almost 5 years ago - PlayWarframe - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
48s [Music]
56s [Music]
144s [Music]
156s [Music]
164s [Music]
196s [Music]
218s [Applause]
219s [Music]
221s hello time for my opportunity to partner
233s with those we once called the enemy and
237s move forward together
239s [Music]
239s [Applause]
266s [Music]
269s they're Witness betrayus to my exciting
272s new product lie
287s [Music]
306s keep testing me preyas and i'll keep
310s testing you
325s [Music]
327s welcome to Xtreme 120 H we are here on
331s the couch with members of the de dev
333s team what's going on guys I thought we
334s were gonna open with that video was cool
335s but I thought we're gonna open with the
337s highlights from last night's game third
347s quarter with Toronto next year we will
353s give em Excalibur from our part yeah
375s that's that's all there is to it but
377s welcome 128 step stream we are here
379s today this is 99% our last formal dev
384s stream until after 10:00 o con so you
386s could push that so honey yeah what's the
388s 1% what's the chance that rule I don't
391s know okay just in case just in case just
393s in case is she'll broadcast oh we may be
395s postponed
396s no no awesome no this is the last hour
402s you'll see us here unified as the
405s Toronto Raptors cheerleading squad
408s we have auditions in Toronto for the
409s dance pack which is why we won't be
411s doing a dev stream get any more
413s interesting Oh like the 1% is will do a
417s dev stream for Crocker's fruit
419s oh we reckon the Raptors tree the 1% is
421s if kauai comes to the studio make that
425s out there's not a chance so as usual
430s after is the dev stream that there will
432s be a gift of the lowest alerts on all
433s platforms so a Nintendo switch ps4 Xbox
436s one and PC you can expect for alerts
438s this time and the reason we're doing
440s them is because of the night wave down
441s time we're just gonna put some items in
443s there that you wouldn't be able to get
444s otherwise so in addition to the oricon
446s catalyst or it can reactor blueprints
448s there's also 10:19 so if you're on you
451s can grab those
451s and a shield disruption aura just
454s because with the emphasis on corpus
455s coming in the present on P scene in the
459s next few weeks on consoles you might
461s want that aura if you don't need me have
463s it so you can grab those yes the vault
466s is open Loki and bolt prime I always try
470s say bolt bolt our live for a limited
471s time so you can get them now if you want
473s golden golden dudes digital pack is live
476s 10 o con Digital pack you can get cool
479s stuff in it check it out
481s good times twitch drop there is a twitch
484s drop if you are linked and there's also
485s a mixer reward you can get one or the
487s other not both that is live it is also
490s 19 but this time too because last
491s night's primetime one didn't work in a
494s comment you guys don't need to worry
495s about it hoping to get my drop and I did
503s dual linking issues to people linked to
506s the word from account without the other
508s one knowing to set up the drop in then
516s [Laughter]
520s of course big news on the PC platform is
524s the fact that update 25 is launched we
526s will be talking about that today as well
527s Jovian Congress in Concord is here I
530s know if you're playing on our console
533s platforms we are hoping to get that too
535s as soon as possible as soon as humanly
536s possible the all three of our console
539s platforms are already hitting on it as
541s fast as they can to get it into search
543s so there's waiting for one last hotfix
545s round so they're getting everything they
547s can and then they're gonna grab the next
548s key for hot fixes so I see all three of
551s the Lunara players are breguet ting the
552s chat we are we are looking at that you
559s don't need to paste it repeatedly to try
562s to keep the quality of the content in
565s chat here but yes we will look at it
567s thank you for your brigade ii no no go
569s on does another topic you can go focus
570s on basketball like a song we will be
572s doing the prizes the stream three
574s platinum and double equinox prime
575s because i forgot to do the ma staff in
577s the vault so let's get our first prize
578s out of the way thousand plot just like
580s that just like that alright and then we
582s get we're gonna do probably do a lunar
586s spatulas are the cleaning BOTS with a
588s preliminary knife on it that's great
590s great nerves I'm gonna be relegated to a
592s drone you're out on your mission battles
599s we all chopping cars Robot Wars it was a
603s cult yeah oh yeah it's all the Flies
610s Cornelius underscore V you've won a
612s thousand fine I'm on twitch and Terry
614s underscore one underscore box theory
616s Terry you've won on mixer you got a
618s message just so we can hook you up with
619s your thousand platinum on both platforms
622s it's great all right yeah and thanks to
625s everyone for on PC anyway right now
628s playing the Jovi in Concord and
631s supporting us where are you going
633s Oh prop nonprofit thing thank you for
636s supporting us congratulations to team
640s the team as well who have shipped the
644s drum in Concord that was a big effort
645s exciting new boss battle with lots of
650s really cool animations and just a lot of
653s testing and programming and great arts
657s and content everyone on on the team
659s worked really hard to get it out for you
661s guys and thank you for your great
664s reactions and feedback I know we're
666s looking at a few things like reward
668s structures yeah repeatability of rewards
670s in the modes so we're balancing that out
674s we've got lots of energy color fixes
676s coming as well right well weeks so it's
679s been awesome thank you everyone for a
680s plane the first two days and it's been
682s amazing it took release a major update
684s it everyone's reactions work on it and
686s obviously the team we're super hard but
687s Steve guess what that means
688s one more thing off them we get to cross
691s okay okay do you want across there know
693s you wanna warframes three okay so we've
696s done two warframes so far she's here
698s 2019 okay we were only gonna do three uh
702s no we were committing to three to start
705s with three start with okay lay up a
706s pre-eminent so two are done so we have
709s one more which we're gonna talk about
710s today Dec 12 exploiter done gas city
713s amalgams done on Teen Wolf of Saturn six
716s done and now we have to do
717s now we're on the series 2 which is yeah
