don't know how to work the other ones
2630s I'm okay at the person floating down
2632s just goes all over the place before they
2634s get there it's fine I'll make it work
2635s it's okay they all crash probably just
2637s as much control s oh it's crashing
2641s during the export that's the problem
2643s does anyone else want yeah I agree with
2646s me I feel like when you are imagining
2649s whatever it is you're creating that's
2651s one of the most funnest moments you're
2654s just fantasizing about what you're gonna
2655s create and anything can come up and then
2657s when you see it in the end
2659s come to whatever it is you imagine that
2661s is the best feeling you can ever have um
2663s as for least favorite is when something
2666s breaks yeah
2667s when something breaks when I have to be
2669s troubleshooting and I don't know how to
2671s fix it and I have to reach out to other
2673s people to be like listen I am just
2675s learning this right now I really need
2677s your help and it takes hours for me to
2678s fix things um yeah that would that would
2681s be it for me for me in the favorite part
2685s is usually like whenever you're making
2687s something and you get that that first
2689s moment where you watch it and it like
2691s resonates with you like you're like
2692s editing it and I don't know something
2694s lines up with the music just right or
2695s like you know like you laugh at your own
2698s joke and yes like damn that was getting
2699s a little out of it or whatever that's
2701s probably my favorite part my least
2704s favorite part is like proof watching
2706s afterwards and like that you find
2708s something that you missed on the first
2709s like three proof watches and then it's
2712s like okay well I guess this is going up
2717s tomorrow and say another part that goes
2721s in line with that when I am done with a
2724s video I am so sick of watching it I
2727s watched these videos like 50 times
2729s through I listen to my same voice clip
2732s countless times and I hate the sound of
2734s my voice by the end of the day I think
2737s the worst for me or best of the worst is
2739s like filming two hours of gameplay and
2742s then realizing your audio track was
2744s muted and then just like I'm gonna go to
2749s bed forever moving on with the
2755s constantly expanding community of
2756s warframe do you find yourself perhaps
2757s leaning away from more complicated
2759s things like precise numbers an end game
2761s and instead attempting to appeal to the
2763s new player base not entirely it's it I'd
2770s like to try to make a lot of the content
2771s kind of ambiguous you can kind of catch
2773s on to slight things but there's a lot of
2775s inside jokes a lot of things that only
2777s people who have experienced a lot of the
2779s game would understand but I think you
2782s would just want to mix it up you'd want
2784s to like to have a video that's a little
2786s more in depth make them make the
2787s veterans laugh and then a video that
2789s anyone going in this can go
2791s this guy is doing all this stuff with
2792s ooh I really like fashioning out my
2796s frames that's my big favorite things is
2798s just customize customization and that is
2800s across all like player bases new and old
2804s well everyone would like to customize so
2806s that's really simple and easy
2807s I actually don't do a lot of the big
2811s major stuff in warframe particularly so
2813s I can avoid burnout like I've never
2815s fought an idol on never done a profit
2817s taker I wrote the K Drive barely at all
2820s I'd have no one of those things are
2824s Kane's I have none of them at all my
2826s prime point blank is only like seven
2828s ticks in it's not even maxed out yet
2830s like I try to you know kind of moderate
2832s myself so that every time I come back
2834s I'm like yeah this is really fun and
2835s everything is you know this is really
2836s cool all this new stuff and so I can try
2838s to like maintain a mental state between
2840s someone who's played it for a while and
2842s someone coming into I'm also not good at
2846s the game like good good so making
2848s everything gold and pink is like really
2850s easy I think with most of my content is
2855s on Twitch I feel like I have the
2856s flexibility to to tailor my content to
2860s whoever is playing with me I can either
