over 3 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Gara Prime: Hotfix 30.3.3





  • Made systemic micro-optimizations to level loading and streaming.

  • Reduced the game's system load when minimized.

  • Improved handling of a very rare and specific type of cache corruption.

  • Fixed a crash that could occur in very exotic cases of cache corruption.

  • Fixed a memory leak that would occur if you alt-tabbed out of the game while full-screen



  • Fixed a softlock when attempting to use the Emote wheel via controller in Sanctuary Onslaught.

  • Fixed a bug that would prevent Conduits from appearing in Sanctuary Onslaught.

  • Fixed hit marker persisting on screen despite not doing damage to anything if you are downed while doing damage to something and then self-Revive.

  • Fixed scrolling through the NEWS, CLAN LOG, AVAILABLE SESSIONS, and RESEARCH tab with hotkeys on the Clan screen scrolls the opposite direction.

  • Fixed inconsistent placement and type of Emblems while using Kavat Armor.

  • Fixed the Inaros Ozymandias Skin having butt flaps sticking out.

  • Fixed a script error related to Mag’s Induction Helmet.