722s are there are loose teens I think is but
726s I don't know if it's gonna be Altima
728s told that but serious but there's
730s probably way better temporary title yeah
734s alright and you are kind I'm just gonna
736s in the way a lot yeah you're know a lot
739s ski he's gonna go down so it looks like
741s he received a on me back to my chair you
744s you come up here on the board Steve this
748s was a road map these are very important
749s and up I see yeah I gotta wait I'm
753s hiding in the trees so we've got Steve I
758s need your help I'm too clumsy what is
759s going on back where did the trees come
761s from I don't know he's in the weeds
769s Sheldon's trigger they're fake they're
777s fake plastic tree you drive we don't
779s worry don't worry
780s okay so 2019 you can't really see my
783s crosses cameras are getting filled with
785s bad jokes alright sound where to come we
788s have crossed off to warframes
790s Dec 12 - City amalgams world of Saturn
792s six series 2 is coming new war warframe
795s empyrion plains of Davari and then on
797s the other side we have ongoing reworks
799s melee difficulty new player there you go
801s professor stick yeah well this is a
803s really active stream we want to be
807s drafted for usually prefer checkmarks to
816s crossing it out okay it's sort of more
818s positive way did we really put the very
820s is well stuff we were working on yeah
827s we're doing promise anything like
830s there's a Tildy kind of represent why
834s don't we talk a little bit rework so
837s what have we got here we will be talking
838s about Wukong today so you can look for
840s it actual we'll be showing a little bit
841s talking getting that you know just in
843s your mind so you can start anticipating
845s changes who you come right so we go
847s we've got we do have ongoing lower
850s office at 6:00 and also in the jovian
852s Concord lots of it happens lower there
854s the boss fight also has some lore that's
858s relevant to the future is this about the
862s original writing yes so mainly we read
867s we're at kind of 2.9 right now I guess
869s it has not been touched so many point
871s seven-five took me some fun so we do a
873s video on that joint to show that now you
878s could pull up that video well this is
880s this is just something this is yeah it's
883s just this isn't the whole thing what is
885s this it's an experiment so you tweeted
889s about it which means it's set in stone
890s yeah oh we never got the timing updated
893s on this yeah all right so you tweeted
895s about this obviously why do we use this
896s video better lighting I guess better
901s lighting lighting so we already have
903s finishers in warframe if you know if you
905s blind people with radio blinds such as
906s this you can go in for finishers and
908s this is a camera change on that concept
911s but what's the what's the thinking here
913s what's the what's the plan what's the
915s experiment rather just to acknowledge
917s the experimental nature this is
920s experimental it's a prototype
925s again I hero moments at the end of the
928s fight at the end of a fight on the
932s designated enemy who will have extended
935s drops if you choose to finish them in
937s this way right so it's a little bit it
940s is not to slow down your warframe and
943s it's not going to be the kind of thing
946s that you're gonna want an option to skip
947s right toggle because it is tied
950s specifically to a rare enemy type that
952s has a bonus reward if you use this guy
956s and the same way you can probably get a
960s little bit like June 2016 ah but not but
964s not as part of the core loop like it was
966s in June 2016 gotcha so it's like an
968s optional opt-in right no it's no skulls
971s and in pizzazz well maybe some skulls
974s but no it's more about how they had a
978s reward loop based i/o shield our health
980s that's right cool all right okay all
983s right
984s what else is going on in mainland so one
989s Kong we work is going to ship with the
992s new control scheme for combos okay Oh
995s luckily it's hooked up la ready so I can
997s actually show that although have you
999s practiced yes okay I'm slightly out of
1001s order for Dean so poor Dean so who can
1004s rework has no pause finishers radically
1008s simplified input system so that you can
1011s get to those finishers in the faster
1013s paced game that ultimately we've made
1015s and it doesn't require a lot of mental
1017s gymnastics or checking what the combos
1020s are this is kind of a sign of what's to
1022s come but we'll be shipping this first
1024s yes
1026s no well before we do that we will do
1028s another at bottom price and then we will
1030s do a little we're going to come back to
1032s Wu Kong I do have some assets in order
1034s so we are going to show you a first look
1036s at the next warframe we're gonna talk a
1038s little bit about it and then we're gonna
1038s talk about the question in chat reports
1040s we revert leutner we'll talk about that
1043s we have a lot of questions from the
1045s forum thread that you're saying would be
1055s the accentuation you looking for
1056s superior underscore vendor go you've won
1059s on twitch and I notice me senpai you've
1063s won on mixer so there you noticed notice
1066s just senpai you did it you 1000 patan
1069s for you one mixer superior vendor go on
1071s twitch you're gonna show the combos yes
1073s you will get to that tonight we'll Kong
1075s stuff in a second we'll get to Wukong in
1076s a sec but first we will talk about the
1078s sec questions in chat about revert the
1081s UI I see also something a lot I expect
1086s there gonna be a rollout of polish next
1088s week on a lot of feedback come in like
1090s there's a bugs with the owned count
1091s there's a lot of feedback on the relic
1093s screen and designating rarities so we
1096s hopefully will have that next week or
1097s the week after do you be determined we
1099s will keep you posted we definitely are
1101s listening free feedback as we always do
1104s and if we don't see it in chats because
1106s it's scrolling fast like the matrix so
1109s we're trying trying
1111s great so at new hairstyle please explain
1113s in detail why the necros hydroid cora
1115s and looting interaction
1117s was suddenly nerve despite being in game
1118s for years so that's the first question
1120s so I think that is the trickiest part
1122s about having a seven year game is
1124s something that has been in the game for
1125s so long to decide it's a bug and then
1128s change it so if we go into like our
1131s message archives there's a lot of but
1132s it's been in the game for so long we