2863s do something more casual to help people
2865s learn or do something more complicated
2867s or just go straight up to go farming and
2870s I think twitch helps me do that I tailor
2874s it to the whoever's playing with me
2875s whoever's watching me if someone brings
2876s something up I have the flexibility to
2878s actually show them so I don't have the
2880s need to specify or adjust my content to
2883s to fit I think it fits everybody ice if
2886s I were gonna do YouTube I I would
2888s probably do something that I wouldn't
2889s that I love instead of trying to appeal
2892s to a player base at least to start yeah
2895s I think for YouTube again every channel
2899s is vastly different so like there are
2903s there are a lot of channels that focus a
2905s lot on the more like I guess complicated
2907s stuff there a lot of channels that do
2908s like build videos and stuff like that
2909s and then there are channels that you
2912s know decidedly do much kind of
2914s newer content they cover a lot of stuff
2916s for like new players and stuff and it's
2919s really rare I think to see somebody that
2921s does a lot of that like does perhaps
2923s some very technical videos I guess like
2926s change their tone to kind of suit some
2929s of the newer player base and stuff which
2932s you know and it's I don't see a lot of
2934s creators go back and forth but it you
2936s know again it's it's really just
2937s dependent on your channel I do see some
2939s creators do that pretty successfully but
2941s I don't think I mean it's it's been a
2944s pretty rare occurrence for me like that
2947s you know thinking like oh there are
2948s gonna be a lot of new players in
2949s warframe I should probably make some new
2950s some videos for newer players yeah it's
2952s been a pretty like that happens maybe
2954s like once a year or two all right
2959s I don't like the evil mr. burns notice
2961s but I changed the slide because I spent
2965s a lot of time making trivia I really
2967s want to get to oh boy I like making you
2969s guys sweat oh boy oh boy we are starting
2972s with Ricky what was your first fashion
2975s frame YouTube video and what did you dub
2978s this warframes fourth ability oh crap my
2986s first one ever
2987s yep oh boy ah was it exco it was it was
2993s ex Cal yeah
2994s oh right wasn't the sword God an anime
2998s on my side because it was the oh please
3001s don't please oh please don't play it so
3003s it's caliber it's a sword guy it's got
3005s swords and shit
3008s health men energy met shields met armor
3012s pretty good with such exciting abilities
3014s like studies the blade spammy stabby
3017s makes melee combat take way too long
3020s delete button and the power of God and
3022s anime on his side bills defense range
3025s duration flash pins offense strength
3028s efficiency nuclear spheres verdict
3030s working eyeballs are stupid
3032s goodbye all right which verdict did you
3043s give Nick's in her classroom video
3047s what's it about like was it about like
3051s her legs or something you tell me are
3053s you gonna play this one as well yeah
3060s bass brains Nicks she's the mind girl
3063s she controls your mind nice shit health
3068s meth energy great shields met armor
3071s fucking dumb with such exciting
3073s abilities like drop your weapons kill
3076s your friends useless kill each other and
3079s kill yourselves builds defense range
3082s duration map wide control often strength
3084s efficiency for 10 to is useful verdict
3087s thick thighs control my minds goodbye I
3090s knew it
3091s oh that's that's a doki's art by the way
3094s yeah he's great was great see my
3099s favorite of those verdicts is sarens
3102s because it's thigh-highs are in bloom I
3106s didn't do wisps though I gotta figure
3107s that one out
3108s alright next video did you dub their
3114s second ability as let's get naked
3115s are we over at - nope I mean yes but
3118s keep going you should do theirs they go
3120s like a 5 minutes skip don't chicken I'm
3123s strolling do it let's get naked
3126s Oh what do I sweat like your hobo their
3129s second ability is let's get naked
3131s yep audience anyone
3135s chroma I'll probably was sarin wasn't it
3140s you tell me I don't know I made like 40
3144s Farragut yeah yeah sure go sarin please
3148s no oh it's Cara bass brings gara gara
