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Hello Tenno! We are back with a Hotfix that has some general changes and fixes.This Hotfix also paves the way with behind-the-scenes content to come in a near Update. Tune into Devstream #164 this Friday for more information on that. Also, with Week 3 of the Archon Hunts concluding with Archon Nira, the review of Archon fights marches on. With data from all three fights in hand, we are better equipped to approach the topic of damage attenuation (also commonly known as ‘Damage Pillows’).

As announced in our Veilbreaker: Launch & Hot Topics Week 2 post, a continuation of our conversations around damage attenuation in Archon Hunts is also planned for Devstream #164. So be sure to tune in to learn more about our approach and plans to address it!

Also worth noting that this hotfix will download as an update - the total download size on Xbox is ~ 900MB. 

General Notes:

  • The ‘Prison Break’ Break Narmer mission will be going live at 12 PM ET!
    • We moved the reset time to align with the Archon Hunt reset, as originally shared in the official Kahl’s Next Break Narmer Mission PSA.
      • Also, as mentioned in the follow up post, please note that Prison Break and the current Archon Hunt will be available until Sunday, October 2nd. In the goal of aligning all resets at the usual time on Sundays at 00:00 GMT (Nightwave reset).
  • A reminder that Styanax is now available from the in-game Market!
    • The free login promotion ended September 22nd @ 11:59 PM ET and was added to the in-game Market the following day. We ran another script to catch any stragglers that were caught in our original scripting attempts and were still missing their free Styanax upon login.
    • His animation sets are also available via in-game Market!
    • Also fixed his blueprint in the in-game Market not informing on how to acquire it (Chipper in Kahl’s Garrison).

Archon Hunt Changes & Fixes:

  • Removed a specific hallway from the Archon Boreal assasination tileset, as it had a convoluted layout that was affecting the flow of AI.
  • Improved the Narmer Deacon Veil pickup effect to be more obvious.
    • When picking up a Veil, surrounding enemies are momentarily disoriented as their Veil signal is jammed. This wasn’t apparent at first, so we improved the visual effect to telegraph when surrounding enemies are affected.
  • Fixed the Crimson Archon Shard’s Melee Crit Damage buff increasing crit damage on all weapon types, not just Melee weapons.
  • Fixed being unable to replay Archon Hunt if a Kuva Lich/Sister of Parvos is occupying the planet of the weekly Archon and taxed your reward.
    • This fix also applies to Sorties.
  • Fixed placeholder checkerboard material appearing when Narmer enemies are charging up their special long range attack.
  • Fixed a script error in the Archon Nira fight.
  • Fixed script error caused by Archon Nira's Toxin field ability after Host migration.

Kahl’s Garrison/Break Narmer Mission Changes & Fixes:

  • The gate will now reopen after defeating the Narmer Thumper in the Junk Run mission arena.
    • This will allow you to go back and search for any missed collectables for challenges.
  • Kahl’s customization lists are now organized by Kahl Specific items first, then owned, and last unowned items.
  • Adjusted the cooldown icon position over Kahl’s abilities so that it reads better.
  • Updated the Plasma Torch HUD for improved readability and mechanic understanding in the Sneaky Sabotage mission.
    • Moved the callout over to the right side of the screen underneath Kahl’s health indicator.
    • When Plasma Torch is ready, an indicator will appear to inform you of that. A button callout will also appear to ‘Order Strike’.
  • Removed the ability for Kahl to use the Plasma Torch when he is stunned by a Deacon.
    • With the way he staggers around when stunned, you don’t want him putting those orders through.
  • Updated some transmission VO lines in the Junk Run mission.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using Kahl’s Hellion Jetpack after trying to use his Veilbreaker device.
  • Fixed the Narmer Scyto Raknoid’s consistently missing Kahl with its pull ability in the Sneaky Sabotage mission.
  • Fixed the screen going black when Kahl stands in certain areas of the Sneaky Sabotage mission tileset.
  • Fixed Kahl’s Brothers in the Junk Run mission shooting at the Narmer Thumper before it is even active.
  • Fixed Brothers being able to get in the way of Kahl’s incendiary grenades trajectory. Now they will just go right through them.
  • Fixed Kahl’s Hellion jetpack fire FX disappearing when colliding into walls/ceilings in the Junk Run mission.
  • Fixed no visual feedback occurring when attempting to select a Kahl ability with the d-pad on a controller.
  • Fixed some flickering issues occurring in Kahl’s Garrison at certain times of day/angles.
  • Fixed clipping issues with Chipper’s arms in Kahl’s Garrison.
  • Fixed Kahl clipping through the map when performing Veilbreaking.
  • Fixed script error related to the transmissions that play when ranking up Kahl’s Garrison.