1134s should just leave it and typically we do
1135s and this is one of the cases where we
1137s didn't because of the chest changes with
1139s the double dipping it was basically
1142s decided that the chess Aleut shouldn't
1144s be able to loot a body that's already
1145s been looted that's right and then
1147s someone noticed well all loop powers to
1150s a degree do that double loop yes from a
1153s body so single corpse you can get two
1154s loop rolls from it that's no longer the
1156s case so are we going to roll it back if
1158s not are we going to be changing some
1160s other things just to do the hug kick
1162s mentality what is what is our what are
1164s our thoughts on this you're using the
1167s raw internal lingo no the huggin kick
1174s where things are our pleasant yeah I
1180s don't know I think Scott and I were
1182s talking about it yesterday as well yeah
1187s there is I could see him smacking his
1188s lips here and wishing he had a beer I
1192s would say we're I don't know if you're
1195s gonna get a strict rollback but we're
1197s not we're going to look at it more
1198s closely
1198s you have been heard and we do take us
1201s seriously I don't think we're gonna
1203s improv the solution on the stream here
1204s right now okay so yeah people don't like
1207s when I do that we don't like that also I
1213s think reasons for that would be we don't
1216s like when people are pushed into a
1218s corner for what type of loadout to
1219s optimize too much we like people to have
1222s more choices in the game and that's
1224s generally where the spirit of nerfs and
1227s fixing old bugs comes from so that is
1232s why we do these insane things and piss
1234s you guys off
1235s we can't but we'll definitely look at it
1237s again and rather than letting something
1241s get so many kicks at the can is it
1244s better to kind of rise all boats or
1246s something like that might be something
1247s there yep
1252s all right you can come on over so in our
1254s teaser image for a dev stream 1:28 we
1258s showed you a new warframe so this is the
1261s runner warframe ignore the drone sorry
1268s too much dust over there we won't be
1271s stuck we won't be showing his power
1272s source it's the first time you'll ever
1274s see it there is a pH red line mode so it
1278s could be it looks incredible so this is
1280s very much totally under this that is
1285s amazing this is rooted in Mach power
1287s speed so this is a very much a fewer
1291s fast gotta go fast mindset this is our
1293s whole 2.0 well that's what I see in Chad
1301s that the Gundam part of all those things
1304s oh my god yeah I love all the materials
1306s look and I love it the function even
1308s when it's closed I think is it is it are
1310s they kind of shaking yeah I love these
1315s kind of the flaps yeah there is a quiver
1318s it's very much rooted and like the
1320s kinetic so he's he's rearing to go we
1325s are gonna show us on a few coffees right
1327s there yeah so if you want to I will show
1330s you his animations life but if you want
1332s to get a there's there's the animation
1334s team didn't play them yeah I'm gonna
1336s show you them live the animation team to
1338s do a play blast just while I'm getting
1341s set up if you want to take a look at I
1342s did yeah the stuff you doing behind what
1346s isn't your back which one which what are
1347s you steal you stealing you sent it to me
1348s yes but everything you send me in swag
1350s isn't meant for publishing you know oh
1352s okay yeah so some agile yes very cool
1359s yeah that's it so that's I think you're
1362s gonna show these live or yeah I mean I'm
1363s just going in I just didn't want to oh I
1365s see yes so very fast very agile I need
1370s to ignore it ready to go
1371s what was it that was it yeah oh oh yeah
1375s let's take a look at the concept as well
1376s so you can see where it came from so
1377s this is uh Oh wicked yeah
1380s that is not the power today
1394s what is it money that you guys like 12
1405s how do you sold a so we're not gonna
1411s give you too much to go on for his
1413s powers but you know you can you should
1416s have one
1416s I don't know I'm almost he's ready to go
1419s go full Naruto hit one okay
1421s only if chat says go full never these
1425s are all in flux these are all I kind of
1427s yeah three two one
1430s no gotta go fast I don't know you so
1434s that's just a little but you know
1439s balancing and there's no we're doing
1441s here
1441s there's no way this is ready to show but
1443s so I apologize in advance to the most
1445s incredible human being
1447s turns out here yeah so it's gonna be
1453s throttled it's gonna if you can see the
1455s really work and progress you I on the
1456s right hand side there rpm very very
1459s thing yeah let me see let me see I don't
1463s know I won't see that it can be said
1465s does you actually go I didn't know yeah
1469s so obviously no sounds you know
1471s everything's just a work in progress
1473s how do you get into the other mode is
1474s that during speed how does he how does
1477s the open actor I think it's for us it's
1480s the fourth one but it doesn't do
1481s anything right now but it will sorry
1482s you're like I thought they were like
1483s exhaust coming out there so he's a he's
1493s raring to go anyway should be better wow
1496s that's gonna be a fun very very very
1501s early first look
1504s I have to go through all my that was
1509s cool
1509s I look really cool all right
1513s yes is it oh hey buddy you wants to get
1519s that oh that's really give us a rope and
1521s out really cool dope so him analysts are
1524s gonna have a fisticuffs obviously oh
1526s okay so we have a little I like it I
1530s like the balance that's cool he's part
1533s of the turbo team we're gonna circle a
1536s slang word frames the home team yes
1537s turbo team Holton volton in this frame
1540s all right turbo team is coming turbo
1548s team he's a maniac
1551s all right and speaking of okay we're
1556s gonna add people do another price
1557s because we have something need to do
1558s today okay I guess we made as well
1560s oh so many Bulls are different they can
1564s be best friends together imagine if you
1566s have buddies if you holding him together
1568s but when we can pasture
1569s yeah you guys ever watched like the
1570s flash there's a whole family of yes I
1572s don't have you heard of the Avengers
1573s it's not I'm injure single all right now
1577s beam has won on Twitch and Dalek God has
1580s one on mixer so make sure you're
1582s messaging us and we will hook you up
