almost 4 years ago - [DE]Megan - Direct link

Gara Prime: Hotfix 30.3.4



  • Added custom aspect-ratio settings for advanced multi-monitor setups that confused our auto-detection.

    • Another big thank you to Raid0u! Image curtesy of Raid0u 3x 4K monitors at 60FPS:

      • c457b10335a1b1421ce6b479bc2f1207.jpg


Railjack Fixes:

  • Fixed Clients not being able to see adjusted Crew Competency ranks when hovering over their profiles in the Tactical Map. 

  • Fixed being prompted with a confusing error message and your Crew member appearing unarmed when assigning the same weapon to a Crew member twice.

  • Fixed Crew mates in the squad panel UI not updating their Status Effects when replacing a player.

  • Fixed script error when teleporting to players/Crew mates while in the Archwing Slingshot.

  • Fixed a script error when using the Omni to Recall to the Railjack.



  • Fixed update failures for a small subset of players. (thanks to Raid0u for helping us diagnose this)

  • Fixed a functionality loss upon copying a loadout to one of multiple loadout slots that share the same equipment.

  • Fixed crash in new aspect ratios.

  • Fixed a crash in the Fortuna elevator during the Vox Solaris Quest.

  • Fixed a crash occurring whenever any Warframe equipped with the Celestia Syandana tries to open the Abilities menu.

  • Fixed Squad being disbanded automatically during force extract on Endless mission types, instead of the intended choice to stay or leave.

  • Fixed Gara missing from the Invert Tap/Hold list options.

  • Fixed the same node being selected twice when an invading Faction wins a battle and spreads to multiple nodes.

  • Fixed Sevagoth's Shadow not using the proper Energy colours if you change to a different Sevagoth.

  • Fixed seeing duplicate Emblems when equipped on the Sabella Prime Fur Pattern.

  • Fixed incorrect head and tail coloring when previewing a Kavat Skin while having an incompatible pet type equipped.

  • Fixed Modding discrepancies when moving a Polarity matching Mod and not having enough Mod capacity.

  • Fixed Friends appearing to be offline even though they're not if you go to the ingame Market and try to Gift a Friend before first going to the Friends list.

  • Fixed a script error when attempting to Contribute to Research in the Dojo.

  • Fixed a script related to Defense objects in Railjack.

Edited by [DE]Megan
Image curtesy of Raid0u