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Warframe Revised: Railjack Revisited (Part 1): Hotfix 27.4.2
Railjack Fixes:
- Fixed Clients using Join Warp (Rank 10 Tactical) teleporting ten-thousands of meters away instead of next to the squad member they are trying to teleport to.
- Fixed Particle Ram FX flickering if you weren’t the person flying the ship.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if you were viewing the Railjack Tactical Menu while en route to the Dry Dock.
- Fixed Seeker Volley having no drop location - it now drops from Kosma Taktis.
- Fixed killing Crewship Engines not affecting crew count before the ship has been boarded.
- Fixed a crash associated with Crewships.
- Fixed Garuda not being able to Melee after leaving and re-entering Railjacks.
Archwing Launcher Changes:
We have reverted our recent changes to the Archwing Launch Blueprint and brought it back to basics for now.
- The Archwing Launcher Blueprint is no longer consumed on use, and will always be available to craft in the Foundry like before mainline.
- Removed Stance Forma eligibility on Exalted weapons due to Stance Forma providing no benefit to these weapons.
- Removed inaccurate information found in the in-game Market tooltip for Titania Prime Accessories.
- Fixed a major issue with Projectiles having more Critical Chance than intended. This issue was introduced with the Warframe Mainline that launched Friday.
- Fixed an issue with Jackal / Razorback functionality in terms of boss properly navigating rooms.
- Fixed functionality loss when selecting the category bar in the Mods section of the Codex and attempting to search.
Fixed not receiving the correct Kavat Genetic Code when purchasing the Kavat Start Kit from the in-game Market.
- We’re working on a script to provide the correct Kavat Genetic Codes to those who purchased the Kit - we’ll update the thread here when the script has run/finished.
*The script has started! Will update here when it has finished. - *The script has finished!
- Fixed Arch Melee in normal Archwing missions teleporting you into abrupt and incorrect places as well as the magnetism working irregularly. We are still working on polishing this up.
- Fixed Exodia Contagion’s projectiles being invisible when a Skin is equipped.
- Fixed the Jackal getting stuck in various room geometry.
- Fixed Clients inability to see themselves perform any further Emotes after performing an Emote.
- Fixed the Operators having black teeth due to not understanding the importance of flossing. As reported here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1190113-operator-has-black-teeth-now/
- Fixed some missing UI Icons in the in-game Market.
- Fixed a script error that would occur if you received a transmission from a Converted Kuva Lich while in Fortuna, Cetus, or a Relay.
- Fixed a script error that could occur if Sargus Ruk attempted to swing his flamethrower wide and spray you with fire before actually acquiring you as a target.
- Fixed a script error that could occur for Clients if someone died during the energy-draining phase of the Power Drift puzzle.
- Fixed a couple script errors that could occur while fighting the Cunning Drift Security Eye.
- Fixed a script error when playing Happy Zephyr/Wyrmius while not logged in.
*Missed fix:
- Fixed the squad menu displaying the incorrect equipped Relic name, and always displaying as |ERA|CATEGORY| (Rank).
*The script has finished! Thanks!