1584s with your well-earned price that wasn't
1587s platinum to each of you congratulations
1589s good job guys
1590s nice work good job oh right I don't
1595s we're gonna do a call you don't have to
1597s do a call at all that's not very nice
1599s all right so many a stream ago you saw a
1602s Wukong deluxe image yes you did and Dean
1606s will pull it up oh yeah so this was a
1608s concept for our oh all right so this was
1616s a deluxe concept that has had some
1618s progress been yeah it's in the sculpting
1620s vase or now so we have the high poly I
1622s think yep oh no oh what do we think of
1633s our Monkey King mom's getting a Bionicle
1636s thing going
1637s again yeah a little bit yeah yeah very
1648s very cool so this is looking great and a
1651s couple streams ago we said we'd rather
1653s show not tell the changes to his rework
1656s we're gonna do a combination today just
1657s cuz it's very much work in progress so
1659s just to give you a sort of snapshot we
1662s are completely are changing Wukong his
1664s first ability is going to become
1666s something completely different called
1667s hair of the King if you're familiar with
1669s Wukong within the lore of which he
1671s originated he can clone himself well or
1674s of myself I have hair of the dog okay
1678s here are the King and hair of the dog
1680s defy is going to lose its role as the oh
1684s we even stay alive forever power it's
1686s going to become more of a taunt and then
1688s splash back the damage as opposed to
1690s permanent invincibility so expect that
1692s to change the oh I just hit something
1694s okay
1695s the cloud Walker ability huh we can show
1698s today it's going to just be way faster
1700s and it's gonna have an added damage buff
1702s on exit and primal fury this is going to
1705s be a little bit of what you did with
1707s Baruch for his rage meter mixed into
1710s just a higher damage ability so he's
1713s getting a bit of an animation passage
1714s yes so everything you're about to see on
1716s the dev build is very buff but it's
1719s something that you can look forward to
1721s as I demoed in our so yeah so if you are
1726s upset that defies going I assure you
1727s that the other three abilities all
1729s getting significantly buffed will make
1730s up for it his taunt isn't ready to show
1732s yet but it does give you a window of
1734s complete and vulnerability and then all
1736s the damage you absorb you can deliver
1738s back that's what we're currently working
1739s with but the key thing about it is so
1741s now that you get your buddy you both
1744s taunt and you both do the damage so you
1745s basically get two little little two
1748s wukong's two to rock-and-roll and your
1750s hair of the King will do the alternate
1753s that you're doing so if your shoot me
1755s he's mailing if you're mailing he's got
1757s your range back so oh it looked oh yeah
1759s so he's kind of like your yeah your
1762s clone obviously duration work
1763s he's your support yeah like that so you
1766s can get your buddy that's really cool
1767s yep so he's your hair the king the cloud
1770s Walker ability like I said it's just way
1772s faster now so you can just kind of run
1774s around as a storm cloud and once you
1777s exit so you can kind of really
1783s tactically place yourself the longer
1785s you're in it the bigger your crit chance
1787s bonuses so you do do higher DPS after
1790s you when you come out of yeah and you
1793s can exit it on attack so you can use it
1795s to position yourself and then land with
1797s an attack okay and then primal fury
1800s right now what isn't hooked up is the
1802s sort of raid mechanic but you guys know
1805s this ability
1806s it's his staff The Monkey King staff and
1808s like you mentioned new combo system we
1811s talked about nice you know a step
1813s streams the idea that if you're only you
1815s know it's just on stationary you'll
1817s slightly move forward and you got its
1818s new combos but if you're doing your W
1820s forward you are gonna be closing the
1822s distance more and the idea here is that
1824s you're you know quick melee combos are
1827s gonna get rid of the grunts and everyone
1829s around you that you just kind of you
1830s know can make quick work of and then
1832s once things get a little more difficult
1834s you can bring out your your big guns so
1838s that's pretty oh that's awesome yeah so
1841s that's just the standard combos the
1843s entire mechanic of blocking right-click
1847s timing all that is going to slightly
1848s shift so for example say I'm aiming if I
1852s just aim in combo you can do some AoE
1854s stuff that's really cool but if you aim
1859s and do forward combo you'll do some
1861s closing of the distance so this is oh oh
1864s can I get can't kill the birds every day
1866s Rebecca I just don't get over it so this
1869s is gonna allow you if you're paying
1870s attention you can see the staff actually
1872s get thrown so you can get a ranged
1873s attack in and then you're closing that
1874s distance and then you can kind of go
1876s into them or you know hey I'm going to
1877s kill your combos so in Polish polish and
1881s forceful Church that's immediately yeah
1883s Joe had some pretty cool gifts that he's
1885s I mean OH
1886s some other examples of it are just gonna
1888s see if I have them oh cool cool yeah so
1891s this is all working progress stuff if
1892s you're on a dev stream that's that's how
1894s we roll so you can can are you know that
1896s but yeah you're aiming and you decide
1897s someone who's gotten too close you can
1898s just a OE them right in front of you and
1900s if you're aiming
1901s and you want to get me to if you're
1904s aiming and you want to get closer to
1905s dude you can just do your W for forward
1908s movement by default and then away you go
1909s to close that gap and then get in there
1912s with sometimes the combos like a purpose
1915s combos have rather than just flair and
1916s my guy just sniped things thanks dude
1919s love it alright so those are just the
1923s first layer of this was really cool yeah
1926s he still does have invulnerability with
1928s defy it's just you have to be more
1929s tactical yeah it has debug stuff on it
1933s right now so I don't want to press too
1934s but it's to Adam said a bit about yes so
1937s hopefully you can see it all together um
1939s either before release will give me more
1940s videos but it's just way more active
1942s instead of - don't die it's - don't die
1944s you'll damage then hit - again don't die
1946s you deal damage so it's more training it