General Changes:

  • Removed some Kuva Lich name generation options.
  • Updated all of the Yareli Waverider Quest Challenge descriptions to no longer say “Earn X Ventkid Standing”. It will now correctly indicate “Earn X points”, since Ventkid Standing is not what is earned during the challenges.


  • Improved performance of Void Angels.
  • Optimized the Flameblade Grineers Twin Basolk Heat VFX.

Code Fixes:

  • The following lists the fixes that missed the Cert cutoff for the Prime Resurgence build, but are live now!
  • Fixed a case where your Energy total would revert to it’s base value after a Host migration, which could lead to either a loss or a gain of Energy from prior to the Migration.
  • Fixed being able to glide through the air towards a target after jumping and spamming melee as Kahl while melee auto targeting is enabled.
  • Fixed custom Operator energy colors not applying to abilities or the equipped Ephemera.
  • Fixed crash that would occur in the Narmer Scyto Raknoid fight.
  • Fixed Operator Energy colors not applying to various cosmetics and abilities.
  • Made a partial fix towards Chipper not appearing in the Drifter Camp after saving him on Venus.


  • Fixed Nyx’s Psychic Bolts (with 125%+ Ability Strength) not removing all Shields from Steel Path enemies.
  • Fixed Ember’s Fire blast shockwave not proc’ing Archon Vitality’s double Heat damage bonus.
  • Fixed Archon Intensify not proc’ing from most heal-over-time sources. We originally listed this as an issue in the Hotfix #3 patch notes, and are here now with a fix for the following:
    • Equinox’s Mend
    • Ember’s Fire Blast with Healing Flame Augment
    • Caliban’s Razor Gyre
    • Garuda’s Blood Altar
    • Gara’s Splinter Storm
    • Inaros’s Passive, Desiccation, Devour, and Scarab Swarm
    • Khora's Venari Heal
    • Oberon’s Renewal with and without Phoenix Renewal Augment
    • Revenant: Reave
    • Saryn’s Molt with Regenerative Molt Augment
    • Sevagoth’s Reunite
    • Trinity’s Well of Life
    • Wisp’s Reservoirs
    • Wukong’s Cloud Walker
  • Fixed Chroma’s ‘Cold’ Elemental Ward applying a large damage multiplier bonus to bullets that hit an absorb/redirect volume (Xaku’s Whisper or Mag’s Magnetize).
    • Elemental Ward should only add bonus damage to bullets that hit the player and then get reflected at enemies. Absorb spheres are not intended to gain any special benefit from this.
  • Fixed Mirage’s Hall of Mirrors counting towards the Felarx’s Mounting Momentum Evolution III perk.
    • Each shell reloaded by the clones was counting towards the 1 shell reloaded = 10% more fire rate, which was increasing the buff 5x stronger than intended. This has been fixed since clones don’t reload real shells.
  • Fixed loss of functionality after getting knocked down as Mesa with her Peacemaker active.
    • As a general fix, Mesa should no longer be knocked down while Peacemaker is active, as intended.
  • Fixed Amps using the Lega Prism having a massive VFX blow back from its flames making it difficult to see.
  • Fixed the Shotgun Scavenger and Sniper Scavenger mods not increasing the amount of ammo picked up by shotguns and sniper rifles as intended. Fixed being unable to fire the Afentis if you interrupt (by rolling, casting ability, etc.) its re-equip animation.
  • Fixed the Torid, Mutalist Cernos, and Pox being unable to deal damage with their radial attack. As reported here: 
  • Fixed Sortie missions being locked despite having the node unlocked.
  • Fixed Riven pop-out being completely blank when hovering over it in the world state window (Sorties, Archon Hunts, etc.).
  • Fixed the number of ‘Open Squads’ in Navigation not being accurate and always showing as ‘0’.
  • Fixed the following weapons not correctly playing their intended animations between shots:
    • Corinth - Fixed the slide pump playing with no sound FX
    • Arca Plasmor, Sybaris/Sybaris Prime, and Grinlok - Fixed the gun parts moving but not your Warframe.
    • Marelok and Euphona Prime - Fixed Warframe not spinning the gun between shots.
  • Fixed the inside of Styanax’s skirt missing its pattern.
  • Fixed Styanax’s left heel pointing in the direction of his right arm, causing some wonky animations.
  • Fixed drifting issues with Styanax’s pistol animations.
  • Fixed being unable to pause the Veilbreaker Quest if you are in any mode besides Solo when starting it.