3152s gara yeah she's the glass girl she's got
3154s glasses shit help men energy great
3161s shields men armor reflected with such
3163s exciting abilities as burning my eyes
3166s pocket glass let's get naked stop
3169s shooting yourself and the glassing of
3171s reach builds often strength efficiency I
3173s got glass in my eye
3174s defense range duration the room is all
3177s glass verdict with glass comes class
3179s goodbye that was less enjoyable I think
3185s it what happened in warframe to cause
3190s this reaction I don't remember
3198s it must have wait spoilers no spoilers
3202s you be incorrect if you said spoil okay
3208s okay so my hair is darker so here's a
3211s while ago one the rope below list
3219s probably firmly it could have been that
3224s it could have been that let's go with
3225s that
3226s what's your guess I probably killed an
3228s animal in open world
3230s you killed an animal wasn't it so that
3236s the community enjoys it but I'm not
3238s gonna open it up to everyone
3242s I was hoping it was going to be like
3246s that that Last of Us moment is like the
3248s bunny shut the lens and you killed
3252s yourself
3253s you're you brought a limb was it me you
3255s arbitration it was a challenge I was
3259s meant to survive and gonna die even
3263s thought I was gonna die and I was like
3264s alright I'll show you I'm not gonna die
3266s and then I didn't kill myself it was a
3269s drone that exploded by the way watch the
3271s slow-mo Yeah right me moving on what
3275s happened in warframe because this
3276s reaction I think I'm having it right now
3281s oh man uh maybe I did kill an animal in
3288s this one going with killing animal while
3291s you keep killing animals I'm not trying
3294s to it just happened
3301s six five four forget this forget this
3311s you did not kill an animal you just
3316s screwed up your mastery test all right
3319s Joey Zira
3320s what did you fail in warframe to get
3322s this reaction uh mining node a mining
3329s node it was I was my yup there it is
3332s here it is we got this we got this
3338s right
3344s [Laughter]
3347s good all right what game mode were you
3351s playing to get this reaction freight
3356s fighter he just disappeared
3371s correct
3373s all right on your Souza this is a bit
3375s trickier what is your most viewed
3378s warframe YouTube video about I'm pretty
3381s sure this is the one about the coup
3382s Brown yeah I think so that's your final
3385s answer that is my final answer
3386s oh wonderful just wonderful solve one
3393s problem and another one arises no peace
3405s ok how did you before that please tell
3409s me you didn't break anything by getting
3410s in here define break well grant now I
3415s have two problems to deal with what's
3418s troubling you
3418s well thanks to some unforeseen
3420s circumstances I now have the unfortunate
3423s task of disposing with a deranged and
3425s deformed quadruple that decided to make
3427s home with my Lizette your disposing
3433s conversation there's a dog on my ship
3436s you got a dog oh I want to see I want to
3439s see I want to see no trust me you don't
3442s oh I think it's coming here now oh look
3445s at the little
3456s - you're mister I did not ask for this
3460s [Music]
3462s did you ever play like the original near
3465s game not automata but yes dolt I did not
3468s okay this is a character called grimoire
3470s of ice you sound like identical to him
3472s with your Loki voice I like this it's
3474s really good it's most by Liam O'Brien so
3477s you should do it as a real mess thank
3479s you alright in your video deluxe boys
3482s what warframe is featured the warframe
3485s that I betrayed the trust of and its
3488s entirety frost ohm at last
3495s feels like it's been forever oh hey
3498s there was a dev stream today I should go
3499s check that out now let's see what we got
3502s hmm kavadi ugly nash luck skin corpus
3507s RAF whom Oh at long last a dedicated
3510s decoration mode alright this is a pretty
3513s good stuff but like what I see could be
3516s something to look forward to I guess I
3517s guess I'll go unpack my things they just
3521s said the words frost prime I mean no
3524s frost deluxe skin
3548s [Music]
3552s you're so smart all right that's it for
3555s the warframe partner panel thank you
3557s again to Omni Boys freaky aliens
3560s [Applause]