1948s together but mmm yes yes yes all right
1952s so it's much easier to do all of the
1955s melee stuff now with the simplification
1958s yeah and that's our goal to carry
1959s forward yes to the rest of the game we
1962s lost twitch chat we can't read it
1964s anymore
1964s this is a snap awesome oh snap sorry
1967s chat we'll be back yeah there you go
1969s we're back there you go
1970s Oh f10 Oh Jen hopefully soon the next
1974s round all right Boban win that's what
1977s they're asking now soon Tia
1987s oh great Robin applause yes
1991s Rob Robin can you guys even say it
1995s I can't I've said it's wrong I just saw
1996s a rough list Ruppel Wallace throw up a
1999s little okay I say wrong I still pissed
2001s you off right little Rob I can't even
2003s balls yeah Rob Hall's list nope nope
2008s nope
2010s anyways it's not a low list drop a
2013s little well we can't do it you won't be
2016s expected to join us don't worry
2018s well you were doing your beauty and body
2021s arts dream yes you were filibuster your
2023s filibuster you were you were showing you
2027s know Scott every now and then you'd lean
2028s over to Scotts computer and Scott had a
2029s wallpaper that we were really trying new
2031s people's speculation on yeah did it
2033s maybe the wallpaper
2035s they tried there's a very very grainy
2037s zoomed in shot with a great picture of
2039s you in it actually oh yeah not only is
2044s our runner frame
2046s you know he's number three on the board
2048s but there might also be a number four
2050s yes so she did a concept first or the
2053s all right so let's take a look at
2055s another concept we're working on so if
2059s you thought hildren was bringing the
2062s bring in the heat we have that weapon
2063s too actually
2067s alright and let's take a look at should
2069s we take a look at the wallpaper sure
2071s yeah I do it sure so Scott is this your
2076s new new fave it's he's getting up there
2079s yeah so what is he um would Steven be
2082s like a Kirby Kirby frame like eat things
2086s and power them and and digest them and
2089s carry them around in his stomach weight
2094s stomach he just he's a jolly fellow yeah
2098s perfect the concept was like inspired by
2100s Tony
2101s yeah a frame and then Scott turn them
2105s into Kirby which we are we are we are oh
2117s okay you started doing an animation
2118s passed on him he's gonna have a lot of
2120s custom he's got a lot of jiggles
2123s animations that have been modified so
2125s that they don't he's just a clipping
2126s monster his own arm you yeah he was like
2134s you guys even slimmed him down a bit cuz
2136s he was what there was a bigger version
2137s of there was yeah yeah so is it like a
2141s cursed genie wish that we added jiggle
2143s physics to warframe but we did it on
2144s this character we haven't got that
2146s working yeah yeah yeah oh man that'd be
2153s cool sorry Chris don't do it
2160s Bowl party revealed decently with like I
2163s lost them hmm
2164s yeah maybe just thinking interesting
2167s awesome very very cool all right we'll
2168s take some questions from our forum
2170s thread or chat if you guys see any that
2172s you want to to snipe as they swing by
2175s but there are of course general themes
2177s with the questions each week in chat we
2178s have questions about primary kit guns
2180s which we talked about a while ago but I
2182s don't think there's any ETA on those
2185s don't think there is an ETA on those at
2187s all last I heard what I asked to speak
2190s more infested weapon slash Cosmetics
2198s kingpin system as an is present on the
2200s board as well as on this sheet yeah
2202s serious tune night wave I guess yeah
2204s about will need will need infested stuff
2209s what else do we have here yeah so any
2211s chance melee phase 2 is gonna hit before
2213s 10 o con let me hold you out there for a
2226s bit
2226s just three and where do we go with the
2229s the combo rework because that doesn't
2230s bring us to three if we're including the
2232s finisher prototypes its the finisher
2237s prototypes part of melee 3 there's that
2239s something yeah so yep so that won't be a
2241s for don't go no point 85 yeah alright
2245s well that's a certain answer so we'll go
2247s with it
2247s Andrus wants to know if there's any plan
2249s on reworking mods or damaged systems to
2251s make builds more varied and versatile
2253s not really a one-word answer
2255s oh man you already in there well you
2257s should spawn in there so I can have a
2259s bit of a reveal okay not yet this is not
2260s those don't pay attention to what the
2262s man behind the curtain years we have
2263s lots to get to you before we get to this
2264s sorry it's really distract they're just
2266s checking it anyway damage uh do we
2270s rework warframe essentially will we be
2274s working mods or damaged systems to make
2275s builds more varied and versatile I don't
2279s think there's anything specific in the
2280s pipe that's gonna address that but we're
2282s always kind of looking at rewards and
2284s and then looking at my words we always
2286s kind of look at what's the next way we
2289s can kind of accept the mods that sort of
2291s mix up the damage
2293s that could kind of open up a new space
2295s for players to advance so I think in
2298s that vein we're looking at it but like a
2300s complete rework of all the base damage
2302s system I don't think isn't in the work
2304s we've talked about it but obviously I
2306s tried that once and I'm still mentally
2308s scarred yeah we did we did that's just a
2316s regular good Raptors are in a very
2325s similar situation
2326s no Vipers got past the first round so I
2341s think the r-word rewards comes up
2343s basically every time we really something
2345s new every time you work something old
2346s because the quote that comes down to
2348s once they get everything the new has
2350s what are they going for and our Canes
2351s have a longevity because of the way
2353s they're designed you need multiples they
2354s have RNG ribbons have longevity because
2356s the way they're designed despite issues
2358s you may have with them and the question
2359s becomes what is the next school of that
2362s that is going to feel like an
2363s interesting reward chase for warframe
2365s and I think we really are under finding
2367s those I think breaks up people's yes so
2371s that changes what people want to put in
2373s Janna frames and their weapons and stuff
2374s so yeah we have aha moments and those
2377s show up yeah I think the exilic was a
2381s lot the last one we did that was that
2383s really kind of changing to build variety