  • Fixed being able to replay freeing Rogg a second time around if you follow an unintended waypoint back to his (now empty) cell in the Veilbreaker Quest.
  • Fixed the debris from commanding Brother to plant bomb not dissappearing, making it impossible to traverse to the next areas in the Veilbreaker Quest.
  • Fixed Kahl losing the ability to use the Grattler after dropping it by switching to his Grakata and then dying in the Veilbreaker Quest.
  • Fixed leaving your Grakata on the ground after picking up the Grattler in the Veilbreaker Quest.
  • Fixed getting stuck on Daughter’s final cinematic in the Veilbreaker Quest if the Quest was started before the inbox message popped up.
  • Fixed weird camera panning occurring when logging into the game after completing the first Veilbreaker Quest Murex Rescue mission.
  • Fixed a wonky waypoint pointing towards the sky in the Medusa network room at the start of the Veilbreaker Quest.
  • Fixed voice lines between Daughter and Kahl playing in incorrect order when encountering Rogg in the Veilbreaker Quest.
  • Fixed being unable to select secondary/energy colors with D-pad while using a controller.
  • Fixed the last drop ship collecting Ambulas in its Assassination mission (Hades, Pluto) not reaching the capital ship before it explodes.
  • Fixed incorrect elemental FX appearing on the Dogma Two-Handed Nikana Skin.
  • Fixed certain large helmets in the in-game Market not fitting the diorama preview.
  • Fixed screen going black repeatedly after the intro cinematic plays for the Ropalolyst fight.
  • Fixed being unable to send invites through the recent players list.
    • Also fixes getting an error stating that the user does not exist, when in fact they do.
  • Fixed being unable to whisper other players in chat using the @ symbol. Fixed the Polychrome random button only setting Dojo colors to default.
  • Fixed Operator disappearing from Orbiter after completing the Veilbreaker Quest.
    • This also fixes being stuck in an infinite ‘please wait’ loading screen when attempting to change Operator’s appearance.
  • Fixed Material Structure options showing up if you equip a Warframe attachment that has Voidshell support on a Warframe that does not have a Voidshell skin.
    • This was a UI only issue - Material Structures were not applied when selected.
  • Fixed being unable to wake a Void angel on the Zariman after Host Migration.
  • Fixed the Drifter missing from the Table for Two mission in The New War Quest.
  • Fixed Void Angel transmissions sometimes being too loud.
  • Fixed Ephemeras lingering on Operators even after swapping them out.
  • Fixed the evil twin Operator missing in the classroom scenes in The New War Quest.
  • Fixed Clients being unable to see the prompt to boot Railjack Crewship members from turrets.
  • Fixed being able to open the main menu while loading back into the Orbiter.
    • Also fixes the end of mission screen overlapping with the menu UI making it impossible to close until you return to the Orbiter.
  • Fixed the Corpus and Grineer ships sliding into frame when looking at the Zariman in the Star Chart.
  • Fixed an issue with Kompressa’s audio FX where high multishot mods caused the explosions to cut audio up when hitting max instances.
  • Fixed the Equinox & Wukong Prime Pack description text box going off screen when viewing it in Varzia’s menu.
  • Fixed sending Clan invite to an already pending user giving the wrong error popup.
    • Was: “You have already requested to join this Clan” - Now: “Please check your Pending Tab to accept this user as they have already applied to your Clan.”
  • Fixed fishing bait thrown into Cambion Drift fishing spots disappearing upon landing.
  • Fixed the water reflection in a pond in the Grineer Forest tileset being extremely bright.
  • Fixed loss of functionality after using transferring to go from K-Drive to Necramech.
  • Fixed waterfall VFX getting pulled into the Orbiter after transferring while standing in it.
  • Fixed a script error that could occur if you spawned in a vehicle (Archwing, etc) right when Fass and Vome were switching in the Cambion Drift.
  • Fixed a pop up showing for Sabotage Supplies in Plains of Eidolon Bounties.
  • Fixed script error with Vauban’s Tesla Nervos.
  • Fixed script error related to allied Kuva Liches/Sisters of Parvos transmissions.