about 6 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link

December 18th Hotfix #5



Become the fastest gun in the system with Mesa Prime. This legendary gunslinger comes with the Akjagara Prime dual pistols, the long-awaited Redeemer Prime gunblade and more!


  • Mesa Prime: Cast a long shadow with this lethal enforcer. 
  • Mesa Prime Glyphs: Embody Mesa Prime with these Prime Glyphs. 
  • Akjagara Prime: Precision machined mirrored pistols. Primed and ready. 
  • Redeemer Prime: Deal out double-barreled death with this primed gunblade.


Operator Prime Accessories

Don one, two, or all three fashionable Prime accessories and give your Operator a golden visage!

Also included in the Mesa Prime Accessories are: 

  • Cholla Prime Sugatra 
  • 90 Day Credit Booster 
  • 90 Day Affinity Booster

Mesa Prime, Akjagara Prime and Redeemer Prime Blueprints can also be earned in-game through Relics! They have replaced all exclusive locations of Chroma Prime, Gram Prime, and Rubico Prime Relics:

  • Plains Bounties
  • Sanctuary Onslaught
  • Elite Sanctuary Onslaught (Radiant)
  • Added in numerous Endless mission modes
  • And the list goes on! 

*Chroma Prime, Gram Prime, and Rubico Prime Relics are also still out in the wild, just not in exclusive spots like Bounties or Onslaught.

Check out Mesa Prime Access Packs in the in-game Market! Regional release dates on PS4

  • December 18: America
  • December 19: Europe & Asia
  • December 20: Japan


The elemental master Chroma Prime has stepped aside to make room for Mesa Prime Access! If you have Chroma Prime, Gram Prime, and Rubico Prime Relics they will still be in your inventory to use in Void Fissure missions. 

The following items from Banshee Prime's release and their respective Relics will enter the Vault. These items will no longer be available in-game:

  • Banshee Prime 
  • Helios Prime 
  • Euphona Prime

With this Vaulting comes the shift of the following Syndicate Sacrifices:

  • Replaced New Loka’s Sacrifice of Banshee Prime Chassis to Hydroid Prime Systems.
  • Replaced Red Veil’s Sacrifice of Banshee Prime Chassis to Hydroid Prime Systems.

If these Prime Weapons and Warframes (or their Blueprints/Components and Relics) are already in your Inventory, they will remain after the Vaulting.

Chat Moderation Changes:

As a continued improvement to our Chat Moderation, we have removed the ‘purple text’ indicator from Chat. Our previously mentioned third party professional moderation team will also be starting to emerge as early as tomorrow.

Later today a full outline of the Chat Moderation Responsibilities and Code of Conduct will be posted on warframe.com.

about 6 years ago - [DE]Danielle - Direct link

December 20th Hotfix #6: 

  • Removed the ‘Prime Toggle’ for Mesa Prime and her TennoGen Skins due to an overly aggressive and not-so-glamorous overlap of her Prime accessories.
  • Fixed for issue where using a Scanner while in Operator mode could sometimes cause you to lose your K-Drive Launcher.
  • Fixed an inescapable possessed K-Drive when activating it while ‘checking the bodies’ during an Orb Vallis Bounty ‘Recovery’ phase.
  • Fixed a loss of functionality when customizing the exterior of a Landing Craft if selecting a color from a palette that is not owned. 
  • Fixed issue with Garuda's Dread Mirror charging up instead of regularly casting when recasted as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1042397-cant-recast-garudas-dread-mirror-fixed/