2385s interesting what are you gonna put it
2386s over Umbra stuff I'm dressed up as well
2388s so I'm Performa from the last there's
2394s little things we're doing I don't think
2395s there's anything major there's no major
2397s school of rewards that we can no major
2400s reworks of that base system underst give
2404s me some of those amalgam mods just
2405s having kind of forces a little bit of a
2408s different it builds yeah right yeah so
2410s I'm good right like choosing between
2411s serration or amalgam serration cuz you
2413s want to change it up a little bit that's
2414s right little tweaks little tweaks yeah
2416s so we're trying we're experimenting so
2418s yep there's others all right yeah that
2421s rewards about half the design
2423s we have yeah literally yep reward
2426s rewards definitely dominate our mindset
2428s as well as our players yep yes indeed
2432s all right so one of the big ticket items
2434s on the wall is new more yes and yeah but
2440s you know gossipy remastered is out on PC
2443s and people a lot of people are asking
2445s you know like what either what are you
2447s working on next for old style tilesets
2449s or what are you be working and I think
2451s we have some concept art of what sir
2453s what's coming next right lo4 which what
2457s are we done yeah we know can we see it
2459s first no for new this is new
2461s yeah there's new sets yeah yeah yeah
2465s yeah oh boy okay get ready guys wait
2468s we're looking before it chattin no no no
2478s no no this is somebody trying to scam me
2490s chat deal with them that would be
2492s awesome multiple choice what is a mess
2497s you could probably there in the stream
2498s now oh man there's lots we start going
2501s with it you have it Dora I think yeah
2504s yeah all right Godspeed Godspeed Dean
2507s goes blue to red blue to red blue to red
2510s that's fine yep beautiful work in
2515s progress this is concept art for the a
2521s sentient owl says yep Oh might look
2535s familiar from the tease from last mm-hmm
2539s pretty good no okay my girl is there I
2544s love these get ready so hope you ready
2552s the words don't matter if you did Oh
2556s nice perfect now would you like me to
2561s you so yeah I mean I think our pace is
2565s good this year
2566s i sorry gonna see that well no no you
2570s see what you got it's my pace our pace
2573s is good this year Wars yep pace is not
2577s great but we're gonna show you there's a
2580s lot of work going into it though
2581s definitely this year is definitely 2019
2583s yeah and there's there's a lot of work
2586s that's going into it so that's why we're
2587s kind of showing you a little more than
2589s maybe we would have at the beginning
2591s yeah and some of the stuff you saw in
2592s the concept is gonna kind of be fleshed
2594s out in the quest we hope the kind of
2598s state that yep right so we're actually
2603s gonna go there so when I first saw this
2605s I thought this was a tunnel come back
2607s it's not here we go which is so crazy
2609s yeah yeah okay of course this won't be
2617s how you enter it you know yeah when it's
2620s finally revealed yep but here you go
2622s this is this is some new War Oilers you
2628s can this is our many teams coming
2632s together are a lot of design concept
2634s everyone bringing an incredible look
2636s this completely feels like it's
2639s ambitious this is very there's a breath
2642s of fresh air in terms of the scope and
2646s the design and there's unfinished stuff
2650s here we're only gonna show you a little
2651s bit yeah but this is what yeah yeah it
2658s speaks for itself is in the belly of the
2660s beast which I think you can probably see
2661s hints of that in kind of the way the
2664s visuals communicate that yeah look at
2667s that oh my god
2673s okay I'm just gonna have a couple
2675s unfinished objects here yeah what if you
2678s yep yeah you can see how the concept
2681s though like really came to lie yeah so
2686s very big sense like very large very
2691s large very look at that look at the
2692s detail very ominous truckin yep and
2700s there's a state of regrowth I guess is
2701s kind of like the idea behind behind the
2706s set yeah it's I don't know where you
2717s want me to go soon oh there's an enemy
2720s over there what he's not functioning yet
2723s but clearly there's a bunch of new
2724s enemies coming further see if you just
2726s direct me like like you're don't
2729s backtrack don't backtrack not working
2732s there's no time for backtracking
2733s actually go towards that inner thing ya
2738s know are we gonna show this man am i
2747s going close to it yeah Oh what is that
2752s I don't know uh okay well Oh what is
2759s let's walk through it
2760s yeah I don't know if this can work the
2768s answer is it worked oh my god alright
2774s well there yeah yeah there's your cursor
2776s turn off turn off to you that comes with
2784s so we are working on the new war and
2788s it's gonna be amazing amazing it's not
2793s ready to ship yet yes um so yeah feels a
2799s little you know anticlimactic you um
2801s have two questions after that I don't
2803s questions this is really great work
2804s going into it though
2805s so that is something that maybe you'll
2807s see a bit more about 10 oh come on
2809s speaking of 10 oak on something you'll
2811s see a bit more yes we finally did it
2814s after years and years and years all the
2821s way we finally died here grandpa oh he's
2823s got it he's got the box got this oh I
2827s really did it
2828s a tenner confer I actually don't know
2831s the plan with this other than 10 oak on
2832s will have it first it's a limited
2834s edition
2834s clem bobble head and you got the box and
2837s the box is what dreams are made of you
2840s can see amazing details such as Clem
2842s Clem Clem Clem Clem Clem Clem on the
2844s side and Clem bobbleheads are official
2847s they are and chat seems to you guys like
2858s that there you go it's pretty fun
2861s yeah it's bringing the Clem Naugle this
2863s is the I think we have two in existence
2864s right now so this is one of two and ah
2867s yeah that's great well if you guys I'm
2870s still stunned by the sentient stuff I'm
2872s just yeah it looks so amazing yeah it
2875s looks really good amazing work by the
2876s team it might be in that space that is a
2880s set that's been it's been a it's been a
2883s trial yes brother
2884s it's been a struggle is it like a core
2886s procedural set and it is a it is a tile
2892s set construction all right yeah it's
2895s taking a toll on a lot of artists like
2897s [Laughter]
