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Simply allow us to choose an active syndicate the way we used to choose the active focus school (before it was moved to the loadouts, which was a great change, btw). Just one setting instead of one per appearance config.

The forced sigils are incredibly tedious to change across all our frames multplied by all our appearance configs — if, god forbid, we decide to choose a different syndicate. And they ruin our fashionframe.

This is something we have been asking for for ages, along with universal vacuum and simplified pet management (aka "switch your kavat in 11 easy steps"). And honestly, this really doesn't feel like a complex QoL change.

EDIT: wording

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over 5 years ago - /u/rebulast - Direct link

Always something we've wanted to get around to doing when we have time, thanks for your patience... a cosmetic frustration, to be sure!