2900s execution there's been when you think we
2902s started concept in it three years ago
2905s there's been many attempts we've come a
2909s long way from our beautiful corpus ship
2911s interiors that are also getting a
2913s remastered also as yes true I don't know
2919s if we can show anything of that yet but
2920s that's a that's on the 1% stream yeah
2926s it's true
2927s she would give away oh wait equinox
2930s prime access we got to get those going
2932s yep we have questions about the Knox
2937s cannon gule saw in
2939s PVE articular now that we have heavy
2941s weapons in game we should be able to use
2943s the ghoul saw we should be able to use
2945s the knocks Janice should we why should
2947s why can't we we should see I should be
2949s are you we were gonna make the saw a
2951s melee weapon to Chum and stuff is the
2958s winner of Equinox prime access the first
2959s round of them of course lady the
2971s greeting is that a plant is that rigged
2973s yeah people are saying it's we once we
2986s find time to get to those it's just it's
2988s a lot of content that kind of bring
2990s those to the function so but yeah that
2992s is the planner gotcha all right very
2995s good
2995s Jax to what it was a year ago yeah oh
3004s yeah that's true
3005s whatever next year not this year what
3013s are you looking at prime trailers
3024s checked it because he was taking ones
3027s from chat that was from chat yeah
3032s prime trailers didn't exist at the
3034s launch of frame access and then we
3036s started doing them and then we stopped
3037s doing them uh-huh so what's we just got
3043s so far behind the ball on like prime
3046s shipped and we didn't have time to
3047s finish it then the next prime ship do we
3049s still have time to finish you wanted me
3050s the first thing I want to knew a hundred
3053s other things yeah we discovered the busy
3056s they take a lot of time I know well
3063s Jeremy popped into my office yesterday
3065s and said that level blew up so yeah it
3069s would look awesome in that new level
3070s though it would look awesome
3072s no well maybe one yeah someday someday
3076s okay someday Telecom
3078s maybe we're a lot of fun to work on they
3081s are they genuinely were like there's a
3082s lot of fun to make those it's just oh
3086s man
3087s like every two or three streams we def
3095s takes one baseball bat to the head not
3100s again Jeff likes to share the blame it's
3102s probably mostly actually my fault but
3106s got a lot of stuff we're working on yeah
3108s and a lot of great stuff there's a
3110s bobble head we do lots of questions with
3124s the Saturn six capture scheme and seen
3126s in its new skybox will there be a Saturn
3128s title set a new Saturn Kyle set in the
3130s future or is that just a one I went off
3133s no why yeah I think I think there has
3140s been talk about at least the tile to
3144s speak to what the series one story was
3147s mmm-hmm so when definitely that question
3150s comes from the same place that a lot of
3152s people people were thinking so no
3155s promises
3155s but we have been talking about that as
3158s well it's on the list somewhere on the
3160s list did everyone get their drop I see
3164s some people saying 1918 yet lots of
3165s nineteen hopefully hopefully very good
3167s when Beryl barrows next week
3168s yep great so we talked a little bit
3172s Yahtzee wants to know what the next
3173s house that rework is on our plans that
3176s would be the corpus ship st. and yes
3183s that's older than is there any sort of
3188s like high-level goals for that rework is
3191s because you know what the Jupiter gas
3192s city remaster it obviously it went from
3194s he it looks better to okay its new
3196s mission type phosphate although that's
3198s what I'm really proud of the Jovian
3200s Concorde because not only did it make
3203s the place look bad
3205s it also brought lore and new enemy types
3208s and it really mode is a new game mode
3211s there's so many reasons to go there and
3214s we've we've kind of feel like we have to
3216s do that rather than individual upgrade
3218s so it does drag out and take a lot more
3220s resources but so our goal again would be
3226s at some level to create an incentive for
3229s new and old players alike to go back to
3230s these familiar places and see not only
3233s the amazing visuals but also have new
3236s things to do and we have new rewards as
3239s well that's always the goal do we do we
3242s talk about that we're looking at
3244s disruption going to other places no
3246s actually I just saw someone say Chad
3247s disruption is so fun and it's been
3249s extremely well received from the get-go
3250s you know we do have some tweaks coming
3252s as we mentioned I think um you know more
3255s amalgam spawns just to get you access to
3257s Kies at a different rate and so rewards
3267s in that game mode we doubled the hexan
3270s on that's right it should have gone live
3272s in the last hotfix but it you know be
3275s ongoing tweak some more stuff flat
3277s forward as well and I think I don't know
3281s people are saying 19 because they got it
3282s or not
3282s I assume I hope so did anyone get their
3284s twitch drop yeah maybe see anyone yep
3289s hmm no we got it yes no thank you thank
3296s you very much yeah people are saying the
3299s hexagons gonna go home so yeah and I
3301s think yeah we have been talking about
3304s that and we're going to take out reports
3306s yep Cave of the week theme of the year I
3311s think the other thing like visually is
3316s the new rendering engine that we've got
3319s in the works for warframe that I'm
3321s hoping we can show you a little bit at a
3324s certain event is something we think it's
3329s going to make everything look better all
3331s at once but that is work in progress as
3335s well like the real-time Sun shadows the
3340s volumetric lighting solution changes and
3342s all this other really cool stuff that I
3344s get nerdy about at the smaller that's a
3347s smaller group that's working on that so
3350s yeah so for Sheldon there were some
3354s conversations you had on past dev
3356s streams about the UI reexpose will go
3358s into pets 2.0 to make that you know
3360s stasis loop more seamless and as soon as
3362s we're that's the plan for sure as soon
3364s as we get the as soon as we had have
3367s that fix in all those changes will go
3369s with it that's awesome
3370s there is a follow-up question Oh will
3373s that bring kibbutz and kubrow is having
3375s a dedicated weapon slot like all other
3378s companions because right now when you
3379s have your MOA you have a mole weapon
3381s that you mods separately so Moe isn't
3382s sent notes they don't have that they
3384s don't you mind your kübra or cravat
3386s first survivability as well as damage
3387s you same same pictures so is that
3389s something that you're planning on doing
3391s or um to be honest no okay honesty is
3395s better than make it but it's worth a
3398s thought okay it's like I don't have an
3405s answer for it but it's worth thinking
3407s about for sure we're not showing rail
3410s jack
3410s today we showed a teeny bit but we're
3413s kind of holding that back and I think
3414s obviously that's part of the reason why
3416s we're gonna be going dark on our dev
3417s streams as well yeah we will be going
3420s got a pile on it and and make it awesome
3424s for you guys I'm looking forward to it
3425s as much as your yes we will be taking a
3428s break from the coach how many weeks do
3430s we have to market on your market on your
3437s calendars guys are gonna Kalinin we'll
3439s be back in X amount of days and we're
3442s gonna blow your minds right sorry yeah
3450s that's gonna be we you know event we do
3454s ourselves and we try and make it awesome
3455s but I think
3461s but if you're coming you're gonna have
3462s an awesome time meeting fellow Tenno yes
3463s please come and hang out workshop span
3465s that stuff will be amazing yeah they're
3468s alive we got magic tricks planned okay I
3470s see a lot of questions in chat that we
3473s can't answer because maybe we want to
3476s reveal that or maybe because of tono con
3478s I see questions about like future
3480s consoles obviously we're following that
3483s news as closely as you are if you're
3486s asking that question
3487s RTX is something that isn't coming soon
3489s to warframe but absolutely is on our
3492s minds as well and yeah one of our
3495s graphics engineers writes tutorials on
3497s our TX so I think we'll be well
3499s positioned depending on what the future
3502s hardware looks like let's play questions
3504s cross progression cross progression
3505s cross play is not on the radar at the
3508s moment cross cross progression is on the
3510s radar at the moment and I think it's a
3513s question of I think it's a question of
3517s like how what the scope of it is it
3520s feels like some version of that is a
3522s certainty but there's an Asterix hanging
3525s over that because we haven't we've only
3526s done a little bit of due diligence to
3528s figure out what that would be like for a
3530s game like warframe which is violently
3532s changing every year we're we're trying
3534s to one-up ourselves rail jack is gonna
3537s be a completely new aspect to warframe
3541s so these kind of things make it very
3543s awkward for us to do cross progression
3546s but we want to indeed yeah alright well
3551s we have to do another Equinox prime axis
3553s prize before I forget again okay and
3555s then we'll also do a primal price so
3557s lucky winners to put two prizes in RL
3559s lucky winners to be had two lucky
3561s winners to be drawn one from twitch one
3562s for mixer the question is who will it be
3567s and we do rework old frames I see I see
3570s a question with that we we demonstrate
3572s one out it going boy yeah okay we were
3576s just demonstrating some of that reworks
3578s today that's right the first cookie god
3582s 24 great name one Equinox per maximum
3585s and blonde shine you've won on mixer so
3588s hook us up with your account information
3590s your names and your platforms and we'll
3592s hook
3592s you up with Equinox prime access let's
3595s just do another one the vault vault
3596s vault the vault to end all vaults Loki
3600s and bolt prime vault let's do it
3610s the winner of the prime vault on this
3613s day in May is a go Mino albero yeah ago
3618s Mino a libero you've won the prime bult
3620s and delta - t ND you've won the prime
3622s ball by mixer purple mix winner in blue
3628s any words pep talk further after supper
3631s boys yeah good good table I don't know I
3639s think they've pretty ambivalent but
3640s based on their reactions sports sports
3644s Tim and Eric bored alright until the
3650s tennis on couch they're gonna be a very
3652s different environment you'll see you
3653s soon yep and even though we do act like
3655s we're dreading it it is a huge
3657s motivation here creatively for us
3659s you have to kind of we're not dreading
3662s it yeah no we're not drinking we're very
3664s excited about the stuff we're working on
3665s when we get to show you and we really
3666s appreciate the support but you guys kind
3668s of pushed us to do this you know the
3669s team is killing it they're doing really
3671s amazing stuff so oh yeah pretty good I'm
3675s kind of dying with what we showed yeah
3679s it's buzzy from it for sure it's it's
3682s exciting to show you guys the stuff and
3684s that's the best part about Telecom yep
3686s showing you guys so Joe V's Concord play
3688s it and we're working on getting into
3690s cert for our console console tunnel as
3692s soon as possible we'll update the forum
3694s threads as it makes its way through the
3696s through the sausage factory of getting
3700s up to you guys and thank you for you
3704s know thanks for watching and thank you
3705s for playing
3706s the update if you're on PC and we're
3709s coming soon if you bought a wisp bundler
3711s and that sort of thing or a domestic
3713s drone yeah
3718s one put a skin on the Roomba like I want
3720s to see zero his ships do serious it's a
3726s very severe show very edgy but I
3728s appreciate your support
3731s yeah with your with platinum purchases
3734s and or if you're playing for free and
3736s you're trading and and that sort of
3738s thing all that sort of stuff goes
3739s towards supporting warframes ongoing
3742s development yeah cheer die which is very
3744s exciting to this day so thank you so
3747s much everyone everyone at Digital
3749s Extremes thank you for making more
3750s famous and congrats to the team and
3752s worked on you guys know the encoding
3754s quarter as well if you're watching
3755s you're sleeping under your desk right
3757s now instead oh I have a great weekend
3760s everyone we wish you an awesome relaxing
3762s time and have fun to play in warframe
3763s and we'll see you around PC in July
3776s [Music]
3788s opportunity demands we partner with
3791s those we once called the enemy and move
3795s forward together
3797s [Music]
3818s [Music]
3824s [Music]
3827s bear witness betrayus
3829s to my exciting new product line
3845s [Music]
3864s keep testing ages preyus
3867s I now keep testing you